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Latest revision as of 20:41, 14 September 2019

Wayne Foundation Charity Auction
Date of Scene: 29 August 2019
Location: Ballroom, Wayne Manor
Synopsis: The luminaries turn out for the Wayne Foundation Charity Auction!
Cast of Characters: Batman, Superman, 87, Shadowcat, Misfit, Robin (Wayne), Zachary Zatara, Beast Boy, Silver Sable, Zorro, Morrigan MacIntyre, Shadow, Carrie Kelley, Catwoman, Hela, Red Robin

Batman has posed:
The Wayne Foundation Charity Auction is in full swing.

The fancy, art nouveau ballroom of Wayne Manor has been decorated to facilitate it. Gone is the sweeping dance floor, and in its place are a number of tables with white linen tablecloths. At the head of the room, in front of the great glass windows overlooking the Manor grounds and Gotham in the distance, a small dais has been erected for the auctioneer to present items.

On screens affixed at various intervals around the room, bids pour in from across the world thanks to online bidding. The guest list is a who's who of the wealthy elite from across the Tri-State Area, as well as others who have managed to snag a ticket for one reason or another.

Superman has posed:
Arriving by Uber is none other than the intrepid reporter from the Daily Planet, Clark Kent. Clark was wearing a black tuxedo, a sharp bow-tie that Perry called a "real cracker" and freshly polished shoes that sparkled in all the lights.

Clark's hair was neatly combed in his trademark style, and his black-rimmed glasses were slipped back up his nose with a casual push from his right hand. His rain/overcoat was drapped over his left arm casually, just in case the weather didn't cooperate for now...and later.

With a quick check, Clark nods. Pocket contains invite...and his notebook. Next, he checks his left inside pocket...good his pen and a spare were good to go. Nod.

Walking up to the entrance, Clark moves inside, flashes the invite, and looks around with a "deer in the headlight" look all over his face. "Quite the place." A mumble to himself as he enters the ballroom, loud enough to be heard by nearby guests, furthering his act.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal doesn't need an Uber, fortunately, since he is his own transportation, thanks to a Rabbit Hole. Technically, he is one of the bid items, but all that means is that he is determined to charm people to bid for his item- which is all for a good cause, after all.

It's hard, going for a black tux when you've got colorful fur all over your body and might shed- it's potentially embarrassing... what's harder, though, is finding a tux that matches your fur so that such faux pas isn't as evident. This, of course, means getting an iridescent pink tuxedo.

Vorpal walks around the ballroom in a decidedly BLACK tuxedo, because sometimes dignity is more important than convenience. Champagne glass in hand, he walks the floor, looking for interested parties... and Damian. He knows Damian has to be here, somewhere. Like, maybe, behind him, sharpening a small butter knife...

Shadowcat has posed:
A 2026 Toyota Avalon pulls up to the valet parking, Kitty Pryde climbing out wearing a JVD original design. It is her second time wearing the dress. Hopefully this occasion will not involve darting about the room in it defusing Harley Quinn's explosives. But such is life in Gotham.

Kitty makes her way up to the entrance to the manor, past photographers who snap a quick photo but only one or two since she does not seem to be anyone famous. Which is fine with Kitty. She reaches the door and makes her way inside the familiar mansion. She follows the people ahead of her down the Gallery and into the Ballroom. She breaks out in a soft smile at how it has been decorated and set up for the event. Kitty wanders further in, looking about for members of the Wayne family.


Misfit has posed:
Honestly Charlotte thought that Barbara might be a bit nuts about sending Charlie to the Wayne Foundation Charity Auction at the stately Wayne Manor.

Sure as far as Charlie can figure out Babs is rich, owns some of Wayne Enterprises, has a successful company, but this is bound to be fifty levels of fance beyond what Charlie is use to. The fancy dress and clutch along with high heels, of which Charlie was not used to but thankfully has good agility and had time to practice. ( https://t.ly/VPwye )

The thing that calmed her nerves the most was the encouragement to pretend it is an espionage mission actually kind of helped, though it is of course no such thing, but the roleplay in her head.

Though once the black car service dropped the sixteen year old red head off she probably failed, unless her cover story was tourist or fish out of water. Her eyes are quite large as she makes her way up to the doormen. She also doesn't get a blizzard of photos, because she is no one they recognize. I mean sure a couple in case she is someone famous's kid whom they don't recognize but it is brief and few of which Charlie is quite thankful. She gives her invitation to those sorts collecting them and follows instructions to the ball room.

There is definitely more wide eyed goggling around by the time she gets into the ballroom.

She could just flee right.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Once the bidding had stopped, Damian had requested some oolong be steeped for him.

  The young man had sat during the auction after his winning bid with a bit of self satisfaction on his face. He was dressed tonight in a lovely tux that was tailored for him by the ever wonderful Janet Van Dyne. If course, being a Wayne, he took the time to take the photos that people wanted, selfies with socialites and philanthropists.

  Luckily for the Titan, Damian was all smiles and gladhanding for the charity.

  He eventually returned to his chair, and sipped on the tea that had found its way there.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
The Mistress of Magic brings life and breath to any affair or party along with a dazzling touch of mischief and good fun.

Too bad she couldn't make it tonight and sent her kid cousin as a replacement. Zachary is, as expected of one with the Zatara surname, impeccably dressed in a rich velvet blazer and a black tie. It's a departure from his usual evening color but just as superb. White gloves cover his hands, and he holds a flute of champagne. He's still underage, but a magician has ways of getting around such things.

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy arrived with Vorpal, thanks to the same form of transportation. With some cameras and media around to document the auction and take note of all the people there, they were bound to be spotted hanging out with each other. Gar did not seem to care, and he was dressed in a nice black tuxedo as well. Even his hair has been made more presentable than usual, important for the fact he's one of the 'items' to bid on. A spot was taken up around others, just soaking in the atmosphere. It might be his first time at the famous Wayne Manor.

Silver Sable has posed:
A Range Rover cruises up not far off of Kitty's bumper. A matte silver color, which does nothing to conceal the ultra-luxury trim level. The windows are completely blacked out and from how it sits on the shocks, the vehicle must have some armor installed.

The front doors open and from the driver's side dismounts not a chauffer, but the driver herself. Leggy, tall, wearing a clinging silver dress with spaghetti straps and a calf-length hem; Silver Sablinova joins the party as her assistant hustles out of the side door and moves to the driver's side to take over for her.

Her hair's worn high on her head in a deliberately mussy style with two chopsticks inserted through it to keep it in place. A red shawl is worn behind her back and hanging from her shoulders to add a splash of color. Down she goes via the red carpet, smiling briefly at the cameras but refusing to stop for them. Her invitation's handed to the doorman and in goes Silver Sablinova, one of the wealthiest private mercenaries in the world, and makes a beeline for the bar.

Zorro has posed:
Hector Rodriguex let out an impressed whistle as he walked out of his Chevy and started to walk towards Wayne Manor. He had often heard rumors about how grand the place was, but it was even more impressive up close. His agent Gaspar managed to snag him a spot in the charity auction, something about looking good for reputation. He tugged at the collar of his tux as if it were a snake. He would've rather shown up in a formal polo and jeans, but Gaspar had insisted he show up in a tux.
     As Hector walked in, he thought to himself," I wonder if my ancestor's estate was this grand? Of course, he was talking about his ancestor, Don Diego de la Vega, the man he inheirted his persona from. He walked into the room where the bidding was to take place and just stood, watching all the bigwigs, barons of indistry and other power players, wondering how out of place a Broadway Star like him was.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre was attending the Charity Auction by herself, but the woman was all smiles as she was wandering around the edge of the crowd. Maybe she was afraid to go in all the way. Who knew? The redheaded Doctor is looking around to see if there are any others here that she might recognize. She doesn't seem to catch sight of her friend that was supposed to be here. So she stays off to the side for the moment in her classical black evening gown with ruby accessories and people watches for the moment. She does hear the comment from Mister Kent when he comes in and she flashes him a smile.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha shows up in a ridiculously expensive looking Ferrari Aperta -- a car that screams both 'more money than she knows what to do with' and 'midlife crisis' -- driving herself for a change. She hands the keys to the valet as she exits, then saunters into the manor in her shimmer-on-black dress with silver chain belt, the cut recognizable to those in the know as a JVD original. She's here today to look rich and to spend a stupid amount of money on almost symbolic bids for charity.

    She smiles to herself. It's actually nice to be the vacuous socialite again for a bit...

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley doesn't arrive to the event so much as she was already here having been around to help set it up. Just a bit. There really wasn't too much for her to do as the Waynes had plenty of help to fix things up. The most she did was make a suggestion here and there for the flow of movement past the chairs and making sure everyone got a good view of the items on auction. Some theater experience was always helpful in situations like this.

After that, though, she'd vanished to go change into a suitably appropriate attire for the night. When she steps back into the area she's wearing a lovely black lace cocktail dress that had a vintage feel to it, but was more modern in design. Whether it was a JVD or not wasn't known--She'd worn that one to the last event she'd attended.

Beside her as she comes in is Tim Drake who she leans over to murmur something quietly to as she looks over the room.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle has been busy behind the scenes, if only off and on. She did the bulk of the event's promotion as a favor for Bruce going to bat for her charity drive a few months ago, but there had been times where both of them seemed distant or even frosty for one reason or another. However, for this she's all business, all smiles and glad-handing and thanking everyone for being there, herself dressed in a black powersuit like you'd expect to see in a corporate boardroom, rather than a dress or evening gown. Still, she finds a way to make herself stand out, a little diamond pendant with matching earrings worn depicting a seated feline of some kind. She's also been monitoring some of the online bidding for the less-expensive items and experiences.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal has been in the manor before. Namely, visiting Damian along with Brick. It was a very strange experience. Alfred baked cookies.

