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Latest revision as of 05:17, 23 January 2018

Drake is home! (But in one piece
Date of Scene: 22 January 2018
Location: Drake's Apartment
Synopsis: Dazzler, Green Lantern and Lar pays a visit.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Green Lantern (Cruz), Dazzler, Mon-El

Slipstream has posed:
After an adventure in space, Drake has finally returned to Earth. One of the Legion's smaller ships got low enough for Lar and Laurel to fly him down with promises to check up on him later. The eSport world was a buzz with the news that the team captain of Static has returned, though he declined any and all interviews until further notice. Now, tucked away in his sixth floor apartment, he sits in front of his top of the line computer and the three screens set up before him, staring at the login screen for Overwatch. He hasn't turned his stream on. Not yet. He looks rather hesitant.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz had her ring set to inform her whenever the Legion vessel would return Drake - for as far as she knows, they don't have teleporters. Being aware of Drake's return, she decides to pay him a visit. But what's the fun in doing it the mundane way? She tracks down Drake's location... and decides to just knock on his window... six floors up - casting a bright green light into his apartment. Knock, knock.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler doesn't have anything fancy like a ring to detect spaceships breaking orbit, but she does have her wits. And she knows Drake's address. She's also expecting trouble, in spite of Drake's reassurances during their video chat. He was *quite* stoned, after all. Dressed for combat, it's not Alison who's waiting down at the street level but DEFINITELY Dazzler. The green light through the window by a hovering woman? That's sort of a give-away. Dazzler sets off a fireworks burst on either side of Jess, mostly because it's more friendly than shooting a laser to get her attention.

Slipstream has posed:
The one thing that is different about Drake is that he has a rather large bracelet with all types of lights glowing from it strapped to his wrist. Giving a glance upwards at the knocking, he gives a jolt and looks over to it. Rising upwards, he heads over to it and gives her an amused look. "Hey. How are you doing?" He calls through it. When the fireworks burst near by, he peers down to the street and grins wider. "You two can come in if you want. I'll unlock the elevator for you."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Alright," she states, wondering why he just doesn't open the window - maybe they aren't designed to open enough to let people out. She drops like a stone, stopping near the ground as she looks Dazzlier over. "Nice trick," she states. "He'll unlock the elevator so we can go up. I'm Green Lantern," she states, extending her hand. "Dynamite is a friend of mine. He saved my life once."

Dazzler has posed:
"Dazzler." The woman down on the street replies, already heading for the door to the building. "I met him in a coffee shop." she replies. "He got me onto social media and we were going to start streaming my concerts." A pause, then the audaciously dressed blonde adds with a grin. "I'm sort of a rock star."

Slipstream has posed:
Heading to the elevator out in the hall after putting on a quick pair of real clothes that is not his sweats and a white T, Drake runs his hands over his hair to smooth it out. Once he heads out into the hallway, he scans his badge on the elevator and steps in. Once they open at the lobby, he gives them a wave and a smile. "Hey guys. Do you want to come up or just chill down here?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "My day job is an author," she murmurs as she heads into the buildign, turning her glow down as Drake emerges. "Yeah, let's go up - I just came to check on you now that you're back. And to ask if that piece of info from the database was useful." She smiles. "I probably should consider social media. I've boycotted it all for the last several years... bad poeple were looking for me."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler just looks like a normal person, if normal people dressed in black leather with disco ball plating. "Neat trick with the green light, too. I absorb sound and turn it into light, so I do my own concert special effects." Turning towards Drake, then, she waves back. "We could hang out here if your place is a wreck."

Slipstream has posed:
"No, my place is fine. I keep it clean for the streams. Everyone can see stuff behind me so I kinda try and position the cameras on my collections and posters." Drake says as he motions them to the elevator, giving them each a quick hug. "Check out my new bling." He says as he holds up his wrist. "It's based on the technology that your database showed us. The Invisible Kid was able to create with all that Legion tech and now I'm fine. No more physical pain and suffering and my body is staying in one place."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods as she follows the two up. "I am one of the Green Lanterns. I use the green light of willpower." She smiles as she focuses, as the elevator becomes covered in glowing vine constructs bearing pale green flowers that are almost white. "That's a great idea, using one's abilities like that. I just got my ring a few weeks ago - still getting used to it." The constructs vanish before hte elevator door opens. "Glad it was helpful."

