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Club Lux Grand Re-Opening
Date of Scene: 18 April 2021
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Club Lux's grand re-opening goes off with a rousing success! Despite all the anti-heroes and villains within it's walls!
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Thomas Raith, Hellboy, Sinister, Buffy Summers, Sparrowhawk, Rage, Icarus

Lucifer has posed:
Club Lux on a usual Saturday night is a feast of the mighty and elite stopping in to have a drink. Or a dance. Or a casual affair. There are surely no judgments within Lucifer Morningstar's doman. However on a Grand Re-opening night, like tonight, it seems like the wanton desire and sinful drawings are turned up to eleven.

The DJ is playing the hottest dance mixes, people who choose to do so are dancing their way through the night, others are around the bar or at a table or few sipping drinks and eying the go-go dancers and cage dancers, the wait staff who are clad in next to nothing, all while having to listen to the DJ and perhaps give into the beat of the music one way or the other.

Up in his perch, the man of the house, the Devil himself (though only a few truly know this fact) stands and looks around all those gathered. The few who trickle in for tonight's grand event that have graced his club during the week will notice that while the black velvet curtain hanging over a section of a club where a wall once was is still there, but the 'Do Not Enter' signs, and the rope blocking it off are gone. There are, however, two body guards standing by so no one tries to - perhaps - peek behind the curtain before it's show time.

Lucifer Morningstar wears an immaculately tailored, all red suit and tie with a black handkerchief sticking from his left breast pocket. His black hair is semi-slicked back, blue eyes taking in the entire scene, drinking in the presence of all those already in the club while - perhaps - inwardly excited to see who else shows up since the invitations were sent out. A sip of whiskey taken as he chuckles inwardly.

Thomas Raith has posed:
What does the owner of a highly sucessful nightclub do for a fun night out with his girlfriend? Why go to a nightclub naturally! Of course Club Lux and the Blue Lady are thematically about as far apart as possible, the White Court's grin is large and honest. He closes his eyes for a moment after being allowed in to simply soak up the atmosphere of the place. Dressed, as per request, not in one of his traditional Man-in-white suits, he's gone in for the classic black Tux with a white shirt and, perhaps strangely to some, a white bowtie. He leans over, brushing his lips agienst his date's neck and whispers, "There is enough energy in this room to feed me for a week. What are they pumping it in through the vents?"

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy doesn't do fancy dress. His whole life is like a costume and he hasn't noticed what he wears making much difference in the way he gets reacted to. So he's in his usual gear, with his longcoat and dark trousers and heavy boots. If a bouncer makes any attempt to disarm him, they will encounter the kind of glare that probably feels like it's going to peel the skin off their bones - followed by him flashing his badge.

"I'm an official demon cop, boys," he says, making his way in and towards the bar. Large as he is, he tends to stand out a bit as he watches the various people dancing, wrapping his gigantic left hand on the bar, "Two pitchers of Dos Equis."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister may have come uninvited, but that is not for anyone but himself and the Host to know. Either way, he steps inside of the club, past the doormen and the cloak-room (No need for that tonight, he left that Gloriousness at home) into the club lights. He looks as if he's been poured into his clothing, it's so form fitting, Black on Black, collar neatly turned down and immaculate embroidery on a sinfully silken waistcoat over the top, dress coat is made of leather and fans /just/ right when he moves, hair slicked back and tied in a tail.

He has made a moderate attempt to look relatively human, but if anyone knows what he looks like it's the same face; sans red jewel, red eyes and bone-white skin. We're rocking black eyes with a red dot in the depths tonight. COuld be contacts, you see. Moving through the crowds, he glances up at the heights, seeking to fleetingly make eye contact and smile. He then drifts to find a suitable place to lean and prop up a wall in style.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps into the club, arm in arm with Thomas, dressed in a sleeveless scarlet gown that fits close to her trim figure, with a diagonal eyedrop peephole design along the hips and spiraling around to the ground of the floor-sweeping dress for just a glimpse of flesh underneath.

