10737/When Harry met Sall..er, Sarah.

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When Harry met Sall..er, Sarah.
Date of Scene: 14 January 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: The Witchblade meets The Wizard, with a Slayer thrown into the mix just for fun.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Witchblade, Buffy Summers

Harry Dresden has posed:
It's just another day in the life of one Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, but thankfully this is one of those 'easy' days where nothing is trying to actively kill him...yet

Though when things aren't actively trying to kill him, it usually means he isn't on a case...and if he isn't on a case he isn't getting paid, and if he isn't getting paid he isn't paying rent, which always so pleases his landlord.

So Harry is currently sitting at his desk, reading over the most recent certified love letter that his landlord has sent, sighing dejectedly as he peers into his empty wallet.

"Maybe just this once I will do a party, or Hell's bells even a love potion."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's outside, in a car. Or to be exact, a taxi. Tipping the driver a $5, she sets to it heading to the door. There's that voice in her head, the tickle in her neck as she's suddenly on alert. Whoever or whatever is behind that door....the Witchblade's all but gering up to scream at Sara. So what's behind door number two? Oh, just the street. And given those two choices?

Sara carries on strolling toward the wizard PI's door, raising an eyebrow at the glass, too. Okay. That's something new. Sliding a hand along the glass. She knocks.^R
"Anyone home?" she calls.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Trying not to look too eager at the prospect of a paying customer, Harry quickly straightens up his desk and stashes the offending letter into the top desk draw with a quick brush of his hand.

"Yes, yes, of course. Come in, please." exclaims Harry as he stands to greet the newcomer, moving around his desk and toward the front doors.

Witchblade has posed:
It's not a normal day for Sara, either. Nothing's trying to murder her. Yet. Yet at least. She's dressed for her on the job clothing, button down, slacks, boots, and a jacketg over the office after opening the door, Sara steps into the room. She nods a greeting, "Hyey Harry Dresden Wizard P.i." she says. "Or is that Harry Dresden, comma, Wizard P.I.?" she asks and pauses once through the door looking around with a smile. Oh his desk is worse than hers. That makes her smile, and she nods to Harry. "Finally somebody with a desk worse than me" she jokes, and takes another look around the office then to Harry. "I'm here because you're a wizard, and a P.I. And I need some help with things" she says, looking a litle worried.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Harry Dresden, comma, Wizard, P.I., period I think? I really don't know for sure. Grammar was never my subject of focus." the large man says as he offers over his hand in greeting.

He glances back as his desk with all the paperwork and paperback novels on it, then back to Sarah with a shrug of his shoulders. "Something we have in common? That is always a good start to any relationship, business or otherwise. Please, come in and take a seat and I'll be happy to see what it is I can do to help you Miss?"

He leaves the sentence open ended so she can input a name if she so desires, walking over towards the coffee machine. "Can I offer you a cup of coffee?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara perks up at the mention of coffee, "Oh yes please. I'm Sara Pezzini. Detective, NYPD" she offers, and glances for a spot to sit. Because sipping coffee is one of those things best done while sitting down, really. Less chance she ends up with coffee on herself, or over the desk. "So you're an investigator huh?" she wonders aloud with a surprised tone and waits to be shown to a chair.

Sara's totally not just here for coffee, no. She's here to figure things out, too.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Pouring two cups of coffee, Harry starts to doctor his with a overly large amount of sugar as he looks over to Sara, "Cream? Sugar? Or do you like it black?" he asks the cop as he swizzles a little plastic stick in his cup to stir it up.

"You're a bit out of your jurisdiction, Detective Pezzini. What brings you over here to this side of the Hudson?"

