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Pool Night at Josie's
Date of Scene: 25 September 2018
Location: Josie's Bar, New York City
Synopsis: Pool night at Josie's brings and odd collection of heroes to the table.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Claire Temple, Lelantos, Shang-Chi, Hawkeye (Bishop), Human Torch, Raphael, Mon-El, Kid

Daredevil has posed:
Foggy had set the whole thing up. Pool at Josie's, he'd even wheedled Matt into coming out of his self-imposed exile only to come down with something that afternoon. And Karen? Stuck at the Bulletin working on a story.

Matt has his phone to his ear, "Uh-huh," he says nose wrinkling. "Sounds gross, yeah, you stay home buddy, I don't want it. Hm? Yeah they saved us a couple of tables and everything. Well, not like I can play, but I'll see if Claire and Kate show up, maybe grab some people from around the bar.' Okay later, Fog," Matt says before hanging up.

Matt sticks the phone in the pocket of his jeans, and heads to the bar. "Beer me Josie and if there's anyone who wants to use the tables tonight, point them in my direction."

"Sure thing," Josie says, handing over the beer. Matt takes it with a tight smile of thanks and heads on over to the tables.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire coughs and elbows the door to Josie's open, shaking her head and muttering about brooding ninjas and martyr complexes. She stops in her reverie with a huff as she looks around... and oh, yeah, great. There he is.

"Matt!" she says, calling over to the pool tables, clearing her throat. "You're not seriously...?"

Lelantos has posed:
Detective Ron Griffin does not drink Alcohol, but a number of his fellow officers hang out in these places. Also, he likes to keep his ear on the ground...a lot of people hand out in places like this, including unsabory types. He is a telepath, and while he will have trouble sorting things fom the background noise, if someone is planning a crime he has a chance of picking up on it. The problem being, so many people in various stages of inebriation is going to be pretty loud telepathicly. He is going to have a headache before the night is done...

Ron orders from the waitress, "A Virgin Colada, no alcohol for me, I need to drive home tonight."

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi isn't really a drinker, but enjoys the conviviality of pubs and bars. He's prone to solitude and he knows it's unhealthy for him, even if it is far more serene and results in a great deal less of spilled beer on his clothes. He wears a pair of drawstring pants, sandals, an "I <3 NY" white t-shirt stretched over his lean musculature. He wears slightly oversized aviator sunglasses, his straight bangs glossy and black at the top of them.

"A sparkling water, please," he says politely at the bar. "With a lemon wedge."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate had been looking forward to this all week. Her butt in the office 9-5, M-F, and the only person who walked in the office had been a Mrs. Gonzeles who wanted Kate to track down who had been beating up her son Juan and stealing his lunch money - she'd fired off a bunch of stuff in a rapid mix of Spanish and English that Kate had followed enough to learn Juan had been using the school's free lunch program, and Mrs. Gonzoles had found out and been mortified. Turns out Juan had been playing craps with the boys in the park after school, and losing his lunch money. Kate put a bug in Juan's ear, and didn't have the heart to tell Mrs. Gonzoles, or charge her.

Cue the world's tiniest Stradivarius violin for one Kate Bishop as she dipped into her trustfund yet again to make the rent and have a pocketfull of mad money for the evening.

She breezes into Josie's determined to have a good time. Hair pulled back into a ponytail; jeans; and a custom purple tee with a bow and arrow and the words:

Why yes, I am better.

"Pitcher of beer!" she calls out, heading straight for the pool tables.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm walks in -with- a Mai Tai and heads to the bar nodding at every individual he passes and throwing up the peace sign every now and again to others. He sits at the bar and begins to sip his Mai Tai.

Crossing his legs he leans on the bar then turns away and leans back on the bar.

Raphael has posed:
    He was tired of it. Smelling sewage every day, living beneath the city. How was it, that he'd lived his entire life in squalor, and never truly 'realized' it until now? How is it that before tonight his situation had never left him ashamed?

    He'd been in a bad mood all morning, watching TV and day-time soap operas while occasionally he heard cars driving overhead. Then he saw them, all across the news. The Fantastic Four. Superboy, and guys with flaming skulls, fighting some supervillain whackadoo and saving people. He flipped a channel, and what did he see? Mutants, walking around their city, while he lived underground, in filth.

