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|FullName=Quintavius Quirinius Quire
|FullName=Quintavius Quirinius Quire
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|Occupation=Magnificent Bastard
|Occupation=Magnificent Bastard
|Residence=New York City
|Residence=New York City
|Quote="It's all fake and illusion. That's what cool is. That's what charisma is. That's what everything is."
|Groups=[[Xavier's School]], [[Mutant-OOC]]
|Quote="You've always encouraged us to dream ... I just wondered what would happen if one of us had a dream you didn't like?"
"It's all fake and illusion. That's what cool is. That's what charisma is. That's what everything is."
"Stay tuned to your screens, my mutant brothers and sisters. For those of you out there who dare still doubt the hate and fear the humans harbor for us, it's time you turn on, tune in and pull your head out of your #*$@% ass ... and just watch what happens next."
|DOB=01 February 2007
|DOB=01 February 2007
|Height=178 cm
|Height=178 cm (5'10")
|Weight=84 kg
|Weight=84 kg (185 lb)
|Actor=Taron Egerton
|Actor=Jack Gleeson
|Song="Quentin Quire" by Adam Warrock
|Song="No Feelings" by Sex Pistols
|Profile=Provocative, powerful, amoral and often crude, Quentin Quire believes himself to represent the next generation of superhuman. Post-millenial, hypersocial, anti-authoritarian, at odds with conventional mores and morals, Quentin sees no need to obey anyone but himself and his own impulses. He uses his power shamelessly, defiantly and decadently. He recognizes that it isn't fair that he's better than everyone else, but he's not about to apologize for it.
|Profile=Provocative, powerful, amoral and often crude, Quentin Quire believes himself to represent the next generation of superhuman. Post-millennial, hypersocial, anti-authoritarian, at odds with conventional mores and morals, Quentin sees no need to obey anyone but himself and his own impulses. He uses his power shamelessly, defiantly and decadently. He recognizes that it isn't fair that he's better than everyone else, but he's not about to apologize for it.
|Description=He's just so, this boy, all style, plenty of class but no gentleman if you spend much time with him. His hair's neon pink, an undercut carved along the side and leaving the length loose and draped across one side, his close-shaved scalp carved with an omega. His mismatched eyes, one blue and one green, gleam behind thick-framed spectacles, the squared lenses complementing the angle of his jaw. He has a crooked kind of grin, devilish by nature, and the kind of tongue that leaves scorch marks when left unchecked. He has a few piercings in his face: nose, tongue, eyebrow, labret. He favors earbuds that often dangle, preferring his chosen soundtrack to the chatter of the boring world. He has a cackle of a laugh and a sadistic streak he doesn't do much to hide.<br><br>He wears a neat suit that tends to resemble the classic private school uniform, but deconstructed, privatized, made his own, based in black and trimmed in pink. Rather than the usual crest on the left breast, however, there's a bright magenta omega symbol with crossbones, almost like a pirate's patch. He keeps his bright pink tie cinched, his hands manicured, his trousers ironed and with a matchless crease. Nary a speck shall ever be found on his well-shined Oxfords and woe betide anyone who causes otherwise.
===Current Player Approved: N/A===
|History=Quentin Quire grew up gifted, privileged and cossetted. His parents were wealthy Californians in the Bay area. He went to private schools, he wanted for nothing. They spoiled him rotten and allowed the privilege of his life to utterly soak into his bones.<br><br>And then he entered puberty and began to manifest mutant powers and they realized they'd given birth to a freak. And he realized they thought as much because he could read it in their minds. Every bit of disgust, every bit of hatred and prejudice they hid behind their smiling faces and their empty eyes, he could feel it. Not only for him, but for their friends, their family - he realized that so much of thte life he'd lived was a lie. That people lied all the time, that the order and meaning that he'd been given was nothing but made-up stories. Love was conditional, the world was for sale and he would never have a real home ever again.<br><br>They set him off to boarding school and he ruled there. He made his own little gang and got a nickname, Kid Omega. He cut class and stole, smoked cigarettes on the roof and stayed up past curfew. Anybody who tried to discipline him got mindwiped and silenced. But he got tired of playing with the normals - sure, they were fine toys, but they couldn't be real friends.<br><br>He eventually, through interactions in mutant communes and communities he sought out, he found out about the existence of a school for mutants. He persuaded his parents to enroll him and, along the way, struck a deal with them: once he turned eighteen, they would give him his trust fund and he would pretend they never existed. He wouldn't ever come home again, for either love or revenge. Quentin agreed. He didn't quite manage to finish his stint at the mutant school - he caused a bit of trouble and got himself expelled, yet again. But he doesn't mind. He has his money now and is making a name for himself a provocateur, a blogger, a loudmouth and a social media superstar, all in the name of mutantkind - and, of course, the Kid Omega brand.
|Description=<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
|Personality=Quentin Quire is larger than life. Brash, shameless, opinionated, loud, he talks constantly and only means maybe half of what he says. To him, the world is full of liars and fakes, everyone looking out for themselves. To him, people find him annoying because, for all his fabrications, he tells a lot of truth.<br><br>He tells truth to power. He doesn't bow to anyone or put things in polite terms to earn approval. He messes with people deliberately, yes, but, to him, that's shaking up their moorings, freeing them of ego and preconception. Shallow as he pretends to be, he truly believes in changing the world and thinks it can only be done by shaking the collective shoulders of his generation and slapping them in the face until they wake up and smell that they've been sold out.<br><br>He's proud of being a mutant and will fight anybody who's got a problem with it - or, at the very least, argue with them loudly and do his best to ruin their reputation.<br><br>He actually cares a lot, more than he likes to. For all that he plays the flippant, devil-may-care egotist (and a lot of that is totes dead real), he feels everything strongly and that includes despair and unhappiness. If he wasn't unhappy, he wouldn't spend so much time giving the whole world the proverbial middle finger.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#FF1493">'''OMEGA CITY'''</span><br>As a part of his quantum intellect and advanced psionic abilities, Quentin's mind is exceedingly complex, far more so than the average human and, as such, he's had to find unique and creative ways to manage and organize his thoughts. For this purpose, Quentin has constructed an elaborate psychic realm based on the mnemonic concept of a memory palace, only far more intricate. Omega City, as he calls it, is a full form psionic landscape, complete with denizens, geography, architecture and events. Essentially a virtual world contained in his head, every particle of Omega City is a memory or thought or impulse of Quentin's (or from the mind of someone he's contacted telepathically, detritus picked up through contact like a murderer's fingerprints and hair follicles left on a body). Quentin can access the landscape in order to search his memory or find an idea, essentially living out a self-generated adventure or plot as he tries to find the piece of data in his vast repository. Through his telepathic capabilities, Quentin can draw others astrally into Omega City, leaving their bodies comatose (this requires consent and cannot generally be done by force, although he could draw a sleeping person into his consciousness stealthily). Once inside, they may manifest as themselves or find themselves wrapped in memories and given a new identity by the City itself, acting out in unexpected ways and manifesting new personalities. If they have any sub-personalities or subliminal selves, these, too, may manifest in the construct, even perhaps as separate individuals. No one can suffer true damage in Omega City. If they were to suffer 'mortal' damage or harm while in the construct, they would simply be kicked from his mind and back to their own bodies. Of course, that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt like hell.