Harry sips at his coffee, makes a face, and then adds another couple of sugar packets. "I have got my license and everything." he affirms with a nod. "Spent a few years at Angel Investigations, and then branched out onto my own a few years ago now. I make due."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara on the other hand doesn't do anything to hers. She's survived on PD coffee for ages. Harry's is positively great in comparison. She smiles, "You make good coffee. Yes I'm out of my jurisdiction but I put in for vacation and it starts today. So" Sara offers with a nod. "It's why I'm out of my jurisdiction. I've just not got to new clothes yet" she adds with a sip of the coffee.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Walking over to his desk, Harry sits down and leans forward, steepling his fingers in a wizardly fashion as he looks to Sara, "So, what is it I can do for you today, Detective. You mentioned something about needing some help with something? Normally I consult for the NJPD, but I don't think they would begrudge me working with their neighbors to the east. My usual rate is fifty dollars an hour, plus expenses."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods keenly searching for a spot to put her coffee. "Yes, yes indeed" she says, wondering how much to tell Harry about her neighbor, and the tickets, and what she's found out. Ah he's a P.I. and she'll spit it out. The coffee alone is worth it...the thought of hiring Harry crosses her mind, as she settles down sitting and looks to Harry's desk. Then back to him.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Shoving a few papers aside, Harry clears a spot for Sara to put down her coffee as he waits for her to go on with her story, "It's ok. Take your time. It's not like I am going to cast a hex on anyone or something, we wizards get a bad wrap...but speaking of hexes, I would suggest possibly turning off your cell phone. Electronics and I don't mix, and I would hate for your phone to decide to take a crap. Hell's bells I think I still owe Karrin a computer."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okaay, so Christmas was almost a month ago, but so sue her, she's been busy with things..! Buffy hadn't forgotten Harry however, and while she hasn't really had time to stop in and say hi, it was about time she dropped off his gift. Hopefully he's not in the middle of a meeting or something, as she creeps up to the office door, rapping lightly and waiting patiently for a response..

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, setting her coffee down. "Thanks, so I'm..." she starts as her phone's going through the music she's got on it, playing the cheesiest of songs. Sara's frantically powering it off, but not before the cheese factor is complete, and Sara wants to hide. Then to add insult to injury....her phone goes pop and won't turn back on. Well then...

Sara eyes Harry carefully. "You heard nothing" she says, in a tone that's quite clearly no, you did not just hear Barbie Girl from my phone. No. That didn't just happen and I will fight anyone who disagrees...

Which means naturally, Sara's in a world of trouble now. Gereat. She's hoping nobody heard.. Shee's optimistic, at least.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking up from his conversation with Sara, Harry glances towards the door and tries to hide a smile. Two cases? More money? He calls out, "Come on in, I'm with a client, but you can help yourself to a cup of coffee or tea and I will be with you in a minute."

He turns his attention back to Sara, lowering his voice to be a little more private with his first client, "Hey, whatever you say detective. I'm not exactly one to listen to the radio or popular music, so who would I be to judge." Harry says with a shrug as he lifts his cup to his lips to hide the smile that has formed on his lips. "Life in plastic may very well be fantastic."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath, and pauses as she hears some sort of cheesy music coming from the other side. "woah, didn't know that was your style, Harry.." she smirks to herself, but pushes the door open, carrying a large square present of some sort, wrapped in tacky green paper with little red santas all over it. Looks like some sort of book by the looks of it.

"Heh, happy New Year, Harry, it's been a while. I hope I'm not interrupting..?"

She glances towards the other person in the room, arching a brow and smiling at the familiar face. "Oh, Ms. Pezzini, nice to meet you again. So sorry we didn't get to finish our conversation in the park the other day. How have you been?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks pleased to see Buffy. "Hey, I'm good...though did you ever finish that sandwich and did you think more on wanting to join the PD?" she asks with a smile then looks back to Harry with a raised eyebrow, as if she's giving him a look about her phone. Well that'll need a trip to get a new phone, really. Glancing from Harry to Buffy, Sara nods, "You got a gift? I got socks for Christmas" she adds, "I gotta think what to get someone though"

Subtle, Sara. Very subtle letting slip she's looking to get things for somebody. Great

Harry Dresden has posed:
Seeing Buffy enter, Harry's face falls ever so slightly. Nope, not a new client. The falter in his smile doesn't last very long though as he blinks, seeing the gift in Buffy's hands. "Miss Summers?" Harry says as he stands up, looking between Sara and Buffy, "And you know Detective Pezzini? AND you got me a gift? You shouldn't have. Really. I didn't get you anything...I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know we were on gift giving terms."

