7111/A word from a man with no voice

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A word from a man with no voice
Date of Scene: 01 April 2019
Location: Starling
Synopsis: Snake Eyes is in Starling for some RNR, Lar is visiting family and Sabrina is on the hunt for reagents for an unknown spell. Conversation follows.
Cast of Characters: Sabrina Spellman, Snake Eyes, Mon-El

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Riverdale is just a short jaunt from Starling, being a subburb of said City, and only a bike ride away on an otherwise uneventful spring evening. Sabrina needed a break from the small town, but also needed to swing by one of the few remaining bookstores located at Park Royal. Her swine bike is chained to the post outside with a wicker basked on the front for Salem, the black cat padding along beside her with his tail stuck straight up in the air as if he's trying to look just as regal as the name of the plaza.

Having purchased what she'd come for, Sabrina is strolling along with it opened in one arm paying only cursory attention to where she's going. It's such a lovely night out, might as well take advantage of it, right? "It says I need the word from a man who cannot speak.." She murmurs quietly, presumably to her cat, who glances up without saying anything.. as do most cats in these situations.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Wearing his mask, Snake Eyes looks almost like any other guy on the street. Blond hair, blue eyes, smooth skin. It's hard to tell that he's disguising his burned flesh behind synthetic rubber.

Since it's a beautiful night and the man's got time to himself Snake has decided to indulge in some shopping and people watching. He's got a bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, leaning back against a light pole. As folks walk by they're looked at, often given a polite nod, maybe even a smile as the pass, but the strange fellow doesn't speak a word.

When the girl and her cat walk past the quiet dude cracks another little smile, looking at the person and her animal quietly. What the young woman has to say to said animal elicits a raised eyebrow as Snake eavesdrops, the coincidence of her needing 'the word of a man who cannot speak' and a mute being in the same place at the same time is pretty strange.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been hanging around Earth for a little while after that rather tiresome trip to Apokolips. Even if Darkseid hadn't been there at the time, the planet is still not exactly what one would call a place you'd go for a relaxing vacation. Well at least all was well now, and Superman had been rescued. By all appearances, at least. You never know, with these sketchy magic types.

    Anyway, Earth is as good a planet as any for the Daxamite to spend some time in R & R, being as close to the yellow star Sol as it is. Plus he has some friends here, too that he usually makes a point of seeing whenever he's around.

    What is he doing in Riverdale? Probably going to visit Kara, since her adoptive Terran family lives here. See how she and Kal were faring after that whole thing, and hoping her cousin is recovering as well as expected. He happens to overhear Sabrina muttering to herself, just as he happens to hear a lot of things, but for some reason it seems to warrant a comment from him.

    "A word doesn't -have- to be spoken aloud, does it?" he remarks, smirking a little.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina is usually pretty good about her surroundings, except for when she's not. Which is far more regular than she'd like to admit given how easily she's distracted. Which might seem contradictory, if not for how things work for the young witch most of the time. Right place at the Right (or wrong) time is sort of her modus operandi.

She almost completely misses the mute standing against the light post even if Salem hadn't. Not that he is at all aware that this is precisely what Sabrina needs, so much as, he's being uncharacteristically friendly in his brushing past Sabs to brush against Snake Eyes' leg, provide that leg doesn't retract. "Salem!" She says with a frown, snapping her book closed in one hand, "Oh I'm so sorry, sir.. he's not usually like this."

She's trying to get a cat to do something a cat doesn't want to do, newbie mistake, when Mon-El voices his question and draws her attention. Kneeling down she's in mid knee pat and glances back and up at the questioner, "Well... I guess not. Maybe just something written down would do." Brushing back a few strands of slightly curled platnum blonde hair. "Hypothetically speaking."

Snake Eyes has posed:
The mute man enjoys the cat's approach, crouching down to try to pet it on the head and neck. It appears as if he's an animal lover. Looking at the cat's human he grins and shrugs his shoulders before lifting a hand to give her a thumb's up. She might notice that his face is a little off, or she may not, the mask is really good.

