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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/09/23 |Location=Gotham City Opera House, Fort Clinton |Synopsis=Gotham city opera house. |Cast of Characters=118, 973, 4, 1014, 276, 62 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:118|Gwen Stacy (118)}} has posed:'''<br>In the heart of Gotham City, the illustrious Gotham City Opera House stands tall, a beacon of culture and elite sophistication. The marble floors shimmer underfoot, catching the glint of ambient light refracted from the cryst...")
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Latest revision as of 14:38, 10 January 2024

Punking Gotham's Elite
Date of Scene: 23 September 2023
Location: Gotham City Opera House, Fort Clinton
Synopsis: Gotham city opera house.
Cast of Characters: Ghost Spider, Robin (Wayne), Spider-Man, Firestar, Black Canary, Harley Quinn

Ghost Spider has posed:
In the heart of Gotham City, the illustrious Gotham City Opera House stands tall, a beacon of culture and elite sophistication. The marble floors shimmer underfoot, catching the glint of ambient light refracted from the crystal chandeliers overhead. Each step on the grand staircase echoes with an air of haughty importance, the rich sound absorbed by the plush red velvet of the furniture. Dark glossy wood lines the walls, accentuating the opulence that every elite citizen of Gotham has come to know and expect from this establishment. Tonight, though, the grandeur is juxtaposed with an unexpected sound -- punk rock.

Front and center, on the opera house's ornate stage, stand The Mary Janes, defiant and unapologetically out of place. Gwen Stacy sits at her drum kit, a stark contrast against the heavy drapes and elaborate backdrops, the rebellious heartbeats she conjures with her sticks echoing into every corner of the vast room. Her bandmates, in quintessential punk attire, radiate a raw energy that electrifies the atmosphere. Frayed jeans, leather jackets with patches and pins, and smudged eyeliner complete the look of revolt.

There's a blend of excitement and indignation. Damian Wayne, known for his rebellious streak and penchant for going against the grain, has undoubtedly pulled off a masterstroke, booking The Mary Janes for an event in Gotham's most esteemed venue.

The lights dim, and a hush descends. The band launches into their lineup, their powerful sound reverberating through the grand hall. The pounding drums, driving guitars, and soaring vocals form an irresistible force. The performance is electric, edgy, and absolutely unforgettable. The gathered crowd is all of Damian's choosing except for a select view 'VIP's that the band members have brought along for the occasion -- Peter, Angelica, and a few others from New York. After all, the Mary Janes are playing an OPERA HOUSE! Who would want to miss this?

And then, it comes -- the opening notes to their hit single "Face It Tiger." The crowd's response is instantaneous. Those familiar with the song cheer with recognition, while others, initially taken aback by the punk intrusion in their sacred space, can't help but tap their feet or nod their heads to the infectious rhythm.

The show was intense, and as the final chords ring out, applause and cheers fill the opera house. The lights then suddenly plunge into darkness, leaving the space bathed in an intimate, moody ambiance.

The Mary Janes, now free from the spotlight's glare, begin to mingle with the audience. Conversations spark up, some curious, some congratulatory, some undoubtedly critical.

But for this one night, punk rock has claimed its place among the marble and velvet of Gotham's highest echelon. And Gwen Stacy, the heart-thumping drummer, is right at the center of it all, leaving her drumsticks behind and practically jumping off the stage into Peter, laughing wildly as she hugs him.

"We just played an OPERA HOUSE! Can you freaking believe it?!"
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian always did like throwing a wrench in the works.

Always are the rich and powerful in Gotham trying ot make moves against Wayne Enterprises. Always snubbing and playing their politics, threatening legal action, trying to hostile-takeover each other. It was always some kind of play. Some kind of plan. It made Damian sick. In a way, financial businesses and corporations commend their own assassinations with each little word, each gesture, each handshake.

Fuck 'em all.

So Damian decides to give them all the finger. He reaches out to a New York band of punk rockers - the Mary Janes - and invites them to the most prestigious venue in Gotham City: the Gotham Opera House. Not only would it project the Mary Janes into the main spotlight and most likely open up a host of new deals if they've dealt with the Waynes, but it also allows Damian to tell a bunch of rich stuck ups that their ways are archaic and foolish.

Course, Damian loves opera, but he hates these rich bags even more. But sometimes that's the game...and honestly? He needs some negative attention to his civilian guise.