With the warmer days, she doesn't worry about wearing much else beyond a short fur jacket, which is taken at the door as she steps in and looks around. "Nice place huh. Not exactly the Blue Lady, but still quaint.." as Thomas surveys the scene, she arches a brow but smiles faintly as she shakes her head. "Dont even think about it, Mr. Raith.."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    'Quaint' isn't the word that Phoebe Beacon would have used to describe the place.

    Out with a friend on her boyfriend's good name (and dime), Phoebe had arrived via a hired Escalade, and when she and a brunette step out they are pretty weill dressed to the nines. Phoebe herself has her hair done up in bantu knots, a pair of dark gold-to-yellow sunglasses on, a pair of sensible heals, big gold hoops and a white top beneath a gray bolero jacket and a gray skirt. Her friend is dressed similarly in the finest of Gotham fashions as they make their way into the club.

    "See? This place is so much better than Top of Gotham!" the brunette states, already dancing a little.

    The unflashily dressed Phoebe purses her lips as she glances around, her head tilting a little bit.

    "-- if you insist--" she trails off.

    Of course, anyone supernaturally inclined who isn't distracted by the perfectly Faustian atmosphere of Lux might just notice Phoebe trails Light behind her.

Lucifer has posed:
The first thing one learns about Club Lux is that the first drinks are ALWAYS free. So Hellboy won't be getting asked for any payment on this first round - but anything more will require cash up front or a tab opened. The second thing to note is that once you're within the walls of Club Lux, you're IN. None of the staff will ID you - but also none of the staff or anyone else will narc on you - so barely legal age drinking is a thing here. Of course, no one under 18 is allowed, and as far as Lucifer has ever been concerned, a drinking age is fairly stupid. If you're old enough for the government to take hold of your life in many ways, shapes, and forms...then by all means. Drink to your heart's content.

There's a reason he has hotel rooms, and other things in place so none who drink too much go home in their own vehicle.

Some familiar faces begin to appear - and one familiar *presence* also - which delights Lucifer to no end. As people settle, he shifts, but this time he actually walks from his perch across the way to approach one Buffy Summers and Thomas Raith. Thomas he knows more by name and reputation and less by face, and his attention goes to the woman on his arm. "Why Ms. Summers. You made it. Tickle me pleased as punch." He says this and then leans in to press a kiss on Buffy's cheek, opposite of where Thomas stands next to her. "With a guest no less, not the one I imagined you bringing here but..." He looks the other man up and down then shrugs. "He'll do I suppose."

A quick shift of his gaze and eyes land on Essex for a brief moment. The one who's presence shifts the air just enough that not many will notice but the Prince of Darkness surely does. A smirk crossing Lucifer's lips, perhaps a flicker of something in his eyes before his attention is back on Buffy.

Thomas Raith has posed:
If Thomas has issues with another man kissing his lover's cheek, it certainly doesn't show on his face. but then how many fights have he and Buffy had over the fact that he doesn't get jealous. He smirks just a little bit, apparently trying to get a read on the other man. He offers Lucifer his hand casually, "Mr. Moningstar, a pleasure. So from one incredibly handsome hedonistic club owner to another, please let me say Nice place you have here." he offers with a smirk.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's lips pull a very slight twitch of a smile. Subtle expressions are mostly for the win. The aknowledgement had, he moves like a shadow through the club, a smooth slice through crowds, until he reaches a point where he can register all those that have stepped into the parlour of the prince; Buffy summers gets a lingering look, her escort reviewed with the same measurement, then he is gone beyond.
    Hellboy is observed as he's very easy to see; and then there is Phoebe and her friend. She'll feel the weight of eyes on her after a bit, no doubt. Essex doesn't blink unless he has to, or he remembers to. A tumbler of cognac is claimed from a waitress, along with an incline of the head and he sips, gazing steadily.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods to Hellboy, "Cmon, there's someone I'd like you to meet.." but it seems that big red has other plans, either that or he simply gets lost in the crowd. Oh well, maybe another time. She glances around at other familiar faces, most notably Lucifer as he approaches, although her gaze lingers for just a moment on the quiet, unassuming girl with the box braids..Who seems to emit a certain unusual and lucid aura about her..

