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Tabitha Barr (Scenesys ID: 9741)
Full Name: Tabitha Lilith Barr
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Xavier's School, New York
Education: Junior High
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 1 May 2012 Actor: Annie Rose Cole
Height: 137 cm (4'6") Weight: 38 kg (83 lb)
Hair Color: Copper & Black Eye Color: Copper
Theme Song: "Erase Me, Dreamer, and Someplace Better" by Elysion


Tiniest living black hole in the universe.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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A waifish girl in her early teen years. Her elfin frame tops out at about four and a half feet and roughly ninety pounds IF she were carrying a ten pound sack of potatoes. Waist length coper hair with a streak of jet black at her left temple frames a triangular face with soft rounded edges, a small sharp nose, and metallic copper eyes with black sclera. Her almost albino pale skin has a faint glitter-like red amber sheen.

Her fashion sense is best described as fifth hand thrift store hand me downs with delusions of gothic steampunk. Jeans, t-shirts, flannel hoodies, leggings, and sneakers all frayed, worn, faded to generic non-colors and rarely a proper fit. On top of that are scattered and semi-random accessories in iron, copper, and leather that seem to have been lovingly made by someone who watched Skillshare vids and really wished they had the right tools.

Three items stand out as not being worn or shoddily made. A pair of black leather fingerless gloves with copper wire accents, the black lace gloves she wears under those, and a layered black lace veil she wears over her hair and face whenever she's outside or in crowds. The leather gloves look like custom work.


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From the files of Cynthia Porter: Caseworker

Jane Doe 2012/16 was abandoned at and collected from Eden Baptist Church on Mt Desert island. The infant, approximated to be a day old at most, was assigned to the Bar Harbor Orphan Home and filed with that location's infant naming convention as Tabitha Barr. Infant's medical condition noted as excellent, with notations regarding abnormal pale complexion. Standard search of medical facilities within two hundred miles found no leads on probable parents or relatives. Infant was officially logged as a Ward of the State of Maine.

Tabitha integrated well with the other orphans as a toddler and this has continued to present day. She maintains contact with those adopted where possible, and works to gently integrate new arrivals. Outside of the orphanage is another matter. Her nonstandard appearance, reclusive mannerisms, and orphan status have marked her as a frequent target of bullies. This is exacerbated by her insistence of stepping between area bullies and her fellow orphans, meaning she is singled out as a target of aggression more often as she ages. I have noted in these personal files over the years that she seems to recover from these assaults with remarkable alacrity. I thought little about it until recent events.

Tabitha formed a strong bond with recently orphaned Katrina Evans, whose family died under circumstances still under investigation. The pair remained close at all times, so when Katrina was later kidnapped Tabitha was taken also. The search was barely underway when the fire was reported at the Old Farm. One of the large storage sheds was engulfed. Firefighters found Katrina dead and Tabitha covered in singed scraps of clothing but unhurt. A small area immediately around her was absent of flames and only lightly damaged. Specific details of her condition were kept out of official files with a few words to sympathetic officials. The press released only that she had survived.

This event has only made things worse for Tabitha in regards to her standing in the few of her peers and other townsfolk. She still has two more years until her emancipation from state wardship and I worry that things will only escalate. I have sent feelers out to private academies in the New England states looking for options. Her musical skills are more than enough to get her into one of them, provided I can find out that will look past her now much altered physical appearance.

I hold out hope, but will proceed with caution and discretion.


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Tabitha is tired. Tired of being targeted because of her appearance and being an orphan. Tired of watching so many other orphans find homes while she was constantly overlooked. And now that her best friend was killed in arm's reach of her she's tired of hoping for things to get better. She can still find joy in taking care of the younger orphans, and especially in her music but it goes away quickly when she's alone. She's at a point where she's not sure whether she wants to reach eighteen. She's not suicidal at all, but getting removed from the one place she feels safe and human terrifies her.


