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Latest revision as of 05:27, 11 March 2018

Smash of the Titans
Date of Scene: 26 February 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Well that could have gone better
Cast of Characters: Hulk, Super-Man, Power Boy, Redstar, Juggernaut, Supergirl

Hulk has posed:
Bruce Banner had arrived in New York initially to consult in a special case. New York being New York though, when Bruce wandered into turf a gang considered theirs and tried to mug him... they got as far as backhanding him for saying "Please don't hurt me."

Who they are hardly mattered after they ran, having quickly figured out who they were actually mugging once the green skin started to come out, and the enraged growl was heard. By the time they were down another alleyway, the big green known as The Hulk was roaring in rage as he smashed open a dumpster in front of him, flattening it as he started to run after the muggers down the alleyway... and out into another street, ruining concrete and asphalt as he got up to 200mph trying to find them. Cars were flying from the roadside all over as he went, and there were already a couple injured who didn't get out of the way of the Hulk in time.

"Puny Human, get back so Hulk can SMASH!" The roar could be heard for blocks.

Super-Man has posed:
Super Hearing is the problem child of Kenan's powers. When he uses it, he can hear what is going on for miles around, anmd feels compelled to get involved. He uses it sparingly, but when he is practicing it is the power he needs to tell hel where there is trouble. He is miles away, but he plainly hears the Hulk's roar, and knows fully well that can not be good.
    Even at his top flight speed, it takes far too long to get near where the Hulk is...but Kenan has no problem finding the Behemuth...just follow the trail of destruction. He plants himself near the Hulk and moves his energy from his head to his belly, then says, "No one wants to fight you, Hulk. Please calm down."

Power Boy has posed:
    A giant green rage monster going nuts? Sounds like a job for Superman. Or an unaffiliated hero of some generalized sort of vague resemblance. Or two! Power Boy alights, his uniform crisp and pressed. It looks as sharp as a male uniform with a boob window possibly can. His powerful left arm flexes a little as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. His hair is a little mussed, and he looks like he just got up or something. "Giant rage monster?" he stares at the hulk from about 100 feet away; which is far too close for any sane person. Heck, even the insane ones would likely prefer to be further off.

    "What a specimen, man?" His feet lift back up and he floats, rather slowly towards Hulk. "Hellfire, you are a big one." he is frankly in awe. Power Boy has seen giant rage monsters, but this? This is awe inspiring. As he floats closer, he gets about 70 feet or so away when the brilliant red rage just venting off the hulk like the corona from a star starts to be detecting. Power Boy's eyes widen a little. "Woah! Woah man, that's.. That's.. That's something else." he can feel his heart rate going up. His pupils dilate a little, and his nostrils flare ever so slightly, but Power Boy tamps that anger back down. He holds up his hands, palm forwards. "Hey? Hey? Up here! Use your words, let me know how I can help you out, man? I'm here to help!" he pats his chest. "I'm Power Boy. I'm cool. Really. Ask my friendsâ¦"Oh wait. He doesn't have any anymore.

Hulk has posed:
"NO ONE ASKED YOU, PUNY HUMAN!" The Hulk roars as Kenan gets /right/ up in his business. Puny human trying to talk Hulk what to do? SMASH!

And Smash he does. The sound of a concrete crater forming below can be heard as Hulk leaps right at Kenan.... and with a punch that causes a shockwave with the sheer force of it, sends Kenan literally /flying across the city/, out of control. Power Boy can feel that bright hot rage intensify as Hulk crouches briefly, then /leaps/ into the air, after Kenan.

The Hulk just jumped hard enough to follow after Kenan, roaring.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is really hard to hurt when invulnerable. Physical impact, no matter how powerful, will not really harm him...but it CAN send him flying backwards an enormous distance. He is glad he finally figured out how his powers work. Electricity, for example, does not really harm him, but it stimulates his nerve endings so that he feels pain and his muscles can sieze up...

