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Attack on Knowhere
Date of Scene: 17 February 2018
Location: Burnout Pub - Knowhere
Synopsis: Vicky is attacked by an army of drones on Knowhere. Fortunately, friends new and old come to her defense.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Star-Lord, Redstar, Power Girl

Mon-El has posed:
    Since Vicky had enjoyed the space scenes in the simulator the other day so much, Lar had offered to take her into -actual- space. Because he can and why not? So he'd taken her in one of Brainiac's lighter hyperdrive-equipped crafts and zipped her all into deep space to have a look at some -real- nebulas and asteroids and planets! And stars zooming past like streaks of light when you're traveling faster than light itself!

    At some point, they'd stopped on the lawless rock known to the galaxy as Knowhere for a refuel. Not the prettiest place, but certainly colorful--as in filled with people from all corners of the galaxy and all walks of life. If Vicky thought Earth was diverse for all its different kinds of humans, mutants, and metahumans...well, this place is on a whole new level of different.

    The Burnout Pub seems to be a popular hangout for many of those who frequent the mining colony, and today it is bustling as usual, with a particularly rowdy crowd at the gaming tables tonight.

Star-Lord has posed:
Some more alien than others, and even more /languages/ on top of that.

Of course, this is a popular destination for the group calling themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy, and one Star-Lord AKA Peter Quill is at the bar, nursing some concoction that has him gasping for air after a shot, "holy /MOMMA/, that was something else. Hey Barkeep, another round before the next Orloni bout, will ya?"

A charming (sometimes) but fairly honorable rogue, one night notice the two guns of odd design at his waist... the Jetboot attachments, and a rig around his neck that doesn't look part of his outfit. "We got some paying work out on the verge, so I'm good for it."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky did not care to sit in the ships seats. Wings tend to make that difficult. So she had leaned across the back of Mon-El's chair as he piloted, arms crossed, chin atop them. He could hear her gasps as they passed by and through the Horsehead and Andromeda galaxies. Jupiter made her actually squeel with delight, especially since she asked to take a selfie with the Great Eye in the background. After a minute she had grabbed him into it as well with a big foolish grin.

It had been a wonderful afternoon and into evening spent with her next friend and now they were no longer visiting places. But populated places. And if he thought she had looked wonderous before, now it was just gobsmacked.

As they walked through to the bar her mouth had steadily hung slightly open. Blue eyes danced from this creature to that alien to whatever that was. She would ask, quietly, what species they all were as they went. But the childish wonder never left her eyes. "I just...I can't even. I feel like this is a dream, Lar," She says as they enter the bar.

Power Girl has posed:
    Kryptonian physiology is a wonderful thing. Capable of surviving in the vaccuum of space, off of the light of stars alone, and capable on top of that of faster than light travel, there is nothing that quite approaches the impact of a six foot tall blonde arriving at a space station not in a space ship, not in a special suit, but in the same clothes she'd wear to punch some unlucky fellow into the atmosphere.

    It takes more planning for Power Girl to go anywhere in space than most people- as she has to plot out a route that avoids any red stars- which somewhat precludes her just showing up anywhere, at any time... But Power Girl is better at that than most, and one of the few capable of plotting the routs on the fly. (Literally.)

    She didn't necessarily intend to accompany Mon- but she'd heard stories of the bar on the edge of the universe, and once she finally found its location- thanks to a little bit of STAR Labs acquisition and a crashed ship that MIGHT have dropped itself on Metropolis- she just had to be there.

    Mon's ship arrives, and then rather suddenly, so does she, flying through into the dock as if just -arriving- was a thing people did.

Mon-El has posed:
    Most of the people Vicky tried to talk to just...stare at her trying to speak to them in a languge they've never heard. Some of them are probably downright nasty, to be honest. But thankfully, none of them attack her or anything. "Hey um..." Lar pulls her aside and lowers his voice, leaning into her ear just a bit. "Be careful around here, Vicky. There isn't really much of any--uh, you know, law enforcement on this particular rock if you know what I mean. So if you annoy the wrong person by accident...you could end up like me the last time I remember waking up on Earth."

