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Latest revision as of 19:46, 12 January 2020

Sentinels of Gotham Part 2
Date of Scene: 06 March 2019
Location: The Narrows, Burnley
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Punisher, Shadowcat, Cannonball, Crimson Dynamo, Gambit, Jubilee, Batman
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Red Hood has posed:
The docks of Gotham. They are rarely used anymore - with other ports, especially Bludhaven getting more attention - the owners of them are desperate to have money come in. And aren't scared on how to earn it. One of the large warehouses is currently opened, and there's a flatbed truck that is approaching it. Whatever was on the back is underneath tarps, hiding it from view. But it nearly fills the whole trailer.

At the gates, a guy dressed in a security uniform is waving the truck through. It didn't take much research to learn that the warehouse was being rented out by the Friends of Humanity in Gotham. When Kitty Pryde found out the information, it was easy to share with others.

After the incident in Gotham park, it's probably a safe bet that whatever is being stored here is not good for mutant-kind. Inside the building, there is a meeting going on. An exchange of money - a transfer of ownership. A briefcase is slid over from the Friends of Humanity to a man in a dark suit and tie. "We thank you for your payment, tovarish." the man says as he takes up the funds. There's a nod to his two body guards as he moves to rise to his feet. "We wish you the best of fortunes in your futture." The man doesn't care what happens to the Friends of Humanity, mutants, or the Sentinels. It's about the money. And now he has it. The diplomat frowns. Their only loss in this was the Crimson Dynamo.

A relic of the past. She was going to be 'retired' anyway. Now they can paint her as a traitor. To show the world that she was the disgrace that caused this all in the first place. The blood money offered to the one that kills Galina in the underground network will help secure that.

The doors of the warehouse open, to allow access to the truck as it starts to pass through the front gates.

Punisher has posed:
After the incident in Gotham Park, it was made clear that these robots were not to be trusted. They have minds of their own, presumably controlled from somewhere... which means there's a source to trace back to.

This was the easy lead. All the others required a lot more effort. Planning the operation to the level of detail Frank prefers was not going to be possible for this one; but at least recon and Microchips drone sweeps gave them a good idea of what to expect. Then a big break came, and a shipment to the warehouse was found.

It was a simple matter from there to get underneath the flatbed at a light stop, and get ready to infiltrate the warehouse, with the Battle Van parked nearby for backup when things started. "Hitting the checkpoint now..." the Punisher mutters to Microchip over his ear transceiver.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is wearing her X-men uniform under street clothes. At present she is hiding atop another building that gives a good view of the exchange going on at the other warehouse. She glances over that way through binoculars, but then looks back to her laptop.

"Yep, that's definitely the signal. Another Sentinel most likely, sending its location and mission reports back along the same route as the others," she says into her comms. She reaches over to pat Lockheed for a moment and then does some more typing.

After a little bit, she says, "Ok, found the company who owns the warehouse. Their router admin password was 'admin'," Kitty says, shaking her head. "Looks like the warehouse is currently being leased to one Frederick Barbara. Kind of weird, an individual renting a place like that, I'd think."

After another minute or two, Kitty says, "Ah, here's a social media picture of Mr. Barbara at an FoH protest, with a loudspeaker in hand. I'd say this is definitely the place then," she tells her team, closing up the laptop.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and has followed suit with his uniform, and is watching as best he can the over all yard of the place, trying to get the count of how many guards, patrols, and possible hidie holes. "Ah am a little surprised not just some dummy corp name for the owner to be honest.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    She was supposed to be laying low, supposed to be thankful she hadn't ended up in some box up in Siberia. She was supposed to have retired from the life, she'd earned the ire of a superpower and been branded a traitor. She was supposed to be in a hospital, enjoying delightful American pain killers for the next several months. She did her part, she should duck out and hope this all blows over right?

