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Spring Festivities
Date of Scene: 18 March 2020
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: A Spring Festival turns into a goblin attack on a fairy. Heroes show up and goblin soup is served. Huzzah!
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Cannonball, Doctor Strange, Jubilee, Zorro, Gambit, Hulk, Nightingale

Pixie has posed:
It is the second day of the Annual Spring Festival and everything is in full swing in the Westchester county Park..Streamers hang between two large trees and a large and colorful banner greets newcomers to the entrance of the Festival. As snow begins to slowly melt, various food trucks have set up in a semi circle around a large bonfire, and live bands play on stage at the back. It's a wonderful way to mix and mingle and enjoy good food and good music.

At the front, volunteers hand out pamphlets describing today's program which includes a list if bands playing, a performance of A Mid Sumner Night's Dream, and a scavenger hunt.

Megan is here too, back for the second day, darting around, dressed in a cute green dress, looking more the part if fairy as are many cosplayers dressed today, darting about here and there to peek at all the pretty decorations. "Ooooooh this is gonna be sooo much fun!" she squeaks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has came out more to watch over things and make sure everything was ok. He knows there will be students from Xaviers here and it is good to have some of the staff here, and he said he would be one of the Staff to stay for a while. So he had grabbed some food and watches around the area.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Having received an invitation to the Annual Spring Festival, Doctor Stephen Strange has decided to attend. Something he hasn't been know to do in the past. After all, Wong has been hounding him to get out, relax, and de-stress. Shake some of the "cost" that was coming his way for using all that magic in recent months. Magic always has a cost...darn it.

Stephen was not wearing his colorful accoutrements for the second day in a row. This time he was in black jeans. A turtle neck sweater in dark green, and a pair of black leather gloves fill out the ensemble. Over this sweater was a black leather jacket, with a scarf of fine crimson-red material with a hint of yellow at the edges. Oh, and did I mention? Black boots.

Taking a pamphlet from a volunteer, a rather strange dressed person that illicits an eyebrow raising from the Sorcerer Supreme, Strange moves into the Park and sighs.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has managed to get a deep-fried Snickers bar on a stick, decorated with marshmallows on the outside. She's wearing a crop top with the phrase U CAN'T C ME emblazoned on it, along with shorts and a pair of sneakers with light up soles. She's meandering around a little randomly, pink-tinted sunglasses pushed up on her head and little Saturns dangling from her earrings.

She watches one of the bands for a moment, rolling her eyes a bit, "Ugh ska, gross," she mutters, looking around for something interesting.

Zorro has posed:
Hector Rodriguez looked at the festival with a big smile on his face as he walked towards it. He had heard from his new friend Alister Grinly, the perfume magante, talking about this Festival and how much his beloved Grandaughter was enjoying it. This, of course, caught Hector's attention and he decided to drive out of the city to Weschester County to check it out.

As Hector grabbed the pamphlet one of the volunteers were handing out, he observed his surroundings. This seemed like every small town festival he has ever been too, but it had a bit more of that small-town charm that some parts of it were missing. As he stood at the bonfire he looked at his pamphlet and grinned when he saw they were performing a Midsummers Night Dream. Shakesphere had always fascinated him, but he never had a chance to perform it. Now, he was curious how a small town like this would perform it. As he started into the fire, he started to hum a Spanish hymn absent-mindidly to himself.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is attending the festivities for the second day in row. Of course yesterday was partially baby sitting. So today he is... well he in indulging himself. Enjoying the crowd, and the atmosphere. He happens to spot a pick pocket lift a tourists wallet. Shaking his head he lifts the wallet back from the pick pocket, taps the shoulder of the nice man visiting from Minnisota and says "Pardon sir, Ah'm 'fraid yah dropped dis."

Hulk has posed:
Meanwhile, Bruce has his own colorful outfit; namely, a modified Fantastic Four uniform, sans logo... and modified to be Hulk green.

