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(Club Lux throws a pre-Valentines charity event. It is quite successful. People win dates, and performances, and a news article!)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:23, 29 March 2024

Have a Heart Fundraiser - Club Lux
Date of Scene: 26 January 2024
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Club Lux throws a pre-Valentines charity event. It is quite successful. People win dates, and performances, and a news article!
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister, Psylocke, Phantasm (Drago), Faith Lehane, Juggernaut, Lois Lane

Lucifer has posed:
Club Lux has been turned into a charity gala of fanciful proportions. There are streamers of red, white and pink that hang from low points of the ceilings. A scattering of balloons have been tied to various chairs or attached to the booths. Bartenders line both the top and bottom floor bars, ready to take the drink order of anyone wanting. A DJ is on the stage already playing tracks of the upbeat variety, with some love ballads thrown in. The dance floor is clear in case anyone wants to take a spin during a song or two. One table is set adjacent to the dance floor where people can make direct donations to the United Heart and Stroke Foundation, and for last minute sign-ups to the auction if anyone has decided at the last minute to join on the fun.

Lucifer Morningstar, proprieter and host of the evening, stands at his usual perch on the top floor in a space just beside a spiral staircase. This evening he has chosen a bright red suit with pink undershirt, and a pink handkerchief neatly folded and tucked into his left breast pocket. Always the one to look immaculately dressed and styled when he makes an appearance in his club.

Everyone is checked at the door. -Everyone-. There have been many things set into place so that no one with any sort of powers or sneaky tricks can get past the door guards. Thank Nathaniel Essex for aiding him in such a thing. IDs are checked and double checked. Anyone who is between 18 and 20 are given a light blue wrist band which must be worn at all times. Even then, the bartenders may ask to re-check an ID if they think anyone is trying to fool them into getting a drink while underage. Not in this bar. Not tonight.
Sinister has posed:
There's plenty of upgrades that have occurred in Lux. The cameras are quite the triumph, as is the fact that the entire club tower and its connected buildings are off grid.

But that's neither here nor there. For the night, Doctor Essex resembles nothing more than himself. Albeit, a more strapping version of the man he once was and with a careful balance of years on his face, but... his hair is tied back in a ponytail with a red ribbon, his waistcoat is ... silk with red hearts embroidered on its otherwise black surface and he's got his rose-tinted lenon spectacles perched infront of storm cloud greys. Fruity cocktails with much fru fru will come later, he's greeting VIPs to the event at the moment, directing a word in ears, or a handshake elsewhere, even a smile with dimples given on the odd occasion, particularly for those signing pledges.

"I think this will go quite well, don't you?" he could be talking to anyone.
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy arrives on time -- that is to say she's only a little bit late. She's wearing a dark wine-red silken evening dress, the sheen of it reflecting in the light. It leaves her shoulders bare and comes to her ankles, where she's wearing a pair of three inch silver heels that puts her well over six foot. The only other thing she wears is a ruby-studded bracelet, her purple hair curled and coifed and left to spill over her shoulders.

Getting checked by the door is a new thing; the bouncers know her well by now, but she doesn't begrudge them since they're just doing their job. While her violet eyes immediately tick upward to find Lucifer in his usual position watching over the space, she gives him a little smile then proceeds to the bar. She's going to need a drink, or two or three, for this.

Betsy's feeling particularly facetious, so she orders, "Something that matches with my hair," regarding the crowd as she waits.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
To go with the theme, Nick has also made a nod to the colors today. Unlike Lucifer's bright display, Nick has gone with some muted tones. The pants are black and so is the jacket collar. But the rest of the jacket top is more of a deep red with a textured motif. Because the jacket is red, the dress shirt underneath is white, with the black of the tie set to pair with the collar. Nick's long hair has been tamed back. A silk black ribbon forms a slight bow where the hair is gathered together.

Nick's entrance was more from the direction of the hotel area. With a room of his own in the building to give him plenty of time to prepare without worry of travel messing anything up, is it any wonder? Fortunately those around know that Nick is very much of age to be drinking, so he's simply greeted as he enters in to the party.

As he takes a moment to glance around, his head turns to the familiar voice of the doctor. "I believe we can all agree that when it comes to throwing an event, Lucifer knows his stuff." Nick responds.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer enjoys the moment sort of alone in his perch while people begin to pile in. He'll go down and make his greetings in a moment or two. For now, content just watching everyone and following where they all tend to wander off towards. Nathaniel gets a smile - even if he doesn't notice it - and Betsy as well when she offers him one first. His favorite waitress swings by with his whiskey which he plucks from the tray and watches her as she sways away from him.

Betsy will be served something called the 'Purple Orchid'. It's usually served in a hurricane glass but for someone of Betsy's candor, she receives it in a highball glass instead. The liquid is purple like her hair, but also shimmers in cetain points of light. (Do not ask them how they make it, the writer of the story has forgotten)

Nick is eyed for a moment. A brow lofted upwards. "My my, do you dress up well Mister Drago..." Is whispered under his breath even if no one is around to hear him and then - finally - he shifts to begin his casual walk down the spiral staircase.
Sinister has posed:
"Indeed, when it came to hosting skill, he was front of the line. I tend to get lost in the microcosm of it all," Sinister replies to Nick's words, turning his head enough to look the man over. And down. And up again. There's a brief parting of lips as he reaches to smooth the line of lapel and along the shoulder of that particularly ... splendid jacket, before all the gestures half-made simply settle on a smile.

"You look every bit the part of VIP guest," he doesn't even sound as if he's kidding, either, politesse at its finest. "Are you going to bid tonight?"

Catching sight of Betsy, he inclines his head graciously toward her, then observes from afar, the descent of Lucifer. Much more graceful than an out and out fall.

"Daaahlings... looks as if we'll have quite a turn out tonight. Betsy, you look ravishing as always -- be careful with that drink, it has a bit of a kick to it, for special guests."
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy's gaze will come back to watch the drink being made. That's half the fun! She lifts it in toast to the bartender and takes a sip of the purple liquid, visibly savoring it. "You are a talent and an absolute delight," she gushes in approval. Does it change her interactions now that she knows the bartender's a demon? Not in the least, judging by the way she smiles and tips generously before she sways away from bar, toward the rockstar and the doctor.

No shame in the way her eyes rove over their outfits. "Very handsome. We should find excuses to dress up more often. There's something about a man in a waistcoat or a smoking jacket that is just..." she makes an inarticulate sound at the back of her throat, smiling. That smile turns wider at Sinister's words, and the warning. "Good. I have the feeling I'll need it. I'm going to choose the wise course and not ask what's in it."

Of course her head turns to watch Lucifer descend the stairs. I mean, who can't help but look, really?
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick quiets as Nathaniel looks up and down his outift, seemingly inspecting it for something out of place. But, save for the touch of the lapel, there's no indication of anything being wrong. With the comment, there's an uptilt to the side of Nick's lips giving a slight smirk before the other side catches up to upgrade the expression to a smile.

"Thank you... I'm not sure about bidding. Depends on what all got put in." Nick replies, "But, I did offer something up for auction."

Further details to be revealed later perhaps.

