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The Cure: Raising Spirits in Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 26 January 2021
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: A number of Xmen and Popstars bring a message of hope to a shaken mutant community.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Winter Soldier, Colossus, Nightingale, Xiang Zhao, Red, Archangel, Rage, Phantasm (Drago)
Tinyplot: The Mutant Cure

Pixie has posed:
Early evening greets the troubled Mutant town, a place that has always had a bad reputation, especially recently. Tonight however, the Mayor has at least made an attempt to uplift the spirits of many downtrodden mutants who have recently had their powers stolen forcefully from them.

Its quite an improvement really, with blinking Christmas lights of every shade of blue, green and purple adorning every tree and streetlight, and hanging between the streetlights in central square park, which lends a magical 'winter wonderland' feel to the otherwise dingy and depressing town.

Beautiful ice sculptures adorn the park and to one side is a frozen pond where skaters are enjoying a little ice dancing. Light music plays although the main attraction won't be too later, hopefully.

And of course there are lots of food trucks and a table where candy canes and free hot chocolate are being handed out to any and all. Last but not least, there are people cleaning up all the mess and rubble left over from the attack a few weeks ago.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    It's been a busy few weeks. There are always things to do, always places to go, always people to meet (briefly) and organisations to thwart (forcibly). The fact that Agent Barnes has been putting in a lot of time on the range is probably unrelated. Probably... But he had to do something, get involved.

    Cue the Winter Festival. If ever there was an event named to make him show up, it's this one. And so here he is, in civilian clothes with civilian gear, ready to keep what peace that remains but mostly to help out and entertain where he can. He strolls along towards the park, in turns accompanied, followed and preceded by Lilli.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus would normally be in his human form while helping out. He would have a jolly demeanor, wear a silly hat and generally spend some time coaxing kids to draw pictures and showing his warm, friendly smile. But the recent attacks have made him angry, more angry than he's been in some time. Is some of that guilt? Perhaps. He wasn't there to help and he can't help but feel he could have made a difference. And now his friends and students are endangered, some of them robbed of their birthright gifts and it has made him ANGRY.

Instead, he stands vigil, a watching sentinel, arms crossed over his chest. He is wreathed in organic steel, his brow furrowed as he keeps his eyes open in case of any unwanted intervention. Woe to those who try to prey on mutants tonight, while Colossus stands guard.

Nightingale has posed:
     Bushwick. Somehow, Shannon kept finding herself coming back here. Any sane, rational being would stay well away from a place where they had seen so much trouble.

     But who ever said she was sane or rational?

     Though the Christmas season was well past, the lights, the cocoa, the skating, everything harkened back a little over a month to a simple time of sharing and giving, peace and good will to all. There was music and laughter, children skating on the rink and some falling in rather comical fashion onto their backsides, to the tune of much laughter. People of all stripes worked together to clean up the damage that hatred and bigotry had so recently wrought upon the beleaguered town.

     For the moment, she is keeping to the sidelines, dressed in dark blue jeans, calf-length caramel suede boots, a wine-colored turtleneck top, and a hooded black woolen opera cloak, with its red satin lining and twin slits on the back.

     The gashes on the back of the cloak were empty, yet remained like open wounds upon the spine, a reminder of what once was--and hopes for what may yet be again.

     Coming up next to Colossus, she reaches up with one hand to rest it upon his shoulder. "Hope isn't gone," she says, keeping a light smile on her face. "Somehow, it'll all work out. It has to."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Wandering amongst the people already here is a man who's face is not familiar to the locals. He looks like he's dressed for some sort of cosplay event rather than a Winter Festival. Or maybe a Winter Festival somewhere far to the east. Robes, of the type a monk might wear, though perhaps not quite as plain, in shades of grey with an outer robe is deep blue, a sash of the same color holding the lot closed. Tucked into the sash on Xiang Zhao's right side is a white, one piece flute with swirls of pale blue, and a folding fan. A long tassel of grey and deep blue hangs from the sash. The robes on the left side catch occasionally as he moves on something hidden beneath.

Xiang Zhao wanders, presently, having a look at the ice sculptures off to the side. Where it's a little less crowded, not far from Shannon and Colossus.

Red has posed:
Alice had grown up in M-Town. She had lived all but the last year there. When the Sentinels ravaged it, she had been there and survived. But not so as it was haunted in the last weeks, Now... she was back. Not to be one of the attractions of the carnival. No, she was just helping out, doing some stuff for kids. Helping out with giving back to the tortured community in a little pavillion, sitting there with a couple kids lining up and gawking what she does with a brush on their brethren, dipping into buckets of a viscous paint and then leaving the marks of their favorite on the faces.

Midget Spidermen here, Captains America there, even a few Captains Marvel, Iron Men and even the Wolverine and kid you not Uncle Sam she let loose on crowd. Though, truth to be told, it's not the normal kind of facepaint, because she did not use paint at all, but each bucket was filled with colorful vinyl. She made actual thin masks, fitted right to the face, so they could carry at least some nice memory home in the evening.

