11778/Danger Room Issues
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Danger Room Issues | |
Date of Scene: | 15 July 2020 |
Location: | Danger Room - X-Men Base |
Synopsis: | A training session went sideways quickly as the Danger Room went from training level to actual threats to those inside. The resulting wreck and shut down at least got everyone out without being injured. |
Cast of Characters: | Warpath, Nightingale, Phoenix, Red, Cannonball
- Warpath has posed:
Standing up in the control room, Jimmy watches the class getting together as it were. He glances towards Jean near him and comments,"I want to see how they will work as a team this time. Is there anything you want to see?" He switches on the speaker and teslls those in the main room,"The simulation starts in a minute. Teamwork is the key here, plus anything that Ms. Gray wants to add to the program."
- Nightingale has posed:
When the call for a training run in the DR went out, it was a call Shannon would not ignore. Required or not, the mansion's resident healer-in-training reports to the DR in her 'bumblebees', her hair entirely pulled back and pinned up in a bun to keep it out of the way. She's taking a few moments to stretch out and warm up, calm, quiet, and focused. Her one addition to the bumblebees is a utility belt with a few pouches to hold necessary items, with a loop to which she can tie her little brown leather bag. A small smile curls the corners of her lips upwards. It had been just shy of a year since her arrival here. Who would have thought so much living could be done in so short a span of time?
- Phoenix has posed:
"That I wouln't tell you about." Comes the voice of the headmistress over the speaker. "Because you don't get all of the details before the mission. The best laid plans can fall apart at the first shot. Also, one of our recent alums will be joining us."
Once she's turned off the speaker, Jean leans back in her chair and looks over towards Warpath. "Teamwork, and the ability to stay cohesive and organized even when things don't go as expected. You know how battles go. You need to be able not just to coordinate when you can hear your team, but also to know and trust in them to be able to coordinate on the fly."
- Red has posed:
Alice sighs a little as she looks up to the control room. But she has prepared this time. In her pocket are some cubes of polymers. Not the most exotic ones, but some ABS, PP and PE always make decent basics for items tht might be needed for whatever they might throw at them. Well, not like she has it just in the pockets... there's also those super impractical looking boots, which are some kilo of fake leather - aka PVC.
"Ok, what shall it be today? Hopefully no obstace course or combat with hoograms again. I positively suck at those."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is sitting in the other chair in the control room. He is sitting silently for now, watching without the other knowing he is here. Wanting to see how they react not knowing he is around.
- Warpath has posed:
The last time Jimmy was at the controls of the Danger Room he set up an obstacle course that was a parkour practitioners dream. Tonight. Well....tonight is really nobody's idea of a dream. The sun has set in the heart of a city unknown right off. Sirens and such might make someone wonder.
In the distance, a car teeters on a suspension bridge and people rush to try and get the occupants from inside before the car falls. It seems like the authorities are not getting there fast enough. From this distance it is hard to see how many are in the car.
- Nightingale has posed:
Crap. This was not good. Shannon's brows furrow. That car looked ready to tip into the water at any moment. The white froth atop the rushing water as it broke over the rocks jutting out from the shimmering surface below bespoke a strong current, and very low chances of surviving such a fall. Glancing over at Alice quickly as she spreads her wings, she asks, "Never got to ask and this is one heck of a time to find out, but just what can and can't you make with your gifts?" Her mind was working a million miles a minute. There had to be a way to turn those gifts to help save the occupants of the car.
"Let's get up there and get a handle on the situation." With a few downstrokes of her wings, she's in the air, and soaring over towards the stricken vehicle, to see what she can see.
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey still feels soggy from that course. It has inspired her to get out of her office more to work out, probably out of embarrassment at being shown up by a few heavy objects and a wall.
For now she's quiet as she watches out of the one way window with her eyes taking in the scenery with a quick, trained eye. She leaves the controls to Jimmy, however. This is his rodeo and she's just there as a guest judge.
- Red has posed:
Alice glances to Shannon as she starts to soar up, sighing as she has to start to run to even try to keep up. "Hey, didn't miss Grey say to keep coordinated?!" she yells as she tries her best to keep up, but she's only normal speed, soon falling behind.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is still watching quietly. He hmms softly to himself. The young man will bring up a few monitors, bringing up life signs on the kids inside, and some readings on their powers. He studies their reactions making notes as they go along the mission.
- Warpath has posed:
The readings continue to seem normal and Jimmy watches the students as well. Two on the scene is pretty one sided from this angle, but things can change. As Shannon draws near the car starts to lean forward and edges to fall off the bridge. People around the car try to keep it from falling, but it just lifts them from the ground so they let go.
As the duo try to draw closer, Shannon can get a look at the thing in the car and claws rip the top of the car open and some sort of demonic thing rips out of the car and takes to the air with Shannon. The car falls, people scream, and general chaos ensues.
