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Latest revision as of 07:59, 29 January 2018

Honest To a Fault
Date of Scene: 29 January 2018
Location: Upper West Side - Manhattan
Synopsis: Drake and Lar walk in on Kara talking about a breakup with Laurel. Awkward conversations ensue.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Slipstream, Supergirl, Andromeda

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has decided to drop by Laurel's new apartment in Manhattan again. It's been a while since he's talked to her, as a matter of fact they haven't really talked since the whole Glorith debacle. Though, he is somewhat glad she wasn't directly involved. The other thing that has been on his mind is that maybe he should get some kind of human-looking residence, too. The crew quarters on the cruiser are nice enough, but maybe spending some more time planetside would help him fit in a little bit better. So he makes his way up to her unit, already scanning to see if she's there or not. Or maybe it's just because he -still- hasn't gotten a handle on the whole 'self-control' thing.

Slipstream has posed:
Having tagged along with Lar the moment he mentioned visiting Laurel, Drake is a bundle of nerves as always. He's wearing a nice short sleeve button down shirt with a pair of new jeans and sneakers. He also snagged a rose from he corner store market. "You know, I'm sure I could swing having you as my roomie. I could say you're my bodyguard?" He says teasingly as he spins the flower about in his fingers as it rests within the small plastic cylinder to keep it moist.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara as usual has beat Lar to one of his people's places. She'd dropped by to split a pizza and talk about her break up. Since it's a visit alien to alien she hasn't bothered with her disguise. She's comfortable in skinny jeans and a knit sweater, working her way though a piece of pizza. "But I mean, really-if he was going to be so weird about it, how much could he have trusted me to start, you know?" She wonders and slides the pizza box toward Laurel.

Andromeda has posed:
"People are funny things," Laurel replies quietly, shaking her head as she reaches into the box to retrieve a slice of pizza for herself. She is eating it normally, without folding or accoutrement, and soon gesturing with the curst as she continues. "As soonas emotions get involved-" a sigh follows. "I don't even know what I am going to do about drake. He'sbeen in a bad place, and I'm not sure I'm what he's looking for..." Kara is flashed another smile and then Laurel leans closer, sighing softly. "I'm sorry he went crazy on you. I guess it just means it's not the right fit for you. You'll find someone..." Then the girl pauses for a second and looks up. "Though we do have company incoming. Talk more a little later?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh...I don't know if that's such a good idea, Drake." Lar replies to his friend. "Don't you already have teammates you live with? They might not like me being around so much." Especiallyl when he has a habit of often breaking things accidentally.

    Well, this is awkward. Lar can definitely hear the conversation going on between Laurel and Kara, and he has a feeling he knows what and who it's about. Right...he will...pretend he didn't hear. Yeah. He knocks on the door, doing his best not to damage it--though it might end up with some dents. "Laurel? You home?" he asks, even though he knows very well she is.

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, yeah.. I got teammates, but I don't have best friends, and sides, if you need a place to stay at, the apartments are nice and it'd help you learn to be more gentle around stuff. Just saying... " Drake says as he gives a glance upwards to the door as it's knocked upon.

Supergirl has posed:
"Not crazy, just not trusti-" Kara cuts off and looks over her shoulder. She pulls the same stunt, looking through the door. "Oh boy." She breathes and brushes her hair out with her fingers hastily. It occurs to her how it might look fussing about her looks and she stops, trying to slouch casually and looking at Laurel with an exasperated expression that seems to be a silent plea to say nothing.

Andromeda has posed:
"Of course I am, Lar," Laurel calls out helpfully. She takes a deep breath, shaking her head. "I don't bother locking the door so you may come in," the tall, statuesque blonde adds helpfully.She glances at Kara and smiles briefly before surveying the room once more. "Hello, Lar.Hello, Drake. We weren't expecting company so i didn't really save you any pizza..." Which is not to say they aren't both allowed inside.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar enters once Laurel gives him the green light, looking about the place for a moment. "Looks like you've really set this place up." he says with a smile. Don't mention Power Boy. Don't mention Power Boy...

    He exhales contentedly, sitting down in the living room. "Kara," is said by way of greeting. "Good to see you, too." A pause, as if searching for what to say next but not quite finding it. "...you uh...you all right? You look--flustered?" he finally says.