Archangel has posed:
On large angelic wings the mutant billionaire Warren Worthington, AKA Angel (or Archangel at the worst of times) makes his decent from the heavens lookin much like his moniker implies, except he isn't wearing robes or carrying a trumpet. No. This angel is wearing a expensive looking 3-piece suit and carries with him a large bulging sack of unknown items, the corners of wrapped presents peaking out from the top of the closed mouth of the oversized drawstring pouch.

HE lands near Shannon and Colossus, "Hope is never gone..." he utters, having heard Shannon on his way down to the ground, "Not when there are at least one of us to still fight for it." Warren slings that sack from his shoulder, dropping it down in front of him, "Now...do you want to help me pass out a bit of hope here, or am I all alone acting as a belated Santa tonight? I have a couple thousand gift cards of various amounts here, and I need help passing them out to the masses."

Pixie has posed:
There are a lot of depowered mutants running about, and while spirits were previously low, at least the beautiful lights and sounds and hot chocolate help if only a bit. When Colossus appears, a few kids stop and gaze up at him, wondering if he is THE colossus, and a few shyly approach him with little autograph books and photos of the Xmen. "Ummm s'cuse me mister, are you the famous Xmen, colossus? can we get your autograph?"

A few more run up to Angel when he lands all dramatically with those angel wings too, a hopeful look in their eyes and more autograph books. "Heeey! Aren't you Angel oh the Xmen!? Can you sign our autographs?" they ask eagerly.

Megan is here too, looking terribly ordinary with her pale ginger hair still streaked with a few black strands. And no wings. Dressed in a short pink puffer jacket with awkward slits in the back that look weeeird without the wings, she steps towards Angel carrying a cup of hot choco, a candy candy sticking out of her mouth. "Brrrr it's sooo cold out here tonight! But kinda festive! Sooo what's in the sack?"

Colossus has posed:
Colossus can't help give out a few of the requested autographs, in spite of his stern demeanor. It is worry for these very children, of course, that awakens his anger. "I have no doubt of the existence of hope," he answers both Shannon and Warren. "I am only being vigilant that those who wish to quash it may strike at anytime. I want all here to be safe, but a part of me almost prays that these miscreants show their faces, if only that I may squash them like the bugs that they are," he says with a deep baritone, his accented voice resonant in his steel chess. To Shannon, he gives a concerned look, "And how are you coping?" he says, imagining it might be hard for someone robbed of their abilities to socialize with their fellow mutants.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    A figure walks past Colossus, preceded by a German Shepherd whose collar proclaims the magnificent and clearly happy canine to be 'Lilli'. She stops by the X-men for a short moment, and then ambles off to go say hello to the mutant kids. Clearly this dog knows when people need cheering up, and seems to have an endless supply of cheer.

    The figure, slightly less cheerful, nevertheless manages a smile, and a nod to Shannon and Pixie. It's a wintery smile, cold as the tundras over eyes as blue as arctic glaciers. And today, in one of those rare shows of being semi-publicly secret, the gloves have come off.

    "I'll be around, my friend." Bucky mentions to Colossus, in fluent Russian, and ambles on.

Nightingale has posed:
     A smile tugs the corners of Shannon's mouth upwards as the little ones mob both Warren and Colossus. It's just too precious for words. One little raven-haired girl, who looked as if she could be no more than four or five years old, just peers up at the towering, imposing figure before her. She regards him with eyes at once innocent, and yet somehow with wisdom beyond her tender years. A slightly ragged white teddy bear with a little red scarf around its neck is offered up to Colossus. "You look like you need hugs, sir. Bobo gives real good ones."

     Keeping her voice low, she nods to Warren. "Sure. I'll do what I can before it's my turn on stage. But that's not for a little while yet." Looking back at Colossus, she manages to keep her smile up, though this time there is perhaps a bit of mist in her eyes. "It's... difficult. But there is life to live while waiting for a solution. I'm more worried for my friends who were also struck down." The last with an up-nod and a light smile towards Pixie.

     But just as she is about to say something else, there is another chill in the air. A very Wintry chill, that yet somehow seemed to cheer her somewhat. "Hello there," she finally says, the light of recognition in her eyes. "I think maybe you are long overdue for some thanks."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Someone flying does not seem to surprise Xiang Zhao. However, the second glance spots angelic wings. That? Brings a blink, though his serene expression doesn't change at all beyond that. He might not have ever seen someone with wings before. His eyes follow the... business angel?.. down pause on Shannon. His lips curl up ever so slightly, pleased at the familiar face. Hands tucked at his back, Xiang Zhao turns and makes his way toward Shannon and those with her. His steps take him calmly around the few shy children surrounding the two Xmen. Once he's within speaking distance, Zhao cups his hands in front of him and half bows to those there, winding up facing Shannon. "Shannon," he greets before he straightens. He lowers his hands and tucks them at his back again.

Archangel has posed:
Chuckling, Warren takes a knee in front of the kids and starts to sign various autographs as they make there way up to him. "Sure thing," he says as he flashes those pearly whites, handing each kid a small rectangular box about the size of a gift card from the sack next to him and telling them to take the gifts to their parents.

