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Latest revision as of 02:01, 7 October 2017

All the King's Horses
Date of Scene: 05 October 2017
Location: Legion Cruiser: Medical
Synopsis: Brainy's back, but not really all in one piece yet. Reassembly is a family affair.
Cast of Characters: Invisible Kid, Indigo, Brainiac 5, Mon-El, Viridian, Gothic Lolita
Tinyplot: Mirror, Mirror

Invisible Kid has posed:
        What Invisible Kid needs these days, is to be twins.  Possibly triplets.  He should talk to Lu about that.  As if the universe needs more than one Lyle… okay, probably it doesn't.
        Querl is stabilized, but that's just not good enough.  He needs his implants.  And while Lyle's a biochemist, he's not an MD, and certainly not a surgeon, otherwise he'd be attempting the re-integration himself.
        Maybe more worryingly, he's spoken little and slept less since returning from the other universe, even though the rescue, for all intents and purposes, was successful.  One wouldn't say he seems either content or satisfied to do so, but all he's done since returning is sit vigil in medical, occasionally breaking the monotony by making notes on his omnicom.  Once in a while he falls asleep sitting there, but never for very long, nor very well.

Indigo has posed:
        "I to you give greetings, ship of the Legion Cruiser," a voice carrying the telltale electronic distortion of a universal translator blares over the ship's speakers.  "We am being of a ship which makes cargo, the Espera.  Two there are who abide aboard but to disembark wish, namely Indigo and Viridian.  They are to coming over, yes?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        The young man working in the lab—the one with the… ah, minty-green skin and the shaggy fringe of blond hair and the vaguely chimpmunky face has been working steadily.  "The problem is," He explains to Lyle, "Coluan neurology is incredibly complex.  And that's only for eighth-level intellects!  I'd have to be a Doctor Gym'll or a trained Coluan neurosurgeon before I felt confident reinstalling those implants.  I've stabilized him, yes, but—without the neural inhibitor in his cybernetics, his brain activity is off the charts.  He's technically conscious, but for some reason he's trapped in his own head."

Mon-El has posed:
        Mon-El remains in the background, trying not to get too involved with Lyle and Brainiac.  Although he was a scientist and pretty smart, it was just better if he let these to go at it.  Noting the sound on the comms though, at least that is something he could deal with.
        "Shall we let those two aboard Lyle?  Brainy?" Mon-El says, referring to Indigo and Viridian.  "I assume you have dealt with them before and they are clear to approach and dock?"  Mon-El hovers his finger over the acknowledge button, ready to allow them aboard.

Viridian has posed:
        Viridian is listening to the translator, squinting slightly while the voice is being sent over to the Legion cruiser.  Her hair is a vibrant green of anticipation and curiosity, eyes currently coloured a matching amethyst.  She shakes her head slowly, glancing over att Indigo and shifting her weight from left to right, slowly.  "Max wants to come along.  Do you think they'll mind?" she asks the gynoid while they wait, speaking in a quiet, almost neutral tone.  Her mind reaches out toward the ship, idly examining its systems and any signals being transmitted.  It's just an extension of her thoughts.  No system intrusion… yet, at least.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "I know, I know," Lyle says grumpily to Brainiac 7.  "I just wish there was something I could do."
        At Indigo's hail, Lyle sits bolt-upright.  "YES!!  Er, I mean, yes," he repeats more calmly.  "I've been waiting for her arrival.  Her input on our current situation may be vital.  Did I send you a memo on my communication with her?  I meant to.  I might not have.  I… haven't been myself lately."  Understatement.
        Without waiting for approval, Lyle keys comms through his omnicom.  "Indigo, it's good to hear from you again.  I'm patching through a frequency to follow to the docking bay.  I'm looking forward to meeting you face to face."
        Only after speaking does he look up at Mon-El.  "Er.  Uh.  Sorry.  I, uh, didn't mean to usurp your authority.  I'm…" He glances over to where Querl still lies inert.  "…not thinking terribly clearly, lately."  He has the decency to actually look chagrined.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainiac 7 gets a distinctly uncomfortable look on his face.  "Indigo… huh."  He sets down a scanner he was running over Querl's body, in the lab, and puts his hands behind his hips.  "Well, dad," He says to Brainy, "Moment of truth.  Okay.  I can do this…"
        Then he puts his hand over his mouth.  "Grife, I think I'm gonna puke—" He goes running into another room.

Indigo has posed:
        The captain of the Espera is a round ball of fungus with a smaller, equally round ball atop his head, from which long, flat, steer-like horns jut.  It's a bit of a miracle the translator works with his language at all, given its reliance on contextual clues related to spore production.  Indigo is in the cargo bay hatch waiting for him to let her out into space along with her companion, Viridian, around whose shoulders Indigo's arm is thrown in a reflexive, thoughtless hug.  She smiles at Viri and agrees, "I'm sure they won't, and even if they do, we're not leaving him behind.  He's our little buddy."
        Permission to disembark comes, and Indigo tightens her grip on Viridian to help steady her as the hatch blows and the void takes them out into space.  Indigo's thruster fins are already engaged, and soothing gravitic pulses correct her flight almost immediately, and with Indigo and Max helping to stabilize the flightless Viridian, they soar the scant few miles through the void to the Legion Cruiser's own airlock and wait to be let in.

