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A Jarl For A Day: Barbara Gordon
Date of Scene: 27 November 2019
Location: Club Mjolnir, Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: A night of celebration was held in honor of Jarl For A Day, overseen by Jarl Barbara Gordon. It gave many an unfamiliar glance at customs of old, with bonus visits from King of Asgard, Thor of the Avengers, and the Lady Sif, a Shield Maiden to the Asgardian Royal Family.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Oracle, Huntress, Hellboy, Thor, Wild Rose, Sif

Hela has posed:
Club Mjolnir has been slightly rearranged to allow for the festivities of 'Jarl For A Day', a celebration of Jarl Barbara Gordon. The tables have been pushed more narrowly together and towards the sides of the great hall, creating a large space at the center, four for the Faering boats have been shifted to the corners in the open space at the center. Instead of the usual seating area in the boats, these look completely proper and have been decked with loot from one raid or other. Shields, swords, pieces of armor, gold coins, bejeweled ornaments. They shine brightly off the light in the room, which also has been shifted from the modern electricity the facility allows into a mood providing array of torches along the walls, and an array of candle chandeliers hanging from the cieling.

The music ringing about the hall is a mix of the old with the new, with the band of choice being Ensiferum (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4898579B31E30B43), providing an old Norse folk tunes fusioned with touches of metal.

When people first gather into the hall, they will be ushered to take any spot they wish along the long tables, meaning they will need to sit in close proximity to total strangers. Underneath the fixtured Mjolnir replica for which the club bears it's name, a wooden throne has been set, cushioned with furs. For now it is empty, but a procession soon starts, wih 'Miracle' Elle and six of the club's staff dressed as Viking raiders, walking ahead of Barabra Gordon to clear a path for her throne.

Barbara has been dressed in a manner befitting a Shield Maiden, leather armor, leather bracers, hide leggings, a sturdy shield, a ring belt and a sword in its sheath hanging from said belt. Completeing the touch are sturdy boots sans heels, because that would be silly in combat.

Elle herself is decked in a similar fashion, and she bangs her sword about her shield for attention, a gesture followed by the six men accompanying them, which causes a rather thunderous presence.

"All be silent," she starts, before gesturing attention towards Barbara as she takes her place at her throne. "We have gathered here, in celebration, to honor our great Jarl Barbara who has set for us a feast in her Great Hall!" The men behind Elle erupt in a loud cheer, leaving it to some in the audience to join along should they choose.

"The words are not mindlessly spoken, for it is, for the night, our Jarl's Great Hall, so if Jarl Barbara asks something of you...you must do as she says! For none defy the Jarl!"

Stepping aside the people can have a clear view of Barbara, even as servers provide tankard and drinking horns of their choice, she calls out, "we drink in honor of Jarl Barbara, "skål!"

With that Elle drinks from a drinking horn served to her, while waiting a few moments for others to enjoy their first drink of the night. She then turns to face Barabara, and motions with her sword at the Faering boats filled with loot. "We present you, honorable Jarl, with loot from our latest raid! You may keep of it that you wish..." raising her voice she adds, "any who wish to bestow a gift on the Jarl may approach her at her pleasure, otherwise...may the celebration begin, drink, dance, and if you wish to show a demonstration of strength, you may fight to a pin down in the designated area..." she motions with her sword to a space between two of the boats, four stakes have been set to the floor, tied between them with a rope.

"Finally, in honor of our Jarl, the drinks are on the house, so have as many as you please!"

Oracle has posed:
Yarl Barbara ascends the steps to her throne with a grin she cannot /quite/ keep in check despite her usually jaded expression. Her fiery red hair has been braided along her brow into a twisting ponytail, leather armor, shield on her right arm, and sword fixed on her hip. When Ellie comes forward to offer introductions, the smile finally fades and jade green eyes scan across the hall with a sweeping motion of her neck, "Alla är välkomna, dricka och fest!" Babs is a lot of things, one of which is a quick study and multi-linguist with an eidetic memory.

Hand raised as she sits, leaning heavily upon the fur-lined arm of the chair with her thumb bracing her cheek in the curve along her index finger.

Huntress has posed:
It was not every night one got to experience some true Norse culture directly from those that live it. Helena was not going to pass the experience up, both as a rare oppritunity to relax for a night, and the teacher in her being curious as to just how accurate or not the things you can read on the matter are. That the honor of the night was bestowed upon a fellow Gothamite (and other things) was certainly a bonus. She allows herself to be ushered to the table and claims a seat for herself where she'll hopefully have a good view of the various activities of the night. No surprise Barbara has already learned appropriate linguistic phrases but still impressive in how short of a time frame it must of been to do so.

