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Breathtaking Blazing Brilliant Bifrost Bringing Battle for Balder
Date of Scene: 19 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Forces from across space and the Nine Realms come seeking Balder where he arrived on Earth, but having missed him, they contend with each other, an Olympian, a Firey Haired Giantess, winds, a diminutive Mutant, the Earth itself, and the remnants of a four pound fusion cuisine food truck burrito. War and Peace, combat and communication, good triumphing over cultural differences? What a mess.
Cast of Characters: Fairchild, Erddrache, Caim Kataras, Ares, Hulk

Fairchild has posed:
The sun is setting on the western horizon (it would probably be bad if it were setting somewhere else). The crowds that had flocked to see gods and glamazons drinking mead and chatting has dispersed, though the burn mark of where the Bifrost Bridge deposited Balder the Brave (Balder the Bold... guess that makes him Balder the Brave and the Bold) remains, and still smokes a bit. The Norse Protector of All Living Things has departed as well, probably to find his older brother or check out the Asgardian Embassy, but a few from his little drinking party do remain. The air crackles with Antici... Pation, as if awaiting someone or something else. Though the festivities have ended, the Light has left, and the sun is slipping away, this day is far from over.

Having taken advantage of Balder and Power Girl's departures to draw attention away from herself, Caitlin Fairchild has found shelter beneath the shade of some trees, counting her cash and coins, and seriously considering sneaking back to where a bountiful American-French-Mexican Fusion Burrito met an untimely descent to its demise on the ground. The question of how hungry she is, especially with her metabolism, is not one that should be asked, she is not one you want to make hungry, you probably wouldn't like her when she is hungry. Looking over at the Olympian, she broaches a question she didn't want to ask earlier, "So, does your family really curse people and turn them into animals because other people compare them to you guys? I mean, I would never do something like that, but people have compared me to your sister and sister-in-law a few times, not that I agree with those comparisons, but I really don't want to be turned into an owl or a crimson plumed bird or something." her voice nervous at Ares' answer.

As the question lingers in the air, so does a crackle of energies, parts of the rune in the grass glowing slightly, as if the markings for other realms were calling out to their respective worlds, responding to other lingering questions, answering queries from interstellar and interdimensional search engines of sorts. With each passing moment the energies grow stronger, and the ozone in the air grows thicker... waiting... waiting... just waiting... for now.

Erddrache has posed:
Well, the sun setting only ment he should start heading home. But still, it is not everyday you get to meet gods and goddesses and what have you! And....considering the stories that may actually be a good thing. Between tricksters and vindictive goddess wife due to cheating godly husbands...and there that thing with being born out of an ear and something about a horse....Boris shakes himself out of it. Gods are officially weirder than mutants if ANY of the stories are true!

Regardless, Boris was much more comfortable in a lack of crowds, than he was in them. And with the crowd dispering as it did, it seemed a good place to linger. Boris as always was dressed in an absured layer of clothes as if trying to hide himself - an to his credit short stature aside he done a good job. As he get closer, the tell-tale rumbling of the earth is present as he comes to take a closer look at the marks left on the ground. He even takes out a phone to take a picture as he asks the folks nearby "...was vere really godz und vat hauf sie here?" he wonders curiously.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim had been watching the bifrost markings curiously. Norse mythology wasnt his strong point, the only thing he agreed with the asgardians was a love for battle. He leans on his cane and looks around at the various people, shoulder carring a black duffel bag which seems to be latched. He looks to Boris and the various people present as if studying them, hoping privately for something to happen, something violent.

Ares has posed:
Ares had sat down cross-legged, drinking the wine of Asgard with an approving look on his face. "hm...reminds me somewhat of home." Then? Caitlin moves closer to him to speak, and he tilts his head softly at her rather...nervous-based question. But! it is not a weird question, it's simply what these people know. That said, he answers.