As Sinister looks over Betsy's way, Nick's eyes follow. Smile still in place. "Betsy." Nick greets, seemingly assessing her the same way Essex and Betsy did. "That dress looks lovely on you.", Nick admits, "I'm not a fan of dressing up. But, considering the company I'm more than willing to make exceptions." His head turns to look over Lucifer's way along with the others.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Oh goody, a party. Well...Charity parties weren't really her thing, but Faith was always looking for new bars to haunt. Let's just hope this one has good music and booze. Given the last minute drop by, she didn't really dress up, definitely not in anything tasteful anyway. Just your typical goth chick.

The dark slayer strides in, wearing a sheer black top adorned in several red bats across the front, short enough to show off her toned mid riff and paired with black leather pants, probably a bit on the tight side but it's Faith Afterall. Could have been worse.

As she strides in, she peers around and smirks. "Waaait a minute, I swear I've been here before.." of course she could have been drunk then, then again maybe she's drunk now. Who knows?
Juggernaut has posed:
Is it possible to yassify The Juggernaut?

...Apparently it is.

Cain Marko 's presence is a towering one to say the least. When he arrives through the front entrance, is literally filled up by his seven foot plus by three or four feet wide, makes its way through it. His signature red hair is cut closely shaved against his sides while tossled slightly up top. A light beard frames his thick brutish perpetually stern looking brick of a jaw and dark glasses rest on his broad nose hiding his ice blue eyes. He moves with a languid brutish confidence, physique pressing out thickly and monstrously against the grey and red business polo zipper shirt with a checkered pattern along his left side, somehow tailored to fit his massive body like some sort of tent. Barely tailored at least, there's no hiding that massive physique even through the lengthy pants that his vast legs press against.

He is not someone for whom high fashion is usually associated but the truth is..he's not an ugly man ..and charitably could even be considered good looking or at least charismatic in that sort of 'Wow that roided out bull looks awesome' sort of way. Needless to say, it's impossible to miss him as he casually makes his way through the crowd towards the bar. For those who can recognize him on sight, it might very well be a question as to why he's here to begin with.

Business no doubt. Always some sort of business.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sets a placeholder, because he should so he doesn't have to re-start the scene again.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer finishes his descent from the spiral staircase and makes his way over to where people have entered and are still slightly gathering. His approach stops once he makes it to Nathaniel's side. "Honored friends and guests. Thank you so much for making it out tonight for this special occassion. I invite you to come, have a drink, look around, maybe have a dance. The table aside is where you can make general donations to tonights charity, and we will have the auction in a little bit. Giving some time for any who did not sign up to have a chance to do so."

His attention goes towards Nick then. "You clean up rather nicely, Mr Drago." Repeating the notion he had made earlier when no one was around. Faith gets a side glance, a peering of perhaps wondering if he's met her or seen her somewhere before and then his attention goes to Juggernaut. "Good to see you this evening, Mr. Marko. Welcome." Though the tall man has already made his way towards the bar.

Finally his attention turns to Nathaniel as he leans in to offer a chaste kiss to the man's cheek. "Quite the turnout already, would you not agree, my sweet?"
Sinister has posed:
"Indeed," -- It's a good job that there's several on the staff here that have rather powerful lifting capacity, because there are certain individuals that are a bugger to supply a proper drink for. Kegs tend to be necessary. Sin doffs an imaginary top hat for the Juggernaut, grins to Nick a moment. "Seeing you in the old style of smoking jacket takes me back a few years..."

Tattle tale tickles on the back of his mind though, have him looking about the place for familiar and not so familiar faces. Faith is spotted, eyes narrowing on her as he places when and where, then they widen on "....chicken..." with a dumbfounded tone.

Chicken? Chicken. Dirty great ginormous petrifying chicken from hell. He leans in to Lucifer, as it's mostly a matter of nudging Nick to look in that direction "...She's from the Cockatrice incident. I seem to recall she was working with your neice."

And then, after a pause "...You just put me in for donation, didn't you?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods in acknowledgement of the compliment paid. "Thank you. While I don't enjoy dressing up like this all the time, I'm ok with doing it for good causes."

And release parties...

And securing funding for projects...

Hearing the greeting to Cain, Nick turns his head to look in the direction of the extremely large man. He is, extremely hard to miss. Due to the size of Cain, Nick almost misses Faith. But her decision not to dress more in line with the rest of attendees makes her stand out just enough. Eyes set upon the slayer. He wonders if she's feeling better.

Sinister's comment about the style causes for him to smile. "...I did like the pattern." He admits, glancing back to Sinister as he's filling in Lucifer about her. "I was there too..." Nick admits, voice going down low for just the benefit of discretion. "That's Faith. One of the slayers."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane moves for the bar, ordering a whiskey soda before peering around, not good some familiar faces. She met Lucifer possibly in this very club on a similar night, but only in brief passing, enough that he seems familiar but she can't place his name. She arches a brow at him and goes back to her drink..

Until she notices who he joins. Dark eyes narrow on Sinister, definotely recognizing him from somewhere. "No shit, that's...Rooster guy..?" she laughs, "Heh, talk about a small world."

And speaking of, there's Nick. Which has her laughing. Nit that she's particularly familiar with the rockstar but it's always good to meet a familiar face and ally on the battlefield. "Yo Nick.." she grins, sidling up to him, "Fancy meeting you here...Those friends of yours?" she jerks her chin towards Lucifer and Sinister, the former who is given a cautious stare. He seems...Off to her slayer sense, somehow..

And then Juggernaut makes an entrance and she blinks. "Woah, who's the big guy?"

Its only a brief distraction however, as she notes the auction about to begin and call fir donations. "Well heck, why not? I need to lighten my load anyway.." she pulls out an ornate dagger, one of probably many and slips it on the table. It's not unique at least given her own sources of weaponry, but it definotely holds some worth, given the beautiful markings and small gams on the silver plated hilt.
Juggernaut has posed:

The good Citizen Cain Marko gives a nod in Lucifer's direction as he reaches up and removes his shades to send his piercing blue eyes settling upon the patron of this event.

"Don't mind me. Had business with one of your attendees....so figured I'd stick around.."

The red haired behemoth's deep voice is a languid gutteral rumble, reflecting his overall relaxed mood. His gaze flickers over towards the auction table briefly and then he starts to make his way in full for the bar.

He doesn't give much notice or response to anyone else just yet, simply tucking his glasses into a pocket on his shirt while treading with heavy deliberate steps towards the bartender and the line to place an order for drinks. He's here now so, indeed, might as well enjoy the party. Hopefully nobody gets any amusing ideas about him and whatever auction is about to happen...
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks as Nathaniel utters the word 'chicken' until it's further explained to him that Faith is one of the ones who was there at the cockarice event, and then he gives a nod of understanding. "Ah. Well. Isn't this a small world." Not that they're very far from Sunnydale's stomping grounds. They've visited it many times, mostly to go to the magic shop there, but they've also flirted with some property to possibly purchase.

He then smiles at Nathaniel and nods his head. "If you think I'm letting anyone bid on you for romantically themed reasons, you are severely mistaken. We've already pledged what we're going to donate." He offers this to the man before his attention turns to Nick. who actually offers the name of the woman in question and even reveals that she is one of the Slayers. "One of? Rumor had it there could only be one... fascinating." This much and then he's drawn to the fact that Faith has returned with a drink in hand in order to further make herself known.