    He'd made a decision right then, no more. He made a decision, came up to the surface, and after busting some criminals and would-be muggers, used their money to 'comandeer' himself some clothing. True he didn't technically 'buy' them in the traditional sense, but he left money where he'd taken them, so technically he was all in the clear, right?

    So that's how he came to be wandering the streets, when he came across a place with neon lights. This meant he was welcome, right? Anyone who lived in New York could come here? He lived in New York. He was a New Yorker, same as anyone else. He ignored what Splinter would say if he knew. He opened the door...and closed it and walked away. 20 feet, he found his nerve, came back...and left again.

    Third time he closed his eyes, breathed in deep...and entered the store. Dressed in a hockey jersey and the baggiest pair of sweatpants that would fit across his massive shelled form, Raphael felt a bit ridiculous. But there was no turning back now. And at least he was still wearing his headband, so part of him felt normal at least. Well, here he was. Now what?

Mon-El has posed:
    The odd thing is, Raph's ambivalent behavior before entering the bar instead of his odd appearance, is what catches attention in the case of one Lar Gand. Otherwise known as Mon-El to some of those Earth-bound who may only know him from a distance.

    Given that the Daxamite has spent and still often spends a lot of time in space, seeing someone different-looking doesn't really faze him. He follows the newcomer inside, stopping when he just kind of stands there, appearing unsure of what to do.

    "You all right?" he asks, sounding somewhat concerned.

Daredevil has posed:
Uh-oh. Matt knows Claire's coming before she enters the bar, and when she heads in his direction, he forces himself to put on a disarming smile, "Claire, good to see you," he greets trying to sound cheery.

He knows it's as likely to cool Claire down about as well as throwing rocks would stop a Sherman Tank but he has to try something.

Thankfully Kate arrives about that time and heads back, "Hey Kate," Matt says hearing her call for a pitcher of beer. "Foggy and Karen aren't going to make it but Kate, if you want to put out the call for people to play, you guys can get started."

He's totally hoping the start of pool will save him from a yelling.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate snorts her disappointment at hearing Foggy and Karen won't be joining them, but she's got the 'call for people' thing covered.

Without fanfare, Kate clambours atop a chair, and does the traditional two-fingered 'Hey Cab!' whistle to grab the attention of everyone in the bar.

"Yo! We're about to throw down over the felt over here. If you aren't too fond of your money, com join us, but I have to warn you, Murdock is a ringer."

And with that, she bobs a curtsey, and steps off the chair. Just in time to grab up her arriving pitcher of beer and glass.

"You owe me Murdock. But there. If that doesn't get us company, I don't know what will." A wink. "Unless you want to show some leg."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Oh, my God, you're ridiculous," Claire groans with rolled eyes at the blind joke. She pauses and takes a deep breath, but then stops in some mild shock as Kate storms past her with a demand for high volume alcohol. That kind of night, apparently. She hums and shakes her head, ambling to lean against one of the wall tables near the pool table.

"We need to talk," she says, pitching her voice low as the bar starts to liven up. "You know, after you fight for your life on the felt," she notes, casting an appraising look at the state of the table and the two current competitors.

Lelantos has posed:
Ron gets a number of different impressions. There is a center of calm strength about the Chinaman. The man with the blind cane seems almost as assaulted my his surroundings as Ron. The woman in the T-shirt with the bow is frustrated. The one fellow by the door is hesitant and ashamed. The other is helpful but there is a vast lonelieness inside him. The Human Torch he recognizes from TV, he seems to be trying hard to be boisterous.

Ron says to Kate, "My game is Darts, but I can probably handle pool well enough."

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi isn't likely to gamble, but enjoys watching games of sport. He moves to the fringe of Murdock's group, giving a friendly nod to Kate at the invitation and leaning back against the wall, sipping on his water, his eyes hidden behind his shades and giving away very little.

Raphael's arrival does not go unnoticed, by any means, but he is free of prejudice and unlikely to call out an obvious grotesque mutant simply for being different. It is unkind and against his discipline.