Looking over at Piotr, Warren shrugs a shoulder, causing the feathers on the wing to ruffle and flutter, "If they do they will regret it, I'm sure, but you should at least try to put on a smile at least. This is supposed to be a festival, not a dirge. You can be both vigilant and happy."

Megan gets a lift of a hand greeting in between signatures, "Prepaid gift cards. Figured the families around her could use some help. Want to help? If so you can help Shannon. The two of you can just grab a bunch and start handing them out."

Pixie has posed:
"Yaaaay! You guys are awesome!" the kids chitter excitedly as they group around Angel and Colossus asking various questions as their tired parents look on with faint albeit tired smiles. "Can I touch your wings? Is your skin really metal? How strong are you? Can I go for a flight? Wow, you guys are sooo cool! I love the Xmen, you're my heroes!" and so on.

When Bucky approaches, some of them turn, watching Lilli excitedly. "Ooooooh doggie! Can I let her? What's her name?" a small group gathers around them excitedly.

Megan watches the attention the other Xmen get with a faint smile although a tired sigh escapes her lips. "Geez, I miss being an Xman..A superhero..But most of all I miss my wings. It's like I lost a big part of who I am.." Still, she can't stay too sad Afterall.

"You are right, there is hope.." she smiles at Warren, "Wow, that's really generous of you, although there is something else that might give these kids and their parents even greater hope.."Megan nods to Colossus. "For all the tension between your sister and myself, gotta say, she deserves real kudos..Seems she located Dr Brightman, and has been keeping him safe. I hear he may be making an appearance tonight."

Her gaze sweeps over the crowds, spying an Alice, smiling and waving her over, "Alice, come join us!" and there is the stranger in a colorful robe, carrying an interesting flute and fan. "Oooh, are you in the talent show too? Love the costume!"

Colossus has posed:
Colossus smiles to the small girl with the bear, "I will be happy to hug Bobo," he says, and he does, indeed, offer a very genuine hug to the bear before carefully returning the stuffy to it owner. He nods to Megan's complimenting of Illyana, "My sister is most capable, when she has a mind to be,' he says with a ghost of a smile. "I am glad she has been of help. The faster we are through all of this, the sooner we will all have peace of mind."

Towards Warren, he is less warm, "I do not need to be told how to feel or behave by anyone, rich man. My anger is not towards those here, but towards those who would do them harm. Better I stay in my armored form, lest they try to disable me quickly with one of their 'darts'. He nods to Bucky in acknowledgement of the gesture and keeps his own gaze towards the perimeter for a moment.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Pet Lilli? The Shepherd comes to a tongue-lolling, ear perked, tail wagging halt near the kids and sits down obediently, sticking her head out with a quick sideways tilt in a hopeful beg for friendly pets. With a smile, Bucky takes a knee a little bit away, nodding to the little ones. "Sure. Her name's Lilli, she loves being petted. But not everyone at once, okay? She likes making people happy, but give her some time." Happiness, after all, doesn't happen in an instant.

    While outwardly looking out for Lilli and the kids, Bucky's eyes stray every so often to roof tops, corners, shadowy places... If he's being honest with himself, he's half hoping these terrorists would come back... so he could become /officially/ involved.

Archangel has posed:
Warren glances over at Piotr with a raised brow, "Rich man? Really, Pete? I get you are being all brooding and stoic Russian right now, but seriously...I'm not sure when I became the enemy. At least if you are going to insult me, use my name. We have known each other way to long for silly name-calling. Besides, it was a suggestion, take it or leave it. Your choice."

Warren shakes his head and turns back to the kids, plastering the smile back onto his face as he signs more autographs, takes a few pictures, pats a few kids on the head with his wings and plays the part of the philanthropist as he passes out the little boxes to those that come to get one.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao hears the bit about missing wings and his dark eyes study the redhead who he'd heard. He remains silent, however, until talk turns to hope. "Where there is life, there is hope," he says, his voice a quiet one by nature. Her question is met with confusion, however, something that shows clearly. "Talent show? This is what?" There's a brief pause, and another question. "What is a costume?" The dog gets a brief glance as he too looks around, perhaps catching the watchfulness of the others. Or maybe just wondering what they're looking at.

Red has posed:
Alice looks up from her work on a boy that had insisted on wanting to be Tigra to give Megan a wave back, tapping her left wrist with the other hand while the brush was still between her fingers. Then she lifted the full right hand, indicating she would need some 5 minutes or such. Then, she returned to fix that boy's facepaint up. Pretty black stripes on orange.

It didn't even took her 5 minutes to finish up before she put her 'paints' away into the box she had under the chair, then quickly joining up with the others. "Hey Megan. I was doing some facepainting. you know, like you get it on carnival, yes?" she says with a chuckle, waving to one of the decorated kids that dashes along with a little holler.

Pixie has posed:
The music fades out considerably and the emcee for the night, a skinny teenager with spikey blond hair steps on stage, "Hey hey everybody, I hope you're all having fun tonight! Tonight we are delivering a message of hope and joy and peace, and a chance to rebuild and start over. Many of you have had a chance to meet with some celebrities, including members of the Xmen which is awesome! Now we have a special treat for you, as our local talents put on various performances for you, ending with some special guest stars whom I'm sure you will all recognize and love! After that we will have another very special guest to give you all a very important message!"

