Lady Blackhawk

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Zinda Blake (Scenesys ID: 817)
Full Name: Zinda Blake
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: DC (AFC)
Occupation: Pilot / Adventurer
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth 11 July 1920 Actor: Katee Sackhoff
Height: 170.18 cm Weight: 53 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


The last surviving Black hawk, the highest scoring female ace of all time. She was featured on recruitment posters, magazine covers and even painted on Combat aircraft the world over. Then in the twilight hours of the war, she vanished over the pacific without a trace. Until now, that is.



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If it flies, Zinda can fly it. She's been around aviation her entire life, and has the accolades to prove it. Certified to fly virtually every type of aircraft in circulation, a national championship air racer, aerobatic pilot and of course fighter pilot. Her stick and rudder skills were legendary to begin with, and were honed to a razor's edge during five years of full scale global warfare. WW2's confirmed deadliest female ace, and one of the top aces overall of the war. From biplanes to stealth fighters, if it flies she's dangerous.


Zinda's family business was aircraft, and she spent most of her free time in the factory helping out. She was a certified A&P before the war, played mechanic throughout the war and got recertified when she returned. She builds aircraft from scratch for fun, so wrenching on the odd car or fixing the coffee maker is no problem. Whilst she's no wizard with most of the advanced aeronautical systems in aircraft today, she's more than able to work her way through the problem given enough time.


Zinda's never been trained by mysterious kung-fu masters from far away lands, and she has no idea what to do with a sword. She was shown how to box during the war, but beyond some basic instruction she's had mostly on the job training. She knows to keep her hands up, has a pretty amazing right hook and can zing a bottle of booze with remarkable accuracy. She's more than able to lay out your typical thugs, but against well trained opponents she tends to run out of skill fairly early. Not that she's above using a pair of brass knucks to level the playing field a little of course.


She was raised in rural Alabama, so yes of course she knows how to shoot a gun. Her skill with a pistol, or even a pair of them at the same time is downright exceptional. Like most great fighter pilots she's downright surgical with a shotgun, more than able to bust clays or fast moving enemies when the need presents itself. She's quite familiar with battle rifles, automatic weapons and even heavier man portable things like flame throwers and rocket launchers.


Zora's understanding of strategy is largely confined to air combat, but it's quite in depth. Even in an age of guided missiles and stealth technology, the basics elementals of fighter strategy remain. She understands on a visceral level how to conduct air combat in both the tactical and the strategic sense. Whilst that does translate somewhat to broader ground wars, it becomes more simplistic as the area of expertise diverges of course.


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Zinda has a 1/8th Share in the very modern "Blackhawk Freight co", and that alone is sufficient to generate a healthy income north of 500k a year. The company is not terribly thrilled about having her around however, and whilst the company does have a considerable fleet of aircraft she's not in a position to do whatever she fancies. She's content to use their purchasing office as an agent to secure aircraft she's trying to purchase for herself, and as far as the company is concerned? They're happy to provide that service, and some further limited perks (fuel, hotel rooms etc) if that keeps Zinda out of their hair.


The island is still around, and thus far is still largely untouched. It's defenses are largely ineffectual, and the stockpiles of military hardware there are all out of date and some ravaged beyond repair. It does still have functional workshops, air strips and a barracks though accommodations are particularly sparse. Zinda knows where it is however, and where all the remaining goodies are hidden.


The Lady Blackhawk is rightly, famous in some circles even today. She was a contemporary of the original Black Canary, knew the original Spy smasher. Her image graced recruiting posters, and tales of her exploits made their way into comic books and movies. She broke barriers for women in Aviation, and she had the concrete accomplishments necessary to back up all that praise. She's been painted on American combat aircraft since the second world war, and even now is happy to drop by officer's clubs and military dive bars when invited. As a result more than a few pilots both former and retired, are quite willing to extend her a favor now and then. Even a hot tip if they think she needs it. A modern fighter jet of her very own, or free roam of a military base? No. Free hangar space, help finding spare parts or a free drink? Certainly.


After her return, Zinda had accrued a fairly impressive amount of back pay. Most of which she's blown through to obtain a fairly impressive collection of aircraft. The majority of these aircraft are in either poor repair, or entirely nonfunctional. She does however have access to a few cold war era fighter aircraft, some operable WW2 era aircraft and a single heavily modernized P-61 she's cobbled together since her return. Like any collection of aircraft, it's referred to simply as "The petting zoo".


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Like any good fighter Pilot, Zinda knows she can win this no matter the odds. That sense of boundless self confidence is probably legit when she's in the cockpit, but there really isn't an off switch. Superhuman, Mutant, enormous terror beast? Yeah if she thinks it needs fighting, she's liable to wade right in there and get to swinging or shooting. No matter how obvious it should be that she's overmatched, that the odds aren't in her favor and that it's hopeless? She's likely to keep going until the bloody end, never doubting that somehow, someway she'll catch it on the river card. That sort of  swagger also tends to come off as either arrogant or downright stupid, and really it's as essential as air to her being.


