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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/16 |Location=The Magic Box, Sunnydale |Synopsis=When a little mystical herb shopping for your coterie of studygroups in Sunnydale, turns into a quasi family reunion, you know you're in the hellmouth |Cast of Characters=231, 735, 216, 1127, 9039 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:231|Sinister (231)}} has posed:'''<br>The hellmouth. It never closes for business -- and there are a few study fields for Sinister at least, that bring h...")
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Latest revision as of 14:28, 25 May 2023

Late Night shopping - and this...
Date of Scene: 16 May 2023
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: When a little mystical herb shopping for your coterie of studygroups in Sunnydale, turns into a quasi family reunion, you know you're in the hellmouth
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer, Sabrina Spellman, Satana, Phantasm (Drago)

Sinister has posed:
The hellmouth. It never closes for business -- and there are a few study fields for Sinister at least, that bring him outside of Melville and the Haven that is there, to go and follow up on his projects. Once you've exhausted all natural phenomenon as instigating mutagens, you look to the supernatural. Yes, the man has little demon colonies near some prime real estate that he contains and observes, but that is NOT the point!

The point is, the magic shop has late night clientelle. There are some that do most of their business after hours, naturally.

The chime on the door 'dings' merrily and there is a moment where the doorway darkens, but it's a fleeting, transient thing. "I need..." a shopping list on a smart phone is being observed by the tall, dark and aristocratic Englishman in the doorway "...herbs. Lord knows why I need all these, but apparently the nest I was observing ran out of /all/ of it. I think someone played silly buggers, to be honest..." -- he appears to be talking to someone though.
Lucifer has posed:
"Depending on the herb, the properties it exhumes when being used for magical purposes can be...different. Sage or cleansing, lavender for soothing, bloodroot for healing..." Lucifer has entered along side the Englishman, but just enough behind to read over the shoulder of. Or..maybe more around the shoulder as Sinister and Lucifer tend to fight on the height of one another every so often.

"Course, most of those herbs you can also use in cooking, actual cleaning, repelling creepy crawlies..." That list could go on too and the Devil just grins. "I can help you find all those herbs, and I need to pick up a few things myself...and put in another order for dragon teeth." He nods and then motions for Sinister to perhaps follow him to the entire herbal section of the store.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Is here right now, but she's kneeling, looking at some dried mushrooms of some kind in a jar. Her Cat is sticking his midnight-colored head of her bag. Funny enough, he seems to be checking out the mushrooms too.

     Burgundy sweater top. It is cold, still spring, after all! Tartan Skirt and some thicker black stockings and comfy peny shoes, and her always handy large handbag.

     She pauses when she hears two familiar voices and stands up, moving towards the end of her shelf to peek out and see if the voices match the people she knows, that platinum blond hair shifting as she moves.

Satana has posed:
Who drives a Bugati in a place like Sunnydale? No, not the Chiron or Veyron or any other such nonsense for over-compensating men. No, this is a venerable Bugati Type 41 (a.k.a. Royale) complete with the driver in an open cockpit and the enclosed passenger compartment.

The enormous luxury car purrs its way through town, driving past The Magic Box, when, half a block away, the little window that opens to the driver, slides open and the thrilling contralto of the passenger's voice rings out.

"Bill, back up. To that shop." So one of the largest cars ever made, a priceless vintage piece, backs up along the street in Sunnydale, heedless of any other traffic which might be there, to stop in front of The Magic Box.

The car is vintage. The driver's uniform makes it look like he comes from an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel. The woman who steps out? Is also vintage. But vintage '70s softcore pornography outfit, before the stripping down starts; more for the frottage scene that precedes it. Inspecting the magic shop with suspicious eyes, she makes a subtle gesture with her right hand and, after a moment's pause, smiles.

Well, bares her teeth.

"Intriguing," she murmurs before walking in a door's close and few seconds behind the two gentlemen babbling about herbs.