She is only distracted for a moment or two before Lucifer greets them and she smiles and nods to him, "A pleasure to meet you again, Lucifer. Wow, this place is pretty popular!" the question of her partner causes her to arch a slight brow. "Who else would I bring?" yeah, she's just daring him to mention a certain other vampire. Soo annoying.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe is separated from her friend pretty quickly, and she gives an annoyed expression as the brunette wanders off. She makes her way up to the bar, flagging down the bartender and asks -- out of all things -- for ginger ale.

    Just Ginger ale.

    She leans back a moment, surveying the scene. There was... a lot going on. The man in the red suit talking to a pretty blonde in a red dress and another gentleman gets her attention for a brief moment, and she pauses a moment as she turns to Essex, watching him and his unblinking eyes. Shetracks her eyes, as if trailing the watress, but she tries to memorize as much as she can about him before she accepts the undignified fate of being the 'designated safety person' for her friend.

    Never mind that her credit card was tied to Tim Drake's bank account.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shrugs his shoulders at Buffy and lets that grin remain on his cheeks. "Anyone you want, of course. Just wasn't aware that said person would be my competition..." This and then he looks to Thomas, and the hand offered, reaching out to take said hand in a firm shake. "Mister Raith, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do appreciate your words about my establishment. She is my pride and joy after all." Then he steps back and inclines his head. "Please. There's drinks, some food might be coming around at some point, but do enjoy yourselves. And excuse me..."

Once he excuses himself, he looks around, finding Essex once more, but then follows his gaze to Phoebe. A tilt of his head, a wetting of lips, but Lucifer's gaze comes and goes right back to where it started. Steps shifting him further until he's by Essex's side. "Mister Essex. I did not expect you this evening. How lovely of you to come by."

Thomas Raith has posed:
At the handshake something inside Thomas screams in panic an abject terror. It's worth noting tyhis because the expression does not read on his face, though Buffy would not a tightening of his hand on her waist. Once Lucifer departs and he and the Slayer separate he heads to the bar, ordering a cognac and nodding to the girl drinking soda. "Let me guess, Designated driver, hmm?" he asks mildly amused. His own eyes track to Essex, but possessing no supernatural senses of that sort, doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze lingers steady on Phoebe, right up until the very last minute, when Lucifer approaches. There are some individuals you simply cannot, or perhaps should not ignore. She earns reprieve only when the Lord of Hell is right there, looking extremely sleek. "Well, I could hardly miss this, now could I? And we do match so nicely," the very english tone carries just a hint of amusement to it, gesturing with an elegant turn of wrist from red to black. He even leans in to kiss the air beside Lucifer's cheek in an antiquated but still en-vogue manner. "It tickled my curiosity - just what -could- happen. Therefore, as the french say: Voila."

He leans against the wall, looking over the sharp line of his shoulder toward Phoebe, again. "It certainly seems to have brought out a grand variety. You will have to introduce me around, if you feel charitable. ANd if not, I may just insist anyway Lucifer."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh, no--" Phoebe replies to Thomas, glancing over to him, and she gives a smile. "Designated Safe Person. In case my friend bites off more than she can chew, I'm supposed to rein her back in or get her out of a bad situation or ugly dance parter." the girl with the golden sunglasses replies, and then holds the tumbler up. "Besides, matches the shades." she comments to Thomas.

    "It's... a heck of a club. I don't get out of Gotham much, but this place is k inda cool... the atmosphere's a bit weird though, isn't it?" she replies with a kind smile, though she turns her attention to the dance floor, her eyes flicking over the place until she seems satisfied that her friend is having a good time.

