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Latest revision as of 23:46, 26 October 2017

Wine Tasting at Lux
Date of Scene: 22 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravenna Levesque, Lucifer, Jessica Jones, Robin (Wayne), 757, Molly Millions, Sinister

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
The parking lot of Lux has been transformed into a pop up restaurant for this evenings festivities. A white tent has been erected to keep the weather off of them should it turn sour on them. Pendant lights with filament bulbs are hanging from the ceiling, giving the place a warm intmate glow. Quiet music is piped in mostly to keep the sound from the street from interrupting the festivities.

The tables are left bare and appear to be made from reclaimed wood, with small tasteful centerpieces featuring grape vines and and copper string lights complete the look. Each table has enough empty glasses for each wine on the menu this evening. There are waiters waiting at the wings of the tent, ready to pour wine and serve small plates to pair with the wines.

The price is steep, but the wines that were advertised are not something you can walk into the store and buy. They have not disappointing, neither has the food served out of Lux's restaurant. Ravenna has been a fantastic guide through the wine journey, explaining about the region that the wines have come from, the type of grapes and even a little personal story about each one. She's dressed in a black cocktail dress with her hair pulled back into a neat bun. Tasteful and elegant which is a far contrast to how she normally dresses at Lux.

They're almost through the pairing when she addresses the guests with a bright and charming smile. "I just want to remind everyone that if there is a wine you absolutely fall in love with this evening, I have aquired a few extra bottles of each that you'll be able to purchase and take with you. Simply come and see me before you go. Now we're moving on to my favorite course. Dessert." She says with a devilish smile.

Lucifer has posed:
The food was presented with a brillaint twist-- Tapas served at different tables and the guests given their own plates, allowed to roam and mingle freely between courses so no one's stuck with the boorish CEO of Hyperdyne systems and his explanations of how corporate tax benefits really /help/ the lower class.

Because frankly, there are only two kinds of patrons at Lux; the people who have a membership for the sake of being part of 'the' crowd of wealthy financiers and movers and shakers in the city-- and those people who use Lux as part of their personal business, either an employer or-- as Lucifer calls it-- a 'solution'.

The man himself drifts from table to table, holding one of the plates with a wineglass loop built into it (an invention worth millions to anyone who's ever been to one of these things, seriously they're awesome) and a clean napkin draped over his left forearm. He sidles up to a new table as Ravenna starts to speak, being as urbane and friendly as possible-- wearing his guise as The Bartender, but clearly 'off' his cocktail-making duties tonight as Ravenna is the star of the show.

Jessica Jones has posed:
At a fancy event like this, one Jessica Jones is something of a fish out of water. But...she'd liked Ravenna (rare as it is for her to like people). And she likes alcohol. And she'd just gotten a payoff for a job, so...she has a little money to spend. A little money which all seems to be flowing out of her like water at this particular place, and has done ever since she discovered it.

Upscale as it is, she just couldn't bring herself to do the dress thing, so she's back in the tasteful, modest, flowing black jumpsuit that she bought to do undercover work here. And...this //is// the sort of event she expects her target to be at, so technically she can expense it. Some of it. A little bit of it.

She has enjoyed the wine journey though, even if she's feeling the nagging feeling that she shouldn't be here tonight.

She has been the sort of presence that slips into the crowd, almost, a little forgettable in her basic black. But...swiftly racking up a list of wines she'd like to take home and purchase, too. She raises what she has in her hand right this very second in acknowledgement of Ravenna's devilish smile, and finishes it off. Good stuff.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
From the alley down the block a little sits a boy, he is cloaked though even sitting down he looks like a small figure. He has come back over to Lux as he needed it, but has waited outside in the rain, by a trashcan for a little while now. Though he was carefull, he did at least look the part as the cloak around him seems a bit more worn, and torn though if one looks carefully some of those tears look like bullet holes. He had been waiting for a good time, and it had come to him as he knew it would. He needed to be seen, he needed to put the doubt out there, but he did not want many to know just enough.

This spectacle was a good chance to be seen by a few people so deciding now is the time he stands, turning to face them. Normally this is where he would hide in the shadows, though he simply walks over for once seen as he approaches the parking lot of the Lux. Though as he turns it might be seen he is wearing a mask, it is a black mask or at least it was. The front is covered by different colors of something, there is a dark red, some green, but a lot of ash has seemed to settle.