"Well, my dear, your reputation preceded you mere seconds before. So allow me to introduce myself. I am Lucifer Morningstar, owner and proprieter of this very club. It's a pleasure to have you here." He smiles, and when she pulls out a dagger, he raises a brow. "Ah. We're not auctioning off items, I am afraid. But rather.. people. Consent included, I promise. Since we're celebrating the coming holiday and the proceeds benefit the United Heart and Stroke Foundation... some people have offered to be auctioned off for a hug, a kiss, or a date. Now. You can put yourself on the auction block yourself, or choose to bid on someone once it starts. If neither of those options suit you, you can make a general donation over at the table..." He gestures.

Cain's response catches him and he looks over at the man, gives a nod and a smile. "Sounds good. I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here."
Sinister has posed:
"Always nice to see a business meeting that doesn't end poorly." Sinister observes over to Cain with a chuckle. They DO serve drinks by the gallon, here, on occasion. There's some bizarrely huge appetites that come to Lux on the downlow.

There's then a look sidelong to Lucifer through the rose-tinted glasses he wears. A smile, wry and lopsided, is shared only with the proprietor and the intimation of a wink that never quite lands.

As Faith is explained, there's a soft 'ahh' and a brilliant smile worthy of a toothpaste commercial, including a genteel incline of the head as she actually draws in closer. "A pleasure," is intoned in BBC announcer English tones. "Doctor Essex, Nathaniel Essex..." the introduction proceeds to the full name afterwards, and a long look at the dagger. It is pretty after all, even if only appropriate in the Dark web of Valentine's donations. "I think we've encountered one another a couple of times now, but always... fleetingly like ships in the night. How is Giles, anyway? I haven't seen him since he returned to England."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing Faith call his name, Nick turns his head to the slayer who glides through the crowd to join them. Slayers can be quite impressive when it comes to physical feats. Which makes training with them pretty productive.

"Hello Faith." Nick greets, smiling. "Allow me to introduce you to-" Nick pauses as Lucifer already goes into introducing himself. Adjusting his hands, he starts to gesture over to Sinister only for him to introduce himself.

Nick lowers his hands. Well, he tried to answer her question at least.

Nick watches as Faith moves over to the table, dropping off the dagger. Well, it's not exactly a kiss, dance, date, or something that can be date related. But considering what he's offering up for auction, maybe there's a bit of leeway?

Hmm. It is a nice dagger... Maybe he'll be bi-

And the dagger's turned down.

Guess it'll just be a donation.

Nick looks back over to Faith. "How are you feeling tonight?"
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy's sipping at her drink, mindful of Sinister's warning. Still drinking though. Because why not -- she's precisely the sort to live dangerously.

Really, it would be impossible not to notice Juggernaut if just purely by the fact that he stands head and shoulders above everyone else. The upward tick of her violet brows suggests Betsy, at least, is both familiar with the man and surprised he's here, too.

"Did someone say slayer?" there's a quiet interest in Betsy's voice now, as her eyes alight on Faith as Nick calls attention to her. "We should talk. But not tonight. I don't want to bring the tone down. Betsy Braddock," she says, with a smile. "I like your outfit."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a quizzical brow at Lucifer as he introduces himself, but he's probably used to the reaction by now. "seriously ? As in, The devil?" she laughs, "Boy your parents must have had a sense of humour...Although.." she narrows her eyes on him, giving him the once over and smirks. "Not bad..Maybe I'll vote on you, heh.."

Sinister is also given a smirk. "Doctor huh? oh what, shapeshifting? that was some pretty impressive shit out there, don't tell me you're part of the Watchers council? is that how you know Giles?" she shrugs, "Havent seen him much lately, I think he may have rejoined the Watchers council as he's been back bc and forth to England a lot.."

To Nick she arches a brow. "Soo this where you been moonlighting? you seem pretty familiar with the locals." she seems bemused.

Then there's the tall purple haired woman and she arches a brow at her. "Depends, who wants to know and why?"
Juggernaut has posed:
By now the gargantua has taken hold of a drink and settled his great physique down upon a stool at the bar. He's far to large to easily face it directly so contents himself with turning on the unfortunante stool to peer out over the crowd with a neutral expression. He seems content to just drink and people watch at the moment.

The truth is..this is certainly not part of his normal wheelhouse. Is he trying something new? Perhaps. He did have to meet a client here for an exchange of payment for something or whatever... But he could have just left as well. Familiarity with the owners of this place has kept him around and now he finds himself continuing to just watch and observe for now.

And then he sees the purple haired MIss Braddock make hr way in. Cain's eyes narrow ever so slightly and he purses his lips in thought before finishing off his drink and then slowly rising from his seat.

No doubt the stool appreciates no longer having to deal with his great bulk.
Lucifer has posed:
As people begin to sort of turn off and begin talking to each other, Lucifer takes a moment to smirk at Faith. "Yes. As in -the- Devil, and it is such a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Father does have a...interesting sense of humor...but I'm not so sure it was apparent when he banished me to Hell in the first place." Saying this much to the Slayer before he looks around and then turns his attention to Psylocke who has returned to also introduce herself to the Slayer.

Lucifer clears his throat gently and steps back a bit, turning to perhaps get an earful from a couple of local officials who have decided to turn up to this event. Not that he's shy, far from, but he has to make an appearance in front of everyone and he doesn't want to take away from Faith's current popularity.
Sinister has posed:
Sin actually has the grace to look apologetic to Nick.

"I forget that manners do actually happen sometimes. I do apologise for overstepping you, Nick." In the introduction front. Modern worlds do make things less formal than once they were. "Doctor of Shapeshifting?" A single twitch of an eyebrow up, then the penny drops on Sinister's mind. "Ohh. Well, I don't think there's any universities, even those that cater to mutant studies, that have a PhD program in Metamorphology. Medicine, was the first. There's been a few others, after. But are you honestly saying there's an entire society of Giles's out there? Gracious me, I'm surprised they haven't come to eyeball you yet, Lucifer..." that with a sloe of eyes that way, a chuckle and a sniff as he looks to Betsy, to the shifting of Cain and back to Betsy. "Now, now, you seem to have caused techtonic plate movement, my dear..." quietly offered, observing Lucifer's tangent to talk to the municipal representatives. Always good to schmooze the local council, it keeps things running ticketty boo. He does look inquiringly toward Juggernaut though, perhaps to attempt to guage current mood.

Because he IS welcome here.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to Faith to her question. "Amongst other places, yes. I'm an entertainer. I go where I'm booked." He pauses, "...But yes. I have other reasons for hanging out around here when I'm not working."

Nick follows Faith's glance over to Betsy as she responds to the general introduction, indicating a healthy bit of caution. He could say something here, but chances are it would be the wrong thing.

And besides, Betsy has already pointed out now is not the time. So.. something a little less direct then.

"Miss Braddock knows her fashion." Nick offers up to Faith, "And she likes your outfit. I'd say that's a bit of a win."
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy tilts her head just a little, at Faith's response, her expression somewhat bemused. "Betsy Braddock," she repeats her name. "And I have a lot of respect for the devil," and she says that deliberately, perhaps because of Faith's dubiousness. "And he really puts on a mean party. So we'll talk another time, or not, if you don't want. Either way, you should make the most of it."

Nick's attempted intervention gets a smile from the woman. "I do. And I really like that jacket. Don't lose it," she tells him, kind of like a threat, even though it's not. It looks good on him, and good clothes should be valued!