Lucifer has posed:
There is, at some point, a certain pause that Lucifer has which is a bit of a delayed reaction but does cause his gaze to move back to Thomas. A gleam of wickedness touching the corners of his lips as his head tilts in regards of a moment. "Well well. Someone brought a friend to the party I wasn't aware of." He murmurs, likely in a voice only loud enough for Sinister to hear. That air-kiss to the cheek returned, and then he watches as the man matches color of clothing. "Mmn, careful. I wouldn't want anyone thinking I suddenly wound up with a twin or something. They'll get really confused because we'd /both/ be the evil one."

A chuckle then before he takes a deep breath. "Mmn... I believe it is almost time for the show to start. However, I will make introductions when and where I can - if you so insist. But I am a slightly busy man tonight..." This offered and he scans the club in it's entirety again, almost as if he's actually looking for something. Or someone.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, looking around the room with a playful smirk, "Little chance of having to worry about that last one in this place." He comments. "You have to be at least an eight to get past the door man I think." He says amused but then does that slight of hand back palm magic trick and produces a business card of his own. "If you ever make it to Bludhaven, you can stop the Blue Lady. Give this to the Doorman there and he'll let you skip the line." He promises. The Card is for said club, the name on the card simply reading "The Man in White". He himself is tracking Buffy as she makes her own circuit of the room. Obviously every bit as infatuated with the athletic blonde as ever... Still his main focus? trying to figure out why his Hunger is now a gibbering mess.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister flicks his hand idly, a cursive gesture in the air that has his all-red attire shifting smooth as you please back to black once again; it's fluid and effortless but to any magically sensitive was not at all a glamour. The quiet words have him sliding a sloe-eyed look at Lucifer, then more fixed to Thomas. The red light in the depth of his black eyes grows brighter with it, examining the man with a different array of perceptions, perhaps. "My my," he murmurs "...you /do/ have the most interesting guests, yes."

There is a nod offered though to the business at hand and the busy-ness at hand, also. "Of course, but how else am I going to know who is who?" Oh, yes, that's right he does have other means. The crooked smile tells that story. "Don't be a stranger though," he pushes off the wall and stalks to the bar, observing Thomas again, briefly and Phoebe YET again. As if he'd heard everything loud and clear. "I didn't think they still had Safety people, in places like this, not in the age of self-defense classes and heros around every corner."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe gives a pleasant smile to Thomas, accepting the card as she lowers her specs and takes a look at it. The Man in White. THAT'S not ominous at all.

    When the new guy invites himself into the conversation, and she raises a fine eyebrow to the newcomer.

    "... we're from Gotham." Phoebe states as if it explained everything, her hand rising up to cover the top of her tumbler quietly as she regards Essex, and she gives a small shrug, taking off her sunglasses.

    "Lots of bad stuff happens in Gotham. Fancy restraurant was nearly shot up the other night, until one of the Bats showed up and eliminated the gunmen one by one." she states, and then gives a shrug as she tucks an arm of her sunglasses into her white wrap-around top beneath her bolero jacket. "Not everyone's got a cape in their back pocket, right?"

Lucifer has posed:
As Lucifer's company leaves his side, the man glances around once more and then takes a step forward. Though in that step, he disappears from where he was and reappears right back at his perch on the second level. Soon as he hits that spot, the DJ stops playing completely, the colored dance floor goes dark, and all the lights dim down save for one spotlight on Lucifer then, microphone in hand.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my distinguished guests and not-so-knowing companions... welcome...to the Grand Re-Opening of Club Lux!"

A flare, always, for being the center of attention, commanding a crowd and putting on a show. He's all smile, and his eyes - blue as the deepest ocean depth - seem to shine with an otherworldly glean.

"Tonight, we have something special, something that I have been working on for quite some time. A new little piece of pleasure to add to this paradise of sin. You come here for drinks, for dancing, for sex...and now...you can blow it all too in the brand. New. Lux Casino!"

And he points, the black curtain falls and an opening with a neon sign in red and black reads 'Lux Casino' - opening into a new portion of the bar floor where more wait staff and dealers are ready and willing to help people lose - er win - money!

"Also last, but certainly not least, I did promise you entertainment tonight and so here to help us welcome this new part of Club Lux I give you... The Band!"

