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Revision as of 10:38, 25 July 2019

Guthrie Fried Chicken
Date of Scene: 24 July 2019
Location: Kitchens, Xavier Institute For The Gifted
Synopsis: This scene needs a summary.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Pixie, Nightingale, Elixir, Spider-Man, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the kitchen. He is cooking chicken. The man is a bit frustrated and wants some home cooked food, sorta sucks when you have to be the one to cook it, but he is in the middle of such.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does enjoy trying her hand at cooking, although she's not the greatest cook. Still, she gets points for trying at least. "Mmm, whatcha making?" she flutters in, peering over Sam's shoulder. "Need some help? I can be super helpful!" well, most of the time..

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "My mom's fried Chicken recipe." He will tell the younger girl. Could use a bit of home so thought I should make some." He will look over his shoulder at her, and says "Wash your hands, and I can teach you." He hmms, wondering something watching her a bt.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs and nods, darting off to wash her hands before returning. "Wow, that sounds fun..Where do we begin?" she peers around the kitchen eagerly, wondering if this will be a quick 5 minute recipe or one of those all-day-long long hauls. "Hey, by the way, I forgot to ask how things are going at the club? I mean with the attack and all...Does that mean the show with Dazzler is cancelled?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to her explaining a bit about the dredge but seems he probably does not give al the ingredients. "There will still be a show, but we have to get security up some, putting in some extra features, and hiring extra security. Ah am thinking Ah going to put a call in to Guido, for some advice and see if he can make it the night of the show.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and darts around some more to gather at least some of the ingredients. "Soo, is this a spicy dish? I love spicy, it makes your mouth tingle and kinda feels funky. Are we gonna cook for a big group or just the two of us?" she stays back a bit though, not wanting to mess up his cooking..Too much. "Ooh, security would be cool. I hope they didn't scare too many people away..That's really sad about Doug but he seems to be on the mend at least. I never really got to explore mutant town much.."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah always make sure when I cook, there is enough for everyone, plus Ah think my ma ma have forgotten how to cook for just a couple and she is the one who taught me." He sprinkles some stuff into Megan's flour and tells her to mix that in. Ad for heat we can make some that is hott, there is plenty of folks who like spicey chicken."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins, enjoying his southern accent as she works on mixing the ingredients into the flour. "That's cool..What's it like, back home? You lived on a farm or something, didn't you? That must have been fun.." she gets an evil thought and smirks, "Hey, make sure to add extra spicy for Illy, I know she *loves* hot food. Hey, maybe we can do a picnic thing, that would be fun too." just make sure to invite Illy and give her the hot food, haha..She continues to smile wickedly to herself.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her and says "Illyana likes the normal recipe, she might like the spicy too, but you two gotta stop fighting." He looks to her, and says "A bit of a farm yea, we grew a lot of our food, but it was not like full fledge farm since Pa worked in the Mines. Ah have strung many a basket of beans though.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a little. Well darn, he saw through that, didn't he. "I'm sorry, it's just..." she sighs, "This little..Hole in my soul..That she put there." she shivers, hugging her arms. "I've seen what she's capable of when she's mad. I just..Don't wanna turn into a demon or something, all because of what she did to me.." Megan arches a brow at the mention of mines, looking a little sad. "Oh..My dad worked in the mines in Wales too..Scary places. Farm sounds fun though, open and wide and wild.."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "They can be, Ah worked in them myself some, my power first came into effect getting me and another out of a cave in, trust me AH know they can be bad." He is showing Megan how to cook proper southern fried chicken. "Ah will be honest there are times Illyana can be scary, scary as hell but she is fighting to do what is right. Ah wish there was a way Ah could help ya with that, but Ah would wager the way to keep from turning into something bad, would be trying to do the right and good thing, not trying to torment someone. Love thy enemies and all that."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly. "My dad died in a mine. I dont like mines.." she pouts, mixing the ingredients in silence for several more minutes. "Yeah..When we were training together the other day, she pulled out all these demons and stuff..It was super scary. I mean, I dont know her story, not really. I know thy call her the 'Queen of Limbo' or something, but.." she shrugs, "I guess it must be hard for her, trying to do the right thing, heck, when the danger room got cranked up to a higher setting than we intended, she fought hard..If it were for real, she might have saved my life. Passed out and all." she bites her lip, "I just..Hope I don't have to face demons like that myself. I dunno if I could control stuff like that." she smiles, "Love they enemies, huh? I guess I should try and be a bit easier on her.."

Nightingale has posed:
     It was very easy to get lost in this maze of hallways, cavernous rooms, and unfamiliar grounds. However, some things were just down home and familiar, such as the smells and sounds of good food cooking. Sniffing cautiously, Shannon slips through the door, following the savory smells that were wafting out into the hall. However, seeing two already present, she stops short, freezing in place and keeping a wary eye on the pair. Were they friends or foes? Fellow students, or guests? There was no way to tell, but surely it couldn't hurt to stay just a moment, could it? Her wings flutter nervously behind her, as if she were a bird that might fly away at any moment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and offers a smile to Shannon "Ah a new face, come on in and find a seat, the chicken will be ready in a bit." He looks over to Pixie "My Pa died from working in them, but not in them itself. If you ever need someone to talk to Ah am here. Illyana is a long story, and hers to tell, but she has been through a lot, and I trust her totally."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Thanks Sam, I appreciate that. I'll talk to Illy more too, get to know her side of things." even so, she's not sure it'll be easy to put aside grudges, but she'll try. she turns, glancing over at the newcomer. "Hii! Are you new here? Love the wings.." she flutters her own dragonfly wings in response. "I'm Megan and this is Sam. Are you looking for someplace?"