    Nodding in greeting toward Power Girl as she arrives, he draws back as they enter the Burnout and walk up the bar. Spotting Peter, he gestures toward the man. "There's someone who at least looks kind of like us." Then he moves to sit down next to the man, motioning Vicky to follow.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky isn't really intimidated by any of the nasty looks. It's impossible at the moment. But she does nod once Lar gives his suggestion. "Oh, well you could have told me that before we landed," She says, a hand going to smack him in the arm. But she is smiling as she says it. "Or were you trying to get me smacked?"

~Probably the later.~ Starr chimes in, having been quite intrigued to be travelling the cosmos herself. Demons didn't go into space often after all.

"No one asked you," Vicky says, not missing a beat, to the demon in her mind as they reach the bar itself. Her eyes take in Peter and she leans it to Lar to ask quietly, "How do you tell who is from where?"

Star-Lord has posed:
The barkeep just gives Peter a long, forlorn stare, and Peter gives him a look, "Aw, don't be like that! That Grease Rocket turned into goo was not my fault, man!" Peter sighs, standing up as he gazes longingly at the booze bottle in the Barkeeps hands... before he walks off, only lightly buzzed.

His jacket is adjusted as he heads over to the gaming tables, "Hey, you!" Peter points to a particularly... robust... looking male alien, "I know you, A-hole. You're the one who got me thrown in that damned Barge!" Peter glares daggers at him, and the alien turns around to regard him, speaking in an alien language, "Yeah, don't even try it. I'm /sure/ it was your twin brother, and I'm /Thanos/." Peter himself seems to be talking english, at least. His demeanor has gone from having a good time... to irate.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Okay, okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that--but you were so excitedly preoccupied with sightseeing that I barely had time to get a word in, to be honest." Lar says teasingly as she smacks him. "Don't hit too hard, you might break your hand." he says, still smirking. Although it is kind of true.

    "Well, actually I don't know who is from where exactly but I know humanoid physiology when I see it since that's what I'm most familiar with." he answers to her last question.

    He watches as Peter gets up and nods to the barkeep, buying another bottle of whatever Star-Lord was drinking. As soon as it's ready and filled, he walks over to the other man and hands it to him. "This was the one you wanted, right?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky sticks her tongue out at Mon-El. "I'll heal fast if I do and then you'll feel bad because you made me break my hand," That old goofy argument. Him making her do something by not doing anything. "Hmph!" But she is grinning.

The occupants of the bar are eyed thoughtfully even as she is regarded. Oh sure, there are people with wings. But often they aren't quite so humanoid. The guy with ten eyes kind of makes her feel weird. That many eyes should not be able to leer and so she follows after Mon-El.

"Oh, can I try space booze? What kind of money do they use in space anyway?" Her eyes go to Peter as they arrive at the gaming tables and the Starlord's side. A hand waves in an idle 'hello' gesture. But she doesn't speak to him, yet. Her eyes do rove over him carefully though, trying to see if there is anything to tell him apart.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter has that roguish charm one would expect from the scoundrel sort... or he would have it, if when he turned to regard Vicky and didn't go "Holy shi-Uh. Huh. I don't often see winged humanoids around here." Peter does a sort of double take, before he flashes a charmed grin, "New to Knowhere?"

Then, Mon-El is offering him more from the bottle, "Well, ain't you the charitable one." Peter offers a bit sarcastically, before he reaches out for it. Then stops, "Are you a bounty hunter too? I've had my fill of barge transports this week, man."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl has been browsing. Knowhere is a bit more than a bar- it's more of a medieval town, at some incredible tech level. There's a lot to see, but there's only so much that she spends any more than a few seconds on. It's more a tour than anything else, but eventually- after a while- Power Girl makes her way to the Burnout.

    Hands on her hips, she approaches Mon, Vicky, and Peter, reaching up to tap the solid shoulder of the Legionnaire to let him know that she's there.

