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=Courier Van with a Plan
Date of Scene: 16 November 2017
Location: NYC
Synopsis: Circe attempts to determine if her new training regimen has resulted in better henchmen. Not so much. Heroes prevent the capture of a macguffin.
Thanks to: For all the people who dealt with a rusty emitter
Cast of Characters: Circe, Aqualad, Crusader, She-Hulk, Silk, Caim Kataras

Circe has posed:
     It is an Autumn evening in the city that never sleeps. The sun goes down early, so people handling their lives are getting used to doing it in the twilight hours of the morning or the evening. Traffic is normal for the hour, the streets are not as crowded as they are during the day, but foot traffic is a relative constant in some areas of the city.

    Here in the edges off Manhattan, where the business sector bleeds into the retail world, the foot traffic is still heavy. Shops are open, but new stands have long since boarded up for the night. At least most of them. Tonight, one is open. Ramshackle, dilapidated and worn, this is hardly the first choice of almost anyone. The business is almost certainly kept afloat on the appearance of the help. The current helper is a shabbily dressed redhead with the face of an angel and a body built with the other side in mind.

    I tis a normal night. Other than the sound of a speeding vehicle. Vehicles start to honk, still the sound of a gunning engine can be heard. Bedlam erupts as a white van, unmarked, but with a heavy engine careens on the sidewalk! People scatter left and right out of the way. Two catlike creatures are running beside the van, with a third clinging to the roof of the speeding vehicle.

    The van collides with a light pole, sending the pole crashing into the street, followed by the van which is now on its side! Metal scrapes and grinds as sparks fly. The van plows into another vehicle. The cat creatures leap about in traffic, somehow avoiding being hit as cars clear out of the way. A purple portal explodes the news stand in a hail of debris as two huge, beastly rhinoceros-faced, hulking brutes step from the portal, followed by two massive bull-men (Minotaurs?) wielding massive wooden clubs.

    Just another night in New York.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur has seen a few accidents in the last few months. People are clumsy drivers at best, in his estimation, and the vehicles travel with distressing velocity and a lack of responsibility. It's remarkable that so few people are injured badly despite the regularity of the impacts.

The cats, though, and the minotaurs-- these are uncertainties, and from the shocked screams and fearful retreat, it's clearly not a 'normal' activity for the New Yorkers, though it's clearly just another night of mayhem in the City that Never Sleeps.

Just in case, Kaldur drifts towards the cover of a heavy concrete pylon and watches the newcomers, anticipating violence from their scowling miens and angry snorts.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader was /currently/ in his regular but still not clearly normal human form. Muscles like a hulk, a world weary air about him, and silvery white and grey beard and hair. He was only in overalls, a simple shirt, armored boots and bracers...odd but NYC has seen odder at night (like a man in an old divers suit!)

But none the less as he saw the Van cacasding out of countrol with the cat creatures...on the sidewalk no less, he jumped right into action. He roughly tossed a group of people into an alleyway /just/ managing to stop them from being squished like bugs! He himself jumped out of the way pressing agaist the wall appearing super flat momentarily

And than he unflattens most, most of the people he tossed having run away. He wasn't sure what was going on yet and so he turns facing the...rhino-men, minotaurs...and cat folks. "....well, somewan bought a zoo" he muses to himself good naturedly. He approaches the odd assortment of beast men and stops a few feet away sizing them up - both out of curiosity and to see if this was the prelude to trouble. "Ah donnea supposed yer...here ta help clean dis up?" he asks hopefully.

She-Hulk has posed:
Evening in Manhattan means it's time for a jog. She-Hulk is doing just that, dressed in what most people would think is insane for the coolness in the air this time of year. Shorts, a graphic tee with Kermit the Frog on the front, running shoes. She's already done one circuit of the island and was heading home when the van came careening down the street and crashed. Her first thought was not for the creatures, instead it was for the occupants of the van. She changes her path, turning and running toward the vehicle just as the portal opens.

"What the ..." That isn't someone one sees everyday. The minotaurs are the ones that have her frowning as she tries to remember her mythology. She really should be brushing up on that stuff, all things considered in her life. Keeping a wary eye on the creatures, she tries to get to the van to check on the driver and anyone else inside.