Nightingale has posed:
     A tentative smile curls the corners of the newcomer's mouth upwards, a little bit of a twinkle coming to her ocean blue eyes. She finds a stool to pull up to the island in the center, and join the pair. Her wings fold in close behind her as she perches on the stool, a nightingale coming in to roost. "I'm Shannon. Just came here last night, so not really a lot of time to learn my way around." Well, the two seemed friendly enough, though perhaps a little caution was still in order. "I'm not sure what's more heavenly right now... the smell of that chicken, Sam, or how pretty your wings are, Megan."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, once Ah have the chicken on might be making some biscuits and gravy as well. Sorry Ah have not looked over your file yet, but yah Ah am Sam, and am one of the assistant here as well as a student. If you need anything just ask, and Ah will do my best to help you with it

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blushes and smiles at the compliment. "Awwe, thanks Shannon! You have pretty wings too. We should go flying some time!" she glances at her watch, nodding to Sam. "Thanks for the chat, I really have to get to class though..See you later!" she waves and flutters off.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon opens her mouth to reply to Megan, but barely has time before she well, flies out the door to class. She just shakes her head and chuckles a little bit. "Here again, gone again, Finnegan." She looks back at Sam briefly, then glances down at the countertop, idly tracing the pattern of the grain on the surface with the tip of one slender finger. "There probably isn't much of a file yet, but you'd have to ask either miss Munroe or mister McCoy about that. I guess you could say my folks and I sort of winged it coming up here from Connecticut. We didn't even know this was a place for... well, for kids like us."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Well it is sorta kept that way to be honest. It is better for the students here if folks don't find out until they have been invited. So, what year of high school? He asks guessing her age somewhat.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Sophomore. At least, I'm pretty sure about that. Been homeschooled up till now." The smell of the chicken frying is growing stronger, and her brows knit a little bit in concern, her body tensing and her hands very still on the counter as she glances around. "That's not burning, is it?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Na, you have to make sure chicken is well cooked, making sure none get sick. I know some here could probably not be to bothered but some have special constitutions as well." He will check it though, and turn it a bit "Well they will have ya take some tests to make sure."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods, and smiles a bit. "I've never had real good luck with fried chicken. The only time I tried, I almost set fire to the kitchen." She reaches back and ties her hair back in a literal knot with a tail, for lack of a hair tie or stick to hold it in place and keep it out of her eyes. "Wonder when the tests will be, and who will give them. Miss Munroe and mister McCoy were both very nice, and there was one other woman I saw when I got here but didn't really get to say hi to her."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Pretty much all the teachers here are good. And you have chance at some interesting classes that you would not at alot of places, not even counting flying and such. For chicken, one of the thing is making sure not to cook it to high."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wait, they have classes for -flying-?!" The expression of surprise and shock on Shannon's face is priceless, eyes gone wide and jaw dropping. "You've got to be kidding me! Mythology, flying, what next? I heard it goes all the way up to college level stuff here... that's just... wow!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and takes up the first batch of chicken. "Oh yea learning to use your powers is a very important thing. Ah used to be really bad at making turns, and took me a bit, but Ah can do a decent turn and even a 180 if need be.

Nightingale has posed:
     The only sound for several long moments after that are the sounds of Sam puttering about the kitchen and working on the fried chicken, the sizzling of oil and the clatter of cooking tools the only thing to break the silence. Shannon looks down to the marble countertop, tracing the veins in the stone and looking at her hands. She flexes her fingers a little bit, chewing her lower lip as if debating whether or not to speak. But she finally does, her voice very soft and hesitant. "Do you think... they'd have classes for healing?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms, and says "Classes no, but we do have another healer who might be able to give you some advice, and also medical training which seems to help some folks. Seems if you can deal with some of the wound thought normal means, it is easier to heal most times." He looks at her and says "Healing and flying? Interesting combo.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's wings and shoulders droop slightly, and she hangs her head. "That's what I didn't get to tell miss Munroe last night. It was really nice to just, you know, feel normal and all, but..." She sighs softly and just shrugs, moving her hands to her lap and keeping out of Samuel's way. "If someone's hurt and I touch them, it's like I take in their hurt. And I don't know how to control it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well I will make sure to put it in your file, but we will have to work on it, hopefully we can teach you how to control it, and only happen when you want it to.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon breathes a sigh of relief, straightening atop her perch on the stool by the counter island. Stretching out her wings behind her, she smiles a little bit more; maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad situation after all. Maybe the fear and the journey of the years behind her wouldn't be for nothing. Maybe everything her family went through wouldn't be for nothing. "That'd really be great. So... I guess we both like cooking, too? If there's some potatoes, maybe I could make some oven-fried wedges to go with that chicken?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, Ah don't do it a lot, more apt to when either Ah have something on my mind, or when Ah am missing home." He will nod over towards a cupboard and says "Taters are in there, and you should find knives and peelers in the drawer beside the sink. If she does go get the taters, she will probably get an idea the school has a crap load of food.