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''PSYCHIC WEAPONRY'''</span><br>Quentin's psychic shotgun is an outgrowth of his telekinetic and telepathic abilities, a gestalt mingling of the two into a single effect. Essentially, Quentin coalesces his powers into a weapon of psychic energy (he usually makes it look like a shotgun, but it could just as easily be a rocket launcher or a sword or anything else he'd imagine). It will appear in his hands as a glowing energy construct. Like Psylocke's psychic knife, the weapon represents the concentrated force of Quentin's power, diluted partially because of the effort put into the appearance and because he restrains a hint of his power to maintain psychic shields and defenses. When fired, the shotgun unleashes a mingling of telepathic and telekinetic energy, affecting both mind and matter at the same time. The telekinetic portion is a supercharged TK blast, capable of punching through a car engine block or shattering a human ribcage. The telepathic aspect of the blast would create a psychic shock capable of rendering an average person instantly unconscious and potentially psychically damaged for life, depending on their level of psychic strength (willpower). He can also reduce one or the other if he likes, making a purely TK shotgun or a purely telepathic one, if he chooses. The shotgun can even affect incorporeal entities or spirits, because it combines the psychic energy with the physical. While using the shotgun, Quentin's powers are otherwise largely quieted, unable to use conventional TK or telepathic effects as long as its manifested, and for a minute or so afterwards until he recovers his faculties.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''SMARTER THAN YOU'''</span><br>Quentin's mind is a vast and powerful superhuman thing, and that's reflected in his intellect as much as it is in his psionic abilities. Quentin often describes himself as thinking "ten thousand brilliant thoughts per second" and, while that's certainly hyperbole, he has the brainpower to back it up. Sporting an IQ in around the 240 range, Quentin's intelligence allows him to multi-task almost constantly, juggling five or six mental tasks at once, even leaving them running as subprocesses in his subconscious while he focuses his attention on other matters. His genius is intuitive and remarkable, detecting patterns of extraordinary subtlety and enabling him to make leaps of discovery and invention (he's already proven quite a science prodigy in that regard). His level of intellect gives him extraordinary mental defense and willpower, his psychic adeptness allowing him to structure his ego and mental architecture in such a way as to protect himself, keep out intruders and resist outside influences. Some of his mental energy is taking up in the maintenance of the Omega City construct, however, and his relatively low attention span means he doesn't always use this capacity to its fullest extent (and, when he does, it's rarely for anything worthwhile). He is also, as yet, limited by his degree of education, like a massively powerful engine with insufficient fuel. His well of knowledge grows every day, however, and pushes him closer to living up to his potential.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''TELEKINESIS'''</span><br>Quentin possesses the ability to move material objects with his mind, most colloquially known as telekinesis. Having focused more on his telepathic talents, Kid Omega's telekinetic prowess isn't quite as developed, but is still quite formidable. His telekinetic grasp and strength is equivalent to a superhuman strength in the fifty ton range, enabling him to tear open vaults, lift cars or catch bullets in mid-air with the power of his mind. Quentin can also use his TK to enable himself to fly (and to lift others along with him, should he so choose), with a maximum solo speed just above the speed of sound, decreasing the more mass he's carrying along with him. He can create telekinetic shields for his protection against a level of damage equivalent to his telekinetic strength, although cumulative blows will begin to wear on his energy output and cause such shields to weaken over extended periods.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''TELEPATHY'''</span><br>Quentin is an Omega level telepath (hence the codename), showing an inherent and intense level of raw psychic power and talent. As a telepath, he is capable of reading minds or broadcasting thoughts across the length and breadth of a large city. He can seize control of the minds of others, making them do his bidding, or even subliminally plant suggestions so that they think his commands are their own thoughts. He can alter memories, either by causing full amnesia or by selectively editing their past experiences to his desires. He can craft psychic illusions transmitted directly to the mind, capable of fooling the senses and fully immersing its target. As a part of that, he can himself seem to disappear, disguising his presence from being recognized by other people's minds and allowing him to maneuver as if invisible (at least to sentient beings, not electronics). He can leave his body and enter the astral plane relatively at will. In addition, he can project directed attacks of raw psionic power capable of knocking others unconscious or, at the very least, generating psychic pain and trauma. Because of his raw power and intellect, Quentin's abilities are precociously developed for his age, usually able to be resisted fully only by those of significant psionic capability or possessing an extremely strong will.
He's just so, this boy, all style, plenty of class but no gentleman if you spend much time with him. His hair's neon pink, an undercut carved along the side and leaving the length loose and draped across one side, his close-shaved scalp carved with an omega. His mismatched eyes, one blue and one green, gleam behind thick-framed spectacles, the squared lenses complementing the angle of his jaw. He has a crooked kind of grin, devilish by nature, and the kind of tongue that leaves scorch marks when left unchecked. He has a few piercings in his face: nose, tongue, eyebrow, labret. He favors earbuds that often dangle, preferring his chosen soundtrack to the chatter of the boring world. He has a cackle of a laugh and a sadistic streak he doesn't do much to hide.<br><br>He wears a neat suit that tends to resemble the classic private school uniform, but deconstructed, privatized, made his own, based in black and trimmed in pink. Rather than the usual crest on the left breast, however, there's a bright magenta omega symbol with crossbones, almost like a pirate's patch. He keeps his bright pink tie cinched, his hands manicured, his trousers ironed and with a matchless crease. Nary a speck shall ever be found on his well-shined Oxfords and woe betide anyone who causes otherwise.<br>
|Skills=<span style="color:#FF1493">'''DELINQUENT'''</span><br>Quentin spent a couple of years largely unsupervised, after being expelled from all the prep schools that might have had him. Privileged or not, he spent much of it effectively as a criminal. He's got most of the basic young thug skills down: lockpicking, scamming, looking out for the cops/authorities, sensing potential marks and prey, pickpocketing, urban hiding and survival. He knows how to find the local lowlifes and can fit into your average 'bad kid' environment with relative ease (and usually as the top dog, if he feels like taking it). He's experienced in forgery, both in scamming checks and creating fake identifications, and even knows how to break into an ATM machine.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''LEADERSHIP'''</span><br>Quentin's a natural leader, quick to take control of a group and more than comfortable imposing his will. He tends to expect other people to follow him, and has a natural charisma which puts him easily into that position. He knows how to assign tasks and assess the strengths of his various underlings, and is actually quite a fair leader even under adverse circumstances. Cool under fire, he's a reliable and effective, if not particularly ethical, leader.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''SUPERSCIENCE'''</span><br>Quentin is familiar with most of the basic principles of modern science and technology, his natural interest largely drawing him to those areas of knowledge. With the help of his superhuman intellect, Quentin has proved quite capable of applying those principles to create the seeming impossible. During his time at various institutes of higher learning, he's demonstrated the ability to invent anti-gravity generators and a dimensional containment jar capable of restraining a teleporting imp. Given the proper equipment and time, Quentin is a highly capable superscience inventor and designer, capable of grasping advanced and abstract concepts and applying them to craft new toys. That said, he often disposes of his toys as soon as he invents them, leaving them to rot away in a closet now that he's solved whatever intellectual problem they initially posed.