Raphael has posed:
    This is a mistake, people aren't supposed to see him. He could turn around right now, retreat into the night, return these clothes and go back home.

    In the sewers.

    No, Raphael puffed up his chest some, and when Mon-El approached, the turtle turned around and jabbed one massive, thick finger at the alien's chest.

    "Of course I'm ok, I'm a New Yorkah like anyone else here...why wouldn't I be ok?!"

    Ignoring how much that hurt his finger, Raph turned around and made a straight line for the bar. Leaning one arm against the counter, he spoke out loud to the bartender.

    "I wanna drink."

    "Well ok, what kin-"

    "Yeah that's right, you heard me. I'm a TURTLE," He shouted that last part, emphasizing 'turtle' with an outdoor voice as he turned his head to look at the rest of the bar. Before turning back.

    "An' I wanna drink. What do you think about THAT, huh?!"

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm uncrosses and re-crosses his legs ala Basic Instinct and takes a gulp of his drink and right on cue a delivery man enters the bar and brings Johnny another Mai Tai. He pays the man and tips and says, "Keep um coming," he then uncrosses and re-crosses his legs Sharon Stone style and tilts his head and the Turtle a bit then turns his head to see how the pool table is stacking up.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh--" Hopefully Raph didn't jab -too- hard. Thankfully he doesn't seem to be screaming in pain as if it were broken so Lar relaxes a bit, holding up his hands defensively. "I mean, you just looked kind of lost, that's all. I noticed you were kind of wandering around, looking like you weren't sure if this was where you were trying to go or not? Sorry."

    Peering over at the bar, he recognizes Matt from that one gang tussle a while ago and ventures over to sit near him. "Murdock, right?"

    Then the turtle guy seems to be trying to draw attention to himself with that loudly spoken question. "Look, I'm pretty sure most of us are just as interesting as you are. It's just not as obvious." he says with a friendly chuckle, then sticks out his hand for an introduction. "Lar Gand."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt gives the tiniest of nods. "Sure, after," he replies to Claire dropping the happy-Matt mask he's wearing for just a moment before he slips it back into place.

"I don't know," he jokes to Kate. "I've never seen your legs, Claire, are the they going to help us or hurt us?" he teases drawing her into the joke.

Though it sounds like they've got one more. "So that makes, three... anyone else looking to join?" he says pitching his voice so it's aimed at Shang-Chi without calling out to him directly. He couldn't 'see' the man, so he had to pretend he wasn't there, just like he had to pretend, he wasn't listening to the turtle(?) at the bar.

Josie for her part looks up from a magazine, brow raising at the sight of the turtle and she gives a shrug. "Don't care if you're green as long as your money is, whadda ya want?"

Matt her's Lar's greeting, "That's me, who's that?" he asks. He recognized Lar, that heartrate was unmistakble, but again he had to keep up the act.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate settles down where Matt is sitting, and grins. "Not my legs, Murdock. Yours. And I have to say, I think I'm digging the stubble. Take it you've not been in court the past week?"

Claire's askance glance is noted. "Rough week," she confirms. "But I figure we could share. You, me, and Murdock there."

The rest of the assembling motley crew is regarded assessingly. Especially Raphael, who seems to be being taken care of by the welcoming committee. She can't help a smile at that. Sure, he's... uh, not really the regular crowd at Josie's.. but it's New York, and there are a lot of weirdos about. For all she knows, Raphael is celebrating Halloween early. And if not? More power to him. He's not the only costumed crusader in the crowd. Just perhaps the only one who's a turtle.

Raphael has posed:
    Huh. Nobody cared. So why did they live in a sewer? The whole thing was unraveling and falling apart before Raphael's eyes, so the jersey-wearing, red-masked green turtle simply turned to Mon and nodded, extending his hand. "Uhh...name's Raphael. You know, I think I was kinda playin' this all up in my head, but this is nice, this is a nice little place actually. I can see why people come here."

    Really, nobody was mad or ready to fight him at all? Raphael didn't know what he was expecting, but he wasn't expecting this.