Elixir has posed:
Josh stretches and checks the time. He finishes taping up the last box in his room, which he had barely unpacked into, and heads out into the hall. Before long Josh walks into the dining hall, to face hostile or indifferent looks from the students eating there. He pretends not to notice and walks past the tables holding what is on offer into the kitchen.

"Holy shit it smells good in here," he says as soon as the door opens. His hair is a tousled mess, his t-shirt proclaims his love of the Giants, and his jeans and sneakers... Well, they are just jeans and sneakers. He beams his usual 1000-watt smile when he sees Sam, despite the bags under his eyes. "Hey Sam, is that you cooking? Is there any extra?" he asks. He takes note of the other person present but waits on Sam's reaction, seeming a bit hesitant.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over as the door opens and says "Hey Josh, you know I always cook enough to make sure folks are fed. Josh, this is Shannon, Shannon, this is Josh. Josh is our healer, who I was saying might be able to help you our. Josh, this is your new padawan." He jokes a bit.

Nightingale has posed:
     Josh isn't the only one who's hesitant; caught in the pose of reaching for the cupboard for some potatoes, Shannon freezes in place as if she were a statue of an angel, and not a living, breathing being. Her blue paisley sun dress might as well be marble for all it moves, and her snowy feathered wings might as well be fashioned from snow and ice instead. Her azure eyes are wide and she's glancing back over her shoulder right at Josh, almost looking as if she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Hi..." Her light alto voice is soft, almost a whisper for the moment.

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks behind himself and then back to Shannon.

"... Hi?" he says awkwardly.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, I was just gonna grab some food and head back upstairs," he says, with a gesture back to the doors. Josh looks to Sam for help.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Shannon here is a new student, and we were talking about classes we have here and learning to use powers. Seems she has a healing touch but a bit different than yours. She takes the damage onto herself, Ah believe she said, and Ah told her you might be able to give her some pointers on healing and such"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just nods in confirmation, and smiles a little more. She plucks a few potatoes from the mass of tubers held in the cabinet, and holds them in the crook of her left arm. A few little bits of dirt cling to her hand, which she brushes off on her skirt, hesitating for a moment to offer her hand in greeting. For now, she opts to hold back. "Very nice to meet you. Padawan, huh? At least I'm not the only nerd here."

Elixir has posed:
"Everyone's a nerd here, it's a school for gifted people, you know?" Josh jokes and shakes Shannon's hand.

"Man, that's rough on the healing though," he says with a look between and Shannon. "I mean ouch."

Josh taps Sam in the arm with the back of his hand. "Hey, great news about Doug, right?" he says with a smile. "I mean, anything is better than nothing. Sorry I didn't get in as soon as he woke up. My cell wasn't getting messages all yesterday."

"So are you actually interested in medicine and first aid, or they just throwing that at you 'cause of your powers?" Josh asks Shannon with a grin.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Not sure what they have set up for her yet, she and Ah were talking, and Ah suggested it to her thought it might be of some help to her. The whole pushing the wound together so it is easier to heal. " He looks over to Shannon "You can tell, I am such a healer right?" He offers her a grin and looks to Josh "He does seem to be doing better, now he just has to convince himself to let himself heal."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shakes her head. "Nobody's thrown anything at me. Not yet, anyways. But if I've got these gifts, it'd be a waste to not use them, or to learn more about other ways of healing." She smiles at both gentlemen, before going to the sink to wash off the potatoes, and get a large chef's knife to cut them into wedges. "Nobody's set me up for much of anything yet. Like I told Sam, just got here last night." For the moment, she listens to them talking about their friend, her brows furrowing with concern.

Elixir has posed:
Josh nods at Sam and grins. "Thank god he's pulling through."

"Better be careful, Shannon. That's what I thought at first, and then I was like, oh this is really cool, you know? So now I'm trying to scrape the grades together for med school," Josh says with a smile and shrug. "Great place to be for whatever you wanna learn though. You in grade 12? First year? I'm really bad with guessing that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will let them talk for a moment changing out to the next batch of chicken, and then getting things to start making the biscuits. Hey I have been here 5 years and am thinking astro physics is going to maybe be my field.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Senior? You really think I'm a senior?" Shannon's cheeks turn rosy pink, and the task of chopping up the potatoes and seasoning them for baking suddenly becomes very, very interesting. If Josh thought she was that old already, then there could definitely be some very awkward moments ahead for her at the school! "I'm just a sophomore. Ummm, Sam, right? Where's a couple baking sheets I can put these on?" Cooking. Yeah.

Elixir has posed:
"Oh right, of course," the young adult replies to Shannon with a grin. He shoots Sam an amused look.

"Astrophysics? Wow. Okay, that's really cool. Nerd, but cool," Josh jokes to Sam. He looks over. "Dude that smells really good."

"So, wings, healing powers, and really lovely blush," Josh grins, leaning against the island. "You're gonna start a revival or something! Man, we gotta get you to meet Warren. You heard of Warren Worthington? Big wings, just like you. You want flying tips? He's the guy. And the girls say he's pretty hot, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit more and will hand her two baking pans and takes two for himself. "Josh here is a decent fellow, but a bit of a flirt." He will tell Shannon. "Mind you Ah am sure you will find a lot of the guys here flirting with you. Warren is a good guy to learn as his flying is with wings so he would be a god teacher.