Betsy is definitely going to. In fact, she watches Cain Marko rise, and whenever he glances her way, she lifts her purple drink in silent toast -- or invitation -- and drinks slowly. It really does have a buzz to it. "I've never had the pleasure," she tells Sinister, as she watches the giant man. "But I'd very much love to meet him." She /could/ go to the Mountain, but she's curious what his intentions are, first.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane just...Stares at Lucifer, son of the devil, as he so casually talks of hell. To a Slayer. Of demons. And stuff. And if she were none the wiser, Faith might actually think he's joking..But Afterall, she DID get an odd aura of sorts from him. "No kidding...You really are, aren't you..." she grits her teeth, resisting the urge to just whip out her m-scythe and wreak havok on their party..

But if Thomas has taught her anything, he has taught her first and foremost about the laws of hospitality...Looks like she's gonna have to do some research on this guy later, however.

Sinister's responses do thankfully distract her for the moment, looking back to him with a smirk. "Woah, Soo you're a shapeshifter, a super smartass Doctor AND a..What do you call em, mutant?" she blinks, "Ohhh you mean like those Xmen superheroes or something? Well I can see why old man Giles keeps you around."

Another wry smirk as she takes another long chug of her drink. "Yeaah, crazy huh, a whole big club full of Giles wannabes. Too bad I have a tendency of losing all my watchers..Well the last three anyway. Guess I'm trouble." she playfully grins and winks at him as she says that.

Nick is given another smirk and shrug, "Yeah yeah, I know how it is when money is tight.." although she quirks a curious brow at him when he talks vaguely of 'other reasons'. Looks like she'll have to have a chat with him about that later as well.

She is a bit late to respond to Betsy as she compliments her goth attire and grins, "Thanks! I do love dressing up for these events, but I can't stand mushy stuff like hearts and pink, know what I'm saying?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is probably late. Whether it is fashionable or not is anyone's guess. What is certainly fashionable is her dress. Since she was "asked" by the Planet to participate, she decided to make a splash. Gotta show all these kids that she's still got it, after all.

    She wears a purple cocktail dress, the hem ending just above the knee. Her matching heels elevate her by a full five inches and positively sparkle with rhinestones. While the neckline does plunge, it doesn't plune too far. Her writing is up for bid. The rest? The rest is taken. Her engagement ring is prominent on her finger.

    She is looking for her contact. She barely arrives before she is ushered over to Lucifer. "Lois Lane, reporting for duty," is her introduction. "Are you jailer or auctioneer?"

    Loaded question, that.
Juggernaut has posed:
It's hard to tell, perhaps, what his intentions are. His expression has returned to a more neutral look and after he stands he pauses a moment to finish his drink off and then sets it down upon the bar counter with slow deliberate movements.

He tilts his head from one side to the other, the immensity of his gargntuan neck flexing widely as he does so...and with hat he begins a slow plodding approach towards the gathered group of socialites. His boulder like arms hang loosely at his sides, swinging with heavy pendulous movements but the gnarled immense hands remain open and relaxed. All of this clues, perhaps, that he's not coming in aggressively or with intent on harm. If he is indeed welcome then he seems aware of that and bears no intention to bring harm on those around.

Probably as much a good thing for him as it is for them given the owner of this establishment.

"Hey." he rumbles, once his towering figure is within conversation distance of them all. He looks each one over in turn before finally looking at Betsy with an studious look. His brow knits together in concentration...and then he smiles slowly. It's rather sharkish looking as it stretches his expressive features and crinkles the flesh under his eyes and around his nose.

"....Nice dress..."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer excuses himself from the municipal militia just in time to be greeted by Lois Lane. He turns, looks her over once, perhaps twice and then smiles. "Both, depending on the evening..." He mentions and then seems to be thinking on something. "Ah. You're Lois Lane. The reported from the Daily Planet. How is Metropolis these days? I haven't been in a few months..." Offering this as he takes a sip of his whiskey.

"Are you here to put yourself on the auction block?" And there is also, perhaps, a shift of gaze around to see if her esteemed companion has come with her. One cannot miss that who is Clark Kent, but he seems to be absence this night.

What a shame.

"Regardless, please. Mingle, meet some folks, gather your intel. We'll be starting the auction in about ten or twenty minutes I think....once people have had a little more time to settle."
Sinister has posed:
"Not a mutant. You could call me complicated, if you like. It's probably accurate," said in that sort of drawl that begs to be probed and pulled apart. It's probably true though -- Sinister is apparently wryly amused overall, or simply filled with overabundant largesse, as his companions of the evening are just piling one thing on top of another. Might as well enjoy it whilst it lasts. "The Morningstar was the first of the choirs, once. You could consider, in the grand scheme of things, that sets things up. Besides which..." he leans in to Faith a little, sotto voce offering "...he's retired from active duty."

Because that makes it so much better. Right? No. But. He flourishes a bow, looking to Nick. "You should top Faith up with the better whiskey, the bar'll grab it for you... if you'll excuse me..."

Because he's sidestepping just a little, reaching to not-quite lay a hand on the small of Betsy's back and steer her juuuuuust enough to be in the line of intercept more clearly. "Cain, may I introduce Lady Betsy Braddock, fashion mogul extrordinaire. Betsy, this is the one and only Cain Marko, a man of extremely titanic presence."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick takes node of Faith's glance towards Lucifer. Smile waning a little. But as she mentions the money being tight, he gives a half laugh. "...sure."

Maybe it's not about the money.

Just don't ask his manager if it is.

Seeing Lois come into the room, a brow raises. Thoughts of the time in the park with Doctor Doom comes into mind. He turns his head, glancing towards the hotel entrance, momentarily considering a quick retreat.

But then he's given a prompt regarding Faith's drink. Well, it's not quite the hotel but... "Good idea." He acknowledges, looking over to Faith, and nods in the direction of the bar. "Let's get you a bit of an upgrade on that drink. shall we? No charge."
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy lets herself be guided by Sinister with a thankful, sidelong smile to him. There's an effortless elegance to the way she moves. It's not money, it's not power, it's not training -- it's /class/, something that can't be learned or feigned.

There's something inherently intimidating about a person that towers over you in height. It's not a thing that normally bothers Betsy, given, in her three inch heels and her natural height, not too many people do. But the need to look up, and up, and the way he smiles like someone that was told merely showing off his teeth is 'friendly' makes it an intimidating combination.

At least until he comments on her dress, and Betsy laughs like it's the last thing she expects. "It's a Vera Wang," she says, like he might somehow recognize the designer. "Cain Marko. I think I've felt you nearby now and then. Nathaniel has you pegged. It's a genuine delight to meet you."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow. "A...Complicated..? Geez, that word is way too overused.." and she has even more questions for Nick, retired Demon or not. "...Right..." she lights up at mention of a free drink and grins, finishing the rest of it, "Sounds good to me!" she heads towards the bar for a refill, but pauses as her Slayer sense tingles some more at the sight of one of the seemingly human looking servers, frowning. "The hell is this place...?" she mutters! rubbing her temples, and falls into oddly thoughtful silence as she nurses her drink, pondering how to tackle this situation..
Juggernaut has posed:
There are many things about Mr. Marko that people generally don't know simply on account of never bothering to ask. The assumption he's simply a force of destruction and a rampager without much else to him is simply wrong. Well partially -- he -is- a force of desctruction and has been known to rampage but there is more to him. Hobbies, favorite movies, political opinions, sports teams, and much much more.