Looking at the other man for a moment Snake Eyes nods. He tilts back his head to pour the rest of his coffee down his throat, turning to toss the empty cup into a nearby receptacle and then sets down his shopping bag. Once both of his hands are free he pulls a cell phone from his pocket and quickly types something up on it, "ASL? I'm mute."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Right?" Lar nods in response. "Or, it could be telepathically communicated, some people can do that." He peers down at the cat, thinking about petting it, but then deciding not to for whatever reason.

    He glances over at the phone, then back at Sabrina. "Or that." he says, in reference to the question about ASL. "So, lots of ways." The Daxamite peers at the book she's holding. "What are you trying to do?" he asks curiously. "Sounds like some kind of magical...uh, thing."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina leans forward to read the message on Snakes phone after standing from her crouch. He seems content with Salem using him as a brushing post, so she doesn't try to prevent it, at least not until it becomes slightly annoying. She opens her mouth to say something, then looks to Mon-El's rapid series of kind of... actually they aren't really that surprising. The shock wears off so quickly she almost seems confused when it's gone. "Kind of." She says, either to Mon-El or Snakes.

Both are generally accurate.

Her fingers wiggle down be her side and she murmurs something soundlessly, then motions between herself and Snake, "I can understand you, I just can't sign back. Mute, not deaf, right?" It's another moment of right place, right time. She should be use to this.

To Mon-El, "It's kind of a magic thing. Mostly just reading on older magic techniques, though."

Snake Eyes has posed:
'Yes. I can't talk, burned vocal cords,' Snake Eyes signs to Sabrina after sliding his phone into his pocket. He can go back to petting the cat now, which seems like a big win for him. Good kitty. The conversation he's now a part of seems pretty interesting, too, dividing the guy's attention.

After a moment of giving the animal affection Snake looks up at the pair and starts to sign again if he catches the young woman's attention, 'Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" There's a smile and a wink at his little reference. 'Joking. What kind of spell? Magic is interesting to me. I don't know much about it. Very mysterious.'

Mon-El has posed:
    "I figured it was a magic thing." Lar chuckles. "So, what kind of spells can you do, and stuff? I do need more friends who are good at that. Because...I'm not. Actually, I can't do it at all. And don't know the first thing about it." He pauses, glancing at Snake's signing but not quite getting it, at least not yet. He'll have to observe the conversation for a while before he'll start picking it up.

    "Oh, um." He offers a handshake to both of them in turn. "I'm Lar Gand, by the way."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
It's a corny joke from Snakes, but Sabrina grins aside from rolling her eyes playfully, "That's such a complicated question, isn't it?" She teases with a little shrug. Salem makes a sound that is very distinctly like a snort and continues to suck all the attention from the quietest of the trio. She outright ignores the sound in favor of shrugging a little, "Some of column A, some of column B? I'm a good person, being a witch is just what I do."

Complicated answer for a complicated question.

She has to keep looking at Snakes to catch what he's saying, but she seems pretty good at dividing attention between the two, "All kinds, really. As many spells as there are spells to do. Things I don't know I can learn or research, what I can't research or learn doesn't need doing anyways." Her hand slips into Lar's, "Sabrina Spellman. Gand, that sounds exotic. Where are you from Mr. Gand? Certainly not Starling..." Then to Snakes, "Would you mind if I took a picture with you?" It's an odd question, but she's kind of odd.

Snake Eyes has posed:
When the guy offers his hand to shake Snake Eyes takes it and gives a firm, polite shake. Then he produces his phone again and speedily types on it, 'Name's Snake. Nice to meet you. I don't do magic, either.'

To Sabrina he signs, 'My name is Snake.' It's common for people who use ASL to take words and use them as names, of which there are generally too many to bother creating signs for. 'Being a good person is all you can do.' When asked about a picture he shrugs his shoulders. He can always get another mask if something comes up and the young woman seems harmless enough. Snake signs, 'Go ahead. This for word from a mute dude magic thing?'

The cat gets his attention again, though, can't leave the little guy hanging. More petting for the beast.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Spellman, sounds fitting." Lar chuckles when Sabrina introduces herself. "And Snake. That's cool. Nice to meet you, too." He doesn't really have a standard of what kinds of names are normal or not, having been all over the galaxy. So he just takes anything in stride, pretty much.