Nightingale has posed:
     Somehow, an artist would be able to discover new shades of pink in Shannon's complexion as the hue creeps bit by bit into the rest of her face, and even to the tips of her ears. She ducks her head, wrapping her wings partially around her upper body to hide her face from view. "That's the second time I've heard that name since coming here. Miss Munroe mentioned him last night. She thought I'd want to be called angel, but my family calls me their little Nightingale." The flick and thud of her knife against the counter is all that's heard from her area for a few moments, and it seems time for a change of subject. "So ummm, I heard there's a music group on campus, too?"

Elixir has posed:
"Nightengale it is," Josh says. He keeps from laughing but not from grinning to Sam, then forces a slightly more serious face. "I dunno about that. Mason Steele is around though if you're into his music. He's always playing around in the rec room. And Dazzler is in and out. And jokes aside, I'm glad to help if I can. I won't be around all the time, but I can give you my number. I can get back to the mansion pretty easy if you ever need anything. Healing is... Weird, you know? Sometimes it's good to like, just talk about what you feel from people."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Dazzler is around, Ah run the club, and then Also colt is looking to start a band. If your looking to get in a band, Ah am sure someone would be interested. Also Dazzler does teach some music

Elixir has posed:
"Always," Josh grins. "I don't think I can stay for the potatoes though. Can I steal a couple pieces of chicken? I gotta finish packing pretty quick."

Josh digs around and quickly comes up with a plate and paper napkin, then goes to hover near Sam.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Really? It'd be great to study music, too." Shannon definitely seems to perk up at this, a definite sparkle in her eyes. With a grateful smile to Sam, she accepts the baking sheets, and also tracks down some cooking spray. She sets the oven to temperature, prepares the sheets, and starts putting the potato wedges on in a single layer, with a little salt and pepper. "These should go well with the chicken. Hope you two are hungry."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie makes sure anyone who wants food has some, and once he has biscuits made, he puts it in one of the multiple ovens. He moves to washing his hands and says "Oh trust me, as the food cooks we will see more and more students. When I bring pizzas in it is like parriana

Nightingale has posed:
     "Pizza? Fried chicken? Forget flying, I'll roll out of here!" Shannon giggles, finally with a wide smile that lights up her whole countenance. Okay, maybe this Sam wasn't such a bad one after all. Shame about Josh leaving, though. She glances over his way, her smile turning a bit shy. "Maybe that'd be a good idea to get your number, if that's okay. Who's going to be healing here, if you're leaving? If it's not too nosy... why -are- you going, anyways?"

Elixir has posed:
"Huh? Oh I will. I'll be, uh, nearby, if anything happens," he says with a quick look to Sam. "Just out of sight."

"Besides, either Wanda or someone here can teleport me over if it's an emergency," Josh explains. "I lived off campus except the past couple weeks, then moved here cause it wasn't super safe in my apartment anymore. But now it's not really safe for the school for people to know I'm here either. So I'm moving in with Wanda in the Avengers Mansion. Nobody's stupid enough to try something there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We have enough connections with people to get people here pretty quickly, but I am pretty sure you will be tired of him just like the rest of us quickly." He jokes a bit and says "Plus I am sure Pietro will offer to get ya here fast Josh.

Nightingale has posed:
     "How could I be tired of someone I just met?" She pops the potatoes into the oven to roast, taking note of the time. Hopefully Josh would be able to sample a few before he had to go! Slender fingers come up to tuck a stray wisp of pale gold away behind her ear, where it's escaped the tail-knot that holds the rest of her hair securely at the back of her head. "So what kinds of things do you two like to do, when you're not healing and cooking and things like that?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh plates up some chicken.

"I like making me people tired of me," Josh grins broadly. "Gotta run, thanks for chicken. Great to meet you Shannon. And Sam? If you see Doug before I do, tell him I say hi."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "well, I am a bit of a sci-fi buff, Doug and I both are, and then I run club Evolution in Bushwick. Having to deal with a few things there lately.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Guess there's a lot to catch up on. Oooo... a sci-fi buff? What's your favorite? And who's Doug?" She does frown slightly, thinking back a few minutes, glancing down at her hands and flexing her fingers. "How badly was he hurt? Think you or Josh mentioned something about that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Pretty badly, but right now, he is in a bit of an odd status. Healing him won't really work. It is sorta like he has a super immune system that has ideas of it's own on how to keep him safe, and he has to convince it of other ways. Doud is one of my best friends." He will pull out his wallet, and a picture of the first gen of new mutants. Doug's the other blond guy." He says. The pic is when Sam was 16"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon gingerly touches the picture, tracing the faces imprinted there from just a few years past. She smiles, considering them for a moment. So much life, so much promise, such hope for times to come. How could either of them have known what the future would hold? "You both have really nice smiles." She looks up, glancing over at the oven, and the clock, seeming satisfied for the moment with what she sees. "Well... if healing him won't work, maybe just a little good food and some company? It kind of sucks, feeling alone."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Will see if I can get a chance and permission to take you to introduce you to him. Your liable to see Rahne, Illyana and Berto around here as well. Illyana lives at the school and the others visit alot." He points out which is which."