Mon-El has posed:
        "Fair enough.  No worries."  Tapping the comms, Mon-El speaks firmly into the channel.  "Permission granted.  Welcome aboard."  He looks back at Lyle.  "No worries.  We both gave permission."  Mon-El chuckles.  "I'll just remain back here and watch…and keep an eye on things."  If you need me, I'll be here."
        Mon-El crosses his arms across his chest, and regards everything with an appraising air.  "Try not to break anything you two?"  Mon-El nods at Brainy and Lyle.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Following a moment later after she's made sure Indigo and Viridian and Max have made it over successfully, a white and orange clad gynoid pauses in the airlock, calculating trajectories.  She lacks Indigo's thrusters…she really needs to see about getting a portable thruster pack or something.  She keeps jumping out of perfectly good ships.
        When she's sure they've arrived, she makes a few minor adjustments to her foot placement, then kicks off, flying after the pair as she slowly rotates, halfway midway across, then leading with her feet as she 'falls' towards the Legion cruiser, her hands sliding down to hold her skirt in place as she does.  There's a soft clunk as she hits the hull, engaging her van der Waals generators to 'stick', then walks over to join the other two in the airlock to wait with them.

Viridian has posed:
        "The bubble shimmers into being around Viridian, insulating her fragile human lungs from the harshness of space.  She floats outside the airlock, wiggling her fingers at the airlock as it begins the process of opening to the world outside.She blinks a few time,s one arm still looped over the pink dolphin flanking her to the left.  Silence follows.  Mentally, Viridian asks, «Indy, how well do you know these people?» It doesn't dampen her smile, however.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle grins at Mon-El.  "Thanks, old friend," he says, and watches blinkingly as L.D.  runs from the room, probably looking even greener than usual.  "Wow, and I thought I was feeling stressed."
        Having been the one to make contact in the first place, Lyle will go to greet the party at the airlock, leading them back to medical.
        He is uncharacteristically (those who know him well would say impossibly) quiet, beyond the necessary greetings.  And he looks ragged.  Almost—but not quite—tattered.  There's a lot, maybe for once too much, on his mind.

Mon-El has posed:
        Noding, Mon-El says, "No problem Lyle."  Mon-El regards the situation, and his warm smile for his friend changes.
        Mon-El's frowns were almost as legendary as a few other angst-ridden characters from the Universe at large.  In this case it was directed at everything going on around B5, and at the new arrivals, all of which he knows only through the reports he has received from his team.  Including the sketchy reports from Invisible Kid.
        "We can trust them right?" Mon-El says through clenched teeth.  His eyes look over each one, and then find Lyle's.  "I hope they can help."
        "Welcome to the Legion Cruiser!  I'm Mon-El.  I don't believe we have met.  Thank you for your help!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        L.D.  is off in the other room, suffering from a sudden outbreak of nerves.

        Brainy is lying on a bed in the medbay, his head wrapped in green bandages.  His eyes are wide, pupils alternately fully dilated or little pinpricks as he stares off at… nothing in particular.  His body has been treated for instances of physical trauma, as well, with bandages around his ribs and his arms and thighs.  Wraith apparently decided cracking his ribs one by one would be amusing, at least till he got bored.

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo smiles at Viridian, distracted but genuine.  «Not well,» she says cheerfully, her own problems finally submerged under the chance to help others; to get out of her own head.  «Brainy I know pretty well.  Better than he thinks, but never mind that.  The others I've never met.  I've spoken to Lyle before and he's sweet.  Out of his mind with love of Brainy, though.  No idea who that was who gave us clearance to enter the ship, but since they call themselves the Legion of Superheroes, I'll assume he's a good guy.»
        Indigo makes the introductions: "Lyle, I'm happy to meet you in person."  This is punctuated with a hug.  Her indigo skin feels almost organic but for its strange smoothness; a product of the deflective coating on it.  "This is my wife Viridian, and our friend Gothic Lolita.  Please, after you, and feel free to fill us in as we walk.  We're all quick thinkers."
        Exposition is given, to which Indigo nods along solemnly.  Entering the medbay draws a hiss and a wince from Indigo.  Poor Brainy.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        At the greeting once they're inside the airlock, Gothic Lolita gracefully curtseys to the welcoming party.  "Thank you for having us," she says politely, then following after the group as they head to the medbay, where she positions herself a bit off to the side, her hands clasped in front of her.  She doesn't have Indigo or Viridian's expertise with helping Brainiac's situation.  She figures she can hand the other two tools if needed or something.  After all…they owe him a lot for making Indigo's new body and preparing it so they could save their friend.  It's only right to return the favor.

Viridian has posed:
        "…Oh, wow."  Viridian steps through into the ship, still resting a hand on the full-sized flying pink dolphin.  He chitters cheerfully as they enter the ship, floating along as if space were truly an ocean.
        Lolita and Indigo are both flashed smiles bu eventually those eyes (now azure) come to rest on Mon-El.  "Thank you for having us," Viridian replies cheerfully, nodding her head furiusly as she does.  "I hope we can help."