    "Daxam." he replies to Sabrina's question. "Kryptonian colony world, if you didn't know. Er, was, before Krypton was destroyed and the fallout wiped out everything living on the surface and then some." he adds with a sigh. "Now it's just a wasteland."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Snake." Sabrina accepts it as gospel, not even batting an eye. In a world with Jugheads and Jillybeans, Snake isn't all that outrageous as far as names goes. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Said as she steps over beside him with a phone fished out of her backpocket to catch a selfie with the silent signer. "Thank you." Holding up the phone indicative. "I promise it wont do you any personal harm or anything. It's mostly just a present for a friend." With a smile.

Phone slipping away into her back pocket, Sabs looks to Lar, "Daxa- oh... Isn't that where Superman and Super Girl are from? So you're like a super hero or.. something? I find the whole concept kind of facinating: Superheroes." Salem delights in the attention, purring quietly while Snakes lavishes him with affections. So much so, in fact, that Sabrina looks down on the tuxedo cat, "Seriously? You schmooze..."

Snake Eyes has posed:
Lar's explanation of where he's from gets Snake to open his eyes wide. That's a big surprise and the ninja doesn't bother to hide it. His phone comes out again and he starts swiping at it before showing it to the other guy, 'Sorry about your home.'

When Sabrina pulls out her phone Snake stands next to her and cracks a smile. After the photo is taken he signs to the woman, 'Strange gift.'

And as the conversation shifts and cat keeps purring Snake goes back for more petting, though he pays attention to what's being talked about. It's not every day one gets to spend time with both an alien and a witch.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head. "No, Krypton is where they're from. Daxam was a Kryptonian colony, though our cultures sort of...deviated from one another over the years." he explains. "I suppose it depends on how you define 'superhero'. If you mean someone who has superhuman powers, then I guess so, yeah. There have been times though, when I've -caused- more problems than solved them." he admits.

    He shrugs at Snake's condolences. "Thanks, it's been a while. My family survived. Which was...fortunate, I guess. I don't always miss home, to be honest."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Oh." Sabrina nods understanding, even if it's not really as simple as that. What is? The book she's been craddling beneath arm or against her chest is slipped into a bag hanging against her right side, "That makes a lot of sense.. Like witchcraft isn't definitive of who a person is, neither is super powers or whatever." Bobbing her head thoughtfully while Salem cleans his right ear, never once moving as if he's a single intent to move from beneath the affection.

Such an odd cat too.

The picture isn't the gift, in and of itself. More used in the gift. Have you ever watched Scrubs? It was a sitcom comedy from twenty five or so years ago.. anyways, back then they use to do musical episodes periodically to shake up the formula." As if this explains everything.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Snake nods to Lar solemnly. Losing one's home can be a big deal. Putting some info into his phone he shows his new acquaintance, 'Glad your people got out. You live around here now?"

The cat is his new buddy, continuing to get scritches and such, Snake moving easily from a crouching position over the kitty to standing to address the other humans.

To Sabrina he starts to sign again, 'Not really. Haven't watched much TV. Usually training or something instead.'

Mon-El has posed:
    The destruction of his home was pretty rough, sure. But...it was nothing compared to the Phantom Zone--for a thousand years. However, that's not something Lar is quite ready to bring up with these people. "Yes and no," he replies to the question of him living around here here now. "I mostly live on the Legion Cruiser, but I hang around Earth a lot, too. It's a nice place, plus--plenty of yellow solar radiation."

    He arches a brow at Sabrina. "Scrubs? Uh, not really." he's not sure how that relates to the previous conversation, either. Glancing down at the cat again, he asks about it. "So, what's the cat's name? Er, it's not a flerken, is it?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"The takeaway from the Scrubs question is that there was a musical episode, which is why I need the words of a man who cannot speak." Sabrina adjusts her back as it hangs from her shoulder and looks between Snakes and Lar. "You don't watch TV? Really? Hrm... well it was like a medical show about an idiot." Short version for Snakes, "A lovable baffoon. Musical episode."

To Mon, "Salem, his name is Salem. He's just a cat... in as much as I'm just a girl from Riverdale." Salem glances up at his name and over at Lar when introduced waving and/or licking his paw in a way that looks like he's waving a paw. Certainly not that. "What is a Legion Cruiser?"