"Some of them do. Namely Zeus. He had a bad habit of doing that, contorting man's image to a foul creature. Take the hero Perseus's story, for example." he says then, though as it looks like he will continue, he pauses as he senses the energies still hanging in the air. He stands up to his feet, looking around. "hm.." a look back to Caitlin.

"Fear not, such a fate will not befall you. You have far too good a heart, for that." his eyes look around, his clothes looking like they are burning until they turn into pitch black armor, covering all of Ares's body minus his head. it's fitted, and the image of a wolf is displayed more than once if one looks close enough. a long, tattered, raven black cloak hangs from his sleek shoulderguards and seems to touch the floor.

Hulk has posed:
The Bifrost Bridge has always been a point of interest for one Bruce Banner. He isn't often in the vicinity when it activates on the planet, so he's eager to take some readings on an energy scanner he built himself. Walking along in nondescript clothing and wearing a Yankies hat, Bruce Banner walks into Central Park with a pinging meter.

Of course, he was expecting residual amounts in the low scale range... instead, the pinging is slowly ramping up as something new visibly builds. "Huh." The comment is mumbled to himself with curiosity, before Bruce takes a look around, trying to find the source with a slow sweeping wave of the device.

Fairchild has posed:
There is a moment of terror on Caitlin's eyes, Ares' words combine with his actions evoking an conflict of ideas. Yes, he said 'such a fate will not befall her' 'too good a heart, for THAT', and then he armored up. Her fists clench, ready to defend herself from Ares seeking to take her heart. Unlike Ares and Doctor Banner's scanner, Caitlin is not aware of the increase in energy, she only knows the stories and what she sees before her. Part of her hopes Ares is kidding around in some morbid Olympian joke, he seemed nice and actually avoided picking a fight with Balder and Power Girl, but his taking on the ominous form does intimidate her. She doesn't strike first, still granting the benefit of the doubt to the gentleman she first met, but she is on guard, ready to counter anything thrown at her and attempt to give as good as she gets.

The Soldier for Hire's wishes obviously reached someone, because neither her, nor Ares, nor Doctor Banner have long to wait as not one or two, but four different protals open up near the glyph burnt into the ground. On the other sides of the portals are an alien world covered in stone, Black Caves with Lizards crawling around, a vast Frozen Tundra with an ice palace in the distance, and even blacker caves with rotton stench seeping from the portal. Save for the Alien World's Portal, the portals crackle and shift in size as they radiate with energies similar to those of the glyph. The Alien Portal seems far more stable, rectangular with rounded corners, not to mention twice as tall and five times as wide as the other portals.

As each portal finds its stability, figures, first in silouhette, then fully visible move closer from the other side, then begin stepping through. The Alien World's Portal reveals giants of rock, like eight foot tall big brother's to the Fantastic Four's Thing, only with heads resembling the Moai of Easter Island. The Tundra Portal is so small that it requires its passers to crawl, as each is twenty to thirty feet tall, giants, some of Ice, others looking more flesh and blood, but all massive beings none the less, thankfully they are exiting one at a time for now. The stench filled cave portal release a hoard of short and stocky little orange skinned creatures, two toed, crimson beards, green metal armor, and wielding maces and morningstars, the mass of them shouldering through the portal and practically fighting each other to pass. The final portal's passers seem the most human, though their eyes glow, their skin sallow, wearing Nordic Armor with torn capes and a menagerie of melee weapons glowing with sickly white light all their own. Each group eyes each other, the Onyx Armored Olympian, and the Yankee cap wearing guy beside the runic glyph. A member of each group yells something out, though the languages are not ones native to Earth, only one word really understandable in each tongue, "Balder". Like the energy before, a new question hangs in the air... who will act first.