Nightingale has posed:
     With a nod and a smile, Shannon seems to accept this. The smell of baked potatoes is by now wafting through the kitchen, joining the savory, rich aroma of fried chicken. She reaches for the nearest oven mitt and goes to pull the potato wedges out, setting them aside. "That'd be great. I heard last night that it's a pretty tight-knit bunch here. Now I can believe it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We are pretty much a big family here. At times we may fight and argue, but that happens alot in big families, trust me, Ah aint sure if my brother is talking to me this week or not." He jokes

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs, and smiles again, decidedly more at ease now. Perhaps this was someone she could come to regard as family. "I wouldn't know about big families. It was just my folks and me. Closest I had to a sister was a friend I met at summer camp." She sighs softly, her smile fading somewhat. "At least until a couple summers ago. Guess you find out who your true friends and family are the hard way sometimes. But enough about that... do you have a big family? I mean, besides everyone here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "You could say that." He will show her another picture of him, his mom and his nine brothers and sisters. I don't think I knew what quiet was till I came up here for school." He tells her. He makes sure none of the food he was cooking burns

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles as she looks at the picture, gingerly touching each face in turn. "You all look really happy in this. I bet your family loves you a lot, like mine loves me. Guess we're both pretty lucky." A wistful expression comes over her, and she sighs a little. "I love mine a lot. But sometimes, I wonder what it'd be like to have a brother or sister that won't let you down when... well, when things happen."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, AH am sure you will learn that here. you will also learn to want to pull your brothers and sisters around by the hair of the head. Will give you a bit of a heads up, we do have another newish student. She has powers based on sound, and causes her to broadcast her inner monologue to the outside world"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tries not to smile too much on hearing that--and fails. Miserably. Nor can she stifle a giggle, her wings ruffling behind her. "Well, I guess you'll never wonder where you stand with her." She does sober up for a minute, though, despite the bit of a twinkle that remains in her eyes. "Guess that's got to be as hard for her as me not being too well able to control healing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "She is learning to control it but it is taking a bit of time for her. So, try to be understanding if she says something that embarrasses her, that she can't really control. We do try to help people through the different hurdles they maybe encountering as they learn their powers.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, getting a plate and filling it up with the potato wedges to serve out family-style. "I heard nothing, I know nothing." The smell of the fried chicken has been too tempting for too long; how she's resisted it for this long is anybody's guess, but no longer. Is it a vulture or a winged girl that swoops in to snag a bit of the fried goodness? Given how fast it disappears, one is left to wonder! "Oh god... this is heavenly!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "The smaller pile there is spicy. Megan was talking about it so I made a bit with a bit of kick for those who wanted to try it.

Nightingale has posed:
     Uh-oh. Going by the look on her face, Shannon seems to have gotten a piece of chicken from the spicy pile! She starts looking very desperate, waving her hands in front of her mouth, and diving for the sink.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and will move to pour her a glass of milk offering it to her "That might help some." It aint as bad as it could be luckily.'

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sends the glass of milk on its way, winding up with a comical little white moustache on her upper lip when all is said and done. One can almost picture smoke coming from her mouth as she sighs in relief, grinning sheepishly. "Thanks. That was still pretty good but wow. My dad would love that, though."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "well maybe if he gets a chance to come visit or on your next visit home, we can make some so he can try it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles somewhat. "He'd probably come here if anything. Going home... isn't too safe. But maybe if he comes here, I can make the potato wedges, and you can make the chicken?" Her mood brightens considerably at the prospect, leaving little doubt about the love in her family. "Where's home for you, anyways?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Mountains of Kentucky, but this place, well it is a second home to me. It is something very special, but Ah do go home on occasion, see the little ones, and help ma when she will let me."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles as she listens. "I bet it's really nice there. Can't help but think of 'Run For The Roses' when I hear about Kentucky." She hums a few bars of the song, her voice surprisingly even and strong, for all its low volume in the moment. "Southeastern Connecticut here, not really far from Long Island Sound."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "I like some country but am a bit of a rock fan , as well as others. Lila Cheney is my favorite but am a bit biased there.

Nightingale has posed:
     To see the look on Shannon's face as she glances over at Sam, one would think he sprouted another head on his shoulders! "Who's Lila Cheney?" Oh, my. It seemed there was a lot to learn besides academics and the finer points of one's gifts!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and feels old. that when ya hear the kids have not heard of your favorite band old. He will pull out his phone, and show her a pic, and a play list of songs. One is titles Sam.

Nightingale has posed:
     If Sam felt very old, Shannon suddenly felt like a little kid in front of her elder asking why the sky is blue--and getting that same dumbfounded look. She glances down at the phone and scrolls through the play list. Not one single title seems to spark any hint of recognition in her expression. Not a one. She shakes her head, and shrugs, but smiles. "Don't know any of these. But maybe I'll have to listen sometime."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "She and Dazzler played together some, and she is better know a bit farther out I think." He does not say out how far.

