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Housewarming: Moar Chatter, Less Prep!
Date of Scene: 02 April 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Skye and Clint hold a housewarming, and their friends live up to all expectations making it uniquely theirs.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Hawkeye (Barton), Quake, Mon-El, Vintridr, Thor, War Machine, Iron Man, Captain America, Melinda May, Deadpool, Black Widow (Romanoff), Vision

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy came over at the prearranged time on the prearranged day, because today she was helping Skye with the housewarming party. She had bought some decorations: paper streamers, balloons, paper poop emojis, plates and napkins and plasticwear with a Disney Animated Robin Hood theme. Her smile is angelic.

"Morning, Shitcode. Where's your Merry Man?" Because it would be funnier to have the decorations out and maybe hung up before he saw them in the bag.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint comes down the stairs, waving to Darcy in the doorway. "Really? Robin Hood joke? I expected more inventive than that from you, Darce," he says with a grin.

Reaching the foot of the stairs he heads to the entry, way giving Skye a quick kiss on the cheek. "Anyhow, first to arrive, c'mon in we're just getting set up."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Penis cakes come later, Hotpants," Darcy quips on a promise, smiling and setting things down.

"I'm here to help set up. Tell me what you need; I'll make it happen."

Quake has posed:
Skye had been staring at the livingroom in the house she and Clint shared when Darcy arrives and invites herself in. Typical Darcy. Without May supervision, the doorbell is just an outside deocoration, and the door merely a suggestion. Totes okay, though. They duo pretty much have an open door policy unless the door is locked, because sometimes you just gotta.. you know.. right?

"Robin Hood?" she snerks at Darcy, even as Clint is kissing her cheek. But hey, she didn't specify decoration protocol, so more fool her, huh? (and besides, secretly she's utterly amused at the joke on Clint) Though with Darcy, there's always worry that the joke about 'penis cakes later' might not actually be a joke.

Skye points to the livingroom, and then the kitchen. "Uh.. Make it so people can have fun?" Yeah, she sooooo was a party planner in her last life. Not.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Awesome," chirps Darcy happily, arms still full of bags filled with party things. Getting called out on Robin Hood decorations doesn't even phase her, and she smiles sweetly while nodding.

"Yes. Do you know how many Pins there are for 1973 Robin Hood themed parties, and yet NONE of the party stores had anything? Stupid DIY. You're both lucky I love you. Also, Poop Emojis are much easier to find than keyboards," Darcy rambles pleasantly over a shoulder as she lets herself into the living room to rearrange furniture and start decorating.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"A tragedy," Clint says about the Robin Hood party supplies. "Didn't have any Hawkeye party supplies, did they?" he asks. He was a celebrity of sorts by virtue of being an Avenger but he doubted they had paper plates with his face on it. That was more Cap and Tony's thing.

"Anyhow, I'm going to go break out some food for us an anyone who shows up early," he says, the announcement had been vague on the details of when things would begin so people could be coming by at any time.

He heads to the kitchen to start pulling the saran wrap off the snacks, and getting out some beers and sticking them in a bowl of ice.

Quake has posed:
It was probably Skye's fault the details were vague. It was also true that if she'd set a time more firmly, Darcy would have shown up.. well, Skye had images of she and Clint eing woken up in bed with Darcy sitting on the end of it, tray of coffees in one hand, bag of donuts in the other, chirping merrily about how she'd come to help.

Darcy was just.. uh.. awesome? that way.

This was Skye's first party. She may or may not have insisted on more food than they'd possibly need (which almost guarantees they'll still run out, or be eating leftovers for weeks.. well, someone would. Skye and Clint were going on vacation tomorrow).

"OMG Darce, I'd have paid you to hand draw his face on plates had I known."

Mon-El has posed:
    So apparently there has been an invitation to a party of some kind. Clint had said it was a 'housewarming' party, which was a party that Terrans liked to have after moving into a new residence. Fair enough, nothing wrong with reasons to relax and spend time with friends.

    Seeing the door unlocked and the fact that it seems there are already other guests present, Lar lets himself in. He peers at the strange decorations, picking up a napkin with Disney's fox Robin Hood character on it. "Is this a...historical figure?" he asks, genuinely curious.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Pppst. Puhleeze. I got peeps for this, Shitcode. I might have promised her an invite to the next party to get these party favors, but whatevs. She'll be my plus one. She's taken, so I promise we won't make out in the hallway," Darcy is calling out from where she's happily putting up decorations. It's this weird but somehow works collection of 1973 Disney Robin Hood and Poop Emojis with nerdy glasses on them sitting next to keyboards. She looks over a shoulder from the chair she is precariously balanced on with one foot up on tip toes, trying to hang a bunch of three balloons in a corner.

"Yes. That was Clint in another life. You should totally ask him about splitting an arrow while balancing an apple on his head," she blurts out to the new party guest she doesn't know. Doesn't matter, she smiles at him anyway and goes back to trying to reach.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint peeks his head in from the kitchen, grinning as Lar appears. "Don't listen to Darcy," he warns him. "It's a kid's cartoon, a pretty good one too." The orphanage didn't have too many movies but that had been one of them.

Stepping from the kitchen he comes over to greet Lar with a fistbump, smiling at how the first time he tried that went, "Glad you could make it, this is Darcy," he says gesturing to the woman. "And you know Skye from the thing with Vicky at Gino's. Anyhow come on in, we've got food and drinks in the kitchen if you want. Sort of a serve yourself thing."

Vintridr has posed:
    Closer to the starting hour, a cab drives up to the property, and a tall, dark-haired woman steps out, pausing a moment to collect a bag from the seat next to her before pausing on the doorstep.

    "Hello, the house," Vintridr calls, announcing her presence as she looks around.

Quake has posed:
Skye is.. well, unhelpful is probably the best word. It's not that the girl doesn't know /how/ to help, it's just.. well.. lots of people! In her home! (Her home, omg, Skye, when did you become grown up and stable enough to have a home?!?) And more will be showing up later!

Even if Darcy's decorations make it really easy to not take any of this seriously.

"Uh.. Put things places? Hi.. oh, hi.." New people arriving. "So, how do we all feel about music?"

Thor has posed:
The door swings open as if forced with a heavy hand as if they didn't know where how light or heavy the door was. Anyone familiar with the god of thunder would know that's a problem he always has on Midgard. For those that don't know it's Thor, he shouts loud enough to shake the walls of the Greenwich abode, "HARK! It is I, Thor, Son of Odin!" He walks in and sets his hammer down on the entry table before the god begins to explore the house slowly.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar smirks at Darcy's comment about the Robin Hood napkins. "Oh? How is that possible?" Then Clint explains what it -really- is. And this time he remembers what a fistbump is. He tries to be extra careful so as not to accidentally break Clint's hand. He also waves toward Skye. "Hello, good to see you again, Skye."

    Upon seeing Darcy struggling with hanging those balloons, he floats up to her and sticks them in the corner for her. "Better? It's nice to meet you, Darcy. Lar Gand." he sticks out a hand for her shake while eying the poop emojis. "I know I keep asking questions, but are those also Clint in another life? Or someone else you know?" he smirks.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy smiles over her shoulder as she's introduced to Mon-El, still reach reach reaching. There a faint gasp as he floats up and sticks them not quite where she wanted, but higher than she could have managed so she smiles hugely.

"It's perfect," she beams and she clambers down, barefoot, and smiles at Lar. She takes the hand, shaking firmly for her. It's clear that this woman has average human strength and toughness. Though if he were to put any pressure, he might bruise her.

"Darcy Lewis. Or Sassy Ass, or Glittertits. Or just Tits. Whatever. I'm easy. Like you on the eyes," she rambles, not hiding the eay she slides her eys down then up his frame. Her lips are kicked up in a smirk.

"Always listen to me. I'm awesome. And of course it is. What else explains his shooting arrows like a bawssness? And no. The poops are Skye. She's a shit coder. Hence the poops by the keyboards," is the explanation, made with the sweetest of smiles on her face.

"Welcome, from the house!" she calls, seguewaying from talking to Lar to taking to Vintridr before she giggles and turns to the exploring Thor.

"Hey! Sparky McThunderpants! You made it! Did you bring mead? Oh, hey! Come and try some of these dick cookies I brought. A friend made them and wants a second opinion on the taste of the cream frosting on the tip," she calls out, turnging to make her way to the table, where she'd set a tupperware down amid the bags of descorations. The bags are empty, and so she scoops them up to take to the trash can.

Thor has posed:
    Thor is captured by Darcy, walking in and around the few people already in the house and he walks past Clint after Lar floated away and with a heavy hand on the archer's shoulder in a greeting. "Wonderful seeing you Clint. There is a dame seeking my opinion about dicks or something." He says nonchalantly as he pulls his hand off Clint as he walks towards Darcy's demanding voice.

    Careful to make sure he's answering all questions and greeting all as he makes his way towards the kitchen, "Music is good." Thor says in a vague answer. "Well meet." The god says towards Lars and even gives Vintridr a soft almost knowing nod as he continues towards the kitchen.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint appreciates not having his hand broken. Especially when more guests start rolling in. He knows Vintridr by reputation, having popped in on Agent Davis' hunt for her a time or two. "Welcome, um, what do I call you? Vintridr?" he asks before Thor bursts in with his usual styel. "Hey Thor, make yourself at home," he says before he looks to Vintridr. "You guys share a horse here or something?" he jokes lightly with the Asgardians arriving at the same time.

As to Skye's question about music, he calls, "I'm for it, just grab a playlist and play." He sort of got the feeling their current crowd had eclectic tastes.

Vintridr has posed:
    ... And from one moment to another things turn... awkward, the way that having your boss show up at a party can get. Especially a boss that she hasn't actually seen in four centuries, give or take a decade. She returns Thor's nod with a curt incline of her head, then looks for the master and/or mistress of the house. She has gifts to give, after all.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar just stares at Darcy, looking rather confused. Nope, the poop thing was totally lost on him. "Shit...coder?" he repeats slowly, shaking her hand as gently as possible. "Huh."

    Noticing Vintridr, he recognizes her from the Rising Tide leak. "You must be Vintridr. I...hope you were able to...recover from the exposure? Lar Gand," he says by way of introduction.

Quake has posed:
Music, Skye has covered. They've got playlists galore, the pair of them, though oddly, much of their time together is spent in silence. But they'd prepared for the party.

Skye sticks a few CDs in their *spiffy* *new* surround sound stereo system and sets the party-prep hopping, sound set to fairly decent ambient levels. The music totally ecclectic, running from hypno-pop, to jazz, to country, to syth, to indie.. in a surprisngly pleasant mix.

Thor's arrival is met with a crooked little grin. "No raiding the upstairs drawers," she tells the god, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Booze is in the tubs you'll find lying around everywhere. Put yours there. Food is in the kitchen. Uh.. Darcy is in charge of decorations." There, Skye just absolved herself of that task.

Vin, Skye looks at as though trying to place, and when she makes the connection, she heads over and introduces herself, "Uh, hi. I'm Skye. You must be Clint's friend." Skye, being Skye, hasn't many personal friends to invite, and of those, by their very nature, most wouldn't attend for secrecy reasons. Like Oracle.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vin nods at Lar in acknowledgement, then sketches a curt bow to Skye. "Lady of the Skies. My thanks for your welcome. I come bearing gifts." She opens up the bag she'd been carrying and pulls out a round-ish lumpy object.

Thor has posed:
    Thor is not someone's boss. He is their crown prince. TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

    He doesn't seem to have any ill tidings or wishes towards Vin, in fact he doesn't much acknowledge her more than the simple nod as he is already claimed by conversation and food.

    "I must apologize misses Blue Skye, for I have no offerings, as I am poorly versed in Midgardian customs." Thor explians why he has no booze, or food or anything other than his own boisterous presence. Though he does stop and point towards Vin and squints as if, "Were you the one that was banished a few months ago?" The god inquires, stopping mid stride.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint breathes a sigh, stepping between Vin and Thor. "Wait, let's not get caught up in who banished who, when, especially if it leads to house leveling, alright guys?" Clint asks. Lara was cool and all but he didn't want to have to call her and be all, so, remember your house? Bad day.