"Ever feel like you've underdressed for the party?" she jokes to whoever may be next to her, giving a nod towards the period appropriately clad men. Then quiets down for the brief speechs, collecting a tankard from a sever as they pass. Squints in it briefly. She's guessing this is going to be a lot stronger than the fine Itallian wines she's accustomed to... But where's the fun in the event if you don't play along, right?

Hellboy has posed:

    The last creature was slammed head first into the stone steps, the reanimated stormtrooper no longer moving as the yellow fluid poured from the back of its broken black helmet/gasmask combo. Hellboy for his part was breathing a bit heavier and he could feel his blood pouring from a cut across his cheek, but he still had two good shots in his handgun and a mad ex-SS cultist to put down. It was going to be necessary to prevent what the mad fool had called 'the coming of Gotterdamurung', something about ancient something or other by the gods.

    Hellboy's thoughts were interrupted by a deep rumbling that sounded like an avalanche, as that same cultist was thrown through the air by something large and angry, with blue skin and snarling angry teeth. As that cultist hit the steps in front of Hellboy and exploded like a tomato soup can, the BPRD agent just gave a heavy sigh. Cultists never did read the fine print.


    Hellboy never quite trusted 'viking' imagery, in his line of work the idea of 'Odin' and 'Asgard' and similar concepts were spoken by less than savory characters with their own agendas, so when a guy actually named 'Thor' started appearing on the news with the Avengers a few years back(how long had it been? HB couldn't keep track anymore), Hellboy had been wary and waiting for the other goosestepping boot to drop violently. But it never did, and by now, the half-demon had started to relax a bit.

    Enough that he eagerly found himself stepping into Club Mjolnir after Thanksgiving, eager for something to take his mind off of recent disturbing events. Anything to keep him from looking in the mirror too closely tonight. He was dressed fairly simply, hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts, with nary a weapon in sight(aside from the big right hand he carried with him everywhere). Around his neck was a chain and around that chain was a badge, however, something to flash when someone started asking too many questions about 'invitations' or 'rsvps'. When the woman at the front spoke, he paid half attention. When the drinks were poured, Big Red poured the first one back as if it were water, while his tail twitched this way and that. So far, he was silent.

Hela has posed:
Elle certainly wanted to ask Barbara a question or two, but it is her night, and she allows the Jarl to bask in the feeling. Whether a true historic event, or an authentic recreation, sitting on a throne before a crowd of revelers at your behest, is never a normal experience one can merely shrug off. There's a surge of power, of presence. Some may bask in it, some may find it debilitating, but it is nevertheless there. So instead of drawing Barbara's attention from her first action of choice, she instead approaches the more unusual person in the crowd, that being Hellboy.

"Am I correct in perceiving you are wearing no costume?" She asks Hellboy in lieu of a proper introduction.

Thor has posed:
And then! The Thunder God himself shows up. The King of Asgard somehow got notified of this, and showed up for this. Of course, the Jarl for a day is the first one he waves at, and heads up this way. "Enjoying ruling your kingdom?" With the Allspeak, he speaks everything, and "Your Norse is pretty good. I'm pretty impressed. You must've studied it quite well."

Thor's dressed more traditionally this time, the outfit he once wore back when the Vikings were a real thing. Still, Mjolnir hasn't changed over the centuries, so that's still the same.

Wild Rose has posed:
     It was a quiet night. Perhaps a little too quiet for Riana's liking. So when the opportunity arises to check out somewhere new, well, she's down for that! Her knowledge of Norse mythology and culture was lacking, but there was something fascinating about the place all the same--even if it was a little loud. With the banging of sword on shield, she is forced to take a moment nearer the entrance to focus and center herself, before walking in with her usual air of restrained strength. Her sage green eyes may be pure steel, but her smile is sheer delight as she takes in her surroundings. It seems she picked the right night to venture out of Bushwick! Once rid of her black parka, one can see that her titian red hair is pulled back in a simple braid and tied off without further ornamentation. A simple white cotton crop peasant blouse leaves a healthy--but not immodest--amount of her midriff bare, with short bishop sleeves offering a hint of a more innocent time. Simple black slacks ride just barely below her navel, flaring out towards the ankles to just brush along the tops of her plain, closely-fitted yet comfortable black boots--sans heels, of course. There is no jewelry or other adornment, and her black leather purse looks as if it's been well-loved over the course of a few years.