Mon-El has posed:
        Mon-El's face belies his concern as he regards B5 solemnly.  The new arrivals he doesn't know, but if they can help, and Lyle vouches for them, then he is fine with it.  Using his superior vision, he tries to find out what is wrong, but this is even above his abilities.
        All of this, it makes him a little bit anxious and uncomfortable - to have all this power, and yet be helpless.
        "Will all this work, Lyle?"  Looking at everyone present Mon-El shakes his head.  "It seems to be a bit crowded in here… I can wait in the other room?  I am a call away if you need me."  Mon-El's frown deepens.
        Bowing respectfully towards Viridian, Mon-El's frown changes to a smile, and he says, "Welcome.  Thank you.  Any help you can provide is very much appreciated."
        Taking a few moments, Mon-El says, "I'll be over here, out of the way."  Moving, Mon-El watches and waits.

Indigo has posed:
        "So it sounds like Brainy is caught in some kind of Coluan autism?" Indigo asks briskly, professionally, as she strides across the medbay toward his bed.  "He's receiving input, but no output is forthcoming because he's too busy processing and extrapolating?"  There's a pause in which Indigo almost says 'I can relate,' but it's not the time to talk about herself and her problems.  "Alright, he needs his implants back, and you're afraid to install them yourselves.  I can help.  I'm not an expert in Coluan neurology, but I did become a doctor yesterday, and I'm good at extrapoloation."  She's underselling it a bit.  "Do you have implants ready?  If so, I think we can install them.  Viridian will monitor them with her powers."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "We have to," Lyle asides to his leader.  "At the very least, I assisted in the construction of Indigo's frame.  I think between the two of us our mad science instincts cancel out and we do good work."  He gives Mon-El what was supposed to be a reassuring smile.
        Well, sort of.
        He's a little startled by the hug from Indigo, but recovers quickly.  "Just so you know, Brainiac 7 is here.  He, uh, stepped out for a minute.  I think he'll be returning shortly."  He sighs heavily.  "I really hope you can help.  This is well beyond me, and I hate admitting when something is well beyond me.  I had hoped the interfaces had an automatic circuit to re-connect with Querl, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  And he definitely needs them back if we're going to get him out of whatever mental escape he's put himself into."
        He frowns.  It's not a Mon-El scale frown, but it does the job.  "And of course there's Stargrave to deal with.  We, ah, have quite a bit on our collective plate."
        He turns a rueful grin to Mon-El.  "I suppose we always do, don't we?  I don't want to say we have everything under control, because I'm not sure we do yet…"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Gothic Lolita tilts her head, then says slowly.  "And how exactly was this prodigious damage caused?"  She looks to Lyle curiously.  "This Stargrave is a threat?"  Because she has fairly direct ways of dealing with threats.  She's sort of catching up, having not gotten the full story exactly on the way here.  "If we can assist you with locating your control again, I'm sure we'd be happy to help, aside from assisting Brainiac 5."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        There is a cough, from a doorway.  Brainiac 7 is a young man… and extrapolation indicates he is definately some sort of genetic combination of Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid.  It's the cheeks, and the way his blond hair lays, and something in the shape of his eyes, that give away the human half of his heritage.
        "Ah.  Hello.  I'm Brainiac 7," he says.  He approaches Querl, and says, "With a little guidance, I should be able to assist in the neurosurgery necessary to reinstall Brainiac 5's implants—the neural inhibitor slows down his thinking to a level that allows him to actually function."
        He coughs, and looks up at Indigo.  "…Unbelievable.  I never thought I'd see you… functional."  Then he sighs.  "Indigo… I—well I guess you could call me your father.  I designed you.  At least in my possible future, I designed you, time fractal variations being what they are."  He clears his throat.  "You were a conceptual design, and I planned to work my way up to building you.  Brainiac 6… stole my work.  I tried to stop her—it was never supposed to be… how it happened."
        Then he says, "…But it's just so amazing to see you… alive."

Viridian has posed:
        "Monitor… Right.  I can handle that," Viridian agrees mildly.  "And let you know if they are incorrectly installed or anything like that."  There's a pause while the girl considers this for a few long moments.  "If we install them properly Ican probably track brain activity as well.  And Indigo will have access in real-time, so…" she pauses here before nodding slowly.  " ithink we have a handle on this.  We should… Probably move forward," Vir continues.  She turns then and studies Brainiac 7 as he begisn to speak.  No words, just amethyst eyes staring at the newcomer.  Her hair shifts from blue to black.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle looks up at Lolita.  "The implants were torn out," he says, throat suddenly dry, "by an other-universe version of me."  The last word is no more than a shaping of the lips.  He can't say it aloud.  "And Stargrave is not just a threat, he's a major threat.  I expect he's planning to take advantage of the recent mess with Darkseid down planetside.  We've been scanning, but nothing yet."  He glances over to Brainiac 7.  "Which really bothers me."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita's lips twist in a faint moue of concern, frowning as she looks sympathetically at LYle.  "I see.  So you have alternate versions of yourselves running around who are evil, in addition to Stargrave?  Or is he part of this?"  She tilts her head.  "I'm unfamiliar with the name, perhaps you could tell us a little more about him so we know what to watch for."