Damian does pull the cloak to cover it as he gets into the light so it would not be seen, and walks up to the group heading directly for the food.

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
Fancy pancy.

Someone had seemingly forgotten another type that visits Lux. The tired and the poor. Well, the poor who actually could pass for something as somewhat rich, if you knew how to get your fingers into the money-bags pie. Stolen, sight unseen from an upscale mall was a nice little black dress. Borrowed without asking was a lace band that wrapped around her eyes. Five finger-discounted were a pair of socks that went up and above beat up sneakers that she herself considers lucky. And acquisitioned was two pieces of cloth that were off-black, seemingly stitched into the dress to create pockets so that she could hide the money that she borrowed/stole/whatever to pay for food.

Thankfully, Ruth herself was already there, her hair appropriately messy, her shoulders down to make herself seem a little too small, feasting upon the Tapas, carefully and wisely avoiding the wine, and turning this way and that to avoid the stares of those who'd probably look. Even one hand lifts to press against her temple as a shield from most as she takes on another plate, adds onto another pile of money, and eats with a constant shovel into her maw and a snag of a napkin to dab.. dab.. dab.

This. Is. The. Life.

Molly Millions has posed:
A fish out of water. Efforts been made, at least, but Molly lacks the threads to fit seamlessly into such a crowd. Not that from the way the woman with the silver lenses moves about the place that it's liable to be immediately obvious. She's listened more than she's spoken, so far, people watching in proximity while working her way through the offerings. The clothing is entirely too casual, dark jeans and jacket nice, but certainly not designer... not that she seems aware of the difference with the confidence with which she holds herself.

Sinister has posed:
It's not often he makes a public appearance, but this time... this time he'll come out. Mr. Essex, of the Essex Corporation, has stopped by, dressed sublimely. He listens, he mingles, standing out only for his pale skin and the red diamond in his forehead.

Lucifer has posed:
The Bartender looks up at Claire and grins at the blonde bombshell, beckoning her to come join the tail end of the dining event. Tapas still about, finger food that can be individually dished and served, and Ravenna's expert catering staff brings out more of everything on request-- including dessert!

"Miss Voyant, glad you could join us," the Bartender says, waving her to come pick up a plate and load it with edibles.

He leans sideways, seeing Jessica out the corner of his eye across the seating area, and lifts his glass at her in a silent toast of greeting from across the way. The Bartender drifts around the little soiree, ending up near Sinister and Ruth, and leans an elbow on the high, small table the woman's eating at. "Hey! How are you doing?" he inquires of Ruth, amicably. "Enjoying the party? And-- it's Mister Essex, right?" Lucifer asks, offering a handshake to Sinister. "So glad you could join us tonight, it seems everyone's really taken a shine to this little shindig," he grins.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica has picked up another glass of wine-- the tapas she has touched mainly to avoid giving the impression that she is...

Pretty much what she is. A raging alcoholic content to work her way through every wine here. She raises it to the Bartender with a little smile, but doesn't approach.

She doesn't have a good guess yet, and she's buying time. She really shouldn't have come here without a decent guess. And that's all she's been able to think about all evening.

She steps back, though, frowning over at the crowd, keen investigator's eyes picking out a number of...oddities. The first one that she notices is the little thief.

She sighs. A hungry kid. And she doesn't have the heart to just sit there and let the hungry kid be a hungry kid.

Well, good thing she brought money.

She heads over to the girl and gets right up close to her. She's not really great at this, but what she attempts to pull is a sort of //reverse// pocket pick. That is, she tries to surruptitiously drop a couple of folded twenties into the girl's pocket. Hoping not to get noticed. By anyone. Not the kid, not anyone else.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
As dessert is announced, the waitstaff slowly come around to collect the plates from the previous course. A creme brulee is served and each dish is caramelized tableside to assure everyone it is done properly, giving it that lovely cracking sound once the sugar is broken through. it is then that Ravenna describes the pairing.

"I have saved the best for last, than again the wine comes from my family's vineyard on Ils d'Orleans in Quebec. Ice wines are rich and can be very sweet, but they pairs perfectly with creamy dishes. We remove the grapes from the vines but leave them out in the cold Quebec winter, waiting for the grapes to freeze and raise their sugar levels. Once they are pressed, it gives a rich and vivid flavor. This will conclude the tasting portion of our evening, but feel free to order anything you have sampled tonight. You only have to ask for it." She gives a slight bow before she turns to give more directions to the waitstaff.