Kenan takes a moment to be sure he is not going to impact anything before he moves his energy from his belly to his head, taking control of his flight. He swerves to the side and hooks around for the Hulk...moving part of his power to his Thighs to grant him super vision. Sure enough, the Green Goliath is not far behind...and would impact Kenan had he not boved aside. Now...what to do about him?

Well better try something...Kenan flies to near the Hulk and says, "I am not good at staying Smashed." OK, move pat of his power back to his Belly...he will not be quite as invulnerable, but hopefully he is out of reach.

Redstar has posed:
Starr was just out flying. Like she does when bored. When this guy goes flying past below. Followed by a very large, green...thing? Curiousity has her banking to circle and watch the antics curiously. A faint smirk pulling the corners of her lips upwards.

"Hellooooo, what bit of wrath do we have here?" She muses to herself as she circles lower, noting the path of destruction.

~This isn't a good thing, you know.~ Vicky comments silently to Starr from the back of their shared conscious.

The demoness smiles and chuckles, "He has a playmate to take care of it. Stop your fussing, pet."

Power Boy has posed:
    It does feel like burning. Red so hot, it almost is blinding white. Again, Power Boy swallows the intense huge rage spike. His arms start to flex  and his hands start to ball into heavy, hard fists. Red bands of light start to form about his form. Power boy shudders violently as his teeth grit, and the sleepy, almost stoned, and very depressed, hangdog look he had previously is gone. Power Boy's form is contorted, his bulging musculature a quiver as he reins in on this incredible power surging through him. His eyes are wide, and his teeth grit. "Woah." it isn't at the Hulk though. It's himself. He's good. He's in control. The bands of gleaming red light flare again, but this time to vanish.

    Slowly, the young man forces his fistss to unclench and to calm his hands. All of that control though, it gets in the way of him actually doing anything. Power Boy has tremendous powers (hence the name) but moment of pushing the anger aside means the Hulk leaps after Kenan Kong unmolested or impeded. Power Boy shakes his head in a manner that would be comical if it was not needed. As the Hulk practically flies away, the source of the emotion leaves, which only enhances the young alien's ability to control it. Power Boy exhales a long, arctic blast upward and away from others. It is less an attack at anyone, and more a calming technique. With a crack, he slaps his face to clear his mind, then the there is a micro boomlet as he breaks the sound barrier to catch up with the others. "Hey! Hey! Stop the malarkey! We are better than this. And look here, man. You are making me really angry, dude, and you aren't going to like me when I get angry."

Hulk has posed:

The roar this time could be heard for miles as Hulk lands on top of a rooftop, sending debris flying.... then launches /again/ as he shoulder checks Kenan yet again, sending him flying /further/ this time. Since Kenan won't do Hulk the courtesy of fighting on the ground, he'll just keep pummeling him through the air!

Hulk seems to be content to play golf with Kenan as they start to head out of the city proper.

Super-Man has posed:
Right now, Kenan has no idea of Power Boy's powers other than flight. But he knows his own. While he feels the blow this time, he rolls (or rather, flies) with the impact and is only slightly bruised. He accelerates away from the Hulk for a moment, then dives down and goes below and ahead of the Hulk. From there, he switches most of his energy to his face...or his mouth. Syuper Breath...it can hold something suspended in the air...possibly the Hulk can not do much damage without leverage.

Power Boy has posed:
    All of the power he could ever want? It's right there. Then maybe he wouldn't be so alone. Maybe he would have just laughed it all off. Then maybe she wouldn't have left? Power Boy's features darken as he rockets after Kenan and Hulk. He could just reach over and tp that rage. That pure power, all that might. His just for the taking. Unlimited power! He can feel the rage flow around and through the hulk. It gives the creature power and focus. He envies the purity of thought.