Megan pouts a bit at Angel and Colossus, "Hey hey, come on now, I know I'm a newbie Xman, but we're all on the same side right? How about setting aside our differences for the greater good?"

She smiles at Shannon and just giggles at Xiang, "Hey hey, are you both in the talent show? I think that's your cue!" the stage is already set up, and various performers take the stage..There's a dancer, a magician, a singer..Not as many performers as they had hoped but clearly they are saving the best for last!

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles and nods to Xiang, chuckling lightly. "Fancy meeting you here. Yes, there's a talent show being held. It'll let those who want to perform, share their gifts with those of us here, in the hopes of spreading cheer." Pause. "I'll wait my turn to sing."

     Meantime, in front of Colossus, teh question fo what happens when an immovable metal man meats an unstoppable force of cuteness is being answered. Though he does his best to hand the ragged white form of Bobo to the little girl, she simply shakes her head, plopping him back down in the big Russian's hands, with a great big smile. And then she turns to take off, giggling, making a beeline for the skating rink. Shannon just smiles wide as she sees this, brushing away a tear.

     Nodding to Warren, she gets a hold of a couple handfuls of the gift cards and begins to help distributing them, offering a warm smile and a hug to each little one who wants it. "Yes, Xiang. Missing wings." A light sigh escapes her. "Mine are missing as well. But I hold out hope, and go on living."

     Smiling at Megan, she just shakes her head. "Let someone else go first. I've still got to offload all these cards. Long as the keyboard's out and set up to go, I'll be fine when it's my turn."

Rage has posed:
It's not a party in mutant town without the presence of Andrea Jackson. Mutant popstar. Celebrity. Influencer. Activist. After receiving the invite from the mayor, she made sure to kill whatever was on her schedule and block all incoming calls.

Not tonight real life! Not tonight.

After making several calls herself to her production team, she finally shows up in an electric pink stretch limo that has a shimmery coat to the paint. When the driver opens the door, she steps out dressed like a popstar and roaring to go. Tonight she's wearing a pair of skin tight black jeans that are just /shredded/ and are held together with a prayer from God, along with a sparkly rainbow top that shimmers and shines, as well as a bright white half trench coat that hits at the waist. Her hair is on point. Her make up is on point. Those boots she wears are on point.

Behind the limo comes a solid black pick up truck filled with boxes in the back and a pair of men begin to unload. She has brought a -lot- of merch for the guests as well as boxes of non-perishable food for the local Bushwick foodbank and boxes of clothing that was able to secure for a large donation.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts, following after Shannon, "Heey come onnnn, there are only sooo many slots and if you don't go now, you won't ever get a chance!" she can already hear excited squeals of fans as Andrea pulls in and readies all her gear...

Winter Soldier has posed:
    When the limo arrives, Bucky's eyes are drawn to it for a moment, and then settle on the truck behind it. But a quick visual check clears the convoy from his consideration, and instead he can continue to entertain the kids via Lilli. Until one of them notices his metal hand... of course they would, kids are perceptive, and he should never have forgotten that.

    "Heeeeeeeey. You have a metal hand, mister?"

    "Oooh? Lemme see!"

    "Yeah, can we see?! Pleaaaaase?"

    "Hah, alright then." With a smile, the Winter Soldier holds out his hand, palm up, so the curious kids can have a feel of that vibranium.

    "Are you as strong as Collossus?"

    Oooh, well... gauntlet thrown down...

Archangel has posed:
Warren shrugs as Colossus wanders off to be the brooding Russian, tossing his hands up in frustration..but it only lasts so long because he has his 'fans' here to appease. "Don't look at me, Megan. I didn't start it."

More autographs and gift cards are passed out to the masses as they start to crowd around figuring out what it is Warren has been handing out, some people trying to get more than one of the small boxes. "Come on folks, one to a person. Trust me, there are plenty to go around."

The pink limo catches his eye, and Warren watches Andrea get out and wave to her fans, the blonde playboy gives the rising pop star a playful wolf whistle and laughs."

Rage has posed:
As she makes her way through the crowd, Andrea walks like a wolf on the hunt. There is confidence in her poise and swagger in her step. Reaching into her back pocket as she flips her coat to one side, she pulls out her greatest weapon. A black magic marker.

As she pauses once she is mobbed, she goes right into the routine of signing autographs and taking pictures. Kids come first every time as it's a personal rule of hers. By now, her 'help' is handing out merch to fans. Black shirts with white lettering: Mutant Town Rocks, Mutie Cuties, and IMPERFECT (A play on I'm Perfect).

There is a 'look' in her eyes tonight, as if perhaps she spent a bit of time in her four legged form earlier to give her a predator's edge. As she spies Warren giving her a cat call, she gives him a grin, followed by a kiss blown in his direction before she leans in for another selfie with a purple skinned girl who's hair is on fire.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Then so be it, Meg... oh alright, fine!" How could Shannon say no to a few little pairs of eyes looking up at her? Those would melt the resistance of even the most hard-hearted soul! Passing off the remaining gift cards in her hands to Megan, she squares her shoulders and heads right up for the stage.