- Nightingale has posed:
"Whoah!" Shannon veers off almost immediately when the demonic creature takes to the air. This was not good. A million and one questions flit through her mind at once. What was that thing? Where had it come from? What was it capable of? And, most of all, had anybody been in the car when it crashed into the water? If there had been, they might only have seconds at most.
Swooping down towards Alice, she hover in the air for as long as she dares. "We've got some ugly company," she says. "And no idea if anybody else was in the car when it went over. I can try to distract the thing for a few minutes, but is there any way you could help direct people off of the bridge, and get word out to emergency services about the car in the river?"
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey leans forward as she rests her forearms on her knees, squinting through the glass as she watches the students below. The demon seems to be an unexpected touch as her brows lift, but she remains quiet and relaxed as she observes. The mental notes tick across her features as she absently taps her fingertips against one another.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over to the scenario checking a few things on the settings. His brow does raise a bit as he watches the two inside the room.
- Red has posed:
Alice frowns at the news, but she pulls one of her plastic cubes out, elongating it into a into a pipe while she still dashes towards the bridge. "I will see what I can do! Catch!" It's a quick toss to get the pipe up to Shannon, arming her with a two feet length so she can try to fight somewhat more even against the claws.
It's up to Alice to try to get to the emergency responders it seems. "Hey! You need any help?"
- Warpath has posed:
The appearance of the demon before Shannon gets a smirk from Jimmy. She reacts quickly and he nods in approval. The readings flicker on the screen before him and he checks something. An adjustment on the board and Jimmy frowns at it a second.
In the danger room two orange glows in the sky become opening discs of light and two more demons appear. Not one to disappiont, Jimmy likes to make sure people are on their toes. Of course, the idea of this was team work and so it will pan out as it does.
The demon already nearest swoops over the bridge and tears off a car trunk. A moment later it is flying at Shannon and tossing the trunk at her like a frisbee.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Jimmy at the add of two more demons but will continue to trust the other's opinion
- Nightingale has posed:
Oh, great. It didn't rain, it poured. Shannon caught the improvised staff Alice tossed her way. It was a little shorter than she usually trained with, but it felt strong enough in her hands. However, the demons were proving quite strong--strong enough to rip the trunk right off of that car, with bone-grating metallic creaking and groaning, then a loud -snap- as the metal gave way.
Dodging the car trunk frisbee was not so bad; its vector as it was hurled Shannon's way was fairly straightforward, and dodged fairly easily by gaining some altitude. At least the attention of one of the demons was on her. But now two more were in play--and she was hoping that the staff would not be needed. Could she get the attention of the other two, and get them to follow her?
This was where she was going to have to trust Alice, to do her part in getting to the emergency responders, and helping guide innocents out of range--especially if there was the potential of more of these creatures showing up.
Three-to-one odds were not the greatest, however. Briefly, she wished that her adoptive big brother were there, or Pixie. But neither was anywhere nearby. Were there other likely sources of help? Meantime, she let out a sharp whistle to get the attention of the other two demons as well.
This was insanity. But she had to buy Alice some time.
- Warpath has posed:
Jimmy frowns at the readings, looking at the two demons that are coming in. Part of it yes, but still. There was a plan to get through this no matter how many people are in the simulation. Jimmy indicates the dial on the machine,"Something isn't right." he mutters, sniffing the air.
The Danger Room is set up on various settings and tonight, even though meant to be tough, was meant to be illusion danger level beginner, nothing too dangerous.
"Jean..." he mutters darkly and then trunk frisbee hits the glass that protects the control room. It hits hard and then glass gives under the pressure, cracking. Readings be damned.
"Sam, get in there." he growls and starts to run emergency shut down routines that do not respond,"Those illusions are not what they should be and Cerebro can't be convinced otherwise." Computer guru he isn't, but he does try to shut it down.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie frowns as he hears this. He will stand and head to one of the emergency entrances. He kicks the door open and takes a couple steps in before he kicks in the blast field heading for the demons in the air "Alice, Shannon heads towards the north east side, there is a door out. Get out now, guard your rear as you head there.
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey turns away from the windows as she gets the first whiffs that something has Warpath concerned. Then she starts frowning, which just darkens even more when he says something isn't right. "Wait, what?"
The smack and crack of glass has her erupting up out of her chair with eyes widening. "Get the kids out of there." She adds on the tail end of Sam being told to get out there. And he's on it. She turns back to Jimmy and says, "I'll get down the hallway to try and shut this down at the source. Make sure nothing gets out of this room." And barring him trying to stop her, she's on the heels of Sam to try and get through the room and to the exit. The woman is aglow with the pink hue of her power as it forms a warding field around her.
- Nightingale has posed:
The heck? Shannon frowns deeply as she hears this. Something had to have gone very, very wrong. Just how much of this was a simulation now? Had the DR safeties been borked somehow? Worse, were any of those demon creatures real? This definitely put a whole new spin on things. Forget those people on the bridge--those were just a simulation. Something here was all too real.
"Copy that, big bro. See you on the other side."
She can't help a bit of a grin as she sees him barreling through the air at the demons. Those monsters were about to get a very big headache.