Nightingale has posed:
     "May I?" If allowed, Shannon does pick the eponymous song for Sam, tilting her head as she listens to it play. Her smile widens as the melody and the lyrics begin to make a whole lot of sense. Innocent in many ways she might be, but even she is not completely blind to the magic of music from and for the heart! "That's so sweet!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "It used to really frustrate one of my friends but I think even most of them lik eit. I am hoping to get her to play the club again soon too."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and nods, listening as the last notes of the song fade away. "I'm really glad you're happy. Wish everyone could be lucky like that." She sighs wistfully, wrapping her arms and wings around herself for a moment. Would she ever find someone like that? Still, to be safe and among friends who might become like family, was a blessing in of itself.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Oh she and Ah aren't together, we are just friends. But we are still friends, and that's the important part. Right now, Ah aint really seriously about anyone right now. Going out a bit with one person but still seeing how that goes."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Still, you've got a friend you're happy with. That counts for a lot. Everyone should be that lucky at least once in their lives." She smiles once again, unfurling her wings and relaxing her stance. "And at least you've gone out with someone. So again, you're really pretty lucky."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ok, a little secret? I was 16 year old before I had my first kiss." He will tel her is he blushing a little, perhaps

Nightingale has posed:
     "Seriously?" Now it's Shannon's turn to blush, as much for his sake as her own, but she laughs softly. "Now I don't feel so bad about 'sweet sixteen and never been kissed'!" Oh yes, there goes that blush, getting very bright very quickly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "There are a few of us around here who are a bit late bloomers in that side of things, and there is no reason to be ashamed it is better to find someone special and it be special

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods firmly, in full agreement. "Yeah, you're right there. If they can't accept the whole package, it's not worth it. There's so much out there, though. More to learn than I thought and probably more than I know right now. Who knows what's ahead?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Oh I am sure you will see many many different things than you would expect, I am pretty sure it wil be a wild, but fun ride.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon bursts out laughing at that, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "You don't have to tell me that. First night here, and I was tired, hungry, scared out of my mind. Wish I would have gotten to talk to mister McCoy a little, but my folks were handling things there. Then enter in someone who's pretty much a force of nature. Big heart, really nice, but doesn't let you get away with anything. That's miss Munroe so far in a nutshell. And you know," she paused for a moment, smiling. "It was almost like an older sister, just talking away over a cup of something she called... rooibos."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie ahs and nods "Have had that on a cold stormy night or two. So, how about telling me what types of things your interested in?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nibbles on one of the potato wedges hopefully before it gets too cold to enjoy, fidgeting a little bit. "Cooking, some. I'm not really good at it, but there's a few things I'm okay at making. Wish I could make that fried chicken of yours, it's really good stuff. Music, too... I love playing the piano and flute, singing alto, and writing music on the computer. Sewing, well... I kind of had to learn that some. It's that or I'll have a real problem finding clothes to fit with these." She waves her hand with the half-eaten snack in it, towards her wings, stretching them both out--and hopefully not knocking anything over in the process. "Mythology's good reading, too, so's Shakespeare." Her impish little smile returns, and so does her laugh. "All the classics, though, and you know what goofy stuff I still come back to? Dr. Seuss."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well, I am a big Sci Fi fan, Doug reads about anything you put in front of him. The two are sitting at the bar talking, there is fried chicken, biscuits, tater wedges and drink set out. The chicken is divided into two piles one a good bit larger than the other. Well might be able to find folks for ya to talk about all that stuff to."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon searches among the drinks set out, and finds some... root beer! Nectar of the gods! The sight of the stuff brings an almost childish glee to her face, and she reaches for a can. She still hasn't gotten rid of the milk moustache on her upper lip, though! "It still almost seems too good to be true, being with so many others well... like us. Different becomes normal, and normal becomes fascinating. It's weird, but in a good way, you know?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "It does help, when your a teenager, you feel different and out there even before your mutation, and then there is that added to it. It can be a lot for folks. Here we try to make sure you realize your not alone that there are folks here who even though maybe from different places, different powers, and be a lot different, but in some ways are still the same, and have had a lot of the same journeys to go.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, listening. There's a crack and a hiss as she opens the can of root beer, and enjoys a little bit of it. "You're right there, too. Some have their families when they mutate, some don't. I got lucky, mine stuck with me."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is here at the school because... uh... because. Hey Peter, why are you here at the school, buddy? Oh, right yeah, because he has to start getting his lesson plans ready for the coming school year.

"Dang right."

Don't talk to yourself.

"Dang, why?"

It looks weird.

He's strolling through with a backwards METS cap, cargo shorts, flipflops, and a vintage Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith shirt (can you believe we're saying that? That that movie is vintage? What a crime) His phone is in his hands, buds in his ear, and path clearly laid out for the coffee machine. Whatever he's listening to has his head bobbing and whatever he's screwing around with on the phone has him smirking.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and says "Have seen both and honestly it is probably why Ah try to make sure everyone here feels like a family. " He looks over and says "Thats Professor Parker, he is a science and photography teacher He is a pretty good fellow, and a fellow nerd.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Was Ellie stalking Peter.


She ducks into the kitchen after the sort of teacher and pauses and sniffs. "Chicken?" sniff "Fried chicken and biscuits and ... Kentucky why didn't you message me!"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon pauses with the can of soda halfway to her lips, her smile fading, tensing somewhat. Her wings flutter behind her, as if she were a bird preparing to take flight. She nods in a gesture of respect to Peter, but keeps silent for the moment, taking the time to size things up. It's no different when Ellie slips into the kitchen, the tow-headed teen eyeing her warily as well. This was getting more crowded than she thought, a lot more quickly than she thought!

Spider-Man has posed:
"Holy crap what is that?" Peter sniffs at the air, glancing around as if he was wholly unaware that there were other people here because he's way too ingrossed on his phone, not to mention none of them are actively trying to kill him, and there fore did not tingle in the spider-force. "That's like heaven.."

The nerdy teacher finishes whatever he was typing out and slips his phone away, buds pulled to hang backwards on his shoulders. "Is this communal? Are we working under communal rules?"

Seriously, he'll hip check Ellie if she gets in his way.