     Unfortunately, there is nobody she knows here. No matter. She shrugs, first taking care to offer the Jarl a deep bow of respect before finding an unoccupied seat at one of the long tables, listening to those gathered nearest to her.

Oracle has posed:
Yarl Barbara wears power like she does most things, with relative ease. She's been beneath the Cowl of Batman, and led 'soldiers' on the front lines of Gotham. The experience is exactly compariable, but she knows her way around a position of authority and grins despite her demeanor trying to emulate a show of slight nonchallant.

The Feminist in her is tickled absolutely PINK by it, though.

"Helena!" She calls out, flicking her fingers upwards, waving her friend towards the throne. Only to have the... Thor? Is that THOR? Babs blinks several times rapidly and sits upright in her throne, "Oh... well.. I'm a quick study." The only part of her garb that isn't costume and period accurate; her glasses, are adjusted on with two fingers against the red frame, smiling up at the blonde haired Avenger, "I have a lot of time on my hands." She absolutely does not. Though she can pretend, settling back into her nonchallant position with a half smirk, "It is a great honor, Thor Odinson, Att du skulle se på min fest.."

Huntress has posed:
The joke gets a few snickers from other guests at least. Helena sits back to enjoy the night, finally taking a sip from the tankard.

A sip is about as far as she gets, as it is indeed stronger than she would typically go for, at least as a first drink. Well, that part of Viking lore certainly seems to hold up. Thankfully she is still on holiday break and doesn't have to worry about actually handling class in the morning. But all the same, she's better off pacing herself.

She gets a few more sips down before Babara grabs her attention calling her name and waving. "Oh my. The Jarl hath forth summoned me. Best I make haste." She remarks with a snicker as she scoots out of her seat. She can play along with the night too, just without the fancy Norse speak.

    Just to make matters more interesting as Thor arrives while she's making her way up to the throne. THE Thor, and even in what would be considered dressing down for the God of Thunder his presence is unignorable. "Just walking into the room he hits like lightning." Metaphorically speaking.

Hellboy has posed:
    "I decided to show up as one of the flying monkeys but with his wings blown off...what? Can't see the resemblance?"

    As he speaks in that low rolling tone of voice of his, that massive stone hand of his taps the table twice, signalling for another drink that is downed instantly. He's mildly irritated by sitting down(the joys of not having strictly human legs), and perhaps that's helping add to his saucy demeanor.

    Those eyes of his, being that they were a dull glowing yellow, it was nigh impossible for any regular person to gather where they were looking. But it was certainly possible for Elle to notice little subtleties in them that indicated Hellboy was somewhat giving her the side eye as he started the long, difficult task of drowning in booze tonight. Of course, he was also taking everything else in, noticing the Jarl Of The Barl. And also the God who just entered the room, that was something to take note of.

    "I wonder where that guy keeps his two goats. Ya never see him flying around with them on the news."

Hela has posed:
"I would wager none of the flying monkeys has a key for a hand," Elle remarks ever so tersely, before shifting away from Hellboy, which she deems to much prefer the company of drink. If that be the case, tonight was a perfect night to visit her club. "If you find your drinks dull, and you fancy yourself a divine drinker, you may be bold and ask for the Nectar of The Gods," Elle essentially invites Hellboy to sample Asgardian Mead, before moving further into the crowd. Mingling here and there, before her eyes are drawn towards Thor, "King of Asgard, Thor himself, has come to grace our Jarl with his presence. Skål!" She repeats the toast from before, and extends her hand, which is soon filled with her second drink, a tankard this time, as she downs it in honor of the Asgardian.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie stops with her first tankard of ale raised halfway to her mouth. "Mo Dhia," she murmurs, half to herself. Thor, of all people, actually here? Her eyebrows loft as she glances at the goings-on, not quite sure whether or no to believe her own eyes and ears. Surely the Gods of old were myth--weren't they? She raises her tankard in toast to the Asgardian King, if it was indeed him, with a toast. "Slàinte!"