    The Apokolptian young man orients himself onto the west side of the Hulk, and waits for the creature to hit apogee of his next jump, then all his tremendous speed and power are put to effort, as Power Boy attempts to swing for the fences and with a powerful right hand throws a hell of a punch that he hopes will toss the hulk out to sea.
    Just after swinging, the Apokoliptian's momentum carries him into the arctic breath directed this way. "Oh shi--"

Redstar has posed:
Starr is following along after the fight at top speed, managing to keep up with them. Her flight dipping and weaving through the air. It is the equivalent of skipping for her. "Hulk huh?" She murmers with a smirk. Then she dives to almost pace the green giant. "I think he's teasing you, big guy," She says with a wink before peeling quickly away. Sure she could take a hit, but she'd -really- rather not.

~You're insane. Why did you do that?!~ Vicky growls in their mind.

"Because. I'm bored. And he is angry. And it's delightful." The demon replies.

Hulk has posed:
There's a roar as Hulk is momentarily suspended by the super-breath. Sure, Kenan is keeping him from doing anymore damage... but his expression, that -rage- is only being fed from his helplessness, and Hulk flails about like a ragdoll as he tries to find some purchase, some way -out- of those winds.

Then, Power Boy right hooks into that buffeting vortex... and managed to hit Hulk; only for him to start to freefall out of the sky with a roar. They aren't /that/ far up... so Hulk craters into the ground in the outskirts of New York, sending trees and rock flying on impact, and a bit of dust kicking up concealing his form. For now.

Redstar has posed:
Starr pulls up to circle above Power Boy, Hulk, and Kenan again. Watching with vague amusement and interest, even as her inner annoyance rails at her lack of action. Unfortunately for Vicky, Starr could give a shit and certainly doesn't want to put any effort into anything today.

"Oh dear," She muses without any real concern in her voice. "COME ON! ARE YOU GONNA LET THEM USE YOU AS A LANDSCAPING TOOL?!" She shouts down at the cratered Hulk. She -really- is not helping.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says to Power Boy, "The Hulk's strength is as vast as his rage, no one this side of Superman can beat him in a strait fight...and even that is uncertain." Kenan is not quite sure what to do about that, but what he says is what he knows.

Power Boy has posed:
    Chalk that up to poor coordination. If Power boy hadn't taken that swing, maybe it would have worked. Power Boy plummets after the Hulk though. His frustration weakens his resolve. The hulk's ire at the restraint and the blow? It's ther last bit needed. As he plummets towards the ground, the red bands form about Power Boy's physique. Intellect checks out. There is a cacophonous howl of rage tinged with a triumphant cry as the former slave just loses himself in the purity of red rage, rocketing to the ground to impact with a crash, kicking up more dirt and debris in the process as the young man loses himself in his own berserk rage.

Hulk has posed:
"HULK MAKE YOU LANDSCAPING TOOL!" Hulk roars at Starr, before he runs over to a grove of trees, and just.... starts to rip them out of the ground and toss them at Starr like they're dodgeballs. "HULK HATE DEMONS!" He continues his barrage, rapidly starting to clear his section of forest with how fast he's going.

Looks like Kenan and Power Boy have lost Hulks attention for the moment.

Redstar has posed:
~HAH!~ Vicky snarks in the back of Starr's head as the demoness is taken by obvious surprise. With a powerful pump of her wings she rockets up higher into the sky. Weaving as fast as she can to dodge those hurled trees. But there is still much she has to learn about aerial combat and one slams right into her back. It hurls her a goodly ways off and into more trees. The demoness disappears from sight. Kenan might have heard the sound of bones breaking, if his ears were still turned on. She doesn't re-emerge.

Power Boy has posed:
    There is another sonic boom and the red-lit Power Boy lets out a war cry in a guttural hellish language. He is so angry, he has reverted to his native language as he roars out something that would be truly reprehensible if anyone else in the area could understand it. It is not as deep as the Hulk's bass roar, but Power Boy's baritone roar carries well, and his fists blur and the assault begins as Power Boy loses the martial cunning drilled into him as a slave warrior and just throws a punch that blurs. Red light leaves a trail as the arm propels it forward so fast it sizzles in the air, actually breaking the sound barrier as a full force Kryptonian level punch gets heaved at the Hulk. the Apokoliptian thunders something again in his native language, the harsh words tinged with pure rage and despair.