    "Sorry, went sightseeing for a bit. What's good here?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "No, I won't. Because -you- would've broken your hand on my body. Does a rock feel bad if someone trips on it and breaks their arm?" Lar asks, grinning as well. "Uh, sure you can try it if you want. Credits." he answers Vicky's question about the currency.

    He shakes his head at Peter. "Nope, not a bounty hunter. The name's Lar Gand. This is my friend Vicky Jones. And yourself?"

    Then he is tapped by Power Girl. Turning around, he smiles. "Oh, hey Power Girl. Um, to be honest I couldn't tell you. If I've ever been here before, I don't remember. Everything I know is from the logs, but those don't tend to tell you the best drinks to have." he chuckles.

    Outside the crowded pub, a series of sort of droplet-shaped drones are hovering in front of upward-facing windows all around the building. They are busy scanning the crowd inside, searching for their target. It's so noisy both inside and out that barely anyone takes notice of them. But there's a beep as the target is located...

Redstar has posed:
Vicky hasn't had someone respond to her -quite- like that before and it makes her smile and even giggle. But just for fun she flutters them about herself, emphasizing their size as even folded they're a foot above her head. "Well, not many half-demons in space I'd imagine either," She says with a smirk. She...could be joking right? "But yes, Lar here is showing me around," She jerks her head sideways at the Daxamite.

The girl's eyes roam the bar again, eyeing the various aliens, before returning to Peter. "Would you believe it's my first time anywhere beyond orbit of my own planet?" He probably would. She's got the wonder in her eyes only the newly freed from the gravity of home have.

Power Girl catches her attention as she tapes Lar's shoulder and she turns to give the woman a look up and down and then she just kind of stares for a second. Her eyes drift back up to the other woman's eyes. Her own 'display' is no less prominent, but much less 'framed', so she has no room to say anything. Instead she simply smiles to herself and nods her head in greeting, waiting for Lar's introduction. Power Girl is her name? It raises a brow and then her eyes fall back again. She is thinking about something really hard.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Star-Lord, Captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy." Peter gives in reply, before he takes the booze and gives a sip, "Good stuff." Then, he's sitting down, "We're here on a pit stop before we're off to the Verge, got some paying work lined up." Peter continues, before he looks back to Vicky, and gives her a look up and down. "Demon..." Squint, "You know, I've seen all kinds of cultures and planets in my time, but only a few planets use that term." Then, Power Girl walks in, "And only one planet I know of has someone with that outfit who can get here without a ship."

Peter looks the three over, "Earth based? I'm pretty sure the one with the window over there-" Peter gives a wink to Power Girl, "-calls herself Power Girl or something?" Then, he looks back to Lar, "Don't remember you, though. Welcome to Knowhere."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Very nice to meet you, Star." Lar says with a polite smile to Peter. "Glad you're enjoying it." he nods as a swig is taken from the bottle. "Paying work, so are you with a mercenary group?" he asks. It was typical for a place like this, anyway.

    "Yep, that's Power Girl." he confirms when Star Lord seems uncertain of her identity.

    Lar frowns suddenly, as he has picked up on a strange sound that doesn't seem like it belongs here. It sounds like glass being cut through. Looking up, sure enough he catches sight of a group of assassin drones cutting through the window. They're almost through...and now they're through. And they're headed straight for Vicky, with laser pointers already on her back! "Vicky get down!" he shouts, and dives between her and the robots, pushing her to the floor.

    All at once, chaos erupts everywhere. The drones open fire, although the volley ends up hitting Lar harmlessly instead of Vicky. Most patrons shout and start running for it while others try to take the attackers down. As most are rushing for the exits, even more of the bots burst in from all angles and start shooting, trying to get at Vicky and mow down anyone and anything in their path. The bartender ducks down behind the bar as the blasts start peppering it, with bottles, mugs, and other containers shattering as the gunfire hits them.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky raises a brow at Peter Quill. "Star-Lord? Really?" She is as incredulous as she sounds with a glance at Lar. People and their weird names.

~Almost as bad as Frigidia.~ Starr comments with vague amusement.