"To whom does this establishment belong?" she wonders aloud as she enters, without bothering with the usual social niceties like greetings or acknowledgement of the existence of others.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is not here for shopping. There are no herbs that he needs. No book to his knowledge that he seeks. And since Buffy lost all memory of him, well. He had no reason to come to the store for training in the back room. So why is here?

Good question.

The answer is, he's not. But due to some random mishap resulting in a dream collapsing a purplish black bird is spit out from nothing just outside, smacking into the window of the shop. There is a long, drawn out squeak as he slowly slides down the glass.

Sinister has posed:
"The stupid thing is, I think that they probably used the lot of them in cooking. But apparently now there's some kind of balancing thing that they're doing, so..." Who 'they' are is never clear. Sinister steps aside, on entering, which means he isn't in the path of oncoming traffic and is just shy of the shop windows where there'll be an impact any second. He glances at the register at a person he doesn't recognize, because even small covens in Sunnydale need part timers from time to time. "Although what you cook with bloodroot, I have no idea. But the bayleaves are definitely something I'm buying in bulk from the bulk barn..."

He turns his head just a little, catching the warning sign of something incoming, but not in enough time. And there's also a Great Cat (not big, hell no. GREAT) purr of that Bugati. THAT draws his attention, looking out of the window to watch the monster roll on past. He leans to track the passage, only to watch it reverse all the way to the door...

And cause a juxtaposition of opposition in his awareness. Woman looking like that, followed by the impact of the raven on the window. "L'..." oh, wait. "...Morgenstern..." called over, he spocks one brow up in a wing at the presence of owning the room that Satana exudes. "A gentleman called Rupert Giles and a nice young woman named miss Rosenberg. Neither are present at the current time..." And the shop clerk has no idea what to do with -this-.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shakes his head. "You don't cook with bloodroot. It's a very bitter herb simply used in potions and tonics. It's partly what gives medicine that medicinal flavor." Lucifer explains before feeling a familiar presence, glancing over to where Sabrina is peeking and offers a smile.

He would have offered a verbal hello as well, but then Sinister is calling his name. In German? That makes him curious and he walks over towards the man. "Da?" Answering in kind just before glancing over and then raises a brow. The woman entering the establishment that Nathaniel then speaks to is regarded once with a smirk before he's out the door and moving to where the 'raven' has fallen to the ground.

"Is this the part where I make sure you're okay and wait or do I just pick you up and craddle you while taking you inside?" Asking that while looking down at the raven.

So much for a quiet night out at the magic shop!
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Peeks out of the shelves, her eye's bright as if taking it all in. She starts to beam a smile, " Uncle! " but the rest is cut off by the stunning young lady who walks in . Her face goes pink a little, taking in the woman and if somebody was paying attention, they'd swear the cat went " WOW " .

     Sabrina doesn't even hear the thump from the poor crow shes' a little shocked by Satana's outfit! She's covering her eye " Oh my."

     she frowns when her uncle talks to the bird .. That makes her activate some magic on her eye's to see what's going on!
Satana has posed:
The magic usage catches Satana's attention and her head turns Sabrina's way, her red eyes spearing the girl as if seeing past into her very soul.

"I thought I'd felt somethi..."

The splat happens, and Lucifer makes his presence known. The confused Demon Lord (no, really, she technically is!) stares at Lucifer, wonderingly, eyes narrowed, Sabrina entirely forgotten.

Surely this can't be...?

"Child of God?" she asks, though not in English, nor in fact in any human speech. She speaks to Lucifer in the corrupted angelic speech of Hell. Something's off here. There's power beyond her imagining in the vicinity, but the man wielding it looks ... well, looks like she looks to mortals, really. Unnaturally beautiful. Could this be?

"Should I kneel?" she asks, continuing in that corrupt tongue. "Or are you incognito?"