Slipstream has posed:
Drake gives a grin at the sight of the constructs. "That's definitely better than what I can do." He hints with a wink to the Lantern, then steps into the elevator. Once the two ladies follow suit, he swipes his badge and puts in his code as they take a ride to the top floor. After the quick jaunt up, he steps out into the hallway and leads them down to his room with the door open.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler follows into the elevator with the other two, continuing the chat. "There's quite a lot I can do with light. The only real limits are my imagination and how much sound I've absorbed. Maybe we should compare notes sometime?" Then the elevator opens and she steps out with the others.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Indeed... I can create hard-light constructs... it would be neat to get a take on light-based powers from someone other than a Lantern..." She follows Drake to his room. "So... how are you doing, Drake? Is your condition improving, or is the Legion just in 'management mode'?

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, I mean .. they're gonna watch over me from time to time, make sure I don't have any relapses." Drake says as he lets them into his room. It's decorated wall to wall with anime and video game posters, as well as bookshelves full of collectible toys of all types of series. His computer is set up on the desk with three large monitors. The glowing beast has green lights under the desk, liquid cooled and see through glass. "But I'm not in pain anymore. Still got a lifetime of memories stuck in my head though. Supposedly they'll slowly fade. But it's easier to manage through it all now. Kinda gotta use a lot of common sense."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "That must suck," she mutters softly. "And that is a _nice_ computer. Wow." She looks it over. "It even glows green. Which is my favorite color for some reason now." She shrugs.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler openly checks out Drake's new bling, although she doesn't touch it. "Hey, it's just good to see you *not* stoned out of your mind." she offers lightly. "The drugs are good for pain, but not so good for dealing with reality-issues. Or so I hear."

Slipstream has posed:
"Heh. Yeah, space drugs are still the best though. I was like .. wooo.. for awhile." Drake chuckles as he holds up the bracelet with the glowing pulse in the middle of it with a couple of read outs. "So, the bottom of it is like attached to my arm. I can't take it off very easily and if it breaks, I'll probably explode or something. I dunno, I think the Invis Kid was shitting me. He said I'd get sucked into the prehistoric times or something and then get devoured by raptors." He laughs. "Yeah, it glows green. Matches my mouse and keyboard." He says as he motions to the chroma glowing peripherals. "It's my favorite color also and I'm sponsored by Razer, so it helps."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods as she ponders. "So... how did you two meet?" she asks curiously, glancing bteween Drake and Dazzler. "Drake saved me from a building fire just before I became Green Lantern." She shrugs. "For an ordinary guy, he sure seems to get around."

Mon-El has posed:
    Ever since the news that Drake Winters has returned to Earth and seems to be not only alive, but thriving, practically every esports journalist has been repeatedly asking him for an interview, requests that have probably been ignored or declined. Well most of them were probably just ignored because of the sheer volume of them. All his followers are abuzz for sure, as well.

    It's too bad they can't just drop in on him, like Lar can. He knocks on the window like Jessica did but you know when you can fly it's just easier. This time he manages to not break the window, amazingly.

Dazzler has posed:
"Apparently he's been a long-time fan of mine." Dazzler replies. "We ran into each other in a coffee shop and started talking..." Then someone knocks on the window and she moves smoothly into a shooter's crouch. Right hand held like a finger-gun. "Friends or otherwise?"

Slipstream has posed:
Glancing over to the window, Drake gives a wave to Lar. "OH. That's Mon-El. He's the leader of the Legion of Superheroes. I think he's the leader. He's sorta the Superman of the group. Except he dresses better." He gives Dazzler a curious look at her pose, then chuckles. "At ease, soldier." He walks to the window and says, "I'll buzz you in through the elevator! These won't open anymore."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks as she waves. "Oh, he's a friend. We met briefly." She smiles faintly. "We saved the Earth together from an alien asteroid attack. But we never got to talk much." "He is the current leader of the Legion of Superheroes, J-Bird," comes a smooth male baritone voice from Jessica's hand. "You do know that you'll get me in trouble one day for just blathering out, Anillo, right?" she mutters.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar looks a little bit uncertain when he is referred to as the leader of the Legion, because that's isn't -quite- true. Well it is, sort of. But things are rather complicated at the moment. He nods when Drake indicates that the window doesn't even open any more. Oops...he has a fair idea why that is.