     Thankfully, the aforementioned keyboard is set, plain and simple, with a chair and a mic. She settles down in the chair, tapping the mic. It gives off a typical bit of feedback. Yep. This thing was on.

     "Hey... so, a lot of you have been going through some rough times lately, with everything that's been going on. I'm right there with you." A glance over towards Andrea, and she just smiles. "Maybe I'm no Andrea Jackson, but if there's anything I've learned from her example, is that I don't have to be, to give what I can. So this song's for all of us who need that hand up lately."

     Her hands rest on the keys of the instrument for a moment, before a few familiar notes start off the song. They are notes filled with strength, and with hope. Her voice rings out clear and true.

"Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion...."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Honestly, how can you disappoint such smiling little faces? Even if half of them are painted as Captain America, and Bucky is suppressing an urge to ironically salute them. Incognito is the word, and that's hard when people ask you if you're as strong as Piotr. The answer is almost certainly 'no', but again... how can you disappoint these kids?

    And so with a wink, he flexes his arms "Not as strong, maybe, but pretty strong." Predictably, some of the kids want to feel, and get lifted off their feet when the Winter Soldier stands, slowly and carefully, with half a dozen giggling kids hanging off his arms. "How 'bout that? That as strong as Colossus? Or how 'bout this?"

    And he walks back and forth a few paces, before kneeling back down and setting the kids back on their feet. "That strong?"

    "That's pretty strong!"

    "Whruf!" Lilli agrees.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Shannon, nudging her onward, "You go girl!" at any rate, she's moved over to the line of kids crowding around Alice, waiting to get their faces painted. "Heey that looks awesome, me next!" she waits patiently as they get their faces done, well aware if Andrea's appearance and grins and waves to her, even as the pop starlet's body guards do their best to keep the crowds at bay. "Andrea, you're looking gorgeous!" she exclaims.

However there is one more act at the talent show first. She looks to the stage, cheering and waving, "Wooo, Shannon, you sound amazing!" the crowd cheers too, definitely she is the most talented of the bunch so far..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Following in form with other celebrities. And possibly as a result of traffic, another somewhat large vehicle pulls up. Perhaps not as flashy as a limo. It has space, the windows are tinted, and it gets the job done. The front passenger door opens, allowing for a well dressed, black haired man in his mid-20s to step out.

He immediately turns, grabbing a back door to open it, allowing for a menagerie of masked musicians to come out. Lion and Tigress and b- wolf. Oh my! There's also an owl and a Cheshire Cat faced pair that exits out after the first three.

With the members of Five Times Novel accounted for, the black haired man closes the door and waves off the driver. Following after the musicians while glancing around the crowd.

A lingering glance is given towards Bucky but he doesn't stop as they head towards the stage area.

Archangel has posed:
Warren gives up on the orderly distribution of the boxes and wrapped gift cards, cinching the sack back up and hoisting it over his shoulder.

"Okay everyone, I'm going to head over by the stage and let those people over there get a shot. Don't worry, I'll make sure you are all covered."

The winged mutant takes a handful of the boxes and tosses them out into the crowd, then with a flap of his wings he takes to the air, flying himself quickly over to the stage to land by its side near where Andrea is getting set up. He opens the bag and starts passing out boxes along with the guys handing out Andrea's merchandise.

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, the crowd seemed to be warming up to the song, and for a moment, it was as if Shannon was back in the rec room at the school. So what if it was outside, and it was a bigger crowd than she usually dealt with most times? They were having fun, and maybe, just maybe, music could be healing as well. By the end of the song, she's got the audience singing the final refrain with her. Voices young and old, mutant and human, uniting to create one voice in hope and harmony.

"This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Know I've still got a lot of fight left in me...."

     The last notes fade away into nothingness, and she lets her hands slip from the keyboard to rest at her sides for a moment. For just that instant in time, there is a smile on her face. She'd done what she could for now. Now, it was for others of greater talent to pick up the banner and carry it along, as she stepped down from the stage to make room for the next performer....

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Ah, America..." Bucky murmurs under his breath, watching Warren take flight "... where else would the angels hand out money?" This earns him a rather hard head bonk from Lilli, which sets the kids giggling again, and he nods apologetically to the canine and crew. "Unfair, I know. Sorry."

    With that he stands and starts to head to the stage, watching Shannon sing, hearing Shannon sing, and feeling that cold resolve in his heart growing. One angel still flying, another with clipped wings. And what do we call people who take the wings off angels? Right.

    Eyes track the new car, and the black haired man gets a discreet nod from Bucky before his attention is very obviously elsewhere again. Because right now it needs to be /everywhere/.

    Including on the gaggle of kids that are appearing in his wake, wanting to see the weird guy with the metal hand, and his friendly dog.

Rage has posed:
As she makes her way through the crowd, Andrea pauses to listen to Shannon sing, twitching her lips upwards. Sliding her phone out, she holds it up to record her with one hand, while the other is raised upwards with her fist held high. After tapping the glass, she leans into the camera and grins. "Hey eveyrone, that's Shannon Lance and I signed her to my label for her upcoming single coming out in a few weeks! Smash the like button on her socials! I'll be tweeting more about her coming up in a few weeks."

