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(Caution: Wet Floor.)
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Revision as of 22:05, 10 April 2023

Date of Scene: 29 January 2023
Location: Angel Grove Youth Centre, Angel Grove
Synopsis: Caution: Wet Floor.
Cast of Characters: Arana, Green Ranger, Pink Ranger, Black Canary

Arana has posed:\<br\>"Just don't let anyone know that I did this. We're even, got it?" The caretaker looks around as he opens up the pool area, letting Tommy and Kimberly in. But he's not talking to them. He's talking to Dinah Lance, who brought flowers to save his marriage.\<br\>\<br\>What? Not all heroes wear capes, and he was in trouble! "You all have fun, and I'll keep the lights low. The vending machines are working, they take tap." Then he quickly slips off, having a lawn to shovel. It's snowing outside, after all. Which is weird.
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Tommy loved the water. Not as much as he loved training, but there was something so relaxing about being immersed in warm water, just letting the tension flow out of his body as the heat and the pressure did its magic. Swimming was a great workout, especially for muscles that barely got used while on dry land. So, all in all, it was great. And being able to get into the Wave Pool during non-public hours, was pretty much awesome. It paid to have friends with contacts.\<br\>\<br\>He had worn a hoodie, jeans, the usual, but had a change of clothes in his bag. He disappeared into the locker room to change. Suddenly, he was aware that he was alone, "perfect time for the Putty Patrol..." but, it didn't come, not even with him tempting fate. Was Rita Repulsa going to allow them a day of fun?\<br\>\<br\>He wasn't going to ask twice. Quickly changing, he would emerge wearing greenish-blue swimming trunks, with a turtle graphic on them, and his bag, which had a towel, and a few other things he might need by the pool. Looking around, he seemed to be the first one out. So he waited. He didn't even feel the need to jump into the pool immediately. The place was so humid and warm. It felt like heaven!
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\>Who didn't love a chance to relax by the pool or in it? After her recent trips to Gotham and the unexpected encounters with aliens and armed thugs between her gymnastics tournament she'd travelled for and while her powers had ment she wasn't sporting too much of a bruise or physical injury...but that didn't mean she didn't have a desire to relax. \<br\>\<br\> Travelling along and after the message and the invite she'd been all too happy to come along with a reply that had a bright heart emoticon or two she'd retrieved her swimsuit, but since this wasn't the weather to travel like that she was currently wearing it under a pair of winter leggings and paired with a pink-trimmed black hoodie jacket.
Black Canary has posed:\<br\>Canary, having put Ana up to this, herself arrived and changed into a (canary) yellow one-piece that was a one-piece only by a mere technicality of a narrow band of fabric on the left side connecting the skimpy bottom to the skimpy top. Unlike Tommy, she leaped straight into the water upon exiting, racing up the starting block, jumping, powerful arms pulling her at speed through the water, bottle blonde streaming out behind her, until she reached the other end to surface.\<br\>\<br\>"Woo!" she cries out. "This is more like it! This is actually a HEATED pool!"\<br\>\<br\>She pulls herself out of the pool onto the tile, curling up at poolside before slipping her legs back in and kicking up a foam, practically, splashing droplets everywhere within about 3m of her.\<br\>\<br\>"I need to put a pool in my dojo!" she announces. Her small, humble dojo. The entirety of which could fit into the pool. "Or at least a hot tub!"
Arana has posed:\<br\>The last to arrive is Ana, or Anya. She answers to both, since they sound identical. Cute mexican chick, she is pulling her hair into a hairtie, in a grey hoodie with Dixie Chicks on the front.\<br\>\<br\>"I'm just happy to be invited," she says honestly. "Nice to meet you both." With a pause, she waits til the caretaker's gone, and only then does she pull off the hoodie. She's got a spider-man swimsuit on, which looks entirely stupid on her.\<br\>\<br\>But she owns it, so woohoo! "Ooh hey, diving board? I'm allowed to dive, right?"
