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The Impossible Compass Part 3
Date of Scene: 22 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The tribe is slowly educated and made self sustaining. Prendik helps some and asks for help getting a boat to get back home. With intelligent consulting and a bit of tech and luck this is no problem and everyone has a more or less happy ending despite half the hybrids slightly permanently dumb due to brain damage.
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Redstar, Mister Fantastic, Crusader

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd has brought backup this time. The impact last time was annoyingly...large. Pretending to be a knight in the context of the story simply wasn't enough to avoid changing it. This time, he is simply considering staying in the background. What he wants doesn't need to disrupt the idiot humans interloping in the animal kingdom at all. As an experiencer of uplift, he starkly approves of Moreau's experiments. That's why he is here. His notes and work. Though his darker instincts tells him that this might be a chance to change the world in...interesting ways. He knows himself well enough to know that it was no accident he chose THIS story to go to.

There is a flash of light and he appears on the beach with the demon. "Your mission here is to stay near me until I order otherwise. I want backup in case the heroes attack. I can pay you handsomely later in occult or experiential paraphinalia as you require, but I want muscle in case I need it. I am here for Moreau's notes. Once we have them, we leave. In and out. What we seek is..." he held out a small smart phone, connected to the compass deep in the machine back on Earth, and perfectly capable of acting like one....he pointed into the jungle, "There."

Redstar has posed:
Starr says, "I read the book once,? Starr muses as she slowly turns and takes in the area. "Mmmmm, would you like an aerial view? We can get there quickly. Or are we being stealthy?" The demon sounds bored as she begins to walk. A glance is cast at Grodd, "Do you care about body count?" There is something in the way she says that...

The demon walks beside the gorilla heading in the direction his cell points. Boredom having her drawing long gashes in trees she passes. No doubt offending territory scratches through the area."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed Richards has been researching the mysterious temporal fluctuations caused by Gorilla Grodd lately, as they have rippled through the multiverse here and there. Enough to catch his attention once he latched onto the earlier mystery of the reappearing pirates. Since then, he has tweaked an old prototype pulled from his warehouse, a device means to explore the multiverse by creating its own self-powered pocket universe which acted sort of like a black hole with a safety net. Using this and a theoretical mathematiacl formula he developed over the recent weeks, he hopes to be in the same place at the same time as the mystery gorilla in question.

"Here goes nothing," he says, powering on the device from his present moment on earth. It hums, lights up, and begins to shake. Slowly, a deep black field forms as an orb, reflecting nothing. Emitting no light. Just a gentle yum that continues to escalate. Reed, for his part, bravely enters the portal after attaching a complicated pair of goggles against his forehead. Hopefully, his safety net will hold.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader had finally had luck in reaching one of the folks in the magical community. He had managed to get a special gem from one Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda, to help him in tracking down and hopefully stopping Grodd. Weather or not this will be successful is hard to say.
    Once he picks up some temporal anomies, he evenlopes the gem and closes his eyes. As if in tune with where he was going - Crusader seems to break down into letters, words and sentences that speed themselves into the book, the world, that was being invaded by Grodd. What he'll find on the other side, he is not sure yet, but it was time to find out

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd looks at Starr a moment and then says, "Yeah." He sighs. "It will increase our odds of discovery, but the fact of the matter is, I simply don't care. A word of warning. If you only read the book once you might not remember how unhinged Moreau is. Don't let him capture you. Kill yourself if it happens. I'm serious about that. Oh. And I don't care what you do to Moreau or the humans, but do not kill or seriously injur any of the hybrids. Especially the ape man. He is not to be touched. Let's fly."

Reed and Crusader appear literally right next to each other, next to a large boat pulling up on the beach being rowed by a large creature with pointy ears and glowing eyes, a man in the back looking wet and miserable. There is a larger steam ship sailing away off into the distance. The island is tropical and it is the middle of summer. It is HOT and it is HUMID and it is miserable. And for being a fictional realm (one which neither of you had any idea where you were going to) it is ...well. It seems real enough.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed's molecules are literaly torn apart, stretched to their furtherst possible length, and reassembled within nanoseconds. So quickly, in fact, that he doesn't even feel it happen. Of course, he /knows/ it's happening and that's enough to have him thanking his stars when makes it to the other side in one piece. Not that he lets it show.