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo nods briskly at Brainiac 7.  "It's a pleasure to meet you," she greets, though her eyes don't meet his.  To be fair, she hasn't looked much of anyone in the eye except Viridian.  "I'm sorry I'm not reacting more to this revelation, but I'm focusing my efforts on Brainy there.  I'm sure we're both capable of multitasking, but helping him is my priority right now."  She busies herself by studying the monitors, then by going around the room, checking cabinets for the available supplies.  One might get the impression she's avoiding.  It's a fair impression.
        On Viridian's psychic wavelength, she asks, «You're upset.  Will you be alright, love?»

Viridian has posed:
        «Yes,» Viridian affirms quietly.  «I'm fine.» She breathes a soft sigh and then shakes her head slowly.  «It's nothing I can't deal with.» She's still watching Brainiac 7, however.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        "I've narrowed the search," Brainiac 7 says.  He strokes his chin.  "He'll need a power source, one which he can subvert to his own designs, so power plants are your best.  Nuclear, almost certainly, the other power sources available on Earth in this era just can't be forced to generate the kind of energy output he'll need."
        Then he says, "That's all right—I-I shouldn't have said anything.  Stargrave IS Brainiac 5, which only makes this more complicated—he's Brainiac 5 from another universe, where he's part of the inner circle of an organization called the Consortium of Super-Elites, which is… a twisted reflection of the Legion of Super-Heroes."
        "He's going to open a door for the Consortium to come here, as part of a bigger plan to return to their own time.  They have a Warworld, a fortress battle-station with enough firepower to devastate the Earth.  We have fought the Consortium a few times in my era."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle nods at Brainiac 7's explanation.  "Right.  We don't have evil twins running around YET.  Except for Stargrave, and he's trying to change that.  I do not care to meet my opposite number again."  Lyle shivers.  "I still have one more countermeasure up my sleeve," he adds quietly.  "I'd prefer to not have to use it.  Only because part of me really wants to."
        Lyle shivers visibly.  "And it probably doesn't help any that they're trying to come here to get away from something even nastier than they are."  He's thinking about the evil Wonder Woman he saw.  And shivers again.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        The petite dark-haired gynoid nods solemnly at Brainiac 7.  "I see.  That must be very distressing for all of you then," she says gently.  "If we can help, we of course will.  Perhaps we coudl help you search for them?"  She pauses, her blue eyes glimmering a bit as she glances between Brainiac 7 and Indigo, getting a thoughful look.

Indigo has posed:
        Her lower lip is between her teeth for a moment before Indigo pads in her rubber boots over to Brainiac 7 to grip his shoulder comfortingly.  "It's all right, I'm just focused right now."  Her gaze slides away from him and she turns back to her work quickly.  "It's just that I had to make my peace with not knowing where I come from or why; I had to learn how to define myself according to the information I have.  I'm… conflicted about having to confront more information about the monster inside me.  So I'd like to focus on Brainy for now."
        Despite that protestation, she's continuing her private, technopathic conversation with Viridian.  «We both can deal with it,» she promises firmly.  «Together.  Thank you for being with me.»

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        "…You weren't designed to be a monster," Brainiac 7 says, looking faintly pained.  "Actual Intelligence—an android with an intellect that develops and changes with experience—" He stops himself.  "Maybe later."  He turns to look down his Father.  "And I've been desperately trying not to think about it.  But we should—" He says, softly, "Begin."
        "And I'm sure any help you'd offer would be appreciated."  Brainiac 7 is, at least in this point in his history, still very much a rookie Legionnaire.  But he's doing his best.  "I'll prep him for surgery."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "Is there anything I can do?" Lyle asks, almost plaintively.  He hates just standing around watching, even though he knows he's no surgeon, and certainly no Coluan surgeon.  Whether or not this is out of his league, he wants to help.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainiac 7 says, his voice soft, "…You could hold his hand, if you wanted."

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo nods seriously at Brainiac 7's suggestion.  "If he's receiving stimuli but can't respond (at this point I hypothesize he's thinking too fast for his body to keep up, and the signals are getting lost in his nervous system), then a constant sensation might have a comforting effect on him.  I would have seriously suggested you kiss him to wake him up if it wouldn't be too transitory a sensation."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle reaches for Querl's hand… then stops.  "So that won't throw his brain waves off?"  His jaw tightens.  "I hate not knowing what to do," he says fussily, and without waiting for further clarification, takes Querl's hand in both of his.  "I think," he mutters softly, "I need to apologize more for that coma I put myself into… the uncertainty is even worse when you're outside watching it happen."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita says slowly.  "Would it help if…you ran his information through a slower processor, so it would bring him back to where he could deal with it while you make repairs?"  And both Indigo and Viridian know that the moment they say yes, Lolita is going to volunteer, having the slowest processor of the gynoids present.

Indigo has posed:
        "Thank you, Loli, but I don't think that will be necessary," Indigo muses as she preps her surgery area.  "Brainy is organic.  You couldn't interface with him until we get the implants in place, and by then, they'll be doing the job you offer to do.  I appreciate your offer, though."  With her tools arranged and sterilized, she heads over to begin the hand-washing ritual.  "Is this room sanitized?" she asks the Legionnaires.  "Electric fields to keep his brain sanitary, or something like it?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle nods, without looking up.  "The closest to 31st century tech you can get with 21st century materials.  Brainy did a remarkable job, considering what he had to work with.  It should be fine."  He blinks, and now he looks up.  "Tell me he won't remember me saying that."  Grin.  "I have a reputation to maintain."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        "He designed this Medbay per the specifications established by Dr.  Gym'll, the greatest physician and surgeon in the known galaxy in the Legion's era," Brainiac 7 says, as he begins to clean up and prepare for the surgery.  Sterilization fields.  Medical overcoat.  He is… hesitant.  "This will be fine.  We'll bring him through.  I have never done this before."  He looks down.  "I should've sent a more experienced Legionnaire.  I'm just a rookie—"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita says gently.  "That may be, but I would think you are best suited to this sort of work, given your relationship to the patient and knowledge of him."  She pauses.  "Even though this may not be the same one you know."  She tilts her head.  "You will do fine, Brainiac 7.  Be positive."