Needless to say, even if he got a hat, he'd probably attract attention. But in this setting.... there's really no way Bruce would feel comfortable wearing normal clothing in this setting. You never know if something exciting is gonna happen. Nonetheless, Bruce did want to take some time to relax.

Just this once, he's not trying to blend in as he moves through the crowd towards the performance. What's the worst that could happen?

Pixie has posed:
"Welcome, Welcome everyone!" the volunteer cheerfully greets everyone, dressed in a purple wig and green leafy looking fairy dress, handing out pamphlets to everyone. "Please enjoy your stay!" She peers a little at some of the patrons, specifically towards the Hulk and Dr. Strange, pretty much celebrities, who somehow blend in in their 'normal' attire, and she beams, adjusting her glasses. "Yes, welcome to the show! The play will be starting shortly!" and the latest song is already dying down as the actors get ready to portray the beloved fairie story..

Megan beams as she spies familiar faces, darting first towards Sam and Jubes and Remy, "Yaaay the gang's all here! But where's Shannon? She promised to come..." she pouts but peers around, spying others. She doesn't recognize Hector our if costume but he's given a big smile, as is Hulk and Strange, "Love the costumes!" she giggles and thumbs up.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Megan "She sent me a text she is trying to make it, but her mom called and wanted to talk to her. Seems all is ok, but can't really tell her ma, she is heading out to a festival." He grins a bit and says "She will be here as soon as she can.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee wiggles fingers at Megan, "Hey there, chica. I dunno where Shannon is, I'm not her keeper. See if you can text her. She's probably, like, finding homes for orphaned animals or volunteering to do hospital clowning. Some sort of angelic thing," she says.

She idly punches Sam in the arm and throws a wink at Remy, "So, other than superheroes showing up, what's the plan?"

Zorro has posed:
Hector is jarred out of his hymn humming by a famiiar face. As Megan smiled at him and rushed off, Hector knew exactly who she was. That was one of the mutants from the warehouse, the one that made everyone hallucinate.

Suddenly, he hears that the play was about to star, and that memory is quickly jogged out of his head with a new priority, see the play. Hector begins to jog to the performance area, rushing by Jubilee and the gang as He does.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Looking at the vendors, the people present, and listening to the music, Dr Strange turns, and wanders amongst the crowd. His eyes spot a few familiar faces, including an old friend in green, but decides that this might not be the best tiome to get re-acquainted. After all, this is a festival to have fun and enjoy oneself. Deciding on a deep-fried Snickers bar, as Jubilee had done, Strange tries it, and raises his left eyebrow as a certain Enterprise Science Officer might.

Looking up as the familiar face of Megan estoles the virtues of the Festival, Strange allows a small smile to leak out at her. Then a nod as she recognizes him. He then returns her "thumbs up" with a nod. Looking around, there seems to be a lot going on.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins at Jubilee. "Well mah plan is ta eat ovahpriced food, listen ta music I'd nevah listen to normally an' in general 'ave a good time... Dat said since dare are t'ree or more X-peoples at a given event, Ah'm expecting an alien invasion or attack of cybernetic veloraptors any second."

Hulk has posed:
The shout of a 'costume' gets a glance to Megan... of confusion.

Apparently, Bruce doesn't think of his suit as a costume, and didn't realize people would consider it one. One of his hands comes up and pick at the chestpiece of it, the stretchiness easily seen going far beyond normal clothing.

After a moment, he shrugs, waves, and starts to head to one of the seats, awaiting the show.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Sam and Jubilee, nodding slowly, "Ohhh I see, I'm sure she'll be here soon then!" as for Remy she just grins at him, "Heh,we still need to try some if your spicy gumbo! So, didja find a place with good Cajun food?" Hector is glanced at with a thoughtful smile though she still doesn't recognize him, "Hiii having a good time?" she peers at his clothes and giggles, "You would make a good fairy...!"

She beams at Strange, twirling, "Doctor Strange! Yay! You came! Do you like my costume?" and to Dr. Banner Megs just giggles, "Well costume or no, I like it! So yay, how about that play about mischievous fairies? Might be fun!"