Veering off back towards Alice, she calls down, "Come on, we've gotta leggit out of here. Run like a sum'beach for that door, I'll try to watch your six. Keep your head on a swivel."
- Red has posed:
Alice perks the head at the command from the command center, glancing at it. "But... the course!" She yells, just before the same command was repeated. "Shannon! Let's blitz it!"
She tries her best to dash over to the indicated side, but after just a few car lengths she turns, duckign for cover behind one. "Shannon, get your feathered butt here already!" She doesn't want to let her behind! No, instead she grabs for the other block in her pocket to fashion it into a rough shield to possibly protect against the beasts...
- Warpath has posed:
When Jean says she's going for the power station down the hall Jimmy nods. Does he ever go anywhere without those knives? He grabs the two vibranium blades from the chair he was sitting at and follows Sam out into the Danger Room.
Well, he wanted team work, but this is ridiculous. His feet hit the ground and he is running, faster than someone his size she be able to run. Letting Sam make the first play at whatever he wants,"Only three. Students out of the pool he shouts over the noise."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will head towards the ones in the air. He will aim for the first ones wings to send it downward and hopefully more into James' realm. He speeds part the other making a u turn to come back at it, trying to keep them busy "Hey you slack ass demons, I 've seen flys in limbo tougher than you.
- Phoenix has posed:
There's no convoluted obstacle course to overthink because she has the time to. This is a battlefield, and Jean's adrenaline and training kicks in. She's at a full sprint on the tail of the two students like a ground level comet that then takes to the sky with a kickoff and a pulse of her telekinetic power. One eye is kept skyward for anything coming her way, but Jean leaves the battle to Cannonball and Warpath. She keeps low enough to the ground to not engage, but above the rubble on the ground.
"Keep going!" She bellows towards Shannon and Alice as they head for the door. With a sweep of her telekinesis, Jean shoves a car aside to clear an easier path for Alice. "Get to the lift, get upstairs!"
- Nightingale has posed:
"Alice, MOVE IT! I'm right behind you!" If Alice wasn't going to leave her behind, then the sentiment was mutual. If those were indeed real demons, or even just a simulation gone horribly wrong, she was not at all keen on seeing her teammate become monster chow. "Come on, together now... RUN!" Unless Alice stops her, she reaches down to tug at her shirt and attempt to pull her along towards the emergency exit to the northeast.
Miss Grey's intervention was welcome, and she knew better than to protest an order from her. Just barely ducking a flying vehicle, she made a mental note to bake some extra macarons for her, when everyone was finally safe again. "Copy that, Phoenix. See you on the other side!"
- Red has posed:
Alice grasps but nods as Shannon dashes over her, instructing her to speed up. Running, she tries to keep a low profile, dashing along. It's exhausting, but she does her best. The path is clear, but hse is not super fast, and not airborn. But she runs, despite her leg muscles burning.
The shield she lifts to try to shield from falling debris and demon claws, at least until a chunk impacts it and rips it away. But better to loose a shield than to loose an arm, right? Tossed forward, Alice tries to duck to the door, towards shannon. "See you upstairs?!"
- Warpath has posed:
When Sam sends the one flying out of control, Jimmy takes the opportunity to move from a dead run to a leap. In the air he meets the one flying out of control and impales one blade into its abdomen and uses the other to slash its head off. The advantage to the Danger Room. No need to hold back...at all.
He hits the ground and looks back up to see what the others are doing. The head on confrontation took him off the strategy path and so he starts to look for the next opportunity to strike or see that the others have made it out.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes in keeping the demons in the air busy. Sam knows they will have a hard time hurting him, and so is continuing to fly at the enemy. He clothes line at at mach one and takes it apart at the seams. He will turn looking to see if more are appearing and if so moves to engage. He plans to keep them busy till it is all over.
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey is through the door after the students are clear, slamming a hand against the red emergency button on the wall as she goes. It sets off a klaxon of alarms to let others know that there's trouble and lock the downward travel of the lift to those not authorized. Her flight takes her in for a sneaker-squealing landing of rubber on polished floor as she runs down the hall for the distant and top secret doors that lead to Cerebro and the associated components. She's never shied away from admitting the thing gave her a monster headache, but the look on her face suggests its going to be a mutual exchange unless the machine gets to behaving.
It's only minutes that she's behind those shining doors. In the Danger Room, overrides finally kick in and the simulation jerks to a sudden halt and dissipates. Moments after, the emergency alarms settle and go quiet. Crisis averted. This time.
- Nightingale has posed:
With one more burst of speed, Shannon follows Alice to the doors, calling out to her. "Race you upstairs!" At this point, teamwork had done its part to get Alice to the doors. Now it was both ladies scrambling to get into the lift and get upstairs ASAP. Thankfully, she at least is in the lift before it's locked down, and hopefully Alice right along with her. Pausing to take several deep breaths, she mutters, "This makes me real glad I'm not old enough to drink yet...."