Oracle has posed:
Yarl Barbara waves her hand inviting a Horn for herself... certainly not The Nectar of the Gods, but mead for sure. Honey wine is like... well... it's like Honey and she guzzles from the bone crafted tankard, drawing her fist across her unpainted lips. "Thor Odinson, I've heard mention of your dancing prowess from friends present at the birthday of Carol Danvers... Why don't you regal us with a reenactment? Show these meer mortals how a God of Old busts a move?" So she's not one hundred percent authentic, who hasn't wanted to tell Thor to 'bust a move', say you haven't and be called a liar.

With Helena closing rank, Babs winks over at her, "Hälsningar kära vän..." Waving her up, "I'm glad you could make it." She's not /quite/ seen Hellboy directly, not yet, but when she finally does.. right about this moment, her eyes squint ever so slightly. "Now /that's/ a hell of a thing." So she's not a comedian, okay.

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli bows briefly. "It is an honor to bask in your presence for the eve.. And partake of the abundant feast forth put in your grace." She's still playing along just to make the night that bit more something special for her friend.

Goodness knows, which the alternate lives they lead, they could use the entertaining, stress free night like this.

Then stands back up, snatching another drink from a passing server and depositing her previous, now empty tankard in its place. Pace herself so the mead doesn't put her on her ass with a hangover of the gods, sure, but that doesn't mean she's not going to enjoy the evening.

Thor has posed:
Thor can't help but smile at that request. And he turns it back a little. "I could certainly do that, but it's so much more fun...with a partner." After all, at Carol's party, not once did the Thunder God dance alone. No indeed. And to that effect, he's smiling broadly now.

And he simply extends a hand to Barbara, an open invitation to join him in such a dance. These dances can get pretty wild, though!

Hela has posed:
"Our Jarl is truly just, truly bold, and truly strong to be favored by Thor himself for a dance," Elle cheers, as she gestures for a proper Norse dance tune. She and the six men who accompanied her beging to provide assisted percussion to the song with rhythmic strikes of swords on shields.

Oracle has posed:
"Hard to deny the God of Thunder a dance when he's blessed my hall with his presence this night." Yarl Barbara says aloud, standing from her throne, and sliding her hand into the offered. "But he's mistaken if he feels I will let him lead! Hopefully /you/ can keep up with /me/!" This should be entertaining. Babs is a lot of things, Back Up Dancer for Beyonce is not one of them.

Hellboy has posed:
    Elle wasn't just 'Elle'. Anyone who called the hand a 'key' was someone who was in the know, and a possible mystery themselves. So, Hellboy watched her leave and studied her a while, stroking the beginnings of beard stubble across his chin before turning in his seat, and regarding everyone else. The women in beautiful dresses with beautiful hair. The 'jarl' herself, a cute but unassuming number in glasses, walking up to the God of Thunder and propositioning the big guy for a dance. Wide eyed, the big guy mused out loud to himself.

    "Now that's a hell of a thing..."

    This whole time Hellboy had been trying to ignore it, but Elle put the bug in his ear so to speak. He needed to try this 'nectar of the gods'.

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli snickers a bit, stepping out of the way of the pair so they can get together and get their groove on. But not before giving Barbara a light nudge and a wink. "Not every night you get to outdance a literal god."

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie has to set her tankard down and cover her ears as discreetly as possible, with the initial metallic report of swords against shields. The thunderous noise rings throughout the hall as if it were the final battle in the End of Days. It takes several moments of focus and minding her breath for her to regain her composure, but when she does, she is smiling. If this were indeed the God of Thunder, this should be an interesting evening. She knocks back a healthy swig from her tankard, as she observes the dance.

Thor has posed:
Thor smiles broadly. Declining to comment one way or the other, when Barbara puts her hand in his, well, he's leading her one of those highly energetic dances that almost feel like fighting. It's like being the dance partner of a guy with near infinite physical strength, so it's possible to do every move you've ever seen in the Olympics, including Olympic figure skating, except Thor pulls that stuff off one handed.

Hela might recognize this one...not only is the dance fight a dance, but it's also telling a story. A story of a battle long ago, when Hela was Odin's #2 and they were conquering everything. This is actually a nod to his sister at the same time he's entertaining the Jarl, as he's telling the story of what was done in the history nobody had a chance to dig up till Hela herself was around to tell it.

Sif has posed:
Aware of the gathering at Club Mjolnir through the proverbial Midgardian and Asgadian grapevine both, there's a late arrival at the entrance to the club. It seemed appropriate to dress in-theme and as such, the Princess of Vanaheim arrives in her gleaming Valkyrie armor. Resplendent in starry silver and deeply-dyed red battle-leathers, with shield on her arm and Brumeoalfold at her hip, Sif has her lustrous dark hair braided down her back with a small golden torc-clasp holding the brush-end of the braid in place.