    Crimson Dynamos have died in combat before, it's one reason there were nine pilots before Galina. They have lost fights, they've failed. Not one of them has ever turned away from a fight though, they've never retreated no matter the odds. Which is why she takes care to get her undersuit on, so as to disturb the burn dressings and broken bones as little as possible. Why she takes a mouth full of painkillers and washes them down with a few good pulls of cheap corner store vodka. She's the Dynamo, retreat has never been an option.

    She slips into the armored hull and fires up the Venkos, letting their low humming pulse synch with that irregular heartbeat. Pulling up the sensor feeds as that suit steps out of the shadows to survey the waterfront, trying to spot from across the bay where those sentinels got moved to.

Real heroes do in fact die, but they never give up.

Gambit has posed:
"COulda been worse. De password foh Scott's email is Password." Remy quips. If he is joking or telling the truth is impossible to tell. He's in his own combat gear...which is to say his thief gear. He flicks his wrist slightly to make sure the mechanism that launches cards into his hand is working properly. "Well Kitty, yah got a plan foh all dis? He asks in a playful tone.

Jubilee has posed:
Settled next to Kitty is Jubilee, who is in her uniform, which makes up a dark red t-shirt, blue jeans, and a black windbreaker. No pink shades for tonight, but she /is/ wearing those stunning pink earrings that has her name on them. She is holding a pair of binoculars to her eyes, watching, blowing a bubble between her lips with a crack.

"They really didn't change the password? It's still admin? Buncha maroons." She drawls out in a bored tone of voice, giving another pop of bubblegum.

"Yeah, Kitty, what's the plan?' She says with a grin to her best friend.

Red Hood has posed:
For all intents and purposes, it looks like the heroes have gotten the drop on the Friends of Humanity. Frank is able to get past the security guard, who doesn't even look underneath the bottom of the trailer for tagalongs. He sits there, watching his small television, while forces build around him.

The rumbling of the Crimson Dynamo coming to life doesn't disturb anything.

Then, one of the windows of the warehouse shatteres - a single tendril slung through the air. It's aimed directly towards where Kitty Pryde is standing next to Samuel - the spear flying at breakneck speed to perhaps catch the girl unaware before she has a chance to phase and let the spear pass through her harmlessly.

>>>Mutant Detected.<<<

Other Sentinels start to rise, activating within the building. The trailer of the truck rocks hard as the Sentinel on the back of it activates and starts to sit up, optics flickering to life as it activates.

The Alarm has been Raised.

Punisher has posed:
That hard jostling can only mean one thing; the thing up top is getting up. It was a slim hope, but nothing for it now. "Microchip, going to plan B."

With that, The Punisher drops down the flatbed and rolls out... then, in full view of everyone, pulls out a custom Model 1216 from his back, before he jumps on top of the flatbed, and moves to climb up the Sentinels back. "Get the minigun ready." Punisher grumps as he moves for the back of the neck. "Got custom shells, just for you assholes..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie ses the Sentinel fire, and not haveing time to even engage his power, he will lower his shoulder, and shoulderblock kitty out of the way of the harpoon with a shout of "Kit." but thats al the gets out as he takes the tendril to the back, and as it pierces through him, it takes his breath with it. He falls to the rooftop the light fadeinging from his eyes, as he realizes how Doug felt.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Theres a puff of black smoke as she lights up that jet engine, the dynamo leaning foreward as it spools up and flares to life. Generators climbing up into the green, and she's off. Rolling over onto her back as she locks into a parabolic trajectory, up and over. A swing of the legs as she cuts thrust for just a second, and she's begun her descent.

    There is no cool three point touch down here, there isn't even much slowing down if we're honest. Nine thousand pounds worth of heavy russian armor slams down foot first, shattering that concrete and sending waves of thick concrete dust in every direction. RPG chains rustling as it rises to it's full height, the brilliant red glow behind that T-slot helmet coming up in time with the hum of those venkos. Electricity arks between the gauntleted fingertips, as the Dynamo widens it's stance. That 30mm auto-cannon rising up it's track, barrel already spooling up as it finally drops and swings towards the first Sentinel.