And speaking of, gentle harp music starts to waft through the air, lulling spectators towards the stage and the ornately costumed actors who dance and sing on stage as they act out the medieval era soap opera-gone-wring thanks to a group of mischievous fairies.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at Jubilee, and says"Hey one of us has to be the responsible one. He looks over to Gambit and back to her. Ah think Ah got drafted into it." He does smile showing he is picking a bit and says "So, fried what on a stick ya got there."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee peels off a marshmallow, tossing it into her mouth, "I think he said, like, that he is totally down to eat anything and have fun but it's hard to tell because #cajun. And yes, Sam, you're always the responsible one, it's on all the tags of your underwear," she says.

"This is a fried Snickers on a stick with chocolate coating and marshmallow bombs on the outside. Here, have a bite, rot your teeth," she says, extending the stick.

Zorro has posed:
As Hector ran by, he heard Gwynn's compliment and stopped a bit to nod polietly before heading towards the theater area. To fit in the theme he was dressed up as a medieveal clothing, which is probably how she got her compliment from. As he sat down, he grinned as he heard the harps playing. As the play continued, a content look was marked on his face.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Noting Bruce as he heads to sit down, Strange takes a step in that direction, and then stops as Megan arrives. "Hello Ms. Gwynn." Strange looks the woman up and down, and nods his approval. "Very nice. You look great. I look forward to the play about...mischievious faeries. Indeed."

Strange makes his way to a seat, and then winks at Megan as she wanders to her next guests. As the music starts, Strange crosses his arms, leans back in his chair, and waits to see what surprises are in store. There are always surprises.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau sighs, "Ah nevah understood de point of deep frying everyt'ing." He says shaking his head at Jubilee, turning to face the stage. Tall enough that if he stands towards the back he should be able to see the stage over everyones head..

Hulk has posed:
It's taken a while, but eventually Bruce does notice Stephen among the crowd, and does give a small wave.

One could almost be taken aback how... normally awkward... Doctor Banner is, among the crowd. He'd seem like someone unused to social situations... until you remember he's one of the most powerful creatures on the planet.

It's a rather stark contrast, for anyone watching.

Still, he does seem to be watching those on the stage with a smile, allowing the performance to take his focus.

Nightingale has posed:
     With spring in full swing, and the festivities nearing their second day, a somewhat familiar winged figure is milling about the crowd. And instead of being in her usual jeans and sweater, she's in a... dress. A pretty short-sleeved sky blue sundress, with a low back to account for her wings. Likely accounting for modesty in flight, of course, but still, a rare sight on the healer in training these days.

     Shannon just smiles to herself, or at least until she spots the Sorcerer Supreme amongst the crowd. It takes a bit of effort for her to keep her expression pleasant; she'd learned the hard way to respect the man's skill at his craft, despite personal disagreements. Perhaps times had changed, who knows. With a cup of peppermint tea from a vendor in hand, she heads for the area near the stage, and finds an empty seat, keeping her large, white, feathery wings folded in neatly behind her. Unfortunately, with spring, comes molting season; one or two smaller feathers flutter to the ground near her seat.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn just giggles and nods to Strange, "Hey, maybe you'll see some REAL magic tonight...." And h, there's Shannon! Megan squeaks and darts towards angel girl, giving her a hug, "Yayyy you made it!" she cheers, flitting about here and there, but but...

But the play is underway, and really with all that Olde Englishem Shakespearean twists and turns and other confusing weirdness, who's really listening? Exceot it's kind of fun and funny when the fairies mix up the love potions and accidently accidently bring the wrong (right?) people together...There's a lot of applause there and then...

Then something beautiful and amazing happens as the fake foliage on stage suddenly seems to spring to life; fake flowers suddenly bloom into real flowers, and there's a general scent of sweet fruit and flowers and blooms everywhere but mostly on stage...And is that just the imagination, or is there REAL sparklies showering the stage in a beautiful array of colours...It's either really good special effects or...