He enjoys the show with a smile on his face of a man that enjoys watching a plan come together. They rock the ENTIRE HOUSE! Some of the high and mighty even start headbanging at one point - a welcome freedom from the classical expectations they had prepared for this night. When the concert draws to it's final chords, the cheers and hollars echo through hte holy hall.

Sure enough, Damian is clapping his hands and decides to approach the stage.
Spider-Man has posed:
The trek from New York City to Gotham is not a particularly long one, fortunately. While the Mary Jane's popularity continues to grow, there is no guarantee that Peter will always be able to get away to go and see their show. Such is how it goes for anyone with a job. Though his does at least give him a little more flexibility -- especially if he can manage to come up with some means of convincing J. Jonah Jameson that there is something going on that might be of interest to the Daily Bugle readers.

He has pulled that trick more then a few times, though in all fairness the photos that he has ended up delivering have almost always been worth it.

Still, given the uniqueness of this particular opportunity, Peter is particularly gratified that he is able to make this particular trip. Gwen and her bandmates have played in a great number of impressive clubs, particularly in the New York area.

But an opera hall is something else.

For one, the accoustics. While they might have been in clubs that have crammed in almost as many people, it is a far cry -- accoustically speaking -- from this particular venue. Oh, the energy of the crowd might make up for it to be sure. But still, it's pretty impressive.

Which is probably a plus, because that might be about the only thing that Peter appreciates about Gotham. Though in fairness he hasn't exactly had the chance to go crawling and swinging around.

There are supposed to be some pretty impressive gargoyles afterall, and he has become something of an expert on them.

But tonight is largely about being here to support Gwen, so the dark haired man sits in the section set aside for guests of the band and as their set wraps up to at least a slightly less raucous round of applause then might be present in a more intimate venue, it is still hard to keep the answering grin off his face as he steps up to the edge of the stage to catch her as she leaps from the stage.

"I saw it, but I'm still working on believing it," Peter agrees with a grin, returning that hug and spinning her for just a moment before setting her back down. "You all sounded amazing," he enthuses.
Firestar has posed:
She doesn't get out much. Angelica really does work herself to the bone. Still, the idea of sneaking off to see the Mary Janes gives here an excuse to not work for a while. She has to support her friend of course.

She doesn't dress up a lot either, but tonight she does at least trade the usual jeans and t-shirt for a light grey, slightly body hugging dress that is nicer than most of the clothes she wears.

Looking at he reflection in a polished surface she shakes her head and comments,"Fashion is lost on me."

When the Mary Janes leaves the stage she claps and if she manages to catch Gwen's eye, she will smile and wink at her, but leaves her to her adoring public for now.
Black Canary has posed:
Normally, the Opera House is a fancy occasion, but this is a rock band, so it's not exactly the same thing. Dinah Lance, florist, adventurer, ass-kicker, Justice Leaguer, general menace to the criminal element, is here simply in her natural self, in many ways. She has a classic LBD, short skirted enough to show her generous figure mixed with her athletic legs. Said legs are, naturally, sheathed in black stockings, leading down to high heels. Blonde hair up in a chignon, showing the bird's silhouette tattoo at the nape of her neck.

She nudges up beside Firestar, the two having had some brief acquaintance during Alpha Flight's brief ascendance in the superheroic world, before it, inevitably, fell apart as things are wont to do. Bands break up often enough, why not superteams?

"Fashion is just deciding what you like to wear and owning it. The rest is just trends and marketing," she says, taking a sip on a drink.
Ghost Spider has posed:
Adoring public, shmublic! Gwen is barely done hugging Peter, settling back with her hands still on his forearms and beaming up at him. "You think?!" she asks, but then she's looking around, and she spots Angelica not far away, dragging Peter along as she moves through the gathering crowd up near the stage so she can hug Angel next, laughing.

"This was /so much fun/," Gwen gushes to both of them over the growing murmur of the crowd and those working their way closer. Members of the elite -- and even those elite adjacent -- had a way of wanting to be VIPs, which meant time with the band. Luckily, some of the other band members -- Glory Grant and Betty Brant -- were fielding some of that. "I'm /so/ glad you were both here."

"Hey!" she offers to Black Canary, apparently mostly because she was right there next to Angelica and already talking to her.

Gwen is practically vibrating she's still so amped up, her blonde hair pulled up into a messy style, her eyeliner much heavier than normal, her MARY JANES t-shirt ripped in a few places and showing off the bright pink bra underneath that matches the streaks in her hair.

