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(Over good drinks and food, a family is drawn closer. And not so much as a peep about asteroids, invaders from Apokolips, or whatever crazy stuff Luthor is up to can stop it.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:23, 29 March 2024

Super Family Gathering
Date of Scene: 02 February 2024
Location: Lane-Kent Brownstone, Midvale, New Troy
Synopsis: Over good drinks and food, a family is drawn closer. And not so much as a peep about asteroids, invaders from Apokolips, or whatever crazy stuff Luthor is up to can stop it.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Superman, Power Girl, Mon-El, Supergirl

Lois Lane has posed:
    The invitations went out with a premise that to some might be viewed as a threat. Lois has invited the the family to come to dinner. She has been pulling her hair out all day cleaning and getting things ready. Clark will be proud, though. She took his advice and bought dessert rather than taking on the adventure of baking. While she has overdone it here and there, those mishaps were not in vain. She learned.

    And then tonight was here. Lois carefully looked through her options for what to wear and had to dig reaaaaalllllly deep to find what she wanted. Okay she just bought it!

    She's wearing a black blouse with small, white polka dots on it. She's paired this with a bold, red midi skirt. She had thought of getting something longer, but she simply can't go too far past the knee with these garments or she'll feel trapped.

    The balcony is open, in case anyone prefers to fly in. There is music playing, as well. Not too loud at this time, but it is enough to allow for background noise.

    Lois is still busy in the kitchen, fussy around with the salad. She has set the table and checked it at least five times. Napkins were needlessly straightened, silverware polished, and glasses thoroughly investigated for any sign of spots from the dish washer. In other words, all is ready. Now all that needs to happen is for a family of super heroes to actually find the time to sit down together and eat.
Superman has posed:
Clark is. . .letting Lois handle this fight. She's trying to take on a few new leaves. Yes, it's a learning curve. However, there are some hills worth dying on. Some that are not. Trying to stop, correct, or otherwise alter, tonight is not one of them. So, he will be getting the dessert. It gives him an excuse to stay out of the kitchen. All he needs to do is to go to some place known for a great dessert. Maybe a second place with some good wings, or chicken, for tomorrow's meal. Afterward, he can just fly back to the apartment safely. Not question anything going on, just set things in their respective spots on the table and in the fridge.

For tonight's dessert it's Moravian Sugar Cake, it's popular in Maryland. It looks like a bunch of twist donuts, or monkey break, pushed together into the shape of a typical cake. It tastes of brown sugar, cinnamon, etc. So, it's not unlike what people think it looks like. The sugary treat is a little thinner and meant to be eaten with a knife and fork instead of hands.

Clark will just wait in the living room dressed in the standard blue suit, a red tie and a white button up shirt. Those dull blue eyes lurking behind his clgasses just watching and waiting with anticipation.
Power Girl has posed:
    Karen was sure something was going to come up and make her late for dinner. Or make her miss dinner. Or cancel it entirely because some spaceborne despot with a fleet of battleships would enter the Sol system and broadcast some sort of tiresome and megalomaniacal screed and at least /one/ of the dinner guests was going to have to give a rain check

    And yet that pessimistic certainty was incorrect, and so she's arrived, and not even by dropping out of the sky in full costume or anything! No, she's actually walking up to the front door in a white blouse with a lace collar and ruffled cuffs, and a pair of comfortable if stylish slacks and low heeled pumps, less 'Straight from the lab' and more 'I appreciate this is a special occasion'

    She's so considerate she rings the doorbell /and/ knocks... and breezes in like a ray of sunshine, only to aim directly for the kitchen. Because she helped Lois with her practice run and promised she'd help out for the main event! And she brought a lovely wine, because she also owes Lois for that. "Lois! It smells as delicious as last time! Are you /sure/ you're a reporter and not a food TV hostess?"
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar also rings the doorbell and enters through the front door like nice, polite, normal people as well. And he's also dressed semi-formally with a jacket and slacks with collared shirt underneath.