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi considers, "One of my teachers had a favorite parable involving a turtle, a radish and a spinning wheel. I can't say I ever saw the point of it. Which may have been the point itself," he says. He offers Raphael a hand, "I am Shang-Chi. Do you play billiards? I believe these folks are looking for another and my meager earnings are insufficient for gambling."

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire crosses her mental fingers that her allergy pills have worked through enough for her to be safe self-medicating with some barley and hops. Snorting as she decants a little bit off the top of Kate's pitcher, she gives Murdock a dry look. "You'd better not, on fire or otherwise," she says. "You're on your own."

When Raphael starts getting loud at the bar, she rubs her forehead and takes another sip of beer. "Man, this city..." she mutters. She looks up and rocks her head toward the table. "Better get racked up, looks like there are sharks around," she says.

Lelantos has posed:
Ron assesses the crowd, the stranger at the door is pretty right. He can tell the Chinaman and the lady with the bow...and the Blind man too, are all trained fighters. It is in the way they hold themselves, it would be as obvious to them as it is to him. The Turtle is also...though there is something about his style that seems disturbingly familiar Ron can not put a finger on why. The other man at the door...his training is not as obvious but he clearly is restraining himself as if afraid of breaking anything he touches, the sign of someone very strong.

Ron comments to Shang-Chi, "I do not think any of us make huge amounts of money, we will probably be playing for like fives and tens." As a Detective, if is pretty underpaid himself.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm pulls out a 4 $100 bills and hands one to each Raph, Shang, Ron and Mon-el," You can thank me later," he sips is Mai Tai.

Looking at his watch he frowns saying to himself, "Next Delivery is late," he looks devastated. Then he simply look back over that the pool table. Seems like he is enjoying the night so far.


Raphael has posed:
    Well now, he just felt silly. He shook everyone's hand, he introduced himself, but now he had to go rethink some things.

    "I can't play tonight, I gots some quality thinkin' time to get done."

    Later on, in the cold of the night and sitting on the roof of some derelict building, Raphael held up the real source of his woes...an invitation, especially for him(Well, for all of the Turtles, but he was the most interested). Splinter forbade him from going, but the more he thought about it...the more he couldn't turn it down. He needed more than a sewer. And maybe this could give it to him.

Daredevil has posed:
"My legs?" Matt asks with a smile. "Well that'd definitely hurt our cause." There's a self-depricating smile to go with the joke at his own expense.

"Don't worry, I'm not an exibitionist," he says to Claire.

And to Kate. "Thanks," he says rubbing his chin and finding himself surprised by how long the stubble had gotten. "And no, not this week," he answers. Or the week before to be honest. The only suit he'd been bothering to put on was red and had horns, the rest just hung in his closet unused.

As to racking them up, he turns in the direction of Claire's voice. "How many do we have? Need the one table or both?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The byplay between Murdock and Temple is not missed, but Kate holds her tongue. It's not only not her problem, but perhaps later is a better time to poke and prod at whatever is going on there.

"Me?" Kate snerks. "I don't really play. But figured I had to sell it."

Kate's good at selling. In fact, Kate's good at fitting into whatever crowd she's in at the moment.

She nods to the others hovering around the table, "It's all racked up boys, I have a hot date with my beer here before I join you. But go ahead. Buck holds the table against the next contender."

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi smiles, "I suppose a dollar is not too far out of my price range," he says with a small smile. "I hope that you will be gentle with me. I have played relatively little of the game, outside of a few of my old British friends who enjoyed it. And they mostly played a variant called 'Snooker'," he says, walking over and carefully selecting a stick. He casually rolls it over his wrist, spinning it like a bo staff before catching himself.


Lelantos has posed:
Ron hands the money back to Johnny, "I can not accept gratuities because of my empolyment. Thank you anyway." As a Police officer, he has to be very careful what he accepts from others. He also has to observe strict limits on gambling and certain other activities. It can be annoying, but it is necessary to avoid the appearance of bias.

Ron picks ua a cue and weighs it, then says, "Feel free to break, Shang-Chi. I mostly play 8-bll myself, but know a few other variations."