|History=<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
|Resources=<span style="color:#FF1493">'''CLUB OMEGA'''</span><br>Club Omega is Quentin's current passion project, a night club in Mutant town that caters to young mutants and has questionable policies in regards to underage drinking and illicit substances. However, Club Omega isn't just a place to get loaded, high and have a good time it's also the Quentin's home, base of operations and the first part of his plan to wake up the mutant youth and get them into the fight.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''FOLLOWING'''</span><br>Quentin's a charismatic loudmouth who brays on social media and attracts a lot of eyes. He's developed a following: fans, devotees, groupies, droogies, hangers-on. They usually call themselves the 'Omega Gang' and can be anyone from wannabe humans to low-level mutant hipsters trying to be cool. They'll never be as cool as him, but he's more than happy to use them to do his bidding, score him drugs and run his errands. It isn't uncommon to find him with a small entourage of such trailing in his wake.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''TRUST FUND'''</span><br>Quentin's parents gave him a large and expansive trustfund from their vast wealth. The only stipulation, once he turned eighteen, was that he never contact them again. He's okay with that. He currently has a slush fund of around ten million dollars at his disposal. He has revenue streams from Instagram, Youtube and a few other social media brands as well so that he doesn't have to dip too deep.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#FF1493">'''BOREDOM'''</span><br>For all his intellectual prowess, Kid Omega is very easily bored. Part of the post-millenial generation of constant input and social media, he quite simply expects to be entertained almost all of the time. He has virtually no patience for things he's not interested in and is quite adept at tuning other people out. As a result, while he might be capable of doing some complex tasks, he often doesn't simply because he doesn't find them interesting enough or they take too long. Any task that requires long periods of concentration, patience or total focus will be challenging, to say the least.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''DEPLETION'''</span><br>While Quentin is certainly an Omega level mutant, his power reserves aren't infinite. Using his abilities at their highest level for long periods of time will increasingly cause exhaustion, fatigue, headaches, nosebleeds and confusion. Because his Kick addiction entices him to use his powers unnecessarily, he's rarely at a 'full tank' and, as a result, can be exhausted more quickly than he otherwise would. Also, use of his psychic shotgun is particularly draining, only enabling him to manifest that particular power for about fifteen minutes before exhausting his energy (and, in such cases, he wouldn't be able to manifest the shotgun again until the next day).<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''DRUGS'''</span><br>Quentin likes them. He uses them, often to excess and with little regard to their legality. He often experiments with things he doesn't even bother vetting or sourcing. He enjoys the thrill of it all and the illicit joy it brings to thumb his nose. And he likes getting high or low or whatever altered state of consciousness he usually ends up. Obviously, he isn't always as effective under the influence as he is otherwise.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''LAZY'''</span><br>Quentin really doesn't like work. That's what telekinesis is for. His intelligence always made school work relatively simple for him and he much prefers having fun to putting his nose to the grindstone. If a project, usually scientific or power related, catches his attention, fine, but he's not inclined to give effort for effort's sake. Put simply, you've got to convince him to give a crap before he tries and, well, sometimes he doesn't care when he should. He tends to take the easy way out and finds most discussions of 'work ethic' or dedication or hard work incredibly annoying. In fact, if he's encouraged to work hard at something, that actually makes him less likely to do so.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''PROVOCATEUR'''</span><br>In the 60's, the hippies said you couldn't trust anyone over thirty. Quentin starts distrusting people long before that. He inherently dislikes authority figures. He's a troll, a provocateur and a smartmouth. He will rebel at any given opportunity, always questions doing what he's told, and will be contrary merely for the sake of being contrary. He's disrespectful, often rude, in some circumstances completely unmanageable. He works well with others if he's in charge, but can't stand following orders or doing as he's told. If put in a position where he's forced to do so, he will drag his feet, mouth off and undermine whenever given the chance. Basically, he's kind of a jerk.<br><br><span style="color:#FF1493">'''UNSTABLE'''</span><br>While there are many benefits to Quentin's enhanced psyche, there is also a significant downside. His enlarged intellect is counterbalanced by enlarged emotions, his feelings as vast and overwhelming as his intelligence. When he dislikes someone, it immediately boils over to hate. When he likes someone, he can easily fall in love. Even small slights fill him with rage, while simple pleasures provide him with bliss. Mercurial in the extreme, he can have rapid, unpredictable mood swings, latching onto a phrase or tone or tiny detail and letting it change everything. This instability can make him seem quite mad, at times, and also can be an affliction, his emotions driving him to do things for the wrong reasons or on impulse, or causing well laid plans to crumble in a moment's reaction. Plus, when he hurts, he truly hurts, sadness or heartbreak immobilizing him for days at a time.
Quentin Quire grew up gifted, privileged and cossetted. His parents were wealthy Californians in the Bay area. He went to private schools, he wanted for nothing. They spoiled him rotten and allowed the privilege of his life to utterly soak into his bones.<br><br>And then he entered puberty and began to manifest mutant powers and they realized they'd given birth to a freak. And he realized they thought as much because he could read it in their minds. Every bit of disgust, every bit of hatred and prejudice they hid behind their smiling faces and their empty eyes, he could feel it. Not only for him, but for their friends, their family - he realized that so much of the life he'd lived was a lie. That people lied all the time, that the order and meaning that he'd been given was nothing but made-up stories. Love was conditional, the world was for sale and he would never have a real home ever again.<br><br>They set him off to boarding school and he ruled there. He made his own little gang and got a nickname, Kid Omega. He cut class and stole, smoked cigarettes on the roof and stayed up past curfew. Anybody who tried to discipline him got mindwiped and silenced. But he got tired of playing with the normals - sure, they were fine toys, but they couldn't be real friends.<br><br>He eventually, through interactions in mutant communes and communities he sought out, he found out about the existence of a school for mutants. He persuaded his parents to enroll him and, along the way, struck a deal with them: once he turned eighteen, they would give him his trust fund and he would pretend they never existed. He wouldn't ever come home again, for either love or revenge. Quentin agreed. He didn't quite manage to finish his stint at the mutant school - he caused a bit of trouble and got himself expelled, yet again. But he doesn't mind. He has his money now and is making a name for himself a provocateur, a blogger, a loudmouth and a social media superstar, all in the name of mutantkind - and, of course, the Kid Omega brand.<br>
