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Latest revision as of 16:28, 26 October 2019

Vi gets her first taste of life at the school.
Date of Scene: 20 October 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Vi meets the fuzzy elf and the almost zoo crew.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Nightcrawler, Cannonball, Vi, Siryn, Triage, Icarus

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon ambles on out of the wellness office right behind Sam, her goofy Old English Sheepdog slippers shuffling on the floor as they make their way across the foyer. She is in her favorite PJ's, which consists of a pair of red tartan sweatpants, baggy grey tank top, and... those slippers. They seem so very completely at odds with her large, sweeping white wings and attire.

But perhaps not so much at odds with the most basic of all needs--snacks! The pair seem to be heading towards the rec room, with Shannon smiling. "So out of all those movies we talked about earlier, which one would you wanna start with? Mrs. Doubtfire? Jack? Both 'Airplane' movies?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
There was a signal sent to primary staff, and X-Men personnel, back at the mansion. Word for Charles as well of a new mutant being brought. In the foyer of the mansion the BAMF! sound of displaced air with a cloud of the atmosphere of The Brimstone Dimension appears, whisked away by air conditioning systems, revealing Kurt and Vi standing with his hand lightly on her shoulder.

"Miss Vi, willkommen to the Charles Xavier School for The Gifted." stepping to one side and bowing slightly in a grand gesture for her to see. "We hope you will call it home, we will never tell you that you must call it diese. That is always your choice, ja."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking along with Shannon. He seems to be walking near t her, ready to help her if she needs it. He aint got his copy of the young girls records yet, so as Kurt bamfs in, he is a bit surprised. He hears the man speak, and says "Got a new student joining us Kurt?"

Vi has posed:
The girl that is standing with Kurt is in her late teens, though is a bit undersized. Dark hair and big brown eyes that peer around. She's wearing a pair of jeans and a Henley shirt, with a slightly too-big sweatshirt with the SHIELD logo overtop.

The strap of a case runs crosswise across her body, the case made of black metal and held clutched to her body. There is also a smaller, new looking knapsack she has in hand.

Vi starts as they appear, the experience of teleporting for the first time a slightly disorienting one. After they arrive, she looks around the place. Around, down, up, the girl is openly gaping as if she hasn't seen anywhere like this before. "Charles Xav... Xavier? School for the Gifted," she repeats.

Vi looks over and sees Samuel Guthrie and Shannon. At the sight of Shannon's wings, Vi ends up staring, much as she did when she first saw Kurt.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy was actually on her way in... Sort of. She held a brown paper sack clutched under her arm tight to her chest to hide the contents as she gives the foyer a shifty-eyed once over. Maybe she'd get to her room in time before... Oh, nope, there's a Shannon and some others. Including a newcomer apparently. She freezes where she stood trying to cross from the kitchen area to the living areas like a deer in the headlights for just one lingering moment. Then her better sensibilities take over causing her to smile warmly toward the freshly bamfed arrival.

"Welcome," she offers cheerily as she alters her course to veer toward rather than away. Her free hand is offered out in greeting. "I'm Theresa Cassidy, the art history teacher here."

Triage has posed:
Chris pauses after following Sam and Shannon to the door to the Wellness Office. He rolls his shoulders to relieve any tension after the impromptu conference that they had. He watches Sam walking protectively beside Shannon and nods. For a moment, he stands, weighing the virtues of snacks or a walk outside when that familiar sound and whiff of smoke snaps him from his thoughts. He looks toward the arrivals. "We wondered why you left so suddenly, Kurt. Welcome back," he greets.

Icarus has posed:
A figure comes trotting down the stairs at a quick pace, a pair of earbuds shutting out the world at large. The thing that probably stands out about him is a pair of angelic wings, much like Shannon's. Only his are red, matching the hair atop his head. He's dressed casually in jeans and a tank top, a pair of old sneakers on his feet.