"Let's not hang out -too- much," he says to Gar. "You will have the allure of the bachelor to drive up your bid, and I'd hate for me to drive down your bid the moment someone finds out..." He gives Gar an impish grin. "But you do look amazing. Still, I bet I get a higher bid than you!" he teases and, after pretending to muss up Gar's hair (he stops just short of it), he breaks off and walks towards the center of the ballroom. "Best of luck," he says.

He scans the room as people pour in, and immediately zooms in on someone who is doing a lot of wide-eyed oggling. Sensing some nervousness, he walks over to Charlotte, offering her one of the grins he's famous for.

What? Read the book!

"Good evening, miss," he says, "So glad you could come."

Hela has posed:
'Miracle' Elle of the Black Sleep fame, proprietess of Club Mjolnir, arrives at the gala without making any adjustments for the events. Good thing she had an item placed for bidding, else she might have had an issue not coming in in accordance with the Black Tie dress code required. Instead, she shows up as she always appears, a black brocade strap jackets, over a sheer black top, both featuring Norse runes embroideries with flashes of red fabric underneath. For a bottom she wear a flouncy flared mini skirt matching her top, black stockings and thigh high stiletto helled boots. A final touch is a pair of black feathery cuffs.

She does wear quite an array of silver rings, two of them full fingered with talon-like tips. She wears one leather strap with a silvery Valknut pendant.

She doesn't arrive by car or carriage, curiously enough it almost seems like she walked there, somehow emerging out of the crowd arriving at the door.

Unlike those who are celebrity savy, she doesn't look for any instagram opprotunities or mingling chances, rather she heads straight in, her focus on that first item offered for bidding.

Batman has posed:
Bruce is doing the rounds among those present for the auction. Wealthy citizens of Gotham and it's surrounds who he exchanges a few pleasant words with, maybe a half-hearted joke or two, and moves on. As the big-ticket items go up on the block, smaller items are bid on via the online auction interface. It's all running smoothly, the money trickling into the Wayne Foundation trust account to be passed on to the GCPD.

"Diana, huh?" Bruce asks, pausing behind Damian and resting both his hands on the back of the chair - his voice low enough to avoid being overheard amongst the chattering crowd, "What's your objective there?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is walking with Carrie. The young man's suit is tailor made, not a JVD original sadly, but the lady only has so much time in a day. He leans his head to listen to what Carrie has to say, and makes sure to snag two glasses of champagne as a waiter passing one to Carrie. For now he has not sipped it but carries it as he walks with Carrie.

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy instinctively ducks his head but gives Vorpal one of those snaggletoothed grins of his. "Don't be silly. I'm way more popular than you, and much better known as well!" There is a nudge given to the Cheshire Cat, but it soon becomes more necessary for him to find a spot to be seen more clearly as some of the bidding continues. It's true - some of the other auctions are doing better, and maybe on some level that could wound the pride - but it's for a bigger thing than that and hopefully someone will end up happy regardless.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to the doors as others arrive, giving looks over dresses and making little mental notes of 'ooo, nice rings', but she is for the moment a wallflower, which she doesn't mind as she's currently waiting for a bid on Wanda's Dolls to start. She does move around the crowd, shaking hands of those that recognize her from the medical community and stopping to talk about what they are working on at the hospital. She seems easy to talk to. Her violet eyes are bright as she speaks, her expressive face not hiding the fact that she's delighted to be engaging with others.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles softly when she's handed a glass of champagne by Tim. "Still not old enough for this, you realize," she murmurs back with a grin. She doesn't sip hers either so much as carry it, but it does at least give her something to do with her hands. "You should see the painting Damian did, it's really something. Whoever wins his auction is going to be in for a treat." Of course, she had her own interest in a few items... but she didn't expect to win. "Should we go say hi to the other guests? Or is there something specific you wanted to check out?" A tip of her head is silently offered toward the media suggesting he might want to do the usual round of photos.

Misfit has posed:
Nervousness is definitely quite present right now with Charlie. Nerves. Not of steel.

This place is just so so very MUCH. Also that Diana auction went for a lot. I mean yes of course, Wonder Woman, but holy hell are people here frightfully rich and this teenager has not at all adjusted one bit to it.

When Vorpal actually walks up in her tux and introduces himself, but with an edge of .. well glad she is here like he expected her or something she just stares for a moment. Totally unsure what to do with this situation.

"Um" then she reaches for a drink from someone walking by, is quickly corrected and given some sparkling, non-alcoholic off the same tray, strategic waitering. A big sip and then she looks back to Vorpal.

"Thanks... I mean.. thank you. You're Vorpal, Teen Titans, I follow you on Hero Watch." she pauses and blushes. "I mean.. you're kind of famous and all.. and you have an item up later right... um.. my name is Charlotte or .. well Charlie most people call me Charlie..."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sipped the tea, not looking up at his father as he asked his question. "Objective? To have dinner with one of the marvels of the world. She's a...wonderful woman, after all." Queue the shades slipping down on Damian's face and The Who's wailing.

  "The embodiment of grace and warrior spirit. I think I will enjoy my dinner date with her." In all seriousness, the last time they interacted he could barely say a word to her, meeting your favorite hero has that effect on you.

Shadow has posed:
    Once inside, Natasha makes her way to the auction's hosts to pay her respects. "Miss Kyle, Mr. Wayne. How good to see you; love what you've done to the place..."

    A few more rote sentences of small talk and a pair of handshakes, and she's off to mingle, looking for the wealthy and the interesting. And finding one.

    "Goodness me, Mr. Rodriguez, good evening. I had no idea you'd be at this auction." She offers the man what a vapid socialite would think was a sly wink. "Or are you here as one of the secret surprise auction items?" she teases.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit to Carrie and says "Maybe a bit of both, make sure we make time to thank everyone for their additions to the auctions, and see what is going on. I am sorta hoping I might be able to get an autogtaph or wo from the titans that showed up. Sadly does not look like Captain America made it.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way through the ballroom, having spotted a few familiar faces. She approaches Bruce and Damian, giving them soft smiles as she walks up to them. "It looks like a wonderful event, Bruce," Kitty tells them. "Hello Damian, you're looking better than the last time I saw you," she tells him.

She glances around and says, "I put a bid in on something, the day with Gar Logan. Ran into him once at Big Belly Burger you know," she comments to them. "I hope the event turns out to be a big success."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Charlotte, I quite like that. That's a Queen's name, you know. Only, don't be like the shouty executey queens, and we'll be fast friends." He clinks his glass with hers and grins. "I -am- Vorpal, though I'm afraid I'm not *that* famous. Most of my popularity comes from the book... and the fact that the internet has a thing about cats. And, well, there are... those other sites," he takes a sip of his champagne. Actually it's more like a gulp. "But enough of that! The other Titans are far better known. Beast Boy has an item up, too, and there's the tour of the Tower if that interests you. Aside from that, I'm all up for schmoozing, gossipping and just carrying on."

He discreetly brushes his hand across his shoulder. He makes it a very feline gesture, and thus one not to be noticed... but it's really to wipe away a stray bit of pink fur that landed on his shoulder.

Maybe he should've gone for the pink Tux after all. Even at the risk of being confused for Snagglepuss.

Hela has posed:
When Damian Wayne winds up offering a firm and insistant challenge for the first item, Elle eventually withdraws, casting a displeased look at the boy. But there was only so much she would have spent if she intended to keep her cover, even a club owner doesn't have as much as the Wayne family.

For the rest of the auction it seems Elle have lost all interest, despite making occasional bids, eventually withdrawing from the bidding room after winning a token item of a party in a club set in Mutant Town. That location should at the very least offer some intrigue, so all is not lost. Not having an inkling of who Barbara Gordon is, she's not exactly thrilled with the winner of the item offered by her hand, but on the bright side, at least it was a woman.

As she looks about the place, she eventually spots Silver at the bar and starts to walk towards her.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro looked startled when someone actually walks up to him and interacts with him. He turns around and notices that the person talking to him was Natasha Cranston, one of the many famous socialities here. He then blushes once he hears her teasing question and says while shaking his head," No, no, nothing like that Senorita Cranston. I am here for the auction. I have money to spare to help the GCPD. Besides, Gaspar told me it would look good for my image. You a fan? Wasn't expecting anyone to recognize me here."

Silver Sable has posed:
Well, there's one familiar face. Silver quits the bar with drink in hand when she spots Elle. By coincidence, Elle's already on her way over; she ends up holding her position and flashing a tight but friendly smile at her friend.

"Well well. Elle, how nice to see you here," Silver says. She steps forward when Elle closes the gap and touches her friend's elbow, then leans forward to airkiss near her cheekbone. "I would not have guessed you one for the social scene, darling," she informs Elle. "The Waynes throw a decent party but it's hardly the hustle of Club Mjolnir. What brings you out here tonight?" she inquires.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle dips her head toward Natasha, sharing a few words while she has the time. "Oh, thank you. You can mostly thank Mr. Wayne. It's his idea. I just tried to help out a bit. I'm curious to see how all of the bidding is going to go, myself." Mr. Wayne, not Bruce, it might be noted. As it happens, some of the bids on her are going up, spotlighted briefly on the largest screen in the room before it cycles on to the next item, and the one after that. Others increase as well as some begin to come to a close.

Batman has posed:
"You know you don't need to clear out your bank account to meet her," Bruce says, unable to mask a slight grin on his face, "But ... good. Well done."

He reaches out to give Damian a faint squeeze on the shoulder, turning as Kitty arrives. The more somber Bruce that they're more familiar with in private gives way to the more outgoing, friendly face he puts on for parties. He takes Kitty's hand, leaning in to kiss the air next to her cheek, and nods his head.