Slipstream has posed:
Peeking around the superhero, Drake gives a smile to the pair of ladies. He of course, does not have super hearing, so he is oblivious to the prior conversation. "Hi Laurel, Kara." He says, then extends his rose out to the owner of the home. "Here, picked this up for you. Figured I'd bring something. Housewarming gift."

Supergirl has posed:
Looking over, Kara sits up a bit and gives an indignant gasp. "You're flustered." She shoots back and props her chin in her hand. "Drake, out and about. Nice to see you." She greets and looks to Lar. "And you too." She murmurs more quietly, fidgeting with the pizza box and glancing at Laurel.

Andromeda has posed:
"I think you're misreading human cues again, Lar," Laurel replies helpfully. She glances at Kara then looks back to the other pair. "And thank you, Drake. For the flower..." She reaches out and takes it gently. "Is there a particular occasion?" Now it's Laurel's turn to glance at Kara.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I--hey!" Now Lar really is flustered if he wasn't before. "I mean, I was just asking. You really looked frustrated about something, I don't know." he sighs, and glancing at Laurel. "But, she's not human. The only human in here is Drake." he points out.

Slipstream has posed:
"Meta human now." Drake says as he holds up his left wrist to show off the glowing bracelet which keeps his body in one piece. "Is that the correct term for it?" On his other wrist he has Kara's super decoder watch. "Occasion? No. I was just tagging along with Lar and didn't want to show up empty handed."

Supergirl has posed:
Grinning, Kara covers her smile and shakes her head at Laurel. "Humans often give presents when visiting a friend in a new home." She explains to Laurel and nods to Drake. "Meta human. Like some of my fellow Justice Leaguers." She winks at him and picks at her pizza. Despite getting huffy, she eyes Lar on the couch and the remaining pizza slices. "You've had pizza...right?" She asks after a moment of deliberation.

Andromeda has posed:
"Mmm? Kara's lived with humans for how long? Of course she has their mannerisms," Laurel retorts to Lar before shaking her head. A deep breath is taken and then held for a second before she gives a soft laugh. "Well. Thank you, Drake, it's lovely.." Laurel gets up and heads into the kitchen to retrieve a vase. The flower is soon given some much needed water. "Anyway, this is pleasant. Its lovely to have so many people about." She smiles beatifically at the room at large.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Right, metahuman." Lar nods, recognizing that fact. Oh, yeah. And of course Laurel's right. Kara grew up with humans of course she acts like them. "Yeah, yeah you're right, as usual." he chuckles, shaking his head.

    A nod is given toward Kara's question as he glances at the remaining pizza. "Yeah, I've had it before. Seems to be kind of a staple around here, in fact."

Slipstream has posed:
"Pizza is amazing." Drake says as he gives a glance down at his pocket as it vibrates, then slips his phone out. He reads the screen for a moment, then lets out a sigh. "Ah. Crud. I gotta go. Team meeting." He sighs softly as he slides his phone back in and heads for the door. "It was nice seeing you guys again. I'll catch you later." Lifting a hand to wave, he slips out the door as his shoulders drop in a deflated manner.

Supergirl has posed:
"Umm, a little over two years? I'm still learning human." Kara admits and rubs the back of her head lightly as Laurel tells Lar what for. "You act like family. Better than Kal and I." She admits and flushes a bit. "Oh. Of course you've had pizza. I won't sure then." She tells Lar and slides the box closer to herself, taking the last slice. She watches Drake go and looks back to Laurel. "So...what else have you been up to, besides settling into the new place?" She asks softly, focusing on the other girl.

Andromeda has posed:
    "I've known Lar a lot longer htan you've known Kal," Laurel replies to Kara, nodding. Her smile brightens as quesions continue to be sent her way. "I'll see you soon, Drake. Win a few matches for me." Her eyes follow he man as he leaves but soon return to Kara asshe settles into her seat once more.

    "Mostly settling in. Meeting people. I've been trying to decide how I should handle- socializing..." She tilts her head slightly at this boefre giving a lot shrug. "I spent a lot of time at war when I was younger. I'm actually woefully undersocialized." A soft laugh follows there as well.

    "I hope you're not hungry, Laar. Sounds like you'll have to wait..." And so begins the teasing.

Mon-El has posed:
    "We are, kind of." Lar replies, glancing over at Laurel. "Although I didn't realize it until just recently." Yes, Laurel has known him for a long time. But lately, the same can't really be said for the other way around. "But maybe one day I will. Hopefully."