    Anyway, he comes up through the elevator like a normal person, hopefully without breaking anything. "Drake, I'm glad to see you're doing well. Didn't I tell you that you'd make it just fine?" he smirks.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler relaxes, giving a wry smile as she 'safeties' the finger-gun. "It's a lot more dangerous than it looks. Honest." she replies. "Pleased to meet you, Mon-El. And sorry for being a bit twitchy on the trigger finger. Drake's been through a lot already."

Slipstream has posed:
"J-Bird, huh? You know my secret identity and Dazzler's because she's a public figure. Not going to tell us yours?" Drake asks with a grin to the Lantern. Chuckling at Dazzler, he nods his head. "I'm sure they're pretty dangerous. I would not want to get zapped by solid light in the ass. Hey, Lar. Yeah. I"m doing fine so far. Just tons of memories still floating about. By the way, we gotta talk about that later. A guy chat. It's about girls." He says in a not so subtle hushed whispers to him. "Lar, this is Dazzler. She's a huge mutant celebrity rock star. I'm helping her set up her stream so that she can play concerts online."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz raises an eyebrow. "Ummmm.... what were you going to do with that finger?" she asks curiously. She goes over to Mon-El. "I don't think we met - I helped with the asteroid attack - the 'space garden' was me. I'm Green Lantern." (Of course, Mon-El might realize that she's the one who boarded the Legion ship to talk to Drake. Not like she skulked aboard - got permission and everyhting.) She blinks. "Ummmmm... you mean, my actual name?" She sighs softly, then nods. "Fair enough." The Lantern uniform winks out, leaving Jessica in a long-sleeved gray blouse, a glove on her right hand, and a pair of blue jeans. "I'm Jessica Cruz," she states softly. "But... I might still have a different secret identity..." she muses, smiling faintly.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods to both of the women. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dazzler, Jessica. Lar Gand." He offers to shake both hands, hopefully not too hard, either. "I...know that others have called me Mon-El, but to be honest I can't remember how or why I got that name." he admits.

    At the mention of girls, he flushes a little bit. Because, well. He has his own issues in that regard. "Right. Yes, of course, dude." Then he whispers, "I kissed Kara."

    Then back to normal, smiling politely to Jessica. "Oh, yeah. I remember that. You did an excellent job. I saw you fall, so I'm glad you're all right."

Dazzler has posed:
"Shoot lasers, believe it or not." Dazzler replies, flashing a grin that *dares* the others to disbelieve her. "And I'm really Alison Blaire. Dazzler is my stage name and my X-Men name." She accepts the handshake, her own grip firm and professional.

Slipstream has posed:
"... You kissed Kara?" Drake asks with a raise of his brow upwards, then lets out a soft breath, perhaps a noisy one of jealousy. Everyone in the room knows who he has been crushing on. "That's cool man, congrats." Sinking down into his gaming chair, he taps his login for the stream after a few moments of staring at the screen, then watches his camera light up. Clearing his throat, he musses his hair a bit more into place, then taps the key to begin his intro video, complete with the soundtrack behind it that is Dynamite by Amaranthe.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Lasers are cool. I can do energy blasts too. I like to focus it through a rifle construct." She smiles faintly. "Yeah... I forgot to charge my ring that morning and went down for a recharge - right as that damned alien ship fired at the city. I tanked it but Anillo saved me, using all its charge. "Ummmm... aren't we going to be in line-of-sight of the camera?" she asks as she quickly re-forms the Green Lantern costume. "I don't like being on camera..." she murmurs.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, but as it turns out she's taken." Lar mutters, shaking his head. Not so lucky after all. "I didn't know, but I wish she'd told me."

    He nods to Jessica. "You'll do better next time." he encourages at the mention of having forgotten to charge the ring.