After sending the video out, she continues to the stage, giving a long stretch of her body to pop a few joints in her back.

Pixie has posed:
Kids co tinge to eagerly swarm Warren, thankful for the gift cards. A few parents approach him, smiling, "Thank you, Mr Worthington, you have been very generous. And Thank you for your help in funding the new clinic in Mutant town..You and Ms Jackson both."

For the moment the focus is on Shannon who is quite a talented musician. And her sing is definitely uplifting, bringing smiles to many a face. When her song finishes, a very generous round of applause goes out to her before the Emcee congratulates her, even handing her a gold statuette and a bouquet of flowers. "Well well it seems you are out clear winner for the evening, Shannon. You are definitely the pick of the bunch!"

He turns to the excited crowds who have noted Nick's recent arrival off to the side as well, screaming and cheering along with the Andrea fans. "And now for our special guest stars to wrap up the evening! I know you're you're all excited to meet these two young stars and aspire to be like them someday. Keep doing your best everyone! First up, say hello to Andrea Jackson!!!"

More cheers and screams erupt.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The dark haired man gives the slightest of nods in response to Bucky before disappearing into the crowd. He has an easier time doing that than the animal attired group, that's for certain.

Off to the backstage area, Nick Drago just...steps out from behind some equipment cases. WHEN he got there is anyone's guess. HOW he got there, well. That might be a bit of a headache to figure out as well. But judging from him checking his phone, he's apparently waiting for someone. Based from the higher quality of clothes on his person, the amount of stage makeup and the hair not held down by any hats, He appears to be here to perform.

Giving a sigh, he slides the phone back into his pocket, buttoning it shut before turning to grab a room temperature water bottle off the case to unscrew the cap.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon is caught off-guard, and left unable to entirely sneak off of the stage without too much fuss. No, it seems fate had another thing in store for her. Turning rather rosy in the face, she just flashes a smile to the emcee, sketching a bow as she accepts the flowers and the statuette. "Thank you," she replies. "I just hope that song did the people here some good. God only knows it's gotten me through some tough times."

     When she's -finally- able to melt back into the crowd, she blinks in surprise, hearing something in the little brown leather bag she's carrying buzzing like crazy. "The heck..?" A quick check of her phone gets a wide-eyed look from her, followed by a roll of the eyes and laugh.

     "Andrea Jackson, you -stinker-!"

Winter Soldier has posed:
With the talent show over, and the big names arriving, Bucky's paranoia shifts into a slightly higher gear. He gives Lilli a glance, gets a pair of raised canine eyebrows in response, and nods a silent command. Doing her best to entertain the crowd of kids surrounding her, Lilli distracts attention while the Winter Soldier slips away.

    He needs high ground and concealment. And a vantage point over the stage and audience...

Rage has posed:
As the crowd dies down from Shannon's performance, a few minutes pass as the stage has grown dark. As the excitement begins to build, there is the hum of electricity in the air as instruments are charged up. Tonight, Andrea did not bring the band, instead, she decided to go back to some of her first album roots.

As the stage lights up, Andrea is front in center with her arms stretched outwards. Behind her is a number of backup dancers in bright and exciting costumes. She takes a moment to let the crowd roar as she stares out over the sea of bodies.

"HEY MUTANT TOWN! Thank you for welcoming me back! Are you ready to let this shit rip? You know the lyrics! I want to hear you scream that chorus! Scream them so loud that we wake Mason Steele up!"

As she strikes her pose, the music hits loudly behind her from the speakers that surround the stage. It's an elecric pop song, one that was a club banger, evolved, remixed to Europe and back and became one of her highest ranking tracks to date. As the choreography hits, she is moving along with her back up dancers while she cuts through the lyrics with her voice.

"I know I'm a lot to handle
A lot to swallow
I know I'm a lot to take in
A lot of everything
I need a soft touch
I need a firm hand
A real man!"

"Are you strong enough to give it to me rough
Break me down down down
And you build me up!
Can you handle this
Cuz no one ever has
I'm a woman
I need a real man!
I need a real man!
I need a real man!
I need a real man!"

"I know I'm a little gritty
A little edgy
I know I'm a little too much!
A little too tough!
I need a soft touch
I need a firm hand
A /real man!/"

By now, she is dancing one on one with a /gorgeous/ man as they slip in and out of each other's embrace, twisting and turning. His hands are barely appropriate as clothing is yanked and tugged, but it's all apart of the show. The backup dancers behind her continue to weave in and out as the lights rapidly flicker and leap about the stage. Behind her is a large screen that had dropped down, showing her old music video playing in the background.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn waves and smiles to Bucky as he slips off, moving to hug Shan as she steps off the stage, "Wooow you were awesome Shan, and you won a prize too! Way to go!" but now comes the first main attraction and the audience quiets a bit as the lights change dramatically to shine on everyone's favourite popstarlet people swinging the beat and tapping their feet..Includimg Megan herself..