    Power Boy has checked out.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan realizes things are way out of control. He might contain the Hulk with the trick he tried...but the interloper can fly...it will not work on him. No, he needs to try something else. The problem is, what? Well first, find out if he can separate the combatants...give them a chance to cool down. He backs off a mile or two and switches his power to his feet. fe he goes by at sonic speed, perhaps he can sweep the lighter combatant along in his slipstream.

Hulk has posed:
Hulk is too busy roaring at the rapidly falling Starr to notice Power Boy as he sucker punches him... and the Hulk gets sent flying.

The Hulk goes end over end over end as he shoots through hills like a bullet. One. Two. Three. Eventually, the Hulk gets sent into a solid formation of mountains... and gets buried inside of it a good few dozen feet. Stopping halfway through as he causes a small avalanche from impact... and sits there for just a moment, disoriented.

Power Boy has posed:
    The Apokoliptian's eyes actually track Kenan Kong as the valiant man attempts what is a brilliant, if almost certainly doomed strategy. Power Boy's hands blur as he reaches out for the other young man. They are fast, even by Kenan's standards, It's a grab and a pivot that turns into a hammer throw as Power boy attempts to grab the brave human and hurl him after the flying hulk, screaming again at a decibel level to make ears bleed in that horrible, evil sounding language.

    After the throw though, well, the stimulus? It's been knocked outside of Power Boy's line of sight. Indeed, the punch caught the Hulk off balance enough, it hurled the emerald monster out of Power Boy's range. His red energy bands start to flicker like a neon light as the rage engine is disrupted by distance. He starts to have a couple of moments of clarity. "Hellfireâ¦" Power Boy's left hand slides up to cradle his forehead.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is fast enough to realize he is going to impact...and switch to being invulnerable so he can take it. Not being as massive as the Hulk, he is slowed down more by the impacts and does not reach as far before coming to a stop. Ouch, that kid is strong, whoever he is.

Hulk has posed:
Disorientation with the Hulk only lasts a few seconds, typically... especially when they /only/ knock him into a mountain.

So, The Hulk causes another minor avalanche when he sits up, and leaps right back to where Kenan and Power Boy were. He's pretty obvious, what with the rage filled roar as he 'flies' through the air.

"HULK SMASH!" Hulk goes right back for Power Boy.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan takes a moment to buy himself some space with his strength, then looks around with his penetrating sight. He carefully exits the way he came so as not to inflict more damage fefore flying back to try to do something about the two battling titans.

Juggernaut has posed:
God he hates working in the woods. The Juggernaut tromps along a path out in the middle of the wilderness, a grumpy look on his face. Why is he here? None of your business is why! Wait. What's that roaring sound? He stops, cocking his head to the side curiously and looking up...then a small cascade of rock drops on his head, burying him. He's unseeable for a few seconds, then the rocks explode outwards. Yeah. He hates nature. He pops his neck once free, then glares after the retreating Hulk. Okay then. He turns, and starts to run that way. He can get pretty fast when he's going. Soon building up to hundreds of miles an hour, swatting aside trees, boulders and whatever else as he homes in on the green warrior, looking to intercept him. Snatching a smallish tree from the ground as he passes, he hauls back mid-run and hurls it at him. "Hey! You! Jolly Green Giant!"

Supergirl has posed:
Responding to trouble, Supergirl flies over carefully cuddling something in her arms. She looks at Kenan with a moment of interest before watching the Hulk hurl himself at Power Boy. "Oh. That's the problem." She notes. Flying up and behind the Hulk, she gets well above the green monster as she pets a...pug? The blue eyed alien calls to Power Boy, digging deep into her positive emotions as she pets the genuinely happy wriggle pup. "Hey! Up here! Beau! I have something of yours." She's banking on him feeding off the Hulk and tries very hard to effect Power Boy's emotions.