"Heeey don't look at me like that! I'm totally innocent!" Megan shrugs helplessly.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee wags a finger at Remy, "The point of deep-frying everything is that it turns whatever's inside into a delicious pile of sugary goo that will immediately congeal in our stomachs and make us forget the woes of the day!" she says.

Jubes watches the flowering with a raised eyebrow, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay, I'm not sure if that's, like, a superpower thing or somebody put some serious mushrooms in my Monster drink. Food tampering is not a joke, people!" she calls out accusatorily.

Zorro has posed:
Hector found himself getting more and more enthralled by the play. True, while this was nothing compared to the plays held in Broadway, this was also suprsingly good. Suddnly, flowers fells from out of nowhere, surprsing Hector who grabbed one and looked at it with confusion.

Doctor Strange has posed:
After a few moments and finishing his "deep friend chocolate bar" Stephen uses a little finger wave, and poof, the waste left over from his snack was singularly deposited into the nearest waste recepticle. Wiping his hands absently on the remaining napkin, Strange chews once, twice and was done.

Noticing the motion to his left, Strange looks over, and sees Banner waving. With a quirk of his head, a slight nod, and a wave, he acknolwedges his old friend. It was good to see him in a crowd, without getting...angry...and even more green.

That motion did make Strange notice others. The Trio of mutants, Jubilee, Remy and Sam. That made him raise an eyebrow. Then, an unknown. Zorro. A new person he hadn't met. Then, back to the stage, for the show. "Perhaps I will Ms. Gwynn. Perhaps I will. Magic is always welcome when not trying to kill me." A slight smile as he senses the faerie magic.

Finally, Strange looks around for a last look, not before regarding Shannon for a few seconds first. A nod. A welcome one at that. After all, it would be rude to not acknowledge her presence.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau rolls his eyes slightly at Jubes and shakes his head "When yah a diebetic by de time dat yah t'irty, don' come cryin' ta me, dat's all Ah'm sayin'," The Cajun sas amused shaking his head. To him the only things you should be deep frying is chicken, fish, and once a year a turkey. He makes a face as the "special effects" take place. Things that should appear cool to his red on black eyes suddonly flairing with warmth. "X-men." he says in a soft tone. "Be on gaurd."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ooof!" There is just the space of a heartbeat or two for Shannon to maneuver her cup of very hot peppermint tea out of the way so Megan does not need her assistance, before being pulled into a rather enthusiastic hug. She chuckles to herself and gives the fairy girl a one-armed hug in return, her expression much lightened for the gesture. "Hey, how could I miss a performance of 'Midsummer Night's Dream'? I remember first reading it when I was four, and it's still one of the funniest things I've ever read!"

     She does recognize a few other faces in the crowd--Remy, Jubilee, Sam, Doctor Banner... all of whom she smiles and offers a wave to. The wordless greeting from Strange is... well, to her, very strange. Still, it seemed to lack the sour notes she remembered from her prior encounter. Her brows furrow slightly as she regards him, then she nods in turn, ruffling her wings by way of a wave. Perhaps times could change for the better after all.

     One change that could not possibly be missed, however, was the blossoming of Spring in glorious profusion on the stage, as if out of nowhere. A silvery peal of laughter escapes the winged healer, her smile lighting up her face as too few have seen her do these days. Whatever the source of the power, she couldn't help taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of it all.

     But beauty could also come with a price. So it is that she keeps her head on a swivel, glancing about here and there, looking for signs of anything amiss. Hopefully, her assistance would not be needed.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is the one who checks himself for pixie dust at the flowering. Upon finding none he does look to Pixie in time for her to deny it is her. He then starts to scan the area for any of the known reality altering people that they might be on the turn into frogs list. "Not seeing who is doing it yet." He says calmly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles as she continues to watch the play...But then things start to get weird...And flowers start falling off the stage. She giggles at Hector, peering at the flower he picks up, "Oooh Soo pretty! love the special effects!" she giggles, but that giggle freezes when she realizes it's not just special effects but something more...Eyes narrow, shifting towards Strange, "You sense it too, dont you?" and then Remy tells her to be in guard and she frowns a bit. "But but...But they're fairies right? Faeries are GOOD right??" and then she remembers the many evil faeries of lore that he very recently mentioned and she shivers..."Oh..."