He does not, however, know much about fashion.

"No foolin'." he responds to Betsy at the name drop of the designer. "..Can't say I'm familiar but I do know how to identify class even if I can't give a name to it..."

HIs smile remains though, thankfully, not full toothed anymore. More tight lipped now as he looks away from her to settle the full weight of his gaze upon the good doctor at her sides.

"Been a minute.." he rumbles at Sinister, "...Cairo..right?" His smile broadens slightly as his eyes hood as if sharing some sort of joke with the other man and then he looks back to Betsy, "....I've done security for him.." by way of vague explanation. "So what're the rules of this 'auction'?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois can detect avoidance behavior from across a crowded room. It's the best way to make her suspicious. Nick may or may not notice the intent look (and matching smirk) he gets from the reporter. He is going to get accosted at some point. But for now, Lois is going to focus on the business at hand.

    "I'm here to auction off my writing for an article. Who knows, if the bidding goes high enough, it might even be front page. Clearly someone here is in the good graces of the paper."

    She is waiting for a clear direction on where she is to go. Lois is not showing impatience, but anyone who knows her would know patience is not one of her virtues. Stubborness, though, she has in spades.

    Her gaze moves over the group near her. Betsy, Sinister, and even the walking mountain there get a quick study. Anyone who has been in the news at all she'll recognize. Not that she shows any reaction. This is more a matter of taking in her surroundings than expressing her opinion of them.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick calls over the bartender who likely has a similar feel, gesturing to Faith and then towards the top shelf product. Once the nod is given Nick moves alongside Faith waiting with her for her drink. To her question, Nick looks to her. "It's like the Blue Lady." Nick answers, looking to Faith with a serious look upon his face, "In here it is a safe place. No one is allowed to cause trouble here. And if you show your ass. Your ass will be shown to the door."

There's a clunk of the requested drink set upon the bar to which Nick looks to it, reaches over, and slides it over to Faith. Nick smiles once again. "Enjoy your drink."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives Lois a bit of a smile and then shrugs his shoulders. "Well this will actually be a silent auction. Most everyone here knows everyone else, and you all will have your offerings listed and then people can make bets. The betting will go on for an hour while we continue to mingle and talk and do our thing. Once the bidding is done, I will collect the listings, make sure everything seems legit and then announce the winners." He smiles to her. A genuine thing. His personal Smile(tm).

"I subscribe to the Daily Planet. I like to keep myself in the knowings of things that go on in my local surroundings." He offers to her. "But it is a pleasure to have one of their top reporters here to offer up such a grand gesture." A pause and then he motions. "Please. Like I said. Get yourself a drink. Mingle with the crowd. I've got to make a few more appearances myself, if you don't mind, Miss Lane."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks at Nick, scratching her arm where a weather bandage still peeks out from beneath her sleeve. She shivers as if cold and an added sniffle suggests a still lingering cold. "Ohhhh, okay, that kinda makes sense.." she narrows her eyes at the veiled threat. "Seriously, you think I'm that stupid? I know enough about the laws of hospitality not to make a scene, have a little faith in me..Still.." she chugs down the drink in record time, wiping her face. "I'd love to stick around, but I'm honestly feeling a bit under the weather still." she smirks, "You sure got interesting friends Nick, might have to swing by again some time.." and once she finishes her drink, Faith climbs to her feet and heads for the door.
Sinister has posed:
"Yes..." Sinister's reply to Juggernaut's cameradic comment on Cairo has him wrinkling his nose faintly. "I'm still getting sand in troublesome places, niggling at me..." doesn't sound like he means sand, there. His gaze travels a little, marking locales of people, the interaction between reporter and host, the rockstar and the rocker slayer, the purple orchid near his arm, back to the mountain in front of him.

"How have things been, outside of business?" he asks this, casually tucking his hands into the small of his back. Fear is a funny thing that occasionally leaves a fellow behind, but there's also good acting.

"Betsy and I have been working on a beautiful working relationship of late. I'm reasonably certain some of that probably has extra business on the side that could benefit from networking."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois tilts her head, nodding as Lucifer explains the way the auction will proceed. "Well, then, I will find my way to the bar, I suppose, and see who dares approach." She grins playfully at Lucifer. "And by all means, don't let me keep you from your duties."

    She will take her leave and head to the bar. Lois gives Faith a curious look as she heads to the door. Well, people leave parties early all the time.

    Lois moves with ease through the crowd, weaving and winding her way through. Introductions are made, polite words shared, and she does, quite simply, her best sales pitch to everyone who looks like money. And this room is kind of loaded with money.

    Eventually, she reaches the bar. Lois settles herself on a seat, posture straight, chin up, looking rather more like a queen than one of the least well-to-do people in the room.

    "Virgin margarita," she says calmly.
Juggernaut has posed:
Fortunantely for Cain he has the benefit of being even larger when 'dressed for work', and then there's the helmet and ontop of that the skullcap to hide the particulars of his features. Of course that doesnt' do much for his voice but most people tend to focus less on that and more on the 'Oh my God, get out of the way. Run!' reactions he tends to cause when in the field.

So hopefully as the star reporter comes nearby and takes a place by the bar, she won't think more of him beyond his present mountainous size which...while mountainous is at least 'indoor mountainous.

For his own part, though he glances her way as he sees her pass by but he doesn't linger there despite her having the attention of the host. Instead his gaze is pulled back to Sinister and Betsy, particularly at the mention of 'networking'. This draws a hooded gaze from him to her. "Oh yeah?" he asks, waiting on further explanation from one or both of them.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick remains where he is, looking at Faith as she narrows her eyes at him. As she replies back, he remains quiet. The question she poses remains unanswered as she ends up answering the one he asked earlier. As she leaves, he manages to mutter a Goodnight her way. Whether she heard it or not, is left a mystery.

Somewhat left alone, Nick turns his head, glancing to the bar top. Faith's still sick. Slayers aren't supposed to get sick. Guess they haven't worked out that issue yet.


Nick glances up to see the glass set before him. Looking to the bartender, he nods. "Thanks."
Lucifer has posed:
Soon another table is brought out and set up. Boxes with names taped to them and cards placed in front of them. Lucifer ensures that everything is correct and ready to go before he moves one step, two, and then he is on the stage. The DJ quiets his music and Lucifer stands with a microphone in hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome again to Club Lux and our charity for the United Heart and Stroke Foundation. It is wonderful seeing you all here tonight and watching you mingle among yourselves." He pauses.

For affect you know.

"Now as you all are aware, as part of this charity event, we are actually holding a silent auction this evening. We have had a few people sign up and if you get the highest bid you will be the lucky recipient of a hug, a kiss, or a date...but as an added bonus, we have two outside contributions. One is from Rockstar Nick Drago, who has graciously offered a night for a private performance either for a date, a group gathering...perhaps a private party..." Another pause for effect.