"Woooooow she's soooo amazing..." she murmurs, eyeing the cute guy she's dancing with. The crowds erupt in cheers and screams, many waving glow sticks now as her song reaches a fever pitch..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Andrea goes into her performance, things start working behind the scenes. After Nick finishes getting a sip of water, he recaps his drink. The bottle rests back on the case as he lifts up a hand to give a lazy greeting to the masked musicians approaching. The group starts to circle him. The case where his back is currently facing is the only spot devoid of a person. Handshakes are given. Some longer than others and some words are exchanged. One by one they filter away until its just Nick talking with the Tigress and the dark haired man.

Closer to the stage but not in view, some stage hands are inspecting some of the lights that are not currently in use before stepping away to speak into their mouthpieces.

Rage has posed:
At the two minute mark is when the song really showcases off Andrea's vocal range. She has that growl in the back of her throat as she rips the lyrics into the microphone, throwing her fist upwards to the sky, encouraging the crowd to sing with her. She is howling now! As their voices join hers, the stage practically rumbles with the stomping of feet and clapping of hands.

"I'm a lion!
I need a master!
I'm a /wild one!/
I need a savior!
Can't build my house upon the sand -
No No!
I need a real man!"

As the man behind her sways, he reaches up to slide his hand into her hair, giving her head a tug to one side as he leans in, eyeing the crowd before he teases a kiss along her neck before breaking off quickly with a spin to rejoin the rest of the dancers. It's all apart of the show! She gives a few hops on her feet as she strides the stage, swinging her arm up and down, bouncing on her heels.

"Are you strong enough to give it to me rough!
Break me down down down!
And you build me up
Can you handle this
Cuz no one ever has
I'm a WOMAN!
I need a real man!
I need a real man!
I need a real man!
I need a real man!"

As the song comes to an end, the lights give one more dizzying spin along the stage before she lobs the microphone into the crowd, much to their delight.

"Thank you everyone for coming out! As always, it's a gift to come out here and perform for our people! Whatever life throws as us, we'll get through it together! Fuck the haters!"

That gets a strong reaction as the crowd once more erupts as she steps backwards as one by one, the lights go out, swallowing her in the darkness and setting the stage for the next act.

Archangel has posed:
Finally, Warren hands out the last of the gift cards and leans back against the side of the stage, casting a glance up as Andrea sings her song. When she is done, he applauds loudly, giving her another loud whistle.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Pfft. Not one more word about that, Megan. Not till you acknowledge you're awesome, and you have plenty to offer the world." Shannon holds up one hand, filled with the bouquet of flowers and her wildly-buzzing phone, to forestall a response, with a grin. "Ta-ta-ta-ta, Daniel-san. Don't even -think- of trying to say you don't because that's BS and you know it."

     Soon, though, she's tapping her feet and dancing along with the rest of the crowd, shouting out the lyrics right along with everyone else. Pranking the popstarlet could wait. This was just too much damn -fun-. Besides, April Fool's Day would be along soon enough....

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Eyes everywhere except directly at the performance, Bucky nevertheless taps his foot to the beat of the song, crouched behind the lip of a roof a few floors up. A scope, a recently assembled rifle sitting on its bipod next to the carrying case that got it here, an emergency comm link to SHIELD just in case... he's set up.

    "C'mon fuckers... I'm ready for you."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The masked musicians patiently wait to the side for Andrea's group to make their way off the stage. Navigating in the dark isn't something you rush. But those that are rushing are the stage hands bustling about getting the set adjusted for the next act. Different players, different equipment. Such is the biz.

Once the all clear is given, people start moving to their places. Kip heads up the stairs while Nick Drago walks over, waiting at the base for his cue as he's handed a microphone. He looks over to Andrea, giving a nod of acknowledgement and a smile. He's got to watch the voice but the expression says it.

Great Job.

Pale eyes inspect the mic.

Pixie has posed:
More excited cheers follow Andrea's departure, "Excellent, isn't she amazing? Ladies and gentlemen that was Andrea Jackson and I'm sure she is an inspiration to you all to hang in there!" more screams and cheers erupt. "And now fir our last performance of the night, let's hear it for Nick Drago!" more screams and cheers and waving of glow sticks follow..

Rage has posed:
Once she exits the stage, Andrea is handed a bottle of water that she takes a sip from. She gives a grin to Nick, nodding her head, then gives him a thumbs up before she heads off to meet the rest of her team to recap the business end of things.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Isn't she just?" Shannon replies, with a grin. Yeah, okay, so maybe she's fangirling just a -tiny- bit, right along with all the rest, swept up in the moment. She's hollering and whistling, and forgetting for the moment the difficulties of the past few weeks.

     When the emcee introduces Nick, she just grins, remembering that one Christmas volunteering at the New Hope shelter. She lets out a loud whistle and a cheer, smiling wide. "Go get 'em, Nick!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The stage shows nothing but shadow as the lights are taken off stage, leaving for just the slightest of outlines depicting persons moving behind instruments. This is enough for the audience sounds that were dying to gain new life as people, new and old to the scene start cheering at the darkness. It isn't until the cheers die away that the stage returns the greeting as a low rumble starts to fill the general area.