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo's pink lips quirk wryly at Brainiac 7.  "We'll compare experience after we're done with the surgery.  I've never done this before.  I have all the academic knowledge, but I've never practiced the physical skills, so I've had to clone some of my predictive combat programming to monitor potential neurological failures on Brainy's part, and my hydraulic regulatory systems to make sure my limbs stay steady."  She doesn't sound terribly concerned, though.  She picks up the most critical tool she'll need, the X-ray visors that will allow her to actually see what she's doing inside his skull; she cycles through the polarizing options until she has the clearest magnification she can get, and decides, "Alright.  Viri's explored his implants pretty thoroughly, and says they can help us reattach his dendrons, but their forcible removal naturally removed a lot of his brain tissue, so we're going to need to reconstruct the edges of the wounds and recalibrate his implants to act as replacements for the lost tissue."
        Viri has neither touched the implants nor spoken aloud in minutes.  "She'll control the implants to help with the replacement process.  I'm going to have the ship's telepathic systems link to the holographic projectors to provide real-time monitoring of his brain activity… or rather, you will, Lyle, since I don't have access," she self-corrects sheepishly.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle is all business in a second.  It may not be evident from the concentration on his face, but he's delighted to have something to do beyond sit and wait and hope for the best.  "Systems engaged," he reports, and a holographic display pops up at Indigo's eye level.  "Any particular channels you need monitored, or just the overview and main wave patterns?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainiac 7 says, "It was horrible.  Based on my examination of the wounds, he went old-school.  As in, he used a metal flat-head screwdriver and a pair of pliers."  He shudders, and says, "I can't imagine how agonizing it must've been.  I can't even begin—" He closes his mouth, and glances at Lyle, before he says, "Right.  Let's begin.  we can begin stem cell replacement therapy to regenerate any damaged brain tissue after the surgery, that's a cakewalk."
        Then he closes his eyes.  "Then it's just a matter of bringing him to."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        All of this tech is…well, not beyond Lolita.  But certainly she's too inexperienced to help with such delicate work.  "Is there something I might do to help?" she offers, all the same.  She can hand tools, perhaps?  She knows what some of those look like, at least.  Or bring them a proper tea, perhaps.

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo suggests to Lyle, "Project it to the whole room.  If you can see it and interact with it, the telepathic systems should be able to relay it to his brain.  Take it from me, when your brain is damaged, there's nothing like a loved one to help pull you out of it."
        This last is spoken shyly, with a sidelong glance at Viri, who smiles but keeps her eyes on the implants, hands tucked primly behind her back.  She says, "The first Brainiac pioneered cybertech that has infinite data compression and recursive self-iterations: in short, even the smallest component contained the complete experience record of the original Brainiac, and he could be reconstituted infinitely from any destruction that left even a single circuit behind.  We're relying on that to help rebuild Brainiac 5's memories.  Until that happens, he may be… stunted," she warns Lyle, gently.  "We won't know until we see, though.  Just brace yourself."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "So his brain is holographic, more or less.  Much more intensely than a human brain," Lyle says, resetting the display as directed.  "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."
        Then his eyes go wide.  "Wait… you want me to interface my mind with his?  I…" He bites his lower lip and looks down at Querl, then back up to Indigo and Lyl.
        Of course, the theory is pretty straightforward; the Legion has long used telepathic ear plugs for secure communications.  But that's surface level, active and deliberate thoughts.
        And Brainy's mind is vast compared to a human's mind.  Even a brilliant human's mind.
        "…am going to need a minute to try to calm myself," he eventually finishes, dubiously.  "I can't say I'm in my own best mind right now."

Indigo has posed:
        "Loli, I appreciate just having you here with us.  You can hand us tools, keep an eye on Viri, and—if the holographic simulation gets bad—act to defend Lyle against the projections."  You never know when Professor Moriarty, Genghis Khan, and evil Abraham Lincoln will try to murder the real people in these kinds of situations, after all.  "And maybe you could learn about this Consortium Stargrave represents, since you're our best frontline fighter right now?  I'm beginning the stem cell therapy now.  Brainiac 7, you have more specific knowledge of the Coluan brain than I do.  Where do we begin?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita raises a brow at that, then says.  "…you should be careful for booby traps.  If he is as smart as Brainiac 5 is, he'd know you might try to fix the damage.  If he's that vicious, he may have left something to hurt anyone who attempts it."  Because villains are jerks.  She adds modestly.  "Gamora is a superior fighter, still.  But I will not let you down."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainy never told anyone the details of what happened when that Rogue titanian telepath was hired to hack his mind—how she had to cheat and use illegal telepathy boosting technology, and that still wasn't enough—he still almost trapped her inside his head forever.  "We start by beginning to reconnect the implants to his neurons.  The connection points are all there, it's just a matter of stimulating the brain to grow to meet them."
        He works, quietly.  "His implants are actually a supercomputer, which he can operate off of an advanced holographic terminal.  The same technology allows him to form and manipulate his personal force-field.  That, coupled with the neural inhibitor that allows him to regulate his thinking.  It lowers him to a 12th level intellect.  He's never been charted without it."