But then she looks up and catches sight of the man walking towards them. Glory Grant had taken point on this particular booking, but she was currently inundated with fans, and though Gwen hadn't yet spoken to Damian, she certainly knew who he was. So, she offered him a friendly wave, beckoning him over.

"You're Mister Wayne!" Gwen shouts of the crowd -- it's not a question. She's in her mid-twenties, and despite all of the punk rock attire, there's something... proper under that guise. If not an elite herself, she seemed to be able to move around them, a sharpness in her eyes something beyond a mere twenty-something that was stuck in a garage band. Then again, anyone that had done any amount of research on the band would know that Gwen Stacy was an up and coming researcher at Alchemax, working on her PhD, and a part-time fashion model in addition to being a drummer.

"I'm Gwen. I can't thank you enough for this. It was SO MUCH FUN!"

No introductions, yet, but she hasn't left the side of her friends.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Is here, too, she was watching from the way up, the rafters style, you know where they keep the spot lights all that stuff, It's the best seats in the house and well free.. can't beat free right RIGHT?

     The real reason, though, is she couldn't have bud and Lou watch too , that silly no animals rules and other boring stuff! Little fluff balls love the music. How could they miss it!

     so right now, she's swinging her legs and scitching louds neck. " That was awsome right! " she beams of course, the rather familiar laughing sound might be picked up by those with sharper hearing.
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
'Mister Wayne' locks eyes with Gwen Stacy in that moment as he draws closer, expertly moving between individuals that stand in his way, 'commonfolk' and the rich alike. Though Damian finally comes to a stop, wearing a suit that is pitch black yet in every bit of formality possible. He had every intention of /selling it/ to the best of his ability. Black tie, black suit, black vest, black slacks, black shoes. Even a black tie and watch! It's certainly Damian's best side - if he had worn red, others may have assumed he was his foster-brother, Jason Todd!

Yet, he smirks ever so slightly at Gwen as she offers her thanks. "Please, Gwen, call me Damian." His voice is deep and for now, not the usual aggressive tone he takes with people. He's learned a thing or two about social skills, even if many might still consider him terrible at it. "You all did qutie well. I'm impressed - I didn't think they'd dance and tap along as they did. You exceeded every concern. I'll make sure to send my recommendation to your next venue."

He turns his eyes briefly to Peter Parker, looking at him for a moment, but greets him with a friendly smile.

Of course, in the crowd he had spotted his friend, Dinah Lance, speaking to another woman. He gives Dinah a friendly wave and a beckoning invitation.

Then to Gwen herself. "I believe your payment for this venue has already been routed to your accounts - plus some interest, for surpassing expectations."
Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man says, "I don't think, I know!" Peter asserts with a grin, the vibrant music and noise from the crowd that has filled the opera house having died down enough that he no longer has to yell.

Though in all fairness Peter is not exactly an expert when it comes to music. He knows what he likes, listens to it as he will, and doesn't really worry about it a whole lot more beyond that. So his musical opinions might have to be taken with a grain of salt, at least if one is truly serious.

It's okay though. He can go on and on about lighting and composition when it comes to photography, understanding well that what he is passionate aoubt doesn't mean everyone else is equally so. It's jsut the way it tends to go.

Of course, no matter how one cuts it, being here, taking in the show, enjoying amazing seats and an amazing facility certainly beats swinging around New York, being chased by the authorities. He will definitely take this, glad he has a chance to enjoy it with Gwen.

More so for that obvious glow and energy resulting from the performance. Someone is definitely amped.

Slipping a hand into Gwen's, he turns when she does, starting to move back into the thick of the crowd that has begun to gather down closer to the stage. While a number of people file out, the crowd beginning to thing, a fair number linger behind.

It's those that Pete turns his attention to now, shooting a grin Angelica's way and lifting a hand in a bit of greeting. The blonde with her gets a friendly nod as well before he flicks his gaze towards the host for the evening.

Ahhhh, the advantages of wealth. Able to book an act like the Mary Janes into a facility that no doubt is used to more... sedate acts.

Peter would settle for just paying his rent on time.

The nod is returned to their host and Peter smiles, glancing about the Opera House for a moment. "This is an amazing facility. Thanks for giving Gwen and the rest of the band a chance to play it," he says sincerely.

At least until the sound of that laughter coming from up above sends a tingle through him and his gaze lifts towards the impressively arched roof."
Firestar has posed:
Angelica looks to the voice beside her and smiles,"Dinah. It's been a long time." she offers to the woman. Looking at her clothes again she shrugs,"That is the perpetual issue, what do I like?"