Mon-El has posed:
    "It's nice to meet you Raphael." Lar nods, shaking the turtle's hand. And yeah, he's definitely restraining himself a lot for fear of uninentionally crushing bones. Hey, he's not as good at this as Kal is, all right?

    He appears surprised when Matt pretends not to recognize him. "Lar, we met--" But then remembers. Oh, right. Secret identity, public space, and stuff. And they met...well this is awkward, now. "...uh...at um...it was at--oh! The Hugo Building opening." We'll just leave it at that.

    And then Johnny is handing him money, but he doesn't accept it. "Um, no thanks. I don't need it. I mean, your generosity is appreciated, but it's not necessary."

Kid has posed:
A night on the town seems like more than a good idea with everything that has been happening. And he had just the illusion...and fake ID's to do it. As Kid walks into the bar in his human/mutant illusion, showing the needed ID before being let in.
    He strolls in and glances about...a few folks, most he didn't His gaze passing over Matt, Mon-El and Ron in particularly...before gazing to the folks he doesn't know. A good number of strangers, among them Kate, Shang and Claire...and...was that Johnny? The Human Torch? Heh, small world.
    He continues and mostly just watches to see what is happening, being a bit out of practice as it where

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm is at the bar sipping Mai Tai's as Kid walks in he stands up in anticipation but noticing that it is NOT the delivery guy he sits and frowns.

But recognising Kid he throws up a lazy and the then says to Mon-El, "Suit yourself, try not to break any of the glasses here," he smirks.

He takes another sip.

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi leans over and sets his cue against the ball, focusing carefully and knitting his brow. On the one hand, he has immense physical control and grace. On the other hand, he's never particularly applied his skills to this arena and, while he understands the principles, the difference between application and theory is always forefront in his mind.

So he stops thinking at all and just shoots. "The answer to any difficulty is always to empty oneself. One cannot have problems if one is actually zero," he says with a smile, watching as the balls spread in the wake of his break.

Daredevil has posed:
Raf's leaving has Matt's attention for a moment. He'd been around someone like him before in Brooklyn, and they'd had some info he'd needed, he was tempted to make some excuse and go after him, but he was tired.

Later. He told himself. The smell of sewer on the guy was enough to give him an idea of where to look.

Snapping his attention back to the present, he says, "Huh?" taking a moment to get his bearings. "Oh, Lar, from the concert, good to hear your voice again, want to join us for the game it's just getting started."

He also mouths a quick 'thanks', using the sip of his beer as cover.

That's when Kid walks in and adds to the Hugo Builiding flashback. All they needed now was Mason Steele to provide some music.

Shang-Chi's pre-break speech gets a smile from Matt. "You sound like a friend of mine."

Lelantos has posed:
Ron studies the balls, picks his angle, and shoots. He is very food at figuring angles. Knives he is best with, but he can handle pool. He sinks the first ball and comments, "Clearing the mind allowes knowledge that is below the surface to come forward. Often the subconscious has more knowledge than the surface of the mind. The deptch of a pool hold more than the surface shows."

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a grunt and returns the wave to Johnny....even taking it as a cautious invite to come over, see what is going on. His dull eyes seemingly tired sway side to side. He signs his watch speaking for him "Hows it going Johnny?"
    Though his blunt nature was still present and he ends up signing in regards to Shang-Chi "...the hell. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard" the watch beeps out. But still he watches the pool game with some interest.
    He doesn't acknowledge Matt though - mostly because he appeared in a different illusion back at the Hugo building and didn't want give himself away. Though that has become less of a worry of late.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate happily sips at her beer, people watching. It's really one of the things that she likes best. Seeing how people interact. How they measure up against one another. The small interplays that most aren't even aware that they're making.

Like Matt and Kid, who clearly had a moment that they're both 'covering up'.

Things like that.

Shang-Chi she smiles at, but doesn't lift her glass to, suspecting he wouldn't appreciate the gesture. "I had a teacher once who said calm waters can still hide undertow."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm continues to look at the door distractedly as Kid approaches, "What are you doing in this part of town...umm..ummm" he snaps his fingers trying to remember the name.

Giving up he just moves on, "And you never took me up on the offcer of a place to stay umm..ummm," he snaps his fingers again.