        Inside Brainy's head… it's kind of a mess.  Broken fragments of memories floating.  At the moment, Brainy is in his Coluan nursery, as an infant.  He is using an array of numbered, lettered, and colored blocks to build an equation, all the while telling an extremely frustrated Coluan minder how much of a simpleton they are, that robot kept pinching him while it was changing his diaper, so of COURSE he took it apart.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle takes a deep breath.  "This ought to be interesting," he says, pausing to enter a command on his terminal.  "If this alarm goes off, drop me out of the circuit.  Just to be safe."
        More uncertainly than he'd like, he takes a deep breath and clears his mind, focusing on the projection and trying to radiate a sense of calm that, let's face it, he's not really feeling.

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo nods, but not at Brainiac 7.  She's focused on Brainiac 5.  "Very well, that's where we begin.  Viridian is scanning my thoughts, so she'll know when the implant is in the proper position to command it to activate."  She smiles as she says that last.  She can't help it.  "Loli, the miniature paramagnetic tether, please."  She holds her hand out for the little wand-shaped instrument that, when activated, will surround the implant in a tractor beam to manipulate it into place, where she'll hold it until Brainiac 7 can introduce the stem cell mixture.
        "So, Brainiac 7.  What did you build me for?" she asks not exactly casually, but something like it.  Distracted might be a better word.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita quiets at this point, clasping her hands behind her back as she watches the work, but…well, she's trying not to, at the same time.  It just feels…rude.  Watching something so intimate, in its way, when she's not directly involved and isn't a loved one or close friend of the person in question."  She immediately reaches over to pick up the tool when asked, however, walking close as she offers it to Indigo, then steps back again.  Pondering a nurse gothic dress.  Hmmm.  Maybe for special occasions….

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        "You were meant to be an experiment in creating Actual Intelligence.  An intellect that develops, grows and changes based on stimulus, with the ability to make complex logical and moral choices.  In effect, an android body… an actual person.  Brainiac 5 helped me with some of the robotics design, but mostly you were my plan."
        He says, "I designed you, but I never actually built you.  Brainiac 6 stole my plans, and built you herself.  She turned you into a weapon, and before I could retrieve you, she sent you back in time."  He is quiet, as he works, preparing Brainy for installing the implant, carefully using a surgical tool to trim away skin and shape bone.
        "In effect, I didn't plan to build you for anything, except maybe science itself.  Your destiny was supposed to be your own to determine, that was planned from day one as part of the experiment."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle moves back over alongside Querl, and takes his hand into both of his again.  He looks up with a half-smirk.  "I now think," he says slowly, "it's a good thing I'm not a medic.  My hands won't stop shaking."
        He tries clearing his mind again, with a bit more success this time, closing his eyes, squeezing Brainy's hand.

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo nods again as she hovers the piece carefully into place.  Viridian is staring off into nothing, doubtlessly monitoring the procedure through Indigo.  "Did you have a body in mind for me?" she wonders as she meticulously places the implant in, then freezes not just her voluntary muscles but even the nominally involuntary ones that give her the illusion of elan to pass as a biological being: the artificial pulse in her throat stops, as does her pretense at breathing.  Once Brainiac 7 has injected the necessary material into Brainy's head to patch the holes in his brain, Viridian will be ready to activate the implants.
        She's not breathing, but since her voice is more of a speaker anyway, she observes with some surprise, "I didn't expect to be able to experience the telepathic feedback of Brainy's mind.  I wonder if I'm experiencing it directly, or if it's piggybacking off Viridian's connection to me.  Might bee worth exploring at another time.  Lyle, do you and Brainy have a song?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita raises a brow at that, curiously listening, if not gawking.  It's best not to distract anyone, she figures.  Though she's rather curious what a future song might sound like.  And hearing more about why this alternate Indigo was built…she's not sure that it'll be the same here, but…it's…nice.  That someone could make an artificial being just for the joy of creation.  And to even care about an alternate version of her like this, a bit.  Her father was…a bit more twisted, by comparison.  Though she still loved him, in her way.
        Right before he programmed her to kill him, of course, but she still feels guilty about it at least.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Now Brainy is thinking about how Lyle took that floating hunk of metal garbage and crafted it into the flight rings.  And how everyone praised and cooed over Lyle for it, and Brainy was left standing there.  Grrrrrrrr.
        He seems sad, looking in on himself.
        Then he further modifies the flight rings for individual Legionnaires' powers, and he feels a bit better.
        Do they have a song…?  Is it 'Anything You Can Do?' No…

        Meanwhile, Brainiac 7 has finished injecting the stem cell mixture.  "…As ready as he's going to be," the youth says.
        "Brainiac 6 added offensive hardware to my original design.  Otherwise, yes, you're almost exactly as I originally designed you.  I thought creating you as a female would lead to further differentiation from Querl and I, though I was prepared to modify your frame to however you ultimately chose to self-identify.  It's only fair."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle looks genuinely surprised.  "A song?  No.  We typically don't have music playing in the lab.  It's distracting."
        He chuckles softly.  "The Music of the Spheres, maybe.  We're, uh, neither one of us very good at being romantic.  Just a couple lab rats."
        As that memory of Querl's percolates up, Lyle winces.  He honestly wasn't trying to one-up him… he just saw an application and Brainy seemed to be done with it.