"And we also have Daily Planet's one and only Lois Lane who is offering YOU a chance to have an article written on whatever you desire in the Daily Planet...and if your monetary valuation of this sings to the Planet's liking...you might even make the front page! So come one, come those who wish either a simple ditty or a little more fame for the fortune. Remember all of this goes towards the foundation and whatever we raise tonight will be a hundred percent matched by both myself and my faithful companion and cohort, Doctor Nathaniel Essex! May the bidding begin!"

Then he's off stage, and actually taking to the piano which is still where it always is and he begins to play the intro to Total Eclipse of the Heart.
Psylocke has posed:
Sand in troublesome places? That gets an amused lift of purple brows and an inquisitive look from Betsy to Nathaniel. Nothing spoken aloud, though. She's a good halfway through that exceptionally strong drink that precisely matches her hair color.

"You have such a way with words, Nathaniel. Not the way many would see it, but in this case -- I agree. Did I tell you the Professor and I had a very delightful conversation about you?" Betsy's smiling. "I believe you two should talk, should the opportunity strike."

This is the thing she has learned with Sinister. Sometimes he seeks to manipulate those around him -- for all sorts of reasons: he's a thinker, a planner, very much at odds with the usually live-in-the-moment habits of Psylocke. So the twitched look she gives him has as much curiosity as wariness, briefly.

And then her gaze returns to Cain. Not someone she'd immediately think to work with, but needs must when you're maybe facing the end of the world. "If you're open to work, we could have some interesting conversations. You seem like... the sort of person who wouldn't shy from the type of challenges ahead of us."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois sees Nick looking distracted, alone, and while she is known to have no less than a hundred biting social comments in any situation, she uses none of them. Instead, she will say, "This is a step-up, don't you think? Auctioning your services for a good cause instead of being abducted, that is."

    Lucifer's presentation brings an expected hush over the crowd, and Lois raises a glass when her offer is mentioned. She'll add, in her usual confidence, "I'm sensing another Putlizer in the making! Break six figures and I'll throw in a date, too!"

    Shy? Not on your life. She is turned with her back to the bar, surveying the group with interest. She isn't sure where her bids will be placed, but she's hoping for some very big results. She'll be damned if she doesn't make a haul. It occurs to her she has to write this article tonight, too!
Juggernaut has posed:
The mention of the presence of Lois Lane draws a slight narrowing of Cain's eyes. The last time he was in Metropolis wasn't....entirely a wonderful experience. Nothing she did or was involved in it's just an unbidden memory and a less then high opinion of the place.

For 'reasons'...

As Sinister and Psylocke speak, Cain looks away from Lucifer and Lols and towards the two before him and his frown deepens ever so slightly. Ah, now come the 'dancing around' with words bit.

"Oh yeah?" he says, simply, holding Psylocke in his gaze now in consideration of her. "Well that all depends on who 'us' ...is... There are a lot of 'us' that I don't necessarily like associating with...without really good reason..."

He lets that hang in the air for a minute and then that lopsided sharkish grin returns, "Of course, sometimes giving someone a bad day ruffling some feathrs can be a good enough reason."

The air is heavy with an oppressive beat as he looks long at Psylocke and gives Sinister a slight glance before asking, "How's 'he' doin...by the way?" There's another pause before he adds, "...Charles... You konw I worry about 'im sometimes..."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister's eyebrow spocks, a silent 'oh?' that challenges mostly in look. There's a bland smile to the perception of twitch though, looking to the tower of Cain as the man interacts more with the purple haired beauty nearby.

It means that when Lucifer speaks, he can be granted full focus for a couple of moments.

And then Nick.
And Lois.

The regards last just a little longer than is a mere glance, enough that it can probably be felt, before he looks back to hear Psylocke's reply.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick pauses to look over to Lucifer as he starts to announce the auction rules sipping his drink. The musician was able to get a single sip in before Lois's voice cuts in to his thoughts. Pale eyes shift, looking to the side to take note of the reporter. His head turns, allowing for the eyes to center once more.

The glass sets down. "Yes. This is an improvement." Nick agrees, once Lois stops yelling. "Good evening, Miss Lane. Good luck with your article auction as well and... Thank you for not immediately reporting on that, by the way."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer's playing doesn't last too terribly long and already there are small lines at the auction table where both men and women are making their bids. He smiles, he then glances over towards the small group of his friends and acquaintances before looking back to the table. His favorite waitress swings by him with another whiskey and collects his empty glass while he goes through the motions to light up a cigarette. It doesn't really go anywhere - the smoke that is - just sort of seeming to dissipate from over his head. Like he's got a protective bubble of sorts around him. His silver case is held out for a moment and he smirks in thought.

Alone at the table, he speaks to no one and smiles as Lois makes her boitrous announcement. Hopefully she doesn't think she's taking any of the money home with her, poor dear.
Psylocke has posed:
"Your reputation means that much to you?" The question Betsy makes of Juggernaut could be taken antagonistically, though there's no sign in her open expression that she intends it that way. She's more curious. Of course, she could simply try to reach his mind, but she doesn't. Or doesn't seem to, anyway. "I'd be happy to have a conversation... another time." She has no intention of derailing Lucifer's event.

Speaking of which, her eyes inevitable switch to him as he announces the various offerings. She's smiling, glancing toward Nick as his name is mentioned, spotting Lois as well with a little tilt of head.

Another long sip of her drink brings her focus back -- well, /up/ -- to the giant man. "Oh, I think we give plenty of people bad days, don't we Nathaniel?" The way she smiles now -- predatory, briefly, rather than warm -- is no less sincere than any of her other expressions.

Of Charles, Betsy's smile is warmly affectionate, "He's tired. But committed as ever to the Dream." Betsy, it should be said, isn't one of those who believes a peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans is possible -- but she does believe in Charles. "He's been busy. But I think he's happy to be back for the time being. The work at the school fuels him." A beat. "I'm tempted to take a shot at the reporter's buy. Acquire a bit of positive feedback." Her bright-eyed gaze turns to Sinister. "You don't think Lucifer would mind an anonymous bid or several?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    "You know, people always seem to think the worst of reporters," Lois says to Nick. She meets a few eyes, and then Sinister looks at her. Violet eyes meeting red. It's only a moment, but she's obviously curious, and freely communicating it.

    Her attention returns to Nick after that extended glance. "And those people are usually right. I do not submit stories unless I believe in them. They have to be useful to know, generally, or sometimes amusing. That particular event didn't feel much of either, frankly."

    She arches an eyebrow as the music is already over. "This is a very unusual place, isn't it?" she murmurs. "It's ironic. On any other night I rather doubt I'd be terribly welcomed by this crowd. It has a way of getting someone caught-up in the moment. Even those who should know better."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, you'd have to factor my exposure to reporting is sizably paparazzi related." Nick comments, "A lot of them don't care. Most willfully misinterpret the situation to whatever sells more..."

Nick turns his head to face foward to the bar, picking up the glass. "So...Thanks regardless."

He takes a sip. Considering the question before lowering it to the counter. "It would probably depend on how you decide to act when here on how welcome you'd be." Nick responds after he lowers his glass, "They do take the safety of their guests seriously." He glances down to his high end attire, "I don't normally dress like this when here. Could even argue that I tend to be underdressed. But, I've never felt unwelcome here."
Sinister has posed:
"Reputation can mean a lot no matter fame or infamy, one supposes..." Sinister muses that, gaze again flitting to the Lois-Nick interaction, his head fleetingly tilting, until it sublimes into a smooth turn to look to his conversation companions.