Silk has posed:
    "Whoooooo!" Silk has grown more comfortable with her heroics- she's had to, not much choice when one is being hunted. And, of course, New York City is always chaotic- there's always someone needing the help of their friendly neighborhood Spider-M.. er.. Person.

    Silk is swinging from her webs, following along where cat-men cling to a vehicle, before it crashes. "Woah! This is why you're supposed to spay and neuter your pets!" She exclaims, coming to land on the side of the over-turned vehicle, ready to defend in place. "Bob Barker is turning in his grave. *Shame* on you!" Claws out, Cindy's fingers are suddenly covered in webbing, formed like claws.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim had been tracking a certain spider woman throughout the city and was nearby when she shows up. He was adjusting his duffel when he was shoved to the side by a concerned Crusader. He groans as he looks to the people nearby and he reaches into his duffel bag to begin to put together a rifle. Once it was put together he loads a dart into the rifle and aims it at the spider woman. Priorities now in place, he aims his rifle and pulls the trigger.

Circe has posed:
The first Rhino, his chest plate in red, the other in yellow gives a deep chuff of a laugh laugh.. "Oi." he says in distorted English. "Gonna help these boys, we are, we are!" He agrees. He'll move towards the van unless actually confronted. One of the minotaurs, also in red, puts his club on his shoulder. His voice is even deeper than the rhino's. "Just helping them out." He agrees. Cows normally have flat teeth. This creature has a mouth full of fangs.

    She-Hulk finds two of the cat-men actually helping the men. One turns to her and says in a voice far more friendly than its toothed maw would suggest. "This one is hurt? Get him clear?" A third cat man is rummaging in the back. There are spilled dollars and documents spilled all over the interior of the courier vehicle. Three occupants, two male and one female. They all appear to be shaken and injured, but none too seriously. Wear your seat belt, folks.

    A cat man regards Cindy. "Trying to help!" It says. He actually lifts his hands up. "Don't shoot. Trying to help!" The feline figure takes one step to the side and gets darted! It releases a yowl as the dart strikes it in the shoulder, literally walking into the shot. The cat figure clutches and claws at its shoulder as I collapses to one knee. The other cat out in the open hisses at Cindy. "Why? We're helping!"

    The Red Rhino gives an alarmed snort and rushes towards the van. "Why?" He bellows. "We're helping!" These animal people are really staying on brand about that 'we're helping' bit. People are staring. There is confusion but someone is muttering about 'shot him with his hands up in the air'. The energy in crowd shifts. Crusader is staring down an upset rhino and two upset minotaurs, but they are not attacking, not yet. There is real tension though, and the crowd is suddenly less a spectator and a possible participant.

    From his vantage point, Kaldur can see a redheaded lady trapped in the news stand debris. She seems to be waving her hands about as if looking for help.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur moves warily towards the woman flagging at him for help, and sets his shoulders and feet. If Atlanteans had neckhair that prickled, Kaldur's would be. Something about the redhead seems... off.

With a grunt and a surge of controlled efforrt, he hoists the top off the news stand and helps extricate the woman from underneath the detritus, even offering her a cautious grip of the wrist as she clambers out. "Are you badly injured?" he asks in a rasping baritone, his pale eyes never quite abandoning the scene of the accident around him. /Something/ is off....

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks up at the Rhino man and gives an easy smile "Alright, alright. Do nit worry, some folks jist a bit jump aroon odd folks like /us/" he says grouping himself with the beastmen "Let git dis Van righted, und make sure da folks are okay...und keep a look oot fer any moar shots" he says keeping quite calm about the whole interaction, trying to ease the tension

He looks to the Van and laughs "Well well well! If et nit be da Emerald Beauty herself!" he says in reference to she-hulk. He looks to Cindy "Hmmm...hello little woman" he says as if he doesn't know her (as he keeps his human identity secret). He looks to the crowd trying to find the person who unleased the shot upon the cat-person. Something didn't uite feel right about all this. He than looks to Kaldur recognizing him from a gala a while back. Well quite the coincidence that so many heros are around. COuld this mean something?