Erddrache has posed:
And....great. Giant Rock people...giant GINATS....he wasn't even sure what those troll people where, his idea of a troll doesn't quite match up. But they were not you everyday fatasy troll...and at least some looked kinda human. But this didn't change the fact they he didn't understand a word spoken - and THEY didn't exactly look friendly. Heck, Ares didn't look friend and that man was already getting the dwaven man to tremor out just by seeing the change in armor
    But these guys? Well...Boris was offically terrified and scared to death. This results in only one thing - centralized siemic activity. Aka local earth quakes. The ground heaves too and fro as Boris outright panics, shaking in place unable to move however at the sudden appearance of the beings - let alone seeing the portal to other worlds. Which would have been amazing...if they were not being blocked by gods knows what.

Ares has posed:
While Cailtin's shocked expression and defensive mannerisms are somewhat amusing, Ares sighs a moment. "Don't jump to conclusions." he advises her before those portals open up and Ares doesn't even flinch. He stands there, eyes forward onto the void as all manner of creatures came forth. Kronan from their world of stone. Jotuns from Jotunheim, and finally those foes of Nornheim. and trolls? Huh. Either way, Ares can't help but smile softly.

"Greetings. The God of War greets you." a single gesture of his hand and a Greek longsword appears in his hand, clearly radiating with magic based on the runes on it. "Now I'm afraid I must send you off. I care not if you leave peacefully." Thus sayeth the God of war as his eyes glow a soft red.


Fairchild has posed:
A comedy of errors... or maybe just pure comedy. The quaking causes most of the combatants to fall flat on their faces, which creates a pile of Jotun Giants, three of them obstructing their portal so more can't even pass, though one does accidentally backhand Doctor Banner and send him off into the distance... Woh to whoever meets the wrath of Banner's less than hapy about being dismissed other self, the angle may mean it will take a while for him to land, and that means hopefully he'll have time to cool off on any possible return trip. The Nornheim warriors and Kronans are only slightly better off than the Jotuns, still all losing their footing and ending up tossed around, but there is still room to step over their bodies from their portals. It is the Orange Skinned Rock Trolls who seem unphased, the shaking and quaking barely even shifting their march, as if they are completely used to the ground quaking and have no problem continuing to advance, though seeing the other armies down does seem to elate them as they rush both toward the rune and to take advantage of their competitor's predicaments. One of the Trolls, in broken english responds, "Puny gods, Ulik say Balder his, you go, we take, quick quick, give Odinson, give mead, give Firehaired Giantess, give shiny shinies, now now." seeming to command Ares directly and gesturing side to side past the Son of Zeus.

Unlike the Trolls, Caitlin is not used to the ground quaking, but she is quite agile and nimble, causing her to bound back and forth off chunks of ground coming up under her, her gaze now on the scene before her, her movements seeming like she is trying to dodge away from where the Troll is pointing, though that seems futile. Concerned about Ares, she gulps, "Is this a bad time to point out that you should avoid throwing around any energy, and stick to melee, as there are still many civilians nearby and a stray blast could hit a bystander?" swinging her mini backpack purse so she can secure it better on her back, her eyes homing in on the Jotun, as if she already has a plan of her own.

Erddrache has posed:
Who knew being scared can be so helpful agaist people five times your size...and than some! Seeing the giants was actually pretty funny, and Boris actually laughs at scene - which evidently doesn't make the shaking any better, but also not any worse.
    Still, giants, gods, weapons being waved around...definintly not seeming his Pa would want him near. Being an oppurtinitisc person himself...and not seeing any civlians in any danger (Cause lets Face it - God of War? He more likely to feel bad for everyone else Ares fights), and Caitlyne does sound like she knows what shes doing...and so Boris Peaces Out!
    Burrow burrow burow!!!

The ground beneath Boris seems to in a sense take on the properties of a liquid as Boris just sinks into the ground - the only clue he was even there being the harden ripples left behind. Where he was is hard to say for the not-particular observant folks, but nearby a rock seems to ever so slight lift as Boris watches from the safty of the rocky earth...relatvely speaking when talking about folks who can probably shatter doulbers with one mighty blow.