    That voice comes on like something entirely otherworldly, it's not a speech or a warning. Washed through goodness knows how many filters designed with care to maximize intimidation. No when it comes, it can only be described as a roar. <<UURRAAA!>> That cannon swings towards the nearest sentinel and erupts with enough fire to scorch the concrete and bubble that neat red paint the Dynamo is so well known for.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat is looking over the situation, considering as people on her team start turning to her. She looks about the area, then back to the warehouse. "We will want to get as close as we can before they notice us. Cannonball, I assume you can probably handle one on your own? Gambit and Jubilee work together on another. Cannonball stay above where you won't be seen, while Gambit leads Jubilee in stealthily. I'll try to get close enough from the other side and mess up electronics when-"

Shadowcat's words are cut off as she is shoved out of the way. She instantly phases, conditioned to do so when taken by surprise. Kitty turns back around, seeing Samuel with the spear through his torso, falling to the rooftop. "No! No no no. Please God no," she says, turning to crouch and drag him back from where there is any chance of the Sentinel's seeing them. "Oh God no!" she exclaims, voice full of pain. She phases the spear and removes it from his body, dropping it aside as she then frantically checks for a pulse and breathing.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's jovial expression vanishes in a moment and that spread of cards he'd put into his hand suddenly glows a vibrant pink as Remy pushes the molecules within them to critical mass. With unerring accuracy he sends them in a shallow arc to explode right at the joint where the thing's head meets it's torso. He glances back at Kitty, yelling "DON' PULL IT OUT, YAH COUL' MAKE DE BLEEDING WORSE!"

Jubilee has posed:
Pushing herself up to her feet, Jubilee brushes off her knees a few times, then gives a nod of her head to Kitty. "Word. C'mon Swampy, let's rock and roll." She says as she gives a swing of her arm a bit to loosen up the shoulder. When the sound of the windows shattering is head, followed by that robotic voice, her eyes widen as she jostles back a step.

When she sees her teammate get speared through the chest, she lets out a loud shriek of fear, clasping her hands to her face for a moment, then drops her hands down. "Oh god, Sam!" She cries out. She turns around and screams out in rage, throwing her hands forward as explosions rip from her hands in bright, sub-atomic colors towards the machine in tandem with Remy.


It's like Fourth of July celebration from the roof as she looks to shower down the plasmoids upon the enemy and give Kitty the time she needs to save Sam's life.

Red Hood has posed:
One mutant down, several more to go. The Sentinel in the parking lot is an easy target. With the Punisher on the Sentinel's back, his rounds rip through the loose armor of the mutant hunter's neck - and start to rip through the insides. When it is joined in concert - Gambit's card slams into the Sentinel's head, ripping it off and thankfully not the Punisher in the process.

Cannonball has a hole through his chest - the size of a human fist. He's not going to be coming back from that. Anytime soon at least. Jubilee and Galina join in the concert, slamming into the standing Sentinel and starts to send it tumbling backwards.

That's when another Sentinel comes out of the building. Turning towards the group of Mutants, it opens up with it's heat beam, going through modulations to find something that will affect Shadowcat's skill set.

Another Sentinel comes through the roof of the warehouse, his bootjets firing as he reaches out with tendrils to try to grab at Jubilee and sling her off of rooftop.

The Russians? Now that they are seeing the chaos, they have decided to depart - especially in light of the arrival of the traitorous Crimson Dynamo. A black sedan pulls out through a side gate of the warehouse, heading down a backalley to try to escape from the battle that's occuring behind them.

Punisher has posed:
"THAT'S RIGHT!" The Punisher shouts as custom armor peircing shells unload into the back of the Sentinel... and he's unscathed. So far.

"My hunch was right, they don't go after non-mutants right now." The magazine for the shotgun is reloaded from inside the gear web under his trenchcoat. "I came prepared this time, assholes." Punisher grates as he sprints towards the Sentinel coming out of the building, going after Shadowcat.