"Good to see you. Oh? The green elephant? I'll admit I was a little confused when he called me to put it on offer, but it definitely sounds like a one of a kind thing. I'll spot you if the bidding goes too high."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tightens her grip on Tim's arm as she spots a familiar face which causes her to light up with a bright smile. "Oh! There's Kitty," she points out as it had been awhile since she'd last seen her friend. Looking back to Tim she flashes an apologetic smile for accidentally strangling his arm. "I'm going to go say hi. Looks like she's chatting with Bruce and Damian anyway," she points out before hesitating, then leaning in to give Tim's cheek a quick peck. "If you want to go chat up the Titans though I'll catch up with you. Plus I might want to bid on an item or two. Might be fun to try."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie tinks her glass back, if so much as she holds it still when he tinks his glass to hers. Her first real toast of a sorts, nice.

"Well I mean.. he is in movies and stuff and the tower tour would sure be cool." she chews her lip for a moment looking around at the bidding going on for items and then back to Vorpal.

"I was told it was all right for me to bid on the training with Captain America and Ms. van Dyne.. I'm not sure it would be as okay to bid on being in a parade with Beast Boy.. though that would be quite the experience."

"So.. is it like .. really Wonderland you go to.. for your item or is that just your theme?" because while Vorpal does have a herowatch page and some press like all the Titans, that is a completely valid question. "It said pocket realm on the description.. how does that work?"

Beast Boy has posed:
Speaking of Gar, he's not far away from Kitty and Bruce and a few others, and the screen flashes over to show she's got the high bid as time winds down. It's hard to know if he remembers her or not from one meeting, though. Lots of faces, lots of places. While the example he gave was the green elephant in a parade, the description itself has morphed more into a general catch-all experience for the day, along the lines of being a hangout and 'do whatever' type of thing. It could be a parade. It could be showing up as a guest to a movie filming, if he happens to be in one at the time. It could be just about anything.

Green eyes sweep the room. Parties are definitely a thing for him, but his attention passes back over Vorpal briefly before he studies the bidding boards again. He's even submitted a bid for a few things, and one of them even looks like it's going his way.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's pale green eyes flash a little bit at Kitty as she mentions him. "True. How are you, Miss Pryde?" He says with a bit of a smile.

  Damian smiles again as Bruce mentions he didn't have to empty his bank account. "Oh, I didn't. But it was for charity, too bad I lost on meeting Captain America. That would have been so much fun." Once the others join in, Damian's rhetoric lightens, marching Bruce's demeanor. Much more outgoing than he really was. But shades of the once shy boy who's only want was to study animals instead of talking subjects with reporters.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"It really is Wonderland. You see," Vorpal says, gesticulating with his free hand, "There are a myriad of dimensions out there, though most hardly ever interact with our own. Some of them are close at hand, so close that sometimes all it takes is a thinning of the barrier between those two worlds and... a hole opens. A rabbit hole, if you will." He snaps his fingers and in the air before then, a four inch representation of the Rabbit Hole appears, carrying a little version of Charlotte falling through it. She's dressed in a yellow pinafore dress, though, very much like Alice.

"A certain little girl happened to stumble upon one of those holes and also managed to make it back before it closed. Her story, of course, you know... as it was told to the author."

He offers her his arm, "Come, I see someone you simply must meet!" He starts towards Zachary Zatara, before he loses him in the crowd. "Zachary! There you are. I want to introduce miss Charlotte to you." He looks at Charlotte, "Mister Zatara is a magician of repute, as you can imagine. And a very snazzy dresser."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan moves on as she talks to people, her eyes catching sight of a few people from work that are attending and she heads their way. They are keeping near the auctioned items for the moment and commenting on what's gone up and what is coming up next. She gives a smile as they fall into light conversation and see what others are going to be bidding on.

Hela has posed:
"Silver," Elle greets the striking woman in silver with a smile, inclining her head in greeting. "It's charity for good cause, and a chance to meet well intentioned people, of course I would be here," Elle explains to Silver, making no mentions of any ulterior motives, because why would such a benevolent woman such as Miracle Elle ever have them.

"You have a good sense for my likes and dislikes, I'm not here for the affluence or merriment, but for the charity and good deeds. I do prefer the vibe of Club Mjolnir over black tie affairs," which is likely why Elle didn't bother conforming and showing up with a gown, as most women would. "What brings you, Silver?"

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha laughs brightly if possibly a bit louder than dignified as she places her half-full glass of champagne on a passing server's tray. "Oh, I make a point of watching a Broadway production ever so often. And you've been in a few, recently. The dashing hero, the relentless policeman... You're a man of many talents. How do you do it?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Bruce at the mention of covering her on the bidding. "Oh, thank you, that's really nice of you. I'll see how the bid I put in does. It looks like it's leading right now," she says of the day with Gar.

Kitty's gaze swings to Damian and she says, "If you'd like to meet him, I could probably work that out for you, Damian. I did an IT project for his girlfriend, and have gotten to meet him on a few occasions since I started working at Stark Industries," she tells him.

Kitty spots Carrie and Tim across the room, waving over to them with a warm smile before she looks back to those she's with. "If there is dancing later, both of you save me one if you would," she tells Bruce and Damian with a smile. "I'm going to go over and say hello to Gar again. Warn him he may have a fan-girl win his item."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle's eyes eventually find and track the path of one pinkish-furred feline. It seems only fitting she's put in a bid on the Wonderland experience. Hard to imagine she isn't familiar with that whole story, given how famous it is and how popular the Cheshire Cat has been in some ways. Sipping from a glass filled with a little bit of the bubbly, she smiles behind it. The Club Mjolnir thing sounded very interesting to her but she ended up outbid. Bruce? A token bid was put in on him just to keep up appearances, but it's only fitting someone into cats like she is would go after the cat here. Won't be long now. More items come to a close, some people looking happy, others less so.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver sips her vodka, then shrugs at the question. The motion sends a ripple through her gown, some designer number. "Life of social affluence," she says, as if that explains everything. "Most business is not done in board room. It's done in... clubs, and over drinks, and dinner. That, the negotiations, that's just the value of labor and cost per contract. You find clients at places like this," Silver explains in that thick Baltic accent. "New customers. People who didn't know what they needed. Not as if anyone on Craigslist can afford fifty thousand dollars a day for private security team."

"Also, Wayne has a reputation for keeping a well-stocked bar." She hefts her martini at Elle in toast, looks around over a sip at the various celebrities and socialites milling in the crowd. "Have you had a drink yet?" she invites her friend.

Zorro has posed:
Hector grins at this compliment as he grabs a chapagne glass and takes a sip from it. Hector then says to her and says," Long hours of practice Senorita. Every time i get a role, like the Role of Javert for example, i make a point to lock myself in my apartment and read the script multiple times. Once in my normal voice, then again in my character's voice, to better get in their head." He then swings his arm in a dramatic gesture and says in a deep,booming voice that is his Javert voice as he says," And get their mannurisms too!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake starts to head towards Gar as well, which seems to keep he and Carrie heading in the same direction. As he nears Beast Boy, he will comment "Mr. Logan it is a pleasure to see you again, looks like I maybe getting the tour of the tower. I do hope with it I get to meet some of the other titans, and maybe get some autographs. I have been trying for a while to get an autograph from Raven, and the new Robin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her hand to wave back to Kitty across the crowd enthusiastically. Nevermind how very uncultured that might seem, darnit. As it stands, the group seem to merge around Gar and she gives him a grin. "Nice seeing you again," she offers to him as she'd also met him at Big Belly Burgers that time. Kitty though? Oh, Kitty is going to get the biggest of hugs if she's allowed. "Saw your bid is leading. Good luck!" She offers with a little laugh as she steps away to let her go to her intended target.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Vorpal," Zachary tops off his flute and sets it down on a passing tray. "You flatter me, honestly, but it's the last name that draws the prestige and ~magical~ reputation. Now on style and tastes, you're one hundred percent right. He holds a gloved hand for shaking. "The pleasure's mine." His eyes flick to the bidding, every so often. "What do you have your eyes set on, Charlotte?"

Hela has posed:
"Fair point, you could make with several contracts in this crowd," Elle observes as she casts a glance over the luxuriously dressed people in attendance. There were some remarkable horseless chariots that brought some of them, no doubt, the majority are very well to do.

"I have not," Elle answers Silver's question of drink, before asking curiously, "do you suppose Mr. Wayne might be so well stocked that he would have some mead...? I understand it is not easily found outside my Club."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
After intercepting Zachary, Vorpal notices another solitary figure trekking through the vast expanses of the ballroom- Morrigan. Using his Rabbit Hole to snatch a champagne glass, he offers it to her in utmost seriousness, saying "Take this, it's dangerous to go alone." Then he breaks into a grin, "I couldn't help notice you were sailing the high seas but uncertain of a port. Maybe you'd like to join us? This here is Miss Charlotte, Queen-named and my current defacto Alice, and this over here is mister Zachary Zatara, magic boy. And I'm just a cat. And how may I address you...?"

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha nods, reaching out to snag a fresh glass from a passing waiter and taking a sip. "Mmm. That seems.. Strenuous. Do you ever have trouble remembering which thoughts are yours and which belong to the character you're playing?"

Batman has posed:
Bruce steps away from Damian, making his way across the ballroom to where Selina is standing. He looks up at the monitors for a moment, exhaling loudly and then turning to face her.

"So, a resounding success by the looks of it? The opening bids alone were more than enough to get us over the line. I think that deserves a toast, don't you?"