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>"Unsupervised, so be careful, but go for it," Tommy said to Ana, who asked if she could dive. He looked back towards the changing rooms, wondering what was taking Kimberly so long, only to get doused by Dinah from the pool. He shifted, taking several quick, bare foot on bare tile steps, trying to get out of the splash zone. He instinctively raised his arms into a fighting position, used to facing threats with martial arts, even teasing ones like this.\<br\>\<br\>And as he did, he noticed his hair was getting in his face. So he took a turn, bending over to rifle through his bag, looking for a hairtie. Once located, he would tie up his brown locks into a high knot, very Japanese of him. But in doing so, he had lost sight of the women's locker room exit, and Kim's pending arrival.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Well, Kim had to strip off, a bright white two-piece trimmed in pink revealed beneath her clothing. She'd simply just worn her swimwear underneath! Hair tied back, there's a lift of her hand when she spotted Tommy, but she barely got time to greet Dinah before the blonde lept into the water and she had to shield her face with her arm before giggling and looking to Tommy. "See, now -that- is an idea!" she offered before Ana arrives and she gets a bright little wave of her hand in greeting. "Heya! I'm Kimberly and this is Tommy!"
Arana has posed:\<br\>"No te atravas!" the dark-skinned lady shouts as Dinah dives, but it's too late. She sighs, her hair dripping, and looks for something to throw at Dinah when and if she resurfaces. "Anya," she says as she throws a life jacket at Dinah's head.\<br\>\<br\>Then she looks Tommy and Kim over, nodding appreciatively. "Nice abs. Work out?" She leans against the diving board ladder, totally about to go up and see if she can't fall off. With style.
Black Canary has posed:\<br\>"That's Anya," Dinah offers from her little maelstrom of water, letting it settle down. "I'm teaching her to fight"\<br\>\<br\>Her eyes stray over to Tommy and Kim, assessing the fitness levels (and noting Tommy's martial response to splashing...) agreeing, "And yes, they do not shirk on core day at all, do they?"\<br\>\<br\>Her eyes swivel pointedly to Anya and narrow melodramatically before her face lights up in a grin.\<br\>\<br\>"Me, I like core day. And leg day. And shoulder day. I hate back day and arm day, though. And today it looks like cardio day. How many lengths are we swimming? Or are we going to fire up the wave maker?"
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Tommy blushed a little at the comment about his abs, which were on full display in the greenish-blue swimming trunks with the turtle graphic on one leg, and a sort of wavy, water graphic over the rest. He worked out every day, and some days, he had especially hard workouts. Such was life as a martial artist and Power Ranger. "Uh, thanks Ana." A pause, "Dinah." He was starting to feel like beef cake between these three women, but he had to admit, "Yeah, I do." And to Ana, "It's nice to meet you."\<br\>\<br\>He was too chicken to use the diving board. Instead, he would take a couple of steps, one of them right over the edge, and landing in the pool. He was standing near enough a deep section, so he knew he would be able to immerse himself completely, getting his hair wet, and then popping back up above the water.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> The introductions are given from Dinah, but it's the complement from the other woman who brings a little giggle and a flush from Kim before she reaches down to lazily 'swat' the man beside her in the stomach. "Stop it, you'll tempt him to show off." With a wink towards Tommy but the brunette heads to the water herself, the gymnast girl in pink rises up and takes a shallow dive into the water, surfacing after a few moments with a grin as she lifted her hands to lift the hair that had escaped the ponytail from her face. \<br\>\<br\> "I mean, we can do that if you want," she offers as she treads water. "I'm just as happy relaxing and meeting people...but maybe I'm just being a whimp."
Arana has posed:\<br\>"Well, she's my trainer," Anya says grinfully. Yes, that's a thing. "So I'll be doing SOME laps at least." She says something under her breath in Spanish that sounds a little less grinful, but she hides it mostly. Something about demons.\<br\>\<br\>She upnods Tommy, then climbs the ladder. But halfway up, she pauses and points at Dinah. Two fingers, then two at her own eyes, then two at Dinah again. "I've never dived before, so this is a test."\<br\>\<br\>She gets to the top, and then takes off her pants. Almost as if she's forgotten. She throws them at Kimberly's head, grinning, in a one-piece black spidey swimsuit, and stretches. Heights? Apparently not an issue.\<br\>\<br\>She's got some abs herself, but not quite to anyone else in the room's level.
Black Canary has posed:\<br\>Those who don't know Dinah will likely think she's unconcerned. Those who are close enough to read her face and body language through the concealment will look past the comfortable lounging, the playful kicking of water every so often, and the broad, happy grin to see the eyes watching Ana's movements like a hawk.\<br\>\<br\>And the tension of the muscles in her arms and shoulders as she prepares to have to hit the water hard to get someone out of trouble.\<br\>\<br\>"Enjoy yourself. Don't land stomach first. Ask me how I know this."