    He smiles toward the hosts. "Clark, Lois. It's good to see you both." he greets.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois notices Clark handling the dessert and pauses in her work to smile at him. She knows she is a bit... much right now. When she says, "Thank you, Clark," there's more warmth and appreciation in it. His unshaking calm helps steady her.

    She is nervous, too. Sure, she has done a full rehearsal of this meal already, thanks to Karen, but still. Maybe that was just beginner's luck? Honestly, she nearly fumbled the whole thing earlier in the day. But she noticed just in time that she had set the oven wrong and was able to adjust it before any harm was done.

    She perks up at the sound of knocking on the door and is just about to look out of the kitchen when Karen enters. "Oh thank goodness!"

    She laughs at the compliment. "You are definitely the best kind of family. Nobody else would be so kind." Lois does not hesitate, but goes right in for the hug with Karen.

    Her tone is more serious, now. "I'm so happy you could join us. I've been on pins and needles all night, fearing something crazy happening. Clearly the world is kind though. Oh, and... perhaps you could help me like last time? I've avoided burns all day already."

    The meatloaf is ready to be taken out of the oven! Lois will gratefully accept the wine from Karen with yet another "thank you" and perks up at the sound of the door. As she gets the salad to the table, she shares a smile with Lar. "You made it!" she calls out. "And everyone dressed so nicely, too." She shouldn't jinx it. Don't jinx it, Lois. Don't say it!

    "This is going to be such a wonderful, relaxing night together!"

    She jinxed it... hopefully the universe isn't listening!
Superman has posed:
"You're welcome," Clark says and flashes a smile toward the pair that are working in the kitchen. "So, you two were practicing?" he asks knowing a little bit of the prevous attempt.

"Karen, you look great as always. How have you been?" he asks honestly curious. The dull blue eyes watching the pair work in the kitchen. Again, he's staying out, but not afraid to look into the matter a bit.
Power Girl has posed:
    Karen's decently sure Lois hasn't jinxed dinner! After all, while she hasn't had time to mention it to the intrepid reporter and her good friend and cousin's fiancee, Karen's pretty sure she hit the week's jinx quota when a dimensional portal of rampaging monsters opened at a hockey game she was attending.

    And Karen's even more reassured things will be fine by the warmth of a genuine Lois Lane hug! A hug that she returns with one arm, while reaching over to set the wine down and then add her other arm for a proper full hug.

    She flashes a grin to Clark and shrugs with a sigh, "Oh, not too bad. Went to a hockey game. It was... fun! I mean, okay, the first period was fun, the second period got a little rambunctious. I'm sure they'll reschedule the game since they had to evacuate the arena."

    Lar gets a wave from the midst of Lois's hug and a grin from Karen, and then the blonde's looking back to Clark, "Oh, she practiced. It was amazing. She knocked it out of the park!"
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar also smiles warmly toward Karen. "Karen, hey. Haven't talked to you in a while." He chuckles when it's revealed that Lois had been rehearsing this, waving a hand dismissively. "Pff, it's just us Lois. You didn't have to feel like you're putting on some kind of performance. I'm glad you invited everyone over."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is... wow, is she actually abashed by the praise from Karen? This from a woman who felt she /deserved/ both Pulitzers?! It seems Karen has found one of the few humble bones left in Lois' body.

    "Karen was very helpful," she says simply. "It's just good to have family around." A pause and Lois asks, "Perhaps you might help me get it out of the oven? It's ready." And as Clark knows, whenever Lois removes anything from the oven, she manages to knick her hands on the sides of it, or one one of the racks. This experience is usually punctuated with language that would never be allowed on the front page. However, as chance has it, Lois is surrounded by people who have no fear of any heat her oven could produce!

    The reporter will give the table a once-over, satisfied that the salad is ready, the places are set. Karen has brought the wine.

    Still, there is a place set that is not yet occupied. Lois knows she should be grateful to get so many of the family together, but, well, since when is Lois Lane /ever/ satisfied?