The sound crackles, when combined with the gradual introduction of yellow, orange, and red light flickering from the back of the stage, gives the illusion of something up there being on fire. The drumset is backlit, obscuring the look of the person seated there as they point over to the right. The right side starts glowing as the guitarist on that side starts with a whine of guitar. The flames flicker, with the left side soon coming into light as the bassist and other guitar send their reply. The exchange continues between both sides while the drummer lifts up both sticks. Upon him bringing it down, the lights flash with each hit before the stage fully lights up as the entire ensemble plays together.

It is an odd looking group. And for those who are familiar with them, they recognize the current members of Five Times Novel. The Tigress, Kip holds a microphone in hand while The Lion, Lew and Wolf, London hold their respective string instruments . The owl, Rowl works the keyboard while their newest member, donning a Cheshire Cat mask works the drums. He's new. No one but the most obsessive of fans remembers his name yet. It's Carr, by the way.

From the shadows, a man with wild hair walks out microphone in hand looking out to the crowd as he and Kip share a gaze. Nick Drago raises his microphone, seemingly singing to Kip.

'I don't care what they say,
Just do it your own way.
Each and every day.

Be You.
Yeah things don't go to plan.
Be You.
Don't be any other man.
Be You.
You're an original, that is true.
Be You. Be You.
Be You.'

By the end of his portion, Nick's looking to the audience, smiling to a green skinned girl up front. Kip nods, bringing her own microphone up to return in song.

'Be You.
Take back your voice.
Be You.
You've got that choice.
Be You.
Be You.

So what if you're not like the rest?
Life is not some standardized test.
Things are not simply right and wrong.
Don't listen to that boring old song.
We got things that are not the norm.
Go with whatever life may form.'

Rage has posed:
Once she is done with her team, Andrea is enjoying the music off to the side of the stage with a bright grin. She's always been a huge fan of this band. As she rocks on her feet, she hums along with the lyrics, holding up her phone to record it for her own personal re-viewing. She makes a mental note to snag an autograph.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wow, this is one killer song!" Shannon has to all but shout to Andrea, as she makes her way over towards where the popstarlet is enjoying the performance. "You should've seen him last Christmas, volunteering at the New Hope shelter. He was playing Silent Night, I think, and the folks at the shelter were loving it to pieces. Big talent, big heart." She grins, nudging Andrea lightly. "Sounds like someone else I know."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Kip steps back, turning to look towards Nick as they both join together in song. London and Lew make their rounds on the stage, pausing from time to time to allow a different part of the audience to watch their string work. Cheshire keeps on grinning as he beats the hell out of the drums while Rowl manages to get a bit of grace added to the percusion time from her spot behind the keyboards.

'Be You.
Yeah things don't go to plan.
Be You.
Don't be any other man.
Be You.
You're an original, that is true.
Be You. Be You.
Be You.

Be You.
Take back your voice.
Be You.
You've got that choice.
Be You.
Be You.'

Nick lowers the microphone stepping back as Kip sings alone. Showing off the low growl she's known for.

'You don't have to do,
What they say to you.
To yourself be true.

Be You.
Yeah things don't go to plan.
Be You.
Don't be any other man.
Be You.
You're an original, that is true.
Be You. Be You.
Be You.'

Be You.
Take back your voice.
Be You.
You've got that choice.
Be You.
Be You.

As Kip lowers her mic, Nick starts back up again.

'Don't give up control,
Don't give them your soul.
You're not a God damn role.

Be You.
Yeah things don't go to plan.
Be You.
Don't be any other man.
Be You.
You're an original, that is true.
Be You. Be You.
Be You.

Be You.
Take back your voice.
Be You.
You've got that choice.
Be You.
Be You.'

Kip nods, entering back in.

'You are you and that?s is fine,
Don't be tricked by tired old lines.

By this time with enough repetition it's become obvious how the chorus goes. As enough audience members start singing along, Kip and Nick move the microphones away from their mouths to point them towards the audience, encouraging them to sing along. The background music dies back allowing for the voices to carry more.

'Be You.
Yeah things don't go to plan.
Be You.
Don't be any other man.
Be You.
You're an original, that is true.
Be You. Be You.
Be You.

Be You.
Take back your voice.
Be You.
You've got that choice.
Be You.
Be You.'
Kip brings the microphone back up, commanding the audience "AGAIN!"

With a loud boom, the band is back in full force, playing the final round of music for the chorus as the two singers team up once more to bring the song to its close.

'Be You.
Yeah things don't go to plan.
Be You.
Don't be any other man.
Be You.
You're an original, that is true.
Be You. Be You.
Be You.

Be You.
Take back your voice.
Be You.
You've got that choice.
Be You.
Be You. Be You!'

On that exclamation, Cheshire, London, and Lew close it off with four notes before the stage lights gives off a blinding light before plunging back into darkness.

Pixie has posed:
As if in a trance, people are swaying slowly as they listen intently to Nick's song and it's a different vibe completely. While Andrea's spoke to the heart, Nick's speak to the spirit. People cheer and holler more.