Though he appears to be without weapons, the scientist does have a handheld device that might be some kind of scanner. On arrival, it lights up and makes some beep-beep-boop noises that draw Reed's attention, momentarily. Soon, however, he glances up to spot Crusader and the creature on the incoming boat. "Good day," he says, friendly enough. "Might you be able to tell me where I am now?"

Redstar has posed:
Starr shows off her pointy teeth in a grin as Grodd lays out the ground rules. "Oh goody," She purrs to the ape. In a swift movement she crouches and leaps skyward. Then she arcs back into a dive to scoop Grodd up, her arms gripping under his arms.

~I object to killing.~ Vicky's mind voice commented dryly. It made Starr smirk in amusement as she flew high for them to gain their bearings.

"There it is," The demoness purrs before beginning her flight. Dr. Moreau's facility could be seen from above the trees. "You guide and I'll fly," And she begins to dive for the compound.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader dictionaried body re-solidfies into his form at the same time Reeds molecules are reassembled - science and magic, trying to outdo each other since conception! But none the lass the juggernaut looks down at Reed - and decides he best get the basis out of the way "No One can not Mr.Richards - One is from the same world as you, just got here differently...and evidently at the same time." he looks around - though would need to figure out where they are
    But none the less - Crusader begins to attune his cyberpathy to any technology he can, to try and see if perhaps they were in an ancient place, there was cables underground to power something, anything at all to give him a clue. The quicker he can get infomation, the quicker he can move. But he none the less turns to the creature "But really...do you know were we are?" he echos Reeds words to the creature and the man as well

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The creature, looking at both of them looks taken aback but his ears flatten behind his head and he calms somewhat upon Reed and Crusader's politeness. "I...I am Montgomery. You are on an island with no name, though local sailers refer to it as Windback. It is the property of Doctor Moreau."

The man in the back, wet and miserable looks shocked. "Moreau? Doctor Thadeus Moreau the vivisectionist?"

Montgomery nods, "He is my master and employer. A man of great talent."

The man in the back shakes his head, "My name is Edward Prendik. I was going to drown until Montogemery rescued me. Looks like I'll be stranded here for months though I don't suppose either of you has a ship?"

At that moment, Reed's sensor starts going bonkers. Assuming it detects temporal anomolies, it is detecting them all around, with the highest concentrations on....himself and Crusader as well as a third source moving rapidly in their general direction.

Meanwhile, with Starr's help, the trip through the jungle is made in short order. Flying over the trees, they see a small rough village below with several animal and human hybrids huddled around a small fire pit. The structures are all very primitive. As they continue flying at Grodd's direction, they soar in low over a walled compound and approach a lab.

As Reed looks at the (were it alive one might say almost Angry) sensor, they can see something flying over a wall and into a compound in the distance.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed, for his part, does not look convinced. "You're saying this is the Island of Dr. Moreau," he muses, not intending it to be a question. Studying the two on the boat for a moment, then the large creature who knows his name, the leader of the Fantastic Four looks as if he's about to say something more when his sensor goes off. BEEP-BEEP-BOOP! The screen shows several undulating blue discs where the temporal anomalies are. Two he pinpoints immediately as belonging to himself and Crusader. To the other, he frowns. "It seems we were not alone in our travels here," he tells Crusader, shifting his body until he's staring straight toward the flying pair. "There," he points into the distance, before starting in that direction.

Redstar has posed:
Starr swoops in over the wall and sets Grodd on the roof. It's good to be a demon. Now she stretches and her wings remain spread. While she is certainly cocky she knows she is here to be a shield. And she is a very effective shield. A twenty foot wingspan tends to do that.

"Let me open the door for you," Starr says with a grin at the gorilla. As the sound of agitated hybrids can be heard on street level there is another sound. The sounds of a roof before broken open sends them scattering with a variety of animalistic cries. "I love screams of terror in the morning..."

~I hate you. You're ruining one of my favorite works!~ Vicky's mind rages against Starr's, but a gnat doesn't bother a rock. And Starr merely sneers as she opens the roof with super strength, throwing debris into the street.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader lifts off and follow behind Reed "Right behind you. And do not be in disbelief Mr.Richards - from the evidence One has gathered...Grodd has been entering books using some compass Artifact that according to the old onwer could even take one to Asgard - whever Grodd goes, corresponds directly with the books
    Crusader flies quickly and peers. As he stare, he frowns as he spots STarr of all people. He had met her band the demon her before (in a different form of his). This could only mean trouble - and raised many a questions. But for now they just had to reach them

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd spots Reed as they set down. The bright blue uniform doesn't exactly make it subtle. Crusader is also spotted quite quickly. Reed, he has studied extensively and planned for. Crusader is an unknown quantity despite what he has read about in the papers. Ergo Starr. "Distract them. Be ready to disengage on my call. We are here to get in and out. Don't get carried away or you might get left behind. The longer we stay, the more ripples we make, and not all of them might be to our advantage."