Silk has posed:
    "What..helping?" Silk asks, eyebrows knitting together as one of the cat people is suddenly darted in front of her. "Hey! I didn't do that..." she says, eyes moving up behind the Cat person. "If you're helping why were you all over the vehicle?" she frowns- something felt off. "Hey, are you okay?"

    Silk wonders of the Cat Person, before frowning again. "SOmething is really off here..." she states it outloud, as she reaches into the cab of the van to help the driver out- "Hey, are you okay? Do you know these cat people?"

She-Hulk has posed:
"Helping," Shulkie echoes as she gets to the van. She'd almost buy that except for one thing. "You! Back there! Get out of that stuff. Not your van, not your money, not your papers." Her attention goes back to the one that spoke. "If you want to help, get him to the sidewalk and set him down. Don't move him too much untl emergency services get here."

Doesn't seem she is intending on cooperating with the whole let-us-go-through-the-van. She moves to the back of it and yanks off the door. It's already damaged. No one is going to care about another broken part at this point. "If you are able, come on out of there. Move to the sidewalk for safety. And you," she says to the cat-like being again. "Out!"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim lets a silent growl out as the cat person walks infront of his shot. He then reloads the rifle with another dart and remains off to the side, watching the goings on. The animal people are here to help. He remains silent and watches. He goes to aim another shot but doesnt fire just yet, just aiming at the spider woman. Soon they will see him aiming at her but it was a risk he was willing to take. He then fires at the spider woman once more, going to give up if this one didnt hit.

Circe has posed:
    The redhead looks Kaldur in the eyes. He's met Amazonian princesses. He's met space princesses. He is of Atlantis, so he has seen beautiful mermaids and ocean spirits Her deep scarlet eyes are utterly bewitching, and Circe attempts to ensnare the young man's mind. "I am fine, my dear champion. Would you go get box number 82 from the van for me?" The vile temptress will attempt to kiss Kaldur's cheek to encourage him to do as she requests.

    The cats lift their tails as if to show they are going to cooperate, and the one good cat man moves first his friend, then returned for the driver and the other two guards. Crusader finds himself looking for a rifle. The second rhino and the two minotaurs seemingly quite at ease standing by the portal, then the rhino assures Crusader. "I help you!" She-hulk can hear the red rhino approach, but his hands show no ill intent, actually up and waving as if to ward off a blow. "Here to help!" She-Hulk finds a sheaf of papers pushed at her by the cat who drops several boxes. Danger. The cat hisses. It shoves the papers at her as if they mean something. They are seemingly random, at least at first glance. Further reading shows they are just manifests. The cat kicks the boxes. Box 82 is there in the pile. "We help!" His ears are flat though, and his tail is not up as he lies. How well She-Hulk can read cat body language...

    At the retort of the dart, the crowd goes nuts! From the back some hipster screams, "I can has respect!" Other people scream and the crowd thins. The crowd that remains though is getting ugly, and turning decidedly pro-cat people.

Aqualad has posed:
"Of course, I will help you," Kaldur says, a little dazed by Circe's ensorcelling spell. When she kisses him, his eyes dilate to almost black circles, beyond even the reaction to an attractive person's attentions. Not quite blinking as much as one might expect, he heads directly to the back of the van and clambers inside without asking permission, looking for boxes inside the racks of disturbed storage containers. He reads with his finger for reference, trying to swiftly find the box that Circe asked for.

AFter all, it's a perfectly /reasonable/ favor, right?

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn having been scaling the ever thinning crowd, spots Caim as he loads and lifts a rifle. He recognizes him from the park dureing his short time as Vorn. As he sees it load up - Bjorn moves with a speed that his size and speed would normally suggest as impossible. He intercepts the Dart, and the Dart makes a small 'CHINK' sound as it falls harmless to the ground

He looks to the Rhino men and Minatour "Look guys, Bjorn apprecaite all your trying to do...but perhaps you can go back through your portal, while we handle this?" he request rather respectfully of them.