    Then he watches Drake prepare to turn on his stream again. "Well I'm sure all your fans are aching to see you." he remarks. "Maybe you should tell them you're all right after all."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler definitely isn't camera-shy, even when she's dressed more like she's from Space than from Earth. "Especially with the way you signed off last time, Drake." And yes, she stands close by his chair as the computer boots up. Turning to Mon El, she adds. "I was going to figure out a way to get up to your fancy ship and bring him back." The pop star looks at the screen for a moment, then she declares. "I'm gonna use the ladies' room." And then she steps out.

Slipstream has posed:
"Life is hard, having all these really good looking girls concerned about me." Drake says to Lar with a wide grin as he listens to Dazzler and Jessica. "Too bad I'm in the ultra friend zone with pretty much all of them." He tilts the camera upon him a bit closer once Jessica suits up. No need to blow her identity. As the numbers on the bottom of the screen starts to climb, he leans in and smiles. "Hey guys. It's me, Dynamite. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive and I should be back on my normal streaming schedule in two days. I just want to spend some downtime hanging out with my friends who saved my life and got me through some of the rough shit when I was in space. You guys already know Lar and you've met Dazzler, and behind me is the Green Lantern. I know, Zapp is gonna complain that the Lantern is supposed to be a dude, but I found out they come in all shapes and flavors and colors. There's like a billion of them. It's awesome. So, I'm not kicking it long. Just feel free to let everyone know I'm back, I got some new gear." He holds up his wrist. "And, I'm gonna dome some dudes and get back on that grind. I need the /juice/ if you know what I mean." He tips a wink at the camera, then reaches over and taps the stream off with a finger once he reads the excited blur of chat.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles faintly. "I'm famous... I never thought about onlien games while I was... holed up. Just had some Pokemon games..." She shrugs. "Well... I'll bring you a copy of Crimson Menace when it's done, Drake," she states. "What did your chat say about me and Dazzler?" she asks, polite enough not to read someone else's screen. Her ring just does a wolf-whistle as she smacks her ring hand. "Quiet."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles at Drake's comment, then listens to him talking to the chat. "Hard? Wouldn't you say having people concerned about you at all is a good thing?"

Slipstream has posed:
"It's a good thing, Lar." Drake assures him with a grin. "Was just a joke." As the ring wolf-whistles, he laughs. "I agree." He winks. He gives a glance over to the chat as it continues to still buzz, even after he turned the stream off. "Oh. It ranges from excitement to your usual dummies saying things like I should ask you out, or ask Dazzler out, or ask you both out, or you know ... people telling me to try and do .. uh ... other things." He laughs. "The age range is about twelve to thirty. You get a mixed bag of maturity. Every time they see a girl on stream they try and marry me off."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles faintly. "So, what do you normally play? Just one game that you stream, or multiple? Does it give you a good living? My books have supported me but I don't have much expenses... not sure how well the next one will go for the last one tanked."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Um, yeah. I...knew that." Lar insists, glancing about furtively. He smirks at the bit about people trying to 'marry' him off. "Heh...yeah. My parents were -constantly- trying to marry me off. But," he shakes his head. "But all the girls they wanted me to get with were...well, like them. Arrogant, snobbish...elitists." Not like Kara. Grife, he just can't get his mind off of her! He sighs, and glances at Jessica, changing the topic. "Oh, so you are an author?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I play Overwatch. Eight hour practices with the team and then about five hours on stream for the fans. Then on weekends I play all day." Drake says as he turns the displays of his computer off, then swivels around to face them. "Overwatch is my job. I tinker with other games here and there, but this pays the bills. I'm on a pretty solid contract and then with donations from streams, I make about.. I dunno, six figures here and there a year. Last year when I was streaming more, I was making about twenty grand a month, but I was streaming eighteen hour days and I was really popular. Now that I'm on the team, I can't dedicate much time to stream. So you lose viewers and money, but it's all good. I can do it whenever." He looks over at Lar and smirks. "And the girls that chase you end up sucking your friends into crystal prisons. Too bad about Kara having a dude though."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yes. I write a science fiction book series of the fictional adventures of the Fantastic Four. I'm a big fan of theirs... and now that I am a hero too, I hope one day to meet them in person." She nods slowly.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I've heard of the Fantastic Four." Lar nods as well. "I've met...two of them, I think. Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm. Johnny seems a little bit guillable and I had a hard time understanding Ben, but they were both nice enough."