Prendick and Montgomery are SHOCKED as the two move away, Montgomery flat out howling at the sky and ripping his hair out from fear. Prendick looks concerned and, in a sort of english I don't know what the fuck to do kind of way gently sort of pats Montgomery on the back. "There....there....it will be all right. Really. I'm sure there is a perfectly...logical..." he looks at the bat winged Starr descend on the compound, "explanation...."

Moreau looks up and looks dark. His eyes furrow and the....absolute horror on his table would cause anyone but Grodd and a demon to have to make a sanity check. Indeed, poor Vicky is given a look at what a few of the worse layers of hell might look like as Panther and Human parts are strewn about in anatomical ways that were not meant to be that way. Moreau is outraged, "What is the meaning of this?! How DARE YOU."

Grodd points a sleek silver gun at Moreau, and laughs. "Surprise doctor." He pulls the trigger, and a thin silver beam comes out....turning Moreau into a gorilla! He signals Starr to release him and tumble rolls down onto the ground in front of the gathered Hybrids. "Behold your master! Now **I** am the Law!"

Redstar has posed:
"Playtime!" The demoness sings as she launches straight for Crusader. "Let's see who can take the heat!" And while Crusader is likely unaffected by the fever suddenly spiking. Reed might find a sudden 105 degree fever much more of a problem.

Starr swerves just before she might barrel into Crusader. Instead it becomes a dive straight for Richards and looking to plow him into the earth. Maybe taking advantage of the effects of a raging fever.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
As Reed runs alongside Crusader, his legs stretching to allow him to move at maximum speed, he chuckles and casts a sidelong glance. "This isn't a book," he states with a smirk. "You would be surprised at the power the collective unconscious has on the multiverse, though." His theory is that this dimension was created by the collective energy formed through people's reading of the book over many years, developing it into a sort of real-world equivalent, with likely small borders at various distances around the island.

As he nears the compound, Reed leaps into the air, his form sucking in to take on a shape that resembles a long straw, which then twists round and round. Essentially, he becomes a enormous spring. Hitting the ground hard, he contracts into his new shape, then bounds in an arc that will hopefully send him shooting past Starr and into the compound's through its new sunroof.

Crusader has posed:
"But it is" Crusader says "One can describe it anyway you like - collective unconciouse, multiple dimension - however you want. But at the end of the day it is Schonigburgs Cat - where this place is and is not a book. Both are equally plausible and true. Whatever the case is though, this 'book world' is interconnected with our own and affecting the time stream" clearly the juggernaut for a brute is not exactly an idiot either. Brawn and Brain!

Crusader had no problem heading for Starr head on. The heat wasn't even a factor to him. As they go towards each other, and she changes directions! He turns on his back and does what is likely one of his signature moves - Shoot lighting! Or rather a spear of lightning
    As Reed springs up and Starr dives down - a rot spear of lightning surges forwards from Crusader grasp towards STarr - intending to show her to never turn your back on an enemy...if it hits

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Congratulations everyone. You all win! Well.....

Kind of.

The heating of Reed's brain causes it to work in over drive causing it to make calculations and connections he would otherwise be unaware of (though might realize after the fact) getting over his prejudice against magic and simply accepting that what is, is, and realizing that they are a threat here simply by being thus changing his leap to a more stealthy path. This awkward break with his concious mind causes an oblique angle which neither Crusader nor Starr were expecting, causing her to miss both, but for Reed, Spagetti length that he is to be caught mid stretch by Starr's gigantor wings.

As a result, Starr is snapped back into Reed, causing him to twirl about her like a fork twirling said Spagetti at JUST the wrong time when Crusader's lightning bolt hits her other wing, not realizing that Reed was on the other side.

The resulting spasm causes Starr to plummed to the ground, but with Reed wrapped around all three (possibly also shocked by the bolt) and bouncing in a solid mess back into Crusader, wrapping a mess of Reed, Starr and Crusader flying through the air about to land back near a gibbering and much more hairless Montgomery. Prendik has now given up trying to console Montgomery and has simply begun moving him out of the way.