He looks once again between Buffy and Sara, "I'm in a meeting with the detective at the moment. Can you give us a few minutes?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, noticing the slight fall in his face. "Nice to see you too, Mister Dresden." she shrugs and smiles, offering him the gift, "I guess it's more of a joint gift from me and Thomas.." who apparently still hasn't told him the truth about himself but. "Here, why dont you open it? i hope you enjoy it." Well, okay she doesn't really know him as well as his brother, but she felt bad that Thomas was still keeping secrets and wanted to open the connection between them.

She nods to sara as well. "Good to see you again." she shrugs, "Not sure if I'm ready for PD, especially as I only started working at the Blue Lady recently, but I'm still considering it.." she nods, setting the gift on the table and stepping back. "Sure, sorry to interrupt.."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods to Harry then Buffy, "Oh no it's no trouble at all" she offers, "I'm sure there's room for all three of us. Plus my phone completely derailed my train of thought" she admits sheepishly and looks to Buffy, then Harry again.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Glancing between Buffy and Sara, Harry takes the gift in hand. He opens his mouth about to say something when there is a crash that comes from the other room, and the loud *WOOF* of a very large dog.

Harry sighs, looking down the hall and muttering something under his breath about furballs. "I'm sorry, apparently I have a very large, and very rude, dog that needs to be walked. Can you two excuse me for a moment...you can catch up with each other. Fortuitous that you know each other. Miss Summers can tell you I really am more professional than this. Really." he utters, hands clasped in front of him in a pleasing gesture that screams 'Please believe me, I need the money...'

Without waiting for an answer, Harry moves down the hallway to go see what trouble Mouse just caused. A loud 'OH HELL'S BELLS!' is heard muttered as Harry opens one of the far doors, "...you couldn't have waited until you were outside?!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, glancing towards the door. She's probably met Mouse only once or twice, and she can tell he probably needs a LOT of exercise. "It's alright, I get that. Go take care of your dog and we girls will catch up on stuff!" she winks at Sara, wondering how ironic it would be if a client stepped in on the both of them while the businessman was out walking his oversized doggy.

"Don't worry, I may need some help with a job coming up, especially now that I'm short handed on scoobies." you know, they don't get paid for being her backup afterall. And now that most of them are busy with college, she sees them less and less all the time.

Ohdear, sounds like someone's in trouble. "Good luck.." she calls to him as he hurries down the hall before turning to face Sara. "Soo...What's new with you? I was actually wondering about something, have you noticed a spike in missing people around New York? I've been noticing it a bit around Sunnydale and a little around Gotham, although it seems to be mostly people I know, which I'm guessing, I'm hoping is not just a coincidence.."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods slowly, "You've noticed it too?" she asks cautiously. "I figured it was just me noticing it but no" she says, looking just a little unnerved. "Think he can help?" she asks, meaning Harry. Admittedly the Witchblade's still going nuts screaming at Sara, but Sara's derailed that by her phone. Plus she knows Buffy."I've been good. I was going to ask your advice anyhow" she says. Open mouth, prepare to insert foot, Detective...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hesitates, uncertain of how much she can reveal to a mudane woman, even if she IS with the police, or maybe because of it. Afterall, she was always getting in trouble with the police back home. "I dunno, maybe..I guess it just kind of feels like someone is targetting me. I've had at least 4 or 5 friends or classmates go missing, at least two turned up dead.." of course by dead, she means one of them was vamped, but she can hardly say that to a mundane.