|Personality=<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Quentin Quire is larger than life. Brash, shameless, opinionated, loud, he talks constantly and only means maybe half of what he says. To him, the world is full of liars and fakes, everyone looking out for themselves. To him, people find him annoying because, for all his fabrications, he tells a lot of truth.<br><br>He tells truth to power. He doesn't bow to anyone or put things in polite terms to earn approval. He messes with people deliberately, yes, but, to him, that's shaking up their moorings, freeing them of ego and preconception. Shallow as he pretends to be, he truly believes in changing the world and thinks it can only be done by shaking the collective shoulders of his generation and slapping them in the face until they wake up and smell that they've been sold out.<br><br>He's proud of being a mutant and will fight anybody who's got a problem with it - or, at the very least, argue with them loudly and do his best to ruin their reputation.<br><br>He actually cares a lot, more than he likes to. For all that he plays the flippant, devil-may-care egotist (and a lot of that is totes dead real), he feels everything strongly and that includes despair and unhappiness. If he wasn't unhappy, he wouldn't spend so much time giving the whole world the proverbial middle finger.<br>
|Abilities=<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Omega City:'''</span>
As a part of his quantum intellect and advanced psionic abilities, Quentin's mind is exceedingly complex, far more so than the average human and, as such, he's had to find unique and creative ways to manage and organize his thoughts. For this purpose, Quentin has constructed an elaborate psychic realm based on the mnemonic concept of a memory palace, only far more intricate. Omega City, as he calls it, is a full form psionic landscape, complete with denizens, geography, architecture and events. Essentially a virtual world contained in his head, every particle of Omega City is a memory or thought or impulse of Quentin's (or from the mind of someone he's contacted telepathically, detritus picked up through contact like a murderer's fingerprints and hair follicles left on a body). Quentin can access the landscape in order to search his memory or find an idea, essentially living out a self-generated adventure or plot as he tries to find the piece of data in his vast repository. Through his telepathic capabilities, Quentin can draw others astrally into Omega City, leaving their bodies comatose (this requires consent and cannot generally be done by force, although he could draw a sleeping person into his consciousness stealthily). Once inside, they may manifest as themselves or find themselves wrapped in memories and given a new identity by the City itself, acting out in unexpected ways and manifesting new personalities. If they have any sub-personalities or subliminal selves, these, too, may manifest in the construct, even perhaps as separate individuals. No one can suffer true damage in Omega City. If they were to suffer 'mortal' damage or harm while in the construct, they would simply be kicked from his mind and back to their own bodies. Of course, that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt like hell.<br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Psychic Weaponry:'''</span>
Quentin's psychic shotgun is an outgrowth of his telekinetic and telepathic abilities, a gestalt mingling of the two into a single effect. Essentially, Quentin coalesces his powers into a weapon of psychic energy (he usually makes it look like a shotgun, but it could just as easily be a rocket launcher or a sword or anything else he'd imagine). It will appear in his hands as a glowing energy construct. Like Psylocke's psychic knife, the weapon represents the concentrated force of Quentin's power, diluted partially because of the effort put into the appearance and because he restrains a hint of his power to maintain psychic shields and defenses. When fired, the shotgun unleashes a mingling of telepathic and telekinetic energy, affecting both mind and matter at the same time. The telekinetic portion is a supercharged TK blast, capable of punching through a car engine block or shattering a human ribcage. The telepathic aspect of the blast would create a psychic shock capable of rendering an average person instantly unconscious and potentially psychically damaged for life, depending on their level of psychic strength (willpower). He can also reduce one or the other if he likes, making a purely TK shotgun or a purely telepathic one, if he chooses. The shotgun can even affect incorporeal entities or spirits, because it combines the psychic energy with the physical. While using the shotgun, Quentin's powers are otherwise largely quieted, unable to use conventional TK or telepathic effects as long as its manifested, and for a minute or so afterwards until he recovers his faculties.<br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Smarter Than You:'''</span>
Quentin's mind is a vast and powerful superhuman thing, and that's reflected in his intellect as much as it is in his psionic abilities. Quentin often describes himself as thinking "ten thousand brilliant thoughts per second" and, while that's certainly hyperbole, he has the brainpower to back it up. Sporting an IQ in around the 240 range, Quentin's intelligence allows him to multi-task almost constantly, juggling five or six mental tasks at once, even leaving them running as subprocesses in his subconscious while he focuses his attention on other matters. His genius is intuitive and remarkable, detecting patterns of extraordinary subtlety and enabling him to make leaps of discovery and invention (he's already proven quite a science prodigy in that regard). His level of intellect gives him extraordinary mental defense and willpower, his psychic adeptness allowing him to structure his ego and mental architecture in such a way as to protect himself, keep out intruders and resist outside influences. Some of his mental energy is taking up in the maintenance of the Omega City construct, however, and his relatively low attention span means he doesn't always use this capacity to its fullest extent (and, when he does, it's rarely for anything worthwhile). He is also, as yet, limited by his degree of education, like a massively powerful engine with insufficient fuel. His well of knowledge grows every day, however, and pushes him closer to living up to his potential.<br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telekinesis:'''</span>
Quentin possesses the ability to move material objects with his mind, most colloquially known as telekinesis. Having focused more on his telepathic talents, Kid Omega's telekinetic prowess isn't quite as developed, but is still quite formidable. His telekinetic grasp and strength is equivalent to a superhuman strength in the fifty ton range, enabling him to tear open vaults, lift cars or catch bullets in mid-air with the power of his mind. Quentin can also use his TK to enable himself to fly (and to lift others along with him, should he so choose), with a maximum solo speed just above the speed of sound, decreasing the more mass he's carrying along with him. He can create telekinetic shields for his protection against a level of damage equivalent to his telekinetic strength, although cumulative blows will begin to wear on his energy output and cause such shields to weaken over extended periods.<br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telepathy:'''</span>
Quentin is an Omega level telepath (hence the codename), showing an inherent and intense level of raw psychic power and talent. As a telepath, he is capable of reading minds or broadcasting thoughts across the length and breadth of a large city. He can seize control of the minds of others, making them do his bidding, or even subliminally plant suggestions so that they think his commands are their own thoughts. He can alter memories, either by causing full amnesia or by selectively editing their past experiences to his desires. He can craft psychic illusions transmitted directly to the mind, capable of fooling the senses and fully immersing its target. As a part of that, he can himself seem to disappear, disguising his presence from being recognized by other people's minds and allowing him to maneuver as if invisible (at least to sentient beings, not electronics). He can leave his body and enter the astral plane relatively at will. In addition, he can project directed attacks of raw psionic power capable of knocking others unconscious or, at the very least, generating psychic pain and trauma. Because of his raw power and intellect, Quentin's abilities are precociously developed for his age, usually able to be resisted fully only by those of significant psionic capability or possessing an extremely strong will.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Delinquent:'''</span>