Grodd, meanwhile, unaware of Shenanigans outside, smiles in satisfaction as the Gorilla, grunts and says, "What have you...done to me? I am a Gorilla!"

"That's right. The true perfect form."

The other hybrids are...stunned by this. Their world view turned upside down!


And Grodd begins to set to work telepathically convincing Moreau of the benefits of being a Gorilla. But really, all he cares about is stealing Moreau's secrets from his mind. There it is, the location of his 'nerving agent' not vivisection at all. The fool. He is a master geneticist and the surgery isn't even needed. No surgeries could perform the wonders and horrors he has! There it is!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed was not planning for this epic miscalculation, and thus is unable to immediately untangle himself from the once-flying demon. Furthermore, that shock he just received seems to delay his ability to transform back. So, he remains a bundle of himself, and for the moment useless. "Whoever-you-are," he shouts to Crusader. "Get in there and stop whatever's happening!"

Redstar has posed:
Ow. That was not how things were supposed to wind up. The scream that had ripped from her as the lightning hits was horrible and grates on the soul. For a second she lays on her back and groans.

"That...hurt," She sounds cranky as she tries to untangle herself from Reed. This is likely to be an unpleasant experience as the spars of her wings can cut through steel. "Get off you limp noodle!"

The demons anger boils as in the back of her mind Vicky is laughing ~You deserved that, bitch,~ The other mind taunts making Starr snarl.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader himself was tangled within Reed - but right now he had two problems to deal with. First problem was angry demon lady! Good thing about super strength vs stretchy people - you can hit thing on the other side.

"Night Night Demon Fright" comes Crusader voice as he bons Starr on the head - hoping to knock her out - or more preferably daze Starr just enough to bring Vicky back out....if this was the same person. Hard to say when Starr looking quite demonic. ANd he not even sure if he hit hard enough for either option

But regardless, there was a more pressing issue at hand. Crusder liquifies and oozes out of Reeds entanglement "Fine, bit yer comming with me" begins running, taking reeds leg with him.As he does so - he begins wrapping the stetched hero up like a rope. Reed, the lasso of Science! At his side...and potentially dragging a demon along with them

But regardless, Crusader breaks through th coumpund walls and into the facility. And with out a second though he swing Reed over his head and throws the make shift human rope to try and capture....both Gorrilas, since there are apparently two...or one depending if he got there in time!

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd swaps minds with Moreau and says to the assembled creatures. "I was wrong. My good friend Grodd, and this is who it is, is right! Gorilla is the perfect shape! WE must be APES! But smart apes! Better than men, more than beasts! THIS IS THE LAW!"

By reflect the other hybrids shout and raise their hands, doubt gone. "THIS IS THE LAW!"

Moreau, in Grodd's body, shouts with anger and points the rifle at Grodd and shoots. The silver beam comes out and....nothing happens. Grodd raises a brow. "Really? You are going to shoot a Gorilla with a Gorillafication ray? Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you Doctor?"

He reaches for the vial he has been seeking and at JUST that moment, Crusader bursts through the wall KOOL AID STYLE. OH YEAH!

Grodd's body is grappled, but has JUST enough time to dodge the lasso of Reed, primarily having been warned by...you know. Loud exploding wall.

Redstar has posed:
Starr rocks forward with a grunt. For a moment it seems she has been taken down. Reed is unwound the rest of the way. But Crusader didn't hit quite hard enough .

The battle between her and Vicky is short. As has been the case for awhile the demon prevails, even after that blow. "Ow," As she lifts her head she licks at the black blood off her lips. It heals in a blink as she rolls into a crouch. "Bad boy," She snarls before launching straight after Crusader. What had he said about watching your back? Two orbs of brilliant heat are heading straight for his back.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader is ALWAYS watching his back. He lacks organs and yet he can see, taste, smell, hear and feel. This is because...his entire body performs all these functions - in otherwords he has 360 vision!

Crusader quickly pulls Grodds body in and holds him tightly in a steely grasp, as he tumbles to the side to avoid the heated blasts - mostly for Reeds shake. But who knows, even his heat tolorance has a breaking point.
    Regardless, first things first, he takes the gorillafication ray from 'Grodds' hands and promptly envelopes it in his own body.
    Which leaves the problem of Starr. Of course not knowing Monrue was Grodd, he says to the other free Gorilla "One suggests you get out of here with the others" he warns as he leaves 'Grodd' firmly tied up in Reed to face Starr

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "Oh of course sir! Right away! I will alert the others immediately!" What others? Alert them of what? What gibberish. He grabs the vial and tosses it ....not at Crusader or his body. With another flash, he is inside of the mind of Reed. With Reed temporarily in the mind of Gorilla Moreau.