"Shut up you," Vicky says as she wrinkles her face, voice dropping as do her eyes. It's pretty clear she isn't talking -to- the roguish captain. After a moments hesitation she sinks down onto the arm of a chair, reaching to take the bottle from Lar. "What is it?" She asks Pete, given that he is the one drinking it. A sniff along makes her cough and blink. "Strong. It is strong."

Then there are lasers and she looks at Mon-El in confusion. "Wha-AH!" And there goes her glass all over Peter Quill as Lar shoves her easily onto the floor at the captains feet. "THE FUCK LAR?!" And then the chair is in tatters and her eyes go wide. "Oh!"

Star-Lord has posed:
"What? It's a great name!" Peter exclaims with a weary sort of frustration, "You and Drax would get along great." Then, Lar asks about the Guardians, "Eh, mercenaries, among other things. We like to dab-"

Then, there are lasers everywhere.

"Really? You couldn't do this tomorrow? Just what my life needs; /more/ people shooting at me." Peter sighs sarcastically, before he presses a button on his belt, and he takes off into the air, his jetboots leaving a small trail behind himself. Pulling out his element guns, Star-Lord starts to make short work of those at the bar.

Those going after the barkeep are shot by... fire? Yep, that's fire. Fire hot enough to melt through the drones as Star-Lord fires in rapid succession.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar's thermal vision is out in a flash, shooting down the drones as fast as he can. Peter's fire melts the ones in range as he flies up into a more advantageous position. They don't seem to be after him though--it's clear now that they are after Vicky and Vicky only. But there are just so many of them! A group of them flies right near Vicky's head before the Daxamite manages to swat them away. Shielding her as much as possible, Lar leans down urgently, blasts pounding into his back. "You need to get -out- of here. And I mean out of here as in off this rock."

    He glances at Peter. "Star, I know we just met you but...could you take her back to my ship? Docking bay E4, sector 3. Or if yours is closer take her to yours--I'll try to keep these things off of--" he grabs another and throws it across the room. "--you."

Redstar has posed:
"Why the fucking fuck are they shooting at me!?" Vicky shots at Lar as she leaps over another bit of furniture to avoid a set of lasers. There is a shout of pain, or maybe annoyance, but not from any weapon. No she cries out when a downed drone falls and hits her on the head.

There is a deep growl and when the woman stands up her skin is changing. Pale flesh shifting to red. Blue eyes blacking out and lighting with yellow fire. There is a look of utter delight on Starr's face as she surveys the room. "Oh goody," And while she doesn't launch into the air, she does start moving for the door though. But as she does she turns around and blows the Daxamite a kiss. "See ya later, handsome," She says with a pounted tooth grin. Then she is just...running out the door as fast as she can. Once out of the bar she takes to wing.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Yeah, I really wanted to play chauffeur for an earth chick who can turn red." Star-Lord replies to Mon-El "Was right up there with getting a root canal." before he growls and starts to fly out of the bar himself.

Two can play at that game.

"Okay. Where's the Larmobile." Peter asks of Starr as he flies along... and starts firing backwards with fire bolts from his element guns when the drones start flying after them, "I really should have down the last of that shot." Peter laments.

Power Girl has posed:
    For a short while, the blonde wonder has been nowhere to be seen. When the drones had arrived, Power Girl's trust in Lar was well illustrated as she seemed to take off to... God knows where. Either way, she's been gone a long time for a Kryptonian to be gone...

    Which is why, as if she has a sixth sense for cinematic timing, in a space that split-nanoseconds ago was not occupied by a six foot tall superpowered advertisement for why intergalactic criminals have to be insane or just insanely powerful to come anywhere near Earth, there floats one of Earth's Mightiest.

    She isn't looking backwards, instead catching up to Starr and Peter, as behind her erupts a series of explosions from the drones that had been chasing the pair- that she can arrive -before- the results of her flying -through- them become readily apparent is... Well, if Peter weren't an upstanding individual, it might be heartstopping.

    "I'll keep them off your back. Couldn't find where they're coming from, they hide their tracks really well."