Sure, it could just be an innocent question, but, again, house levelling was on the table.

Quake has posed:
Skye gives a laugh at Thor's lack of offerings. "It wasn't mecessary. We bought plenty. Go help yourself. Nice you came." And his arrival is full of synchronicity, given this is where she first met the god, albeit at one of Lara Croft's parties at the time.

The greetings she gets, though, have Skye looking a little bit out of place, like 'so much politeness and kindness and formality!' and very much a lot of not knowing what to do with it all. There's a reason she and Darcy get on. With Darcy what you see is what you get.

Vin gets a somewhat shy smile from Skye who takes the gift. "Uh.. wow. Uh.. thanks. We weren't expecting gifts.." Because of course Skye has no idea what comes with housewarmings. She'd made it as far as 'party you invite your friends to'. She hadn't thoguht of 'and they bring you gifts to welcome you to your new home' yet. The lumpy object is taken. "I guess we find a place to put these? Hotshot?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Plastic bags cleared from the table, Darcy moves quietly to bring out some snacks from the kitchen to set at the table. She listens to the conversations as best she can from the kitchen and dining area with a soft smile on her face.

Vintridr has posed:
    The smile Vintridr gives to Clint is slightly more bitter than the one she favoured Skye with. "Rest assured, Archer, my quarrel was never with the Odinson, merely his father. And that is neither here nor there."

    She rummages in her bag again and extracts a somewhat flatter and more elongated package than the one she gave Skye. "Again, thank you for welcoming me, and please accept this gift in the spirit of hospitality."

Thor has posed:
    Thor has made his way to the kitchen and can be heard shouting to Clint. "The woman is correct! I have no issue with her. But it's always a sad day in the ninth realm when one decides to leave." Then the god is left standing in the tiled room and spining looking for Darcy who was going to have him eat stuff. HE LOVES EATING! Oh well. He'll just wander about for hours.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar wanders around for a bit while the others are conversing, stopping by one of the ice buckets in the kitchen. He picks up a beer bottle and peers at the labeling, then tries to open it but ends up just breaking the entire neck of the container off. The drink splatters onto the floor along with some pieces of glass. Shrugging, he takes a sip from the broken bottle...and does his best to swallow it without throwing up. It tastes horrible! And it comes as a shock because everything -else- he's tried that the human rave about has been excellent. "Well that's a first." he mutters.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint relaxes as it turns out there will be no house flattening today. "Well then, glad that's settled," he says. What can he say they had weird friends.

When Vin gives him a gift though, he blinks, "Uh, wow, totally didn't have to, but thank you. What's the custom? Open them now? Wait until after?" he asks.

Though the sound of breaking glass draws his attention, "Hey, Lar you-" he was about to say okay, but then he realizes, right Daxamite. "Actually never mind, you just broke a bottle by trying to open it didn't you?" he calls with a chuckle. "Don't worry about the mess I'll get it in a sec."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
In the kitchen, Darcy looks over and when Lar has trouble with the bottle and makes a mess, she comes over with paper towels to clean up. She's careful as she picks glass up off the floor.

"Is that some of Skye's frou-frou excuse for beer? Then I'm not surprised. What sort of drink do you like? There's some hard liquor and juices. I could probably remember how to mix a simple something up for you," she offers as she cleans up.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, how did you know?" Lar chuckles when Clint accurately predicts what just happened. "You sure you don't have powers, Agent Barton?" he asks teasingly, dumping the rest of the unpleasant drink into the garbage.

    Then he turns to Darcy. "Frou-frou? What does that mean?" he asks, honestly not knowing. "Oh," He quickly crouches down and starts to just sweep up the broken glass with his hands as if it were paper shreds. "Here let me clean that up. Wouldn't want you to cut yourself on those."

Vintridr has posed:
    "It varies per culture and custom. In some the gifts are kept sealed until all the guests are gone, so that no one is embarassed by having given a lesser gift; in others, each gift is opened in the presence of all guests so that everyone may know how the gift honors the hosts."

    Vintridr smiles. "The decision is yours, as are the gifts."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy was being very careful to pick at the larger pieces, but suddenly there is Lar sweeping it all up with his bare hands even as she cups three of the larger pieces in one hand. She gaps faintly before falling back on 'this is just her life', and she smiles.

"My hero. Frou-frou means gross as shit and twice as nasty," is quipped. Darcy pushes herself to her feet to step (in bare feet) to the trashcan to tip the shards she has into it. Her single step is oh so careful, wary of shards of glass she can't see.

War Machine has posed:
When Rhodey shows he waits outside for a moment before making his way in arms loaded up with goodies to turn this from a party, to a party. He's got the best beer he could find on a budget and a small stack of snackfoods stacked up in his arms. He makes his way in, inviting himself across the thresh-hold. A quick motion is all it takes to set the small stack of goodies down into a pile.

     Behind him a small 6 year-old dressed in what looks to be a handmade Avengers T-shirt stumbles in carrying a large box in front of her with both hands. She wanders right in almost slamming into the back of Rhodey's legs while the Babysitter he'd hired stands in the doorway popping gum. The Babysitter definetly looks like she couldn't possibly care less about this party and is just looking to get out of here get the Babysitting job over with and head home. Even as Lila runs right up to Clint and silently holds the box far too big for her to properly carry up as high as she can.

Quake has posed:
Skye never did the birthday party thing growing up. Or the Christmas thing. Or the Easter thing.. see a theme going on here? Gifts are still a bit of a conundrum to the woman. She gives Clint a 'what do I do with it?' look, gift still held awkwardly in her hands, though she's still aware enough to yell out at Darcy, "It so does not mean gross as shit."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Some guy I had to babysit at the Trisk yesterday told me that could happen," Clint shouts back to Lar.

Catching that look from Skye and says, "After the party," to Vin. "But thank you, come have some food, hang out, have a good time."

Then there's a box floating in front of him, oh, no, there's a kid attached to it, He takes the offered box with a smile. "Hey, I'm Clint, what's your name?" though seeing Rhodes with her he can guess. Rhodes himself, gets a grin, "Wow, good haul. Knock over a 7-11 on the way here?" he says, before stepping aside, to let the man through. "Right on into the kitchen, man, Lar, Darcy? Want to help Rhodes with his snacks?"

Mon-El has posed:

    "Um excuse me? Did you just call me a baby?" Lar laughs.

    Then back to Darcy. "I'm so not your hero. Yet. I made that mess, it should be my job to clean it up, right? Unless things are different here on Earth? Sorry, I'm not very familiar with Terran culture. Which is why I couldn't tell you what drink I like, since that was the first one I've tried. Not that any of them would actually have an affect on me." he admits.

    He nods at the explanation of what 'frou-frou' means, honestly believing Darcy because he doesn't know any better. "Oh, I see." But then Skye rebukes that definition. "Oh, no? Then what does it really mean?" he calls after Johnson.

    "Right," He nods at Clint's request and picks up the pile of snacks easily to carry them into the kitchen.

Iron Man has posed:
Drive? No, Tony has drivers for /that/. In this case, he's seated in the back, relaxing, in the sleek black SUV style limo -- a Cadillac Escalade limousine. And of course, getting started on the drinks a little early, offering to Steve without much expectation. Tony's housewarming gift is sitting on the end of the long couch within the limousine, about the size of a shoebox, wrapped perfectly in a manner that screams that somebody else wrapped it. Because there's a gold bow, and so on.

On arrival, Tony rolls his hand at the separator, and confers with the driver briefly. Of course, the limo blocks the street a bit. That's fine. The driver comes around quickly after the quick conversation to open the door for them. Tony will make it halfway to the home, though, and then snaps his fingers, and turn around to go back, collecting his gift, grinning a bit as he rejoins Steve. "I didn't forget," Tony insists to Steve with a LOOK over his sunglasses. Yes, he really did. More than once. Tony then strides purposefully into the inside, pulling his glasses off with a broad smile; he's been here before and knows the way.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Beer and glass cleaned up, Darcy grins at Lar and winks.

"Not from around here, huh?" Oh, let the fun begin! And then Skye goes to ruin it and she frowns in Skye's direction while stepping out to do as Clint bids, and help Rhodes with the snacks.

"You're a fucking party pooper, Shitco-*" That's when Darcy spots the smol and her mouth stops in a heartbeat.

How long has Melinda May tried to figure out how to curb Darcy's language? Here is the solution present her with a child. Darcy smiles again and drops down to the child's eye level. It's not far since Darcy's pretty short.

"Hi! I'm Darcy. Wanna play some video games?" she offers, because that is helping Rhodes with snacks. yup.

Quake has posed:
Clint having solved the 'what to do with the gift' problem, Skye thanks Vin for it, and sets it absently on top of the stereo unit in lieu of an actual place to put gifts. (what? nobody told her to expect them!)

"Frou-frou," Skye explains, since she's fully aware the stuff is shit and is only fond of it now out of self-defence and sentimentality, "Means that it's.. silly, and prissy, and flowery.. and omg, we're totally saying it's girly beer." She mutters to herself, "How did I ever get stuck with a man who brought me girly beer?" Even if she knows Clint's main reason that first time was making a job, and well, as with most of their lives together, the joke stuck, and here they were months down the road dinking that swill nearly exclusively.

"We have real stuff in the tubs, too. Totally used Tony's money to pay for it all." And she had, too. Well, kind of, she fully expected Tony hadn't forgotten that he'd given it to her with instructions to bring him a proper lunch and decent wine the next time she decided to drop in on him and be a pain in his neck.

War Machine has posed:
     "You know it." Rhodey gives a light wink as he looks over towards Clint. "Be surprised how many I had to go to before I could find one with the Orange Chicken Cheezeits." He walks back over towards the man hands going down in his pockets.

     The little girl looks like a deer in the headlights for a moment as she's asked the simple question of her name. Her eyes go a bit wide for a moment before she just gives a friendly smile. "That's Lila," Rhodes finally introduces. "Haven't been able to get her to say a word since..." He trails off shaking his head. "Well, you know." He cracks open a bottle of Soda giving a quick wave to the arriving Tony and Steve, and a quiet thank you to Mon-El.

Vintridr has posed:
    Hospitalies and pleasantries out of the way, Vin makes her way to where the refreshments are kept, nodding again at Lar and favouring the child with a wave and a smile. "Good day," she offers.

Captain America has posed:
    Riding along with Tony in the FUN-V limo, Steve's own little donation to the festivities is just a green bottle of Dom with a small red bow that offers some small hint towards celebration. He holds it lightly on one knee as he continues along, waving off the occasional offer of booze, but he smiles a bit as he steps out of the vehicle, "You alright with going to this one? I don't think there'll be your usual mass of reporters to snap your photo every few minutes."
    But then they're out of the vehicle and starting to head inwards. Tony takes point, and he follows along in the man's wake as at times happens.

Iron Man has posed:
"As if there were a type of party I couldn't handle?" Tony teases Steve over his shoulder with a relaxed laugh. He rolls his eyes, and immediately waves to Rhodey and other known faces as he enters. It is the same style Tony always uses on arriving anywhere: mostly since he is very casual in general, even at other functions. He takes in the decor quickly, and then centers on a very important person present.

"Hang onto this for a sec?" Tony asks Steve without actually /asking/, unloading his gift towards him quickly, and then approaches Lila, dropping near Darcy to squat.

"Hey, kiddo. Didn't know you'd be here. Got a high five for Tony?" Tony asks, with a softened smile, and extension of hand to the girl, palm up.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Nope, if it wasn't obvious already." Lar replies to Darcy, depositing the pile of snacks on a random spot in the kitchen. And now she's going to have a hey day telling him all the wrong definitions of every human slang ever that he doesn't know about yet.