Quentin spent a couple of years largely unsupervised, after being expelled from all the prep schools that might have had him. Privileged or not, he spent much of it effectively as a criminal. He's got most of the basic young thug skills down: lockpicking, scamming, looking out for the cops/authorities, sensing potential marks and prey, pickpocketing, urban hiding and survival. He knows how to find the local lowlifes and can fit into your average 'bad kid' environment with relative ease (and usually as the top dog, if he feels like taking it). He's experienced in forgery, both in scamming checks and creating fake identifications, and even knows how to break into an ATM machine.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Leadership:'''</span>
Quentin's a natural leader, quick to take control of a group and more than comfortable imposing his will. He tends to expect other people to follow him, and has a natural charisma which puts him easily into that position. He knows how to assign tasks and assess the strengths of his various underlings, and is actually quite a fair leader even under adverse circumstances. Cool under fire, he's a reliable and effective, if not particularly ethical, leader.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Superscience:'''</span>
Quentin is familiar with most of the basic principles of modern science and technology, his natural interest largely drawing him to those areas of knowledge. With the help of his superhuman intellect, Quentin has proved quite capable of applying those principles to create the seeming impossible. During his time at various institutes of higher learning, he's demonstrated the ability to invent anti-gravity generators and a dimensional containment jar capable of restraining a teleporting imp. Given the proper equipment and time, Quentin is a highly capable superscience inventor and designer, capable of grasping advanced and abstract concepts and applying them to craft new toys. That said, he often disposes of his toys as soon as he invents them, leaving them to rot away in a closet now that he's solved whatever intellectual problem they initially posed.
|Resources=<span style="color:#228B22">'''Club Omega:'''</span>
Club Omega is Quentin's current passion project, a night club in Mutant town that caters to young mutants and has questionable policies in regards to underage drinking and illicit substances. However, Club Omega isn't just a place to get loaded, high and have a good time it's also the Quentin's home, base of operations and the first part of his plan to wake up the mutant youth and get them into the fight.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Following:'''</span>
Quentin's a charismatic loudmouth who brays on social media and attracts a lot of eyes. He's developed a following: fans, devotees, groupies, droogies, hangers-on. They usually call themselves the 'Omega Gang' and can be anyone from wannabe humans to low-level mutant hipsters trying to be cool. They'll never be as cool as him, but he's more than happy to use them to do his bidding, score him drugs and run his errands. It isn't uncommon to find him with a small entourage of such trailing in his wake.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Trust Fund:'''</span>
Quentin's parents gave him a large and expansive trustfund from their vast wealth. The only stipulation, once he turned eighteen, was that he never contact them again. He's okay with that. He currently has a slush fund of around ten million dollars at his disposal. He has revenue streams from Instagram, Youtube and a few other social media brands as well so that he doesn't have to dip too deep.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Boredom:'''</span>
For all his intellectual prowess, Kid Omega is very easily bored. Part of the post-millenial generation of constant input and social media, he quite simply expects to be entertained almost all of the time. He has virtually no patience for things he's not interested in and is quite adept at tuning other people out. As a result, while he might be capable of doing some complex tasks, he often doesn't simply because he doesn't find them interesting enough or they take too long. Any task that requires long periods of concentration, patience or total focus will be challenging, to say the least.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Depletion:'''</span>
While Quentin is certainly an Omega level mutant, his power reserves aren't infinite. Using his abilities at their highest level for long periods of time will increasingly cause exhaustion, fatigue, headaches, nosebleeds and confusion. Because his Kick addiction entices him to use his powers unnecessarily, he's rarely at a 'full tank' and, as a result, can be exhausted more quickly than he otherwise would. Also, use of his psychic shotgun is particularly draining, only enabling him to manifest that particular power for about fifteen minutes before exhausting his energy (and, in such cases, he wouldn't be able to manifest the shotgun again until the next day).<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Drugs:'''</span>
Quentin likes them. He uses them, often to excess and with little regard to their legality. He often experiments with things he doesn't even bother vetting or sourcing. He enjoys the thrill of it all and the illicit joy it brings to thumb his nose. And he likes getting high or low or whatever altered state of consciousness he usually ends up. Obviously, he isn't always as effective under the influence as he is otherwise.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Lazy:'''</span>
Quentin really doesn't like work. That's what telekinesis is for. His intelligence always made school work relatively simple for him and he much prefers having fun to putting his nose to the grindstone. If a project, usually scientific or power related, catches his attention, fine, but he's not inclined to give effort for effort's sake. Put simply, you've got to convince him to give a crap before he tries and, well, sometimes he doesn't care when he should. He tends to take the easy way out and finds most discussions of 'work ethic' or dedication or hard work incredibly annoying. In fact, if he's encouraged to work hard at something, that actually makes him less likely to do so.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Provocateur:'''</span>
n the 60's, the hippies said you couldn't trust anyone over thirty. Quentin starts distrusting people long before that. He inherently dislikes authority figures. He's a troll, a provocateur and a smartmouth. He will rebel at any given opportunity, always questions doing what he's told, and will be contrary merely for the sake of being contrary. He's disrespectful, often rude, in some circumstances completely unmanageable. He works well with others if he's in charge, but can't stand following orders or doing as he's told. If put in a position where he's forced to do so, he will drag his feet, mouth off and undermine whenever given the chance. Basically, he's kind of a jerk.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Unstable:'''</span>
While there are many benefits to Quentin's enhanced psyche, there is also a significant downside. His enlarged intellect is counterbalanced by enlarged emotions, his feelings as vast and overwhelming as his intelligence. When he dislikes someone, it immediately boils over to hate. When he likes someone, he can easily fall in love. Even small slights fill him with rage, while simple pleasures provide him with bliss. Mercurial in the extreme, he can have rapid, unpredictable mood swings, latching onto a phrase or tone or tiny detail and letting it change everything. This instability can make him seem quite mad, at times, and also can be an affliction, his emotions driving him to do things for the wrong reasons or on impulse, or causing well laid plans to crumble in a moment's reaction. Plus, when he hurts, he truly hurts, sadness or heartbreak immobilizing him for days at a time.<br>
[[Category:Mutant-OOC]] [[Category:Xavier's School]]