The special effects continue for a few more minutes much to the surprise and glee of the audience..But also to the confusion of The actors who shrug and decide to go with it..

And then with a startled little shriek, all of a sudden the beautiful spring demonstration stops...And a trail of green glitter can be seen retreating to the safety of the woods and one fairy ring..Moments later, a small claw rips the backdrop scene in half and out pop hundreds of...What the heck are they? Gremlins? Goblins? Hideous demonic looking things all claws and teeth and hunger and hatered, latching onto actors and spectators alike, snarling and clawing and....

Weird, they seem more drawn to those dressed up in fairy costumes..,The heck?!

Hulk has posed:
The special effects didn't concern Bruce. He wasn't magically sensitive (even if the Hulk was inherently partially magical himself) and no one was panicking...

Well, no one was panicking until the newcomers started to attack people. "What in the..." Bruce asks in confusion, before he stands up, looking over to Stephen. "This isn't you, right?" Bruce asks, almost rhetorically, before he starts to run up onto the stage.

Running headlong into the panicking crowd was sure to trigger the adrenaline... but at this point, people were being attacked. It was time to allow The Other Guy to come out.

Up on the stage, the green suited Doctor Banner suddenly stumbles, and those nearby him can see his suddenly green eyes looking in the direction of the creatures. A half second later, and his skin slowly begins to turn as green as his suit.

The Hulk was visibly coming out.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Of course Doctor Strange picked up the use of magic on the stage, and also notes the reaction that Megan tosses towards the crowd. It was a pretty array of colors and sparkles. Ignoring the applause, Strange leans forward, and watches the scene unfold. As it was, for the time being, there was no reason to get involved. So far.

Looking at Megan, Strange nods. "Of course." At this point, he stands "I can sense it. Not all faeries are good, Megan." Her first name. That was a first. "What did you do here? Summoning Titania would not be a great use of your limited skill set, Ms. Gwynn." His voice was not happy. "Was this Morgana teaching you above your skill level?"
Looking over at Bruce Banner, Strange says, "No that is not me. Dr. Banner. Would you be able to assist us, without bringing the big, angry green gentleman to the fore?" He says as he watches Bruce charge the stage and changing. "I am guessing no?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau's eyes narrow as the Gremlins pop out and start attacking folks. "T'ink Ah got it figured out." He says dryly as a set of playing cards drop out of his sleaves and into His hands. "Shannon, Megan, try ta get civilians clear. Sam, Jubes, lets give dese ugly bastards a proper welcome, non?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will start to head to the stage and is the jumping and a roar as he blasts towards the biggest concentration of the wee beasties, trying to scatter them and draw their attention. He will do his best to keep as many as he can on him

Nightingale has posed:
     "Scheisse!" It's almost reflexive for Shannon to reach for the worn brown leather pouch that is perpetually somewhere on her person, and fish about for a little Bluetooth headset--but then she has to stop, and sigh a little bit, tucking it back away in the bag. Bean was not here this time, and few if any would be using similar means to coordinate any efforts. Her tea is knocked to the ground, where it seeps into the soil like a libation to some long-forgotten spirit.

     It was time for the Nightingale to fly.

     Spreading her wings to their full span, she takes to the air with a few strong downstrokes, gaining enough altitude to hopefully be out of the way of those... creatures. And hopefully out of the way of The Other Guy. She had been fortunate in her first encounter with him, but this? This was not the calmer version of him. This was full-on protective rage. She nods, calling out to Remy, "You got it! Pixie, c'mon, let's get to it!" Working with the fairy-winged girl, she starts guiding festival-goers to a safer distance, as far away from the gremlin attack as she could.