Noticing Peter, she waves at him, offering him a smile before her attention goes back to Dinah,"I was in Canada a few weeks ago. We should catch up sometime. It's the sort of story nightmares are made of." she suggests to the other woman.

Her eyes study Damian a moment, but they don't linger. Something about him, but it passes.

Her attention moves to Gwen again and smirks,"You're good at this music stuff sister. I might have to come to more shows. People will talk." She winks and lets her to her visiting.
Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary smiles to Angelica, "So we should. Well, the way to find out what you like is to go shopping. You just need to find the right store and the right designers. Once you figure that out, the rest is simple enough. But you can never go wrong with showing a little leg," she says.

She gives her greetings to Gwen, "Congratulations on the show. Love the energy," she says. She hears the reference to Mr. Wayne and turns her head this way and that, "Bruce? I don't see him anywhere. Oh, I see, I see," she smiles.

She approaches Damian at his beckoning, offering a hand, "I should've figured it had to be a younger Wayne. The Mary Janes don't seem like your father's taste."
Ghost Spider has posed:
"Thank you!" Gwen gushes to Angelica and Dinah both, her eyes shining, but when Damian introduces himself, her eyes are focused on him.

"Damian," she echoes the name, nodding, but there's still something so... attentive about her posture. It was hard to deny the aura of wealth that surrounded Damian, from the power-suit to the fact that he was the one that booked the entire venue to the party. The only times she had the occasion to rub elbows with that much money, she was usually in a dress that cost more than her Rockaway Beach rent, and she was getting paid either for photos or her mere presence -- modeling agencies had a tendency to book talent to fill out parties, and Gwen was no stranger to that lifestyle.

Regardless, she was obviously grateful for the gig, and the mention of payment has some color creeping up into her cheeks.

"Thank you. I... wasn't worried, but that's /very/ generous of you," she insists.

Finally, though, with those formalities out of the way, she squeezed Peter's hand and turned her body more towards him, raising one hand slightly to gesture to him.

"This is my boyfriend, Peter Parker. He's a photographer with the Daily Bugle -- and a fantastic one. But don't let that fool you. He's got a secret identity as an inventor.. and I'm trying to convince him to start his own business," she says, grinning. "And this is our friend Angelica." There's a pause as her gaze shifts to Dinah. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met."

All so warm and proper for such a punky looking rocker.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Sighs as she leans back, swinging those very pale legs from the rafters as she sighs and thinks for a moment .. She's watching the people but not really able to hear them.. That makes her a bit sloppy in thinking the hyena laughs her babies do aren't loud enough to be heard.. then again, " Oh I brought snacks! " she giggles and pulls out a cooler.. Opening it up "That's an arm."

     She shakes her head and frowns. " Whos arm was this again? " she shrugs and throws it to bud and lou .. before she snaps her fingers. " That Guard that wanted to hurt the cutie... that's right. " She smiles, happy she remembered..

     Of course, it's at that moment that Bud Snaps hard on the hand, sending a severed finger flying upwards and downwards.. most likely ending up in somebody's drink or double points if his cake.. cleavage would be runn away score.
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian's eyes rest on Gwen Stacy for a moment as she thanks him for the payment and the generosity. "Hard work must always be rewarded." He suggests to her, before his eyes seem to be directed towards Peter, his head tilting for a moment as he's announced as a photographer..../and/ an inventor. "An inventor?" He seems to slide his hands into his pockets and he focuses his cold green eyes on Mr. Parker. "And tell me, Mr. Parker, what are you inventing?"

His eyes shift to Dinah as she draws closer. "Dinah, always a pleasure." He offers a hand to shake hers, though he does try to bring her knuckles to his lips for a gentlemanly greeting. Are those still in fashion or is it weird now? "Dinah Lance, meet Gwen Stacy and her boyfriend, Peter Parker. If I may introduce to you both-" He gestures to Peter and Gwen. "Dinah Lance, my friend." He steps aside so they may meet. Though he seems to smile at Firestar for a moment.

Because that's what you do when you notice people studying you, right?

He settles his gaze on Peter as he thanks him for the facility. "It's my pleasure, truly. The Mary Jane's have an excellent sound." He turns to Dinah. "Father is a fan of the blues, mostly." He doesn't seem to hear Harley Quinn in the rafters, nor notices the finger that surely lands nearby.