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Absolute Pitch:
Tabitha has both perfect pitch and relative pitch, meaning she can identify and accurately recreate musical notes without reference. She is capable of separating and identifying the different layers of complex sounds or multi-track sources and could pick out coherent layers inside garbled static.

Absorption Aura:
Tabitha's body generates an aura that is congruous with her skin. The aura can absorb any form of electro-magnetic, thermal, photonic. or kinetic energy that it comes into contact with. At present time the aura extends no further than the surface of her skin. When active, the field negates any incoming energy of the listed types then converts it to a form of non-specific semi-coherent energy that her body uses to enhance itself in a variety of ways. The aura's absorption rate can be overloaded by extreme levels of incoming energy, and Tabitha's body can only absorb so much before reaching an overflow state.

Aura Healing:
Energy from Tabitha's aura can be channeled into her body as a whole to heal injuries at an increased rate. Minor scrapes or bruises in minutes. Major cuts or lacerations in hours. Broken bones and massive trauma in days. This is the default use that her energy goes to first. If she isn't using the energy in any other way, she's healing. Her body will prioritize healing to preserve her life over anything else and will then work on her from the surface inward. This ability will also cleanse her body of toxins and gives her a tremendous resistance to disease.

Aura Senses:
Every single human sense is the brain interpreting incoming energy. Tabitha's aura changes how energy is transmitted to her brain and thus her senses are affected whenever it is active. The benefit of this is that she can sense things from all around herself. The side effect is that her brain is still adapting to the altered input and thus her senses can come through in unusual combinations in a form of synesthesia. Tasting colors, seeing sound, feeling light, etc. While her brain can interpret things as tastes and smells, her natural senses of taste and scent are not affected as they are based not on incoming energy but chemical reactions. This power is a passive side effect of her aura and does not drain her energy reserves. It is currently erratic, unreliable, and not under Tabitha's conscious control.

Aura Strength:

When Tabitha channels absorbed energy into her muscles and bones she becomes stronger in proportion to her stored charge. Currently she can enhance her strength to peak human potential, or a bit less than a ton of lifting or shoving power. She has moderate control over how much stronger she can make herself, and her energy stores drain faster the stronger she becomes. At full stored charge she can maintain her maximum strength for about half an hour.


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Audio Engineering:
Tabitha's ability in this field is mostly book learned and theoretical at this point, but she's been saving up for more lessons.

As one of the older orphans, Tabitha was often responsible for keeping tabs on the younger kids right down to the babies. She is a top tier babysitter and has experience managing as many as half a dozen children at once.

Tabitha's duties in the orphanage centered around the kitchen. She can prepare a wide variety of meals and cook for a dozen or so at a time herself.

Tabitha has taken ever type of music lesson she's ever had access to, and is religiously conscientious in practicing and furthering her skills. She is an accomplished vocalist and skilled in a variety of instruments as well as songwriting. She is at a semi-professional skill level and could find employment in the field with little difficulty.

Widely Read:

Tabitha reads a lot and has never limited herself in topic or genre. There is a chance that she might have relevant knowledge in many topics, although her knowledge will only rarely be more than surface deep.


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The Twins:

The one and only object that Tabitha owns started out as a barely usable 1988 Gibson EDS-1275 electric double neck guitar/bass. Tabitha spent years fixing it, using any and all money she came across to get the parts and learning the skill to repair it. She knows its every surface, every tone, every quirk.


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Energy Overload:
If Tabitha's aura absorbs too much energy too fast, or reaches charge levels beyond her storage capacity she will reach an overload state. This puts her in a state of neural seizure, locks her aura to 'on', and begins to discharge the excess energy into the nearest ground or path of least resistance (usually the ground beneath her feet, but objects like nearby electrical circuits or lightning rods could also draw the energy in if nearby). Tabitha remains conscious but unresponsive during overload discharge, and will remain conscious but mostly paralyzed for a time afterwards dependent upon how bad the overload was.