    He returns to the sitting area, listening to Skye's definition of frou-frou. "Is 'omg' another slang or an acronym for something? You keep saying it." Looking up at the new arrivals, he recognizes some of them from some of the media images that are about. Oh, right. Clint was one of the Avengers wasn't he? "You must be Tony Stark. And...Steve Rogers?" he asks, glancing at both of them in turn.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Turn of phrase, Darcy can explain," Clint says quickly to Lar with a smile. Or maybe she won't because suddenly Darcy is there with Lila and him, offering video games. "Nice to meet you," Clint says to the girl when Rhodes supplies her name. He gives the man a solemn nod about what he'd left off mentioning. "How is all of that going?" he asks Rhodes.

Though when Tony and Steve arrive, Clint waves, "Hey guys come on in, I think you know everyone, but if not just ask, want me to take that Steve?"

Captain America has posed:
    As for Steve he accepts the burden of being in Tony's vicinity by shouldering the weight of the present literally. He just holds it up there and follows along, but once Tony breaks off to crouch beside Lila he'll give the small girl a smile and a small nod, "Hello, Lila," as he can, before he steps on past.
    Scanning the room he moves he'll lift his chin and offer a few nods to co-workers, a smile to a greeting from another. But his target is none other than Clint even as he heads over with the presents in hand. Once close enough he'll present them and then offer a greeting with a hint of affection in his voice, "Barton." He'll extend the burden. "Sure thing, you guys need a hand with anything?"

Vintridr has posed:
    "Captain Rogers, I believe," Vin confirms to Lar, sipping her drink as she looks the man over. "A man highly spoken of by those who knew him. She smiles. "I suppose it's easy to see why."

War Machine has posed:
     Lila looks over as Tony walks closer her expression staying visibly overjoyed, but a bit nervous. There's a small wave given over to Vintridr as she clearly isn't used to this much attention. It's a silent pause for a moment, as she turns back again to Tony. She reaches her little hand up smacking the open palm, with a little jump just a few inches above the ground giving that clapping sound out into the air. Again she doesn't say a word but the expression says a lot more then words can, even as she moves in for a big hug out of nowhere, latching onto poor Tony.

     Rhodey kicks back a bit of his can, enjoying the atmosphere as he bobs his head along with the music. "Hope you guys don't mind, I was going to just drop her off at home with the babysitter but she wouldn't leave the car unless I brought her along for a bit." He places his free hand into the pocket of his jacket looking back over to the overly bored babysitter who's so focused on her phone she doesn't even notice all of the celebrities too focused on twitter posting. "She won't be staying long, but a promise is a promise."

Quake has posed:
Skye is quick to usher Darcy and Lila towards the basement 'playroom'. It's not open to the guests by virtue of the equipment down there, but it's safe enough for a self-editing Darcy and one girlchild to go play video games. The babysitter can even go, too, if she wants. "Take snacks with," she instructs, and once they're off, she goes to greet the latest guests, Tony and Cap. "Heh, you made it," Tony gets. "And you shouldn't have." Of the gift. "I mean, you paid for the booze," she teases of the man. "You did say to buy a decent vintage of wine next time I was bringing you lunch. And I totally did pick up a bottle for you." She really did, though it probably still falls below Tony's quality level. "Steve, nice you could make it. And oh, uh.. present, huh?"

She looks over to the stereo where the other gift was placed. "Thanks. And uh.. drinks are in the tubs. Food is in the kitchen. Lots of folks here. Don't be a stranger."

Melinda May has posed:
One advantage of Tony making a noticeable entrance, others can use that to sneak in proverbially under the radar. Agent May slips in after Steve in the near-silent way she usually does, and rather than block the entryway with greetings, she sidles around everyone to head into the kitchen. She's carrying food offerings, but not of the usual friendly-gathering snacky sort. She puts a canvas grocery sack on the counter and starts unloading it, apparently having done her level best to empty the shelves of a nearby asian grocer.

It takes her surprisingly little searching to find the ocokware in the kitchen, and she starts efficiently using the items to brought to start making ... something. Something dumpling-like in appearance.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yes, I have the honorable burden of being Tony ST--oh, hey, ahh," Tony is interrupted. He made the mistake of looking up and away from Lila briefly to answer Lar, and got ambushed by an unexpected hug. His expression is started, and turns awkward quickly.

Tony turns a silent 'AHHHHHHH SAVE ME IT IS A HUG' look around those nearby as he pats Lila on the back gently--- and Skye responds! He's disentangled from Lila by Skye, and Tony stands up, clearing his throat. "Always nice to hear my money being well used," Tony says to Skye, covering his brief lapse there.

Captain America has posed:
    Once Skye accepts Tony's gift and the bottle, Steve will offer a small wave, "Just let me know if there's anything you guys need. When I come to these sorts of things I usually like to keep myself busy. Small-talk isn't exactly my strong suit." His lip turns a bit, but he steps to the side then after and manages to turn back and catch Mon-El before the flow of the crowd will shift them too far away.
    Offering his hand to the fellow, Cap will smile to both him and Vintridr as he moves into the small 'circle' around them. "That's right," He looks to Mon-El, "Just call me Steve." And should the hand be accepted he'll give a hearty shake, also in turn offering it to Vintridr next should she be so inclined. "How do you folks know Clint and Skye?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Are you sure? Skye doesn't seem very confident in the accuracy of Darcy's definitions." Lar points out to Clint, laughing a little. He chuckles at Tony's reaction to being hugged by a small child. "I've heard a lot about you, even though I don't remember being here very long. Here on this planet, that is. My friend Drake said you sent a robot to visit him. He was...very excited about it." he says with a smile.

    He then shakes Cap's hand, finding his grip stronger than most humans', but still being as careful as he can all the same. "Lar Gand, a pleasure to meet you, Steve. As for how I know Clint and Skye, I actually was one of the people Risiding Tide leaked information on...when I saw SHIELD's records of me I thought we might be able to help each other. So I reached out and...I got Clint." he smiles, nodding toward the archer.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr accepts the handshake, her grip belying superhuman strength under exceptional and long-trained control. "Captain Rogers. Or Steven, if you prefer. It is an honor to meet you; your companions spoke highly of you when I met them."

    At his question, she smiles wrily. "The self-important children of the Rising Tide exposed my presence and nature. While I was hunting them down to chastise them, the Lady of the Skies had insinuated herself among them to steal their secrets and find the culprit that held their leash. Thankfully, her true nature was clarified before I found her, or things might've been unfortunate..."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Laughing, at the sudden glomming of Tony, Clint says to Rhodes. "Not a problem man, she's welcome to stay as long as she wants." He glances at the babysitter, "Though she might try to tunnel out of here before too long. Really, not a superhero fan?"

Catching Cap's words and May's stealth entrance. "Steve, May may need help in the kitchen."

And when Tony is disentangled from Lila, Clint grins, "Fan's right?" he asks with a smile. "Get you something?"

Captain America has posed:
    Steve's handshake is firm, but not aggressive. Three short pumps given firmly and his eyes holding the gaze of each person he speaks to. There's something about the way Cap handles himself, the way his eyes hold that intent look and the smile is so at ease, as if the people he's talking to are the only people in the world and he's there to listen to them. "Mr. Gand, I heard about your help. It was good work."
    Then to Vintridr, "Ma'am," he returns the nod, "That's very kind of them, I usually just do what I can and sometimes I'm in the right place at the right time." He steps back to look between the two of them, "It's good to see that despite what happened perhaps it's led to our building some bridges too."
    Then, over his shoulder and loud enough to carry he'll comment, "Thank goodness Tony saved the internet."
    But at Clint's words he'll wave again to the man, "Roger that, I'll go check in with May." And that said he'll start to extract and head that way.

Melinda May has posed:
Maybe May does need help with whatever she's cooking, maybe not. She's already started setting out a good variety of vegetables she's just washed, and she's looking for a decent knife. She KNOWS there are very sharp knives in this house, but she's not in the least bit surprised the exactly zero of them seem to belong in the kitchen.

She's pulled one of her own knives out from inside her jacket and is in the process of washing it when she hears Steve's voice he's coming to check in with her. That... promises to be interesting. She'll work with it.

The moment Rogers is within easy earshot, she asks him, "How good are you with a knife?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Drake mentioned you as well, and I've had a look over the tech that keeps him in one piece. I'd like to meet with you more about it, and his case -- but not today," Tony grins, moving to geet Lar, and offer a quick handshake after Cap is done with shaking his hand.

"Barton," Tony greets, diverted easily and quickly. Tony's something of a butterfly of a party, and shows it now: "Trust me to always immediately find my fan in the room. And, yes, as if you need ask: A few strong somethings?" Tony suggests in amusement more quietly during an offer of hand and side-clasp of his friend's shoulder.

Tony looks over yet /again/ when Steve makes the announcement about the Internet, and gives him a beaming smile and a snap-point in reply. That's right, Steve, don't let anyone forget. "Team player, right there," Tony mentions to Clint pointedly.

Deadpool has posed:
It was a house warming party, and Deadpool had decided to dress casual. In this case, casual meant British khaki pants, which was between regular khaki and tan. He had tan and pebble socks, and taupe shoes. He also had a pebble belt. All seems quite reasonable so far. Above that, he had a white t-shirt, which said 'Crazy Horse, Paris-France' with a picture of an American Indian in a circle, though in Canada, they're called aboriginals or first peoples.

Still not too bad. But over that, he had a black jacket with pink accents. Not just a nice rosewood, crepe, or even a flamingo, but this was hot pink. It also had a hot pink liner. His gloves were black, and regular. And over his face, he wore his regular mask. It was tucked into his t-shirt, which had a crew neck. Those with keen observation skills would guess that he wasn't wearing his costume under these clothes, though might have worn a spandex version or something slimming like that. He also had a few guns tucked into the jacket pockets. Big and weighty guns.

When he and Natasha arrived at the Johnson's, as he assumed that Clint would be taking Skye's name. Johnson was a much better name than Barton. There were far more comedic possibilities. So, when he arrived, one of the first things he noted was the floormat, which he read aloud, "the neighbours have better stuff? Well, I'm glad you talked me out of getting them one that said 'doorbell broken. Yell DING DONG! really loud', but I still think the one that said 'nice underwear' would have worked." He had a house warming present wrapped in Hello Kitty wrapping. It looked to be a book or maybe a small portrait that could be hung up on the wall.

Deadpool was many things. He was a raving lunatic, he was a killer, and he did really bad things. But he did some nice things; little things. Like when he walked along the street with Natasha, he made a point of being on the side closest to the curb. It was something he had learned as a boy and stuck to it for the rest of his life. In this case, it meant he was on the wrong side to ring the doorbell or knock on the door. So he let her do it. Because he was lazy, yeah, that was his story, and he was sticking to it. Either that, or his phone began beeping that he just got a text message and he was distracted by the cat video.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Thanks," Lar says in reply to Steve's compliment, assuming he's talking about the rigged asteroids incident because that's really the only one where he helped fix something he wasn't actually at least partially the cause of recently.

    He shakes Tony's hand as well. "Of course." His eyes are downcast for a moment. "It was...my fault that happened to him. We were lucky he wasn't killed. I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to help him adapt to his abilities and maximize his potential."

Quake has posed:
Skye grins at Tony, bringing back a bottle of wine, /and/ a glass for him after she's ushered Lila and Darcy downstairs. But not before finding May a sharp knife - oddly, Skye knows where they're hidden and Clint does not, even though he's the chef in their family, but yes, Clint does have a tendancy to test the throwing balance of such things in their basement range, and it's just easier this way.

"For you," she tells Tony unceremoniously, fishing in a pocket and producing a corkscrew. "Enjoy."

The conversation with Vin is overheard, but not commented on, because really, Skye had been part of that dissemination, and really at this point 'sorry about that' was all she could truly say, and this was a party, and it really was just better that she avoid the topic altogether unless outright addressed on the matter.