Snake Eyes has posed:
Whipping out his phone Snake types away, grinning at Lar when he shows what he's written, 'I like it here, too. Not much to compare it to, though.' He continues typing for a while before he finishes getting across what he wants to say, 'You get to explore Earth much? Lots of good places here. If you get to Japan you should visit Mount Fuji. Chureito Pagoda there is beautiful.'

'Loveable buffoon and medical musical, might have to watch that episode,' Snake signs to Sabrina with a little smile. Then he looks at Salem and nods to him before asking, 'Magic cat, too? That is great. I would like to have a pet some day, but I travel for work too much.'

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh, well I have watched TV, just um...I'm not always here. I mean, here on this planet." Lar admits. "It sounds like a good time, though, I'll have to check it out when I have the chance."

    "The Legion Cruiser is a ship." he answers to that question. Given his previous statement about not always being on Earth, hopefully the kind of ship it is is already apparent.

    "Well it's nice to meet you, Salem." He says to the cat, smiling and petting it on the head just slightly as Sabrina introduces him. "But you're not just a girl from Riverdale, are you?" he chuckles. "Not if you can learn almost any spell."

    He nods at Snake. "I've explored it some, but maybe not as much as I'd like. I've seen a lot of places from afar, but haven't really visited them. As fast as I am, I still can only be in one place at once."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"It was amusing. Not nearly as much so as musical." Sabs indicates with a little shrug and a glance down at Salem trying to suck up all the attention with his feline charm. She's not upset, it's kind of endearing, but she's still staring at him like he might be up to something. Until Lar says she's not just a girl from Riverdale, "I wouldn't say any spell, but anyone who can cast spells can learn anything they actively try to learn? Like anyone can learn to play a violin if they practice... same prenciple.. only with magic."

Snake Eyes has posed:
'Lots of good places on Earth. Even in hellholes you can find beauty if you know how to look. I spend a lot of free time exploring and people watching,' Snake swipes the words onto his mobile before showing it to Lar again.

The quiet fellow goes back to petting the cat again for a bit, enjoying the chance to spend time with a furry friend. He signs at it, 'Good guy. Anybody messes with you let me know.' Who knows what magic cats can understand? Then he looks up at the other two legged critters again starts signing towards the young lady, 'Can you do spells that help you find out stuff? I might know some people who could use that kind of help from time to time. I think they would pay well, but I don't know for sure what they pay consultants.'

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods as Sabrina explains. "Yeah, makes sense. I know one other girl who is kind of like that. She can do a lot of different things, if given the time to prepare. And she's really helped me out on more than one occasion."

    "Oh, yeah? Which one is your favorite?" He asks of Snake after the statement about Earth's beauty. "I mean, hellhole that has a secret beauty to it?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"I've never done any consultation work..." Sabs says to Snakes with a little shrug of her thin shoulders, "I'd probably have to run it past my Aunts, but I guess if it was to help people I wouldn't mind? Does that count as using my abilities for self gain though?" Not that there's anything wrong with that, persay.

To Lar, she raises a brow, "Oh? Outside of Greendale? I've not adventured very far. Obviously I know, like, some of the big names in magic, but... not the ones down in the trenchs with me learning as we go, ya know?" Glancing up hopeful, "You think you could maybe introduce me? If not, that's totally okay."

Snake Eyes has posed:
It takes Snake a moment of thought before he starts typing on his phone, 'Iraq. Palm groves are gorgeous. Beautiful buildings. People are great at hosting.' Then he smiles a little bit, nodding very faintly. 'The country has potential, but it's tough.' There's a shrug of the shoulders.

Sabrina gets a grin before Snake starts rapid fire signing at her, 'It could be very helpful. I think there could be some personal gain if you charged for it, but you could also help for free. Help root out corruption, maybe. That's one thing I can think of offhand. Maybe help track down missing people or hiding criminals."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, she has a shop in Sunnydale." Lar responds with a nod when Sabrina asks. "Kaelyn Silverleaf, she calls herself an artificer. Not sure exactly what it means, but she has a bunch of enchanted devices and other objects in her shop. A lot of books, too. Magical books that seem to be um, indestructible. Or something. Anyway, she was a big help in taking down a...um, bad witch. Okay, she isn't really -bad-. Just...obsessed, with me."