Fret not, Lois, the Host only ever usually does one number, perhaps two. After that the band takes over.

"But indeed," the predatory look is met with the smallest of smiles and a look below lashes.

Then he's glancing to Lucifer at the piano. Almost expectantly.
Juggernaut has posed:
It is fortunante that the purple haired diva makes no such attempt to reach into his mind. Not that she couldn't attempt it and do so with enough subterfuge that he'd never know it...but why risk it? Not that she could know this but an uninvited telepathic connection when they were much younger is what contributed to the relationship between Cain and Charles to truly start spiraling out of control. Not exactly a situation one wants to invite into a wonderful social event like this.

Her question, however, does draw his narrowed gaze and he looks briefly to Sinister as he speaks before he notes, "Reputation aint really a problem.. It all just depends..."

The fact that she seems so comfortable with Sinister and is willing to even entertain calling upon him does intrigue him though and he lightly rubs his jaw, sniffs abit and then says, "Yeah....let's talk about it later... As to Charlie, maybe I'll drop by and say 'hi'.."

That last bit has that sharkish grin returns, "Just to check in on 'im....I mean, now that he's back and all..." That could go any number of ways with only a few of them positive. "'Scuse me.." he rumbles, stepping away now to start a slow return towards the bar.
Lucifer has posed:
A single cigarette suddenly lifts out of the case that Lucifer holds before he snaps the case shut and returns it to his inner pocket. He then plucks the cigarette from seemingly thin air and stands from the piano bench to walk back over to the small crowd, settling by Nathaniel's side. The extra cigarette is placed between his own lips, lit with a snap of fingers to produce flame, and then it's plucked and offered to Nathaniel.

"So. What have I missed while playing Host?" Asking as he glances between those gathered. Faith is gone, he now notes this. Cain Marko is headed back to the bar. Betsy is still sipping on her first drink? Nick, and Lois are discussing reporters of different ilks. It seems like things are going very well, all in all.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I tend to act just one way," Lois says to Nick. "Like a little force of nature needling the universe and its occupants until I find whatever bit of the truth currently holds my attention." A pause for a breath, and a sudden, stunning smile to reassure Nick. "And you are most welcome. I refuse to stoop to the level of the level of papparazi." She rubs the tip of her middle finger to her thumb, then makes something of a flicking, dismissive motion. "They aren't reporters."

    Even though she is paying attention to Nick, her eyes do not rest on him for long. She is watching the entire room. There are a lot of faces here she knows and just as many she does not. It's one giant puzzle to figure out who the biggest players are, who they like, who they don't. So many truths, so many secrets.

    As soon as Cain gets close to the bar, he gets a playful smirk from Lois. "Hey there, big guy! Having a relaxing evening?" she asks. The words are delivered in a playful tone and her smirk turns into a friendly smile.
Psylocke has posed:
Perhaps if they were anywhere else than the devil's home, Betsy would be sorely tempted to learn exactly what Juggernaut's thinking. But she's on her best behavior tonight. "Let's talk later," she agrees with ease.

"I'm sure he'd appreciate that. He considers that he is, in someway, responsible for all of us, whether it's warranted or not." Her smile is brief, knowing. The Professor takes far too much on his shoulders, but it's not like telling him would change Charles at all. With a lift of her glass by way of farewell, she watches the big man depart.

Betsy's glance at Sinister makes her laugh. "Go dance with him," she encourages, with a brief touch of her fingers to Sinister's shoulder, following his gaze to Lucifer as she spots him approaching. "I'm going to go put in some bids." And then she sways away toward the table, as she finishes off her drink.
Juggernaut has posed:
"Mmmm.." Is all cain rumbles in response to Psylocke's description of Dear ol'Charlie. His eyes narrow ever so slightly but he says nothing else and just nods his head to her while continuing his approach to the bar.

Once there, he considers the drink options for a few seconds before he hears Lois and he turns slightly to look to her and then to Nick. Then back to Lois again.

There's a pauas as Cain considers the question. He has to think about it for a moment and he gestures absently at the bartender as he muses for a moment or two.

When his drink is finally brought to him he seems to settle on, "Yes. Yeah. I guess I am. Relaxin'... That's what you can call it.."

He gives Lois a slight grin and lifts his glass to her briefly before taking a drink and turning away to look towards Lucifer as the bidding begins.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick watches the hand motion and chuckles. "Ok noted. Paparazzi not equal to reporter. Although...as I reflect on it. There's an interaction with one of them that...indirectly led to a very good friendship with someone else. So I guess they sometimes can be good for something."

Cain's approach can't be missed. Like an eclipse, the sizable figure blocking some of the light coming from the rest of the club casts an impressive shadow.

The musician turns, lifting up a glass in greeting to the sizable man.
Sinister has posed:
"I think I shall take such an opportunity," as his cigarette just got delivered, there's a dance floor waiting to cut a rug on, though Sinister does give Betsy a wink, for her trouble. The words shared but narry a comment made, regarding Xavier... they'll likely be digested later, in private. And for some reason, the delightful englishwoman is granted a "...thank you" in quiet tones.

Dancing takes them a little nearer to the end of the bar, overlooking the dancefloor. "I think tonight might go quite well, overall..." and there's a murmur in the devil's ear, likely a bid.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is watching Betsy with interest. She wouldn't worry about the amount she calls in, but one of her coworkers was giving her considerable amounts of crap. Not to mention the whole delicate nature of a reporter's ego.

    But she will return her focus to the conversation.

    First, to Nick. "It's good that you got something good out of all that trouble. It didn't look like it would end all that well for you in the moment."

    And then to Cain! "So are you up for bid tonight, as well? I imagine you'd make a killing for the charity. You know how so many of us ladies are helpless when confronted by broad shoulders and a charming smile."
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy spends her time putting in some bids, casually bantering with the man (who might or might not be a demon himself) taking the bids. She doesn't even consider it flirting; she's just naturally warm by default.

She's aware Lois is looking her way; she may not be /listening/ hard but it's hard for a telepath not to notice when someone's focused in on them. The woman merely tilts her head, and gives her a smile, and a wink of a violet eye. I mean, how many people have the kind of eye color like she does?

That done, she sways toward the bar to collect her second drink: yet another of those purple orchids to match her hair. The fact that it's a very strong drink is just a delightful coincidence.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head pausing. "Oh I was thinking about another incident. The thing in the park was...
% He tugs out his phone, glancing down to it as he starts to type into it. "...another level. "

Off to the tables another bid is received.
Juggernaut has posed:
The behemoth of a man gives Nick a good look and then nods his head, seemingly recognizing him from a past visit here. He looks prepared to speak but then Lois addresses him once more.

Cain pratically sputters at Lois' comment. It takes a second for him to recover but fortunantely he didn't have any drink in his mouth when the question was posed.

"-Me- up for auction?" The very notion hadn't even occured to him and he's unsure what to even think of the idea. It almost locks him into a fugue state but he eventually recovers. "Uh, wha...no. I'm not up for auction...." He can't help but get more amused by the thought, however, and he ends up turning to look Lois more closely now while smirking, "Why? You gonna put in a bid if I toss my name in? You're high rollin' with your position' at the Planet, right? All prize winnin' and stuff..."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is suddenly being taken to the dance floor. Not that he minds at all, it gives him another reprieve from having to catch up with all the things he's missed since he's been playing host. Which he will likely have to do after this dance so that he can go take care of the bids and announce all the winners. Though there's a smile as he's cutting the rug - as they say - with Nathaniel in tow. The two do seem to make a very -remarkable- couple.