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
The food, it was more than enough to shake a stick at. Well, to Ruth it wasn't enough, but to someone else it could have been. Granted, a steady diet of Popeyes doesn't do a body good, there was a certain look of joy once she finally found a sweet spot to lean. There was a sigh, and another stuffing of the appetizer into her mouth until she spies Lucifer drawing his way near.

(Spies, being the odd term here.)

With his approach at one side, and a gliding of Jessica at another, her attention was swayed just a touch as she fixes a light little smile upon her lips. "Good, Mister. Thank you." Quick and clipped, another clean napkin was taken up, dabbed and then fiercely wiped away at her lips.

As Jessica passes however, Ruth gives a little pause, her chin lifting as her nose wriggles just a touch. Did she notice what Jessica has done? -Maybe- not. But..

"Excuse me? Please? Can I have some water? Thank you."

Molly Millions has posed:
It's the kid in the mask that draws Molly's attention, though it might be hard to tell given that her face doesn't pan directly or specifically to him as she nurses a glass of wine. The waiter offering around the creme brulee's closest to her gets a little shake of her head after a bare glance at the offering.

Sinister has posed:
Essex extends an immaculate white gloved hand to Lucifer. "Correct," he agrees with a smile. "A pleasure to make your acquaintence, Mister...?" He waits for the other fill in the name.

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh, I'm no one important," the Bartender assures Essex, shaking the man's hands. "I tend bar here, though tonight I'm off while Miss Ravenna hosts this little wine function. She's done a bang-up job," he chuckles, nodding at the raven-haired woman. "Our new sommeliere. You're new to the club, aren't you?" he asks Essex. "I'm afraid I only know you by reputation, but I hope you'll consider swinging by sometime and we can discuss a membership. I'm sure it'd be right up your alley."

Jessica's little reverse-pickpocket isn't missed by the man-- he makes a little show of being a bit too loud near Ruth's other ear, as a distraction while Jessica swoops in. At the young woman's request for water, he nods affirmatively. "Yes, of course-- waiter? Water for the young lady," he says, snapping his fingers twice at a nearby white-tuxedo'd servant to hustle over with both plain /and/ sparkling water for the dark-haired woman.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The Bartender's sudden swoop in to help with her ruse produces a conspiratorial smile from one Jessica Jones, aimed in his direction. It's a fleeting thing on her face, but...she sees what he's doing. So it's also touched with a rare warmth. She slips back off again the moment she's dropped off the cash, making her way back to Ravenna. Because if she hovers, that rather spoils it.

"I've picked five lovelies I wanna take home," she says, just as if none of that had ever happened. She swoops up the intriguing ice wine and closes her eyes with sheer delight.

"Okay, make that //six.//"

Aaaand there goes her entire payment from that one job. //Oh well//. Worth it. Her tastes are starting to get increasingly upscale, it seems.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy moves up to the table directly, and grabs a plate, filling it up he stops for a moment feeling eyes on him in the crowd, though he sighs he reminds himself this is what he is here for, he is here to be seen. It was a strange feeling to be honest, but he used the food as a focus to regain his calm calculating self. Filling up his plate he slowly turns around to look at the others that are here, though he finds it no surprise that to him a familer face is rare. So he moves to the bar, though he wasn't invited, eating his food carefully. As he walks towards the bar his footsteps make little to no sound, as he just walks calmly that direction as well.

Sinister has posed:
"Even a bartender is worth respect if he's good at his trade. Nevertheless, it's still a pleasure. Yes, I confess I'm a little new here, but recent events have made this gathering... attractive, to my needs." Essex returns the shake firmly, and releases his grip. "I'd be more than happy to discuss the club, at your liesure. I'm certain you'll be busy tonight."

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
The conversation between Mr. Essex and Lucifer was listened to. Why not? They were in earshot of Ruth and other than the small conversations that were around, this was the one she could hear the clearest. Even moreso when Lucifer begins to get a little bit loud, her brows lowering into a makeshift wince, her entire being becoming rather uncomfortable which causes her fingers to lift and fix the lace that covers the surface of where her eyes would have been.