Good news, Sabrina! The Demon Lord has suddenly lost interest!
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Having made his less than impressive entrance, the 26 inch tall raven lies on the ground, wings spread out to it's full three feet of length. There's a low grumble before the wings fold in. Black beady eyes look up to the devil looming over. It is an interesting option indeed. Also how does one cradle a raven in a hand? They're kind of big. Relatively speaking that is. "Honestly, I'd like to see you try. The logistics of that is ju-" The bird's head shakes.

As Sabrina uses the magic eye she ends up getting a faint glimpse behind the crumpled bird. The form keeps shifting. Initially it starts simple, a young man, pale eyes, long hair, and angular features, but the hair starts to become wilder and the clothes become more stylish, then there is the mirrored imaged of him, a bird, a wolf, and then, a shrouded figure of shadow. There's a glow of eyes and jagged teeth from the edges.

And it just continues...various forms with little explanation to why.
Sinister has posed:
"Einfach teufel, ja?" Sinister murmurs, but THE devil (definitive article) has the raven in hand and this? Well, this is actually a rather familiar dance. With a crooked smile, he leaves Lucifer in the lurch (gasp!) only that's not really the case, the first of the Fallen is fully capable of handling a moment like -this- in all his Glory. Instead, there's a "Evening, Nick..." and a sidle around the edge of the room until he's in the herb section and coincidentally near the gawping cat and the erstwhile 'niece'. Little does he know that there's TWO in the room at the moment. Don't worry, it'll come to him in time. Devils are lusty little sods...

"Sabrina, nice to see you again and..." for some reason it comes to mind "...Salem." He plucks up packages of magical apothecary and reads labels. "He might take a moment, dear. There's a Spectacle going on."
Lucifer has posed:
"I think I'm quite capable of picking you up and taking you inside..." Lucifer tells this to Nick before actually knealing and picking up the Raven-Nick who has so many other forms. Does True Sight work on the Devil? He doesn't have a visage that's all red with a pitchfork and pointed tail, but he does have quite a rainbow of versions. From the glorious Archangel True to the Burned Skinned Devil. "It's either this or I leave you on the ground...but I think you'll recover better inside..."

At which point he carries Nick into the Magic Box and sets him down on the counter - which because this place sells things of various sizes, is quite a decent sized counter. Plus, when Nick is Nick again, he can sit up and hop right off right? Right.

Nathaniel asked him a question, but he was also distracted by the woman who was speaking in...was she actually speaking in Hell's tongue? He turns to Satana then and tilts his head just so, looking her up and down, and for a moment his eyes flash with hellfire within them. In the same Hell tongue he finally speaks, "You're not one of mine. There's also no need to be so formal. I'm not incognito as it were, but... I surely do not wish for any to bow before me. I'm not a desperate attention whore." Then he smirks. "You're interesting. I shall wish to know more about you."

Finally he looks back to Nathaniel. "Stets." Then his gaze finally goes back around to Sabrina. "Hello niece. How are you?"
Satana has posed:
"As you wish," Satana says. Then, crisis of power averted, she recalls what had attracted her attention beforehand. Active magic use.

The head swivels back to Sabrina, eyes once again piercing the girl's very soul. Her smile widens, feigning warmth even as for a brief instant the Fires of Hell can be seen in her pupils.

Wait, how...?

"Oh... True Sight. Delectable little morsel you are, aren't you?" Satana's true nature stands revealed to Sabrina. Bodily it is much as what she'd already seen, only with longer, thicker, razor-sharp fingernails--talons, really--and the ram's horns butting out of her forehead to curl around her ears. Too the long, prehensile, pointed tail that lashes behind her like a snake held captive. And the aforementioned eyes, now black as a pit, with the fires of Hell burning visibly within. This overlaid atop the image of the sultry woman in spandex. And every other sultry woman imaginable, sultry to any tastes. And every other sultry man imaginable, sultry to the tastes that lean in that direction. And then some more beyond that, like a never-ending tail of bodily forms in a trick mirror.