Misfit has posed:
Charlie listens to Vorpal's explanation of the way dimensions and Wonderland works. The thinning of barriers. For a moment a flicker crosses her expression, not a frown or anything, perhaps a wince. Then she is blinking and watching as he continues his demonstration. "Okay.. that is fantastic." as she watches the small Charlotte fall down through a whole like Alice in Wonderland.

"I wonder how many books or faerie tales are based on real events... we live in a world a lot stranger than I think some people think. Even with all the heroes."

Speaking of which, she finds her arm in his and led over to Zachary Zatara, gosh a magician even.

"Hello there Zachary, you're the magician from Youtube right.. what was it..." she racks her brain "Prepare to Amaze!"

"Oh well.. um... I bid on the lessons with Captain America and Ms. van Dyne and the Wonderland adventure."

Meanwhile in the background she has no idea that the three relatively small bids she put in for things were slaughtered yet. The whole idea of that much money isn't really a concept she grasps very well. So while Charlie did bid on the Captain America, and Wonderland and another.

She never stood a chance in hell of winning them. The bidding she did do was enough to cause her to be nauseous after all.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro grins at this question and responds in the voice of another one of his characters, this one being the Beadle from Sweeny Todd," No Mrs. Cranston." He then turns back to his normal voice while saying," I started this tactic back in California when i was in the Last Mermaid and i haven't been driven crazy yet."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle touches glasses with Bruce, and it's a moment a few cameras catch. Fitting. "So far, so good," she says to him in a conversational tone, though she can't resist adding, "Even if mine made a lot more money. I think people like animals more than cops, but you should still be happy with everything so far. There will be some thousands more from the online-only side, too."

Then she gestures toward Vorpal, pointing with a finger of the hand holding the champagne flute. "Looks like I'll be taking a little trip sometime soon. That ought to be interesting."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian raises his tea cup to Kitty as she proposes a dance. "Will do." He offers another smile before he sees a tastefully loud pink tux.

  The youngest Wayne takes a moment to walk over to Vorpal and offer a gentle greeting when he sees the good doctor. Answering just as Vorpal bids her her name. "Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, I read your article on synthetic clotting factors in the N.E.J.M." Yes, Damian was smarter than he seemed. The best private tutors had been made available to him at an early age.

Superman has posed:
Staying in the background, Clark Kent watches the proceedings with curiousity and with a slight smile on his face. His eyes scan the wares, listens to the auction and shakes his head at the money being spent. "For a good cause." Clark writes in his notepad, making sure to note the biggest wins and losses.

"Now that is an incredible show that is for sure. Amazing. The Gotham Police Department need every penny." While writing he says that out loud. "Perhaps a quote or do..." Looking over at Bruce Wayne Clark nods in support for the cause.

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy picks out a few people approaching, including one he's more familiar with than others. Tim may be playing a role here, a good way to help keep appearances and avoid giving away any hints at secret identities. There's Carrie as well. "Hey, guys!" he waves as Kitty closes in with him. Even if details aren't immediately recalled from a single encounter, he's the picture of green politeness, offering handshakes and all. "Having a good time so far? That tour should be fun, but I can't make any promises with Raven. And you can call me Gar."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's bright violet gaze looks to the champagne flute that is given to her by Vorpal and there's a smile, "Thank you. I tend to have a steady hand with me. But sadly he's on vacation." she admits with a chuckle. He probably was eaten by a large frog from another plane of existence. Oh well. "It's nice to meet you, Vorpal and company. I'm..." she trails off as someone else gives it for her and there's a soft blush to her cheeks, "That would be me, yes. Morrigan is fine though." she admits. "And you are Damian Wayne." she offers a hand in greeting to the man, "It's nice to meet you. What are you doing reading my boring articles anyways?" she asks him with a chuckle.

Batman has posed:
"Well, charity isn't a competition, Selina," Bruce tells her with a half-smile, he opens his mouth to speak again when he hear's Clark and murmurs, "Excuse me, a moment."

Turning his attention fully now to the reporter, he reaches out to pat the man on his shoulder: "Good to see you again, Mister Kent. This isn't quite a passenger jet falling out of the sky, but I'm flattered they're sending the big guns to cover my event. How many Pulitzers is it you have now?" He grins, suddenly getting a faraway look in his eye as he stares off into space, "Alright, we need a quote: this event has shed a light on something I already knew - the wealth and generosity of spirit out there is boundless, and you just have to tap into it."

His expression immediately lightens and he raises his eyebrows, "How was that? Suitably philanthropic?"

Silver Sable has posed:
"Mead?" Silver's eyebrow lifts at Elle's question. "I doubt it. But cannot hurt to ask, da? The vodka's not bad at least," she informs the woman, and sips from her glass again.

There's a few seconds at the bar to sort things out and Silver nudges Elle's shoulder. Her chin uplifts at Bruce Wayne. "Looks like there might be opportunity to say hello. Come, I will introduce you to him," Silver invites Elle, and tugs her sleeve. "We've met once or twice before at these sorts of events."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Oh, Mister Wayne is exceptionally well-read. Except where it matters, since as of last report he has stilll not read the book in which I happen to be one of the most important characters, thank you." He takes a sip of his champagne and smiles, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Doctor. It is luminaries such as yourself who keep the rest of us from descending into sheer madness. Although some of the best people I know are mad."

He peers at the monitors, "It seems you're winning the bid with Wonder Woman, Mr. Wayne. Congratulations- Diana is a most lovely person, and one of the most welcoming hostesses. You will have an unforgettable day compared to none..." he peers at the screens, "Well, maybe as unforgettable as the day you will paint my portrait." He grins at Damian, "I have a liking for the Daliesque, perhaps we can do a composition like that?"

Charlotte's question did stick with Vorpal, and he answers: "As to what myths may be real... Charlie, you would be amazed. After all, Princess Diana herself has conversed with the Greek gods. And I do happen to know the Fae exist, as I was the unwilling guest of the Cait Sidhe in Scotland once. My advice to you is to approach everything with an open mind..." he smiles at Morrigan, "Right, Doctor?"

Hela has posed:
"Have you had time to take me up on my offer?" Elle asks Silver curiously, clearly deciding against trying for mead at the bar. Not when she already knows where to get the best quality. The offer to meet Bruce Wayne doesn't seem to sit too well with her, before she relents and quips, "it would be polite, it is his home, after all...let us go see him."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at Carrie as she comes over, and gives her the largest of hugs. "You look amazing," Kitty tells the redhead as she takes in her dress. "And Damian and Tim look pretty spiffy too," she says, flashing Tim her warm grin. "I was just going to say hello to Gar again," she says, turning towards him then as he greets the little group. "Nice to see you again. Kitty. We met the one time at Big Belly Burger," she tells him. "I've got a bid in on your day. Actually, looks like I've still got the top one," she says, spotting the monitor that displays the current bids. "Any good ideas on what to do should I win it?"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles at Bruce's response, but she leaves him to field questions from Clark Kent after giving him a brief nod.

Under her breath, she says to herself, "Ah, but everything is a competition, Bruce."

Studying the board, that smile spreads as she watches the final countdown for the Wonderland experience come to an end. Time to go approach that cat.

Superman has posed:
r"Mr. Wayne. It is good to see you too." Clark offers a smile as Bruce pats him on his shoulder. Raising an eyebrow at the "jet falling out of the sky" comment, but the Pulitzer one elicits an even wider smile. "Still not as many as Lois, of course. A couple I think." Modesty of course.

"A quote...right..." Taking out his pen and pad, Clark writes down the quote from the man himself. With a nod, Clark Kent agrees, "Suitably, yes. Not bad. Glad to see this money going to where it is needed most right now. Well done Bruce. I'm impressed." Plus, he couldn't say it, but proud of him.

Misfit has posed:
Oh look, someone who seems to be her height and age, she peers a little bit at Damian and sips her very non-alcoholic drink. While he knows who she is, she still doesn't know who he is as only one of them was in costume the last time they met and used their codename, and it wasn't her. "Very nice charity event your father is throwing Mr. Wayne." is how she greets him, with a genuine smile.

Then Vorpal returns to the conversation about myths and the young woman looks puzzled for a moment. Then she nods. "Also the likes of Thor and Asgardians... Hercules nd the other Greeks like Diana has conversed with... I guess maybe everything is real to one degree or another then. A Very magical world right?"

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver links elbows with Elle and starts towards the Wayne family patriarch. "Da, have used some time here and there," she tells Elle with a nod. "Not as much as I would like, though. But, duty calls. Not much time to sit and meditate," she says with a rueful expression.

She cues up into the loose group circulating around Bruce, trying to get his attention; at an opportune moment she flashes a polite smile at the CEO of Wayne Enterprises to try and get his attention and make with the polite introductions.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha smiles approvingly, putting her glass away again to clap briefly. "Oh, very well done. I certainly hope to see your next performance, but for now, I've people to meet, you know how it is..."

    With that, she drifts off again, not quite waiting for an answer...

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake starts to say something and his phone rings. He sighs and pulls it out to look over a message he has gotten from it. "It would seem I must go, there is a vice president in singapore who is loosing it that our product had not arrived even though it is not scedueled to be there till next week. It looks like I need to go unruffle a few feathers, please excuse me." He looks to Carrie "I will call you when I finish maybe we can grab a late bite?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian bows his head as Morrigan mentions his name. "That's me." He says with a grin. "Nice to meet you too." Her subtle jab at her own articles have him chuckle just a bit. "Medical advances are not boring around here. My grandfather's trust has a vested interest in funding groundbreaking research. I started reading the Lancet because of it, and eventually started learning more about his side of the family interest." He raises his glass at one portrait of Thomas in the ball room. "I was more of an artist, as Vorpal now knows. Now that he's won his portrait." He nods to Vorpal before responding, giving a slight narrowing of eyes to the comment on Dali. "If you wish to have your portrait done so, it will be how you want. Melting clocks and bold shadows and all."