    He waves to Drake as the gamer leaves. "Later, Drake. Hope you have a good evening. And yeah, go win some!" he encourages, echoing Laurel's sentiment.

    He doesn't seem to mind Kara taking the last pice of pizza. "No, I'm all right. Have at it, Kara. You look like you've had a tiring day anyway."

Supergirl has posed:
"So now I look flustered and tired? You sure do have a way with women." Kara says dryly. She looks back at Laurel and rolls her eyes before biting into her pizza. "Power Boy and I ended things." She tells him flatly and inhales the slice with a scowl. "Males." She tells Laurel with a pointed look and shakes her head lightly. "You were in a war?"

Andromeda has posed:
"My entire life," Laurel replies seriously. "In the 2900s the Khundite Empire attempts to destroy Daxam in a surprise attack. I was picked up by a rescue cruiser and ended up out of the planetary system. Somewhere with a yellow sun..." Laurel trails off there, watching Kara's reaction intently. "So whenI discovered I had super powers I went home to stopa war." She shrugs briefly.

    To Lar Laurel adds, "Keep talking like that to my beautiful guest and I'm sure you'll impress her." She might be on the verge of giggling.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'm just being honest." Lar says with a shrug. "Note, that doesn't make you any less beautiful." he adds. "I'm just concerned, that's all."

    He listens to Laurel's story about the Khunds, frowning slighty. "I remember reading about that recently."

    Then a belated response, eyes widened. Though this is feigned since he already overheard the earlier conversation. "Wait, you what? I thought the two of you were inseparable." he sighs. "Guess he didn't take well to the..." Headshake. "You know what? How about let's um...watch a film. That's what humans call it right?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Hmph." Kara offers in regard to honesty and looks at Lar. "No, he didn't care for your kissing me, or my feelings on the matter." She says tartly and looks at Laurel. "Despite the very grown up agreement that it wouldn't happen again since I was spoken for." She adds and shakes her head. "I do remember hearing you're from the future. Krytonians are surely totally extinct by then I suppose." She sighs and looks at the greasy pizza box. "We're extinct now. We just haven't given up the ghost yet."

Andromeda has posed:
    "Entirely extinct? I wouldnt go that far. Thoroughly bred with human populations, maybe." Laurel shrugs once at thisand shifts her weight from left to right. Green eyes cast toward the door of the apartment while the woman appears to be considering- something.

     "You don't need his bullshit or lack of trust, Kara," Laurel states then. "You deserve better than you're getting." Lar is also flashed a brief glower, though Laurel doesn't put an yreal venom into it. "Anyway... It'll be okay. I promise. Whether we see a film or not."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well you're not completely extinct -yet-." Lar notes. "There's you, your cousin, and Power Girl is Kryptonian too right? And who knows, maybe there are some others out there, too." The glower from Laurel is ignored.

    He sighs at Kara's frustration toward Power Boy's reaction. The mention of her 'feelings on the matter' give him pause, but he doesn't bring it up. "Yeah, Laurel's right. You deserve better than that, anyway. Sounds to me like he's way too sensitive." There's a long pause, then he suddenly takes her hands into his. "I love you Kara," he blurts out. "...and I just want you to be happy. Whatever that means for you, I'll be happy with it. Okay?" He then lets go of her.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara freezes awkwardly, looking at Lar. "Ummm. Ummm." She looks at Laurel and back to Lar. "I don't think that's allowed? You're a prince and I'm a Kryptonian orphan. And Power Girl doesn't count. She's just another me-sort of." She adds with a wrinkle of her nose, she tries to gingerly extract her hands from Lar's. Her cheeks might just stay red forever. "I have too much to do to be happy." She huffs, really flustered as she looks about. "Oh Laurel, this is a gorgeous ummm, dish towel. I love the pattern on it." She picks up the first thing she sees as a diversion. "Where did you get it? Bed, Bath and Beyond?"

Andromeda has posed:
"Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Yes. Although it doesn't go terribly far beyond..." Laurel looks between the pair with a faintly stricken expression, though she soon shakes her head gently. "I don't think your stations have anything to do with anything," the girl notes quietly then. "But I can order you a copy of my towel if it helps..."