With perfect precision, he catches the vial, 'unties' his body and CLOBBERS Crusader upside the unsuspecting head with a hand rapidly shited into a giant anvil with the mass of such. "SURPRISE HERO!" He grunts with satisfaction and telepathically instructs Starr. o O "GET MY BODY OUT OF HERE! NOW!"

Redstar has posed:
Starr lands at the edge of the hole that Crusader made. She has a sneer and looks annoyed as she surveys the room. "Thing about heroes..." She purrs in time with Grodd's swing. The heat of the area becomes suddenly worse and the hybrids outside all begin to drop. As temperatures reach 128 things are made worse for hybrids and Reed internally. Temperature outside? 128. Inside? 107 and rising...

Cries of suffering raise behind her as she leaps for Grodd. There is no care for the fact she is grabbing a hand and leaping through her own hole in the roof. Super strength launch upwards against joints isn't so friendly. Another vibrant sphere is thrown at Crusader's head. It is, as always, a distraction. And familiar.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader head is slammed - or more accurately, that anvil make his head go flying off. That was one thing he was not braced for. Oddly enough the head more or less looked like it belonged with the pile of human and animal parts already scattered around, before it disolves into a puddle.
    The stump is than lightly roasted by Starr. But that not enough to keep him down. Infact, Crusader body keeps on moving! Judging by the words spoken by 'Reed' he was grodd...and grodd was read, which mean monrour was grodd. Oh lord, yalls get the point

The headless Crusader would now have to compete with a Grodd COntrolled Reed, and Starr, since Reed is still fried....frie...frie "Sorry about this Reed" out from Crusader body, lightening arches out hitting everything and anything randomly

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd yelps in pain and is not used to that much damage. Sure Reed's rubber body can take it but he still FEELS the pain and in this brain the carefully edited brain controls to control pain from super heroes are not calibrated. It SUCKS. And he instantly and instictively flips his brain back to his body which in turn automagically puts Reed and Moreau back in theirs. Grodd is PISSED....and as he still flies upward in the air as dragged by her, he uses his last two gadgets at the same time. Since he couldn't risk harming the hybrids, all his tech was considerably non lethal.

That didn't make it not annoying. The first hit the ground with an innocuous THUD, and instantly increased the gravity for exactly 30 feet around it (just the range that Starr had flown past annoyingly, damn hyperintelligence) and made the weight of anyone trapped inside of it 20 times as heavy without crushing lungs. Not too bad for the super strong Crusader likely but...

Oh dear. A small ball of wheat in a tiny glass vial crashed immediately after that. Wheat you say? What could be so bad about ....

OMFG! Wheat, growing at insane rates, everywhere, stretching out and out and out and popping up like wild fire starting in the compound and rushing out into the jungle, growing over 10 feet tall. Inside of the roofless building not so bad but it was likely to get into everything. Ears. Eyes. Nose. Again, carefully calibrated not to choke...but DAMN obnoxious.

Grodd grunted, barely able to talk, "too close, this was too close..." and activated the compass to return them home.

Crusader has posed:
The gravity wasn't so bad - the wheat though! Crusader turned off his lightning abilities immediatly! No need to start an island wide fire after all. But with Reed still seeming out of condition, Star Gone - several hybrids dead, and other gone crazy. Let alone the wheat field...this was alot of damage and annoyance to fix
    Crusader sighs, well seem he will be staying here at least for a little while. Time to teach some hybrids how to be self sufficent and get a sense of freedom from Monrou...who Crusader decided to leave a Gorilla. What this means for the future is hard to say. Only time will tell

Redstar has posed:
The nice thing about being a demon is your tough. And when you're already on your way up the crackling licks of electricity make her bare sharp teeth. And the grip on Grodd spasms slightly, never comfortable when the squeezer has heightened strength.

"Where too? I don't know who Mr. Static was, but that lightning was familiar..." Starr says as she flies for their exit. "The next thing we steal should be the necronomicon. Now that could be useful," And so she natters as she flies them back to their crossing point. She is far from pissed, just vaguely annoyed and looking forward to what comes next.