Her glacial-blues scan the immediate area and see now only the drinking on display, but the dancing as well. Smirking to herself, she wends her way through the crowd and to Hela in particular to pay respect as a Valkyrie.

"My Lady, I attend," says she with a fierce little grin and thump of fist to her sternum. It rings quietly on her finely-tempered chestpiece. "The festivities appear to be well on their way and gratefully accepted by all attending." Spotting Barbara on the floor, she nods to herself. "The Jarl appears to be enjoying the festivities."

Oracle has posed:
See, Babs might look like a nerdy librarian, which she absolutely is and I dare you to say otherwise... but she's also a former Batgirl. Even if Thor were a bean pole, it wouldn't be hard for her to show off some pretty impressive acrobatics... but /with/ him? She zeros in on the fight dance nature and compensates. Using Thor's Godlike strength to accomodate her innate, and well trained, prowess. She twists foot back and springs out of a turn, using a powerful arm to propel her into a cartwheel across the strong chest of the Blonde Asgardian. The landing is rounded off out of a shoulder roll, twisting on the tips of her toes to face him, reach out for his arm.. and slide on booted heels between his legs.

Twisting her waist as she moves along the cleared floor, spreading her legs out, and pushing with the tips of her toes, she bends up over her palms... curling off her palms to roll up from her stomach with her hands out, smug expression, "Where you at, God of Thunder?" Wiggling her shoulders, playfully challenging him. "Thought you had moves?"

Thor has posed:
But like all good dances, he's helping the Jarl to shine bright. "Ah, but it's your moves that are being celebrated tonight." Still, he gets more complex with what he does, and there's a few times Barbara will be clean off the ground if she wants to be, including throws and catches aided by Thor being, well, Thor, some of them impossible for mortal men, but nonetheless flawlessy executed, as he begins to sense the skill of his partner and what she can actually do.

Still, for all he's doing with this, it's basically designed to make Barbara look like a better dancer than any human could hope to be. And that'll be success as he sees it.

Wild Rose has posed:
     The Jarl, challenging the God of Thunder? It was an interesting proposition, and one that had the titian-haired Riana grinning to herself. She'd never seen this particular dance before, though it put her in mind of times past in her own meager history. Smiling briefly at Hellboy, she nods towards the pair on the dance floor. "Moves like that would have done my sensei proud," she muses. "Right before he knocked me on my ass during sparring practice." The last is spoken with respect, laced with good-natured humor, her eyes crinkled at the corners with amusement at the memory.

Hela has posed:
As Thor chooses of all things to enact a story dance, describing one of Odin and Hela's conquests, Elle maintains the rhythmic percussion of sword on shield, but her attention seem to truly lock on the dance. Her usually deadpan visage shows a flicker of a smile, no doubt proud of the fact the God of Thunder is dancing at her club, and with the Jarl of The Day, no less, a better success for her Jarl For A Day event she couldn't have hoped for.

Then the gathering becomes even more venerable, when the Lady Sif walks in. Her eyes open slightly wider at the esteem she is given, the words suggestive that Sif managed to see something through her illusion. She responds, however, humbly, by inclining her head towards Sif, "God of Thunder, and now the Lady Sif, the Jarl would please at such highly esteemed guests. Have a drink, join the festivities, you are most welcome here."

Hellboy has posed:
    Elsewhere, Hellboy finally lost the battle of willpower. Somewhere near Elle, and many many drinks in, the half-demon was leaned against the bar with his right arm, his big massive stone wrist leaning against the material as he gestured the bartender over.

    "Hey...hey. Hey, c'mere, hey. C'mere. Listen. That lady over here she said that I-...no, shhh. Listen, c'mere. You see her, right? She said that I could ask for the nectar of the gods. So fork it over pal. Pronto. -Pronto-."

    As he was speaking, he was saying each word with an unlit cigarette in the corner of his mouth. Idly he was looking around for the smoking or non-smoking signs, while he could still read. He was planning on fixing that very soon.

Sif has posed:
Raised in court from birth, Sif is quick to catch on to the wording offered by Hela. She blinks only once to betray her surprise and then relaxes her poise to further smooth over the momentary slip. "My gratitude for your welcome. I shall indeed have a drink," she replies less formally to Hela before nodding only once. She departs from the dance floor to enter the immediate area of the bar itself and slaps her palm down on the countertop.