"I need to find out more, like, if this is just some sick prank, a coincidence or something bigger.." she pauses, arching a curious brow, "Oh? What sort of advice are you looking for?" she hardly knows this woman, but she seems nice, and like she can potentially trust her. Maybe.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Brushing off his hands, Harry returns with an exasperated look on his face, muttering something about a damn dog and other unpleasantries. As he moves into earshot, he clears his throat and pulls up a smile, "Sorry about that. Natured called the dog, and the dog refused to take a message." he says with a smirk. "So, where were we. I have a feeling everything got all derailed earlier. There was something I could help you with, Detective?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods to Buffy, then to Harry. "People are going missing. I was wondering if you could help?" she asks, glancing between Harry and Buffy. She'll roll the dice and ask the big scary magic guy who makes her phone do weird things....to help. Because why not. Not like the PD are interested in missing people when there's more important crimes going on. Still, can't hurt to get more help on this right?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, slightly bemused as Harry returns, "How is Mouse doing?" she's trying hard not to laugh at him..Even if she would totally be laughing with him..Glancing to Sara she nods, "Yeah, and I feel like someone is targetting me, as a few of my friends and classmates have gone missing over the past several months. One of them ended up dead.." the way she talks about it so casually, is as if she's used to this sort of thing. "Sara, maybe we can catch up on a little 'girl talk' another time?" she is still curious to hear what she was gonna say and she has some stuff to ask her too..

Witchblade has posed:
"Sure, I'm on vacation all week so I got time, drop by myy condo" Sara offers to Buffy then tilts her head to Harry, thinking on what Buffy's said. If anyone was targeting Buffy, well....that'd be a bad idea. Still, Sara's got secrets not even Buffy knows about. Still still thinks Harry can help out though.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Missing persons?" Harry says with a raise of his eyebrow. "Normally, I would direct you to call the police for a missing persons case...but you are the police so I must admit I am a bit confused. Why would you need my help on a missing persons case? You have an entire department for that sort of thing. Still, I /could/ use the money..."

Harry combs his fingers through the mop of hair on his head, making it go from disheveled to rakishly disheveled. He looks over at Buffy and shrugs a shoulder, "He is a titanic terror, especially when he doesn't get his walk on time. He lets me know how displeased he is. I swear he knows what he is doing, he is just torturing me."

He pauses again, looking between the pair. "So you have missing people as well, Miss Summers? Are your the type of missing people that don't stay missing?" he asks the Slayer, coding it as best he can to not upset the 'normal' one here, oh little does he know. "I mean, if I had a lock of hair, nail clippings, or blood it would be just the matter of a simple spell to locate people. I don't assume you have anything like that on you? Either of you?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods to Sara. "Sure thing! I look forward to it..." Especially with Willow so entrenched in her studies and currently away overseas, Buffy is having trouble finding a girl friend to confide in..She does arch a brow about the missing persons thing with Sara though, and she too, finds it slightly odd that she might be turning to a 'Supernatural Detective' for help. But here she is, doni teh same thing.

"Hmm, well, like I said, one of them showed up..Well, 'dead' but not in the typical 'dead' way, if you know what I mean.." she does make the subtle motion of fangs with her fingers which might be dismissed by Sara as nothing, but then again, this is a Supernatural detective agency so there must be a supernatural reason for her visit as well..Maybe..

"Umm, actually, I do have this.." she pulls out a slightly bloodied baseball cap from her backpack. "A girl was wearing this.." more 'fang' gestures with her fingers, "Although it probably has some of his hairs on it. I think this is his blood on it too. He was a classmate of mine..I'd really like to be able to find him..Alive..If possible.."

Witchblade has posed:
"Correction. I'm on vacation. And I work homicide. So I don't deal with missing people, I deal with corpses" Sara admits and shakes her head, "Oh no no. Nothing like that sadly. Though" she says rubbing her temples a moment. There's only so much screaming from the Witchblade she can take, as she sips more coffee to relax. The Witchblade's on edge because of Harry, and that's not usually a good thing at all, given it loves blood and violence. Sara's not ready to be dragged along on a killing spree all because the Witchblade got jealous and mad./..

Harry Dresden has posed:
Nodding to Buffy's back as the young woman turns to go, Harry takes the bat and very carefully places it behind his desk. Something he will work on later, but for now he has a client in the office.

"I understand that Detective. I wasn't saying you would work on it personally, just that you being a member of the force would have colleagues that would. I am just curious as to why you are coming to me with this?"