     One small redheaded girl of maybe four or five years old froze at the sight of the gremlin attack, sobbing and screaming in terror and clutching her teddy bear like a lifeline. Shannon swoops down from the air to scoop the child up, holding her close and flying her to the edge of the crowd. "Shhhh... it's okay, you're safe. You're going to be okay, sweetie. Can you look down there and point out your mom and dad so I can take you to them?" She smiles as reassuringly to the wee one as she can.

Zorro has posed:
Hector was about to respond to Meg's question when suddenly a swarm of what looked like Gremlins appeared out of nohwhere and started to swarm the fair, attack everyone in sight, especially those dressed as fae. Hector immeidatley got off his seat and fled to the parking lot. He wasn't fleeing from the fairground however, he was getting to his trunk. He had taken the liberty of bringing his Zorro costume with him and hiding it in his car trunk, along with his rapier.

As he reached his black Chevy, he immediatley opned the trunk and grabbed a bundle of black clothing and what looked like a rolled up garment and fled into the nearby woods.

An unexpecting Gremlin teerorizing a young family suddenly let out out a scream of pain as a throwing knife embeded itself into it's heart. As is crumbled onto the ground dead, one would see Zorro, the source of the dagger, staring determindly at the crowd of Gremlins. Suddenly, he pulls out his sword and charges into the chaos while saying, "Diablos! Prepare to meet your maker at the hands of Zorro!"

Pixie has posed:
Good grief! There are gremlins everywhere! Megan might be shocked if she hasn't seen this happen before. As for Strange's inquiry, she gulps and shakes her head, "This isn't my doing! That's beyond my abilities..." okaaay, teleporting to other dimensions? Suuure. Summoning gremlins or demons or whatever they are? Titally different ball game...Goblins? Argh....

And the chaos begins! People scream and run for their lives, though many are rescued from an untimely demise by the angelic Shannon, soon followed by Pixie who also carries or teleports them to safety...far enough away from those critters..Oh look, they're jumping all over the hulk and looking decidedly un cute though he has no trouble popping through them even as they growl and hang onto him with tooth and nail. The majority leap towards a group of three actors dressed like a fairy on stage, mumbling in goblin tongue to one another...

More jump out at a Jubilee, Canonball and Remy, hacking, slashing, biting anything that moves..And a few leap at Strange and Zorro, tenacious buggers who never heard of 'Pixking in someone your own size.'

Doctor Strange has posed:
Dr Strange summons his resolve, and begins to chant several ancient litanies against the dark arts and sorcery. As it was, he was mostly in the background, protecing those that were threatened by the gremlins and goblins. His spells returned several of the little cretins back to where they came from, but the real struggle is what had brought these creatures here in the first place.

"Megan. I suggest you return to wence this summoning came from, and dispel the magic at once. You can do this, even if not your doing. I trust you can find the source. A person or device did this." Zappppp...two goblins gone back from wence they came with a quick spell of banishment.

"I will try and assist the X-Men and the others, including the Hulk (and Zorro), in keeping everyone safe. Can you handle this?"
With that Strange does his best to do what he said he would. Protect civilians from dark magic run amok.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's blast carries his through and past the gremlins, and he turns making another pass, skimming as close to the ground as he can. The young man looks around seeing if there is a center point to head towards and maybe slow the spread up.

Hulk has posed:
It only takes a few seconds for the transformation to occur once it does, and everyone gets a show as it occurs. Growling and the lanky Bruce visibly growing double... triple... up to ten feet of Green Goliath suddenly comes into view, that green suit somehow stretching with him despite it all.

Of course, the goblins biting and scratching might do some damage...

With a sudden feral roar, the Hulk starts to pound the goblins into paste. Popping them with hands, or slamming them together... and he's completely unconcerned about damage to his surroundings, too. He's avoiding hurting the humans, but he's tossing the creatures every which way into objects and walls with incredible strength. "Hulk SMASH!" Hulk roars again as he starts to literally walk over the creatures, stomping them *HARD* as he goes even as he keeps getting swarmed up above.