"Mead, please," she asks of the bartender in a moment when he's not occupied with Hellboy's request. An idle glance over at the half-demon has her quietly curious. Riana's presence is also noted.

"Greetings to you both. How know you the Jarl?" she asks of both of them, looking between them as she waits for her stein to arrive.

Oracle has posed:
After a few more aerial displays, largely the perview of Thor's strength; though Babs will never admit that out loud, the Yarl waves her hand and laughs.. a hearty laugh. "Okay, you've proven-.." Holding up a finger, hands up, elbows bent, arms locked behind her head. Despite her grinning, sweat is beading down her forehead and face. That's as much a workout as it was dancing... "Alright, Thor Odinson, I'd say you've more than lived up to the hype... Jag är ganska imponerad." Reaching for the slung Horn around her neck to hold up in salute as she moves back towards her raised throne.

Just in time to hear Hela mention Lady Sif... Is it already Christmas? Seriously? Adjusting her glasses, Yarl Barbara makes her way over, "Jag hälsar dig välkomna Sif."

Hela has posed:
The person manning the bar, dressed likewise for the festivities in Norse garb, inclines his head at Hellboy. "She did...?" He asks, turning towards Elle, who is alert of the happening in her Club, "Henrik, you may serve him," she calls over, nodding along. This small exchange yields Hellboy a request, "a moment please..." as Henrik leaves through a door leading behind the bar. He returns several moments later with a particularly potent concoction that carries the smell of honey and fruits from a fresh harvest, before handing the goblet to Hellboy. "Try to go slow with that one, I've seen plenty who boasted their drinking ability acquaint themselves with the floor of the club." Then again, the likes of Logan who can't quite get drunk seem to favor the place all the more after a sip. But all that Henrik can tell is that Logan must be an unworldly drinker.

Sif's request is much swifter to fulfil, as Henrik pours her a tankard of mead, and hands it to her with a smitten smile on his lips. Good thing he's well versed with what's expected of employees, or he might have propositioned Sif with something or other.

Wild Rose has posed:
     With her seat at the long table close enough to the bar to have drawn Sif's attention, Riana raises her tankard by way of salute to her, a light smile playing upon her lips. "To be frankly honest, this is a first. It seems fortune was with me when I came here only to find a celebration." A healthy swig of the ale--most likely /not/ Asgardian--is sent on its way, with the befreckled, titian-haired woman chuckling to herself. "Nobody's said anything against it yet. What about you...?" Her words linger with expectation in the air, as she searches for a name to pair with the face.

Thor has posed:
Well, with the dance ended, Thor only smiled, "I trust that your night may be improved in some small way by that." It certainly looked to him like she had fun. And she kept up with him much better than he might've expected a mortal to do. She must've had dance training of some kind.

Thor does notice Sif has entered, and waves at her. "Lady Sif. I've had my dance, but what have you to offer our Jarl?" He isn't gonna let Sif escape!

Sif has posed:
"Thank you, good Henrik." Sif is certain to laud with the young bartender's brisk conveyance of the mead stein to her section of the counter. She returns his smile, but in a distant, polite manner. Lifting her drink to her lips, she hears someone approaching.

Turning in place, she's greeted by Barbara. "Thank you. I am honored to be present at your celebrations, Jarl."

Intending to cover introductions to all present, she adds with a glance to Riana and Hellboy, "All should be present for such a gathering. I heard of it through the court of Asgard. I am the Lady Sif, Princess of Vanaheim and Shield-Maiden to the royal family."

She looks up, stein lifted and paused at her chin, to hear Thor's voice rise above the sound of music. Her lips curl in a grin. "I have, to offer, my eternal gratitude for the allowance of my presence," she fires back before looking to Barbara in particular. She adds to the woman, "Though is there something you would wish of me, Jarl Barbara?"

Hellboy has posed:
    "To tell ya the truth, lady, I don't know her from Adam...'course, you guys probably don't know who that is. Or maybe yer all friends up there, I don't know what's what anymore."

    As Hellboy speaks a bit more loudly than he used to, waving his left arm in a way that might have been an effective gesturing tool if he were more sober. Across his left wrist is a wristwatch, a relatively cheap looking red white and blue affair meant to pay some sort of tribute or homage to Captain America. The hand that wrist was attached to reached into his left breast pocket, pulling out a box of matches as he then took the cigarette out of his mouth for a second. Just long enough to take a long, good swig. 'Take it slow', that was a good joke.