    "Why don't we all sit down? I'm sure Kara will be here any moment."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois turns her attention to Lars and sighs softly. "You know how precious your time is, and how hard it is to find time to get everyone together. I want to make this a thing we do." She does not fidget outwardly, but in her head she is restless. "It's not like being at the farm, but I'd like it to be as close to as I can manage."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers is usually pretty punctual for these things..But a cat..Or two..Or ten.. Required her immediate attention, which made her a little tardy. Eventually however, around the ti e her name is mentioned, there is a rather frantic knock at the door...Which turns into hesitant as she hopes she got the correct address. It's not like she knows Lois well or has visited her often. "Helloo? Lois..?" she calls out hopefully.
Power Girl has posed:
    Karen's eyebrows perk at that knock from Kara and she grins, "Well, I guess no one got tied up /too/ much! How about that!" She glances around from face to face and lifts an eyebrow, "...Did anyone bribe a magician to get us good luck or something? I mean, I'm not going to go into the math on how impressive it is Lois has pulled us all here together because... eww, math... but..." She shrugs lightly and grins even more impishly. This, apparently, is Karen relaxed!
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods to Lois. "That's a fantastic idea, Lois." He tells her. "We all need this in our lives, honestly. And since my uh...biological family isn't on the best terms with me, I really appreciate the gesture."

    "Honestly, I try to stay away from magic as much as I can." he laughs when Karen makes a comment about bribing a magician.

    His gaze goes over to the door when there is a knock, as he can already see who it is. "Speak of the devil, huh?" he remarks, smirking a little, although his expression falters and he frowns slightly. "That's how it goes, right? The saying?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    The sound at the door is enough to make Lois immediately perk up and smile. "She made it!" Lois does not leap from her chair. She flies! Not literally. The others really have no chance to beat her to the door. She pulls it open rather quickly and smiles at the sight of Kara.

    "I'm so happy you made it!"

    If Kara is a hugger, Lois is going for hugs tonight. She's in far too good a mood now. "I'm sorry it took so long to properly meet. I hope to do a better job of staying close. We're family, after all."

    Lois will move to guide Kara inside. "Please, grab a seat at the table. We're all here. And you are right on time."

    Now it would be a lie if Lois claimed to not reflect for a second at how she has, at this table, gathered a family that she'd have killed to interview in the past. But it's a reflection of calm in that she feels no such impulse now. Any questions that come up tonight are going to be friendly and no answers will wind up in the paper.

    "And no magicians, no." The devil comment makes her laugh. "You know, it's funny you use that turn of phrase, Lar. I recently met someone claiming to be the daughter of the devil. But more importantly.."

    Lois has to catch herself. And before she directs the conversation, there is something to do. Something that Lois /sucks/ at. Take the moment in. To truly be thankful for something so wonderful as a night with her family.

    "So let's see... I'd like to hear about all of your days. Please share whatever you'd like."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles and returns a warm, heartfelt hug. "Hi! Sorry I'm late, there we're a couple of kittens who needed rescuing.." take that any way you will..But of course she's pretty sure every one here already knows her secret identity, not to mention her fondness for cats. She chuckles as she looks around, smiling and waving to the others, "Heh, everyone's here, just like one big happy family! How's everyone doing?" looking back to Lois, she smiles, "Thanks for the invite, this was a great idea!"
Power Girl has posed:
Karen lifts an eyebrow at Lois, "...Did she provide any proof that she's the daughter of the devil? I mean, that's... a lofty claim? Maybe? Probably?" She frowns ever so slightly like she's trying to figure it out. Her head bobs to Lar and she sighs out, "Tell me about it! I got nicked by this magic spear by a..." She frowns slightly, "Well, I'm not sure what to call it. It looked like... a satyr? But a really shabby one. Like, I feel like if you told an amazon you met a satyr and showed them a picture they'd be very upset you dare suggest their mythical creatures would ever be so hideous."

    Kara's remark about rescuing kittens earns a grin, "Hey! Rescuing kittens is like, the best part of what we do. We get to hold kittens, and no one has to worry about a firefighter getting clawed. It's like... /the/ win-win situation." And then she's grinning at Lois, "Oh, I'm doing pretty good, I mean, I'm a little bummed the hockey game got interrupted, but I met this interesting woman named America. She's... quite good at punching."
Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, I don't think you'd be the only one here who has an...aversion to magic." Lar remarks with a chuckle, glancing around the table at Kara and Kal as well.