Power Boy has posed:
    There it is. The blessed, essential, ever-loving pure red light of the never ending supply of rage. Power Boy's left hand slides away from his head as he hears the creture. He can feel it. His vision starts to go red again. Red that takes all his vision. It rules over his mind. Reason again fades from Power Boy's blue eyes. As the Hulk comes down like an Avenging emerald god to smite the alien, the fizzling red lights and bands that suffuse the mpathic alien start to surge back to gleaming, baleful anger-filled crimson. Apokolptian curses fill the air in a challenge to the brutish creature.

    The young man leaps upwards, and throws his right leg up to attempt to catch the Hulk in a kick as he again approaches. The young man's eyes are filled, literally with red. His mind is lost, it is not his normally crisp kick, there is room to elude. There is error in his normally precise kick. Still, it would be a great response.
    Which is when Power Boy gets struck in the face by a Douglas fir that broke the sound barrier so long ago the sonic boom hasn't arrived yet1

    Power Boy's perfect teeth splinter the tree into toothpicks, but the impact launches him back, and there is an explosion of rock as the young man smashes into a nearby hill with enough force to send a crack through it, and splinter it a couple of feet at the top. Again, the foul alien voice thunders as Power boy makes vague comments about the decency of someone's mother in his native language. He starts to push up, rage clouding his vision even more. It's her. And⦠Kirby. The only thing that has ever loved him. The first thing he ever loved. His only friend. The only thing that is decent or good, or worthy about the tormented slave boy from the hell world. Again, he sinks to his knees, the red lights flashing and fading about him, and he is defenseless, clutching his head, trying to push through the haze of pure rage.

Hulk has posed:
"HULK HATE MOUNTAINS! SMASH!" Hulk roars at Power Boy as he once /again/ is thrown out of his grasp. Juggernaut isn't even the picture right now, as Power Boy is the sole focus of the Hulks wrath as the Green giant grows another foot from pure rage from being 'denied' the hit.... and jumps right back over to Power Boy.

It doesn't take long for the Hulk to start smashing Power Boy right down into the ground with punches so hard they keep breaking the sound barrier, and send chunks of dirt flying this way and that as Hulk wrecks his world with a rage filled roar.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is not sure how tough the interloper is...and does the one thing it is unlikely anyone else would do. He renders himself invulnerable and jumps in between the Hulk and Power Boy. He can not stop the Hulk, but the Hulk can smash Kenan all day and not really hurt him...as long as he keepos his concentration on being invulnerabler.

Juggernaut has posed:
Well, he missed there for sure. The Juggernaut grunts as he accidently hits some guy surrounded by red lights of some sort instead of the flying green...that's the Hulk, right? It doesn't matter. He was having a bad day as it is. This is an excuse to vent about it. Putting on a burst of speed, he lowers his shoulder and slams into the back of the raging behemoth with the force of a freight train, putting all of his comparable strength behind it. "I WAS TALKING TO YOU!" It should be enough to send the jade giant flying forward and furrowing the ground for....uh. Well, miles. Unless he figures out a way to stop himself sooner. Coming to a skidding stop himself, he glares after the guy he just hit, then glances around the area. "What the hell is going on here anyway?" He flexes one of his big hands, popping the knuckles, and then glances up at the sky. Huh. That outfit on the blonde girl looks familiar. ...is that a dog?