Which bumps her directly into Nat and Wade's entry. "Clint won the coin toss. I wanted 'There goes the neighbourhood' but he thought that one funnier. "Hey, glad you came. Wade. Nat. Uh.. food is all over the place. Tubs of drinks. Have at. Uh.." The present taken with the same awkwardness all the others have gotten. "Nice paper," she smirks at the Hello Kitty. "I'll just put this with the rest."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha is dressed casually today. Not quite as casually as her companion. Black jeans, a nice green button up blouse that matched her eyes, a lightweight black leather jacket. Those in the know will be able to tell there are weapons under the jacket. A normal person, not so much. She too has a box although her's is a bit larger than the one that Wade carries. It's in a lovely purple wrapping paper with a blue bow. Reasons.

She adds that to the load when Skye claims them. "Thanks for the invitation," she says.

Captain America has posed:
    As Cap enters the kitchen he'll step to the side and perhaps finds a small plate of crudite from which he'll liberate a carrot, crunching off the end and chewing for a time as he leans over May's shoulder and looks curiously at whatever she might be concocting. "Agent May," He'll give a smile and looks around with a quirked eyebrow.
    "So what can I help with..." His brow furrows however, as if something seemed a touch... amiss.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs, "Well, to be honest, I thought it was etched right into everyone's brain by now, oh saviour of the net, but, Steve's a completest, carving it in a little deeper," he says before adding, "Besides, I'm getting you drinks," he says before Skye does the honours. He chuckles, "Or was, wow, the whole bottle, she's better at this than me. Thanks, Keyboard."

As Skye bounces off towards the door Clint says, "Huh, right Drake, how's he doing?" he asks. "I read the report about him just about coming apart again."

Glacing at the door, Clint smiles when he sees Nat, but his face falls as the door opens, wider to reveal Wade. "Oh boy," Clint breathes. "Well, guess it's a party now," he remarks to Tony and Lar, before waving, "Hey guys, come in," adding onto Skye's greeting.

Melinda May has posed:
With the knife that Skye just brought her in hand, May looks up at Steve and that carrot. He can count himself lucky that wasn't one of the things she brought with her.

"I need the mushrooms diced, the cabbage shredded, and the green onions sliced thinly." And then she offers him the knife hilt-first.

With her own just-washed knife, she illustrates what she means by making a sample of each so Steve can't claim he doens't know what is meant.

Deadpool has posed:
"It does have the virtue of being true," Deadpool said to Skye about the neighbours having better stuff, "I saw the Jaguar parked out front. It's got a unicorn riding a rainbow mural on the hood had a shag interior! Shag!" Deadpool practically squeed at it. Anyone else would call it an abomination to do that to such an amazing car, but to Deadpool, it was terrific. Maybe he just appreciated the deeper meaning of having a phallic symbol on the hood, shag being slang for sleeping with someone, and to do it in a classic British car. It just worked... for him, the owner, and absolutely no one else. "I made it myself," he intones and gestures towards the present, "because being a soldier of fortune has surprisingly high taxes. Either that, or my guy is embezzling, but I've been raking in the money for years, and I'm almost paid up on my college loans. So he must be doing something right."

Captain America has posed:
    As May speaks and instructs he pays attention and then Steve gives a nod as he accepts the blade and lightly flips it around. He takes up a place at her side and draws up a cutting board as he takes his due allotment of veggies. He'll lightly begin chopping at first and then ease into the rhythm once he gets it down the way she wants each vegetable handled.
    "What are we making?" He asks sidelong even as the mushrooms are well on their way to being diced, though he does crunch down on another bite from his carrot. Another few mushrooms meet their fate and he'll lift the cutting board and sweep the edge of the blade across to guide the pieces onto a plate for them.

Melinda May has posed:
Possibly a bit oddly for May, she hesitates to answer Steve immediately. It's not that she thinks he'll disapprove, it's that she knows the name alone is enough to summon Darcy like opening a can in a cat rescue shelter. So, she opts for being a bit circumspect. "You'll see."

She shreds some of the cabbage quickly, then sets her knife aside to get a ground meat that is too pale to be beef out of butcher's paper and into a glass mixing bowl along with some liquids, seasonings, and similar. She also gets out a package of thin layers of round dough, too thin and too raw to be tortillas.

Iron Man has posed:
"Drake's not dead, but is overdoing the heroism a little. The idea is to work on training, to keep him that way," Tony explains to Clint quickly. "--Alive, not overdoing it," Tony clarifies.

To Lar, Tony nods his head once. "He's holding up well. And glad to hear it; he's stable but solving the case sooner rather than later -- obviously best for him. I've got a pile of fascinating data, I think we can upgrade his protection. I..." Tony doesn't linger on this, though: Savior Skye of the Wine returns, and gets a quirk of brows and a grin. "Excuse me, suffering a drought," Tony says playfully -- and, well, Tony immediately is moving aside to a table, so he's not juggling the items Skye brought.

"Well aren't you prepared, in the best way, Marigold -- set it here, I'll make short work of that," Tony chuckles at Skye, reaching out to take the corkscrew off her hands before she can offer it towards him; he must be thirsty. And it is with long experience that he'll open the wine.

War Machine has posed:
     "Oh, Potstickers." Rhodey comments calmly having managed to blend into the party so much it was like he wasn't even there. Of course part of that want to blend in was from Tony twisting that knife into him yet again that he was the big hero. Give him that much though, Rhodey is very good at vanishing in a crowd, and showing back up somewhere completely new. "Bring enough to make some for the whole class?" His hands are deep inside his pockets.

     The Babysitter has made her way into the room with Darcy by now keeping her eyes firmly on her phone as she texts and tweets back and fourth keeping herself occupied and occasionally popping gum. It hardly seems possible that someone could be THIS bored in a room full of celebrities but she just doesn't seem to care. Which seems odd considering the Hulk tattoo on the back of her neck.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha gives a bright smile to the folks already in the room, catching Clint's eye just as his expression falls when Wade is revealed to be with her. To someone who reads body language, he just screamed at the top of his lungs.

Her smile stays in place as she heads for the nearby drinks, pulling out two beers and offering one of them to Wade. With his healing factor, it's kind of useless anyway but it's a social thing after all. She isn't chatty and allows the conversation to just flow around her instead.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool's pretty oblivious at times. He's got a thick skin, or at least he makes out like he does. So when Clint's face drops at the sight of him, with the sigh of 'oh boy', Deadpool could have pulled out one of his shiny new guns, never been fired, and write 'guns are better than arrows' on Not-Hawkeye's chest... actually, he couldn't. That'd involve more bullets than he had on him. He didn't come here expecting to get into an arrow fight, even if he did bring a gun.

Besides, the archer invites him in. So all's good. But that look will cause Deadpool much sadness in his quieter moments. He's got a sensitive interior behind the slapstick, right next to his coccyx, which he's still not sure why he has one. He tried cutting it out a few times, but it kept growing back. At least he did get to say the word coccyx a lot that week.

But then he sees the one, the only, the legend: Captain America, and his face, which is entirely covered by his mask, goes white. He holds up a finger and points, doing a sort of whispered hiss, "it's Capttain America! Oh my god, ohmygod, omygd," and then his words become even harder to understand. Turning to Natasha, he asks, "do you think he'd pose for a selfie with me?"

Melinda May has posed:
May instantly stops what she's doing and stares at Rhodey. "You said it out loud." She makes it sound like he's just done something inforgiveable.

"Rogers, brace for impact." She's expecting Darcy to have heard the word 'potstickers' from the basement (even though that's likely impossible for anyone not enhanced in some way), and expects her to appear in 5... 4... 3...

Darcy Lewis has posed:
There are some things you don't say if you dont' want to summon things. One of these words is potstickers.

Down in the game room, Darcy gives Lila a smile and promises to be righ tback with some food and drinks and things. She pushes up, looks at the inattentive babysitter, walks past, stops at the doorway, takes a pic of the lame girl and her Hulk Tat, and then makes her way up into the kitchen.

"Oh fuck. Everyone's here now," she quips, seeing all the people. She smiles and waves to them as she passes. Some she knows, others she doesn't, and then the smell hits her and..

"Ohmyfuckgod are those pot stickers?!"

Quake has posed:
Skye scrunches her nose at Wade's commentary. "Just because it's true doesn't mean we have to adverstise it." Maybe just a bit of the system kid still sneaking on in. Because, really, she and Clint both laughed at the doormat when they'd picked it out, doing the whole 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock' in the Home Goodz store, even though Clint really wanted to take it outside and solve it with a shootout - Skye had put the kibosh on that with a laughing, "No. Effing. Way. I am not losing to you by a target shoot on something like this. And besides we might want to come back. Not everyone gets us, Hotshot." Or, you know, gets the whole idea of bow-shooting as a means of solving domestic disputes. Pfffft. Heathens.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint smiles, "So, let me get this straight. //you're// telling someone not to over do it?" he asks. "Does it hurt?" he needles. "I mean it sounds like he kid needs it but the irony of that is priceless. Hope the kid's not the only one learning from it."

He misses the thing with Nat entirely, one of the two of them is good at hiding their emotions and it's not Clint.

Melinda May has posed:
May points at Rhodey then at Darcy. "You summoned her. You deal with her." Besides, she's running on a time limit now that the mushrooms have been sliced and the ground pork is sitting out on the kitchen counter.

The veggies are added to the mixing bowl and May mixes everything together with her hands. "Thank you for the help, Rogers. You might want to flee while you can. Once Darcy sets foot in here, there's no escaping."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At Wade's question, Natasha can't help but smile up at him and she gives a little shrug. "I'm certain Steve would be willing to. He's really a good guy. The press isn't propaganda, it's all real about it. I have no idea how that is even possible, to be honest." Since it's rather the opposite of what she's always been.

She raises her voice a bit. "Hey, Rogers! Mind a fan photo op over here?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Better, thankfully." Lar answers Clint. "He just needed relief from the pain and a bit of encouragement. I think he'll be all right. And maybe even better than all right." he smiles, his gaze turning back toward Tony. "Speaking of which, yes. I would very much appreciate your help on the matter. And I'm sure he would, too. I could help you get more data. I've been doing exercises with him to help him learn to use his own physiology to his advantage. Perhaps you could observe sometime, if that would help?" he suggests.

    As Wade and Natasha enter, he examines them, immediately noting the weapons they definitely have stashed away under their clothes. Not that he thinks anything of it, after all, you never know what could happen, even at a party like this that's -supposed- to be a good time. Despite the look that Clint gave Wade earlier, he approaches them and offers an introduction. "So, are you two part of the Avengers team as well?" he asks.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey lets out a laugh surprised at the sheer speed with which Darcy managed to show up the second he mentioned potstickers. He'd genuinely surprised. "Remind me about that next time she needs to show up for training, or to fill out paperwork." A smile coming across his face as he leans his back up against the fridge taking a long moment to relax and enjoy the party atmosphere. "Might mean you actually show." Said with a wink.

Captain America has posed:
    The knife is put down but not before he wipes it clean and sets it on the edge of the cutting board. Steve flashes a half-smile to May and gives her a nod, "No problem, Agent." He gives her a small pat on the back more to let her know that he's passing behind her as he twists his shoulders to make his way out of the kitchen.
    "Colonel," He smiles towards Rhodes and gives a single nod.
    But then he's pushing open the door just as Darcy is making her way in. He smiles and turns to the side so they can slip past each other. "Agent Lewis. Good to see you." Yet he lifts his voice just then calling out in answer to Romanoff. "One sec."
    And that's really all it takes for him to reappear in the main room, giving a few small waves to the people he passes as they meet his eyes or smile. He'll round back and catch the look from Nat and Wade and starts towards them. "What's up?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Ha. Ha. Not unless you also bring actual Sex-In-Your-Mouth," Darcy retorts a Rhodes as she makes her way into the kitchen and goes to look for said pot stickers. This as she hands over her phone to Rhodes, pictures queued up for him to see, and smiles at Cap.

"Hello, Captain. Don't forget what we talked about. Go, wing man, and call me after," she tells him before turning back to the stove and talking to Rhodes.

"Oh, and your baby sitter is crap. Lila's an adorable cinnamon roll and needs more than some stupid teenager dripping angst with an unhealthy crush on our Jolly Green Rage Monster who's less involved than Absent CEO Dad," she says, just laying that out there.