Latest revision as of 15:15, 6 May 2022

Quentin Quire (Scenesys ID: 1160)
"You've always encouraged us to dream ... I just wondered what would happen if one of us had a dream you didn't like?"

"It's all fake and illusion. That's what cool is. That's what charisma is. That's what everything is."

"Stay tuned to your screens, my mutant brothers and sisters. For those of you out there who dare still doubt the hate and fear the humans harbor for us, it's time you turn on, tune in and pull your head out of your #*$@% ass ... and just watch what happens next."

Full Name: Quintavius Quirinius Quire
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Magnificent Bastard
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: Epic
Status: Dropped
Groups: Xavier's School, Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 01 February 2007 Actor: Jack Gleeson
Height: 178 cm (5'10") Weight: 84 kg (185 lb)
Hair Color: Pink Eye Color: Heterochrome
Theme Song: "No Feelings" by Sex Pistols


Provocative, powerful, amoral and often crude, Quentin Quire believes himself to represent the next generation of superhuman. Post-millennial, hypersocial, anti-authoritarian, at odds with conventional mores and morals, Quentin sees no need to obey anyone but himself and his own impulses. He uses his power shamelessly, defiantly and decadently. He recognizes that it isn't fair that he's better than everyone else, but he's not about to apologize for it.

Current Player Approved: N/A



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He's just so, this boy, all style, plenty of class but no gentleman if you spend much time with him. His hair's neon pink, an undercut carved along the side and leaving the length loose and draped across one side, his close-shaved scalp carved with an omega. His mismatched eyes, one blue and one green, gleam behind thick-framed spectacles, the squared lenses complementing the angle of his jaw. He has a crooked kind of grin, devilish by nature, and the kind of tongue that leaves scorch marks when left unchecked. He has a few piercings in his face: nose, tongue, eyebrow, labret. He favors earbuds that often dangle, preferring his chosen soundtrack to the chatter of the boring world. He has a cackle of a laugh and a sadistic streak he doesn't do much to hide.

He wears a neat suit that tends to resemble the classic private school uniform, but deconstructed, privatized, made his own, based in black and trimmed in pink. Rather than the usual crest on the left breast, however, there's a bright magenta omega symbol with crossbones, almost like a pirate's patch. He keeps his bright pink tie cinched, his hands manicured, his trousers ironed and with a matchless crease. Nary a speck shall ever be found on his well-shined Oxfords and woe betide anyone who causes otherwise.


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Quentin Quire grew up gifted, privileged and cossetted. His parents were wealthy Californians in the Bay area. He went to private schools, he wanted for nothing. They spoiled him rotten and allowed the privilege of his life to utterly soak into his bones.

And then he entered puberty and began to manifest mutant powers and they realized they'd given birth to a freak. And he realized they thought as much because he could read it in their minds. Every bit of disgust, every bit of hatred and prejudice they hid behind their smiling faces and their empty eyes, he could feel it. Not only for him, but for their friends, their family - he realized that so much of the life he'd lived was a lie. That people lied all the time, that the order and meaning that he'd been given was nothing but made-up stories. Love was conditional, the world was for sale and he would never have a real home ever again.

They set him off to boarding school and he ruled there. He made his own little gang and got a nickname, Kid Omega. He cut class and stole, smoked cigarettes on the roof and stayed up past curfew. Anybody who tried to discipline him got mindwiped and silenced. But he got tired of playing with the normals - sure, they were fine toys, but they couldn't be real friends.

He eventually, through interactions in mutant communes and communities he sought out, he found out about the existence of a school for mutants. He persuaded his parents to enroll him and, along the way, struck a deal with them: once he turned eighteen, they would give him his trust fund and he would pretend they never existed. He wouldn't ever come home again, for either love or revenge. Quentin agreed. He didn't quite manage to finish his stint at the mutant school - he caused a bit of trouble and got himself expelled, yet again. But he doesn't mind. He has his money now and is making a name for himself a provocateur, a blogger, a loudmouth and a social media superstar, all in the name of mutantkind - and, of course, the Kid Omega brand.


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Quentin Quire is larger than life. Brash, shameless, opinionated, loud, he talks constantly and only means maybe half of what he says. To him, the world is full of liars and fakes, everyone looking out for themselves. To him, people find him annoying because, for all his fabrications, he tells a lot of truth.

He tells truth to power. He doesn't bow to anyone or put things in polite terms to earn approval. He messes with people deliberately, yes, but, to him, that's shaking up their moorings, freeing them of ego and preconception. Shallow as he pretends to be, he truly believes in changing the world and thinks it can only be done by shaking the collective shoulders of his generation and slapping them in the face until they wake up and smell that they've been sold out.

He's proud of being a mutant and will fight anybody who's got a problem with it - or, at the very least, argue with them loudly and do his best to ruin their reputation.

He actually cares a lot, more than he likes to. For all that he plays the flippant, devil-may-care egotist (and a lot of that is totes dead real), he feels everything strongly and that includes despair and unhappiness. If he wasn't unhappy, he wouldn't spend so much time giving the whole world the proverbial middle finger.