  Damian raises his Asian tea cup to Charlotte as she greets. "We try to gather up as much money we can for the GCPD. They've always done well for my family. And things like this is how we can show our gratitude."

Beast Boy has posed:
Search brain. Pretty girl. Burger place...

"Oh! Yeah, hey!" Beast Boy looks and sounds as if he remembers, which is better than not. Acting pays off! "Feathers, huh? I'd make a more obvious joke but this tux wouldn't survive and I don't think we need to be ruining this little gathering with embarrassing photos and videos. It could hurt the brand." Or help it, depending. Best not to risk it.

Back to Kitty goes most of his attention, a quick nod following. "In fact, I think it's ending right about now!" He points up at the screen, some flashing graphics around it to signify the fact Kitty Pryde has won. "Congratulations! I guess that means you've got me for a day. Whatever you want to do, we can pack as much or as little in as you want. A day trip, that parade idea, or something else completely!"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lets out a little sigh at the hug from Kitty. "You look amazing too," she agrees as she steps back to let the greetings take place. Then Tim steps off, and she nods after him, "Later, Sweetie," she calls out loud enough to make sure he heard. And possibly some reporters too though she doesn't bother to look their way. Instead she clasps her hands behind her back grinning at Gar and Kitty. "Oh, you could have him give you a back massage but as a cat." The suggestion comes with a hand lifting to do little flexing kitty paw motions. "That always feels great but never lasts long." It's just an idea, though, one she gives with a teasing wink to the pair.

With a little chuckle at her own suggestion she pats Kitty on the shoulder, "I'll let you two hash out the details for real. I want to go check out some of the other auction items while I can. Have fun!"

Batman has posed:
"Oh, don't go telling Selina it's where the money's needed most," Bruce turns slightly to grin at his co-host before looking back to Clark, "I think she'd rather all this went to the big cats, too. I imagine if she had her druthers, I'd be turning the mansion and grounds in a cat sanctuary. Maybe not a bad idea, but we've already got a dog."

As he speaks, his eyes drift to Silver and Elle and he once more pats Clark on the shoulder, "Adoring public awaits. Or else I'm about to walk into a trap. Try not to work too hard, Clark. There is an open bar, after all."

That said, he drifts away to step up to Silver and return her polite smile. Before they can speak, however, he lifts a finger and says: "Don't tell me. I know this one." He claps both hands palms together, pointing them at Silver, "Silver Sablinova, our office in Manhattan is contracting your firm to test their new security system." Then, still clasped, pointing them at Elle, "'Miracle' Elle. I appreciate the donation. A friend of mine was very interested in winning it."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to Vorpal, "I imagine that when your father is Bruce Wayne that you would be very well read." she agrees with that. "He's not read Alice in Wonderland?" she asks. Then there's a bit of a grin to the man, "Ah yes, an open mind is what sometimes will keep you from going absolutely crazy. And having a good read on myths might help at some point." the violet eyes woman tries not to start talking about Vampires or Werewolves. Nope!

Then to Damian, "Your grandfather would have been exceptionally proud of you I am guessing." she tells him. "I have older journals if you'd ever like to read them. And I'm working on a new serum for those that are allergic to the sunlight. The old one can be built upon." she nods to this. "I could go on about finding breakthroughs and testing all night, I won't bore anyone." she laughs.

Superman has posed:
Clark notices that the demands on Bruce's time is formidable, spotting Selina's nod, and returning it with one of his own. "A cat sanctuary might be nice. It would give the dog something to chase that doesn't fly and stay in caves." Clark chuckles.

Spotting Silver trying to get Bruce's attention, and so on, Clark shrugs. "Lots to do, so much to see, so little time. If you don't mind, I'll mingle and get some more quotes for my article. Well done." Clark says as Bruce heads off. Turning towards the crowd, he mingles.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft laugh at Carrie's idea. "I suppose that would be one, though I'd feel bad asking you to do that," Kitty says, turning her smile to Gar. She follows his motion towards the monitor. "Oh, it is ending isn't it... hey, I won it!" she says with a grin. "I honestly didn't think I would, your time is worth so much more than that," Kitty gushes to her movie acting idol.

"Hrm, well, we can figure out something then. I've never seen a film being made so maybe something like that?" she says thoughtfully.

Kitty starts to say something else, and then she spots Silver Sablinova across the room. Kitty's expression turns to surprise, the last time she'd seen the woman was thousands of miles away, and led to events of her nightmares. Kitty shakes the moment off from her thoughts to resume her smile to Gar. "We can definitely come up with something," she says.

Hela has posed:
"You are correct, Mr. Wayne," Elle notes to Bruce, "and most willingly, it is a very important event. Such a good cause. I do hope your friends had better luck in her bidding, I have failed to secure the one I coveted," Elle shares, before asking, "by virtue of having that first item, is it possible you actually know Princess Diana in person?"

Zorro has posed:
Hector watches Natasha walk off and lets out a sigh. He then proceeds to take another sip of his champaign and places the glass on a tray. He then looks around for a bit before seeing Bruce Wayne. Hector had always wanted to meet the billionair and now seemed to be the perfect chance. But before that, he had to make a bid. He walks ouver to the bidding tables and places a rather large bid on the Captain America- Wasp combat training option, wanting to train gimself to fight as both Zorro and himself without always relying on his sword. He then walks up to Bruce Wayne and says to him," Ah, Senor Wayne. It is nice to finally be able to meet you in person.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie looks between Damian and Morrigan and then Vorpal and back to Damian. She sips the last of her fake bubbly and peers at the glass as if has now betrayed her and what is she supposed to do with her hands now.

Talk she supposes. "I would have guessed you were my age.." to Damian Wayne. "Or ..well there abouts... you have to be the only one in High School actually reading medical journals." she is just surprised and the words just come out of her mouth really.

Realizing after she said it that it might not be good small talk she tries again "The GCPD is a good cause.. this town is just so very full of crime and they really are doing their best." it is like what one says about a puppy really, trying but not doing great.. but gosh darn it. They are doing their best right.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver smiles at Bruce, exchanging polite handshakes. "You're contracting us to _beat_ your system," she correct Bruce with a mild meticulous note. "Will look forward to sending you the vulnerability assessment once we're done."

She looks sidelong at Elle as Bruce introduces himself to the other woman. The question from the bartender elicits a quirk of Silver's brow and she looks up at Bruce curiously. "Princess Diana of Themyscira? You know her?" she inquires, sounding impressed.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Although it seems you were not the winner of your item," Vorpal says, seeing that Selina won his tour, "The evening has not been a waste for you at all." He produces a card and offers it to Charlotte. "After the evening is over, feel free to call me up. I'll take you out to dinner with my boyfriend. You will like him, he can be a real hoot." When he's an owl.

He looks over to see who won Gar's date, but he doesn't quite recognize the name.

"Doctor, do not feel shy about talking about breakthroughs. We all benefit from them, so they should have their own time in the spotlight." He sips his champagne, and winks at Damian, "I was only joking about Dali. I would never seek to impose a style upon a painter. The joke seemed fitting, because of what I am."

Batman has posed:
Bruce glances sidelong at Hector for a moment, firing off an apologetic smile to both Silver and Elle as he shakes the offered hand, "Nice to meet you, too. You're - " he pauses, putting a name to his face, "Rodriguez? The actor? You absolutely need to meet my son's tutor. Carrie Kelley. She's a formidable actress."

The elder Wayne gestures towards Carrie, gesturing for her to come over. As he does, he turns his attention back to Elle and Silver with an airy wave of his other hand.

"Oh, you know how it is. Enough money and you can run in whatever circles you like. It was just a matter of reaching out to her people, arranging a meeting, and letting a good cause speak for itself." He pauses, "And a little bribery didn't hurt. Champagne, please."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy feigns mock embarrassment at the massage idea, though he adds, "I'm sure there's a lot we could do within the boundaries of professional courtesy and what's proper. After all, I'd never want to do anything to cause Miss Kitty's significant other to come chasing after me, assuming you have one of course," finishing by looking to her.

Then he withdraws a phone from a pocket. "I happen to have been doing some recent auditions, and there may be a couple other projects in the works. Depending on how patient you can be, I might just be able to swing a visit to the set, maybe even a role as an extra in something. If not, there's a lot of other stuff out there. By the way...selfie? I could use an excuse to gain a few more followers, and a picture with the big winner wouldn't hurt." He waggles the phone in his hands.

Hela has posed:
Elle nods at Bruce explaining how he attained item number 1 for his auction, appearing somewhat disappointed as she was hoping for a way around losing that bid. "I see, well, money is indeed a means of power," she admits. Even though during the Black Sleep she was weirdly unswayed by grandiose offers of money, keeping to her own method of choosing who she helps. "I'll let you be to see to your other guests, a pleasure to have met you, Mr. Wayne. If you're ever inclined, you're welcome to entertain yourself at my club, should you venture to New York City."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes a deep breath as she approaches the screens to look them over. There really wasn't too much she was interested in bidding on though she had put a few in... But there was one she was interested in seeing *be* bid on. Her own little, small contribution. It wasn't much compared to the other items but it would be nice to know there was interest. Apparently there was. From one particular individual which makes her head swing around to look for the man in question. As luck would have it, it's just about then that Bruce gestures towards her summoning her over.

She slips through the crowd to join his side with a questioning look. "What's up, Mr. Wayne?" She begins only to glance to the side to stare at Hector Rodriguez.