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Yeah, Tommy was definitely beef cake today. Kimberly even gave his stomach a lazy swat. You could grate parmesan cheese on his abs. She wasn't wrong either, about the tempting him to show off. When it came to the fight or flight reflex, he usually chose fight, and if that meant showing off, then it was better than being embarrassed at being ogled.\<br\>\<br\>He saw the pants being thrown to Kimberly in the pool, and he was ready to pounce and catch them, since he was so close, if Kimberly had any issues, not that he expected she would. So instead, he would be watching Ana take her dive in a moment, though not nearly as closely as Dinah was at the moment. He made a cone with his hands as he treated water, calling out, "and make sure you land in the water. The tile isn't nearly as forgiving."
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> A little shift in the water and she comes to recline...only for there to be a wet slap as she got hit by the pants. A gasp as she pulled the garment off and then a pout from the brunette up at Ana before she looks to the others for sympathy and then with a mock-glare she points at her eyes and then towards the other woman. \<br\>\<br\> Then there was a dive of Tommy and she found herself soaked with a high-pitched shriek. \<br\>\<br\> Even if it's not to Dinah's level!
Arana has posed:\<br\>Anya blows Kim a smartass kiss, then asks, "How do you know that, Dinah? Habla en voz alta, estaré bajo el agua!" Translation: Talk loud, I'll be underwater. Then she runs at the end of the diving board.\<br\>\<br\>Her first dive ever?\<br\>\<br\>She does a handspring, and then tucks in the air. Impossibly perfect, almost as if someone pulled her out in midair and corrected her balance, she cuts the water like an athlete.\<br\>\<br\>Then she comes up again, laughing! And then chokes up some water, having swallowed half of the pool. Diving, cool. Swimming? KINDA FORGOT THAT PART.
Black Canary has posed:\<br\>Inwardly Dinah sighs at the sight of Ana doing everything right ... except the fundamentals. (Swimming is fundamental to diving, yes.) Externally she just slips into the water and kicks off the side, holding her breath to dart out toward Ana, ready to rescue her, as expected.\<br\>\<br\>How she rescues her might come as a surprise to people not familiar with life-saving techniques. She doesn't grab Ana. She keeps her distance and in sight. See, drowning people, if they don't drown from fatigue, are usually in a panic and grab their rescuers, drowning two people instead of one.\<br\>\<br\>So instead, when dealing with a non-fatigued drowning victim, the proper life saver keeps just out of reach as the panicking victim thrashes and grabs, guiding them to safety on their own efforts or waiting for them to get fatigued so they can be safely handled.\<br\>\<br\>To an outsider, though, it might look like Dinah is taunting Ana into swimming for herself...
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Yeah, there wasn't going to be any sympathy today for getting splashed with water. Though Tommy was disappointed that Kimberly had caught Ana's sweat pants with her face. They were going to soak up water like nobody's business, and that would make any travel back home... uncomfortable, at best.\<br\>\<br\>He looked back up, not understanding a word of what Anya was saying after 'how do you know that, Dinah?' He did make an "ooh" sound at the handspring into the dive. And when she splashed into the water, he waited until she re-emerged, and gave her applause, clapping his wet hands together. Though the water made it sound a bit different, creating suction with each clap together, before being ripped apart.\<br\>\<br\>Seeing her choking up some water, he stopped, "hey, careful there, are you all right?" He may not be a life guard, but he understood what Dinah was doing, and despite a desire to help himself, he also held back... while moving closer. It was a fine line.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Well, funny enough, assuming that Ana came up to steady swimming properly and wasn't actually in trouble? She'd be splashed! The girl in the white and pink swimsuit wasn't going to go without a little revenge! Of course, that was assuming she wasn't actually in trouble, otherwise Kim would be moving closer to the other two helping the other woman up, tilting her head. \<br\>\<br\> "Uh...you okay?"
Arana has posed:\<br\>For all that she dove like a ...well, honestly that was amazing, sure, but apparently Anya isn't a very good swimmer. Which begs the question, how did she learn to dive, without learning to swim? She coughs, then manages to stabilize herself enough to get to the edge of the pool.\<br\>\<br\>Where she coughs some more, and eventually rolls over on dryish land. "Puta," she says, mostly to herself. Before Kimberly splashes her a little, but not too much because Kimberly is not evil.\<br\>\<br\>"So, how many laps do I have to do?" she asks, still staring at the roof.