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Omega City:
As a part of his quantum intellect and advanced psionic abilities, Quentin's mind is exceedingly complex, far more so than the average human and, as such, he's had to find unique and creative ways to manage and organize his thoughts. For this purpose, Quentin has constructed an elaborate psychic realm based on the mnemonic concept of a memory palace, only far more intricate. Omega City, as he calls it, is a full form psionic landscape, complete with denizens, geography, architecture and events. Essentially a virtual world contained in his head, every particle of Omega City is a memory or thought or impulse of Quentin's (or from the mind of someone he's contacted telepathically, detritus picked up through contact like a murderer's fingerprints and hair follicles left on a body). Quentin can access the landscape in order to search his memory or find an idea, essentially living out a self-generated adventure or plot as he tries to find the piece of data in his vast repository. Through his telepathic capabilities, Quentin can draw others astrally into Omega City, leaving their bodies comatose (this requires consent and cannot generally be done by force, although he could draw a sleeping person into his consciousness stealthily). Once inside, they may manifest as themselves or find themselves wrapped in memories and given a new identity by the City itself, acting out in unexpected ways and manifesting new personalities. If they have any sub-personalities or subliminal selves, these, too, may manifest in the construct, even perhaps as separate individuals. No one can suffer true damage in Omega City. If they were to suffer 'mortal' damage or harm while in the construct, they would simply be kicked from his mind and back to their own bodies. Of course, that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt like hell.

Psychic Weaponry:
Quentin's psychic shotgun is an outgrowth of his telekinetic and telepathic abilities, a gestalt mingling of the two into a single effect. Essentially, Quentin coalesces his powers into a weapon of psychic energy (he usually makes it look like a shotgun, but it could just as easily be a rocket launcher or a sword or anything else he'd imagine). It will appear in his hands as a glowing energy construct. Like Psylocke's psychic knife, the weapon represents the concentrated force of Quentin's power, diluted partially because of the effort put into the appearance and because he restrains a hint of his power to maintain psychic shields and defenses. When fired, the shotgun unleashes a mingling of telepathic and telekinetic energy, affecting both mind and matter at the same time. The telekinetic portion is a supercharged TK blast, capable of punching through a car engine block or shattering a human ribcage. The telepathic aspect of the blast would create a psychic shock capable of rendering an average person instantly unconscious and potentially psychically damaged for life, depending on their level of psychic strength (willpower). He can also reduce one or the other if he likes, making a purely TK shotgun or a purely telepathic one, if he chooses. The shotgun can even affect incorporeal entities or spirits, because it combines the psychic energy with the physical. While using the shotgun, Quentin's powers are otherwise largely quieted, unable to use conventional TK or telepathic effects as long as its manifested, and for a minute or so afterwards until he recovers his faculties.

Smarter Than You:
Quentin's mind is a vast and powerful superhuman thing, and that's reflected in his intellect as much as it is in his psionic abilities. Quentin often describes himself as thinking "ten thousand brilliant thoughts per second" and, while that's certainly hyperbole, he has the brainpower to back it up. Sporting an IQ in around the 240 range, Quentin's intelligence allows him to multi-task almost constantly, juggling five or six mental tasks at once, even leaving them running as subprocesses in his subconscious while he focuses his attention on other matters. His genius is intuitive and remarkable, detecting patterns of extraordinary subtlety and enabling him to make leaps of discovery and invention (he's already proven quite a science prodigy in that regard). His level of intellect gives him extraordinary mental defense and willpower, his psychic adeptness allowing him to structure his ego and mental architecture in such a way as to protect himself, keep out intruders and resist outside influences. Some of his mental energy is taking up in the maintenance of the Omega City construct, however, and his relatively low attention span means he doesn't always use this capacity to its fullest extent (and, when he does, it's rarely for anything worthwhile). He is also, as yet, limited by his degree of education, like a massively powerful engine with insufficient fuel. His well of knowledge grows every day, however, and pushes him closer to living up to his potential.

Quentin possesses the ability to move material objects with his mind, most colloquially known as telekinesis. Having focused more on his telepathic talents, Kid Omega's telekinetic prowess isn't quite as developed, but is still quite formidable. His telekinetic grasp and strength is equivalent to a superhuman strength in the fifty ton range, enabling him to tear open vaults, lift cars or catch bullets in mid-air with the power of his mind. Quentin can also use his TK to enable himself to fly (and to lift others along with him, should he so choose), with a maximum solo speed just above the speed of sound, decreasing the more mass he's carrying along with him. He can create telekinetic shields for his protection against a level of damage equivalent to his telekinetic strength, although cumulative blows will begin to wear on his energy output and cause such shields to weaken over extended periods.


Quentin is an Omega level telepath (hence the codename), showing an inherent and intense level of raw psychic power and talent. As a telepath, he is capable of reading minds or broadcasting thoughts across the length and breadth of a large city. He can seize control of the minds of others, making them do his bidding, or even subliminally plant suggestions so that they think his commands are their own thoughts. He can alter memories, either by causing full amnesia or by selectively editing their past experiences to his desires. He can craft psychic illusions transmitted directly to the mind, capable of fooling the senses and fully immersing its target. As a part of that, he can himself seem to disappear, disguising his presence from being recognized by other people's minds and allowing him to maneuver as if invisible (at least to sentient beings, not electronics). He can leave his body and enter the astral plane relatively at will. In addition, he can project directed attacks of raw psionic power capable of knocking others unconscious or, at the very least, generating psychic pain and trauma. Because of his raw power and intellect, Quentin's abilities are precociously developed for his age, usually able to be resisted fully only by those of significant psionic capability or possessing an extremely strong will.


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Quentin spent a couple of years largely unsupervised, after being expelled from all the prep schools that might have had him. Privileged or not, he spent much of it effectively as a criminal. He's got most of the basic young thug skills down: lockpicking, scamming, looking out for the cops/authorities, sensing potential marks and prey, pickpocketing, urban hiding and survival. He knows how to find the local lowlifes and can fit into your average 'bad kid' environment with relative ease (and usually as the top dog, if he feels like taking it). He's experienced in forgery, both in scamming checks and creating fake identifications, and even knows how to break into an ATM machine.

Quentin's a natural leader, quick to take control of a group and more than comfortable imposing his will. He tends to expect other people to follow him, and has a natural charisma which puts him easily into that position. He knows how to assign tasks and assess the strengths of his various underlings, and is actually quite a fair leader even under adverse circumstances. Cool under fire, he's a reliable and effective, if not particularly ethical, leader.