Ares has posed:
Ares seems to narrow his eyes as he looks at the combatants as they fall....while Ares just chills there and chuckles softly. "Heh, funny." he says to the combatants who were right flat on their faces! Either way, he tilts his head directly at the trolls who seem to diss Ares's name, which can only end badly. "Oh? do you now? Well then." However, it's Caitlin getting her input in to the God of War, who simply looks to her with the warmest smile. "Don't worry."

Nah, instead he throws that sword in his hand with lethal precision aimed for a Jotun's chest to knock him right back into the portal as he cracks his knuckles...and just that action causes a great burst of wind that even Caitlin -might- feel intimidated by. "So, who's next?" he asks then with a grin.

Even better? the combat was making him stronger. God of War.

Fairchild has posed:
The Jotun being knocked back through the portal only further obstructs it, as they are pushed into others waiting on the other side, creating a further mess of a half dozen of so tangled up giants of various breeds, unable to right themselves, unable to free themselves from one another, and making the portal closed in every other way except for the literal sense, the jotun just beyond the Zenith making even air from their chilly realm unable to pass.

With the departure of the seismology manipulating mutant midget, the Kronan quickly right themselves, taking a defensive formation, their leader gesturing for the forces beyond the event horizon to stay back, as he steps forward and speaks in far better English than the Rock Troll had, "I am Rohtton, of the Kronan Brotherhood. We demand a private audience with the Asgardian Prince, Balder Odinson. We have important matters to speak with him. It is urgent and we can not accept rejection. We know Terrans seemed to only respect and understand violence and are willing to fight in honorable combat if that must be the only way to have our audience. Yield him to us now, and none must be harmed." stepping forward toward Ares, as the current welcoming committee, the winds causing his metal skirt to flutter about his waist and thighs.

The Trolls that were unphased by quaking Earth are less sure-foooted in the face of the gusts and gales, stumbling and bumbling like little lumps of orange flesh and green armor. They do let loose a Battle Cry as the swing their little weapons at the helpless Jotun just beyond the portal's mouth, the stoic Kronans blocking their own portal behind their leader, and the nearest of the Norn Soldiers.

The Norn soldiers lack the mass of the Kronans and the compactness of the Trolls, making them have a difficult time regaining any semblence of footing, but they seem quite skilled and relentless as the crawl towards their objective and use parries and shield blocks to keep their Troll attackers at bay. Unlike the Trolls and the Kronan, the Norn Soldiers seem not have no specific leader, but instead speak in unison, one voice coming from many mouths, "We too demand audience with Balder, our Mistress seeks him as her Consort and she is not one to be denied. None shall hinder us, we are tireless, we are relentless, we will succeed, we are Nornheim."

Winds are not exactly ideal, but Caitlin has experience with fighting along someone who can bring hurricanes to battle, so handling fighting with the flow of the air is in her wheelhouse, and way better than dealing with the ground trying to throw her on her hiney. She can't run super fast, but she is faster than most humans and she hits like a freight train. The creepy unison speech causes her only a fraction of hesitation before she baseball slide kicks two of the Norn Soldiers, sending them tumbling backwards through their portal as more of them advance through it in total unison. She shields herself from a Troll's mace strike and shouts back, "Maybe we can negotiate some terms, time sharing or schedule meetings?" then looking to Ares, "I'm not sure if Magic is your thing, but you wouldn't happen to know how to close these things, say after we return them through or even before so more can't come?" a tear crosses her eyes as she sees a troll smoosh the remnants of the burrito into a total splatter, mourning the four pound fusion cuisine's last moment of being remotely edible die.

Ares has posed:
Ares seems to sigh a moment, though the Kronans do get a soft smile then from Ares. "Very well. I accept your challenge." Let's be real...Ares can probably end this in one strike, but he'll humor his foes for a moment. Though watching the beautiful Fairchild soar through and drop more than a few enemies is extremely entertaining, he nods softly at her words. "I am greatly experienced with magic. Once we get them back through those portals, I can close them."