He's not Superman! But he does have a feeling something is wrong...and he looks up in the raftors.

Eyes narrow.
Spider-Man has posed:
Quirking a smile Gwen's way at her introduction, Peter offers a small shrug after that particular build-up on his behalf.

"I can definitely lay claim to the photographer status, though I suppose it depends on one's opinion of the Bugle just how good of one I am," Pete offers up drily. "But it has been awhile since I invented anything," he adds with a quiet laugh.

Which, strictly speaking is not true. He regularly invents or at least tweaks his commonly used gear like his webbing or Spider-Tracers to be more effective against the villain du jour. But he is not generally in the habit of advertising that particular fact.

"But that might change. My major was in science, back before I turned to photo journalism. It might be time for another career move," he muses before falling silent as Dinah and Angelica are ushered into their circle. Again, he offers another nod to the blonde now that she's actually been introduced and winks at his old friend Angel.

He has another reason for falling silent though. That slight tingle in the back of his head has definitely grown and he spots something falling from the rafters above. He does not, however, immediately recognize just what it is.

Which is fair really. One doesn't often see a rain of body parts. No doubt the screams that will follow will clue him in soon enough.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica nods to Damian as well. She start to introduce Dinah and Gwen, but she is beat to the punch. A smile touches her features for the moment. Then...

The red head notices something bounce off her chest, almost wedging into the dress, but it bounces free to the floor. Her eyes widen a little and she mutters,"Son of a..."

She nudges Dinah and nods towards the finger on the floor. Her eyes move up towards the rafters and she looks for the potential source of the falling finger,"I swear not another..." she mutters darkly to herself and scans.
Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary has plenty of cleavage but luckily isn't subjected to having someone else's deceased anatomy dropped into it. She returns the greetings and introductions, "I own a flower shop here in town. I'll get you my card, if you ever want any for your backstage areas to go with the all red M&Ms and other rider stipulations," she says with a playful wink.

The disruption above makes her frown and she looks back and forth between Angelica and Damian, a slight frown on her face. Then the carnage lands on Angelica's decolletage instead, only the grace of Gotham keeping it from landing somewhere indelicate. "Seems like security's a little lax today. Maybe worthwhile to give them a nudge," she says. To Gwen, she smiles, "I do a bit of singing myself. Maybe you'll let me jam with you guys sometime."
Ghost Spider has posed:
"You're being modest, Peter," Gwen chides Peter, her blue eyes playful but also somehow... dangerous. She was pushing him out of that comfort-zone of being a mild-mannered photographer on purpose, and if he didn't have inventions he could talk about in public, who's fault was that?

Come at me, Peter Parker. I'll believe in you enough for both of us, even if you don't believe in yourself.

Reluctantly, her eyes shift back to Damian and there's a little roll of her shoulder. "Well, convincing him is a work in progress, but I'm making headway," she admits, bumping Peter's shoulder with her own and still smiling.

Her eyes shift to Dinah, though at those introductions, and her smile grows even a little more. "It's nice to--"

The words die in her throat when she watches Angelica flinch and look down. And then there's that finger on the floor.

Well, it /is/ Gotham...

Gwen's eyes lift, too, to try to find the source.. and the closest she can come up with is Harley in the distance.

"I don't... I don't want to know..." she mutters, apparently to herself, with a little shake of her head. She does glance up at Angelica, though, with a little lift of her eyebrows. "You okay?" she asks, and then at Peter with a kind of "at what point are we obligated to do something about Harley's dismemberments?" look that probably comes off more as "you might need to get me out of here" to everyone around them.

She does manage to get her attention back on Dinah, though, with a little smile.

"Actually, we're lacking a consistent lead singer, right now. Mary Jane's been modeling a lot recently. So, any friend of Damian's is a friend of mine, at this point," Gwen insists with a soft laugh. "We'd love to have you come jam with us."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn It's not hard to miss the red sneakers and the white-like white-out legs.. They kind of stand out on the opulent ceiling, but Harley is unware that the dinner that she gave her babbies might have left a finger or two down onto the ground..

     In her defense, He was a bad guy.. but she doubts the heroes would care much about that part would they?

     She ruffles the furr of Lou before she sighs, " Welp.. we better get going, traffics gonna be murder .. well maybe.. depends on who's stupid enough to yell at me " .

     That's when she clips a Hook onto the side and just jumps off, flying downwards "WEEEEEEEEEEEE " is all she can say as she cannonballs downwards.