"Thank you." She murmurs quietly, properly distracted from Jessica's role-reversal, her hand drawing away from the blindfold to rub idly at the back of her neck. And yet, once the waiter approaches, Ruth looks in his direction with raised eyebrows. He brought -two- glasses of water, not just one! This draws a little excitement from her, for both hands immediately shoot out to properly retrieve them from the tray. One was sipped, and then the other, the sparkling one a bit of surprise to her palette. It was like flavorless soda!

Molly Millions has posed:
The sun may be sinking, but it seems that Molly's content to keep her glasses on. Or, more accurately, they don't come off. With Damian headed towards the bar her head shifts marginally over Claire, towards Ravenna and Jessica as she continues her circuit of the place at an unhurried pace. Maybe it's coincidence that she finally winds up taking residence over at the bar near Damian, maybe not, her attention staying on the gathering at large rather than the masked kid.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna finishes her discussion with the waiter, and has one other order come up to her before Jessica does. Seeing the PI, her smile morphs from professional to friendly. "Only five?" She says with a smirk, but hearing her change her mind she laughs. "Well I can't deny you that." She scribbles on a piece of paper and passes it over to a waiter to add it to Jessica's tab. She probably doesn't want to look at that number.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I just hope this was a good enougha audition to get the part. Shall we go get my verdict?" Ravenna walks over to Lucifer's table and manages to snagg one of the bottles of Ice Wine on her way over and refills the glass of everyone at the table. After alll, it's already open, it would be terrible to waste it. "I do hope you enjoyed yourselves Gentlemen." She asks, putting on her professional smile again. "Is there anything I can add to your take home tab Mr. Essex?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As he reaches the bar Damian actually speaks for the first time tonight.. "Milk... please." and falls back to eating. Sinister might feel a look, but not at him, at the gem that is in his head, as the though passes Damian's mind, but is dismissed as more trouble then it would be worth. Looking like that Alien, or Mutant, either one was trouble especially here. He then looks the drunk, or well soon to be lady, if she see's him she would see the mask, and the look behid it. It looked like how angry she felt if she someone had stopped her drinking for a while for 'her own good'.

Though his shift changes from her quickly as if he doesn't reconize her to the next person, at Claire he just frowned, and decided that was enough for now turning back to begain eating his food again. Though when his view past Molly he stops only for a moment, he watches her curiously though stops, deciding it best to just eat while he had the chance.

Lucifer has posed:
The Bartender grins unapologetically at Jessica. "Better be careful, Jessica," he tells the slender detective. "Keep hanging out at wine events, you'll turn into the worst sort of social snob. It'll all be 'French wines versus Italian pairings' and you'll be perfectly miserable everywhere you go," he says, gently teasing her.

"Come by the bar tomorrow night, Mister Essex," the Bartender says, shaking the pale fellow's hand again. "We'll talk turkey, as they say." He hands off Essex rather deftly to Ravenna and continues circulating among the crowd, smiling tolerantly at Ruth as the girl chugs down the sparkling water so enthusiastically. "You know, there's something to be said for enjoying the simple things," he remarks to Jessica, slipping past her without quite leaving her personal space. He nods at the young thief, and casts his eyes over at Damian and Molly as the two younger folks end up nearby one another. "Make it a double, it's on the house," Lucifer jokes, flickering a wink at Damian as the young man orders his 'signature' drink.

Milk! Good for bones and growing ninjas.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions offers a nod in Lucifer's direction and the barest ghost of a smile, content to sip her wine and not disturb Damian for some long moments before she finally has to ask,"So what's with the mask?" in a conversational tone.

Sinister has posed:
"Ten bottles of your Rose`, and if you have anything comparable to Assyrtiko or Petit Manseng? A dozen of each," Essex calmly replies to Ravenna. "The ice wine is of exceptional stock. You've made good use of those early frosts in the region."

He nods to the bartender. "I won't be late," he replies to Lucifer.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica laughs at the Bartender's quip and says dryly, "I can only afford to become so much of a snob, but I'll be sure to drown myself in some paint thinner whiskey every now and then just to keep myself humble." She winks at him, relaxing just a little bit. Maybe she's off the hook cause this is a big social event. Which is technically //outside//? But she does have sincere hopes that Ravenna has scored a win tonight.

But she doesn't withdraw from him as he draws into her proximity. She follows his gaze, and her gaze softens. "Yeah," she agrees. She half shakes her head, a bit helplessly. The kid looks happy as a clam, really, drinking her sparkling water. She should probably just be glad the girl is getting a nice moment.