Iron Man has posed:
"Technically I'm probably enabling him to do even more bad choices, if you MUST know," Tony admits to Clint. "But I'm not unaware that /probably/ somebody should talk to him, so that I'm not rescuing him over and over," Tony adds to Clint. To Lar, Tony clarifies, "I might already be observing -- from the robot," Tony winks. Invasion of privacy -- with permission!

Tony adjusts his location a hair to be near a food table. And orienting to watch the photo-op be directed at Steve. Oooooh. What's almost as fun as poking at Steve? Watching Deadpool do it.

Quake has posed:
Sex-In-Your-Mouth gets Skye's attention. "Huh? Chocolate? Someone brang chocolate?" Though she's thinking 'Death by Chocolate' not what Darcy said, but she can maybe be forgiven for that. "And who invited.. wait, we don't have any Jolly Green Rage Monsters here." Skye considers the crowd, and actually isn't sure anymore. "Do we?"

Melinda May has posed:
There are not potstickers to be seen. Not yet. Only a pan of oil on the stove waiting to be set on heat, the destroyed remnants of veggies, a stack of round wonton wrappers, a mixing bowl of honestly gross-looking stuff, and May. And she's looking at Darcy like she had best not move ONE step closer unless she plan to HELP.

"I don't turn green when I become angry," she calls out toward Skye very unhelpfully.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade repeated, "just because it's true, doesn't mean we have to advertise it," and he said it in a thoughtful tone, putting emphasis on the word 'doesn't'. "Are you sure about that? It doesn't sound right. Like, I advertise the size of my," and then someone called out, "Johnson! Mrs. Johnson? Johnson!" It seemed that one of those neighbours with better stuff was calling Skye out over somebody throwing up over his fence. What a great way to make new friends.

Wade was beside himself with glee at being in the presence of his hero. Even a merc with a mouth can have a hero, and his was always Cap. He was so nervous when the Captain approached that he was fumbling looking for his phone. He pulled out a gun, which he awkwardly handed to Clint, "would you hold that for me, buddy?" he didn't give the man a choice, and since Wade was wearing gloves, Clint's fingerprints were now on it.

He pulled out some gum, a blockbuster video card, a monogrammed pen, a copy of Deadpool the Video Game, a soccer ball shaped pencil sharepener, which wasn't on right and came apart in Clint's hands, and a roll of the handyman's secret weapon, duct tape. Mercifully, he managed to find his phone.

Deadpool was rambling, stuttering, but managed to get out, "Um, sir, Mr. Captain, do you think we could pose for a selfie together, you know, if it's not too much trouble. Big fan. In a way, you kind of inspired me to become the man I am today."

Captain America has posed:
    "That's a kindness for you to say," Cap looks towards Natasha curiously even as he closes the distance with them. He looks between the two of them even as he steps forwards to slip his arm around Wade's shoulders as the man lifts his camera up to get that selfie ready. He's had a few selfies taken, he knows the drill. He looks back towards Wade and gives the man a warm smile before looking back towards the camera. "Any friend of the Widow's..." He leaves it at that even as he tucks in.
    Then, once they're set, he'll even go so far as to say, "Cheese."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I'll talk to him," Clint volunteers. "Hey, if anyone can talk to him about the dangers of what we do it's the guy who does it in a purple suit and a bow."

For all he reacted to Deadpool's arrival there's only a good natured roll of his eyes with the whole Johnson thing, then, when the piece is handed over. He blinks. "Wait, what?" he asks. Though Wade is currently in the middle of selfie time so he's not expecting an answer at least not until Wade's got his photo.

"Kind of see your point about being handed stuff right now Tony," he says dryly. Still holding the gun though, because no place to put it plus there's the kid somewhere around. Glancing over to Nat he asks, "So, scale of one to ten how much do I not want my prints on this?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Wade is busy with Steve, Natasha turns to Mon-El and offers a hand. "I'm part of the Avengers. Codename Black Widow," she offers in that friendly tone. It might explain the weapons she has hidden about her body. "Deadpool here is not although he does work with Alpha Flight from time to time."

She glances over at the question from Clint, looking at the weapon. She reaches out to take it, if he allows, and tucks it somewhere in that jacket of hers. "I'll be sure it's wiped clean before he gets it back." Note, she never really answered that question.

Quake has posed:
Skye is more than willing to fend off the neighbours - but then again, Clint really has a lot more street cred when it comes to notariety. It's really a toss-up as to who should go talk to them. "I could? Whoever does, we should give them some booze." She thinks a moment, and totally beats Darcy to it, "Not the frou-frou stuff."

As it is, the neighbours, who were quite convince dup to this point that Lara had let a pair of hillbillies move into her house, were more than a little slightly agog at the run of vehicles and the 'Who's Who' of celebrity and superhero pages step out of cars and go knocking at the Johnson household.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony fires off a subtle picture of the selfie-taking from his own device -- a device that only somewhat resembles a phone. He slips it away just afterwards, enjoying his wine, and nods at Clint. "The secret is not /accepting/ things. Ends up more awkward for them than for you," Tony advises Clint like his new young padawan, and then diverts to the kitchen, wandering off.

The kitchen promises to be a fun place to steal bits of ingrediants to eat, instead of the food thoughtfully put out for the partygoers.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Seeing that the pot stickers aren't ready, Darcy backs away from the stove, hands up in 'I surrender, don't shoot me'. She's not looking where she's going and so there may be a man of iron the way of her retreat.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes lets out a low sigh, before rubbing the bridge of his nose and passing the phone back. He moves for the door and exits the kitchen. "I'll have a bit of a talk with her." He pauses. "Only hired her because she's the only one willing to work on short notice." He cracks out his neck before making his way back into the party so he can make his way downstairs to the other room to have a few words with the babysitter. Along the way he offers short hello's to everyone he passes still trying to be friendly.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Thanks Clint." Lar says appreciatively when Clint volunteers to talk to Drake. "You probably remember more of the 'hero' thing than I do at the moment." he chuckles at Tony's comment. "Well you lost me at the 'enabling' part anyway. As long as he learns how to harness it, I'm all for it." Then the man just wanders off to the kitchen suddenly. "Right, we'll talk later."

    Then Natasha introduces herself. "Lar Gand. Nice to meet you, Black Widow." He says, shaking her hand. Glancing toward the door where the neighbhors are yelling angrily. "Should I go punch them to the moon?" he jokes.

Melinda May has posed:
As soon as Darcy starts to back off, May goes back to work on the potstickers, making sure the mixture in the bowl is ready and then starting to portion it out into the doughy wrappers. She's moving with the ease of practice, and even at one point reaches over to turn on the heat under the oil.

"Fifteen minutes, Lewis. You'll survive." And yet, even with that reassurance, she doesn't warn the younger agent that she's backing up right into Stark's path.

The very embodiment of helpfulness, that's May.

Deadpool has posed:
For Captain America, it was at most, 6 seconds. But for Deadpool, they will be some of the best 6 seconds of his life. He got to cuddle with the Captain, well, not the Captain. Captain America kind of gave the Captain his name when he refused to accept the Captain's original name, which of course wouldn't be appropriate for a party such as this.

But Deadpool got to press up against Captain America. He got photographic evidence. They were both smiling. He will treasure it, assuming of course that he doesn't lose that camera phone, since Deadpool still hasn't set up instant cloud backups. He's old school. He lives dangerously. But then, he dates a woman nicknamed the Black Widow, so that's kind of built in.

After the selfie, Wade takes the gun with Clint's fingertips and everything else back, "thanks guy." He knows Captain America's given name, but he doesn't even know Clint's name, code or otherwise. He seems to be thinking that Clint is a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and calls attention to it when he asks, "hey, you're not wearing that ring. I thought you guys had to wear it at all times." Not that Clint should have a clue what Wade's talking about. No one else does. "And don't worry Guy, I'll wipe it down... later."

Pulling away from Cap, only because he can hear a little Black Widow speaking into his ear. It's not the real one, but he can hear a mental one. It's wrong to oogle a grown man like that. As if it was right to oogle a growing man or something. But he pulls away to see Lar, "I'm Deadpool, but everybody seems to think I'm Wade Wilson." Well, that's an introduction if there ever was one. He offered a gloved hand to the man.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony was clear enough in view for Rhodey to easily dodge him as he exits the kitchen. Tony turned his head to greet his friend on the way past, and therefore Tony and Darcy immediately are on an abrupt collision course. Suddenly Darcy is there.

"Whoa, hello there. I'm up for dancing, but maybe let's move it out of a doorway. People will want to watch our skills, and the door might block their view," Tony says, in his patented STARK charismatic finesse and large sleek smile, catching her. The joke was partially due to that it's a bad angle, and ended up a little bit like a dip. It's a little overly 'catch the maiden in a heroic way': a little bit of a spin in it, because Tony lives for that stuff, and expects the usual adoring reaction he gets. No doubt he won't be disappointed or anything.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's head tilts and he smiles, "Huh," he says at the sage advice of his Jedi master. "Good to know."

Clint nods, "Thanks," and there's a small smile at what's not said, "And roger that. Must have been an interesting trip over."

"No problem, Lar," Clint says to the Daxamite. "Sounds like the kid's got his heart in the right spot at least," a beat. "That's an expression, means his motives are good," he clarifies.

Clint let's Wade take back the gun, "Ring?" he asks. "Don't tell me Darcy and Rhodes got you in on that wedding crap," Clint says rolling his eyes and chuckling. "I mean well played but, damn."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Caught, dipped, spun, Darcy steadies herself on her face, facing Tony. She eyes him a moment, knowing him in the OF him, not HIm him. Her head tilts.

"Yeah... let's not. I'm pretty sure I'd break you, if you could even keep up with me. But thanks for catching me and trying to be all smooth and shit," Darcy retorts, snarking at Stark, while reaching up to pat him on the chest to teh side of the reactor out of sheer luck.

"And if you could keep up, there is a smol about. And a Captian Cinnamon Roll. Neither of whom need either of us ruining their innocent brains with our kind of dancing," she adds, distracted from the potstickers by the impending snark war she's starting to wage on Tony. Her eyes are mischeivous, her lips kicking up in a smirk.

Captain America has posed:
    An open smile is given back to Deadpool as Steve straightens up from the selfie shot. He shoots a glance over towards Widow but then just waves a hand slightly to the side, "Always fun to meet people." He offers, perhaps to be his admission to the most neutral statement a person can make at a party. But he steps back once the man turns his attention on Clint.
    Thankful for that respite, Steve slips away quickly, starting after Rhodes as the man heads towards the basement door and then downards. "Hey, James. One moment." He calls out across the room, trying to gain the man's attention even as he half-jogs to try and make the intercept. Not quite making it however, he'll pull the basement door open and call down.
    "Rhodey. I was asked to inquire about your dance moves?" He asks with an entirely sincere query, though his brow is a little furrowed with a hint of confusion. He jerks a thumb to indicate the room behind him even as he peers, "Not sure what that's about."

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes has his hand on the railing and is about to head down the stairs when Cap comes over and stops him. He walks right back that step, hands in his pockets. "Oh that, Darcy right?" Said with a bit of a smile his head nodding slightly. "Didn't think you were the only one in the USO did you?" With a light punch to his shoulder. "Got a bit of training under my belt, and Darcy wants me to show off a few of my more" He pauses a bit mulling for the right words. "Risque maneuvers at the stag party when Clint and Skye tie the knot, show off a bit of exotic dancing."

Quake has posed:
Ring? *blink blink* That word, and Clint's commentary on (someone) being dragged into Rhodes' and Darcy's wedding pool have Skye's attention.

"Woooah..." she bgins, then realizes that that's almost just asking for things to be even worse than they already are. Which totally changes her line of thought and plan of attack.

Instead of protesting, she grins crookedly. "Unless Darcy has a bunch of bristol board and plans on taking bets on the odds of a wedding, this topic of discussion is closed for being no fun at a party. But on those notes, I have to ask, are Clint and I banned from joining in on this pool, because I think that might be insider trading or something."