"Who's taught you such tricks, little one?" Satana asks of Sabrina, stepping toward the girl. "It's quite impressive for your kind."

Kind. She's not even trying to hide what she is here. Not that there's much point, now, is there?
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Blinks and nods. "Okay yeah, Uncle Sin," She says softly, "very busy," but then he takes everybody in.. one issue with true sight is you don't get to choose what you see only on or off. So she takes everybody in a blink a few times before she turns it off and looks back to Sinister " I can wait "

     this point, Salem knows this is not a normal shopping day.. So the cat lifts a paw to Sinister " Yo "

    . Then Lucifer is back to her, and she smiles and walks over to give a little and quick hug.. she knows he's not a hugger " Hi Uncle Lucifer. I think you get enough attention being awesome as you are ." She looks over to the girl talking hell speech

5t. She sniffs her own eye's burn with a touch of hellfire for a moment as she actually talks back in hell speech! "My aunts taught me how and it's not polite to walk around with so little or to take without asking " . She is peeking at the bird, though, wondering what's going on!
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
To the mention of recovery the bird relents. "I'm not really hurt." He replies as he's already scooped up, "It's more of a 'I just slammed into the window of a store crowded with people. I need a breather.' type of moment."

Despite the comments, Nick does allow for Lucifer to scoop him up. He may be a large looking bird but as previously established, the bird's weight seems non-existent. Once he's brought to the counter, he hops off the hand, talons clacking upon the surface of the new perch.

Hearing the greeting from Sinister, the raven's head turns to look towards the shelves the doctor has migrated to. "Evening, doctor."

So Formal. But then again there are others in the room, so might as well defer to that one.

And then Lucifer reveals the youngest woman present to be a niece. His head tilts, "Did I just get ejected into the middle of a family reunion?"

When the cat speaks, the bird looks over to Salem. Lifting up a wing to wave at him. "Oh hey man."
Sinister has posed:
"Uncle sin, yes. That's me. Indeed." A little overly chipper on that last, it isn't precisely something he's accustomed to, nor is the nature of Magic and its ability to see what is truly there.

He looks quite a thing, in True sight. He looks like Frankenstein's monster, in that his very soul is covered with healing scars, but that said, there's a golden halo that burns all around him that firmly affixes that this is exactly who he is. with all the power that is present in the room, polymorphic, demonic, angelic and psychomorphic, his is probably the most understated Truth.

"This happens quiet often and ooooh, there you go talking the same talk, also. I should've expected that really..." he looks over at the raven. "I'm going to invent universal AI Babel software, I swear."

He smiles toward Lucifer, giving a 'mwah' of the air as he points up to the loft, where private collections dwell. And more restricted products. "I'll be up there... grab me when you want to go for coffee, hmm?" he heads up to the aforementioned by simply levitating. The poor shop clerk has checked out about now and is probably texting her university guidance counsellor.
Satana has posed:
"No need to invent, I have made an app th..." And Sinister elevates himself out of conversational range. Satana shrugs and puts the phone she'd taken out (FROM WHERE!?) back (TO WHERE!?). "I guess he wasn't interested."

She turns her attention back to Sabrina. "What have I taken, little one?" she asks curiously. "I merely asked who the proprietor was and then ..." Her arm sweeps out in a gesture that encompasses the shop and its inhabitants.

The mortal behind the cash, however, appears beneath notice.

"... well, then the entertainment started." She eyes Lucifer warily a moment, unsure how far she can push his, as she understands it, niece.

She decides to go for broke.

"If, however, taking things is on the plate, I'd very much like to take you."

Well-timed pause to make it awkward and to let Sabrina's mind, now seeing EVERYTHING that Satana is, including the forms that are for her tastes, go someplace unseemly. Then she continues, just at the moment that Sabrina's mind hits the 'oh, ew!' phase.

"Out for coffee. To chat. It's not every day I meet a mortal who can speak my native tongue."