One At a Time:
At present Tabitha can only use her absorbed energy to power one personal enhancement at a time. She can't be extra strong if she's healing, can't heal if she's extra fast, can't be speedy if she's strong, etc.

Vulnerable To Cold:

Tabitha doesn't just hate the cold, she reacts to cold to a much greater extent than anyone or anything else. Ambient temperature affects are as if it were forty degrees colder. Putting her hand in a refrigerator can give her frostbite. Cold food and drinks are an absolute no-go zone. Cold-based attacks or powers hit her extremely hard and any intense exposure to cold negates her energy absorption.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Eggs ala Warren January 12th, 2021 Breakfast with the students turns into a impromptu call with the Avengers.
The Cure: The daily download December 15th, 2020 The X-Men go to check on Jeremy and the New Mutants. They discover exactly what Jeremy was able to steal from DAMT.
Cheese 'n Chat November 18th, 2020 Mac 'n cheese draws unlikely allies and dear friends and family out of the woodwork. The nature of Nature, nicknames, and Not Being A Jerk are discussed.
Rumble in the Octagon November 14th, 2020 Scott and some students find David, an MMA Prodigy and teaches him a few life lessons.
Newbies Relaxing November 14th, 2020 David and Jade are welcomed to Xavier's by fellow students. Fun, pizza, and song are enjoyed by all. Jade opens up a bit to David, Shannon, and Tabitha.
The morning before Homecoming November 5th, 2020 Everyone gets together to talk about the dance and meet Jax.
The Labrynth November 1st, 2020 James gives the students a lesson in the DR.
Halloween Homecoming November 1st, 2020 Dancing, music, food, family, and fun are enjoyed by all at Homecoming! Crazy costumes and fantastic displays of geekdom abound!
Homecoming help with Andrea October 30th, 2020 Tabby borrows Andrea's studio for homecoming.
No! Not The Butterfly Net! October 17th, 2020 Shannon and Tabitha talk about computers, clothes, and perhaps begin healing some past trauma as well.
Planning a school dance October 13th, 2020 Students get to plan a Homecoming Party for the school. Keep Megan away from the Punch Bowl.
Atlantis Meeting October 9th, 2020 Concerns for the Atlantis field trip are raised and addressed. Xiomara bows out. Fears are raised and confronted.
Out of Sight October 7th, 2020 Tabitha takes some personal time with her music. Andrea joins her. The two share stories and an exchange of 'What's Your Weird?'
From Thoughts To Songs October 7th, 2020 Tabitha visits Shannon in her dorm. The two talk about songs, the heroics of kindness, standing up against bullies, and the learning the 'finer points' of various languages.
Welcome home, Andrea October 7th, 2020 Andrea visits the school to give a quick song and meet some new faces.
I got a spark in me (Hands up if you can see) October 5th, 2020 Jeremy, Tabitha and Shannon talk popstars, Renn Faires and black sparkly pants.
Hot Cocoa Cures All October 2nd, 2020 Tabitha checks in on Shannon after the incident post-Jazz Night. The two share a bit more of their respective stories, as well as hot cocoa and cookies made by Tabitha.
Prop-Shop October 1st, 2020 Alice does a little Prop Shop class, Tabitha shows up to learn.
Mutant Metal Hair Band September 30th, 2020 Random jam session at the Institute music classroom.
The Sagacity of Stilton September 30th, 2020 Tabitha is caught by surprise when she sees Shannon's wings for the first time. She learns for the first time that she is, in fact, a mutant, and also more about the school. Much mac 'n cheese was enjoyed by all.
New Mutants 785.5 Tabitha Barr's First Appearance Special Holo Cover September 29th, 2020 Sam and Dazzler pick up Tabitha for the school.
The Cure: Burning Man September 26th, 2020 Metaforce sets fire to anti mutant HQ, and comes up against resistance in the form of numerous heroes!


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