And another curtain falls just off side of Lux Casino....

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas is not having fun. First something about the Club's owner sent his Hunger to the point that it's not sure if it wants to run in terror or try and drink the whole Club dry. then this guy walks up and sets the creep out factor of the human part of him to eleven. As Lucifer starts to speak he tries to focus on what the man is saying but is simultaneously trying to track down Buffy with his eyes. Now seems like a really good time to have a Slayer near by.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze ticks a fraction to the covering of drink with palm. It's such a small thing, but it prompts a nose wrinkle and another of those crooked smiles to materialize. He finishes his cognac, sets it on the bar and taps the rim as a simple signal for a refill. He very gently shakes his head at Phoebe, for the covering of drink perhaps, but makes no comment on it, instead turning to rest in a cat-like slouch with one elbow on the bar, legs crossed at the ankle and owning the space, the skin and the vicinity of where he's at, wholely and utterly. "Aah, that makes more sense and no, I don't suppose that they do. Although that would be a fantastic use of an extra dimensional space, for wardrobe changes. Although, probably hazardous to pick pockets and cutpurses, one supposes..." he clucks his tongue softly, sucking on his cheek a moment, catching sight fleetingly of the 'man in white', which brings his gaze up to Thomas again, offering a nod of the head. No card is offered by himself, more's the mercy. "Essex," is all he offers, before turning eyes up at the spotlight, prompted to silence as the entertainment is about to begin.

Rage has posed:
The lights in the club quickly extinguish across the crowd once 'The Band' is introduced. There is the sound of four pairs of hands clapping in time with drumsticks being slammed together.


It builds a furious tempo before the curtain drops to reveal two guitarists, a boy on the keyboard, and a drummer, as well as a young woman front and center. The music hits at once, heavy and fast. A little bit metal, a little bit pop, a little bit industrial. It's designed to get the bodies moving, adrenaline fueled through the veins and lust in the blood.

Andrea is wearing a plastic zip up sleeveless haltertop that reveals far too much mid-section to be decent with a pair of low hanging at the hips black pants with bondage straps hanging off her hips that reveals the straps of a hot ping pair of undies peeking out from the top. Her hair has a few extensions to curl and toss at her shoulders in various colored streaks. Where the multi-national platinum selling popstarlet has been known for club bangers, this is a new change of pace now that she is with 'The Band' that she showcased during New Year's Eve. The boys have brought an edge to her, to the way she moves, to how she sings, to the rasp in her throat.

"I always say, I always say that it's the last time
A promise I can't keep
I always say I'll get a grip and it'll be fine
But I lie straight through my teeth (I lie straight through my teeth!)
And though I try and do it right with my intentions
Keep them good, they never break, but I still bend 'em
'Cause this devil on my shoulder wants to pull me underneath!"

"Another sleepless night
Staring through the ceiling
I'm wondering how could I
Calm my head? Yeah
Calm my head 'cause!"

As the chorus hits, Andrea's voice rips loose in a powerful manner, throwing one hand upwards as she rocks the microphone to her mouth with the other.  Her body nearly drops down at the knees before bouncing back up, throwing a punch forward in the air.  

"I see red!
My blood is boiling and it shows
When all you are is a weapon!  
You shoot 'em down 'til you end up alone
I seem fine!
But I can't take the highs and the lows
All I am is a weapon!
I shoot 'em down 'til I end up alone!"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe was about to introduce herself when the owner of the club takes the stage, and she feels a definite chill, the feeling of light drawing a little stronger around herself as she watches the introduction and pulls a most Bat of manuvers -- she slides backwards into the crowd, and tries to mingle, heading away from the stage and the bar to go check on her friend while others are dancing and watching the show.

Icarus has posed:
The band behind the pop star are four young men in their late teens or early twenties. The first is Jordan, dark brown hair worn a little long, with a slim build. He was wearing dark jeans and a black shirt, a bass guitar slung low. The next was Kenny, blonde hair worn shorter than Jordan's. Dressed in all black, guitar in front of him. He was very good but would never be one of the greatest at the guitar. Third was Trevor, sitting behind the drums. He had on a tank top and a pair of black jeans. He was all lean muscle, strongly built, particularly his arms from years of sitting behind the skins.