Iron Man has posed:
"You are welcome," Tony says simply and warmly to Darcy, taking it all as complimentary, without batting an eye, easily adjusting to where she's not touching him anymore, after she finishes patting his chest.

"But if you're suggesting we could break Rogers, that's only making it more interesting," Tony points out quietly, distracted from the kitchen by the interesting new snark war. "I suppose we should spare Lila." The kid. He introduces himself, though. "I'm Tony. What're we cooking?" He indicates the kitchen.

Melinda May has posed:
With distractions and potential interference gone, May is able to get potstickers assembled quickly, and the first ones hit the heated oil. While they sizzle merrily, she takes the moment to assemble a quick dipping sauce.

It likely only takes a couple of minutes for the aroma of the cooking potstickers to start filling the house. It might be enough to lure Tony away from a snark war with Darcy.

We can hope.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes Deadpool's hand. "Lar Gand." he returns the introduction. "Why does everyone think you're Wade Wilson?" he asks, his tone sincere. He just gives Clint a curious look, not quite getting the thing about the ring. But then he says something about a wedding. "Wedding? Wait, are you actually getting married to Skye?" he asks Clint, eyes widening slightly in excitement.

Captain America has posed:
    Steve's lips part in a small 'ohh' as if that was a sufficient revelation but at the end of that single syllable his brow furrows as it's pretty clear... he's still confused. But he goes with it with a nod and then smiles to James, "Well hey, that's great?" He offers as he gestures with one hand, letting Rhodey precede him back upstairs if that's his direction. But either way, Cap starts back into the main room of the party.
    Over his shoulder he says, "I didn't know they were getting married." There's a pause as he looks back, "Good for them." He nods, and then perhaps repeats it again to himself silently even as he moves back to rejoin.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"ooh.. man after my own heart. Yeah. Tonight, we spare Lila, but at Skye's wedding reception? After party... no kids allowed because of shenanigans. I will be bringing penis cake and Venus nipples. We can totes teach Rogers how to do Jello Shot the right way," Darcy replies to Tony, happy and bouncing and eager to have someone fall right in line with her brand of inappropriately crazy sweet to friends.

"Darcy. I'm not cooking jack shit. That's all May. She's making me pot stickers, which are sex in your mouth, and if you ask nicely and promise to help me out with the best wedding party for Skye and Barton ever, I may let you have one and feed it to you too."

Iron Man has posed:
"Consider it done, Darcy," Tony agrees with Darcy without pause. There's no snark war. This is an alliance. "I have some potstickers to liberate, first," Tony says, trading spots with her, as he goes innocently into the kitchen.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint blinks, yep, see this was why his face fell when Wade walked in. This sort of stuff followed the guy everywhere. "Huh, any chance you can not wipe the gun?" he asks sotto voice to Nat. "I am thinking jail might be the good option here."

He steps forward blinking at Rhodes talk of dance moves. "Annnyhow, what Skye said, no marriage talk tonight unless we're in on the pool, seriously people the way you gossip you'd never guess that half of you are spies."

Well it was slightly less than that, but ballparking it here.

Quake has posed:
Skye just tsks at Darcy falling down on the job, and pulls out bristol Board and a marker all on her own. Because, dammit, if the joke is going to have a life of it's own, you may as well join in on the hilarity, even if she feels obligated to protest, "We are not getting married. There is no wedding party. And OMG there is no talk of proposing until you put your money where your mouth is, people!"

The paper pinned to a wall, with the marker attached by a string, also mounted on the wall. "Money. Where. Your. Mouth. Is."

She might be just a little smug as she leaves it there and goes to get herself a beer.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool puts a hand to his masked mouth, and whispers, or pretends to, but it's a loud whisper, as if done for comedic effect, "don't worry Guy, your secret's safe with me." And then he mimed zipping his mouth and throwing away the key... except, his eyes, those eyes in his mask were expressive. They seemed to grow larger and wider, as if he had just realised something. And he looks up in the air, for the mimed key he had thrown. He moves back, and back, and then leaps up into the air, making something of a spectacle of himself, catching the fictional key, and unzipping his mouth, "Oh, phew, that was a close one. I had the strangest premonition. I was shirtless and could shoot fire out of my eyes, and had claws pop out of my arms like trichobatrachus robustus!" He was referring to the hairy frog, also known as the horror frog, and the Wolverine frog.

He does explain to Lar, "oh, it's a long, convoluted, and often retconned story. You wouldn't want to hear about that. But Clint and Skye are getting married..." And Wade starts walking around, leaning his head against Natasha, asking, "is it the clumpy way he walks, or the grumpy way he talks?" Before moving on to Lar, going behind him, "or the pear-shaped, square shaped, weird of his feet?" And he looks down at Clint's feet, using two outstretched hands to aim Lar and Natasha's heads at Clint's feet."

Moving over to Clint, "And though I know he washes well, he always ends up sort of smelly," yes, Wade lifts up Clint's arm with one hand, and waves the other in front of his own nose, "but you'll never meet a fellow who's as sensitive and sweet." All of which had been spoken word, not sung in the slightest. It was in a normal tone.

But now, Wade began to use his pipes, as he did a dance in front of Skye, "So he's a bit of a fixer-upper, so he's got a few flaws. Like his peculiar brain dear, his thing with the bow deer. That's a little outside of social laws! So he's a bit of a fixer-upper, but this I'm certain of, you can fix this fixer-upper, yp with a little bit of love!" Yeah, Deadpool was not being welcomed back... ever.

Melinda May has posed:
May is standing at the stove, turning potstickers in the pan of oil with a pair of tongs. Tony doesn't get more than two steps into the kitchen before she's pulled a knife and flung it at him. It embeds itself in the wall behind the inventor's shoulder, and THEN she glances at him.

"Oh. I thought you were Darcy trying to sneak back in here."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint just gapes. Like, mouth open, flies getting in, the whole deal. He shoots a helpless look to Skye through the musical number. His mouth finding a way to work again as he mouths 'The fuck?'. Though by the end he's just facepalming, the knife thrown into the wall, that doesn't even get a flinch.

He lifts his head and looks around the room. "So, yeah, um, bets?"

He's at a loss for words.

Quake has posed:
(Butchering of "Fixer Upper, from Disney's Frozen, courtesy of Deadpool. Original, unbutchered version, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FJyMwYB2yw )

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I got two-fifty on it happening in the next six months," Darcy calls out, leaving Tony at the kitchen because she knows that out of hte kitchen where May is is safer. Even if the smell of potstickers cooking is a siren's call, daring to try to drag her back and risk it for a taste of Mays' pot stickers.

War Machine has posed:
     "Fuck it." Rhodes says as he's stopped again walking down the stairs. Next thing he knows he's vaulting right over the banister and standing beside Deadpool singing along. Sure it's stupid but you know what it's been that sort of month dammit he's going to have fun with his life. He's not the best singer but he's one hell of a dancer copying wades moves to synchronize with him as he sings because what the hell why not?

Mon-El has posed:
    "But, why not? I mean, you're certain of each other...do you have any um, family issues that might get in the way or something?" Lar asks genuinely, not understanding the whole 'money where your mouth is'. Hey, he grew up royalty all right? So a lack of money is never something that he ever really considered all that much since he was always rolling in it.

    Then he tries to listen to Deadpool explaining why everyone thinks he's Wade Wilson, though he actually doesn't explain it, instead starts dancing around chanting some kind of rhyme that he has never heard before. He tries to make sense of it, but it just...doesn't. He stares at Deadpool. "Huh...? Oh, I see, art is one of your hobbies, I take it? What does it mean, 'fixer upper'? I don't think Clint is smelly. And I don't think he needs to be fixed."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony startles, because a knife was just thrown at him. Well, the wall just behind him. Of course he jumped a bit. There's less reaction to the weird singing from the other room. He looks at the knife. And then turns and pulls it from the wall.

"Do I want to know what she did? -- Yes, I do. What did she do to earn your wrath?" Tony questions, returning the knife to her, and looking VERY interested in the potstickers. He doesn't touch, yet. He just holds his wine and drinks it, and supervises. He did get a knife flung at him, and he's a smart guy.

Quake has posed:
Skye.. has no words. None. Zero. And given she's rarely speechless in the face of confrontation, much laud should go to Wade and Rhodey for their job. It's enough that May's knife in the wall isn't the most attention grabbing event at this party, and that's saying a lot. The dancing and singing duo are just stared at in abject.. uh.. horror isn't quite the right word, but it nearly suffices.

When she does find words, they're accompanied by the downing of her beer in one long pull, "Not nearly enough alcohol."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Oh dear," Natasha murmurs as Wade breaks into song. Not just any song. "Not Frozen. Anything but Frozen. No, I take that back. Anything but The Little Mermaid or Frozen."

The entire situation has crossed something for Natasha and she sets down her empty beer bottle. She waits until the song is performance is over at least before she raises her voice. "It's been a pleasure folks, but I think it's time for me to go. Wade? Your choice on if you want to stay." She isn't going to force him to leave when he's having so much fun.

Melinda May has posed:
"I spent over thirty minutes in a car having to keep her from opening a takeout container of potstickers. Every. Ten. Seconds." The first batch of potstickers are taken out of the oil and put on a plate lined with baking paper, and she offers the plate to Tony while setting the next batch into the oil.

"Take these out to Natasha before she leaves if you would, please."

Deadpool has posed:
Even before the song and dance is over, Wade can tell this is going to be an abrupt departure. Though really, should anyone be surprised? Not only is he the only person at the party wearing a mask, but he's also Deadpool. Wade Wilson. Deadpool. He wears a mask and everyone knows his name, or at least the only name even he knows to call himself. Deadpool may not be a universal law. He's technically still a theory. But then, so is gravity. And as the Deadpool Theory goes, where Deadpool goes, absurdity is soon to follow.

And with the look from Black Widow, he knows that absurdity is heading elsewhere. For where Black Widow goes, Deadpool is soon to follow. It's a new hypothesis, not quite a theory yet, but they're working on testing it out. But before he goes, he hugs Rhodey. "Thank you Bro for involving article 2 of the Bro Code. A Bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his Bros are all doing it. We'll arrange the Bronitiation later. Bros for life." Wait, how is Wade going to get in contact with Rhodey? Does he even know the man's name, let alone contact information? Like other celestial beings, Wade works in mysterious ways.

and he quickly joins Natasha, heading out with her. And when he is, he separates from Natasha, crouching near the door, which a gloved finger holds open. He calls out, "ladies and gentleman, Deadpool has left the building." He even makes a cone with his free gloved hand and tries to make crowd hissing noises. And then he did a roll, getting to his feet and quickly moved to rejoin her.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony is offered the plate. He doesn't take it. "Nope, I'm not serving potstickers, but I'll get her," Tony says, amiable. Meaning, Tony walks to the kitchen door, and calls out for Natasha, "Widow: Report to the kitchen for travel rations," playfully. He then looks back to May with a 'mission accomplished' look--- and disappears for a little while to refill his glass of wine.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grabs a beer, cracks it and offers it to Skye without looking then does the same for himself. "Wow," he says when Wade and Nat make their exit. Double checking idly that Wade didn't leave anymore guns on him during the big song and dance. He takes a swig of his beer before answering Lar with a bit of a shell-shocked expression on his face. "No family things, neither of us really have those, its, complicated," he says to the alien.

Then smirking as the shock starts to fade, "It's a song, from a movie, just-" he sighs, explaining Earth customs were hard enough without explaining Wade. "It's just Wade, being Wade," he says.

Melinda May has posed:
Left standing there with a plate in her hand, May watches Tony flee with a less than impressed expression. But she just now remembers Stark's dislike of being handed things. So, she mentally dismisses it and sets the plate on the counter for the next person into the kitchen to claim.

She totally wouldn't put it past Tony to reappear just to steal the plate now that she's not holding it any longer.