"What was your name again?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles at Johnny's jab about the glasses. "Hey, I promise you I'm better at that now. Because I actually didn't remember what self restraint meant that...one time."

    He nods briefly toward Matt at the subtle expression of gratitude. Glancing over at the pool table, he shrugs at the invitation. "Maybe, if I can manage not to break anything." A wink at Johnny. Nah, he's not actually -that- terrible any more.

Lelantos has posed:
Ron calmly sinks ball after ball, never leabing his cue ball trapped. It is not all that difficult. He calmly returns the money to Shang-Chi, "I can not take your money, It was not a fair contest."

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi smiles, "Wisdom is nothing new. We just keep having to relearn it, generation by generation. Eventually, perhaps, it will stick. But until it does, well...the cycle continues," he says.

"And yes, of course, one should always be like water. Deep, cool and flowing with the shape of our environs," he says. He, too, is doing his share of reading, his expertise in combat letting him read body language, reflexes, dexterity. His observations are just that, however: observations, freed from judgment.

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi waves a hand dismissively to Ron's gesture, "Nothing ever is."

Kid has posed:
Kid nose flares as he breaths deeply through them like a bull. He didn't seem particularly upsett...it just how he is. He signs "Yea can call me Malcolm, or Kid, whatever floats yea boat." he scratches behind his ear a moment.

"And well....guess I been living on the streets so long, it hard to think about a place to stay, know what I mean? Some folks been trying to get me to stay in this...other place. But just not jiving. Or maybe jist doesn't feel right?" he shrugs. "But what this place of yours like anyways?" he signed casually making conversation.

Kid was pretty wound up...despite his apparent calmness...he seemed to have alot of...aggression about him. Ready to punch the first thing that sets him off. His head watches the game and hmms at the interaction "Anyways...what you waiting for johnny?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Breaking things might make for an exciting evening," Matt remarks with a thin smile.

"Hey! I heard that," shouts Josie from behind the bar.

Matt chuckles lightly offering a shrug to Lar. "I say give it a shot."

"What about you?" he asks Kate. "Getting in on the action?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate grins at Matt over her beer. "Me? Thinking about it."

She knew a thing or two about angles herself, given her 'other job'. Trick shooting was something of a specialty. Not to mention, she kind of had a reputation to uphold - even if Clint Barton weren't here to razz her about matters.

She was less thinking about it than watching the rise and fall of tensions about the small gathering this end of the bar. It was an odd mix of people. Matt and Claire had.. something they were grumbling at one another about, but pretending didn't exist. The newcomer seemed tense. The others all seemed to be feeling each other out in the way that strangers did who weren't quite certain yet if they were going to drop guards and lift a few pints, or if this were about to explode into the sort of event that Josie was going to make them regret starting at her bar.

"Might just watch tonight. We're doing this again, aren't we?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "I doubt the level of exciting that would lead to is one any of you would appreciate. Trust me, it's happened before." Lar chuckles, glancing at Josie when she pipes up from the back. "See? But I was just joking, anyway."

    He glances over at Kid, noting the pent-up aggression depsite an apparently calm conversation. There's something oddly familiar about him, but he can't quite pinpoint it, and given his own enhanced senses, he figures there must be some kind of telepathy or magical whatever going on. It doesn't bother him too much, though. This Malcolm doesn't seem to be looking for trouble. At least not yet.

    He glances over at Kate, now. "Friend of Matt's?" he asks.

Human Torch has posed:
"I'm waiting on my Mai Tai. I have been bar hopping all night and having them delivered to the bars I end up at," Johnny Storm pauses then turns his gaze towards Kid.

"I only live in the most high tech building in NYC. You really should come see it."

He turns his head back towards the table, "What brings you this far north kiddo?"

Lelantos has posed:
Once Ron stops concentratong on the game, he can not hep but notice the Kid. He would recognize that mind anywhere...hopefully it is not mutual. If no one seems to want to challenge his pool skills, he will take his leave. The thoughts are getting a bit too intense in here.

Kid has posed:
Kid begins to sign "High Tech? Now you got my interest. Love Tech" he even seemed to wind down a bit. "Eh. Not that far. From Starrlington to Westchest, metropolish to here...I go where the wind takes me" he signs.