Satana's smile broadens with mischief and a hint of malice. She knows what she did. And she likes it.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Sinister as he mentions the software, "What if you get the dialect wrong and end up triggering a regional hell war?"

A regional...what?

Shush. You try to make sense when you're quite LITERALLY being the stuff dreams are made of.

If Lucifer's expecting Nick to go to human form, there's a bit of concern that spikes from Satana's comments.

Raven form is LOCKED in.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman She did go ewwww then blinks " Oh " she frowns and sighs " Right another time " she sighs then looks at her watch " Oh nos " She blinks " I'm in trouble " she points to the poor girl at the counter " FORGET " She says snapping and giving her a good forget zap.. before she snaps again and a door apears " I really would love to continue but I have to run! " She says .. " My aunts are gonna be very very mad at me " . She waves " bai uncle luci.. I'll stop by the club later "
Lucifer has posed:
Sinister is gone. Then Sabrina takes a quick exit stage left for reasons and this leaves the Nick-Raven, the Devil, and Satana. Lucifer looks between raven and demon before shaking his head some.

"She's only related by proxy..." He decides to explain. "Mortal born from a lust-driven demon...or some such as that. The Demon happens to belong to my realm of Hell and therefore, I have been branded uncle." There's another shrug given before he looks directly to Satana.

"So. As I said, not my demon, but a demon. Yet you seem to have a bit of...je ne sais quoi? Cause you can speak the tongue of my realm and therefore obviously there's a story there. I'd be interested to learn it Miss..." And here, he prompts for a name.
Satana has posed:
"Satana Hellstrom of the Boston Hellstroms," Satana says with a mischievous glint in her eye, paired with a wink.

That explains the car at least.

"You might know my father: Marduk Kurios. He calls himself by another name I won't say here." Because she's not sure how Lucifer Himself would react to having someone else called Satan. "But a mortal born of a lust-driven demon. Why does that sound so familiar to me...?"

Luci gets a brief glimpse through reveal of Satana's true form: a lust-driven demon. THE lust-driven demon: the succubus.

She turns, then, to the person at the counter and re-iterates. "Forget what you saw, darling. Unless you liked it in which case, let's have a chat in the back room and get to ..." She licks her lips. "... know each other."

The poor girl looks terrified ... and then the forgetting takes place and she looks dazed instead, confused at what's going on but having forgotten all signs of Hellish powers.

"I think I will have a little sup after this," she murmurs to Luci, admiring the ... perfectly ordinary-looking girl. "There's some wild thoughts in that head of hers... Her soul will be remarkably tasty."

She pauses and observes Nick a while.

"Is the talking raven your pet?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird's head bobs up and down in a nod to the explanation, "So... more of a figurehead for the role or an adoptive uncle." He surmises. When Lucifer directs his attention over to Satana, querying her understanding of language, he grows quiet in order for introductions to be made.

When the grand reveal of the succubus is made, the bird's head tilts back, slightly. Considering the time at the store so far, the transformation just seemed like the next logical step for the conversation. Once she starts asking about him, the beak closes shut.

Slowly Nick's head turns, looking over to Lucifer to gauge his reaction.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer raises a brow and then takes in a slow breath. "No. His name is Nick and he is a close friend of mine. He is also not just a talking raven. Bold assumptions to make considering we're in the middle of one of the most supernatural cities this side of the hudson." He gives a chuckle then before looking back to Nick.

"Also, I can't say I readily recall the name you've given me as to who your father is. Though I figure it's safe to determine that he carries...carried?...out things using one of my monikers." It's not the first time it's been done, and it surely wouldn't be the last time. Why people contend to portray themselves as Satan, Devil, Lucifer...is well beyond the actual Devil's comprehension. It's stupid, really.