    Her tone of voice is calm and collected- almost as if she isn't in a rush, and nobody is in any danger. Juxtaposed against more drones coming in and firing all cylinders into her back, its a little schizophrenic. She doesn't seem to react to the lasers, though- Not yet, at least.

Mon-El has posed:
    As soon as Starr starts out the door, the bots immediately swarm after her, guns still blazing. Lar hits as many as he can with his thermal vision, while Peter blasts them from the front and Power Girl also comes flying in right through them. This ends up taking out most of them, but even as some of the last ones are melted or shattered, Starr runs right into something -big- right outside the pub. Well, large in comparison to the others they've seen thus far, anyway. It seems to be size of a typical interceptor craft and stands on four very pointed legs. It raises one of those legs and quickly drives it down toward the winged metahuman, attempting to impale her into the ground with its sharpened edges. Having just finished off the last of the smaller drones, Lar just manages to catch sight of the leg coming down from the doorway. "Vicky look out!" he shouts.

Redstar has posed:
Starr flies and swerves and dips, dodging lasers strikes from assassin drones in pursuit. She makes a pained sound and her flight wobbles as she loses about ten feet of altitude. A smoking char of a hit has hit into the shoulders of her attire, eating away much of the material. "Ugh! It is so HARD to replace my damned clothes," She snarls before turning right around.

Rage. Wrath. Anger. The temperature of the area takes a screaming spike into the high 120s between one blink and the next. Yet even as the oppressive heat hits, the mining facilities heavy duty enviromental systems kick in, quickly cooling it back off. Starr snarls in frustration and begins swerving back and forth, hurling globe after globe of fiery hot death. She doesn't care that some miss, tear holes in metal, sear skin of a few unlucky people. Though the drones have no mechanics with which she can affect, the globes melt them with ease.

Another hit sends her spinning in the air and falling towards the ground. She lands fairly well though, in a crouch, and her head snaps up as two drones dive on her. She leaps out of the way and rolls, throwing another two globes at those pursuing her. At the joint of one wing is another blackened patch where their guns have hit. While the wound is healing quickly, it still smarts. And pisses the demoness off.

The Daxamite's warning has the demoness turning to look over her shoulder and up. There is surprise there before the pointed thing comes down and pins her with a grunt. Pain crosses the demons face and she reaches up and grabs that legs, trying to rip it off the robot with a scream of rage.

Star-Lord has posed:
One moment, there are drones flying behind Peter and he's dodging and weaving expertly in mid-air. The next, Power Girl is floating in front of him.

"Well then." Peter says, dumbly. "I'll just, uh... go, over there. Yeah." With that, Peter flies off to start to cover Starr... until he realizes she's got no regard for collateral damage, "Wonderful." Peter quips, before he starts to fire off sprays of water at the people about to get toasted, throwing them to the ground with the force of each water burst with pinpoint accuracy. "You need to learn how to aim." Peter gives, seriously.

Then, there's a giant robot. "Swell."

Peter wastes no time, starting to fly around the thing as he aims his element guns at the legs of the thing, spraying icey water all over the floor and the feet. Intentionally trying to unbalance it and get Starr out from under it.

Power Girl has posed:
    "You could take cover, or get to a ship, or-" Power Girl offers in response- she'd given Peter free slack to jet. He clearly wasn't really part of this. Peej herself had some assumptions about who'd be responsible, but she was trying to make sure that everyone got a chance to get out if they could.

    Admittedly, it doesn't take her long to write down Guy From Knowhere in her Big Damn Hero book next to the names Kal-L and her own name just repeated a bunch of times.

    The large robot gets her attention, and before she makes her way across to it, she performs the usual Kryptonian Opponent Toughness Test by sweeping across it with some pinpoint heat vision. Best case scenario, the leg is severed. Worst case, it's fine.