Oh boy, man with a rifle AND a crowd growing more unruly. This was turning into a recapie for disaster. He tries to talk the crowd down "Fellas, fellas! Relax! Sure dis is all a misunderstandink! Jist... a bit of room eh?" oh he know more was going on, but assumptions to what is going on would only make things worse. Frankly he was sure the Emerald Beauty (She-Hulk) and Silk had things in the back under control with with Kaldur...so really he was on crowd control!

Silk has posed:
    Danger, Cindy Moon! Danger! Silk's senses tingle and before she's even aware of moving she's already shifting her form and bending- its like something out of a Wuxia movie, or the matrix. The world, for Cindy, is slowed a moment and with stunning speed and grace she's hand-springing out of the way of that dart as it flies at her. "What the heck?!"

    "Hey, wait, Kaldur! What are you doing?!" Silk knows this guy! She's met him, he's super nice! "Why are you.." A little confused, Silk finds herself all over the place....

    And then it hits her, all at once. "This is horseshit!" she exclaims. "You're not helping! What did you people do to Kaldur?! He's not moving like he was before, he's not acting like himself!" Cindy has a picture-perfect memory. She can tell, just now, that Kaldur isn't himself- despite only having met him once. His movement is off. His actions are off. And his eyes- those are freaky-teaky! "Something is going on here!" Her fists go back up, "And I'm not going to let it happen under my nose!"

She-Hulk has posed:
Really, Shulkie's never really been a cat person. Something about having a pet with more attitude than she had felt wrong. So she'd avoided them. Dogs too. Totally different reason, one that involed drooling. Even so, she can tell the cats are not being friendly. They aren't purring and rubbing against her ankles. That's what happy cats do. THese are more like those on Broadway with all their attitude and weirdness.
    "I don't want the..." she is trying to avoid papers but they are shoved into her hands anyway. The crowd isn't even noticed as she's busy trying to figure out what's the big deal in the fan. Then Silk is yelling about things being off and Kaldur is in the van digging through stuff. "Hey! Out of the van. Everyone. Now. Dammit, what is going on here?" She leans into the van and looks at Kaldur. "Hey, short, dark and handsome? I know you're a good guy normally but get out of the van and stop digging through stuff that isn't yours." Reasonable. Polite.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim just lets out an audible growl as he takes the rifle apart and puts it back into his duffel. He then grabs a couple darts and begins to make his way over to the people. "Dont you people find it odd that animal people are trying to do this? Doesnt it sound like something out of a fairy tale?" He asks as he makes his way towards Silk, watching her. "Dont trust them." He says to She hulk and Crusader.

Circe has posed:
    Poor Kaldur heads into the van, only to be faced with the frustration of being unable to get the box. it was such a reasonable request. He can almost feel a warmth on his cheek where she kissed him. A part of him might hesitate to wash at the place, at least for a couple of hours. Regardless, the poor man was told it was in the van. It isn't.
    Silk and Crusader are meanwhile getting boo-ed. The cat that was with She-Hulk moves to help her. "I help! Come on fishy person! You leave now." Red Rhino just leans down, picks up the box and starts towards the portal. Rhino men have small eyes by nature, but his are huge as if he cannot believe that worked. He has a bit of pep in his step as he moves towards the portal. "You heard the man, get our boys and get outta here. We ain't welcome here none." One minotaur lumbers on loud hooves over to pick up the darted cat man. The other minotaur moves over to pass the Rhino and move over to help She-Huk. "You heard the lady. Let's go kitty cat."
    Crusader's buddy moves to assist him. "How can I help?" The beastman rumbles.
    There is a lot of movement going on. Suddenly everyone seems to be moving, and all at once Spreading out, asking questions, and generally trying to do as asked and just get out of the area. It's like the 'Thomas Crown Affair' or the denoument of a heist movie, where all the moving parts start to fall into place.

    Perhaps most aware of all the movement is Cindy Moon. Her vast senses are all but screaming at her about the danger and the malevolent dangerous undertone being taken on. Still, the only person attacked was her. The cats were running down the truck, but no one knows why.