She stares a minute more before a quick shake of her head gets her mind back on track. "Oh my gosh! Mr. Rodriguez! It's such an honor to meet you!" Her hand is extended out to shake his if he lets her, and she does so enthusiastically with a brilliant grin. Actress or not, there was no acting here. "I heard you've got a new show coming soon, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle makes a slow approach toward Vorpal - her own auction is coming to an end as well, though the last few times it's cycled through she missed it to see the high bidder. The Cheshire Cat is easy to pick out of a crowd of people, many of them in formalwear.

Reaching him, she raises a hand in greeting before extending it. "Vorpal of the Titans, is it? Selina Kyle. Looks like I'll be joining you on a little trip soon. I'm very familiar with the story, but are there any Do's and Don't's I should keep in mind so I don't..you know..?" She mimes the chopping off of her head, giving him an impish grin that could almost rival his own.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zachary bowed out to 'find' another drink, but he approaches the group he left shortly after. "Heard you won yourself a portrait," He comments to Vorpal. "From Bruce Wayne's son?" He misses Damian entirely. "Quite the prize, but they're bigger fish out there." He notes, with a bit of a smirk. Of course, he's referring to a day in the life with the man himself.

Silver Sable has posed:
"I as well. Until the security audit, Mister Wayne," Silver bids the fellow. She steps away from him with a polite nod and hooks arms with Elle for a few steps as they withdraw.

"Elle, would you excuse me? I have to take a call. Hopefully will not be long, but might be trouble." She squeezes the other woman's hand. "Was good to see you, though. Perhaps drinks later this week?" she offers.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles back to Gar and tells him, "I do actually, probably another reason to go away from the massage idea," she agrees with a soft, warm laugh. "That would be amazing, and if I could serve as an extra that would be a real experience. If not, no worries though. I'd just love to get to see a movie being made sometime," she tells him.

Kitty smiles over to Carrie as the redhead heads off to do more bidding. She turns back to Gar to tell him, "Of course, selfie away," she says with a grin. "I have to show off this dress as much as I can. It was part of my salary from Janet van Dyne when I did some IT work for her. An actual original. You wouldn't believe how amazing it moves," she says of the otherwise tight-seeming garment. Kitty moves over to stand close with Gar, smiling big for the picture.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Clark when he's mingling and there's a smile, but the redhead doesn't approach him. She does give a smile between Vorpal and the others that he is with as they speak with Damian, "I tend to be a bit modest when it comes to the spotlight." she admits. Strange was the showboat of the Doctors. There's a look to Zachary when he appears again and there's a smile, "Mister Zatara. I met your sister in passing once. You both seem to have wonderful senses of style." she admits.

Misfit has posed:
The mention of the whole winning and tours brings Charlie's attention to the items and the displays, so high tech there, and then her eyes really get big at the Captain America one and also to be honest the Wonderland one. "Gosh... I had no idea how much I should have been bidding..." a bit pale at the actual numbers up there as she looks around at all of them. Maybe a tiny green at the gills.

Vorpal sort of saves her by offering a card, which she accepts and looks over curious. "That sounds amazing..." she blushes and tucks it into her clutch. "I can't wait to meet you and your boyfriend, though I hope it isn't somewhere this fancy.. I might not be able to eat." she notes self depricatingly, but honest too.

She has a whole lot to adjust to really.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gave Charlotte a small nod. "Yeah, I'm not in normal classes." The young Wayne admits, not ashamed. "Oh good, because my practice subject showed up wearing a dress in the style of a pre Civil War era Debutante. That was enough of a challenge to get the rust off."

  Though Morrigan's talking of a new serum has himself intrigued. "That's why we like to invest our grants into medical breakthroughs. Do not be complacent with current treatments just because they are passable." The young man gives his cup to a passing waiter, Alfred would direct them that it was Damian's favorite and should be handled gently. "I would love a chance to read more into your work. Mount Sinai has indeed a good staff to support them."

Zorro has posed:
Hector grins and shakes Mr.Wayne's hand while nodding, confirming his identity. Before he could speak however, Wayne gestures over a red-haired young woman, who immedialtey acts excited to see him. Hector grins and shakes Carrie's hand while saying," It is a pleasure to meet a fan Miss. Carrie. I am also looking forword to the Scarlet Pimpernel, it should be a exquisit show."

Hela has posed:
With her arm hooked by Silver's, Elle walks away from Bruce Wayne along with her friend, nodding at her words, "the invitation is always extended, do take me on my offer, any time you please..." she waves goodbye to Silver, and turns to look about the room. Spying those still present. For a moment or two her gaze lingers on Kitty, no doubt for that remarkable JVD original. Or so some would assume.

Beast Boy has posed:
"You might think it's all fun and action and stuff, but I've had times where literally the entire day is reshooting the same scene over and over to get it just right," Gar explains, rolling his eyes at the memory. "When you're on your 50th take because the director's got a bug up his butt about it being /exactly/ how he wants down to the angle and everything and you have to knock the same glass of water off a table, let's just say that can eat into the budget a bit. Gets a little boring too, even if it's an excuse to break a few dozen glasses." There could be some exaggerating going on, but the point is sound.

The green Titan grins at Kitty as he starts to line up the shot, trying to get it at a high enough angle to show off more of her dress while keeping it tasteful. "I'll have to mention that, and I can already see how well it moves!" He flashes a dopey, cheesy grin with that one tooth poking up from underneath, giving a thumbs-up gesture with his free hand. Snap!

It's shown to Kitty to make sure it's acceptable. "Mind if I post this? Got a username I can put in there?"

Batman has posed:
As Silver departs, Bruce takes a few steps to follow Elle even after she bids him farewell: "I may take you up on that invitation. I've heard a lot of interesting things about Club Mjolnir, I just haven't really had the opportunity to get across the river and visit. Is that 'Jarl for a Day' package something you offer normally, or just a once-off for charity?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty throws up an excited look appropriate for the winner of the auction for Gar's picture. "Oh yeah, I can imagine that would get really old. I remember some interview with an actor that mentioned he hated eating in a scene because if they had to do a ton of takes like that, they'd get stuck having to eat again and again and again," she says with a soft chuckle and a shake of her head.

"Sure, @deerinheadlights," she tells him, giving him her public account which she rarely uses for much, preferring to stick to the private Xavier social media system instead. "Well I'll look forward to us doing that, then, and hope it won't be a 50-take day for you," she says.

Superman has posed:
Well, it was getting past good old Clark Kent's bedtime. With a passing wave to those he knows, and a nod to those he interviewed, Clark Kent picks up his over coat to shield himself from the rain, and with a final nods towards Selina and Bruce, Clark Kent heads out and into his waiting Uber. Taking the time on the trip to the hotel to fix up his notes, he begins writing the article...in his head. It was a good night for Gotham and for the Gotham Police Department.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks after Mister Kent for a few minutes. Because who doesn't appreciate a good fit on a tux. She shakes herself and then gives an embarrassed smile to those she was speaking to, "Apologies. Got distracted." she muses softly. Mhm. By shoulders. "I can send over those journals to you, Mister Wayne. It would be no trouble. Also if you'd like to know what I'm working on currently I can send over a synopsis if it would be interesting." she tells him. "I keep odd hours. So whenever would be good for you." she offers.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley continues to shake his hand perhaps a moment too long as she does the double-hand-clasp that comes from meeting someone exciting. It really had been awhile since she'd gotten to properly focus on her love of theater, so meeting someone as well-known as him was quite the treat. Realizing she was going a bit overboard her hands withdraw with a nervous chuckle. "Oh, I really am looking forward to that one. I can't recall the last time anyone even put on a play in regards to it. I've read up on a lot of the old classics, of course, but being part of Gotham U., we try to have a good rotation of new, old, and original creations. And of course we can't mimic what's currently going on in Broadway, that would just be tacky."

Reaching up she combs her fingers through her red hair to tuck it behind her ear again with another sheepish smile. "Ah... I'm babbling a bit. I'm sorry. How are you enjoying the evening?"

Hela has posed:
Elle turns to look at Bruce as he follows her after she turns to leave with Silver, smiling as he shows genuine interest in her club. "I created this experience especially for this charity event, but if it proves successful, we may turn it into a recurring event, we shall see. But until this event, it did not even exist," Elle shares most willingly, her gaze shifting for a moment over Charlie, taking some interest in her. "Do you know that one?" She asks of Bruce while pointing at Misfit, just because they were already conversing.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"You think this is good? You should see me in fishnets. I pull them off better than her," Zachary winks, half-smirk spreading to the full showbiz smile, at Morrigan's compliment. "But yeah. It's in the blood. Just like the magic. If you're meaning Zatanna though, she's my cousin, not sister. Did you see her after one of her shows? She's something, isn't she?"

Beast Boy has posed:
"Ahh. What does it stand for?" Gar asks. "I've found it's never good for a deer to be in any headlights. I'm @BeastBoy." Of course she probably knew that already. "Juuuust a sec." He taptaptaps away on the screen before one final one, the tip of his tongue sticking out past his lips, and the phone is put away. "Get ready for the Gar Effect! Your follower count might go up by all of about five people!" Hopefully it's a bit higher than that.

Thinking things over for a moment longer, he supposes, "I can really put the food away but I think even I'd get a little tired of that much. It probably started getting cold and icky, too. Anyway, think about it. There's no hurry, but I thiiiiink I'm contractually obligated to fulfill my end of the deal before the year is over. If you really want the movie set experience and all that, hopefully I'll have some good news for you soon."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian slips his hand into his vest pocket, removing a card, passing it to Morrigan. "Most definitely, we can arrange a meet if you'd wish." He offers up, before giving a nod to the others. "If you'll excuse me. Enjoy the rest of the evening, and thanks for your donation, Vorpal." He offers in a goodbye before he casually slips into the back halls of the Manor, the boy needed time away from the large crowd.