She does finally see the kid ordering milk at the bar, following the Bartender's gaze. She gets this very expressive 'wtf' look on her face, then looks back at the Bartender, then back at the young man, and then finally shakes her head like, 'well, whatever'. She's going to stand here and drink. His bar, his rules, and it's not like the kid is sucking down booze.

She nods to Essex too, not so //completely// devoid of manners that she won't acknowledge him when he is standing right there.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy nods to Lucifer, and takes the drink though he stops eating long enough to look up at Molly before she asked he was quietly eating. That face has not changed, though his tone is calm though that of a child. He must be in his teens, "It is a deathmask, people think it is the design of the mask that makes it special while in truth it is being there at the moment of death capturing it that makes it so." after he speaks he goes quiet for a moment, though he does continue.. "If you believe in that.. I just want people to know what is coming so there is no doubt when they reach the end." and gives a shrug drinking from his glass of milk again. "Whats with the lenses?" he asks back starting to eat again.

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
There was a soft little hum that draws from Ruth's lips. A quiet little dance of a wiggle is performed in the chair, drinking plain water, popping the last of her tapas, then chasing it down with sparkling water. It was a lovely treat, one that she simply affords herself away from the safehouse, in which she'd have to stash her clothes and get back into her gnarly digs again, but it was worth it. And with everyone mingling?

It was totally the -right- time for Ruth to make her departure.

Slowly, the chair scoots back as she rises, her hand pressing against the table to steady herself, one hand slipping into her makeshift pockets to feel.. is.. is that money? If the girl had eyes, she'd glance around suspiciously, but she keeps her hand tucked into her pocket and quietly begins to move. Around the table.. passing a small gathering.. into the crowd.. and onto the street..

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions can't help but smile for Damian's words,"I see." she responds with a cant of her head in his direction, though from the equanimity of her tone maybe she doesn't,"So you're a joeboy then, are you?" gets tagged on by way of question after a moment with a slight shrug of a shoulder,"They help me see better." she settles for with regards to her lenses.

Sinister has posed:
Essex allows his mind to open, to pick up stray thoughts as they go past; he has no great desire for information, nor does he need to spy, but the loose ends of human consciousness are worth knowing for the sake of making conversation alone.

"Miss Jones," he acknowledges politely.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna scribbles down the order, giving him a sly smirk. "I'll see what I can do. That volume will take some time to procur, but please leave an address for me and I will be sure that it will be delivered to you. We aim to please after all." Ravenna says with a smile as she writes down the order and passes it on to be added to his tab. "Is there anything I could have fetched for you now? I don't like my guests to have empty glasses." She watches as Lucifer walks away, slightly vexed. She's pretty sure she has the job, he's danced around the answer, but the answer would complete her night.

Turning back to Jess she smirks. "Did you have a favorite? I noticed you liked heavier drinks, so I wasn't sure if some of the more subtle wines would be your speed."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy sighs, "That depends on what joe boy is." he looks at her again, a bit more carefully this time. "It better not mean short..." this time his tone had taken a cold version of itself though he didn't look aggressive the tone of that question seemed very serious to him. He did listen to her answer though, as he seemed to calm down a bit, "Well seen worse so don't sweat it. I am sure no-one will notice" and goes back to eating but his plate is empty. He gives a sigh, and slides the empty plate back to one of the caterers to take it away.

Lucifer has posed:
Abruptly, the Bartender's next to Ravenna again. It's not magic-- he's just sneaky. He stares at her levelly, then holds up a notepad so only she can see it.

"Check my math," he tells her in a lazy tone, "but I have a feeling that I could about double your normal hourly wage and I'd still clear a profit tonight," he tells her. He grins at Jessica and Essex. "What do you think? The customer's the king here-- is she our new Sommeliere, or what?" he inquires, resting a hand on Ravenna's shoulders.

Weirdly-- Essex would detect almost nothing about him psychically. It's /possible/ the Bartender is simply masking his thoughts... but it would take a psychic of extraordinary power to simply emit no thought patterns /at all/. Entirely self contained. Very strange.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions grimaces slightly at Damian's question with a bare shake of her head,"They work, usually as muscle for someone else. Or you with one of the gangs? Don't see people wearing masks... not where I'm from, but so far this place has been full of strange." she polishes off her wine and sets it down with the vaguest kind of smirk,"Not worried about people noticing." there's a small furrow of her brows, as if it hadn't occurred to her that they might be in any way odd.