And if they really wanted he could give them a taste of just what it means to be THE Devil. "So, Satana, what brings you to Sunnydale anyway? Looking for dark corners to lure people into and do a little soul sucking? We should leave that to the vampires here. You'll likely find better ilk to swallow in New York or Gotham anyway."
Satana has posed:
"He goes by Satan," Satana says with a chagrinned smile. "Or sometimes Shaitan. Don't judge him too harshly for it, though. He's a good enough father. Just a bit too career-obsessed."

Strange way for a succubus to speak. It's almost as if...

...and something clicks into place. There's a smell of mortality emanating from this Princess of Hell.

"There's something here..." Satana looks out the door significantly. "...that called to me. I was curious what it was. Imagine my boredom when it was just another Hellmouth." So she's not come from the Hellmouth at least. "But I was about to leave, actually, when this shop caught my attention. A lot of power emanated from it, like the Hellmouth in miniature. I was curious because, well, usually shops like these are great places to pick up Wiccans to sex up and consume, but not real magic. But here was real power."

She mockingly genuflects Lucifer's way.

"Of course the reason why is apparent now," she adds in Hell's tongue. "Your presence explains all."


"I am a little hungry," she says after a bit, back in English, "but if you'd prefer I seek out the souls of those damned elsewhere I will, of course, obey."

Because don't want none, don't bring none, and there's NO WAY Satana is going to try to throw down with the Prince of Darkness Himself. That sounds like work! And more than a little pain. And not of the fun kind.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smirks at the indication of him while he patiently waits for Satana to complete her full disclosure of why she is here. Power. The fact that one could feel it from the streets. Palpable and /significant/. Course when you toss in Lucifer, Sinister, a hell-bred witch and the dream walker - well - that's just a recipe for a whole lot of power influx in a tiny little space.

"I see."

That was spoken in English. Lucifer doesn't really use much of the Hell tongue if he can avoid it, especially because - until now - he didn't really know anyone else who could speak it much less comprehend what is actually being said.

"I have an idea...perhaps even a little...request. Though you may find it selfish of me in some fashion..." He looks her up and down, the way she's dressed, someone in New York would pick her up as a street hooker in no time flat and she'd have her merry little way with a nice cherry on top. "I have a club, in Melville. Not too far from here, actually. It's called Lux." He lifts a hand and a sudden appearance of a business card between two fingers happens. "I can assure you... it's *ripe* with some delicious souls..all ramped up on sin and debauchery...a perfect little dining hall for someone like you. I can even point out those who have nothing to go home to, so none would be missing them. Come tomorrow night. I promise you won't regret it, Little One." That last bit 'Little One' is spoken in the Hell tongue, as if to emphasize the truth to Lucifer's words.
Satana has posed:
The flare of anger can almost be SEEN as the words 'little one' strike her. Satana's eyes widen as if slapped. But then... yes, even the impetuous half-demon has enough sense to know you just DON'T throw down with THE Devil Himself. You just don't. It doesn't go good places.

And to be fair, she used exactly the same condescending tone on Lucifer's niece, so she kind of deserved it.

But she's still pissed.

Satana's mouth turns into a smile that completely fails to look even slightly real. As false, as the saying might go, as the chest of a Hollywood starlet. (Not the mainstream kind. The other kind.)

"Why thank you, Lord," she purrs, taking the card and slipping it inside her costume in the obvious place. "I'm sure I can hold back my appetite for a night, especially if you have a club for sinners; I wouldn't want to gain unsightly weight, now, would I?" Unless, of course, that's what turns her target on. She is literally all things to all people, after all. "Is there a dress code?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer raises a brow and then waves a hand in the air before giving a proper half bow. "I can feel the anger well up...I truly did not mean to offend you. I won't call you such from now on, you have my word." Is the word of the Devil truly something someone can trust? Well, one will just have to try and find out now won't they!