Quentin is familiar with most of the basic principles of modern science and technology, his natural interest largely drawing him to those areas of knowledge. With the help of his superhuman intellect, Quentin has proved quite capable of applying those principles to create the seeming impossible. During his time at various institutes of higher learning, he's demonstrated the ability to invent anti-gravity generators and a dimensional containment jar capable of restraining a teleporting imp. Given the proper equipment and time, Quentin is a highly capable superscience inventor and designer, capable of grasping advanced and abstract concepts and applying them to craft new toys. That said, he often disposes of his toys as soon as he invents them, leaving them to rot away in a closet now that he's solved whatever intellectual problem they initially posed.


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Club Omega:
Club Omega is Quentin's current passion project, a night club in Mutant town that caters to young mutants and has questionable policies in regards to underage drinking and illicit substances. However, Club Omega isn't just a place to get loaded, high and have a good time it's also the Quentin's home, base of operations and the first part of his plan to wake up the mutant youth and get them into the fight.

Quentin's a charismatic loudmouth who brays on social media and attracts a lot of eyes. He's developed a following: fans, devotees, groupies, droogies, hangers-on. They usually call themselves the 'Omega Gang' and can be anyone from wannabe humans to low-level mutant hipsters trying to be cool. They'll never be as cool as him, but he's more than happy to use them to do his bidding, score him drugs and run his errands. It isn't uncommon to find him with a small entourage of such trailing in his wake.

Trust Fund:

Quentin's parents gave him a large and expansive trustfund from their vast wealth. The only stipulation, once he turned eighteen, was that he never contact them again. He's okay with that. He currently has a slush fund of around ten million dollars at his disposal. He has revenue streams from Instagram, Youtube and a few other social media brands as well so that he doesn't have to dip too deep.


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For all his intellectual prowess, Kid Omega is very easily bored. Part of the post-millenial generation of constant input and social media, he quite simply expects to be entertained almost all of the time. He has virtually no patience for things he's not interested in and is quite adept at tuning other people out. As a result, while he might be capable of doing some complex tasks, he often doesn't simply because he doesn't find them interesting enough or they take too long. Any task that requires long periods of concentration, patience or total focus will be challenging, to say the least.

While Quentin is certainly an Omega level mutant, his power reserves aren't infinite. Using his abilities at their highest level for long periods of time will increasingly cause exhaustion, fatigue, headaches, nosebleeds and confusion. Because his Kick addiction entices him to use his powers unnecessarily, he's rarely at a 'full tank' and, as a result, can be exhausted more quickly than he otherwise would. Also, use of his psychic shotgun is particularly draining, only enabling him to manifest that particular power for about fifteen minutes before exhausting his energy (and, in such cases, he wouldn't be able to manifest the shotgun again until the next day).

Quentin likes them. He uses them, often to excess and with little regard to their legality. He often experiments with things he doesn't even bother vetting or sourcing. He enjoys the thrill of it all and the illicit joy it brings to thumb his nose. And he likes getting high or low or whatever altered state of consciousness he usually ends up. Obviously, he isn't always as effective under the influence as he is otherwise.

Quentin really doesn't like work. That's what telekinesis is for. His intelligence always made school work relatively simple for him and he much prefers having fun to putting his nose to the grindstone. If a project, usually scientific or power related, catches his attention, fine, but he's not inclined to give effort for effort's sake. Put simply, you've got to convince him to give a crap before he tries and, well, sometimes he doesn't care when he should. He tends to take the easy way out and finds most discussions of 'work ethic' or dedication or hard work incredibly annoying. In fact, if he's encouraged to work hard at something, that actually makes him less likely to do so.

n the 60's, the hippies said you couldn't trust anyone over thirty. Quentin starts distrusting people long before that. He inherently dislikes authority figures. He's a troll, a provocateur and a smartmouth. He will rebel at any given opportunity, always questions doing what he's told, and will be contrary merely for the sake of being contrary. He's disrespectful, often rude, in some circumstances completely unmanageable. He works well with others if he's in charge, but can't stand following orders or doing as he's told. If put in a position where he's forced to do so, he will drag his feet, mouth off and undermine whenever given the chance. Basically, he's kind of a jerk.


While there are many benefits to Quentin's enhanced psyche, there is also a significant downside. His enlarged intellect is counterbalanced by enlarged emotions, his feelings as vast and overwhelming as his intelligence. When he dislikes someone, it immediately boils over to hate. When he likes someone, he can easily fall in love. Even small slights fill him with rage, while simple pleasures provide him with bliss. Mercurial in the extreme, he can have rapid, unpredictable mood swings, latching onto a phrase or tone or tiny detail and letting it change everything. This instability can make him seem quite mad, at times, and also can be an affliction, his emotions driving him to do things for the wrong reasons or on impulse, or causing well laid plans to crumble in a moment's reaction. Plus, when he hurts, he truly hurts, sadness or heartbreak immobilizing him for days at a time.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Sentinels/Genosha Rising: Attack of the Sentinels September 2nd, 2019 A protest against Sentinels turns bloody, The X-Men and Magneto will not be moved.
Cereal and gummi bears August 18th, 2019 Noriko comes home for Lucky Charms, Quentin is already in the kitchen. They talk about important stuff. Fin.
Memorial Weekend At The Beach May 26th, 2019 A dozen people from Xavier's School plus some guests gather for a beach party on Memorial Day weekend.
Sentinels and Cold Chicken May 21st, 2019 Lorna, Emma and Quentin talk about how to save the world from Sentinels. Blink has cold fried chicken.
The Sword and the Pen May 18th, 2019 Unknown attackers try to assassinate Professor Xavier during a civil rights speech. Ororo, Sam, Doug and Quentin leap into action!
The Internet Is Down May 13th, 2019 A surprise AI visitor to the school prompts a network shut down. Doug, Samuel, Kitty, Lorna, Quintin, Jubilee and Deadpool converse as the network is brought back up.
Group Politics November 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Say You Want A Revolution October 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Some art in Mutant town! February 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Cultists Abound! January 21st, 2018 NYC learns the Sons of Satannish are on the move, though Doctor Strange isn't their apparent target.
Log 3582 January 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Omegas Bearing Gifts January 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Tacos and Snow January 4th, 2018 A bunch of mutants meet for tacos. Talks are had, and Quentin gets a new project.
Hey You're Not Dead July 11th, 2017 Summary needed
A Favor January 6th, 2017 Summary needed


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