Indigo has posed:
        Carefully, Viridian's brain reaches out into Brainy's implant and activates its installation tendrils.  Microfibers extend outward in a tiny cobweb of metal, the tips of the filaments capped with clamps that seek his axions and seize them, hijacking the electrical currents not just for power but to force the signals through their own processors and drag his thoughts down to a manageable speed.  That part's easy and, to anyone not wearing magnifying X-ray specs, invisible; what's not, because it's being displayed on the holographic projection filling the room, is that Brainy's repertoire is expanding.
        Brainiac tech.  It can even do the literally impossible work of restoring memories.  Amazing.
        "Did you always intend for my code to be inextricable from my body, or is that a modification?" Indigo asks absently as she selects the next implant and prepares to repeat the process.  "Don't get me wrong, I like my body (I'm pretty sure I'm programmed to), but I've imagined choosing to create offspring."
        Viridian twitches.
        "I thought, if I had the resources, I might just program the child's code into a computer with a conceptual framework, to allow it to design its own form, if it even wanted one.  i didn't know if that thought ever crossed your mind."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainy begins to squeeze Lyle's hand, so hard he's mashing his knuckles.  SQUEEZE—the holographic projection of his memory garbles.
        For a moment, he's in what looks like a ruined sort of symposum chamber.  He's drawing sketches.  One of a half-dressed man in a Science Police uniform—traffic-stoppingly handsome.  That would be Dyrk Magz.  One of Andromeda, who always could arrest the eye.  One of Lyle, asleep with a cat laying on his face, and one of Supergirl, rising into the air, with her cape billowing around her in a way best called artistic.
        Then there is the memory, of his perspective, of Lyle—no, Wraith—chiseling the implants out of his head.

        "His brainwaves are slowing down but they're still spiking all over the place," Brainiac 7 says, "What is going on in his head—"
        Then, somewhat distracted, he says, "I did, yes.  I wanted to create you as a fully integrated person, not just as a computer someone could put in a box somewhere.  And… no, I hadn't thought that far ahead.  Brainy apparently had a bad experience with an Artificial Intelligence that wasn't psychologically bonded to its form.  COMPUTO?  He didn't like talking about it."

Indigo has posed:
        "If he's anything like me, he's fighting the integration of memories he'd prefer not to have," Indigo answers Brainiac 7.  "If he's like me, he can't forget a thing he knows, and he doesn't want to be stuck with this memory for the rest of his life."  Her voice is soft, compassionate, even pitying.  Has Brainy ever been pitied by anyone before?  "I almost feel bad about giving them back to him… but that's part of the package.  We'll just have to make sure he gets proper closure on them.  You all adhere to a policy of never killing, don't you?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle has to look away when the memory of Wraith comes up.  That was one he was hoping to not see.
        He relaxes his hand so that Brainy's grip won't break anything.  And he remembers Wraith's parting shot to him.  "I… it might be better if he doesn't see me right away, when he wakes up.  If his last conscious memory was of… of that, he doesn't need to see Wraith's face.  Even if it's me."
        He adds, tightly, "We do have a no lethal action policy," he affirms, thinking about Stargrave.  "It's not always easy to adhere to."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        "It's a very firm rule, as I understand it," Lolita says, speaking up from her spot now that the delicate part seems to be over.  She's watching quietly now, frowning as Indigo mentions not being able to forget.  There's something to be said for being a simpler mechanism, in a way.  She can forget if she's willing to sacrifice her memories permanently.  She still doesn't get the reasons why Indigo would keep hers…but she's slowly starting to figure out why it's important to her.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        "…As a rule, yes.  Killing someone is grounds for an immediate tribunal and a vote on expulsion from the Legion if the act is found to be pre-meditated," Brainiac 7 says, "And avoidable.  The one time it happened, it was incredibly emotional for all involved, and the vote was close."  He looks down at Querl.  "The Legionnaire on trial tipped the vote by voting against himself."
        Then he glances to Lyle.  "Dad, this isn't the time to hide from him.  You know that."

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo nods at Lyle.  "The Guardians of the Galaxy don't have such a policy.  Would you like us to adopt it while we work in tandem with you?" she asks as the second implant takes hold, and more of Querl's memories are rebuilt from their external backup files.  She doesn't point out that obvious moral complexities of the question.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "No, Lyl, I don't know that," he says sharply.  "He is going to need to know beyond doubt that he's no longer on Warworld when he wakes up.  At this point in his time line, he doesn't know you.  And he may think I'm Wraith on first sight.  So let him see Indigo first.  She's first of all a face he'll know, and second of all, one he knows wouldn't be on Warworld.  I'll be right here for when he's fully conscious."  He doesn't add aloud, 'if he's even willing to look at me', but a shrewd observer might pick it up from the unhappy look on Lyle's face.
        "I think that would be best, Indigo.  I don't want your people or ours to be open to the accusation of using you for the dirty work, even if that's not the intention."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        That takes Brainiac 7 by surprise.  But he's got too much of his Invisible Dad in him to just let this lie.
        "You're scared," he says.  "You're afraid he's going to reject you.  I knew Wraith was good, but I didn't know he was good enough to shake you like that."  He turns away, and studies the equipment.  "His brain activity is stabilizing.  Still lit up like the Legion during Klordny Week, but that's standard for him."
        "Just say the word, Indigo, and I'll give him a gentle stimulation to try and bring him around."