    "Let's see, recently? I helped put down this...stone bird thing. I think it was a demon. It had some kind of magic beam that turned things into stone. Wait, I think they banished it. Whatever that means. Probably some form of sending to another dimension."
Superman has posed:
Clark is shocked that more and more people are coming by. He's not sure what to make of it. While the emotion doesn't show on the face, it does show in the eyes. So, he straightens his red tie.

"We're all family. There are stories of the vikings how they would welcome all to their table. Kith and kin alike. Our family is much like that, it does not matter which you are, but you're welcome at the table. And if you're at thjis table, you're family. You're all at this table," Clark says this firmly making sure he knows everyone is family. It does not matter where they're from, how they came to be, any of that.

This all piggybacks off of some of Mon El's comments. However, he knows this family is extremely unconventional on paper. Including those not here it includes three alien races and clones, and this is just the cliff notes version. The family just becomes more complicated the further one digs. To Clark, it really doesn't matter. They're family, pure and simple. So, the family tree suddenly has a few new branches? What family tree is extremely perfect? Not many. If any.

"Don't be sorry you're late, it's fine," Clark chuckles at the bit about cats and Kara. He knows about the weakness. It makes him smile. It makes Kara human.

"I mean I could call into a friend I konw, Karen," Clark jokes about bribing a magiican.

Then he pauses as the talks of Satyrs come forward. Clark's trying to say something, but it's like a cat has his tongue. Somethings are hard for him to swallow. This is one of those few times.

"I thought most of us here had that aversion," Clark says kind of shocked that someone might -not-. That's the shocking part to him. If someone is somehow immune.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers arches a brow as people start talking of magic and other crazy adventures, "Wow, sounds exciting! I feel like my life has been rather drab in comparison, just classes, lots of studying and work..But that's cool, I guess.." she smiles sheepishly, "Sooo what did I miss?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    "The so-called devil's daughter was the kind of person I was rather more interested in leaving behind rather than finding out more. She goes by the name Satana. She made... suggestions, told me I hadn't sinned enough to be of interest, and said she'd help me protect innocent girls if I sold her my soul." The reporter snorts, "So I told her to forget it. I don't need the help of demons or crazies, either. If she crosses my path again, I'm ready. I stopped to see a priest and picked up some holy water. You know, just in case any of this is true."

    Lois starts dishing out salad on everyone's plates. It's a simple ceasar, drizzled lightly with dressing, complete with crisp croutons and shredded parmesan.

    Lois directs her attention to Karen and makes a soft "hmmm". She smirks impishly, "America, huh? I think you are obligated to stand up for her, right? Truth, justice, the American way? But a good puncher? So she's a friend in the making, then?"

    Once she's certain everyone is settled, she has to head to the kitchen. "I'll be just a moment. Please bear with me." There's a meatloaf to get to the table, after all. The whole thing doesn't take too long, but it's obvious that Lois is really putting forth a lot of effort. It smells good. For those who have been lucky enough to taste the original, prepared by the legendary Mrs. Martha Kent, it is also familiar. Familiar, but not the same.

    With it set on the table, Lois can sit down. And silently, horribly worry about whether it's good enough or not! She doesn't show it on her face, but super ears can hear it in her heartbeat. She is bracing for judgment!
Power Girl has posed:
    Karen grins at Kara and shakes her head, "Trust me, boring classes and higher education trump magic beast monsters pouring out onto a hockey rink..." She shakes her head slowly. "Did you know defensemen are too bull-headed to run away from a minotaur? I mean, like... just... wow." She heaves out a sigh and shakes her head at Clark.

    "Oh no, no uhhh... immunity to magic here. They were so desperate to claw their way into our reality they basically got stuck in the portal. One of them managed to poke a spear out and scratch me and it... like, /actually/ did. Zero out of ten, do not recommend. I should probably tell Wonder Woman about them, but this America gal seemed to know at least a bit about them. It sounds like they're probably not going to be back any time soon."