    "Finally, the yellow rhino points at Caim. "He's the shooter!" Bedlam. The crowd is still ugly, but dispersing, still. Only the most adamant in the crowd remain.
    The redhead picks herself up out of the debris and starts to move off to the side, shaking her head clear. Circe stares at the rhino man with the box.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur turns to look at She-hulk, visibly dazed and not entirely 'in' there, even for someoen who might not know the strapping Atlantean personally. "It is not a problem, my friend," he assures the Green-Skinned Glamazon. "I am merely fetching a box for the kind lady," he explains.

The box isn't in there, though, so with a look of baffled frustration, he climbs out of the van a few seconds later and starts looking around for it. "Cindy! It is good to see you again, my friend," he tells the dark-haired superheroine, his tone warming and becoming slightly less distracted. "I'm looking for a box numbered '82'," he explains, casting his gaze around. "If you see it, please tell me-- the lady desires that I give it to her," he says, gesturing vaguely at the redheaded stunner standing near the wreckage of the newspaper stand. The unfolding chaos around him seems as if it's not perturbing him in the slightest.

Crusader has posed:
Alright crowd dispersing "....beleive et or nit dis is FAR from da oddest ding me has seen. Und ouse da wan shootin" a beat "Und da cats were da wan dat ran da Van over.% he notes. None of this got by him, but he didn't want innocent folks hurt, the more that left the better

But time was growing thin "You can tell your buddy to put the box down. That is evidence for whatever did happen here" he says firmly and his eyes lock onto the rhino with the box "Now if you please" his tone still respectful...but it clear he was willing to become alot more involved

Between a Caim and a Beastman, of course. He continues to watch the crowd and was also ready to move for the rhino carrying the box, seemingly torn between the two

Silk has posed:
    Cindy's senses spread out like a web in all directions. She is the Spinner at the Center of the Web- and all that information is flowing into simultaneously. Danger from all directions. Danger from Caim. Danger from the Animal people. Caim is heading closer- that danger is approaching- but...

    Cindy's eyes go towards Kaldur, "Silk, you have me mistaken for someone else." she states suddenly, as her body pulls itself into action. She goes with the flow- senses skittering along the web as she's suddenly a flash of movement jumping into the air, fingers twitching- webbing flying out towards the box and giving a sudden tug. Hopefully, it finds the box- two birds with one stone, away from Caim- up to a higher vantage point and that dangerous box. All points in the web lead here.

Circe has posed:
    No more box! The rhino and the minotaur both have immense eyes now. "Oi!" The rhino shakes a meaty fist. But, Kaldur is identifying a certain redhead. The move to protect the mistress, headed her way.
    "She's gonna have new boots made out of your @44." The minotaur chuckles at the Rhino. The Rhino growls back. "She needs new drinking horns too, mate." Neither of them look particularly happy. The cat's are bailing on the scene as well. Circe meanwhile casually walks towards the portal, her disguise falling from her form, revealing her violet-haired form. Kaldur can feel the charm fade. "You were a genuine hero and a gentleman, Atlantean. Were all mine like you, this world might have thrown off the yoke of the oppression f the God's long ago," She levels her gaze on Silk. Her red eyes seem to drink in the woman's form. "Well played, She-Spider!" She announces. From her hand erupts a geyser of purple-hued mystic flame. Easily dodged, and only half-heartedly fired. Just the sort of thing to discourage people from following.
    Silk's insight is powerful, it is Goddess level information. This was never about the box. It was a training run, to see how her new crew was shaking out.
    The look on the violet-tressed sorceress' face suggests it went better than she thought.
    Purple flame gouts? The last of the crowd starts to panic and flee. no one signed up for that.
    Circe mean-mugs the Rhino. He gives a slow, long swallow.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur blinks as Circe dismisses the last of the powerful suggestion still clouding his mind.

"Sorcery! Black enchantment!" he fumes, his eyes slitting in fury at the manipulation by the violet-haired sorceress. He reaches under his jack for a pair of bone-white wands the length of his forearm, and lashes them through the air. Water gathers, flying towards him from the drains, from a fountain, from soda cups. He gathers it all into a tail the dimensions of an oak tree's mighty trunk.

With a roar of effort he whips the massive bulk of water over his head and brings it crashing down towards Circe and the flames lapping behind her, glimmering Atlantean magic binding the water into something 'more' than a mere column of wetness.