Kid didn't recognize Ron's mind...mainly because he wasn't looking. He also didn't really need too - he seen the guy face while he was on patrol during a Red-Cap incident. But he doesn't say much...instead he steps forward, rolling his shoulders
    He signs "Alrights, let go, me and you or whoever." it wasn't a brawl but it was something to do. And pool seemed interesting anyways.

Daredevil has posed:
"Heh," Matt replies, to Lar. "Suit yourself, besides I shouldn't encourage you, I'm probably the guy Josie'd hire to sue for damages. There's a smile at that.

As for Kate, "We're definitely doing this again," he confirms as he gets off his stool and sets down his beer. "Well if you're watching, want to help me take some shots? You know, give me a hawk's eye view of the table," he asks Kate with a smile before saying to Ron. "Mind if I give it a go?"

Lelantos has posed:
Ron smiles at Matt, which can be hears in his voice, "Should I put on a blindfold, just to be fair?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oooo," Kate laughs at Matt. Totally seeing what he did there. Hawk's eye view, indeed. "No blaming me if you miss, and you rip up the felt, you're paying for it." She grabs up her beer and moves to Matt's abandoned seat, all the better to see the pool table and 'help' him.

When Lar addresses her, her gaze settles down on the man, assessing him before giving him her answer. Her smile doesn't waver an iota as she does so. "Oh, me? Ah.. not sure how long Matt and I have known one another. You could say we're friends, though."

Kid has posed:
Kid growls some annoyance, but he stays quiet. Makes sense folks rather play games with folks they seem to know. He crosses his arms and simply sticks to watching.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm chuckles at Kid watching everything go down when the delivery man enters. He brings the Mai Tai to Johnny.

He pays. He tips. Then he finishes the first one and hands it to the delivery man.

He leans back against the bar and continues to watch.

Daredevil has posed:
"Only if I get to wear one too," Matt quips back to Ron as he takes a cue down from the wall and asks Kate. "Holding it the right way, right?"

His attention also falls on Kid, and Matt frowns a second before turning on the smile again. "Though Kate, if you wanted to play we could scare up a second for Ron."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar laughs at that comment. "Yeah, probably!" And then Brainiac would yell at everyone again. He smirks a little as Matt goes over to the pool table, asking for Kate's help because how much help does he -really- need?

    He nods at Kate's reply. "Right. I'm Lar." He sticks out a hand to shake.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate just shakes her head. "So a blind man walks into a pool hall and wants to know how he's handling his stick."

Hey, she might not swear (often), but she's not a prude!

It only takes a look at the disappointed 'Kid' for Kate to make up her mind. "Sure, two on two."

Her beer is sipped, topped up, then she wanders over and chooses a cue. "I'm Kate, by the way."

Lelantos has posed:
Ron states, "I am Ron. You look familiar Kate, are you famous or something?" He waits for Kid to join them, or not.

Kid has posed:
Kid cants his head a moment. Dissappointed may be a bit of a misdoineer, but between the the look's Kate gave him and Matt's comment he signs "...you want me to partner up with him?" indicating Ron who didn't exactly seem keen on Kid from what he could tell from overlooking him to bothering to ask if he would partner. So if no one else is going to be direct about it, Kid figured he may as well be. Cause he ain't no mind reader! Well he is...he just being polite.Still he takes up a cue unsure.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt chuckles and makes a face at Kate's joke. "Wishful thinking on the part of the blind guy," he says letting the butt of the stick sink to the floor through his hand. The turns his head in Kid's direction as the signing is translated to speech. "Your call, if that doesn't work we can switch partners as long as someone points me at the right balls."

Lelantos has posed:
Ron states, "Members of the same team alternate shots, just to be fair? Shall we say Ladies first, then my partner?"

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm finally stands and stretches. Then his sits again. Uncrosses and crosses his legs slowly, sips his Mai Tai and says, "I gotta hundred bucks on Kiddo there."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate shrugs at Ron. "Ladies first is a tiny bit sexist, don't you think?" After all, there's a blind man in the room!