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's such a small thing.

Jessica Jones hadn't introduced herself. She hadn't given her last name. Just her first; and her first is what had been in use tonight. So she stiffens when Essex addresses her as Miss Jones. It's a subtle thing. She looks at him for a moment with dark suspicion lingering in her eyes, uneasiness in her frame. It's a tension that is really perhaps over the top for all that it manifests in small ways; it's not as though some people haven't recognized her before. She's still getting used to that, still forgets about her stint in the news.

Things like this? They still put her visibly on her guard. She opens her mouth-- whether for good or for ill is difficult to say. Probably for ill.

Psychically, she is a sudden rush of fear, anger, suspicion, a creepy crawly sensation that edges beneath her skin, a fight or flight instinct. Even surface thought reading on this woman shows deep psychic wounds, scarred over but still present.

Fortunately, Ravenna distracts her. "Honestly this last one is pretty frickin' phenomenal," she says to the sommnelier.

The Bartender-- no, surely the Club Owner or Manager at the least-- asks for her vote, and she says, "I absolutely think you should hire her."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Damn sneaky Bartender. Ravenna keeps herself composed, but he has definatlly startled her. She takes a quick look over ti and grins wickedly. "See, I told you I could bring in a very heafty profit." She does double check his math, just to verify it for herself. When he mentions her wage, she turns to him and raises one brow. "Well if it wouldn't hurt your profit I don't see why you couldn't convince your bosses to double my wage tonight." There is that confidence she's been emitting since this job was dangled in front of her.

She smils to Jessica as she agrees to get her hired, but looks over to Essex to see his opinion as well. She knows that the Bartender is just draging it out to vex her, but having domain over that wine cellar is so close to her grasp, she can't help but bouce on the balls of her feet as she waits.

Sinister has posed:
Essex leaves an address with Ravenna. He picks up on Jessica's discomfiture - even a low level psychic could with that amount of distress - and makes note of the Non-Existent Bartender. He writes it off as some kind of magic.

While Sinister is hardly one give to believe in magic, gods or spirits, he could not deny what he saw at Hobbes River. The seal he placed on the experiment had results. Who would have thought dusty old tomes wrapped in skins and sealed in illegible runes would produce anything other than silverfish and mold?

Magic is just another type of knowledge, and Nathaniel Essex intends to acquire it all.

He smiles warmly, widely, to Ravenna and Jessica. "Miss Jones' reputation preceeds her. I would recommend her services."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy gives a small scoff, when she says the thing about gangs, though he nods, "Yes, that is what I am just part of a gang. We shoot each other, and make funny looking hand signals at each other that is us." he then stops, "though I think you are wrong, you are all wearing masks it is just some are more obvious then others." he pushes an empty glass that had milk in it to Lucifer, and taps the side.

He glances at the loud lady once again, and sighed.. truely hoping she was not one of those happy drunk people. Though she had a distraction for now, he did keep an eye on her for now.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a distinct lack of reaction from Molly for Damian's words, as if to her that's a perfectly normal and serious answer that can just be accepted on face value. Moreover, the placidness of her expression might well suggest that she's not in the slightest bit concerned about the answer, either. Particularly when paired with the fact that what she finally elects to respond is,"Literal rather than metaphorical. So if you know the masks... who's the real money, here?" if the womans gaze shifts to follow his attention off it's not obvious from the lack of her head movement.

Lucifer has posed:
The Bartender drags it out, hemming and hawing, and looking away pointedly. He flickers a wink at Jessica-- the eye opposite Ravenna-- and then looks back at the witchy woman.

He digs in his pocket and comes up with a small keyring, one she'd seen not two days previously, and drops the keys into her hand.

"Welcome to Lux," he tells her, flashing a sly grin at the woman at the consensus offered by Sinister and Jessica.

"So, we should celebrate, eh? What sparkling wine do you recommend for a toast?" he inquires of Lux's newest sommeleiere.

The bartender working near Damian and Molly catches the time of the boy's finger on his glass, and quickly moves to refill it before the young man gets impatient about being underserved.

Lucifer takes up a position next to Jessica and touches her lower back, gently, just for a moment, and flashes a smile at her. It's an expression of utter serenity, calm as a tropical island, and then looks back at the mingling crowds as people filter out from the little soiree, their orders for delivered wine all placed and on file.