Crusader has posed:
With the crowd dispelling, it was a relief. But all was not done yet. He looks to Kaldur as he seem to go back to normal. He blinks and takes a large step back as the torrents of water gather and surge. He was clearly impressed...but eyes on Caim. The beastmen were retreating, the box was being left alone

Which left the man with a bag and a gun who had shot at Silk no less. So all was not over yet

Silk has posed:
    Well, Cindy Moon *is* the Avatar of a Totemic Spider-Goddess. It goes to follow that particular avatar might get *something* right once and a while. Her web, unlike Spider-Man's, imbeds in the side of the box and like an anchor ensures it was easily pulled to her and in her arms safely.

    "Oh.. shi.." Cindy's eyes widen as she sees the oncoming fire and is quick to dodge. Again, her motions seem like poetry, movie-scripted wonder. Spinning as the flames barely lick her and she lands on the ground in a typical- spider pose. Legs wide, one arm on the ground, and the box in her other arm. "Man, someone is shooting darts at me, and someone else is shooting fire balls at me! What did *I* do?!" she exclaims, as Kaldur shows some of his true power. "Woah. Talk about the water works..."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim moves to where Cindy was at and tries to drive a dart into her, using the sorceress to distract her while he tries to get her. He then looks to The water work and shakes his head as he focuses his entire attention to getting cindy with one of the darts he carried.

Circe has posed:
    Rhino Man hurls himself into the tree and water geyser. "No Mistress!" he thunders, and pays a hell of a price as he gets clobbered by the tree and the Atlantean sorcery. Circe's red eyes widen. Her voice thunders. "You dare!?!" She levels her hand at Kaldur. "Whelp! I -released- you. Circe shall teach you the folly of your malcontent and ill-manners!" Purple flame sweeps across the roadway and towards Kaldur in a torrent of eldritch might. The flame then sweeps after Caim and Cindy to cover Circe's withdrawal. The minotaur pulls the injured Rhino man out from the tree trunk. He is obviously unconscious, and it looks like a couple of his limbs might be broken. Circe's lips pull into a snarl. She underestimated the Atlantean. She shall not make that mistake again. She gives Crusader a warning look as she moves to withdraw. The beastiamorphs start to vanish in the still open portal.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur's recovering swiftly from Circe's enchantment, and the Atlantean's superior awareness starts to return to him. Despite the bedlam around him, Kaldur is no fool, nor is he a stranger to chaos. A battlefield this is, and the Atlantean warrior is a soldier.

He responds swiftly to Circe's counterattack, gathering the water into a shield inches thick that covers him with a three-quarter dome. The magical flames strike the Atlantean's protection and the water crackles and hisses as he absorbs the brunt of the fire. Kaldur is a scion of Atlantis and one of Orin's personal agents. A student of the schools of magic and sorcery, a respected warrior and a master of watercrafting-- and the Water Bearers are weapons of Atlantean antiquity, among the most powerful relics of the ancient era.

That, and the natural dominion of water over fire, is perhaps the only thing that saves him from Circe's eldritch assault.

He grits his teeth as steam singes him, but his shield holds the bulk of the flames back. Kaldur explodes into motion the moment the fire lets up, moving laterally to force Circe to deal with him as a mobile opponent instead of a static target. Spotting the strange newcomer targeting Cindy again, Kaldur whistles a sharp waring note at Silk-- the sound cutting across the battlefield-- and snaps a whiplike stream of water at Caim, enough force behind it to knock a vehicle sideways if it connects.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn dead pans as the purple flame sweeps across. And....the name Circe..., he might have to ask Diana about that one. But none the less with the real action more or less taking place in this cascade of events, Bjorn being more or less a tank, slides to intercept the flames going towards Circe and Caim, quite litterly using his body as a Shield. He has NO idea what these flames will do, but it was just instinct to do this. But all the same his goal was to protect - if this threat was leaving peacefully for now, than all the better to gather infomation and learn. Though he does look behind Caim "Fer da love of Juthuum, stahp wit da dartz already! Whit iz yer obsession!" because let be honest, he is fairly persitant about this despite the beastmen and magical lady!

