14704/A Visit to Gotham!

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A Visit to Gotham!
Date of Scene: 14 February 2023
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Bat Guy and Arachnid Boy save the day at the docks while Harley just sighs at both of them.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Batman, Harley Quinn

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-man is sitting ontop of a Chinese shops the odd shapped building giving him a beam to crouch on balanced as he looks down to the street for a moment wondering what he was doing. His clothes were in a bag that was webbed to the top of the building tucked away in the shadow so no-one would see the back-pack as he did not just have extra's stashed around the city like he did New York. He had came here as Peter Parker, for some general photo-shoots that had fallen through because they heard it was for the Daily Bugle, and JJJ had not given them the best impression he was going to cover them in a good light. So other then just call it and head home Spider-man now stalks Gotham.

In a way too deep voice Spidey says to himself, "It was another dark night for Spider-Cop.. But he hunted the streets... For Justice!" and chuckles to himself as he shoots out a web to start swinging away. It is Gotham after all, and despite the Bat population crime still happened as today it was in a wearhouse next to the docks the place full of criminals as Spidey landed quietly in a crouched, and heard them talking below. He wasn't sure how many there were yet so9 in his crouched position he crawled over the roof till he found a hole, most likely for an old air-vent that went out the side, and crawled through it sticking to the wall, and then the roof of the building hidden in the dark recesses of the cieling as the criminals went through the boxes below him. It looked like a gun show,. but automatics, gernade launchers, everything they had was illeagle and in creates being delived in the late of nights as that was usually when it was the quietiest.. though not tonight.. tonight Spider-Cop was on the case!
Batman has posed:
It is of course another dark night, and what would that be without the Dark Knight patrolling the city for crime. Arriving in a black and gray Bat suit with black pointed cowl, cape billowing he looks around, spying the figure swinging to a building he gestures at it for Harls to look! "You see that Harls? We should probably check it out!" He says in that low gravelly batman voice, with that he makes for the warehouse, glancing around you make sure that not only is Harley with him but they aren't about to be ambushed!
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Peeks over and blinks " Yer right.. bright colors in Gotham is normally a bad thing " she giggles as she does what she always does she runs extremely fast for a girl like her then again she's been enhanced after all .. Leaping far higher than a girl like her should be able to before she shoots the graple gun batman gave her

     It would all look cool and amazing if she didn't go " Wheeeeeee " The whole way.
Spider-Man has posed:
Coming down a line slowly near the wall behind a group he slowly decends until he is about head level with a pair that were further away. Tapping one on the shoulder, then ascending a little the First Thugs asks the second what he wanted, and as the second is telling him he didn't know what he was talking about they were both distracted as Spidey descended again this time landing quietly watching the two men argue. They certianly were agressive Spider-man noted as just that little trick had already got them arguing though it was ended as from behind Spidey whispered, "Knock Knock." and grabed the heads of both of them and smashed them together hard enough to put both out for a while with a chuckle.

Webbing both of them up he then shot a web to the cieling and pulled them to the up and away from the chaos that was about to begin, and while the bad guys don't notice two of their people disapearing to a Batman with technology it might be able to be seen. Having secured a way out just incase as which is why he took them out quietly Spider-man does something no Bats would do, or not that he had seen. Jumping ontop of one of the larger crates he balanced on it and said out loud.. "Okay bad news your all under arrest... Good news you get to meet Spider-Man!" getting the wholes rooms attention on him very quickly as even the thugs were quietly working before the interuption.

As guns are loaded, and pointed one of the larger men in a nice suit looks up at Spidey, "Who are you supposed to be.." which of course as Spider-man puts his arm infront of his face like he was a nosferatu he decleared.. "I'm Spider-Man!" in a deep voice though grined the emoting of his mask following his face.

Spidey continues, "Look if you just give.." but he is interupted as he has to flip away as the first shot, then the several after it come in his direction. Landing in the thick of it, Spider-man looks at the new thugs he landed by and smiled, "Mondays right?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne chuckles as Harley does her thing and uses his own grapple swinging along and eventually coming through a window into the building landing deftly. "What the....you all are goin' down!" He says looking to Spider-Man. "Who are you and why are you in my city? I have enough to deal with without this." He says in a Gravelly tone as he rolls behind cover popping up briefly to throw two Baterangs before ducking back down.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Of course incomes in Harley well kinda does Explode through the roof count as coming in? and landing with her Giant mallet with enough force ot make all the men suddenly stop shooting or shoot into the air as the ground shakes with almost enough force to knock them off their feet.

     it's then that Harley wearing some very black aviator goggles, grins and says, " BANG," and a very evil cackle. That's when she pushes the side of the mallet, and it explodes with a Flash bang! The impact got their attention, and well, the flash bang will deafen and blind them so batsie can clean up!
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey is flipping, ducking, jumping, landing in a roll as it seems to be almost an acrobatics demostration as the shots wiz by him though close none seem to hit him as he seems to almost know where they are aiming. It does help with the Batman crashes in as they know him they fear him not this Spider-guy... Then the flashbangs hit, and while thankfully there was someone in Spidey's Rogue Gallery that also like to use light attacks his goggles were tinted to help though he did still bring his hands up to shield as well. "What the..." though he has to stop talking as he flipped backwards to get away from the pair, and lands on the wall sticking to it in a crouch. Crossing his arms he shoots out webs that hit two men next to him their arms getting tied down under a thick web that seems to wrap around them if he shoots if for a little loner.