He's going to do the same thing to this one that he did to the other, and he's got gloves on to make the climbing easier. First the legs, then the neck.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    There are way too many people, way too tightly packed to get wild just yet. She notes the car, that glowing "eye" behind the helmet narrowing as it sets to track them. One arm lefting as the cover for that heavy machinegun bolted to the firearm erupts in a flash and goes flying. Then well she opens up, stitching heavy MG fire towards the car. Trying to keep that 12.7 centered around the engine bay and the front seats, she wants somone to question after this is over mind. She just doesn't need -all- of them alive for that.

    That armored helm ducking instinctively as the rotary cannon slews over to track a new target, lining that Sentinel in the air first. Another burst of 30mm, maybe two hundred rounds or so sent downrange in the blink of an eye. Run dry, those bolts blow in sequence to pop the entire cannon, APU and ammo bin off the Dynamo's back in a shower of sparks and one very large gun.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat seethes with anger as she sees the size of the hole that the spear made through Cannonball. She grabs the spear-shaped length of Sentinel tendril and rises from Cannonball's body. The X-man sprints and leaps off the roof. Spear held with both hands overhead. Body arched as if ready to use every once of her strength in a thrust as she leaps towards the head of the Sentinel below, a scream of anguish and anger marking her passage.

The Sentinel's heat beam sweeps up towards the leaping Shadowcat, her path predictable. Will it affect her? Neither Sentinel nor X-man find out as Lockheed swoops in just ahead of the beam weapon, grabbing the still unphased Shadowcat by the back of her uniform and swinging her wide.

Arcing back around towards the giant robot, Lockheed lets his payload go. Shadowcat lands on the Sentinel's head, phasing the spear through the metallic exterior armor and jamming it deep into the robot's processor before letting the spear go. It crackles with electricity as it suddenly occupies the same physical space as the Sentinel's 'brain'.

Shadowcat leaps free, the purple dragon already swooping around to grab her and begin delivering her to the ground.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau barely looks at his fallen comrade. he'll mourn the boy, but loosing his head now won't help Sam, or them. As the next set of tendrils fire towards Jubilee he launches his cards at the tendrils themselves, sending a series of explosions up their length.

Jubilee has posed:
With tears in her eyes, Jubilee lets out another scream of anger, directed right at the swooping robot that flies towards her. Her hands blaze like bright fires as she taps into her anger and lets it rip from her chest. As Remy takes out the tendrils, she throws out her hands again, knuckling balling another explosion that looks to tear through the sentinel. She screams words that will break this game's rating, those which will cause a sailor to blush. She is /heartbroken/. Angry. And now? Her powers are in the zone.

Batman has posed:
     In the sea of sound, a pair of jet engines would probably go unheard. One of the sentinels is in the air, everything is a sea of action. That's what one person is hoping on.

     A black gauntlet clad hand flicks a few switches. It wouldn't be long before he'll hit his targets. Readying the guns, he steadies a breath. If anyone is watching the skies they would see the new enterant come, and just as quickly go, but it's clear who is here. A giant metal bat swoops into the area. The second he gets a clear shot at one of the arms, Batman will open fire. His plan is simple, swoop in, do some damage, and hopefully draw the attention of at least one sentinel. What better way to do that than to remove a limb?

     The Batwing is designed to handle the tightness to gotham's buildings with the capability of going beyond the city. Also, she has a gattling gun and missile launcher with a rotating chamber. Bullets cause less damage, but reduce the risk of any collateral damage. Right now, there's too many people to risk a missile. Part of the boon of getting a sentinel to chase him, it clears the shot. As the Batwing swoops in, Batman's modulated voice echoes a friendly Gotham greeting, "Get out of my city!" It's mainly meant for the giant robots, but there's at least one man on the ground it could equally apply to. Batman would handle Frank once noticed. Now, whether Batman's plans work is another matter. Either way, Batman is going to swoop around. Hopefully, he would have a sentinel on his tail. If not, a second sweep could be done.