Quake has posed:
That second beer it taken gratefully, because apparently Skye did not see the if you can't beat them join them challenge being taken up so wholeheartedly by their guests, though given Wade she really should have seen that coming. "Thanks for showing up you guys," she says weakly, if authentically. "Drop in anytime." Wincing as she says that, because Wade, being Wade, will take that literally. And he has just teleported in before... And there's no way that invitation can go wrong, is there? /sarcasm.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh..." Lar watches Nat and Wade leave, his gaze eventually returning to Clint. "I thought he wasn't Wade. At least, that's what he said. "I take it that was a joke of some kind."

    He still doesn't understand why Clint and Skye don't just get married, but he doesn't push the issue any further, since they don't seem to want to discuss it for whatever reason.

Captain America has posed:
    After having moved about the crowd, Steve comes up for air and looks around. He'll rest his hands upon his hips as he considers the flow of the people back and forth between the areas of the party. He'll smile a bit as he catches Clint's eye from across the way and lifts a hand to give a small wave as he closes the distance.
    "Barton, I heard the good news. Congratulations." He extends a hand to shake heartily, perhaps bowling past any objection or disagreement as he says. "I'd love to stick around but I made a promise to meet up with a friend at the cinema." He furrows his brow and then says, "Please, give my regards to everyone. Really was a great get together."

War Machine has posed:
     Dancing over Rhodey heads back over as if nothing has happened, only managing to give Deadpool a quick nod as the man exits. "Why the hell did I just do that?" He asks himself before walking right back to the stairs and heading his way down to the other room to have a nice conversation with the babysitter, as if nothing had even happened.

Melinda May has posed:
Oh hell no. May heard Nat and Deadpool leave, and now Rogers is making noises? She is not in this damned kicthen cooking just for people to leave.

"Rogers," she calls out loudly enough to be heard. "A moment, please."

She also needs to have someone carry a plate down to Darcy and Lila, or there will be SO much complaining from the fromer.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony checks his communication device as he refills his wine. Responds. And then attempts to down his wine in a fairly rapid manner, while heading over to Clint and Skye. "Barton, Posey, I'm off to handle a fire." Tony's offhand way of saying he has a business-related issue. Or a lab-exploding issue. "Apparently only I can aim the extinguisher. I won't bore you with details. Enjoy the ---present," Tony says. Whatever the heck the present is; Pepper handled it. Tony's sure it's amazingly thoughtful of him.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Wow, tempting fate, huh?" Clint says to Skye before Cap is suddenly there offering his hand. Clint shakes it, "Uh, thanks, I'll clear up what's wrong with that later, but thanks Cap, enjoy your movie. Did you hear they have talkies now?" he asks, unable to avoid slipping in the joke.

To Lar, Clint says, "Yeah, Wade does that a lot," he supplies before he's waving to Tony.

"Later Tony!"

Then remarking to Skye he asks, "Did May throw a knife at him earlier, I was in too much shock to tell if that was real."

Quake has posed:
"News?" Skye all but groans. "Oh god. Darcy told everyone we're engaged, didn't she?" It's gone from betting pool to people are planning wedding gifts and outfits. "I have no idea," she tells Clint of May's knife throwing antics. "Still not enough alcohol."

But she smiles at the departing guests. "Drop in, anytime." At least the rest of them know what locked doors and civil hours are.

Captain America has posed:
    A small half-snort is given in response, "Yeah, looking forwards to seeing one of those." He gestures towards the man slightly as if giving a small wave when he turns and begins to move across the room. A turn to the side as he slips past a few people, offering them a smile. But then he'll hear May calling out to him from the kitchen.
    "Thanks May, was great to see you too!" He says, likely mishearing her. Or perhaps not so much when she has that tone of voice. Towards the door he moves and eventually he heads on through.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony finishes with his goodbyes, but remembers the /food/. Best not just /leave/ it. He returns to the kitchen to see about getting his own potstickers for the road. He'll ask nicely and everything. And hopefully not earn another knife thrown near/at him.

That done, Tony will disappear into his limousine, after all of the farewells are finished and handshakes are complete. Parties are important: fires can wait until he's good and done. Also, somewhat drunk, so there's that.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I mean, it's going to happen eventually anyway right?" Lar says with a wink at Skye. "So why do you act like it's such a terrible thing?"

    He waves as Tony leaves. "It was good to meet you, Mr. Stark. I hope we can talk again soon."

    "Well, I guess you Terrans have to sleep at some point...never quite sure when that has to be, but I can take a hint." he smiles, nodding toward most of the party guests starting to file out. "Thank you for the invitation."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint smiles when Cap takes the joke well and then says goodbye to the departing guests with a wave of his own.

"I think I've got a bottle of scotch or something upstairs," he remarks about the need for booze.

Lar's comments get a tired laugh, "Not always, some people just live together but don't bother getting married, we might be one of those kinds of couples."

He offers Lar his hand though at the end, open, not closed, "And you're welcome, stop by anytime man."

Melinda May has posed:
The potstickers cooked up quickly, so May took a plate of them down to Lila and Darcy. By the time she comes back, Lar's taking his leave as well. She nods to him and waits quietly.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sure thing, but hopefully not while you are all sleeping." Lar chuckles, giving Clint's hand a shake momentarily. He glances at May as she emerges from the kitchen, noting he hadn't gotten to meet her today. But hopefully he'll get a chance to do that soon. "See you soon." Then he's out the door after the rest of them.

Quake has posed:
And then there were three... May, Clint, and Skye. Too many leftovers. Enough booze to throw another couple of parties. And a mess. A mess that Skye isn't even going to begin thinking about until tomorrow, and perhaps not even then - even if they are leaving on vacation, so it does have to be dealt with.

She grabs a fresh beer and a plate of leftovers, and collapses on the big purple couch. "What the hell just happened," she laughs in disbelief, opening her beer (it's not even frou-frou!) and sipping. "That was entirely crazy. And hella fun."

Melinda May has posed:
"I'll grant you crazy." And even as Skye's finally settling on the couch, May is still puttering about, picking up as she goes. "And I'll get that hole in the wall fixed before you get back from vacation." She carries her armload of stuff to the kicthen, where the sounds of things landing in the sink, the trash, or the recycle bin can be heard.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint shows Lar to the door, chuckling with him. "Later, man," he says when they get there. "And we're still looking for Res, no signs yet but we'll find him."

Then he lets the Daxamite go on his way.

Back in the kitchen, Clint flops against a wall, "You've got a strange idea of fun," he beams at her, clearly he enjoyed it too.

To May he looks over, "Wait so that did happen? Why'd you throw a knife at Tony?"

Quake has posed:
"You're making me feel guilty," Skye complains as everyone else settles in the kitchen. So she gets up from the couch, and makes her way towards the other room - grabbing up a handful or two of trash on the way. Empty bottles, mostly, that have congregated on tables and need putting away. "You know you don't need to clean our place, right, May? We can get it tomorrow. Be nice to just relax now. And yeah, why did you throw that knife."

Melinda May has posed:
"I thought it was Darcy trying to sneak in and steal a potsticker while they were still cooking." She doesn't sound at all apologetic about it, either. The uncooked potstickers are in the freezer already, and the cooked ones have been packed and put into the fridge. And despite Skye's protest, she keeps working on cleaning the kitchen at the very least. "I'll probably have to cook him something at some point soon to apologize."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint pushes off the wall to help Skye, and May with the cleanup. "Like hell she doesn't," he laughs. "I'm not doing all this myself. And if we leave it for the trip, can you imagine the smell?"

The story of the knife incident, is met with a smirk, "That'd be a fun AAR to write, how I stabbed the saviour of the internet, over potstickers."

War Machine has posed:
     Up from the basement walks Rhodey. He doesn't say another word, just setting cash into the babysitters hand. His expression is cold and harsh. "Get. Out." It's not his house but something about their conversation didn't seem to go well. "And just consider yourself lucky I don't lock you up in shield custody." Watching her just take her cash and then walk out the door. She flips the bird on her way out popping one last bubble before walking out to the street.

     Rhodes then runs a hand through his hair lets out a low sigh then walks to the kitchen. "What's up party people?" He asks hands down inside his pockets trying to act cool and not like he just threatened someone with an extended stay in a shield blacksite.

Quake has posed:
Well that was a surprise, Skye had honestly thought all their guests had flown the coop, though now she's curious as to why Rhodes is telling off the babysitter. "Yo, Butch, thought you'd left? Lila okay? And what was up with that?" She was pretty sure Fury might object to locking up wayward teens for being shitty babysitters..

May.. well, Skye knows the futility of arguing with the woman. "Uh, if you need a place to host that dinner, you can use here while we're gone." Allowing May to keep her own home a sanctuary. She starts gathering up the other leftover bottles and cans and hands Clint a garbage bag for the disposable dinnerware they'd decided to use to make this portion of the housewarming much, much easier.

Melinda May has posed:
May watches this exchange, then looks at Rhodes as he walks into the kitchen. "Next time, do you want me to handle that?" She's making quick work of the dishes she'd generated while cooking, and letting the couple deal with the trashbag collection.

"Though from the looks of things, you should just ask Darcy to help you out from now on. I suspect she'd be happy to do it."

War Machine has posed:
     "There's a more to it then that." Rhodes states calmly. "That's all I'm going to say on that." He takes a seat and kicks back letting out a low breath of air sighing into the open as he takes some snacks for himself trying to relax after a few moments of tension.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's surprised too when Rhodes appears putting the babysitter on blast. "Whoa what did she do?" he asks half-way throwing out some more of the plates. "And yeah, man use Darcy next time. Way easier," he says then smiles. "Plus she'll learn all sorts of new words."

"And what's up with the Butch thing?" he asks Rhodes and Skye.

"Yeah, May, be our guests," he says, half way expecting Deadpool to jump out and start in on /that/ Disney number, but it doesn't happen/. "Thank god," he murmurs. "Thought Wade was going to show up on that cue."

Quake has posed:
"Do any of us really want the kid learning new words?" Skye could mean either the babysitter or Lila - it's pretty interchangeable at this point if you think about it. Shuddering as Clint brings up another catch Disney tune (one she actually likes, but the prospect of uninvited Wade performances does carry it's own special form of fear).

"Huh? Oh, Butch? I don't know. Just.. came to me after that whole mission. You know, the dog faces? And how he was so gung-ho and stuff? Just struck me as a ferocious battling dog. Butch, you know?"

And really Skye giving you a nick was a sign of acceptance. Fury and May might be the only ones who slipped past that, and even then Fury got Boss. May, well, she's May. And that alone earned her the respect of that simplicity.

Melinda May has posed:
May finishes cleaning up what she can and moves to take the recycling out. Because it's what is done. "I noticed a distinct lack of choice phrases earlier this evening, and I am willing to believe that Darcy is capable of minding her language." She also fully believes that Lewis very intentionally chooses when to let the choice phrases fly thick and fast.

Quake has posed:
"Of course she's capable of minding her language," Skye observes uncharacteristically. "She just doesn't most of the time." For reasons. Hell, even Skye knows when to mind her manners and her tongue, though one might regard that with suspicion if you regard all her encounters with Director Fury. Of course, all those encounters have also set the stage for the real relationship she seems to be enjoying with the man. Something that she's still a bit bewildered about, though in a good way.

War Machine has posed:
     "What she did was bring my sister into it, and tried to use the fact she's a meta to strong arm me." Rhodey says calmly as he kicks back further just trying to snack relax and let the whole thing pass him by. He doesn't even seem angry on the surface anymore just disappointed as he kicks back a cold drink. "Yeah next time I'll just let May or Darcy take care of babysitting."

Melinda May has posed:
May? Babysit? Not just no, but heeeeeeeeeck no. She will, though, be only too happy to have a few words with that just-departed young woman if she ever crosses paths with her again. "Tell your sister, Rhodes. That is unacceptable, and that young woman needs to learn that." She's carrying a recycling container to the front door, and stops when someone knocks. Glancing back at the others, she sets the container down and reaches one hand under the back of her jacket while reaching to open the door with the other.

"Yes?" she asks of whomever is on the other side.