Zorro has posed:
Hector couldn't help but grin as Carrie shook his hand with both hands. He lets out a goon-natured laugh as she lets go, rmembering how he acted the exact same way when he met his idols in Broadway for the first time. He then saus to her," Yes, the Scarlet Pimpernel has been adapted in a long time, it is a classic. I read for high school and enjoyed it very much. Once i heard they were auditioning for Sir Percy, i know i must auditioned, and i got the role." He then grins as he leans down and whisphers to her," Between you and me, i took a bid on the training sessions with Captain America and Wasp. A man needs to learn how to defend himself. Plus, Captain America is one of my biggest inspirations in life. Meeting him will be a great pleasure."

Batman has posed:
"I do," Bruce says, eyes narrowing slightly as he looks from Elle to Charlie, "She's a friend's foster daughter. Charlotte. Did you want to meet her? I haven't met her properly, either, so it'd be a good time."

That said, Bruce makes his way over towards Charlie and stoops slightly so as to not be towering over her quite so much: "Hi, Charlie. I'm Bruce. Barbara's friend. Remember?" His eyebrows raise, watching for her reaction intently.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins to Gar and says, "Well, I'm from Deerfield, Illinois. User name I came up with back when I was in middle school," she tells him. "I don't really use my account that much anyway, so five would be five more than I have now," she says. "But I'm going to have a great time showing the picture to my friends. You really are the best. My friend Doug is going to flip out over it," she says, grinning.

Kitty glances around the ballroom, saying, "It's such a great event. Nice seeing so many people out helping a good cause. But really I just loving see all the dresses and everyone dressed up. I haven't had too many chances to go to this sort of thing. Not around here, anyway." Shi'ar royal balls don't count the same.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a chuckle to Zachary, "I think that would be something, yes." she tells him. "And apologies, I assumed with the name it was siblings. It was after a show, yes. Just a quick passing." she nods to him. "I'm trying to learn a little magic. So far so good." she muses to that. Then she takes the card that is offered from Damian and there's a smile, "We'll do that then." she tells him. The time is nearing a late hour and Morrigan can feel it, "It was lovely to meet all of you this evening, but I need to get going and right a check for a donation and a few items from the auction. If you'll excuse me." the woman gives a warm smile, her overly sharp canines showing as she does. It's reflex! But off she goes!

Hela has posed:
Elle doesn't seem to favor one over the other, but with Bruce taking charge, she nods and follows him. When they reach Charlie, she moves to stand just to the side and slightly behind Bruce. "Well met, I am Elle, also known as Miracle Elle. You've an interesting aura about you..." she remarks to Charlie as she looks at her intently.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie was just getting another fake bubbly sparkling juice from a very kind waiter when Mr. Wayne and 'Miracle' Elle come over to her. She looks like she thinks about noting it is not actual champagne then decides the adults probably know that the waiters generally know better.

"Oh hello there Mr. Wayne." eyes a bit wide there, he is like the richest person in the room. She is a bit thrown when what he says sinks in, yes narrowing then widening again all in swift order.

A blink cast towards Elle then to Mr. Wayne "She says nice things about you...." and then her attention back to Elle "Nice to meet you too... your from the news, that whole Sleeping thing right... no one has ever said that about me before. Thank you I think?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tries her very best not to stumble over words while speaking to Hector, though the entire time she is lit up with a bright smile. "I hope to be able to see the show myself." A Broadway show. That would be something and something she might actually be able to afford for once with her new job. When he whispers to her, she can't help but laugh. "Oh, I've sort of met him before at another charity event. He seems very nice! I'm sure it would be a great opportunity to learn from him. I bid on Selina's auction because..." She hesitates here, going a little quiet in her admission, "To be honest I'm kind of new to this whole environment. I was hoping I might get some pointers so I don't embarass my boss in the future."

Batman has posed:
Bruce doesn't impose himself on Elle and Charlie's conversation, taking a few steps away so they can talk without him looming nearby. But he doesn't go far. There's something strange about the whole intraction, and he has learned to trust his gut instinct. To the end he remains nearby, chatting with some of the other donors while sparing the pair a sideways glance from time to time.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes the rounds one last time, getting in some dances here or there, and saying goodnight to people finally before she heads on out. A huge smile is left on her face from being able to dress up for the event like this, to go and mingle with the high society folks, and see one of her idols again.

Zorro has posed:
Hector grins widely upon hearing Carrie talk about Captain America. He then says to her," I am looking forword to meeting him very much. Meeting Miss Van Dyne should also be interesting." He then grins mischeviously and says to her," How would you react if i were to say i could get you into the opening night of The Scarlet Pimpernel for free? Along with a few friends of course?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Check out my Youtube channel, if you to see the magic behind her most elusive tricks," Zachary says, as she departs, assuming she means stage magic and not the real. He catches Bruce friggin' Wayne in the corner of his eye, and with Confidence, strides over for a greeting. "Hey," He greets casually, holding out a hand.

"Really cool event, but I'm sure you've heard that about a dozen times tonight. Zachary Zatara. You knew my uncle, yeah?"

Hela has posed:
"The same," Elle concurs with Carrie as she identifies her from the news, before adding, "it is not idle flattery, it is a fact," her remark quite non-chalant, as she looks curiously at Charlie, "if you would have it, I would like to extend to you an invitation to my club, Club Mjolnir."

Misfit has posed:
"Oh" surprised about the invite then she notes "Okay?" she says unsure, glancing towards Bruce then back to Elle there. She sips the fake bubbly and nods. "I'm not old enough to drink if it is one of those kind of clubs in the city though." the kid is like sixteen, and short, so she isn't passing even with a fake ID.

Which she doesn't even have.

"But if it is like all ages sure I would love to stop by."

Hela has posed:
"You will not be served any alcoholic beverage, but you may take interest in its theme and setting, it is most unique," Elle assures Charlie, "the choice of course is yours, you don't have to take the invitation...but it is a public place, if you have concerns. I'll see you, should you choose to come...farewell," Elle mutters before inclining her head at Bruce, "a lovely event, Bruce, till we meet again..." and with that she turns to leave.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
From somewhere in the room there's a high pitched squeal that erupts.

Notably from Carrie Kelley who is quick to clap both hands over her mouth with a look of absolute horror at her little outburst of fan-girl delight. "Oh, that was so very not polite I bet," she lets out sheepishly. "I'm sorry! That would be amazing though!" An offer like that was bound to gain such a reaction after all, and though she dips her head trying not to be noticed after that little outburst, it was probably all in vain. That's the problem with being a redhead. It's very easy to spot.

"Seriously though? I would love that!"

Zorro has posed:
Now it is Hector's turn to be embarssed. His face turns red as his eyes seemed to bug out, mostly likely out of surprise. He had not expected that sort of reaction. Hecotor's look of embaressment turns into another grin as he says," Well, i will see what Gaspar and the theater manager can arrange. If i can get you in, you will be contacted by the hteater and will be arranged seats. Though i do ask you not to squel like on opening night." He then lets out a laugh at his own joke.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley clasps her hands together with a sheepish grin still plastered to her face. "Oh, I know better than to do that in a theater, I just... That would be wonderful, thank you!" Taking a deep breath she glances around at the dwindling crowd only to nod to herself. "I should go check on some other things. It was great meeting you, Mr. Rodriguez. And thank you so much again!"

Misfit has posed:
Charlie looks after Miracle Elle and her invitation to her club in New York. She tilts her head a little bit then shakes it and looks to Mr. Wayne still talking to donors nearby.


She steps over "Thank you for the wonderful charity auction Mr. Wayne... and introducing me to your unusual donor.. associate..." she really isn't sue the proper way to phrase that. "I'll be sure to tell Barbara what she missed and make her jealous."

Batman has posed:
"That's alright, Charlie," Bruce tells her, giving her a half-smile, "I'm sure Barbara wants to hear all about it. We have one of the guest rooms set aside for you if you don't feel like making the trek back. Or we can have a car brought round for you."

As Zach approaches, Bruce extends a hand, "You know, you didn't need to spend that much money to get an appointment. I can always make time for a Zatara. Have you met Charlie?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Giddy, and smiling as if she were, Carrie meanders through the crowd until she spots Bruce again. It wasn't hard to miss him given he was rather tall. The crowd seemed to naturally part around him so that those he was speaking with would have room to do so, as well. Though he was currently speaking to an unfamiliar Zach, and a quickly recognized Charlie, an urge strikes her that is perhaps one which might come back to bite her later.

None the less, she acts on it.
Shelipping through the crowd she comes up behind Bruce, and moves to his side with intent to give him a quick and tight hug. Provided he doesn't dodge or spill a drink on her to avoid it.

"Mr. Wayne, thank you! It was so great getting to meet him!"

Misfit has posed:
Charlie nods to the offer, which is a lot more normal in her head than the club one earlier. "That sounds nice though I wouldn't want to impose. It's a Saturday.. I'll probably be up for hours."

Because weekends are a lot easier to get out and fight crime during thanks to Babs making her go to school now every day during the week. responsibilities.

She notes Carrie's approach, it isn't to her back after all and watches to see what happens.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"I know, I know, but it's for a good cause. 'Sides, the auction and the prize will be a good opportunity to bump up my follower count." Zachary doesn't have the publicity his cousin has, after all. "which leads me to a few questions. Am I allowed to record some of it for my channel? Not all of it, obviously, for security reasons and I won't be holding a recorder the whole time, but say a few pictures here or there."

"Oh yeah, I met her earlier. How do you kno-" His question's interrupted by the surprise-hug, but the only thing that strikes him as odd is he doesn't know who Carrie is.