Jessica Jones has posed:
A soothing, grounding touch to her back from someone who is perhaps one of the only people on the planet who can do that without freaking her out while she's sober. Jones leans into it, draws a little closer to the one offering it. Not the only one, but one of them is definitely a female and a nurse, so it's a good short list. She flashes a glance back at him, a smile; she's clearly smitten, even as part of her whispers that she's perhaps treading some very dangerous waters by allowing herself to have feelings for this man, by allowing herself to trust too soon, too fast. She's mostly ignoring that whisper. Mostly.

An explanation for why Essex knows her name. Jessica's thoughts settle into calm. Her shoulders relax, and she offers a quick smile to Essex. "Nice to know you heard the good rep," she says. //Potential client. Great. I can use more cases. Try not to be a caustic bitch to him so you don't drive him off, Jones. It's really not that fucking hard. It's a wonder you get any goddamn work at all.//

"Thanks for the endorsement. Please call any time if Alias Investigations can help."

//Alias Investigations, how can we help?// She mimics the singsong voice of Malcom in her own mind. //

And then: //I ought to be careful about the kind of clients I take on from this place of all places though. I'm sure some of them need the kind of help I desperately do NOT want to provide.//

Sinister has posed:
"I wouldn't dream of turning to anyone else," Essex politely muses, maintaining decorum and charm. "It is with my sincerest apologies that I must take my leave. Work leaves me very little time to play. I have been enchanted by you all; the company has matched and exceeded the quality of the event. Good evening to you all." He bows very lightly, and turns on his heels, making his way to the door.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna could slap him with the way he's dragging it out. She won't, mostly because she's still trying to pinpoint just what he is. When he //finally// hands over the keys she grips htem into her hand and with the way that she grips them tightly. It's going to take an act of God to get those out of her hand. "Not that I have to tell you this, but you're not going to regret this."

When he mentions getting a sparkling wine to celebrate with, she smirks and waves one of the waiters over. They arrive with an bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and a small saber. Someone else brings over the flutes, and with practice ease, she removes the cork with the blade. She's careful not to harm anyone with it, and manages to keep any impurites from slipping into the flutes as she pours the small group a glass. "As if I wouldn't of had that already picked out."

Lucifer has posed:
Farewells are tendered and handshakes exchanged, and Lucifer leads the crowd with applause and laughter as Ravenna expertly uncorks the champagne bottle. He even helps distribute flutes, and offers one to Damian and Molly near the bar, inviting them to join the toasting.

"To Ravenna, our newest sommeliere," he remarks, his voice carrying easily. A few other lingering stragglers join the celebration. "To many years of gainful employment," he says, offering to chime glasses with everyone nearby. He remains near to Jessica, providing that figurative pillar of support-- just inside her proximity, but not upsetting her equilibrium with too much physical contact. Small steps for the woman, though the grin he gives her seems to reflect the mutual admiration in the burgeoning rapport between the dark-haired detective and the tall, swarthy bartender.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As he finishes his milk, he gives Lucifer a nod trying to catch his eyes with the movemnt. He speaks to Lucifer, in what might sound like cantonese... "We need to talk soon." and gives Molly a slight nod as a goodbye moving back through the crowd. He seems to be walking just back towards where he came, but stops and enter one of the white tents closing it behind him. Then... Nothing, nothing poofs, or zaps... Heck he could still be in there right now reasonably he would be. Still no-one would come out, as he is already gone, so the tent is now empty.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions's attention definitely follows Damian with the barest frown of puzzlement, but there's champagne, and she's content to accept it and raise a glass in acknowledgment of Ravenna with a small smile for the gathering,"I'm not going to pretend to be a connosieur of such things, but the pairings were good in my opinion." she offers to the newest sommeliere.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna clinks glasses with those around her, a genuine smile plastered on her face. There is a sense of freedom to her, the fact that she gets to step away from a situation she does not enjoy. Granted, she might be trading one cage for another, but at least this one is very shiny. "Here is to many years, many wines, and no hangovers." She takes a sip from the glass and savors it. This was one of her favorite bottles and she was saving it for a special occasion. She belives it isn't wasted. Spotting Molly she smiles at her. "Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. We will be hosting events like this in the future." Though perhaps not to this scale, she doesn't need to owe more favors.