"I think the turnout for this was a success. Should remember to do more of these in the future..." He comments as they dance.
Sinister has posed:
"Sadly, the turn outs tend to be better received when there's a gimmick involved," Nathaniel comments. "But yes, I suspect we could host this sort of event more often." -- to the ear, the whisper, as they spin to the closure of the tune. Which one leads? hard to tell when they seem to share it.

And then, it's all but done and only half the cigarette spent.

Purple orchids are definitely a solid sell.

"Aaaand lookee here, were' back at the bidding table..." the end of the song done, Sinister hipchecks the devil, giving him a lingering sly smile before moving to bracket the end of the bar. "I'll have my big fruity blue juice now, please. And a cognac..."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I hate to break it to you, big guy, but that prize is probably what these folks spend on an average Friday night out," replies Lois. She isn't being modest. It's just true. "And you know that newspapers, even the Daily Planet, are no place to become rich. The hours are long, its pure competition with everyone else in the industry, and there is no prize for being second to the story." She takes a drink and smiles. "I'd have it no other way."

    She notices Betsy wandering up to the bar and considers for a moment. She is going to talk to her. There is no doubt of that. But now is not the time. With the drinks that model is throwing back, the reporter suspects that it'll be an interesting conversation.

    "But who knows? Maybe I'll throw a bid or two in. I'm no competition, to be sure, but I want to at least experience the process. I'll be back shortly."

    Lois knows she can't possibly win. Unless someone cheats on her behalf, anyway. Considering her personal life at the moment, there are limits to what she can put on the table.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles at Nathaniel as they talk a bit while dancing and then they're back near the auction table. It's a miracle! (Not really) "Yes. Yes we will...but perhaps with other things auctioned off depending on the event." If he could get his hands on some decent superhero memorbilia, that'd be an excellent auction to have and might draw in an entirely different crowd.

He watches as Nathaniel strolls off to get his drinks of choice and that sets him busy reading through all the bids to find the winners...
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head turns at that comment. "Oh... There's no way I'd spend so much if this was an average Friday night out." He comments, sliding his phone back into his pocket. He picks up his glass to take another sip.
Juggernaut has posed:
Cain snorts softly as Lois gets up to walk over to place a bid of her own.

"Right, right.."

He watches, silently, and then looks over the room one last time. Betsy gets a final glance and then the giant turns and sets his drink down onto the bar...beginning to make his way out of the event with a slow unhurried gait.
Lucifer has posed:
Once more, Lucifer takes to the stage after finding all of the highest bidders.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I promise this is the last time I will interrupt your evening, but I do have the results for you..."

He goes on by giving off some not-so-known names of people who are present but definitely not played by anyone and therefore they just get mentioned and then things go on.

"And now... the winner for the date with Betsy Braddock is none other than....Nick Drago!" He grins.

"And the winner of being able to have a private event entertained by the same Nick Drago is... Lois Lane!" Of course, he's not announcing the bid amounts. He isn't THAT kind of host.

"And finally, for the opportunity to have an article written in the Daily Planet by the very same Lois Lane is... Doctor Nathaniel Essex!" A pause. "And that's the game! A round of applause to all our winners....and please know you can still make straight donations to the Foundation at the table over there." He points.

"Thank you all for coming out, please stay as long as you wish, but the main festivities are now over. Good night!" And then he's coming off stage.
Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze traces the 'hotelling' of Betsy and the departure of Cain with an unhurried observation, turning eyes to the Host at the drum-roll to the announcement of bids. ANd lo, is the fruity blue nonsense lifted in toast to the host and the crowd both. At the same time he removes his cellphone from his pocket, glances at it and presses one of the buttons on the side, to the tune of the overhead lights flashing three times swiftly -- and apparently it does this in different colours for every 'payment' of bid that goes through this night.

THere's quite the technicolour epilepsy warning, just waiting to happen there.

And last of course, is the smile OVER the glass, at Lois.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is settled back at the bar by the time she hears the news. She laughs when she hears she won with her bid. "Hey Nick, you ever think of playing at a wedding?" she asks playfully. "And you got the model! There goes my interview idea."

    For all that, though, Lois is most curious about the good doctor. She meets his eyes again and nods her head politely. "I really need to do this kind of thing more often," she murmurs to herself.

    She is tempted to just rush on over to ask what Doctor Essex wants her to write about, but somehow it just seems an inappropriate response. There is no rush. Everyone knows where to find her.

    "So I have to know, Nick, what did you bid?" Her grin is most predatory. "Or is that a faux paus to ask? As a reporter I tend to ask whatever is on my mind."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lucifer goes into the list of who won which auction, it mostly ends up going in one ear and out the other. But upon the auctions involving those he knows, his attention is secured.

Hearing that he won the date with Betsy, Nick smiles. Hearing Lois's name as the winner of his auction, he looks over to the reporter, holding up the glass in a toasting manner. "What do you prefer for the wedding? Piano, Vocals, or Violin?"

As to how much he bid. He pauses. "Well... the problem of me telling is that sets a precedence for others to as well. Which might actually discourage those who bid lower amounts from participating or going overboard." Nick responds, "And I rather everyone feel welcome to put a bid in without hurting themselves for charity auctions."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Vocals and piano, if that is okay," says Lois. She considers Nick's explanation and nods in agreement. "That is fair. Honestly I'm shocked I won. If I didn't know better, I would say someone threw in a higher bid on my behalf."

    She won't dig into that, though. One thing Lois has learned from experience is that questioning every good thing that happens just ruins it. And she's pretty excited to tell Clark all about this.

    "Clark is going to be amazed. Now we just... well, have to figure out a date for said event."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister simply smiles a little wider for Lois, though he's looking over the rims of his rose-tinted specs as he does so, storm grey and steady. He then downs his cognac and slips a hand around the fruity drink, sliding off the stool to drift over to Lucifer. "Sweetie, I'm going to go and juggle the liquidity to make sure the donations are good to launch. I'll be upstairs, when all of this is wrapped up." He grins, slides a glance over to Lois once again and the interactions there, then leans in to openly give the devil a very smack-on-the-lips kiss before sauntering to the elevator.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer turns his attention to Nathaniel as the man walks over to him, listening to the run down of what he'll be off doing and gives a nod. "Alright, my love, I shall see you in a little while after I settle things.." He says, returns that quite profound smack-on-the-lips-kiss and then watches as the Devil's Lover saunters off towards the elevator. Afterwards, he approaches the bar where Nick and Lois are standing. "Congratulations to the both of you. I will let Betsy know of the fact that you won the date with her, and I am sure she will be delighted." He offers to the rockstar before turning towards Lois. "As for you, my dear, you wound up getting your six-figure donation, but I must tell you that you will have to find your date in another castle because the good Doctor is...ahem...otherwise taken..." He grins then. "But as it stands...all in all a good night I think. I do thank both of you for joining and I cannot -wait- to read about this event in the Daily Planet..." Assuming Lois will write up a general story about this whole event. Otherwise why else would she bother to come put herself on the chopping block.