Quake has posed:
Not that Rhodes knows it, but Skye has had recent information about her own person that has thrown the whole idea of parentage and what it is to be human into whole new lights, and when he says the departed babysitter made vague threats against Lila, or at least implied she'd make life difficult for the girl if Rhodes didn't comply on some level with something (Skye suspects more money was involved), it's like a gut punch to the young woman.

"I'll have words with her," Skye says in tones that are entirely too quiet and too controlled for the young woman.

Vision has posed:
Standing in the doorway, his crimson dermis set off by a resplendent hunter green Alpaca sweater and black slacks, is the android avenger, The Vision. He offers May a faint smile and a nod of greeting before being ushered in. "Thank you, Agent May.." he offers, even if he has never met her before. Then looks past her to Skye. "Salutations, Agent Johnson! Agent Barton. And friends, thereof. I apologize for my tardiness and realize that the house welcoming festivities could very well be coming to a close, but I would have been remiss in completely missing the chance, at your invitation, to join you in your saturnalia of your new co-habitation." he states.

He holds out both hands. "As is customary, I come bearing gifts for the warming of your home... Which is more metaphorical than literal since neither of these gifts is capable of raising the ambient temperature of your domicile. As I have not built up a proper profile, beyond the tactical, of your personal gift preferences Agent Johnson I decided to go with what is considered traditional gifts. The first, a plant.." he hold sout a lovely hand crafted pot holding.. a Cactus. "I believe the truly traditional plant is supposed to be a Ficus, if my internet research is correct, but considering there is a 96.4 percent chance that Agent Barton will kill any flora that requires regular watering I felt this most prudent. The second gift is that of an alcoholic beverage. Again, I do not know your preference so I defaulted to that of Agent Barton. Wine is supposed to be traditional so I brought the variety which I believe, through intense analysis of his background and tastes, matches his profile.." And he holds up a box of wine.. teh kind that comes in a mylar bag with a spout within it's corrugated embrace.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint had thrown himself into the cleaning there at the end, or at least that's the story he was sticking to. He was nearly drifting off on his feet. Though when Vision arrives, the archer beams, "First off, Viz, call me Clint for god's sake and second, you sure of the math? I am sure it was a solid 97," he offers with a chuckle as he steps up to help with the gifts. Snorting. "Really, boxed wine huh?" he says then pretends to consider it for a moment. "You're not wrong," he says before shrugging to the others. 'What? It's convenient."

Melinda May has posed:
After letting Vision in and just staring at his gift choices -- bizarre but eerily appropriate -- she disappears out the door with the recycling and returns a few moments later with an empty container. She can see that Clint is getting tired, and heads over to take any cleaning items out of his hands and shoo him toward the sofa. It's a silent suggestion to go be sociable.

"Vision, I forget. Are you able to consume food?"

Quake has posed:
Thank goodness for the arrival of Vision, otherwise the likelihood of Skye settling down and letting a bit of bad ruin an otherwise perfect day was altogether too likely. His gifts were uncannily on the mark for the couple - other than the possibility that a plastic plant might otherwise be better than anything living. Mind you, a cactus would actually let them demonstrate that they could keep other living things than themselves alive - though in Skye's case, given her past diet of cold coffee, candybars, and ramen noodles in a cup, it's debatable if she qualified at keeping herself alive in any sufficient manner.

"Thanks," she says in tones that convey her sincere appreciation. Even if she's snickering at the boxed wine. "YOu're still supposed to use a glass," she tells Clint, putting the cactus down and getting him a *tumbler*.. because, Dudes, it is boxed wine after all. Only so much classy a person needs with that.

War Machine has posed:
     "Almost makes my gift look pedestrian." Rhodey comments looking over with a genuine smile at the gifts Vision has brought, he looks back to Clint for a moment. "Hey man, never feel the need to defend what you like to drink, that stuff is great in a pinch." He waggles his finger kicking back as much as he can to relax. "Speaking of gifts, I'd like to stick round to see the reaction when you open mine, think you'll like it."

Vision has posed:
Vision hands off the cactus, carefully of course, giving Clint a wry look. "I had to lower the percentile when I figured there was a .6 percent chance you would urinate on said water-requiring flora after having drank most of this box of..." he checks the brand again. " 'It's Wine O'Clock'...." he ahems, then hands Clint the box of wine as well and nods to Skye. "You are most welcome, Agent Johnson. By the look of things, it appears your soiree has gone.. I believe the term is 'swimmingly'."

He Then turns to May and cants his head slightly in an affirmative. "Yes, my synthetic organics are capable of metabolising naturally organic food." he says with that faint smile that never really leaves his face. "I can utilize the chemical energy as a secondary source of power." Because he is /not/ a robot.. Hell, he isn't even really an android. he is a /synthazoid/.

He Turns and spots James Rhodes, taking only a moment to recognize the man (again, even if had never met him personally. It is possible he has, but even if not.. He /is/ a walking information system. "Good evening, James Rhodes. Should I refer to you by your title of Agent, or as is polite by the rank from which you retired from the Marines with...?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint doesn't bat an eye, "Ah, that's the mistake, I only pee in plants at the mansion, so it's sort of a skewed sample," he says. "I don't pee on plants a home though, I'm not a savage, that's what the balcony is for." He nods solemnly, then takes the wine and the plant and sets them down in the living room. Though he does take that tumbler from Skye first.

At Rhodes' request he seeks out the box Lila had given Clint earlier. "This one?" he asks Rhodes. Then looks to Skye, "Wanna?" he asks about opening the gift.

Quake has posed:
Skye just gives their guests an 'I don't ask' sort of look. I mean, she's never seen Clint pee off a balcony or on plants, so she *thinks* he's kidding? but then again, Vision's joke makes it hard to tell give she's not entirely certain if he has a sense of humour.

"Are there any potsickers left, May?" Skye grins as she asks it, and looks around, much like they all paused when 'Be My Guest' was thrown into the ether like a Wade summoning ritual.. that and the fact that Darcy is something of an in-joke between herself and Skye, and whether or not she's voice the woman's name aloud, Skye isn't just picture Darcy opping in, grabbing leftover postickers and running, but a small angelic Darcy fluttering about with her newfound wings.

.. sometimes you have to be there for the birth of these things.

Rhodes catches the woman with that thought on her mind, and gets a chuckle with her agreement to open the gift. Surprising in that gifts normally make her very uncomfortable. Must be that Darcy thing. Ooops, there's another with wings. How'd that happen?

"Uh, sure? What did you get us?"

War Machine has posed:
     "Colonel, Agent, Rhodey, War Machine, Rhodes." Rhodey starts off counting down on his fingers as he looks over towards the box himself. "Anything but Jimmy." He pauses a moment shuddering as he remembers something from his past. He looks back up to give Skye a disappointed look. "It's a box of live cobras." He says sarcastically, playing up his own body language and looking over a pair of non existent glasses. "Just open it and find out."

Melinda May has posed:
"Yes," May answers Skye. "Already cooked ones in the fridge, raw ones in the freezer." She continues with the picking up until things look almost the way they did when the party started, then finally -- finally -- she returns to settle into a chair. Other than the fixings for the potstickers, she didn't seem to have brought anything. Maybe that was her gift to the couple?

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Skye doesn't ask, Clint doesn't tell, it all works beautifully. Clint helps himself to a tumbler of wine while the quick debate over opening Rhodes gift. "Done," he says when Rhodes says to just open it, "Skye, you want to do the honours?"

Vision has posed:
Vision nods to Rhodey, offering ever-there smile. "For now, unless you wish otherwise, I will refer to you as Agent Rhodes unless the situation is inappropriate." he says and deduces that may is helping clean up from when there were more people earlier. He takes a moment and follows behind her, moving dishes to the sink.. Luckily the way their kitchen is set up he can /do/ dishes AND watch the presents being opened. No one asks him to do dishes either. He just /does/ them, rolling up his sweater's sleeves, revealing red arms, and goes to town. His movements are sparse, conserved, no energy wasted,. He fills the sink, scrubs plates and glasses.. rinses them.. all at a high but careful speed, Yet never look at what he is doing, instead weatching teh goings on in the living room with interest.

Quake has posed:
Oh. Dears. Gods. Above and Below. Did May just say 'in the fride' and more 'in the freezer'? It's like.. well, a lot like all the Christmases Skye never had. All these people and their generous gifts (even the ones that are clearly nods to knowing the couple - like Tony's gift of maid service, or even Vision's boxed wine and a cactus - hell Wade's cross-stitch was a definite nod to how unsuited for this classy neighbourhood the couple are, and perfect for them).

She just shakes her head in amazement at May, even as she goes to help Clint open Rhodes' gift. "Ha-ha, Butch. You know we'd just lose them or they'd die of starvation.." Not that Skye is entirely certain what you feed a box of cobras anyway. But hey, that's what the internet is for. "You open one end, Hotshot? Meet you in the middle?" Letting him help her.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods, and downs some more of the wine. "Sounds like a plan," he says and then they lay into the box. At least on Clint's side paper is ripped off, boxes torn until he sees the gift and hangs his head, laughing, "You son of a bitch," he says.

He looks to Skye, knowing she can see them too now.

He reaches into the box producing a doll, it's Clint, like the doll really looks like him, fully articulated too by how it bends as it comes out of the box... of course, what it's wearing...a bright pink puffed shoulder 1980's wedding dress with the massive collar and checkerboard patern.

"There will be revenge for this Rhodes," he promises, still laughing.

Skye's doll is left for her to reveal.

War Machine has posed:
     "Hey Fenris was an excellent mother!" Rhodes says in a mock offense still smiling, and making a bit of a callback joke as he takes a deep sip from his cold refreshing cola. It's a nice thing to see the reactions are something other then smashing the toys he'd spent so long assembling while in the medbay. "I'll be hones when I was in the medbay I was half expecting you guys to find em before I finished assembling them." He pauses nodding to Vision as a way of saying he's fine. "Still surprised you didn't."

Quake has posed:
Skye's face is one of perfect disgust as she sees what's inside, even as she's laughing at Rhodes. "Oh my god. The pink dress. When is that joke going to die the death it deserves?" She just can't believe he's done that. And then she hits her end of the box: A Skye doll, equally articulated, in a matching pink suit to go with Clint's dress.

Melinda May has posed:
May looks at the doll in Clint's hands and can only raise her eyebrows. That's ... not something she ever expected to see. And then Skye brandishes her doll. "That is about the most horrifying thing I have seen since Miami Vice was on the air." She fully expects Skye to not get that reference AT ALL.

Vision has posed:
Vision has washed... like.. an entire stack of dishes.. and dried them.. Literally faster than a dishwasher, he is. And the glasses are all sparkling as well. It is almost like watching someone washing dishes in some cartoon. He frowns, though, as he sees Clint pull out the 'action' figures, and raises a hairless brow, pausing in his washing. "Should it not be Agent Johnson's figure wearing the pink dress, Clint?" he asks, using Clints name like he asked.. "Unless you practice transvestism... which is totally acceptable of course." he quickly adds, hoping he did not make a social faux paus.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Right?" Clint says to May. "This is why I'm glad I missed the eighties," he chuckles, but he doesn't seem like he's going to smash the thing. "Well done," he says to Rhodes before he stands, groaning at Vision's question. "Nah, if I wore dresses it wouldn't be funny, the joke has to turn things on it's head," he explains with a light chuckle.

"Well, I'm going to take mini-Clint and do a bit more clean up, but thanks Rhodes," he says wiggling the doll then heading out to the kitchen.

Quake has posed:
Skye just continues to shake her head at Rhodes' gift, pausing to correct Vision, "Oh hell, call me Skye. Agent Johnson sounds like my grandmother." Yes, she's making a joke. On so many levels. She doesn't even know who her mother is, let alone if she has a grandmother.

Quake has posed:
And as such things go, the party eventually slows down and wraps itself up. Friends take their leaves - all pressed with leftovers the couple won't be able to eat before leaving on the vacation Director Fury insisted they have before Skye digs into her past, and inevitably, her future. Leaving the couple alone to head to bed and be happy with how blessed they are.