Black Canary has posed:\<br\>"To do laps," Dinah says dryly (or, rather, given her state of immersion, wetly), "you need to learn how to swim. Why didn't you TELL me you couldn't swim?!"\<br\>\<br\>There's a hint of peevishness in her voice, underlying the larger dollop of concern. Students are expected to be foolish, after all...\<br\>\<br\>"So I guess you're in the clear for cardio today. No laps until you know how to swim properly. You'll make up for it by ... running on wet tile!"\<br\>\<br\>Beat.\<br\>\<br\>"No, sorry, that's what you're not supposed to do. Though you, of all people, can probably get away with it without danger. Oh, I know! When we go out to eat, the rest of us eat huge meals filled to the brim with carbs and proteins and fibre and vitamins and you get a small salad."\<br\>\<br\>She's kidding. Her voice is barely controlling the laughter and her eyes are dancing.
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Tommy understood that word, it was a bad word, but at least Anya was okay. Moving towards the side of the pool wall, so he could rest his arms on it and see Anya laying on the tile, "hey, take it easy, you don't want to take that much pool water. Why don't you rest up, catch your breath, we aren't going anywhere."\<br\>\<br\>Where Tommy and Kimberly were concerned and sympathetic, Dinah had taken a very different approach. He looked to Dinah, trying to hide a glare. She was just, just so open about people with extra skills. It was concerning, even if this did seem to be safe ground.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Laughing lightly, obviously one to find joy even in situations not without a little concern, Kim rather gracefully swam her way over to where Ana was laying, resting her elbows against the top of the pool and pressing her chest against the wall before reaching out to poke Ana. "Well, at least you looked good going in, right?" \<br\>\<br\> How evil Canary's punishments were, but Kim found herself next to Tommy with a light grin, tilting her head. "At least it's not going to be a boring swim, huh?"
Arana has posed:\<br\>"I can swim!" Anya says emphatically. "I mean, a little. I've done two laps, once." She sits up and immediately gets her ponytail slapping her in the face. She pffs at it a few times, then picks at it with her hand a bit.\<br\>\<br\>Glancing at Tommy, then at Kim, she says, "My balance is good. Lots of gymnastics. Also I seem to have no fear of heights. It's congenital." Which means nothing, but they don't necessarily know that!\<br\>\<br\>Then? She looks at Tommy, at Kim, and then at Dinah. And she sighs. "I'll be doing laps, gotta earn me some carbohidratos." She pushes off, then gets to work. She's in training, and she had some fun. Maybe this will be a good change from eating carpet every time she fights Canary.
Black Canary has posed:\<br\>Dinah takes the second lane from the right, indicating the first.\<br\>\<br\>"Alright then, you're in this lane. I'll pace you and if you get in over your head, I'll take you to the edge."\<br\>\<br\>She's got her trainer face on now. The no-negotiation, no-nonsense one.\<br\>\<br\>"Show me how well you can swim. If you're wasting energy, you're not going to get much of a workout from it and we'd be better off giving you swimming lessons later, but I'm willing to supervise for now."\<br\>\<br\>She nods then and looks at the to-her-unknown Rangers. "Anya has the best balance I've ever seen. I swear she could balance on the end of a needle if she could find some way to make it not go through her skin." She winks at Kimberly. "You're good. You're really good. Good enough that I could only beat you on a balance beam if I cheat. But she's better. I couldn't beat her on one even if I cheated hard."
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>"She sure did," Tommy eagerly agreed with Kimberly, "I don't think I've ever seen a smoother entry." Then he leaned his shoulder against Kim's. When not looking concerned about Ana swallowing a gallon of water, he had been grinning, enjoying the heat, the humidity, and the waves. \<br\>\<br\>He winced when Anya's ponytail slapped her in the face, and then she had to spit out the stray hairs that found their way into her mouth. As a man with long enough hair that he could put it into a ponytail, he knew that feeling well. Every morning, he was coughing up hairballs.\<br\>\<br\>Seeing Anya get back into the pool and start doing laps, he watched her go for a moment, turning so his back was to the wall, though elbows resting on top of it. With Dinah joining in the laps, he turned to Kimberly and said, "Looks like this is a training day for them."
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> And with that? Ana was left with exercise to complete. Still, the mention of gymnastics brings a little excited exhaled exclaimation from Kim. Of course, she hasn't had time to say anything towards the mexican girl before Canary speaks up and she gives a little impressed noise before scooting herself out of the line out of the way in another lane. \<br\>\<br\> "Oh well, I mean I had help...." she offers, talking herself down a little perhaps before looking back to Tommy and shrugging her bare shoulders. \<br\>\<br\> "Well...two-pieces aren't great for laps unless I want to end up showing everyone the girls and I didn't know we were training so...I'm gonna just paddle and lounge over here!"