Mon-El has posed:
    Ugh. Lar scolds himself inwardly. What the heck was -that-?! He can hardly believe he just...-said- it. Just like that. His face is -really- flushed, now. If Kara is going to be red in the face forever, he is really going to be red in the face for all eternity and beyond. "B-but...you said it yourself, being on Earth, away from home--has created opportunities that never could have happened before. I mean, we couldn't have even been -friends-..." Oh, what is he even saying?! If his parents ever came here, he'd be in big trouble if they found him kissing a Kryptonian girl!

    "Ahem. ANYWAY. I just--like I said. I want you to be happy, Kara. And I think you can be. Don't give up on yourself. And don't let anything get in the way of it. You being happy, that is."

    "..." he glances at the towel they are talking about. "Oh, yeah! That is...very nice. It really goes with the decor. Um...so maybe we can watch that film now?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Film? Oh right. Yes. A film would be good. Swell? Good." Kara tucks her hair behind her ears and wrings the towel idly. She seems to recall Laurel said something, as she stares at Lar. She blinks and looks at Laurel, passing the towel to Lar. "Oh, no. I have-I was just admiring..." Her eye slide to Lar briefly and back "The umm, decor. Movie. Ok, yes. Let's watch a movie."

Andromeda has posed:
"Alright, so... A movie." Laurel takes a deep breath and then nods firmly, just once. "Alright," she continues in a firm vocie. "What would we... Um, what would we like to see?" There's a pause and then Laurel glances over at a stack of unopened mail. "Ads suggest this movie. A remake of 'A Time to Remember'. And Something called 'So This is Love'? And, 'Nothing Can Keep Us Apart'?" Laurel makes a face. "Ah, this seems promising. 'The Thirty Second War: ...Love will... never die?" Now the taller blonde makes a face. "Well then."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods quickly and fervently at the movie suggestion. Yes, yes let's quickly get away from this topic, before he says anything else stupid. "Yes! Yes, a movie. That's the word more commonly used, right? Right."

    Then Laurel reads off the advertisements. "Uhm...welll I have never heard of any of those, so uh, Kara maybe you can make a suggestion? Since you have been around here longer."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh Rao." Kara rubs her cheeks and sits on the couch. "Anything but a romance." Her eyes take on a thousand yard stare. "I think I preferred spontaneous kissing to declarations of love." She murmurs and tries to think of a movie that doesn't involve love. "How about a buddy cop movie?" She suggests and flops back into the couch, trying to sink into it.

Andromeda has posed:
"Budy cop movie... Alright." Laurel agree,s nodding slowly. "That osounds likea good plan." She looks up from the table then turns her gaze onto Lar. He is given a faint smile and an earnest shake of her head. "You can order the second pizza while Kara andI go to,ah... Starbucks?For vanilla bean frappuccinos. Sugar helps, or so is my understanding."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Ummm, okay. Buddy cop movie it is." Lar nods at the suggestion. Whatever it means. Surely, it's good, if they like it right?

    He arches a brow at Kara's admission that she preferred the abrupt kiss over the love declaration. Well, that's interesting. "Oh?" he teases, not able to help himself. "In that case, I would definitely be happy to accommodate. But maybe another time. I should uh...go practice that self-restraint thing for now." Yeah. "We'll figure out the buddy cop movie for tomorrow."

    He fixes Laurel with an incredulous stare. "What?" Though that will probably need to be a conversation for later, in private...

Supergirl has posed:
Eying Lar when he teases her about maybe another time, Kara is on her feet in a whoosh. "Oh no you don't! I'm swearing off love!" She announces and looks at Laurel, flustered. "Thanks for the talk! I think I hear sirens." She uses the ever handy cop out, ducking out of the Daxamites' presence hastily. She's out the door in a flash, fleeing Lar's presence for the second time in as many days.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel stands up, blinking as Kara runs away and then walks over toward Lar. She lifts her left hand and slaps him across the back of the head before sighing and turning to walk toward her front door. A pause. "Wait. This is my apartment! Lar, get out and come back this evening or tomorrow. With chocolate." She points at the door.

Mon-El has posed:
    "If that's what makes you happy, then I'm happy for you." Lar says softly as Kara leaves.

    He just looks shocked when Laurel slaps him. "-What-?!" he asks, even more incredulously this time. He sighs. "Fine," Then he's out the window, flyin up and away into the night sky.