He was about halfway down when the pair arrived by BAMF. He draws an earbud out and gives a smile as he gets to the base of the stairs. "Great, I'm not the new guy anymore! Welcome to the school."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and waves to Kurt. "guten Abend." No hesitation, no thinking through a translation that time. She pauses in her travels through the foyer with Sam long enough for Chris to catch up; she's still a bit pale from the day before but vastly improved. "So that's why you left so quickly."

She quirks a lopsided smile, one brow lofting as she sees Vi staring at her wings. She takes something of a bow, slightly off-balance, but recovering quickly. "Welcome! I'm Shannon... just another student here." To let Vi indulge her curiosity, she turns slightly to one side and extends her right wing towards the girl, holding still. "It's okay. You won't hurt it." Apparently, this is something she's become quite used to.

Nightcrawler has posed:
The Bavarian nods to Shannon and Chris, still speaking to Vi "Ja, Vi - this place is also a school. If you wish you can be provided a formal education, a home, and a place where there are others like us. We learn together, to know who we are and what we can do with our gifts. You're under no obligations, but we will be happy to help you however you wish." Kurt offers another smile, looking to the others,

"Vi comes to us..." he stops and looks at her, "Well. That is up to you, there of course will be some of us who will know your unique circumstances to coming to us. But it is up to you to divulge that to whom you wish." His smile remains, and after where she came from - his expression is hopeful that she realizes what he's trying to offer here. Freedom.

Vi has posed:
Vi pulls her gaze away from Shannon's wings as Theresa greets her. "Hello," she says a bit hesitantly, and maybe looking somewhat overwhelmed. The teen has a noticeable accent, though seems to speak English quite fluently. It's something not too far off of what Wanda Maximoff has, though not exactly the same either.

Triage is glanced at, and then Jay is coming downstairs with another set of wings to make the newcomer gape. Though Vi closes her mouth quickly. She shrinks back just a little bit from all the people in the halls, but then Shannon is coming over and offering one of the beautiful, white wings out to her. Vi looks to Shannon's face as if to reconfirm her words, before tentatively reaching out to touch the soft feathers. "The other woman with wings, they were like an insect, not a bird," she says quietly.

Vi - it's pronounced like the nickname for Violet - looks back over to Kurt as he starts to explain who she is. When he stops and leaves it to her to continue, Vi says hesitantly, "Um, I came from Echo. On a boat. But I'm still not really sure where here is," she says hesitantly, shrinking back a bit as she finds herself a center of attention.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well miss, as Kurt has said we are a school for people with enhanced abilities." He smiles and says "Well Miss Vi, the lady here is Shannon, the lady just coming in is Theresa, " He will nod over to Triage "This fellow is Chris, and the fellow on the stairs is my brother and Ah am Sam Guthrie, a pleasure to meet you. We have all been the new student at some point and hopefully we are not to frightening and you will let us help you in anyway possible."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy has her own accent as well though she strives to not let it come out as thick as it could. Easier for everyone to understand her when she's enunciating. "Pleased to meet you, Vi. Everyone likes to come and greet newcomers but if you feel overwhelmed we can all shoo," she assures with a smile, even as she takes a few steps back herself to give the poor gal some breathing room.

Triage has posed:
Chris looks at Shannon and smiles when she approaches the newcomer to offer a wing. His smile remains when Sam makes introductions. "Vi, you'll learn more about 'here' in time," he finally assures. "For now, know that you're safe." He nods to Shannon and Sam again. "We were planning to have a snack. Would you like to join us?" Then he looks to Kurt and Theresa. "Everyone is welcome."

Icarus has posed:
"I have a name other than 'my brother," comes the goodnatured response from the red-winged Guthrie. "I'm Jay. Nice to meet you, Vi. Don't be intimidated. They did the same thing when I showed up. Can be pretty overwhelming." Hearing the mention of snacks, he nodded. "Just where I was headed."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and folds her wings in closely behind her, the younger teen stepping back just behind Sam, glancing over her shoulder at Chris. She opens her mouth to agree with the plan for snacks--but her stomach does the agreeing for her, with a rather embarrassing growl. Her face is stained with a light rosy hue that lends her a healthier color, and she grins a bit sheepishly. "Okay, so maybe I forgot to eat while I was resting today."