    He sighs at the comment about Kara. "Maybe, but maybe it's for the best, to be honest. I mentioned how my parents might react if they ever found out I'd fallen in love with a Kryptonian..."

Slipstream has posed:
"I've met Reed Richards. He and I got to beta test some of his Fantastic gaming software and devices at a convention where I was a guest of honor to represent Blizzard. He is super smart." Drake says with a grin. "He has some awesome tech. I could have lived in that place. It was heaven." He nudges Lar. "And don't trip on Kara. Plenty of other girls out there. Like Jessica here. I'm sure she's single. Yo, you want to date Budget Superman?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Hey!" she complains. "Why is everyone trying to get me a boyfriend all of a sudden?" She stares at Drake, as she creates a raptor consturct all of a sudden for a moment that's snarl at him before vanishing. "Honestly, I think any person with human constitution would not do well dating a Daxamite or Kryptonian. The super-strength causes issues. Sorry if lumping the two together is offensive but... those two races are more similar than not." She shrugs. "My ring could only protect me so much."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Don't worry, Jessica, you're right. I am hesitant to get into a relationship with anyone human..." he sighs. "Unfortunately, that limits my options pretty severely, but again, it's for the best. I don't want to get anyone else hurt. I've already done enough as it is." his gaze falls at this.

Slipstream has posed:
"Just be on top, Jess." Drake says seriously as he leans back from the snarling green glowing raptor. Of course afterwards, he just grins. "So, Lar. I have a date with Laurel. We talked a lot about what happened. Guess what? She always wanted to name a daughter Lorelei and her favorite fruit is strawberries. I know /everything/ about her." He says with a tap of his skull. "It was interesting, talking about our married life together. She wanted to know more about it. Said she is willing to give me a chance for at least one night out but who knows, it may lead down the road to something awesome. If not, I guess I can ask Jessica out since you're not in the running now dude." He gives another grin to Jessica, puffing up some.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz raises an eyebrow as she looks at Drake. "Oh really. Was that a hypotheticah or were you actually planning on doing so?" she asks, sounding curious, not really sure what to make. She never even thought about any kind of romantic life in years... hard to do so when you're playing hermit. She glances at Mon-El, wondering what he thinks.

Mon-El has posed:
    "That's good to hear." Lar says with a nod. "I'm glad she's at least open to the idea. She has much better self restraint than I do, that's for sure." Maybe that happy future could become reality after all?

    He just shrugs at the suggestion of asking Jessica out. "Honestly, I am never sure when he's actually being serious."

Slipstream has posed:
"Sorry, still kinda in streamer mode. I don't know. I'm like .. usually ninety-nine percent sure that any girl I ask out is gonna give me a hard pass." Drake says as he swivels back and forth in the chair. "I'm of average looks and I play games for a living. I'm hardly a sexy times quality kinda dude."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "I'm not really beautiful and I was a hermit for years, writing fantasy books. I'm just as much of a geek as you." She shrugs. "But not really sure I'm ready for that kind of thing yet... not good with... crowds."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Streamer mode?" Lar looks confused for a moment at Drake's words. He's still a little bit...rusty on the English colloquialisms.

    "Isn't there some kind of saying that goes 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" he comments to Jessica with a wink.

Slipstream has posed:
"I think you're hot, Jessica. For reals. I also don't do crowds either. Sitting in front of a computer and talking to chat is as close as I get. When I'm on a tour though and we're doing a tournament, usually I have to be in front of a large crowd, but I keep focus on the game. I don't look past the screen or else I'd probably clam up." Drake says as he reaches to a jar of red vines and yanks one free to chew on the end.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blushes. "Ummm... thank you..." She then blinks. "I think I should go for now... I'll be in touch." She smiles faintly as she nods to Drake and Lars and then steps out of the apartment, her mind awhirl.