The fourth member stood out. Not because of his looks, though he was attractive to many people. It was the wings. Red as blood and slightly unfurled behind him. Jay Guthrie's hair was as red as his wings. He was dressed to match with Andrea. A pair of black leather pants that fit tightly. Heavy black boots. For a shirt--well, he'd skipped that. He had his ripped physique on display, all lean muscle and eight-pack. He must never eat carbs and spend all day in a gym.

He had a guitar he was playing as well and stepped up to the mic stand as she finished up the first chorus. His voice was powerful and pitch perfect.

"I always say I hate the way you look at me now
And I swear I didn't mean to be a letdown
What I broke can't be fixed with
All my sorry excuses, no

"Another sleepless night
Staring through the ceiling
I'm wondering how could I
Calm my head? Yeah
Calm my head 'cause

"I see red
My blood is boiling and it shows
And all you are is a weapon
You shoot 'em down 'til you end up alone
I seem fine
But I can't take the highs and lows
All I am is a weapon
I shoot 'em down 'til I end up alone!"

Lucifer has posed:
All is revealed, and the band starts playing. Lucifer's gaze moves to Andrea as she begins to sing, the music pleasing to his ears and the sights (cause, lets face it, there's a shirtless Jay too) are quite pleasing to the eyes.

Still, there's a little something -else- that's been gnawing at Lucifer's mind and he shifts to see where he could spy one Thomas Raith and while the song is playing, he shifts and takes a step....to then be just at Thomas' side. With the slayer lost to the crowds, and Thomas' mind being up in arms, he leans in and whispers something to the other man regardless if his words would be drowned out by the sudden concert blaring through the club's speakers.

Devil on the Shoulder indeed.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith blinks slightly as the man comes down beside him that quickly. a mutant power maybe? He blinks slightly and scans the room for Buffy again before looking towards Lucifer. "Problem in my head Mr. Morningstar? Please tell me I don't have a tumor." He says sipping his drink, trying to understand what it is about this man that is setting his Hunger off. He doesn't even swing that way.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks unphased by the reappearance of Lucifer by Thomas' side, his eyes glowing visibly now and illuminating his cheekbones with a cast of blood. He is otherwise, all but invisible in the darkness of the club, all lights after all, angled to the stage.

But on the stage, fixation can be quite a strong thing. Sinister idly licks at the corner of his lip, taking in the sight of Andrea -and- Jay. Jay in particular is being catalogued, because of course he is.

Rage has posed:
As the band powers through the next round of lyrics and one last chorus, Andrea and Jay come together at one microphone stand. While the winged music plays the guitar, the popstar has her arms up and over her head, revealing the expanse of her mid-section which is also covered in deep rooted scars that looks as if she was clawed by a bear.

"No, I won't go under
No, I won't back down
Bittersweet surrender
Everything is better now
No, I won't go under
No, I won't back down
Bittersweet surrender
It's better now!"

As their voices join in unison and powers through the club, they can feel the energy from the crowd as they can see the dancing bodies down below. When the last words come to an end and the song rumbles to a close, she reaches out to slide her hand into Jay's and gives a proper bow forward, lifting her hand up to wave towards Lucifer.

"Thank you Club Lux and Mister Morningstar for letting us debut our new song." As she leans over to press her lips against Jay's for a firm, teasing kiss, she gives a grin behind it before she peels away as the lights dim down on the stage once more. Those abs are hers, not yours, Sinister.

Icarus has posed:
Jay automatically wraps an arm around Andrea, returning the kiss then they all took their last moments before wandering off to the side of the stage. The rest of the guys gathered around, lots of smiles and chatter as they set their guitars aside. Kenny just tucked his drumsticks in his back pocket, though he was the quiet one of the group.

"You sounded amazing, Andrea," Jordan pointed out, unnecessarily.