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo nods at Lyle again while Brainiac 7 installs the stem cells and prods them into regenerating more of Brainy's, well, brain.  "I wondered what thirtieth century morality would say about it.  We tend toward permissiveness in this era—'my path is not your path,' and all that—but I had difficulty imagining the viewpoint evolving to the point of people being blase about another person's choice to kill."  She steps back from the table, and nods briskly at Brainiac 7.  "I think we've done all we can do.  The rest is up to him."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita says softly.  "While I often perform acts of mass destruction, I prefer to evacuate personnel first, when possible.  My sister was actually ver good at it.  She once convinced an entire labful of scientists that they all wanted to go outside and enjoy the fresh air, and that absolutely nothing was wrong as their lab was exploding behind them."  She frowns.  "That said, that is a personal choice, I have….engaged in lethal sanctions in the past.  When it could not be avoided."  A slight hesitation.  "…but they were all very bad people."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "He's me, without morals or ethics," Lyle says unpleasantly.  "Unfortunately, the lack of those has no appreciable effect on his training or ability.  Although I think it's fair to say we got under each other's skin.  He definitely didn't expect my… toys."
        He moves to be out of Brainy's line of sight upon awakening.  "He left me feeling rattled—but I got away, with Querl.  I think I came out the better of the two of us."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainiac 7 gives Lyle a dubious look, one absolutely loaded with disappointment.  "All right.  Here we go…" There is a tiny spike in Brainy's neural activity.

        Then his eyes open.  His pupils slowly, relax.  He licks his lips—his mouth is so dry—and he squeezes the edge of the surgical bed.
        "…So you finally rescued me?"  He grunts, and says, his voice weak, "Took you long enough."  Then he looks up.  "…Indigo."  He lets out a slow sigh.  "Thank you.  I have never been grateful to see family before.  Ever."

Indigo has posed:
        Indigo replies lightly, "Hey, I needed a day to become a doctor.  You know how it is."  That's about the extent of her ability to joke, though, and she takes Brainy's hand in both of hers to squeeze it.  "Welcome back.  Now hug Lyle.  He needs it."  As she speaks, Viridian joins the crowd of people pressed in near Brainy's bed, arm around her wife's waist, smiling at Querl supportively but silently.  She's family now too, but she understands some family gets prioritized.

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle moves into view, then into within arm's reach, with an uncertain smile.  "Shadow missed you," he says quietly.  "Did you get that cat for me, or for you?"  Slightly less uncertain smile.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainy flicks his eyes up to Lyle, and he closes his eyes, before reaches out to grab Lyle's wrist.  His fingers dig into it—
        And then he pulls Lyle down to him and kisses him on the mouth, deep-drinking.
        "As if I'd let that butcher Wraith get to me, Norg—"

Invisible Kid has posed:
        "I—*mmphl*!" is about all the further Lyle gets, then settles into the kiss.  "I just wanted to be sure your return was smooth.  And," he adds with a credibly evil grin, thinking about Wraith's parting remarks, "Wraith is going to be even more angry at me now.  Good.  That'll make him sloppy."
        He glances up at Brainiac 7.  Back to being at a loss for words again.  "Uhm."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Brainiac 7 puts a finger over his mouth, and backs away.  'One thing at a time' he mouths at Invisible Kid.

        Brainy takes in a slow breath.  "All right.  Now, my head is killing me and I am exhausted.  Everyone, please leave.  Indigo, please make Lyle eat something with a lot of carbohydrates, and please supervise him to make sure he finishes it."

Invisible Kid has posed:
        Lyle rolls his eyes.  "Yup, Brainy mode is fully activated," he says, but with a grin, and marches resignedly out ahead of Indigo, with his hands raised as if under arrest.
        He stops in the doorway and turns.  "It's good to have you home, Querl," he says warmly, and slips off to the ship's mess.  And then get his first good sleep in some days.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
        Lolita nods softly, smiling, and follows the general exodus out the door.  "Of course," she murmurs.  She looks… well, simply pleased to see Brainy's recovery.  She did like him, after all.  And she hasn't forgotten what he did for Indigo.  "Rest well Brainiac 5.  We will find the people who did this and stop their plans next," she says solemnly, then inclines her head in a little bow, before she steps out obediently.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
        Once Lyle and the others are gone, Brainy closes his eyes… then he opens them again, and once he's sure the coast is clear, he grabs something, and tinkers with it so that it sets up a hologram of him resting quietly.
        Then he sneaks out, and to the lab.  His head IS killing him… but that's nothing compared to what he has planned for Stargrave and Wraith.

        In the doorway, Brainiac 7 watches him go, with his finger over his mouth.  He doesn't say a word.