    Lois gets a slow, deadpan stare. "Her name is Satana and she says she's 'The devil's daughter'? ...Lois, were you on a message board or something? Like... isn't that a little on the nose?" And then Karen's narrowing her eyes at Lois, "Well, I mean, 'The American Way' seems to be 'Punch people really hard.' so, like... I guess I /do/ kind of already follow it? But she also has these kind of portal things."

    And then Karen's doing her best to assure Lois her cooking is amazing by... eating it at an entirely normal pace!
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar hears that rapid heartbeat and smiles warmly at Lois. "No need to get nervous, Lois. I'm sure it's amazing." he remarks, helping himself to a couple of pieces.

    He listens to Kara and Karen talk about their lives, nodding. "Yeah I'd say." he says, agreeing with Karen's sentiment. "That big demon thing almost turned me into a stone statue. I'd take boring classes over that any day."

    "The devil's daughter, huh?" A brow is arched up slightly at that. "Well at least she seemed to want to help. Sort of."
Superman has posed:
"Trust me, Satana is real," and that's all Clark will say on that. Let the weight of his words hit. The truth the hold, but he won't divulge the "Why's" or the "How's." That part Clark will just keep to himself.

Clark will look at Lars then he will nod to the young man's words. "Everyone should love this, Lois," Clark's jus tbeing from the heart on this one.

"Yeah. The Devil's Daughter is quite real," he admits again. IT's a little hard to believe when one thinks on it. Well, very hard to believe really.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois will never get used to her heartbeat giving her away. It's something she can't quite control, though. "Thank you, Lar. It feels like a sacred thing, though, making an attempt at Martha's meatloaf. My first few shots, well. We will just not say. Clark has been very supportive. Even when I fell asleep and forgot to set the timer. I did learn how to cook a very interesting charcoal in the process, though."

    "Lois shakes her head, "Satana wanted, well, let's just say I'm relieved to have gotten away with my virtue intact. I'm not even done with the story yet, sadly. This all came out of her causing issues at a charity event. She made some pretty serious accusations. I've tracked some of them down. It's not proof, mind you, but I was able to at least show that she's been with one or two of the men she claimed to have been /familiar/ with."

    Clark's comment startles her. "Wait, she's..." Lois freezes in the midst of cutting the meatloaf and looks, well, rather pale. "So you mean I sat on a bench with Satan's daughter. So the whole talk about her wanting to inspire certain sins was.." She falls silent, not blushing, but looking quite pale instead as she turns her attention to eating. The reporter is just.. silent for now. She's just too bothered by this revelation for the moment.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Fortunately, some part of her brain is able to recover from the shock. By drawing her attention back to something Clark said. "Oh, well, wow. Really? I am so happy to hear you say that." She is about to say something else, but stops. Not in front of the 'kids', Lois!
Mon-El has posed:
    "Who gets things right on the first try, anyway?" Lar chuckles at Lois' mention of Martha's sacred recipe. "I surely didn't. You should've seen me when I first showed up in this time period. Both times." he laughs, shaking his head. "I was a mess."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Oh? A mess?" Lois is intrigued. "Care to fill in some of those blanks for me? Honestly, I'd like to get to know everyone better. I'm very curious what it is like. Traveling through time, that is."

    She is not in reporter mode, exactly, but that an interested family member is not all that different. "I can't imagine it was all fun. And you did it more than once?"
Mon-El has posed:
    "Well...kinda. I am originally from this time period, just not this planet." Lar tells her. "So it was still very foreign to me. And the second time, I'd lost all my memories, so it ended up being the same awkwardness all over again." he laughs. "Time travel? It's...weird. As you might have expected. Suddenly the future is the past and the past is the future...? Hard to explain, exactly."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "So not only has time jumped around for you, but you are far from home, too. Your timeline turned into, well... an S shape?" Lois is trying to wrap her head around it. It's clear that reporter or not, it is a lot to take in.