"It was like the song was written for your voice," Jay says with a grin, motioning to the rest if they wanted to join the crowd enjoying the grand opening.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well... they have certainly been called much worse than that..." Lucifer offers to Thomas, his lips curled in a grin. "I heard it, when we shook hands, and I can only imagine you heard it too. I can only surmise that you're either very used to it, or very good at keeping a poker face." There's a glance around then, briefly, before he looks back to Thomas. "I could help you. If you wanted...." Though the band is through, and Lucifer has other matters on his plate. It's a busy night! "Find me later. And don't let it's hunger get the best of you..." This said he turns and walks away...

To where he can find Andrea and Jay, giving them both a smile. "Andrea, my dear, that was a wonderful performance! What a song!" Leaning in to kiss her cheek, just under her ear as always, and then he offers Jay a handshake. "Thank you both for performing here. Club Lux is always happy to have you."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith blinks slightly at the words Lucifer says to him. He pulls out his phone as soon as the other man walks away and shoots a text over to Buffy saying simply "Wel have to get out of here. Meet me in the car." Yeah he is defiantly beyond creeped out at this point...

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's eyes narrow at the stage, the appertures into some distant dying star dimmed by it, he tilts his head to the side in slow study of the Thing as a Whole, then holds his hand up, palm up toward the stage up above.

A glimmer lifts, flits through the spotlights, through the coloured pods, a string of copper in the air, wafting up and hanging, caught in a shaft of red which makes it even brighter. It is met with a strand of black, undulating a little like a serpent in suspension. Hairs, shed on clothing, taking on a mind of their own...

Then, both black and copper dart, as if drawn by a fishing line in a dead straight line, diagonal through the club, through smoke and the scent of sweat, to a waiting palm. Pale fingers curl over the two hairs and Sinister simply smiles. His teeth are unreasonably white in the black-light. Now, now, Andrea. Sharing is caring.

His cognac refilled, he takes up the glass and fluidly goes into motion off his barstool, breezing past Thomas and Lucifer (at whom he 'airkisses') and taking one step off of one of the steps down into the dance floor, simply lifts off of the ground, rising directly up to the upper level, where he resumes walking once he's crested the railing, stalking closer to the band. People crowding in here and there simply walk out of the way, looking puzzled as he draws closer, his path utterly unimpeded. A sip is taken of the glass as he nears. "Miss Andrea Jackson... and if I am not mistaken, another splendid example of Guthrie. Good show, good show, indeed." He purrs the words out, glancing at the rest of the band as if to check if any of them stand out as Interesting <tm>, his eyes glimmer as Lucifer schmoozes. Poor Thomas.

Icarus has posed:
When they are approached, Jay offers that handshake to Lucifer. "Thanks so much for having us. Was a perfect chance to get see what people think of the song. We really appreciate the chance." He doesn't have the drawl of his brother. A gift of being able to sound how he wants to perhaps.

When the other one arrives, her glances to Sinister and gives another smile since he has no idea who he's looking at. "Spendid example? I mean, yeah, I'm a Guthrie." Then he jumps as though spooked, only to pull a phone out of his pocket. "I have to take this."

He leans over to Andrea. "Be back soon. It's Ma." Then off he goes into the crowd to find a quiet place to take the call.

Rage has posed:
As she smiles to Lucifer, Andrea leans in and returns the kiss to his cheek before she slides her hand into Jay's. "As always, it was a fun time, Lucifer. I can't wait to play here again." She says, then glances out into the crowd once more, oblivious to Sinister's play with his magic fingers earlier.

When Sinister approaches them and she hears his voice, the popstar can feel the hair on her arm rise and goosebump. With Jay having slipped off to talk on the phone, it just leaves her amidst the devil and the doctor. She gives a clear of her throat as she turns to face him, chin lifting upwards, a hint defiantly. Oozing confidence. "Thank you very much. It's nice to be appreciated for our art. We work very hard to entertain the crowd and Mister Morningstar paid us handsomely for the performance. We had to give it our all."