But she does tell Ron, "Me? Famous? Oh, I don't know. I get around. I have a detective agency. You mighta have seen my ads. You know.." She coughs and makes announcer voice:

"Hawkeye Inveestigations. We're the PI without Profanity."

Another shrug with a grin. "That's me. Kate Bishop. Hawkeye Investigations." And unless Ron follows society pages, he might not make any other connections with the girl.

Kid has posed:
"...why are ladies going first?" Kid signs confused to the idea "Except for giving us a starting point. As you are the only lady here" he shrugs after signing that.

He signs towards Matt "Seem the team are set...good luck" he tells matt and kate, before his eyes glance sidelong at Ron... he cracks his knuckles ready to play pool

But he does turn to Johnny and gives two thumbs up and signs "Let hope you bet well than!" but he seemed ready to go. He still seemed aggressive...but instead of angry he was now competitive.

Lelantos has posed:
Ron says, "Possibly, in my business, you keep track of the PI's one might encounter. Detective Griffin, NYPD."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar comes over to the table to watch the game. "Pleasure to meet you, Kate. So you're a detective? Cool, any interesting cases lately?" He asks, trying to make conversation.

    "Oh, it's just a common custom for many Terran cultures." the Daxamite answers Kid. "I think?" he adds, frowning slightly.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins, "I honestly don't mind if you go first Kate," he says innocently.

Counting on her skill with a bow to translate to the table.

"Go ahead and break," he says.

As to Kid, he nods, vaguely in the direction of the voice from the watch. "You too," he says, then he settles against the wall to let Kate take her shot.

"Lar's right, it's a custom," he says with a nod for the Daxamite.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate stands up straight and tall. "Uh-uh, Murdock. I am not going to break because I happen to be a girl." She looks around the table. "Newsflash people, this is not the Middle Ages. We do not pat the girl on the back and tell her she can break because she's lacking a cue stick and the obvious."

Her glance strays pointedly to balls upon the table.

Lelantos has posed:
Ron says, "I was not intending to be condescenting. I was simply being polite. Treating women respectfully as my mother taught me. Aside from that, it is as fair a way to decide who breaksas any." Ron is sincere...he was taught it was polite by his parents.

Kid has posed:
"Good. Than I will break because that is a stupid custom and makes zero damn sense" Kid signs with obviouse annoyance "If there are no ojections?" yea he didn't have time for this human junk. He looks to Lar and signs "...heh, better customs needed than"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate smiles in victory, and signs at Kid. ~Break away. It's a stupid custom anyway~

Ron she tells, "You parents are very old fashioned. We live in the future. Girls want to be treated with the respect of being a person, not a gender."

At least this girl does.

Daredevil has posed:
"Actually, I wanted you to go first because I figured we'd win, the girl thing didn't enter my mind," Matt explains with a smile.

"And take your shot," he says to Kid, stepping back to lean against the wall again to keep out of the way.

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts and lumbers to the side of the pool table, lining up the stick. He stares at it a moment having watched the prior game and narrows his eyes...he pulls back the stick and strikes very hard. Hard enough for the White Ball to send the balls scattering all over - and bounce back in the air, off his forehead and back onto the table with a few light bounce.
    Kid's eyes screw up from the hit. But he manages to stay standing rubbing his forehead a bit pained before signing "...try..not to break your skulls playing"

Lelantos has posed:
Ron chuckles, "Hitting the ball too hard is likely to send it flying, it happens often to beginners." Amused yes, but laughing with not laughing at. He might have made a similar mistake in the past. He glances at the other team, "So, who next?"

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm yawns again stifling it with a fist. He stands and drops a $20 on the bar and says to the bartender, "Keep the change," the he begins to head out. Calling out to Kiddo, "Look me up when you are done Kiddo. Well, if you feel like it."

Kid has posed:
Kid looks to Johnny and signs "Alright, I will try and see about doing so" he says. Mostly because massive tech building. But also because Johnny was pretty cool.

Daredevil has posed:
"I'll go," Matt volunteers as he heads to the table. "Kate counting on your eyes here..."

The game continues and a good time is had by all.