    "It reminds me of this researcher I was talking to. She was talking about long distance, instantaneous communication. The usual spiel. I recorded it, because at this point, it's all just quantum-quantum, blah blah to me. But where she lost me is the idea of sending messages back in time. It sounds like wild fiction, but..."

    She grins and notes, "I'm engaged to be married to a man from another planet, and I am sharing this meal with a variety of unique people. By this point, I really shouldn't be so shocked by anything. I live in interesting times and all that."

    She perks up and mutters, "Darn it, sorry, one moment! I can't forget this." She darts to the kitchen to get two things. One is the dessert Clark bought (which looks heavenly) and the other is a huge tablet. One so large that it is almost comical. "Sorry, vitamin. I have to get myself in tip-top shape. I'm apparently deficient. I think that's a fancy way of saying I'm just old."
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods at Lois' description of an S shaped timeline. "Kinda, yeah."

    When she returns with the dessert, he smiles. "Looks delicious, did you make that as well?" he asks.

    He arches a brow at the pill. "You sure that thing'll go down your throat without one of us having to punch you in the trachea and hope we don't accidentally break you in half?" he jokes. "And don't tell me you're old until you've spent a thousand years in the Phantom Zone." Wink.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois shakes her head, "No, Clark saved me and picked this up. It was so hard just getting this right!" She laughs at herself, "Honestly, I have spoken so much with Martha these past two weeks. Bless that woman, though. She's everyone mom and a saint besides. She got me through it."

    She pops the vitamin into her mouth and then drinks. Water, for this. Her wine is already gone. She makes a face and sighs. "Gotta do my best with these things, you know. We're not all a man or woman of steel in this family. Oh, and yeah, I imagine even a few weeks there would drive me crazy. I've only heard horrible things."
Mon-El has posed:
    "And you'd have it right. Definitely drove me crazy." Lar tells her. "Thankfully, the people who got me out of there happened to be sort who were looking to help first and hurt only if necessary. And they were patient....really patient."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "How did they ever find you?" ask Lois. "My knowledge of that place is rather limited, but it strikes me as." She pauses to think. "It's a place nobody in their right mind wants to explore too deeply. You have to be a special kind of desperate. Unless they know someone there needed help."

    She is helping herself to the dessert and quietly noting to herself to be extra good to Clark the next week. "This is kind of out of nowhere, but, well, how long have you been here? In this general place and time?"
Mon-El has posed:
    "Heh, that'd probably be a question for Brainiac." Lar pauses, clearing his throat a little. "I mean, not -that- Brainiac. Querl Dox, otherwise known as Brainiac 5. And even if someone -wanted- to explore it, they couldn't. There's just nothing to explore, because there is nothing there. Just a vast, timeless void."

    "I've been here...oh, seven years? Give or take?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Wow, that sounds horrible. I was interviewing someone a while back, an astronomer named.. King, I think. You know how sometimes you hit the right question with someone and you realize who they are? I asked him how this all would end. The universe itself. His answer was at least thirty minutes long, but there was something beautiful about it. In the end, he said, there would be no means left to determine one moment from the next. Time would have no meaning and may no longer even pass. It makes me uncomfortable, looking back, but to him it was a wonder."

    Lois knows she cannot do it justice. To her, these are just facts. To him, though, it was poetry. "Seven years. That is good. Hopefully your life is starting to feel stable and secure. Did you... well, have you found someone? And feel free to tell me to hush. It's none of my business, really."
Mon-El has posed:
    "Frankly it makes me uncomfortable too, knowing what that's like...having no time pass." Lar remarks pensively. "Of course I knew it was the only thing keeping me alive, but at some point I'd decided I'd rather die than be stuck there forever. I didn't have a choice then, but thankfully the Legion gave me my life back. And now I'm back here, in my home time period. Full circle, I guess." he chuckles.