Batman has posed:
"I'm not much for social media," Bruce admits to Zach, mostly because even someone with his Herculean approach to making time doesn't have that much time, "So no followers from me, I'm afraid. But sure, record whatever you like. It isn't going to be all that exciting, I don't think. You'll need to talk to my assistant about finding a day that suits. Probably a board meeting. We might take the chopper over to Metropolis for lunch. I'm looking forward to i-"

If he saw the sudden hug coming, he doesn't let it on. However, his champagne glass does quickly pass from one hand to the other just before Carrie wraps her arms around him - holding it out of the way. His free hand lifts to pat her on the back, half-smile returning to his face.

"I'm glad you got the chance," he tells her, "Honestly, I'm not a big Broadway guy and I just thought you'd have a lot more to talk about than I would."

He turns his attention to the little group gathered around, "Carrie, this is Zachary Zatara. I think you've already spoken to Charlie?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley does a quick release hug at least so she's not taking up too much of his time, or the others he was speaking with when she interrupted in such a manner. A step to the side is taken, and she sweeps her hair back again with a nod toward the pair. "Oh, yes! Good to see you again, Charlie," she greets before her gaze swivels toward Zachary. The name didn't ring too many bells for her... but there were so many people for her to meet to begin with. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Carrie Kelley," she offers with a polite nod.

"Sorry for interrupting. I just got a bit over-excited getting to meet a broadway star. Bit of a theater fan," she explains with a little duck of her head.

Misfit has posed:
"I think this night has been exciting if strange for all of us Carrie." she is after all the person Charlie was able to relate to about the money and OH MY GOD... how does one get used to this.

"Zachary Zatara has a youtube channel about magic.. his whole family is in it if I remember right. Sort of the family business right?" she looks to Zach unsure now but in a good mood.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Of course. I can be busy between school and hocus pocus these days, we'll work it out. A chopper for lunch?" Zachary chuckles. Somehow, that feels grander than teleportation. A board meeting sounds positively dreadful, though, but Zach doesn't let his dismay show. "You should bring your son along...Damian, was it. He's an artist, yeah?" He glances over to the dais, where the Vorpal won the honor of a portrait and lets out a low whistle. "Expensive work. You must be proud."

"The pleasure's all mine, Carrie," Zach says, casual. "It's alright. A lot of big names here tonight. It's easy to get overwhelmed." He nods at Charlie's words. "It comes with the name. Zee's the real star. I might get into stage stuff after I graduate, but she's insistent that I get an education first."

Batman has posed:
"I'm going to leave you to it," Bruce tells the group, lifting a hand to squeeze Carrie's shoulder once before taking a step away, "Need to make sure all the ink dries on these deals. I'll sleep a lot better once the moneys in the trust account."

He smiles and takes a step away. In truth, the event ran long into the evening. He has places he needs to be. Places that involve less canapes and more capes.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances back toward Bruce when he squeezes her shoulder to give him a single nod. She knew what he was up to, and likely that meant she was going to be allowing for his escape to do it. "Okay," she agrees before looking back to the others with a new grin.

"Oh, yeah, Damian's really good at painting. I sat for a practice portrait for the auction itself," she explains with a broad grin. "It was a little boring holding still for so long but he did a great job. I think he might have used the image as an example of what he can do for the auction itself, I didn't check," she admits with a small shrug.

"This whole place can be overwhelming at times, but it's been a good evening. Have you both enjoyed yourselves?" Her gaze swings from Charlie to Zachary and back again curiously. "I'll have to check out your channel. I get a bit of tunnel vision sometimes and tend to miss other types of entertainment besides theater."

Misfit has posed:
"I've never been to the Theater or a stage show.. movies sure... but if there wasn't an internet and streaming I don't know what I would do." she is mostly musing out loud as she watches Bruce make his escape and leave the teenagers behind.

"Is was pretty great.. never been to anything like this. The Titan Vorpal seemed to like me, offered to take me to dinner with him and his boyfriend as a consolitation prize for losing his Wonderland adventure. I wonder who he is dating... I don't think it is in his herowatch profile."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"This whole place," Zachary hums, a brow lifting, and brings the champagne to his lips, mulling over that detail. "This is my first night here. It's just how I expected: absolutely stunning, though not the type of manor I'm used to. Can I ask how you know the Big Man?" He leans forward, a smirk playing on his lips now that Bruce has departed.

"I couldn't tell you," Zach says to Misfit. "A creature of chaos, that one? The Wonderland adventure gig sounds fun and dandy until you land in a dimension that doesn't take kindly to having holes ripped into it. Good luck to Miss Kyle."

Back to Carrie, he shrugs. "Presidgitation and theater aren't too different. You're fooling someone. You might like it." The channel, he means.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smiles at Charlie's remarks though she shakes her head a little. "I can fix that if you want. I work with the Gotham U theater department, so if you'd like to see any of our plays this year, just let me know. It's always a fun experience,' she assures. Of Zachary's remarks she nods thoughtfully, "Oh I'm sure I will. I just can't recall the last time I watched something for enjoyment as opposed to studying it. It should be fun to look into."

Ah, then the question comes. A small chuckle and shake of her head. "I work for him actually. Damian took some acting classes from me, and we get along well enough. Mr. Wayne offered me a position as his in-house tutor. Though, really," she adds dropping her voice just a bit conspiratorially, "It's more like I just assist. I help keep track of what he has coming up that's due so far as homework, and help organize. Damian's more than smart enough for the rest. He's just got *so* much going on."

Misfit has posed:
Charle chews on that offer from Carrie and then nods "Sure I'd love to.. you may have to let me know which you really recommend?" she has no clue about plays, zero, none.

"I really wanted to see Wonderland but his offer is super nice." the dinner really.

"It must be hard being that busy." like Charlie doesn't know personally as she is just starting to juggle training, school, and nocturnal activities.

"I've only met him a couple of times myself. Mr. Wayne.. not Damian Wayne. He is friends with my .. foster mom Barbara Gordon." there was some paperwork about that so it wasn't strange. I mean yes it is all strange.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"I bet," Zachary leans in a bit when Carrie's voice drops. "You'd think the son of a CEO would have a cushy life until you remember the charity work, the public appearances, etcetera. Ugh. I think I'd prefer the role of the bored socialite, but gods know Gotham has enough of those."

"He's a bit of a family friend for me too," He explains to Charlie, then looks back at Carrie. "I actually was looking at Gotham U for after my senior year. How's tuition?" He asks wryly and pushes loose locks of black hair from his eyes.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches out to place a hand on Charlie's shoulder with a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry, I'll pick out something you'll like," she assures with a grin. "Our next production isn't for a few months anyway. We're just getting back into the start of school again." There would be plenty of time to pick out something suitable.

"Oh, man you have no idea. *I* had no idea," she adds with a little shake of her head. "I thought I was busy before." A soft hum comes at mention of tuition. "It's do-able. I managed on a scholarship and part time jobs until this opportunity came along. It's probably one of the better schools for helping out with tuition when it comes to it. Then again, I'm born and raised here, so in-state tution is less than out of state."

Misfit has posed:
"I am so glad I have a couple years before I have to figure out what I might do for college.. and I get the distinct impression I better figure it out or Barbara will get pretty cross with me." for good reason really. Education is important and supposedly you can't do the nocturnal thing forever or so some adults keep saying.

"What are you going to major in Zachary?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
The Shadowcrest doesn't quite reside in this plane, so in-state tuition is almost out of the question. Zachary's eyes flicker between the women, specifically the hand on her shoulder. He figures they must be close. "Good question," He laughs, gaze landing on Charlie. "but I'll have to get back to you on that. It's all a bit daunting, you know. Deciding what you want to do with your life. For me, the obvious answer feels a little too simple and doesn't exactly include college."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles quietly at that. "There's always time to decide. You can start out with your requireds and then narrow down from there. Though yeah, Babs is kind of a stickler for knowing what you want to do." Her posture shifts to take her weight off one foot as she looks to the side to grab the time off a clock on the wall. Or one of the many screens up for the auctions. "Well, I think we've all got options that don't involve college. Doesn't mean it's not a good idea regardless." A smile is flashed back to the others, and she dips her head toward them. "I should get going myself. I'm not much of a night owl and these heels are really starting to kill me. It was nice getting to catch up, Charlie, and good to meet you, Zachary."

Misfit has posed:
"Good to see you again Carrie, see you around soon." then she looks to Zachary. "Nice to meet you Zachary... maybe I'll bump into you again too." a chipper smile.

"I think she has the right idea though, I should have a car brought around to take me back home before it gets too much later." and burns up all the crime fighting time out there tonight.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Have a nice night, Carrie," A generic ringtone chimes from the pocket of Zachary's black trousers, and he quickly produces a phone, glances at the screen, and declines the call. "Looks like I need to be getting back, as well."

"Ladies," Zachary reaches behind his back and pulls out two roses, both with the same bold red color. Real, of course. "It's been a pleasure." Once they take it, a slow puff of purplish smoke consumes him and dissipates. Just like that, he's gone.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie accepts the rose and then ... when he vanishes like that she just stares art the puff of purple smoke and .. stares. She looks around slowly like trying to figure out if it is an illusion, or a ninja smoke trick, or if he does it the same way she does it.

Though her smoke is more pink and purple than just purple. "Huh." a mystery.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes the rose and... stares. "Okay. That I was not expecting. I didn't even drink anything tonight." It's a bit of a jest, though, as she grins regardless. "That is one surefire way to make an exit though. I'll stick with walking."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie just nods "Right. Walking. I should be walking right now." she smiles to Carrie "Good exit though..."

She heads towards the front shaking her head and gets a car to come around and take her home to the Clocktower.