Red Hood has posed:
The car's hood is pierced by those shells from Galina's rifle and it swerves before slamming into a wall, deploying the airbags as it crashes. The Russian stumbles from the car, reaching for his briefcase. His forehead is bloodied as he starts to try to get away with his ill-gotten goods.

As the Punisher and Crimson Dynamo tag-team on the Sentinels, one of them goes down to a knee, just as Shadowcat comes in for the kill. The head of the Sentinel occupies the same space as the tendril, and it sparks and shorts, collapsing onto it's knees and then forward.

The Batwing's rounds slam into the back of the flying Sentinel, pock-marking it and denting the armor as Gambit and Jubilee pour their intentions on it. It ignores the Batman's attacks - he's not a mutant according to it's scan and starts to land on the rooftop to approach the other two mutants. So far it's armor on the front has stood up to the attack on it.

A last Sentinel comes out of the building. Firing it's jets, it takes to the air, aimed towards Shadowcat - and by coincidence, Punisher and the Dynamo.

Punisher has posed:
"Motherfucker!" As the Sentinel buckles under the pressure, the Punisher is already getting ready for the next phase... and he's jumping down to the feet of the Sentinel, making a dash for cover as he heads for the warehouse. He was here for intel, and the Sentinels were mostly dealt with. Time to go and find an asshole to interrogate.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The Dynamo peers between the assembled heroes and their shared foe, before turning away. That synthesized voice rumbling out in Russian, as she selects her priority target. <<You aren't going anywhere.>> The power armor heading down that alleyway after the suits, one hand lifting as those venkos begin to hum all the louder, surging in time with the heartbeat of it's pilot. Arcs of electricity dancing between those fingertips, before finally making an electrified grab for the dude in the suit.
    It shouldn't be enough to kill the guy, but it's way north of where the pain starts. Ever wanted to see Russian style Justice, well you might just get a front row seat. <<Did you think I would give up, that you could use my name to hide behind? No we're going to have a conversation, and you're going to tell me exactly what I want to know. The alternative, would be exceedingly unpleasant. Do you understand?>>

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's eyes open and he rolls over looking down at his chest, and seeing the hole in his uniform "What the hell." He says but at the sound of combat he looks around. Seeing hsi friends in danger he will worry about what happened later. He stands up, igniting his blasting fild, an orange ball of thermal kinetic energy with the south young man in the center of it, streaks at the Sentinel fighting Jubilee, and Remy. With the way he is traveling you can tell why he is called Cannonball.

Batman has posed:
     Seeing the Sentinel isn't following him, Batman goes in for a second sweep. Like before he readies the gattling gun, then begins to fire. The gattling gun barks with each round that goes off. Again, that modulated voice rumbles as he passes. "Clear the left forearm," and that's the group's warning. On the third pass, Batman is going to get mean. There's a total of nine missiles in the Batwing. He intends to remove that forearm. Right now, he wishes a mutant is somehow in the vehicle with him. His world would be a whole lot easier. The lack of response by the Sentinel confirms Batman's questions about program paramets, and it tells him a weakness to the machines.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat swoops down to the ground, letting Lockheed get her there in one piece rather than running down the air. She's dropped off as the dragon swoops darts back up and away. The dead Sentinel clangs to the ground, Shadowcat raises a fist in victory, flashing the gesture towards the Punisher and Galina as the three eliminated the Sentinel together.

The sound of jets firing from the warehouse behind her, turns Shadowcat around, brown eyes lifting to find the flying robot. "Ok guys, we got this, right!?" she calls to her makeshift comrades in arms. "Guys?" she calls again. Shadowcat turns to look towards Punisher and Galina, finding them scrambling after the car and heading for the warehouse. "Oh fudge."

She's already diving and phasing before she's looked back to the Sentinel closing in on her. Acrobatic evasion ensues as she tries to stay a step ahead of anything the Sentinel throws her way. Lockheed sweeps in, the dragon valiant sending a plume of fire at the Sentinel's head, trying to block his view of Shadowcat and help her until she can gain an advantage on it somehow.