The Hulk isn't in any serious damage from the creatures, but damn are there a ton of them on him... and he's failing about as a result of his fight.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau throws a double handful of cards, each mini granade finding a different mark. Then he deploys his bo staff, twirling it once over his head and smashing it down into the skull of one of the beasties about to launch itself onto the Jolly Green Giant.

Nightingale has posed:
     The oddly bucolic image of grapes being stomped in a vat for wine comes to Shannon's mind briefly, as she watches the Hulk do what the Hulk does. However, the resulting green goo was no vintage she ever cared to drink or to cook with, that's for sure. She uttered a prayer of gratitude to whatever deity happened to be listening that the Hulk was an ally and not an enemy.

     But there was the matter of the little green light that had flitted towards the fairy ring, and that worried her. She calls down to Sam, "Hey, big brother! I saw something fishy heading off that-a-way, permission to go check it out?"

Zorro has posed:
Zorro's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the Hulk, but he was suddenly distracted by the leaping gremlins. Zorro suddenly rolled out of the way of the gremlins then plunged his rapier into the chest of the first one, then kicked the second one away towards a concession stand. As he plunged his blade into the chest of the third one, a unseen fourth one leaped onto Zorro's back and started to attack him. Zorro dropped his sword and started to swear in Spanish as he struggled with the creature, suddenly calling out," Get this thing off me!," in Spanish.

Pixie has posed:
There are just...So many..Good thing there are also so many heroes too! A lot, no, a LOT of goblins become instant goblin soup as The Hulk rampages through them and really they are no match for The Big Guy. Those that remain quickly flee their assault on the three actors..Although they're quite mortified at the sight if goblin paste and soon flee for cover themselves..Remy's cards find their marks, ending gremlins exploding everywhere and. Zorro also finds his mark, dancing and slashing and slicing through more monsters. and really it seems their strength is more in numbers than anything else.

And then it seems that both Shannon and Samuel sense the true cause of this mess..And indeed if they look closer they will see a real fairy, such a tiny fragile thing really, shrieking and fleeing from a gang of goblins...Oh right there are suddenly tons of goblins converging towards Shannon and Samuel, blocking access to the fairy as they snarl and leap at them with amazing speed and strength and indeed these are quite a but bigger than the regular mass, about the size if a normal human and maybe five or six lunging at them all savagely now...

Meanwhile Megan blinks at Dr. Strange's instructions, "Err dispel magic? Right!" and she closes her eyes in concentration, murmuring the words of a portal spell, combining her teleportation magic's with a dispel and let's hope she doesn't mess up on the fly..

"Ummm... features of the Netherworld, return from whence you came from!" pink energy glows at her fingertips as she summons a large portal, and starts to suck up so,e of those critters...Hold on, this may take a while...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Shannon and says "Gonna make you a path, you get to the little one and see what you can find out." He will make like his name sake a cannonball and into the bunch blocking them from the little one. The young man tries to make sure that Shannon has a clear path to the fairy

Nightingale has posed:
     With a clear path before her, Shannon makes the attempt to swoop in and scoop up the tiny, glowing emerald being, cupping her hands around the diminutive form. If successful, she carries the wee wisp off to a safe distance away from the gremlins. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you alright?" A glance back is spared to Sam, and she grins. Oh yes, it wasn't hard to see where he got his nickname; she almost feels sorry for the gremlins as he barrels into them, keeping them well away from her and her precious passenger. Almost.

Hulk has posed:
As the creatures flee, the Hulk stomps down on a dead body in front of him, sending it splattered as he watches the horde retreat. "Hulk is not a fan of those." Hulk states with a grumble from deep in his chest.

There's some angry, hurried breathing as the Hulk looks this way and that, getting a sense of what's going on around. He has no magical senses, so can only keep watching to see where the puny goblins are running off to.