Though he does sigh a moment. "Fine..can you all come back later? Balder is doing some political business." he looks to them all minus the Kronan leader, whom Ares simply gestures to strike at him if he's brave enough too. Yes, Ares was gonna show off.

If he was struck? the weapon would break. Showcasing Ares's invulnerability. "My turn."

Fairchild has posed:
There is a pause as the armies all look at each other (well except the Jotuns, as they can only see their own selves and are tangled), the Nornheim nodding, "Our Queen finds these terms acceptable, we shall allot three Midgard Days before we return" then in unison they turn and march back through the portal as in synchronous as they came, still fending off Troll attacks. The protal to the Realm of the Norns doesn't even wait for Olympian interference and seals itself.

The Troll leader shouts, "No talky talky, Balder now, puny rocks die, puny gods die, we take Balder, we take Flamehead." the leader gesturing the Trolls that no longer had Nornheim targets to focus on the Caitlin, as more and more of the trolls flood slowly through their portal. Meanwhile, the Troll Leader rushes past Rohtton and it is his weapon that strikes, cracking on Ares' leg, "No you turn, my turn, my turn, my turn, never puny god turn, Kilulil turn always!!!" swinging rather furiously with his broken mace handle and kicking every so often, joined by two of his fellow Rock Trolls, just after his weapon broke. Meanwhile three more of the Rock Trolls have surrounded Rohtton and begun likewise attacking him, only slightly more effectively since their weapons don't break on the Kronan's shins and he does dance around a bit at their blows.

If he weren't occupied, Rohtton might have accepted the shot, merely on honor and because he did make the challenge formally, but the attacks force him to have to focus on his attackers, "The Kronan Brotherhood's needs are urgent, but we only brought combat because we have always found it when coming to this planet and encountering its natives in elseworld. Perhaps a truce. My fellow Kronan will depart, except for two vice emmissaries to accompany me. They and I will remain nearby, so we can have our audience with Prince Balder at his earliest opening. In the meanwhile, we request permission to be allowed to actively defend ourselves against these Realm Belowers, and any aid in dispatching them?" still jumping around as he and the other Kronans only avoid or shrug off the attacks, the rear lines of Kronans withdrawing through their portal while two remain besides Rohtton on this side, the portal shrinking in width so it is only wide enough for a single Kronan to pass through at a time.

Beseiged by a contingent of Rock Trolls while she was getting up, Caitlin tries flinging them off her, tossing them one by one through their portal, but their height allows them to keep coming over and under those tossed through, making her efforts seem futile. She tries to speak, but gets Orange Skinned Rock Troll hands over her mouth and grabbing her everywhere. Well, at least they haven't torn her clothes... yet.

Ares has posed:
Ares looks at the other races who seem to have at least common sense. Going up against Caitlin is one thing, but going up against BOTH of them? insanity. Either way, he smiles as those races leave back through the portal. "Many thanks." before he looks to the trolls breaking their weapons on him. Sighing, he tosses all three back through the portal with speed and haste. "No. stay there." now? he looks to Caitlin as he rushes over to her, taking the rock beings by their stone scalps.

"Need a hand?" her mouth was free now, so she could speak. But Ares tries to toss them back through the portal from whence they came.

"No. three midgard days, and THEN you can come back. Until then? Stay there." he brushes off his hands, not in any mood for negotiation.

He even uses his magic to start closing the portals.

Fairchild has posed:
The Jotun never really got much choice in the matter, but closing their portal at least frees them of the minor pain of being poked by Trolls, and even if they would have fought, they were in no position to do so. Never really find out what they wanted, besides the original threat. Such is life, maybe they'll try again in three days or something.