    Moments later, the red man came back up for air, looking around with a somewhat more pronounced foam beer 'mustache'. Still speaking to Sif, but also to Barbara if she was listening, and to Thor, if he were listening.

    "They've got some talent. If and when swing dancing ever comes back, I know who I'm draftin' to my team."

    That didn't make sense, swing dancing didn't have teams and drafts like a professional sport.

    The Nectar Of The Gods was the only explanation.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Princess? Royal family? Asgard? This couldn't be for real. But if it was, then what else could be true? Riana's eyebrows loft just a bit, lending her an expression that was a cross between surprise and disbelief. "Mo Dhia," she murmurs, coughing slightly. It takes her a moment to regain her composure. "Well-met then, Lady Sif." She turns her attention to the interchange between Sif and the 'Jarl', a smile playing upon her lips. This should be most interesting!

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is still catching her breath, but she's doing so with a great deal of decorum! Befit a Yarl, no gulping for breath here, no ma'am. A leather clad arm drags across her brow, flung off to her side with a grin nearly ear to ear hearing Lady Sif's introduction. "I know who you are, Lady Sif.. by reputation and name, if not by face.. You've given me the only thing I could hope to ask for by being present.. and I thank you for that." Lifting her horn for another drink, pulling a thumb across her mouth to wipe a small trail of mead drizzling down her chin because ladies don't need manners, screw manners.

Not when there's a Hellboy over there to greet.. or Riana right here to greet /now/. "Jag hälsar dig." Dipping her head in greeting to the latter, "Yarl Barbara." Said as if she needs no introductions, but by gosh she's just so good she gives one anyways.

Hela has posed:
As everyone seems to be taken with the festivities, and Jarl Barbara is given her due respect, with visits from the likes of Thor and Sif, Elle looks to the crowd. Most seemed engaged, whether with the Jarl, or their own groups of drinking buddies. Even Hellboy seems a bit chirper after sampling the so called 'Nectar of The Gods' as it were. Satisfied, she leaves the men who came with her to oversee that all goes well, and quietly, drifts into the crowd. A fleeting moment she's here, a fleeting moment she's there, and before long she is gone to see to other things.

Sif has posed:
Riana gets a kind little side-grin and Hellboy gets a lift of stein in his direction -- cheers to the Nectar of the Gods, indeed. "Well met, all who danced or not," she replies broadly before taking a deep gulping mouthful of her mead.

Barbara gets a conspiratorial little smile, something Sif might have seen more often on not on another Asgardian entirely than on her own lips. "You are kind, Jarl Barbara. I am indeed honored to be present at your festivities. I hope they are to your liking thus far. I have been engaged with matters elsewhere and else-world as of late and it is far more entertaining to be present amidst such company."

A look over her shoulder means she catches the tail end of Elle's mingling blend into the crowd. Dark lashes narrow for only a passing second before she pastes her courtly composure on once more, turning back to the small collection of conversationists at the bar.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie grins and rises from her seat briefly, to sketch a bow to the Jarl. "Riana Mackenzie. And forgive me, but I have no idea about the rest of what you just said," she adds, with a laugh. "Though I can only offer thanks, for this celebration and the kindness of allowing the presence of strangers." She remains standing for the moment, raising her tankard in salute. "Slàinte, Jarl Barbara, may health ever be yours." A smile is turned on Sif as well, in acknowledgement of her kind greeting.

Oracle has posed:
"They are... quite so actually." Babs says, with a slow turn of her head to look across the gathered party goers and drinking revelers.. "I'd expect nothing less of Miracle Ellie, though, hm?" A conspiratory grin of her own, adjusting her glasses with the tip of two fingers when looking to Riana, "I said, I'm honored to have you. Sorry... I'm kind of a method actor.. I like to really get into the role play of the thing." Motioning, both hands, slow chop. "I spent all night brushing up on my Swedish." Which she speaks pretty fluently for someone who professes to having only brushed up on it last night.

There's another glance towards Hellboy, mabe a lean to see him where he sits upon the bar. "You know..." Wiggle pointing in his direction, "Either that's a heck of a costume.. or there's a damn devil sitting over there.. which I suppose shouldn't surprise me, since it's New York and all, but god damn?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Pitcher is soon empty, and when Hellboy belches, he idly wonders if he's gonna start floating up to a ceiling fan. Part of him feels weightless, and part of him knows that this stuff is gonna hit him like a ton of bricks in the morning. Well, it's a start at least.