Peter takes his food seriously.

"What gives on the no messages?!"

Shannon. Pete doesn't know all the students.. he'll feel bad about for sure.. because he should, so he doesn't know that she's new. "Sup." Up nodding. "This communal?" Pointing at the food.

One track mind.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yes it is made for all, the smaller pile has a bit more spice on it, so be careful with it Megan wanted some with a kick." He will tell him. He then looks to Shannon and says "This is Ellie, she only bites when we forget to call her about the chicken." He jokes a bit and says "Was a bit of a spur of the moment thing, wanted a taste of home. This is Shannon our newest student here. " He looks over and grins at Ellie "Still in her grace period, so no tormenting yet."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie starts to move towards the chicken as if daring the fates and Peter to press his luck with a hip check. I mean there is a mild chance his Spider Sense might go off before he tries to do anything like that though. She is prickly and explosive.

"Don't call me Ellie, I go by Negasonic Teenage Warhead or maybe Negasonic around here. I'm in charge of public relations and social media." no. No she certainly isn't here. This isn't the Titans. Also yeah she can't help but give Samuel some shit. "Also how much of her grace period is up before I can chew on her?" is she kidding. Maybe she is kidding.

"Angel wings. Angel wings... hmm need a handle for the intranet."

Nightingale has posed:
     Uh-oh. This could get really ugly, really fast! Shannon inches back a step or two, a little taken aback. If she thought she'd met a force of nature on arrival, she was ill-prepared for the two facing her now! "There's a grace period?" Crap. It looked as if she was in for a crash course on who was who and what was what here at the school! "I guess you could go with Nightingale if you wanted. My family called me that sometimes, and it's kind of sticking here, too." Her smile's a bit shy, and she turns her attention to Peter. "I think it is. Watch the spicy chicken, it's pretty strong."

Spider-Man has posed:
The tingling does alert the otherwise unassuming Professor to the ill practice of tossling a Negasonic Teenaged Warhead, but he lives dangerously and hip checks her anyways. "If you're going to think about intranet names while the foods out, I'm going to need you to do it a few inches to the left.. I'm starving.."

Plate and breast and biscuits annnnd.. Peter is walking away eating already. "There's always a grace period." Said between bites of chicken, which are accompanied by appreciative murmurs of exactly how good it is should anyone be so inclined to wonder what his personal opinion is.

"So..." Waving a biscuit in his hand at Shannon, "You're new? Oh well welcome! I'm Peter Parker." because he was rude and listening to music when he was introduced, "I teach biology."

Then he waves it at Negasonic, "That's really the name you're going with? Like you're all in on it?" Tongue dancing back against his molars, head canting to the side in a wiggling nod, "A plus marks for originality I guess."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Negasonic is a bit of a fire cracker, she will give ya hell, but most of the time it is in good nature and fun, unless you get in her way for food or such. She also does the publicity for the club.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic looks after Peter. There is a lot more tingly after the hip check and then the sass. Which is moments before she makes a flicking motion at his plate and a small kinetic charge explodes that way. It is more of a black cat level of explosion though, absolutely nothing dangerous, though she is hoping he wears a biscuit as a result of being startled.

"I like my name." and she turns to start dishing up her food. "Nightingale isn't going to work. It has to be snazzy, maybe snarky, or a tiny bit mean like Trashpuppy." she notes good naturedly.

Nightingale has posed:
     "What the...?!" Shannon jumps back as the charge is thrown, definitely startled. Her azure eyes go as wide as dinner plates--but then, the laughter bubbles up from somewhere within, as she also witnesses the comical aftereffects of Negasonic's little jab at Peter. Maybe this one wouldn't be so bad as she seemed! "Hey... you like Negasonic, I like Nightingale. And you've got wicked aim with those explosions."

Spider-Man has posed:
Unfortunately for Negasonic, Peter is neither surprised, thanks to his spider senses tingling like a mad cow when she snaps, nor wearing a biscuit. It does spring off his plate, certainly, but he is a quick bugger if ever there were quick buggers to be. In what might look like a movie level mad dash, he sits down his plate and hacky sack kicks the tumbling biscuit right back into his hand.

Smooth as fresh milk.

"How about Fizzledud? Oh... Lil'gothy spark? Those are less of a mouthful." He takes a bite from the biscuit and snatches up his plate with a twist of his other hand. "Oh, I know, Sparkler." Wiggling his fingers against his bisuit at her.

"So adorable."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at them and says "Now listen here you two, no fighting at he table. Food is here and no wasting the food. You want to blow each other up you go outside. Yes Sam seems ot be telling the teacher what to do. He is in his big brother voice. "I don't want the food ruined."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Okay. That spider sense spikes like CRAZY For a moment there and Ellie looks really dark at Peter.

It ramps back down when Kentucky says no fighting in the kitchen.

"Not worth it." she notes and then goes to the fridge to get an energy drink and tucks it into a pocket before heading to the kitchen nook.

To Shannon "Thanks. That was the smallest I can do" she notes to the new kid.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is agog at the display of cat-like reflexes by Peter, whistling low. "Holy crow. How the heck do you move that fast?!" She shakes her head, bemused. If this was just the beginning, what else could possibly be in store here? It was sure to be an interesting journey!

No fighting? That was fine by her. She had no wish to show the reason behind her name, hopefully not for a long time to come. It was just too dicey. She keeps an eye on both Peter and Negasonic, deciding to stick a little closer to Sam for the time being.