    Either way, it's going to be tested again as Power Girl shoulder-checks it at one and a half times the speed of sound.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs as Starr seems to have no regard for bystanders. Oh, right--the demon lady came out didn't she. Grife, just what they needed. Once Starr has been pinned down, the robot charges its primary weapons, ready to fire its plasma beam straight down at her even as she tries to tear its leg off. Metal groans in protest, twisting out of shape, but not quite fully coming off. But when Peter fires the ice water, it loses its balance and slips. What's more, Power Girl fires her thermal vision, hitting the already weakened leg. The lower limb breaks off, falling to the ground and freeing Starr. Reeling, it brings up an energy shield, which ends up absorbing the force of the shoulder slam though sending the thing backward a distance. It smashes into the back of a mining warehouse.

    As soon as the drone is distracted trying to regain its balance, Lar flies over, attempting to grab Starr and fly off with her back toward the docks, though not as fast as he could be going since unlike her he -is- concerned about collateral damage. "We -need- to get off of this rock." he reiterates, then turning back to the others. "Cover us!" he shouts, even as the machine's legs suddenly retract into its body. It floats into the air and starts to pursue the half demoness, picking up speed quickly.

Redstar has posed:
Starr keeps hold of that leg with every intent to play baseball with the now 3-legged big drone. "How do you like it you son of a-" Whatever she said isn't heard over the noises in the area. She swings the metal legs at the other legs, intent on sweeping the thing from it's feet.

And then there was Lar. Always ruining her fun. She snarls in frustrated rage as he scoops her up after her swing and she doesn't get to see the full glory of the thing flung hard. "Damn you!" There is fury directed at him in her voice. Fight though she might she can't get him to drop her. "I was having fun!" That's the problem though, isn't it Starr?

Star-Lord has posed:
"Obsessive, aren't they?" Star-Lord notes sarcastically. The Big One getting tossed into a mining warehouse draws a whistle from Peter, "You're one scary blonde." ... was that a compliment? it's hard to tell from his tone.

Then, it's flying again.

"How the hell is this thing still flying after that?" Peter asks, incredulously. Nothing for it, he aims, and starts to fire lightning bolts at the flying tin can from behind.

"This is /not/ how I pictured my shore leave going."

Power Girl has posed:
    For a moment, Power Girl is floating in the space where the massive machine was, allowing Starr the necessary time to be scooped up and taken away. She expected it to get up- After all, it was still in one(ish) piece. What she was not quite expecting, though, was for it to retract legs and start flying after them, which elicits this annoyed demi-sigh from Power Girl before she takes off afterwards.

    Unless the machine is faster than a speeding bullet, Power Girl will overtake- and then, the moment she's in front of the thing, she'll draw back and arch, clutching both fists together and swinging them down like a hammer- albeit one that could crack the moon down the center- onto the robot, in an attempt to breach it's shield, and send it right into the floor.

    This isn't all she does- because as soon as it connects and is hopefully knocked down, she's throttling it again and again- as if she were trying to rip it apart with her bare hands.

Mon-El has posed:
    How the thing is still flying after that, is because of the shield that just went up. That shield opens up around the guns, just enough to go on the offensive, as it opens fire on Lar and Starr ahead. The Daxamite flits back and forth, doing his best to dodge the incoming fire. They've reached the docks, but something needs to be done about that robot quickly, or it may destroy their ride out of here!

    Fortunately, Peter's lightning bolts strike in just the right place, shorting out the shield generator. The timing is perfect--the shield goes out just as Power Girl comes down with her hammerfirst move. The bot goes crashing down, smacking into the edge of a mining outpost and then tumbling further down into the depths of Knowhere. Power Girl can fly after it and continue her onslaught, but it's clear now that she'd be beating a dead horse. Well, dead robot.

    Now that the threat has passed, at least for now, Lar finally sets Starr down in docking area E4 where the ship they came in has finished fueling. He heaves a sigh of relief, looking to Peter and Power Girl (that is if she has returned from destroying that robot). "Phew, thanks guys. Especially you Star." he nods toward Peter. "You...risked your life for us when you barely even know us. Honestly didn't expect any of the types around here to come to our aid."

Redstar has posed:
Starr gives an impotent shout of frustration and her clawed hands curl into lose fists. As Lar sets her down she goes storming a few feet away, breathing hard, looking furious. Slowly, thought, she seems to be gaining control even though those yellow flames flare brilliantly before they do.