Nodding thanks, Rohtton gestures for the portal to be closed, dancing among the Trolls, he and his co-emmisaries kicking the Trolls toward the remaining Portal, "We shall await signal for earlier audience for up to three Terran Rotations on the natural satellite above. If we have not received a signal, we shall return after the third full rotation." gesturing to the rising moon, before all three disappearing in streaks of light, leaving the Trolls to the residents.

The Trolls are persistant if nothing else. Perhaps if they had some of their champions with them, like Ulik, they might have had a fighting chance, but even with a numbers advantage and only two foes to focus on, they are really outmatched. The Olympians might is more than a match for the army, and probably their own combative attacks are only increasing that margin of power.

Nodding thanks, Caitlin pushes her hair from her face, and bites her lower lip, "I was trying to chime in, but you did great with your negotiations on your own. I'll avoid making a compliment that might come off as insulting due to your domain." she then looks at the Trolls, whose only real advantages against her was she was prone from her attack on the Nornheim forces and that she really was trying to avoid injuring them for fear that such a deed might remove any chance for peaceful conclusion, with the latter obviously pointless, and the former no longer a problem, her redheaded fury comes forth, "I am not some object to be claimed, I am not a giantess, and around these parts it is customary to take a lady to dinner before you..." she trails off, realizing it is a rude reference and she is above using an explitive to communicate her point... but not above violence. Grabbing one of the Trolls, she pauses to account for winds and calculate trajectory, then literally bowls the troll into the portal, knocking back the ones trying to make it through. It only takes a few minutes of mopping up, as the tide of Trolls slows and the combined power of the Gene-Active Girl and Olympian Master of War drive them back. With a single kick thrust through the portal, Caitlin presses them back far enough and then flips back out of the way to allow Ares' magic to seal the portal. She then dusts herself off, checking her outfit for tears or openings, rezipping the sweatshirt that had come completely open during the fight, and then smiles, "Not that I think I need to ask, but are you okay? I'm sure battle enflames your blood or something, so I can understand if you need to fight a bit longer. Maybe there is a place nearby where you can get into one of those underground super powered mma fights or something?" as she fixes her hair back and smiles.

Ares has posed:
Man, that was settled fast. Either way, after he watches the Trolls finally settle the dispute amongst themselves. Then as they leave the foolish ones behind, Ares turns his gaze only for Caitlin to show her red hot fury to the remaining Trolls...who should have -never- pickeda fight with her. Good thing she got it settled before they started tearing her clothes. Anyways, Ares smiles softly to Caitlin at her words. "Many thanks, but no need on my account." he says softly then, but he watches her handle her part of the situation, before he nods softly at her last strike of kicking the Trolls BACK through the portal where they belong, a gesture made then and the portal closes.

Though with the combat over, Ares takes a moment to breathe, his armor returning to his previous civilian attire through use of magic as he takes a few breaths. "...yes, I believe I will be just fine. Though I thank you for the concern." he turns to face her then, hands in his pockets. "So, would you like to come to dinner with me? I beleive I owe you for allowing your meal to be destroyed." he looks to her poor burrito, before he offers her his arm in a gentlemanly fashion. Besides, need something calming right? Plus dates are fun.

Fairchild has posed:
Three days, is that all the Earth has until another invasion? Probably sooner, but at least this conflict will postpone some forces.

A moment of hesitation, followed by a bit of a blush, Caitlin nods, "Thank you good sir. I humbly accept your offer of comestibles. Though, technically that was not my meal, it was handed to me by the tall blonde who was in line ahead of me as she rushed off in a hurry." she smiles, accepting the arm, walking off with the Olympian to wherever he decides is best to eat... hopefully a place with more selection than just ambrosia, especially the stuff called ambrosia on Earth, cause that stuff never tastes as good as the hype. Overall it has been an interesting day to say the least, eventful, exciting, and just a bit scary at times, but overall pretty good. 'What tomorrow will bring?', now that is the question to leave hanging in the air tonight.