Jubilee has posed:
As her friend comes back from the dead and rockets off the roof, Jubilee lets out a scream of fear, giving a wide eyed, teary stare after her friend. "SAM!?" She calls out, clutching her hands to her chest. " .. Oh my God."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau presses his attack. He has two decks of cards up each sleeve, giving him the approximate firepower of 224 hand grenades, yah know since he left the Jokers and cards teaching you how to play draw poker in the decks. And as fast as the mechanism can feed the cards into his hands he is launching them at the Sentinals. Not thinking about Sam's always cheerful face. Not thinking about the time the boy brought a gallon of fresh sweet tea and the two spent a few hours laughing and joking. He'll think about those things later. Probibly get good and drunk. But for now all he cares about is destroying these things.

Red Hood has posed:
Samuel's sudden revival causes the Sentinel to glance down. >>>Mutant detec-<<< it's all it gets out before Cannonball barrels through the middle of it, ripping it apart as missiles slam into it and it explodes in a violent flash of light.

Shadowcat is.. well, abandoned. Finding herself alone against the Sentinel in the yard, it starts to advance on her. It fires, and when the blast goes right through her phasing body, it starts to modulate - trying to find the same frequency that the mutant is on to knock her out of phase.

Lockheed's flame causes the armor beneath to glow, but the Sentinel continues to move on Kitty.

At the side, the diplomat screams as he feels the pulse of electricity through his body, dropping the briefcase as he does so. <<There is five hundred thousand there. Take it! Start a new life!>> he screams, trying to reach in his pocket.

With Punisher enters the building, a couple of Friends of Humanity lowlifes open fire on him with small arms fire. They certainely aren't the heavy hitters that the Sentinels are, but they are laying down some bullets just the same.

Punisher has posed:
He's already ducking behind cover as they open fire. His .45 ACP pistol is taken out of it's holster as he fires back. Unlike these thugs, he's actually a good shot, and he's aiming for headshots as he gets into an audible firefight.

He's going to need to deal with the trash before he can get to the suit. He keeps one alive though, in case he might be useful for intel.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    <<Bribery...>>The dynamo grabs the man's shoulder in a vicelike crush, more than what's -strictly- necessary to just hang onto the man. That visored eye turning to regard, well the Sentinel Kitty's been left to handle alone. "Bring him to me, Mutant." Another half step to first scoop up that cash and shove it into a compartment behind the chest plate, because yes ok she does need the cash.

    Then she reaches across to drive an armored hand through the hood of that car, fingers grasping at the engine itself before wrenching it free. Now armed, she gives that engine a pitch. Nolan ryan she isn't, but hey it should be more than able to bash a few hundred pounds of steel into the Sentinel.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat is sprinting all out, trying to keep distance between herself and the Sentinel. She closes no the warehouse, finding herself huffing and puffing. ~I... really need... to spend more time... on calisthenics...~ the Oxford student thinks to herself.

The English voice blaring from the speakers of the Crimson Dynamo catches Shadowcat's attention. "Lockheed, Sentinel plan 5!" she shouts as she veers towards Crimson Dynamo, leading the Sentinel right towards the Russian robot. Meanwhile the purple dragon switches from fire to smoke, laying down a screen as he wings over and plummets down towards Kitty.

As they near the delivery point for Crimson Dynamo to let loose that car engine, Kitty reaches up a hand, Lockheed grabbing her and then wheeling back around to fly the X-man towards the Sentinel as the pair move to attack, hoping to follow up on whatever damage Galina is able to do.

Batman has posed:
     Seeing that the bullets aren't doing too much, Batman is readying that third pass. Readying the missiles, he does not take the shot right away. These shots require calculation. They require him to take notice of everything. While the Batwing is moving in quickly, there is still a methodical approach to this. He only begins to open fire when Batman knows the least amount of collateral damage happens. The second he sees the shot that fits it, he takes it.