"As for a dress code. Yes. Well...sort of? It's a night club by all means, but it's a distinguished night club. It's mainly occupied by the elite class citizens of the surrounding areas. Though some nights are lesser than others, and sometimes I hold events where anyone over legal age is invited to join." He explains this much and then smirks. "I'm sure you can think of something quite appropriate to wear...and Lux even has a...hotel service? I think that's what we call it.. so you won't even have to go far to do any of your dirty work."

There's another grin then as he steps forward to look at a few books on a random table top. "Once upon a time I would have even invited myself to join you...fortunately or not...those days are a bit behind me now." He glances up to where Sinister floated off and gives a soft chuff of a chuckle. "But I might still allow myself a few swallows of the lust you'll surely be filling the club with. It's been a while since I've had that vice properly procured in my presence."
Satana has posed:
The mercurial demoness' face softens. Warms. Positively heats up.

"I'll fire it up for you," she swears. "I'll have lust oozing from every pore of the place." She grins, and this time it's friendlier, though it has a hint of malice in it. Just not directed at Lucifer. Well, not entirely. "There are some aspects of doing the Whoreson's work for him that I quite enjoy, however," she adds, watching Lucifer's reaction closely. "As a result I'm quite good at them. Will you be watching?"

A slight hand gesture and there's a subtle soundtrack to the conversation; the sounds of human beings rutting.

"I am fondest of the truly damned, however. The ones so far gone that they're destined for Hell almost guaranteed. Their souls taste ... so ... complete."
Lucifer has posed:
"Oh I'm sure there'll be plenty of Hell-bound souls for you to take your pick of when you visit. You may even make it a regular hunting ground..." Lucifer says this and then drops one of the books he was idly looking at.

"You'll have to explain to me who you mean by Whoreson sometime. I have an inkling but I also think things like that are better discussed...outside of public." He then shifts to approach Satana, reaching a hand out to cup her cheek and presses a kiss to the top of her head. "I might watch...I will definitely be keeping an eye on your work in the main club. What happens behind closed doors...I might have to pass on."

His gaze returns to the upstairs and he scoffs a chuckle. "I believe it's time for me to usher Nathaniel out the door or we'll never leave. He gets so caught up in all the things he doesn't quite understand. I will see you tomorrow night." It's not even a question, for he's fairly sure she'll come to the club upon the invite given - and likely would have found the club eventually.
Satana has posed:
Satana positively shivers at the contact. And not for the reason most would shiver upon physical contact with the so-called Lord of Lies. Hers is very obviously ... conjugal, let's call it ... in nature.

"Mary was without husband," she says obliquely when the physical proximity ends. She punctuates this with a wink. "Hence my name for Him."

Face. Meet palm.

"You can watch what happens behind the doors too," she says. "I have no shame." Meant literally, likely. "I thank you for your invitation. As will my father. I tithe what I consume, understand."

Wait ... her FATHER gets a tenth of the souls she consumes through ...

Best not to think of it.

"It's punishment for disobedience, see."

Yeah, just don't think about it. Demonic family dynamics are BROKEN!

"I will see you tomorrow in the most stunning costume you've ever seen." Strong claim, that. But if anybody can pull it off...

Her eyes stray to the door where her chauffeur waits with patience. "I should probably put that one to bed. It's late and he's been driving for a while. And he'll have to drive me to your club."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in before stepping back and letting it out slowly. "While I would have gotten your permission, even if I felt I didn't need it...that's not what stands in the way..."

He pauses. Considers. "Much has changed for me since I abandoned Hell - for whatever that's worth - and chose to live much of my life topside. Opened a club. Became a playboy. A manwhore. Whatever one wishes to call it. Then...he happened..."

There's a motion to the direction that Nathaniel went and a softer smile finds Lucifer's lips. "I will not forsake the love I have found within my life for anything. If he doesn't mind, then I'll partake. If he does mind...then I shall abstain. Love is a very wicked drug and I remain high on it."

He turns then to move towards the ladder that leads to that top room. "Go do what you need. I look forward to seeing what you come up with tomorrow night. Fare well." And then he's up the ladder and out of sight.