    "Iraq?" Lar appears interested. "Oh, that place." He probably could do with paying a little more attention to Earth matters, honestly. "Well, I sure hope things will get better in the future." he says optimistically.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Obsession can be useful in the right circumstances, but rarely when it isn't reciprocated." Sabs seems to understand, frowning a little at something, then glancing up with a smile that could be kind of weird in how wide it is. "I always like meeting new witches." As anyone might be interested in meeting their own kind?

To Snakes, "Well, I can give you a card..." Patting her pockets, then looking through her bag until she's come out with a small blank card, "Just run it under water..." When she flips it over, it's got her number on it, "Just kidding. Magic joke."

Snake Eyes has posed:
Just as he's about to comment back to Lar Snake's phone vibrates in his hand and he looks down at it with a frown on his face. After clearing whatever it is that he saw he looks at the other people and quickly types, 'Duty calls. Need to run. Good meeting you.'

Sabrina's joke is given a smile as he takes the card from her and pockets it. He signs quickly, 'I'll let you know what comes up. I hope to see you and cat again. Take care of yourself.' Then there's waves at the humans and the animal and the quiet man begins to head off.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, it can be, but this one threatened to hurt my friends if I didn't marry her..." Lar replies. "Almost killed one of them, actually." he sighs. "Thankfully, we managed to save him before it was too late."

    He can understand why she'd like to meet someone else who is like her. It's nice, being able to relate to someone on that level. Like he did to Kara shortly after he arrived on Earth with no memories. "Sure, yeah the name of her shop is the Enchanted Grounds, I'm sure you couldnt miss it if you headed over that way."

    "It was nice talking to you, Snake!" he says as the man leaves.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabs raises her hand in farewell to the retreating mute and even Salem pause at the mans foot before he leaves. Once he does, however, the cat sizes Lar up to guage how much attention he might receive from the other party, then moves back to Sabrina to entangle into her legs with an annoyingly cute constant headbutting of the back of her ankle. "Stop it Salem.." She says down to the Tuxedo cat, "Sorry. Once he's not getting what he wants he suddenly gets all anti social.." She murmurs quietly and flicks her wrist.

Smile never faultering, even with talk of forced marrages like that's not at all something new for her in her very weird world. "Well, it all worked out in the end right? And you got a friend out of it, so all things under the sun." Bemused, she adjuts from one foot to the other. "So, what brought you to Starling? Did you say? You probably did, sorry, I get a little scattered sometimes."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, it was hard, but I guess it did eventually work out in the end. I just--hope she doesn't come back any time soon." He says, frowning slightly.

    "No, I didn't actually." Lar laughs. "I was just uh...checking up on some friends." he answers. "There was a bit of a um--altercation recently, involving some of Darkseid's servants. I think they should be just fine, but I thought I'd check in. Guess you live around here?" he asks, gesturing about generally.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"I don't really know who Darksei- wait, didn't he invade earth a few years ago?" It comes to her, wiggling a finger randomly in the direction that roughly equates to America, "Justice League stopped him? Or what became the Justice League.." She wasn't exactly world experienced then, like twelve years old, "I.. well I do kind of. Outside of Starling in a town called Riverdale. My aunts live in Greendale though, I grew up there." Grinning a little as she kneels down to scoop up Salem, much to his chagrin, all four paws hanging straight like he's so very offended, "Who's your friends? Maybe I know them. It's kind of small townish ya know?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Yeah, that Darkseid." he says, confirming Sabrina's suspicions. He watches as she picks up the cat, chuckling at its apparent indignance at this. "Oh, uh--" He was about to say something, but stops himself, almost having forgotten about the whole secret identity thing that some people do. "I probably shouldn't say. Sorry. Heh. Let's just say that...some pepole like me would rather keep who or what they are a secret from the general public. I mean, I don't. But, I still respect those who do." He pauses a moment, staring off in to the distance a bit and looking sort of...wistful? Dreamy? It's sort of odd.

    Then back to reality. "Well, it was nice talking with you, Sabrina. I hope we'll get to cross paths again sometime."