     A streak of redish orange leaves the plan going toward the sentinels arm, followed by a second, and if he can squeeze it off, a third. Each time the missiles streak, the firing chamgber lurches with a "Ca-chng!" that is unheard. Batman will slow down his machine, if necessary. Possibly make himself prone, but sometimes a person needs to be slow if they're acting like a surgeon. Once that forearm is removed Batman will begin to work on his second target, but only when he sees that limb is removed, or dangling, will he zip pass to do another sweep.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come around looking to see if there is anything else that needs his unique move through. He does a side circle coming to head towards the last sentinel. He is far enough away that the others may have it finished before he gets to it.

Red Hood has posed:
If Punisher and Batman are looking for a suit? It's currently in the hands of the Crimson Dynamo. The two men in the Sentinels hangar go down, leaving only the man that paid for the Sentinels. "You're not even one of them!" he snarls as he tries to get back towards his office, waving his gun at Punisher, though his shots are going wide. "Those freaks don't deserve protection! Or your help!"

Outside, Lockheed's smokescreen is super-effective - confusing the Sentinel's optics just as an engine block comes flying through the smoke and slams into it, crushing it's chest.

The Batwing's missiles are next, exploding against the weakened armor, and the fifteen foot robot falls to the ground in a heap, even as Shadowcat sees the man in the suit limply hanging in Crimson Dynamo's arms.

Punisher has posed:
"Trash always finds excuses." Punisher replies as he replaces the .45 he was using with a rubber round magazine, and he goes after the buyer. Rubber rounds fly through the air as Punisher tries to incapacitate him... and once he's at his office, Punisher aims for a headshot to knock the man out. "Micro, I've got a prisoner and I need extraction. Going for rally point C."

Somewhere outside, the Battle Van comes out of standby and Microchip starts to drive it around the block, towards the other side of the warehouse.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "No, friend. I need room, you hold my prisoner. Dynamo is to be your shield, there is no land for them beyond me."And so the Dynamo does indeed half turn, ready to throw it's captive towards Kitty. Then well, the problem resolves itself. "Nevermind." She offers before turning back to slam that captive to the wall well above the floor, high enough so he can look at the dynamo's brilliant glowing eye. <<Your life belongs to me now, comrade. Tell me quickly where the rest of these robots are, and who's desk signed off on this. Play games with me, and I will cook you alive in front of these Americans just to provide myself some small degree of amusement.>>

    The Dynamo -does- have a frankly, sort of incredible body count attributed to it. Heavily armored ports on those forearms snapping open, illuminating the scene with the most mesmerizing blue. Astute minds will no doubt recognize that particular shade as "Chernkov Blue", presuming the slow throbbing hum of the Venko generators arent you're first clue what the Dynamo was all about. You can smell the ozone plainly, -feel- that charge growing in the air and all the Dynamo has done so far? Open the cooling ports. <<Talk.>>

Shadowcat has posed:
With the Sentinel down, Shadowcat points back towards the Crimson Dynamo. "Cannonball. Thank the Lord," she says into her coms, voice full of emotion. "Let's gather on the Russian armor, there's a captive."

Lockheed wheels over there way, delivering the X-man to the ground beside the towering Russian suit of mechanized armor. In passable but not fluent Russian, using simple phrasings, Shadowcat says, <<We can take all answers he knows. Not injure him. Can not lie.>> Then she switches to English. "He won't be able to withhold anything from us. But we need to take him to do this. Also? You have my gratitude," Shadowcat says, voice backing up her words on the last point.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will land besides Shadowcat, and says "Ok, what ya need me to do?" He will ask The young man had a fist sized hole in the front of his shirt, you can see unmarred chest through, and another hole in the back of his shirt and jacket.

Batman has posed:
     And Batman begins to work. Tracers connect to the sentinel. Well, that would be what most would think is happening. In reality, Batman is trying to clone every bit of data available on the sentinel. The best way to learn about a robotic enemy is to datamine it. He'll sort through the information later. Right now, this will answer a lot of Batman's questions without needing to interrogate the one particular individual that has everyone's attention.