    "I uhh...I gotta...mhmm."

    A spray of red across an apartment floor, and eyes that never close. The image is just in his brain for a second, but he's smelling the gunsmoke and the spinning world is entirely too stable for his liking. Hopping up to his feet, he puts a match in the corner of his mouth, and 'strikes' his cigarette against it in a drunken act of futility. Seemingly not noticing, he tosses the cig aside to smake some drunk guy in the face way down the row, as he made his way for the door.

    "Good, uhh...yeah."

Sif has posed:
"Midgard is rife with fascinating beings." Sif watches Hellboy leave with a mild curiosity on display before she glances around. A nearby barstool is claimed and perched upon, her poise in her armor decidedly refined despite the very literal weaponry upon her person. Her shield is leaned against the base of the barcounter itself.

"I have not seen someone like him. I shall ask more of him next I see him," she continues before killing half of her mead in one fell swoop. A pleased sigh leaves her before she glances between Riana and Barbara. "I wondered that I might have over-dressed for the occasion, but your armor, Jarl Barbara, is quite well done."

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Is a devil any more strange than having Gods walk among us?" Riana chuckles to herself, shaking her head. In just the space of a couple hours, she knew she would be questioning the origins and validity of old stories and myths for quite some time to come. "Don't be sorry, Jarl. Not your fault I don't know a lick of Swedish. And the Lady Sif is right, your armor is stunning."

Oracle has posed:
"I wish I could say it was of my own design.." Yarl Barbara opens her arms, gaze down upon the leather armor, shield and sword, "Ellie lent it to me.. arranged it. I probably could have put it on myself, but she insisted there was no way a Yarl would do so without assistance.. So that turned into a whole thing." Another big gulp of mead, horn left to hang around her neck, again glancing side long at Hellboy, then Riana, "Point... solid point... absolutely stellar observation.. but in fairness and my defense, I didn't think it was weird to have a devil among us. Just, totally wanted to make sure I hadn't gotten too drunk and imagined it.. I've done that."

"Not with devils, but elephants..."

"Which... not exactly the same, but.. I've said too much.."

Sif has posed:
"The Lady Elle is correct, however, that armor is to be placed upon your person with aid, especially on a day of celebration in your name. That this accuracy was honored speaks much to your own character, Jarl Barbara."

Sif again lifts her mead tankard and drinks all but near a sixth of volume -- just one last swig to wet her throat as necessary.

"Though elephants, you say?" She glances over at Riana questioningly and back to Barbara. "I am aware of the creatures, but you have seen elephants after imbibing much? I have heard of our Einherjar seeing the famed Bilgesnipe after too many tankards, but half of those tales are true. The youngest of the Einherjar do dare each other to do questionable things. Can you imagine attempting to ride a Bilgesnipe when you cannot even draw your sword in defense?" She shrugs gracefully, the club's lighting shining off her armor. "It seems a madness to me."

Sif doesn't mention that she, more than once, has joined these foolhardy young bucks in their endeavors for the madcap fun of it.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Though about the half of what Sif is saying just goes right over her head, Riana is not blind to the spirit behind it, prompted to laughter. "I don't think it's even possible for me to get that drunk," she offers, with a light shrug. "Not that I've ever tried." Sif made a great deal of sense, with her mention of being unable to defend one's self, for being so completely inebriated. This was perhaps one for her to keep an eye on, she mused, her gaze turned to one of somewhat greater respect as she listens.

Oracle has posed:
Yarl Barbara laughs at Sif's recount of the great Einherjar, despite having no idea what a Einherjar is, but it certainly sounds like a story that requires laughing... or maybe the absurdity of her own laughter is what has her laughing as hard as she's suddenly laughing. It's not even ironic anymore, palm against her forehead, "Whoa... Okay, I think the meed is going to my head.." Grinning, wiping at her brow, come away sweaty. "I'm going to have a sweat.. maybe one of those legs of mutton I saw being carried around.."

Stretching her jaw, moving it from side to side, "Be merry! Drink, eat.. dance. Why isn't someone dancing?" Mead horn raised to Sif and Riana, the Yarl makes her way back up to her throne.. Totally because she wants to sit all dignified and regal and not at all because she was getting dizzy.

The festivities continue even without her though!

Also, mutton.