Silk has posed:
    Distracted or not, Cindy's Silk-Sense was rocking on all eight (Ha! Like eight legs, get it!) cylinders today.
    "Woah! Hey there, buddy!" Silk is quick as some wacko with a dart fetish comes after her- trying to stab her. "Watch out with that thing, its sharp!" she continues as one hand quickly wraps the box up with webbing, which is placed firmly at the small of her back- all of this while she acrobatically flips in the air over Caim's head- more than an arm's length away.

    When she's landed again she's got two arms free. "You want to stop trying to stab me, maybe? I'd really appreciate it! Anyways, we got incoming!" Another leap as the fires return, and Cindy's webbing takes her high into the sky in a wide swing. She fires off several blasts as she releases her webline- hands spread wide to create a web behind her.

    Then almost too quick to see, she's pulling civilians away from the oncoming flames, several at a time as the webs flow from her fingertips to take the people carefully into a web just behind her, where they'll be caught gently and safely.

    "Kaldur! Get out of there!" Silk shouts, at the same time- all her motions, all her movements seem to happen with such speed and grace. She might not hit as hard as he does , but somehow she manages to make even the Amazing Spiderman look clumsy and slow in comparison.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    On the plus side, his attempt to stab Cindy with the dart has her dodging over his head and avoiding the fire. When the fire comes for him he grunts as he is blasted and he takes the hit. He then begins to roll along the ground, to put himself out. "I need you Silk. It is important that you come with me, I cant take no for an answer." He says as he looks to the woman.

Circe has posed:
    Well. Everyone appears to be either on fire, steamed like a lobster, or avoiding flames. Her beastiamorphs are safely in the portal. Circe utters a word in a language not spoken for a few centuries at least. She steps through the portal. It lingers for just a few seconds, perhaps coaxing and tempting the heroes to follow the sorceress back to her seat of power. Unless they are foolish enough to do so, Circe retreats. Foiled again, but knowing that her new beastiamorphs remain loyal, and significantly more capable now. It is a start.
    There is a flash of purple light and green sparkles crackle from the portal as it closes.
    Here to help indeed. Purple flames linger, burning on objects fire should not linger on. Water will douse them.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur grits his teeth in anger as Circe makes good her escape. Villain though she is, he's not fool enough to chase her into her center of power. He casts his gaze around-- Silk has the situation well in hand, but Bjorn is walking through a puddle of liquid fire that burns unnaturally.

"Be careful, friend!" Kaldur says, not having caught Bjorn's previous immunity. He gathers water and flings it in a high, arching rain towards the mighty warrior, though the fires turn more orange and burn naturally as the eldritch energy leaves with Circe.

Crusader has posed:
To Kaldur credit, whil Bjorn certainly wasn't affected by the burning - the fire wasn't exactly going out either. His clothes were certainly on fire and burning. As he is hit by water, the purple flames go out, laving charred burned marks in his clothes. He spits out some water "....thanks!" he shakes himself oof "Mind puttin stabby mc stabby out too?" he aks pointing to Caim - and is thankful SIlk manage to help so many folks

Silk has posed:
    "Woah!" Silk says as she takes a deep breath, "Okay, so- all of that seems well in hand- a lack of fire. Cindy takes a moment to peek into the box on her back, what was so important to go to all this trouble? Inside? A fist-sized emerald. "Oh. Well.." Something about it felt off....

    "I think I know where this needs to go." Silk states, as she looks around, and down to Caim. "I'm not going anywhere with you, buddy. If this is what you call a first date, you really need to go to a seminar or something!"

    Then, to Kaldur, "Hey! I'm going to swing by Titan's Tower later, but first I need to drop this thing off, somewhere! Please help these people down!" And with that, SIlk sped away!

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim groans as he extinguishes the flames finally but his vest was burned and revealed his flesh, nasty burns. He just takes a breath and his body begins to heal before their eyes. AS Silk speeds off he turns to look to Crusader. "I need to catch her before someone else decides to hurt her to catch her. It is for her own good." He says as he waits for his body to heal the damage.