Red Hood has posed:
The Russian was about to start talking, until Kitty speaks up. And then he yells. "Diplomatic immunity! I have diplomatic immunity against this! I demand you contact my consulate general immediately!"

In the meantime, there goes the Punisher and Microchip with the head of the Gotham Friends of Humanity as a hostage.

And Batman's sensors start to get read - but as much as he's reading, the Sentinel is also trying to gain feedback. It's a dangerous game.

Batman has posed:
     "Oracle, we have a live one," Batman says and knows she is going to work. What Batman wants most, isn't necessarily needed with data. Regretably, he begins to fire on the bot's head, trying to end it. A new order goes out, "Skin deep, Oracle," it's a special command. Those dataminers can start to do something else for Batman, too. It's not as good as datamine, but still achieves a couple of objectives in a cruder manner.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The Dynamo narrows it's gaze to a pinpoint of red light, that free gauntleted hand reaching down to grasp the man's thigh. -CRACK-. "You have made an error comrade, perhaps I hit your head? You have mistaken me for an American, Has the Crimson dynamo ever arrested anyone before? I will cook you alive, and know I speak the truth when I say I will make it -LAST-."The Dynamo steps all the closer, pressing that armored helm in close. "Speak to me, and tell me no lies if you want to ever set foot on the ground alive again you filth. Do not forgive who you are dealing with."

    Kitty is, well sort've ignored if only because the Dynamo is trying to conduct an interrogation here.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau leaps from the top of the building to the ground... He's going to wreck his knees doing that sort of thing one day... but then he is calmly walking closer until he stands beside Kitty. His red on black eyes glowing like embers of pure hellfire. "Ain' dat cute. 'E t'inks we are de police." However to Dynamo he adds, "We got telepat's chere. Dey c'n get every bit of information out of 'im. Yah scare 'im too bad, or 'urt 'im too bad...His mind shut down an' 'e no use ta anyone.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat frowns as the Russian man tries to play her against Crimson Dynamo. She shrugs and turns away from him, giving Remy a quick smile as she leaves him to use his silver tongue to handle the matter there. Also in part so the man won't see if Shadowcat winces if she hears any more bones break. "We should grab some components for study," she suggests to the rest of the team. "An arm would be good. Or maybe it's central beam weapon if we can get it out?"

Shadowcat glances towards the bat-shaped airplane, a thoughtful look filling her gaze for a moment. Her hand goes to where her costume comes partway up her throat for a second. The female X-man lifts a hand to wave towards the Bat as if in gratitude for the missiles that helped end the final Sentinel that was chasing her.

Red Hood has posed:
And as Remy said, the shock of a dislocated hip and the X-men's arrival? The poor attache passes right on out. The X-Men are asking for him, but Galina still has the man.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and was going to say something to Dynamo, but Remy seems to have it covered. He looks over to Kitty "Head or hand Ah would suggest."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "You -amatuers-."The Dynamo takes a step back, casually tossing the man to Remy. "His superiors will know of his capture, by the time you extract your information it will be useless. Your kindness has endangered the lives of others." Forearm vents shapping shut with a hiss and a rush of steam venting from behind those armor plates. The Dynamo turns, stepping away to warm that lift jet back up with the wine of it's compressors. Then well, ignition and she's off.

Batman has posed:
     Once he has everything, the Batwing flies off to other parts of Gotham. Footage would be used later. Once he finds out Frank is in his city, a new hunt will begin. For now, Batman is working on another matter.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde goes over to Cannonball. The man gets a HUGE, tight hug. There's also a lot of oh-my-god-you-were-dead and other quiet gushing that will be left off the official mission report. "Let's grab the hand. And I'll get just the memory from the head," she says finally after she's able to pull herself away from Cannonball. A call will be going ahead to Forge to verify things are safe at an offsite location, before they make it back to the school.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie wil pat her back a bit awkward and says "Must have been a mistake, Ah thought I was hit but here I am." he will move to get the hand to load up on how ever they got here.