    At her last question, he glances a bit nervously over at Kara, who is engaged in a different conversation with Kal and Karen. "Er...kind of. I've always loved Kara...from the moment I met her. I didn't know it then, but...you know how it can be. But with her spending most of her time here on Earth and me going out into the galaxy more often than not, makes it kind of hard."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois nods along to the first part. "And we're really happy to have you here with us, Lar. So I know you are a hero just like, well, everyone here at the table excluding me is, but do try to be careful."

    The rest, though, is more fun and leaves Lois smiling. She keeps her voice lower, since this feels like sacred ground. "I'm so happy for you. For both of you! And I do know how it can be. It's so hard to work it out, and honestly."

    She trails off, looking at Clark. She rarely lets anyone see it, but Lar is family. He gets to see her dreamy expression. Just for a bit. She doesn't want to ruin her reputation!

    "Honestly I... nearly broke everything. What you all do is important, but you are alive and have an obligation to yourselves, too. You all burn so bright, don't let that blind you to the desires of your heart. I learned recently that it can all be gone in an instant. For the stupidest, most ridiculous reason. I guess I'm trying to say, hold her tight, Lar. Never let go. Never give her any reason to doubt for a second where you stand."
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar smiles warmly. "Thanks Lois. I really hope I've done my best to do that and will continue to. But most of all I just want her to be happy. Whatever that means for us, I'll readily accept it. Either way, we're always there for each other."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "That's the key to it, yes," says Lois. "I'll try not to meddle, but you know, if you ever need a friendly ear... well, let's just say I've made bad mistakes, so I do not judge. Chances are, anything you might stumble on is something I've failed at before, too."

    She pauses, watching the others talk. "Since you have been so open with me, I want to let you know. It's still unclear if it is even possible yet, but, well. The big vitamin I took is prenatal. I'm hoping that somehow Clark and I could... well, have a child."

    She adds quickly after that, "Please do not make a big deal out of it, though. There are like a million things we have to figure out first." Like if it is even safe for her very human body to carry a half-Kryptonian. Or if that kind of thing is even possible at all.
Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Thanks again, I really appreciate it." he smiles when Lois offers her advice and support when it came to relationship matters. "I'll probably have to take you up on that at some point."

    He smirks slightly when she starts talking about wanting to have a child with Kal. "I--uh...well." he pauses a moment before continuing, "I will say this. Kryptonians are sexually compatible with a few different species, including Daxamites...and humans." he winks. "Spoilers from the future."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I'll do my best," Lois replies. She knows a great deal about many things... related to her job. Relationships are something of a new area for her to delve into like this. She's had them, of course, but that mind of hers only recently devoted its focus to the whole 'maintenance' side of things.

    And then Lar drops /that/ on her. She gasps and looks to Clark and back to Lar. "So wait, you mean.." She blushes and laughs. "Does Clark know that?" He must not know. Lois finds this very amusing. She almost /never/ knows something before Clark does. "I don't suppose the future has anything to suggest about how a human mother stays safe with a super-strong baby in her belly. I've been wondering if the kick might, well... really hurt?"
Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh..." Lar shrugs. "Honestly, I don't know. Obviously I've never been pregnant myself." he laughs. "It works--and I'd say just trust nature, yeah?"

    "And I don't know if Ka--I mean, if Clark knows." he admits, glancing over at him as well.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I'll tell him that it's at least, well, possible in that sense," says Lois. "And make sure I keep taking better care of myself. Prenatal vitamins, cut my coffee, and I promised to get six hours of sleep every night." She will not admit just how bad her sleep was prior. She's lucky she didn't break.

    The conversations at that point weave as everyone gets comfortable. Good company, surprisingly palatable food (THANK YOU MRS. KENT!), and a desire to be close make for a wonderful evening. By the time the lights go out, Lois has achieved something very rare, indeed. She's satisfied, delighted even, at how things worked out.

    She knows that Clark will no doubt be saving the day at least twice before she wakes up, not to mention the rest of her family doing the same, but there's a part of it this meeting that is different. Lois has never really had much of a family before. She thought that whole 'carry them in your heart' stuff was just romantic nonsense. Now though, she's a lot clearer on what that means. She's going to be thinking about all of them quite often from here on out.