He looks at the pair from the wall, and answers.. "ummm... How much did you hear?" answering with a question a small grin on his mask. "Are you the Bat Guy?" Spidey asks getting the name wrong of course though he sounds a bit worried as he had heard stories, everyone has. He leaned back against the wall and started climbing up it to get a better view on the people left as he just kept talking. "So umm.... You didn't hear that Spider-Cop thing right?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne punches a couple of thugs out as he looks up to Spidey. "I am Batman!" He says emphatically. "Not Bat guy, and this is Harley, my...partner." He says looking to Harls before chuckling. "So who are you, arachnoboy?" He asks chuckling.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn beams a smile and runs over to get on her tip toes to kiss batmans cheek " that was almost funny " She beams so happy he cracked a joke . before she looks to the spider guy " I gotta say walking on walls is kinda cool though " She says this while holding what looks like a 100 pound mallet like it's a toy
Spider-Man has posed:
As he climbs up a bit and they talk to him at first he tilts his head.. "Huh... Can't hear a thing since the flashbangs." though at that moment he kicks off the wall as he gets chosen to be shot at landing in a roll he webs another one up and looks at them as his hearing is coming back.

"THEre.... There we go mental note ear plugs.." and grins a bit again as he looks around for his next target as he wasn't wanting to let anyone go. He looks at them, and nods... "I am Spider-Man! Usually friendly neighborhood type, but bit out of my neighborhood!" he chuckles at that webbing a guy that was trying to crawl away to not be noticed, and yanks him back pulling the man through the air to him the man slides on the floor Spider-man stops him with a foot going to wrap him up like the others as this one should talk. That is a cool mallet!" he says with a grin, "Please don't hit me with it, and we are good," he glances to Batman, and then back to Harley. He had heard stories, but he didn't just trust someone fully.. He was from New York after all.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne chuckles and cracks another two knocking them out and starting to tie them up. "What was almost funny love?" He asks genuinely confused before looking back to Spider-Man. "I'm Batman, this is Harley Quinn, my partner. Though others have called me The Dark Knight and The Caped Crusader." He says looking around. "What brings ya to our city?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Puts her mallet down with a very loud crunch into a guy trying to get away but he was the last one.. She looks over " Yeah why you invading " she says putting a hand on a perky hip .. " Ya don't got enough trouble in your turf?" she says glaring
Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-man nods, as he stands, "I just... happened to be in the area, and I just had to get out there." he shrugs a bit, you see different things when you swing through a city, and it led me here!" he looks around at the warehouse. "Humm.. Which one to call you.." he thinks about it for a moment as he looks at Harley "And it is hardly invading." as he walks to one of the containers pulling out one of the automatic rifles by the barrel. "Unless you just sell these in Gotham now?" and chuckles a bit.

Pointing up at the ones he tied to the ceiling earlier he sighs a bit, "I am just trying to do my part.. If you need to find out who is behind this one of them could tell you." he looks around at the numerous crates and nods. "I think I like Bat-Guy better but we will go with yours." and grins at them. "So you guys don't like hi-five now right? I am just asking... for a friend." and grins.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne shakes his head with a laugh kissing Harley's cheek and putting an arm around her waist as he looks at Spidey. "Behave Harls." He teases before speaking to spidey again. "In the neighborhood when your neighborhood is what? Brooklyn? Queens I think maybe." He says teasingly. "I think Arachnoboy got lost on his way home whatcha think harls?" He asks teasinglu.y
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn gives a bright " HA " before she leans into batman for a moment before she leans onto the mallet and hmmms " Well looks like he tracked some down " . She looks over the guy up a the sky " Falcony's guys looks like " She walks back over " I never behave and don't tease me batsie , He was gonna say your name you say his " She points out . She cocks her head " I heard about yeah since gothams so close.. makes sense ya'd come over here time to time.. as long as your not stayin I gots no issues wif ya "
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey smiles, and nods, looking at them both.. He lifts an arm and a fine line of web comes out, as he tilts his head he answers Batman. "Arachnoboy... Not bad might have too use that one." and grins a bit at his new title. "If you got it from here then.." and he yanks on the cable climbing up it very quickly to get to the roof. As he crouch walks, as there are beams up there, on the roof he waves down to them. "Until next time... I told him he existed." the last part said to himself as he is climbing back out the way he came.

He was happy the people got caught and they were covered as the Bat-Guy, and Harley had it! Though that though made him chuckle most the way way back to his clothes!