"So, Negasonic... how did you come by your name? And if that was the smallest you can do, remind me not to get you mad."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is in a strange mood, but he's not fighty, and he knows when things will escalate. Call it spidertuition. His brow perks at Negasonic and nods along with, "Nope, not worth it at all. Still a teacher, even if I'm a little loose with it." It isn't a warning, so much as a reminder. He did press it, so he's not elevating himself above reproach in the situation.

The plate motions out towards Sam, "Smart man, sorry about that. Love your sense of priority though..." Half a biscuit wiggle points down at the chicken, "This is incredible. You're invited to all my party functions if you're bringing chicken."

And then Shannon, mouth wide for a second, eyes going from his feet, up to the newest student. "I work out." Around another bite.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit at Peter, but does not voice any thoughts on his working out. He will look over to Negasonic and says "Normal grace is a week, that gives them a chance to find their feet, and see it aint personal." He will chuckle, and says "Ma taught me a few things. As the oldest when mom needed help Ah was the one who had to do the more dangerous things.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic is ignoring Peter really right now. She is focused on the chicken and food. Also Samuel and Shannon. Not paying attention to snarky teacher. Nope.

She leans towards Shannon. "It is only personal with Kentucky here." she leans back and takes a bite of her biscuit. "I came up with it when I got to this school at the wise age of 13 newly orphaned."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon seems to consider Negasonic for a moment. Beneath all that bravado seemed to be something else entirely, yet she wouldn't insult her new friend by calling it out here and now. Instead, she simply nods. "We've all got our story, I guess."

Sam gets a decidedly bigger smile, the be-winged young woman a bit more at ease around him for the moment. "Maybe sometime, would you be willing to show me how to make this chicken without burning the place down? It'd be something fun. And with any luck maybe the mistakes would still be edible."

She's still not quite sure what to make of Peter, but nods his way, and smiles some. "So you said you teach photography, too? That's something I wouldn't mind trying. Though I'm probably not any good at it."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Like feeding all the Guthrie Clan?" Peter hops up on the edge of a counter with his plate sitting beside him while he eats. Coffee has long been forgotten, "I can see how that might be an act of war." Grinning as he polishes off his bisuit and starts in on the chicken with a ruthless abandonment.

That's right. Peter has used his real super power of wit for the greater good! A silent Negasonic?! "Hey pouty." He leans over towards the bisuits and grabs another up to side toss it in her direction. "Your name is cool as hell, okay? I'm sorry I got a little jealous..." Hand on his stomach, "I get bear pokey when I'm hungry."

The last bit of chicken is shoved into his mouth as he slips down off the counter to dump bones in the receptical and clean his plate in the sink. "Freelance yeah, it's not covered in the coriculum yet. I'm going to propose it as an elective during the summer though... Probably end up in my biology course.. but if not.. what's your problem with science?" He says it jokingly, yanking up another biscuit for the road which he pops in his mouth while reseting the buds in his ear.

Whatever he's listening to has him dancing. First doing the running man towards the door and then spinning into a beautiful moonwalk out into the hallway. Once he's disappeared around a corner. "OWWWW..." Mimicing Michael Jackson.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Peter heading away and looks to the two ladies "Ah aint quite that goofy am Ah?" He will ask them. He looks over to Shannon and says "Ah will at least teach you how to make something close, so you can get your own version of it." He looks over to Negasonic, and says "Club's going to up security, and keep it open, but Ah want to make sure folks are safe there even with keeping it open.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"You should really be careful of your hand Parker. Bears bite hands off." yeah she knows who he is, she has been going here for four years now.

Once Parker is gone she looks after him. "He is very odd." then she looks back to Sam and Shannon. "That seems like a good plan Kentucky. I support this." she considers "Oh hey, I joined the Titans and am doing social media for them too."

Nightingale has posed:
     And just like that, as quickly as he arrived, Peter was gone again. Shannon is left rather bemused, shaking her head and laughing. "Wow. Why do I have a feeling his classes are never dull? This should be pretty interesting."

     The prospect of learning to make something even close to that properly perfect poultry was just too good to -not- smile at. "Sounds good. Whenever you want to do that's fine."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well to be honest most no class around here is never to boring." He will tell her. He smiles and says "I may make some naner pudding for tomorrow." He tells them both. He looks over to Nega and asks "Titans? That is interesting how long you been working with them?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Nega shrugs a little bit. "A couple of months.. since before the Sentinel blasted me into that building and broke my arm." she snags her plate and slips back to her feet, bussing her dishes. "Nice to meet you Birdgirl." and out she heads.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hey... that's Nightingale!" Shannon actually grumbles a little bit, ruffling her feathers and spreading her wings out. Still, Negasonic -had- tried to be nice, so she takes a few deep breaths and nods. "You too... see you around!" She herself stays long enough to clean up her dishes, and her portion of the cooking, smiling at Sam. "I probably should see if I can manage to find my way back to my room again. Really was great to meet you. Maybe I'll see you around?" With that, she sneaks a piece of chicken off of the non-spicy plate to take with her for a bedtime snack, munching on it on her way out the door, and probably to bed.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie waves and says "Have a good one and make sure ya take a left at the second floor or you will end up in the boys dorms." He jokes a bit with her. He looks at Negasonic and says "Good to hear your helping other folks."