Harry picks up his coffee and takes a sip, making a face as the now lukewarm liquid. He sets the cup down again, "Is this something you are trying to keep on the down low? You don't want your department involved? What about the NJPD, I know people...I could ask?"

As Sara places her hand to her head, Harry tilts his head curiously. "Are you alright, Detective? Do you need some water? An Aspirin?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks over to Harry with a shrug, "Yeah just a headache" she says and slumps into the chair, sipping more coffee again. She's not sure how to explain the symbiote at all, staring into her coffee cup. If there was a way to explain the Witchblade...

Sara shakes the coffee cup once it's empty. She's not sure more coffee helps, but there's worry in her eyes.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Watches Sara for a little while, quietly contemplating. When he finally speaks, it is in a low tone, whispered almost. "What is really going on, Detective. If I know anything about cops, it is that they don't like to give up their authority when it comes to a case being run. I find it remarkably odd that a detective from the NYPD has found herself in New Jersey, in my office, asking about missing persons."

He leans back into his chair, steepling his fingers in front of him, "If it wasn't for your affiliation with Miss Summers, I might not even buy that much of your story...but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt because I won't lie, I need the money. However, I need answers, or at least something to go on if you want me looking into this."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara sighs, looking Harry dead in the eyes. "I don't want my colleagues looking into this. I want to go outside the box and get fresh eyes in on this" she says with a nod. "Plus I'm not merely a cop. I'm not sure how to explain it, but..I was in a shootout and I ended up getting chosen by this...this thing" Sara offers. She's being a little vague. but... "So if I get too angry, I'll just burn the place down or stab everyone and there's nothing I can do about it" she admits, watching Harry for a moment. She's not sure she wants to know what his next words will be.

"I'm here because, like I said, I've noticed the same patterns too. I work homicide, like I said. So" Sara nods. "I don't deal directly with missing people until they're dead. And you tell me this. Why would a missing person be found dead, then five minutes later, disappear?" she asks. "Something tells me there's more to this than a simple missing persons case, so..." she says, settling back in her chair.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Sara's explanation causes Harry's brow to raise. Lifting a hand, Harry holds it out with his palm facing Sara, and closes his eyes for a brief second before snapping them open again in surprise with a "Hell's Bells!"

"I don't know WHAT attached itself to you, Detective, but whatever it is is has power. A lot of power."

Harry shakes out the bracelet on his left wrist as a precaution, letting the shield charms jingle and dangle free. "So..." Harry says, eyeing Sara wearily as he continues speaking, "You think it might be vampires, or some other form of undead." he says matter of factly. "Or do you suspect necromancy?"

Witchblade has posed:
"Honestly no idea" Sara offers fidgeting with her own bracelet, though Harry's hand trick gets a smirk from her. Okay, that was funny, not gonna lie. She sighs. "I....don't know. Buffy could probably tell you more about it than me, really" she says, eyes closed. "If it's vampires or necromancy, or undead...why though?" she wonders aloud. Well that's going to mess up her nice, simple paperwork. Yes, Captain, turns out my corpses are vampires. That'll go down great...

She looks to Harry's desk. "Any ideas where to start?" she muses.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry thumbs over towards where he put the bat down. "I've got blood, I've got hair. Depending on how fresh the samples are, and if the people are alive or dead, I should be able to get a tracking spell up and running that will let me hunt down the owner of the blood and/or hair. That is where I am going to start, at least with that. For any of the others, I would at least need names of the victims, and I might be able to ask around and see if anything has seen anything. "

Harry glances at his watch and sighs, "If I am going to do this, though, I should do it soon. The enchantment will only last until dawn, and I don't want to waste a minute if I can help it."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods and sets the coffee cup further on the desk and gets to her feet. "I'll leave you to it then" she nods and looks to the door. Stepping back from the chair, she smiles. "Thanks for putting your neck out for this. Don't worry about money. You'll get payment" she offers and heads for the door, finally and is wondering just what she's got herself into.