She's done an admirable job really, but she's still only somewhat computer literate. She can get online and surf the web, she knows how to run diagnostics on an aircraft or work a modern cockpit. However still pecks at the keyboard, is occasionally baffled by her smartphone and has absolutely no grasp of programming. She misses pop culture references left and right, finds much of modern slang baffling, and some social conventions still don't sit right with her. To a hacker she's an easy target, but thankfully her relative discomfort with modern conveniences does limit just how destructive they might be.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Two Birds in Hand December 7th, 2020 Dinah hires a pilot for her band
It's a Beautiful Morning for Flying November 19th, 2020 Zinda and Power Girl hang out.
Ladyhawk November 15th, 2020 Zinda and Steve meet up for coffee
Going for a Ride November 13th, 2020 Zinda picks up Sandy
Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world... October 25th, 2020 A couple of pilots reconnect in a bar after the War.
Just a Quick Stop September 22nd, 2020 Zinda, Sandy, and June head to an upstate crook's farmhouse to get some info. It goes mostly well.
Please Fasten Your Seatbelts September 21st, 2020 Zinda meets June to fly her out to the latest infiltration mission.
Just another night in the ER September 11th, 2020 Zinda meets Sandy in the E.R.
Just a Little Engine Trouble September 7th, 2020 Joseph helps a lady in distress
A Bird In The Hand=The first step in building Birds of Prey August 18th, 2020 And the Birds are born!
Wait, We're Headed Where March 13th, 2019 Steve is treated to some good ol' fashioned Southern food and hospitality at Zinda's event in Alabama.
Just hangin' March 10th, 2019 Some bullies get more than they bargain for.
Three Ladies at a Bar Fight February 19th, 2019 Summary needed
School Night February 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Frequent Flier miles February 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Air mail in Jersey February 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Factory Follies February 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Flying Into Danger June 7th, 2018 1940something. Zinda's flight wing is shot down. She escapes. The precious cargo is lost on an uncharted volcanic island in the South Pacific. Part 1 of 2.
Test flight, Cranston One May 10th, 2018 Thanks to a timely intervention by Power Girl, the first test flight of the prototype aircraft goes off without any more than a minor hitch.
War Heroes April 19th, 2018 Cap and Zinda run into each other at a VA hospital and pay their respects to veterans.
On Patrol March 22nd, 2018 Hal spots an antique. Plane, that is.
Welcome to Blackhawk Island March 12th, 2018 Zinda shows Natasha around the refurbished island base.
Keep them Flying March 3rd, 2018 Flyboy of a different Ilk Kyle Rayner is hustling for Freelance work and meets up with Zinda Blake and explains her significance to art history, and how she perfectly matches up with the mathematical definition of beauty.
Tidepool: Old wings still beat air February 11th, 2018 Lady Blackhawk takes to the skies and reaches out to her friends on the airshow circuits - people who know how to fly a cold stick - to enlist them into helping patch up CMS' transport problems, improving its ability to keep the commerce flowing.
A WHAT walked into the bar February 10th, 2018 Zinda meets a space raccoon in a bar. No, really.
AtatatatatatatFOOOOM! January 31st, 2018 Zinda shows Alex her aeroplane.
The Rescue January 5th, 2018 Zinda and Spoiler meet in a Gotham alley
Power Girl Would Have Appreciated The Compliment If She Got The Reference December 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Do You Know What You're Doing December 13th, 2017 Are the Blackhawks going into business soon?
Negotiations over drinks December 12th, 2017 Natasha and Zinda come to very agreeable terms. In exchange for Zinda's support for a renewed takeover bid of Blackhawk Freight, Natasha will support Zinda's efforts to rebuild the original Blackhawks. In the meantime, the CEO of Cranston Multinational Shipping obtains the services of an excellent personal pilot and test pilot...
A Couple of Antiques December 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Log September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2024 August 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 1797 August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Once Upon a time in Mexico July 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Of Monsters July 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
What's The Plan July 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Downtime July 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
The Maroon Berets. July 4th, 2017 The Blackhawks go to find about their new job, and get into more than what they bargained for. Grace debuts as a potential recruit into the team.
Of Gods and Birds. July 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
All About The Guy With Dad-Vibes or Holy Ares, Batman! July 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Three Birds and a God go Into a Bar June 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
The Godsend Bar, Happy Hour June 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 20th, 2017 Summary needed
The Family Resemblance Is In The Eyepatch June 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Beaches of Brazil June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
The making of a Blackhawk June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Return to Black Hawk Island June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Going to See a Man about a Plane June 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Lady Blackhawk and the Little Bird June 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 4th, 2017 Summary needed
An Estimation, of GLORY! June 1st, 2017 Summary needed


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