Zorro has posed:
With a fianl grunt of exertion, Zorro manages to grab the creature off of his back and fling it to the ground. He then grabbed his rapier and stabbed into the creature multiple times until it stopped moving. After that, he leaned on a nearby pole and started to breathe heavily, blood running down his back from the wounds the creature gave him.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn closes her eyes, brow furrowed in concentration as a magic circle opens at her feet,no not a circle but a portal..."Sihal Novartis chinoth! Ussa Rella...Rella!" she really yells the last part, wings flittering, eyes glowing as wind erupts around her, a string, powerful wing, no more like a vacuum that focuses directly upon the gremlins - well those that remain, sucking them violently into a whirlwind vortex and hopefully sending them back from wence they came.ll most of em anyway. Hulk is having way too much fun over there, while Zorro deftly dances and dudes and stabs to death others that remain. Remy also makes fine work of his remaining pests while Samuel manages to clear a path long enough for Shannon to fly through and grab the little fairy who sputters and flutters before calmed by her words, finally safe..

Until a pair if bigger goblins suddenly launch into the air, one of them attempting to tackle Shannon to the ground while the other quickly snatched up the fairy and he willingly leaps into the portal after the other gremlins.

And as the last if the gremlins pops in the portal, Megan utters a word, quickly sealing it, shrinking the portal down til it vanishes on a final wink of light. She groans dropping to her knees in exhaustion, peering around at the mess left behind.

"Huh, everyone okay..?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move through the air to knock the goblin off Shannon to save her, and crashed through a tree behind them as he works on freeing Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, Shannon comes away with only a bruise and a couple scratches from the gremlin that had tackled her out of the air--and a feather or two lighter on each wing. She also comes away empty-handed, as the little fairy had been snatched right out of her hands. She grumbles and sighs, running her fingers through her hair. Damn. Those things were tricky. She does give a thumbs-up to Sam to let him know she's okay, pushing herself to her feet and brushing debris from the ground off of her dress.

     It's almost instinct for her to look around after an encounter like this to see if anybody needs healing. Hey, it's what she does. Unfortunately, her hope that she would not be needed is unfounded, for it seems Zorro really took quite a beating in his battle with the otherworldly nuisances. She frowns slightly, making her way over to him. "Senor," she calls to him. "Will you let me help you?" If not stopped, she closes her eyes, reaching out to gingerly rest her hands on her back. Those were some nasty gashes in his flesh, but in minutes, they began to seal, the knitting together of tendon and flesh only leaving him with a feeling of tingling and gentle warmth, instead of pain. Shannon herself, however, was not quite so fortunate. Where her flesh had been hale and whole, it began to part, and the blood to flow, as she took on the masked crusader's wounds as her own. "Please don't worry for me. This will heal in a matter of just a few days. I'll be alright."

Hulk has posed:
The creatures are gone, and the humans are fine... but the stage is completely wrecked by the Hulk, and there's nothing stoking his rage now.

"Hulk is glad to not have to go to another dimension to keep these things out. Hulk's been to way too many otherplaces in the last year." Hulk states with et more grumbling... then, he starts to walk off stage, and everyone in the immediate vicinity can feel the vibrations in the earth as he does so.

The Hulk easily weighs around a ton, but he moves easily... which means people *feel* it when he walks. And walk he does, right around the stage to check for more creatures.

Eventually though, he sniffs the air, as if trying to find anymore that way, before he grunts, "Hulk done here." He states with finality.

Crouching down, he takes a moment to aim himself... before he *LEAPS* into the air. By the time people try to find out where he's going, he's just about a speck on the horizon.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro did not refuse Shannon's offer. As his wounds got healed, he looked on in concern as she got wounded in exchange. After Shannon healed him and explained she would ne ok, Zorro just nodded and immediatley ran away. He did not want to risk Shannon recognizing him, or his face. After all, she had met him as Hector Rodriguez and heard his voice too.