Jay's remark about not being the new guy anymore gets a light giggle from her, eyes twinkling a little bit. "Mmhm. Know that feeling. It's kind of fun being the new person though, and finding out that..." She smiles, thinking back to her own arrival at the school. "...well, like I said to miss Munroe that day, that weird is the new normal. It's fun." She snickers at the mention of a nickname for Sam, and grins at Jay. "Does that nickname involve something like pain in the...."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner backs off a bit, letting Vi and the others talk for now, awkwardly working with a tablet, room assignments and such. "Shannon... Vi is going to have her own room next door to yours if you'd like to show her later." Yup. Room assignments. Humming to himself as he begins making notes and such, "Vi, anytime you're hungry..." a little tiny naked chibi Kurt BAMF!s in and hands him a sheet of paper, "Here... a map of the school." offering it then to Vi.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy starts to continue backwards... Just slowly at first, trying not to be noticed as she slips away from the group. The attempt fails horribly when she's invited to join them for a snack however. The brown paper bag she holds tucked to her side is shifted back as her free hand lifts in a little wave. "Oh naw, I was about to head to bed just getting something ready for tomorrow. You all have fun though!" She assures.

Vi has posed:
Vi seems to be trying to commit the names to memory. Though Shannon is probably going to end up That White Winged Girl and Jay That Red Winged Guy. At least to start with. As Jay tells her not to be intimidated, the dark-haired teen gives a little nod. "I'll try not to," she agrees.

Vi looks towards Kurt at the mention of snacks. "Nightcrawler said something about, a place I should put the clothes I was given," Vi says, a hand shifting the small knapsack. She's kept that metal cause clutched close to her with one arm the whole time so far. "Maybe after?" she asks Triage.

Vi takes the map and nods. "Ok. Thank you for bringing me here," she tells Kurt. She looks around at the other students, and the teacher. "I think I will like it here more than the other place. The men reminded me of those in the lab at Echo," she says of Briggs and Meyers, part of SHIELD's science divison.

Yes, their names sound like the personality test. They hate to be reminded of that.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie :'s brow raises a bit at Theresa, but he can't really quiz her on what he wants to right now. He looks over to Jay, and says "Got anything in mind or just planning on raiding the fridge?" He will ask Jay,, and lets Shannon and Vi talk for a moment stepping out of the way for now. He will move to lean against the wall for a moment.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and moves over towards the stairs, going slowly. She pauses at the foot of the stairwell, and just smiles. It was always a treat to welcome a new student. "If you like, Vi, we can get you to your dorm and let you get settled in and get some rest?"

She looks back at Jay, Sam, and Chris, and smiles. "I'll be down shortly, just want to help Vi out a little here. Don't go hogging all the root beer floats!"

Icarus has posed:
"I was hoping there was some chili left," Jay admits as he too gives the new girl some space. He heads toward the kitchen door though while pulling out the second earbud and slipping them both into his pocket for now. He does pull out his phone long enough to tap the stop button on the music player. At mention of floats, he glances at Shannon then back to Sam. "That sounds good too though. I'm getting first dibs." And with that he was gone.

Nightcrawler has posed:
A blink and Kurt chuckles, "You can call me Kurt, here, Vi. I'm Nightcrawler only outside of the school walls." bowing his head to the dark haired girl before nodding thankfully to Shannon and the Guthries, adding towards Sam specifically,

"I have a Root Beer from the homelands, mixed well with ice cream - twenty one and up only, ja?"

Triage has posed:
Chris looks to Shannon and grins. "I'll need to think about whether lifting the spoon from a root beer float counts as light duty," he teases. Then he nods to Vi. "This place is huge and you'll need to learn your way to several places, but take your time. And if you need help, just ask someone." Then he waves to Shannon. "We might leave a crumb or two for you." Finally, he inclines his head to Kurt and Theresa. "Another time, surely!" With that, he follows Sam and Jay.