Supergirl has posed:
Kara watches Kenan intercede and Power Boy drop to his knees. "Ugh, no, you're supposed to come here." She sighs and tucks Kirby into her uniform so she can swoop down and grab Power Boy around the middle and flying away from the fight as fast as she safely can with the dog. "Come on Beau." She mutters, holding him tight about his waist. Breath, relax. She forces herself to stay calm, thinking of the serene quiet of space.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Kara? What the blazes are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off smooching on--- <Alien curse word>!" whomever she should be off smooching on will have to remain a mystery as the Hulk finally gets his hands on one of the people who has been annoying him-- Kenan. Powerboy only gets the secondary blows as Kenan smashes into him a couple of times from the force of the furious Hulk's immeasurable might. As much as he needs to get back into the fight, as much as it galls him, as much as it shames him, Power Boy shoves his hands out, and a gleaming red wall of force manifests between the pair, to let the Hulk vent out his fury and might on. "I cannot.. I⦠it's so hard to hold on." he whispers, more for the ears of the women than for himself. Power Boy's construct is no match for the hulk's empowered might. It gives after just a couple of sizzling emerald blows. As the red lights begin to flare back up and around him, then the blows stop and there is another concussive wave of force as the Juggernaut enters the scene in spectacular fashion. The red lights start to again drop and flash like a neon light going out as Kara swoops in and grabs him.

    Normally, Power Boy feels better after this sort of thing. He looks almost weak at the moment. He might be nearly impossible to fatigue, powered by the Source as he is, but he normally doesn't pop in and out of his berserk state in so little time. "There is so much anger there. So much⦠it's just, how does he -get angrier-? It's.. it's a feedback loop. He makes me berserk, I hit him, he gets angrier, I feed off his rage." he's confused. Dazed. He has wood splinters in his teeth.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara passes Kirby off to Power Boy as she flies them a good distance from Hulk, hopefully out of the green guy's range. "Shake it off Power Boy. Angry is what he does-I think. And we don't smooch that much. Not that it matters." She rolls her eyes with a flicker of remorse and annoyance before focusing on calm again. "You had Kirby worried. Let me fly you home and you can relax-mellow out a little." She advises, hauling him from the fight.

Hulk has posed:
That sound everyone hears going off into the distance is the sound of the Hulk roaring as he bullets through a full mountain -causing yet another minor avalanche- and stops inside the next one. This time though, he's used to it though, and he digs his way out with a growl.

Then, once he sees daylight again... Hulk shouts a roar into the sky, the sheer volume of it echoing through for miles from the number of people denying him his SMASHES.

Then, he leaps those miles right back.... before he runs right into Juggernaut, hitting him with a punch hard enough to send sonic booms through the area, Hulk visibly growing another foot as he goes to town on Juggernaut with punch after punch, "HULK DON'T CARE, GET OUT OF WAY!" Hulk roars right in Juggernauts face.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is familiar with the Juggernaut...and the fact that he is pretty much unstoppable. Kenan is not sure if he CAN do anything to stop the two from their fight...but he is glad the interloper is out of the fight. He and the hulk were feeding off each other's rage too much...there is no telling where it would have ended.

Juggernaut has posed:
The Juggernaut follows the descent of the Hulk back to the ground near him, charging forward when the green behemoth does. He lets out a roar of his own, trading blows with him. The explosive sounding connections of fist to flesh fill the air, deafening to lesser beings. The sight of an angry Hulks wide open mouth does not really improve his mood anyway, and he briefly attempts to plant a fist right in it before headbutting the man. "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT GOT IN MY WAY, ASSHOLE!" He might not have quite the lungs the Hulk does, but his bellow is pretty loud as well. Taking steps forward, either the Hulk will fall back or be pushed when their bodies come into contact. The oversized fists of his opponent endlessly raining blows on his ribs, sides and chest. Body blow! Body blow! Body blow! The two of them could probably go for a long time. CAN either of them get tired?

Hulk has posed:
"HULK DON'T CARE." Hulk roars, before he slips under those punches to grab both of Juggernauts legs. Taking the unstoppable Juggernaut, he spins like a top for a few seconds, before Juggernaut is launched right back at the mountains he came from, /hard/.

"Hulk smash you later." Hulk growls as the man disappears... then, he leaps westward, starting to head across state, out of sight almost immediately.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan Digs himself out of where he was last hit to and looks arouns. He sees the Hulk jumping away anddecides that he is best left alone to cool down...he is not causing immediate harm. Kenan sets about repairin the worst of the damages, working feom here back to where the situation started.