As Mon-El thanks the two others she finally sighs, face pinched in grave distaste, eyeing the three with narrowed and hostile eyes. "What were those things? And why in hellfire were they chase -me-?!" She demands as she walks back over to the Daxamite. Though she has no noticeabl iris Star-Lord can feel her gaze. and focus.

A little smile curls the edge of her lips as she does. There is a very obvious head to toe look. He probably isn't used to being on the receiving end of that look. At least not from a demon whose very presence exudes evil and darkness.

Star-Lord has posed:
With Le robot going doooown, Star-Lord holsters his element guns, and flies off over to Lar and Starr.

With the danger now passed Star-Lord hits a button on his neck rig, his helmet 'fades' into existence around him as he looks downward, setting his vision to the electromagnetic spectrums to see if the thing is still working. Once confirmed either way, he hits the button again, and the rig 'retracts', fading out.

Then, he turns back to Lar, "I'd like to think that one day you might return the favor... but also, I'm pretty sure you didn't ask for it." Star-Lord replies, "We Guardians take our lumps... but in the end, we don't stand by against things that just want to see everything burn."

Then, he finally has a chance to see Starr up close, and gives her a head to toe look as well. "You know, I visited Earth recently, but I don't remember anything about demons being that common." Star-Lord notes, "what's your story?"

Power Girl has posed:
    According to the last person she was in a relationship with, not only does Power Girl take every opportunity to beat a dead horse, but she is especially good at it. As such, she's gone for maybe another few seconds rending the robot apart- while also salvaging parts from it that denote its point of origin- essentially performing a superpowered autopsy.

    When she returns, she's probably holding a thing or two, but otherwise, looking just the same. "They're not. Kind of. We had a demon thing sort of... Happen, recently." she notes, not quite landing.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'd be happy to." Lar replies with a smile toward Peter in regard to returning the favor. But then he looks somewhat confused. "Lumps? ...of what?" he asks, tilting his head to the side.

    Then Starr is all furious and in his face. "Oh, I don't know, maybe it had something to do with the fact that you slaughtered 350 unarmed Khunds recently? You might not know much about those guys, but as far as I've read and seen, they don't take lightly to stuff like that in general. You're a remorseless killer who preyed on a bunch of unarmed men to them, so yeah they're probably out for blood." Indeed, any analysis of what remained of the robot would point to it belonging to a group of mercenaries often hired by powerful people to take out particular targets.

    "And," he adds. "That probably wasn't the last of them by a long shot so we'd best be going before they come after you again with something even worse than that army of murderbots." The boarding passage opens and he takes Starr's wrist, pulling her onto the ship whether she likes it or not.

Redstar has posed:
Starr gives Peter Quill a toothsome smile. "Oh now -that- is a tale to be told over an evening. Comfortable. With something to drink," The demoness replies with a tilt of her head. "But no, our kind are not common of that you are correct," A throaty chuckle follows the admission.

Standing up straight she turns her attention to the singed and scorched attired, a snarl curling her lip just as quickly as the smile touched it. "Damnnation," She hisses as the fabric crumbles under her fingers on one shoulder. The top stays up, barely, on that sound. And with that she draws herself up, chin too, and crosses her arms with a huff.

As Power Girl joins them and mentions the recent events in New York City a dark grin crosses her face, no mirth, only wickedness in it's making. "Indeed we did. Not as successful as it could have been..." And she leaves it at that. For now.

Slowly her head turns and she looks at Mon-El, silent, smiling wickedly for a long moment. "But my dear Lar, -I- killed no one. Or do you forget it was your sweet Vicky that slaughtered them?" One brow raises slightly as she taunts him.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Well. Good to know." Peter deadpans of the news of a demon thing.

"We tend to go all over the place, but we tend to stop by here on occasion." Peter informs Lar, before he turns to regard Power Girl, "If you ever decide to come out this way again, I can give you a tour. I know a few bars in the Sector before Burnout here. Think about it." Peter gives in a charming smile and wink, before he's flying off back into Knowhere.

"Hope that bottle is still there..." Peter idly muses.