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Bug on a Window
Date of Scene: 23 July 2017
Location: Four Freedom Plaza
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Supergirl drop by Four Freedom Plaza for different reasons yet at the same time. They are met by Sue, Ben and Reed
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Thing, Supergirl, Invisible Woman, Mister Fantastic

Spider-Man has posed:
Four Freedoms Plaza's window sensors notice a differential pressure when Spider-Man clings to one of the tower's windows. He finds an open one, and his heat sensor is recorded. He thought he was being so sneaky, crawling upon the ceiling, making his way through the facility, room to room, going through a three story laboratory, and finding his way onto the Fantastic Four's residential area. All members within the building had already been notified of his arrival, and when Spidey reaches the residential floors, the room chimes, "welcome Spider-Man". The wallcrawler blushes under his mask, dropping down and waves to some invisible sensor relay, "uh, hi Fantastic Building. Can Johnny come out to play?"

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
You know that time as the sun is JUSt starting to dip behind the horizon and is already pretty much hidden from view by the expanse of the city skyine? When the light hasn't really faded yet but it is already what you would consider evening. When you can feel the tempo of the city changing all around you as the lives of millions of people shift from work-setting to afer-work-setting? Thats what time it is right now and Ben Grimm, aka The Thing, is taking advantage of it.

Sprawled out on a custom made lawn chair on the residential level's large outdoor balcony, wearing a blue and white hawaiian shirt, matching hawaiian shorts and flip flops, Ben basks in the fading light. he has a large glass with an umbrella in it clasped in one of his massive hands and sips daintily from it, watching his beloved city beyond the railing. At this height is is almost quiet, the city a thrum far below that is soothing and peaceful.. Yep, it's perfect....


>>Benjamin.. Spider-man has entered the premises and is askin if Jonathan can join him in extracaricular activities.. How should I reply?<<<

Sighing, Ben shakes his head and pushes himself to his feet. "Don't get yer circuits in a bind.. I'll deal wit' it." he says, grumbling as he renters the suites. "Heyas, Spidey... Whas shakin?"

Supergirl has posed:
A moment after he goes inside, the security system will ping yet another warning. This time, there is someone on the balcony of the residential level. It is followed up by a voice calling out. "Hello? Is anyone home?"

Out on the balcony is the Maid of Might herself. Supergirl is standing near the chair that Ben so recently vacated, peeking at the building but not wanting to walk inside because that's just rude. In her right hand is a bluish crystalline object which pulses with some sort of inner light. She folds her left arm over her midriff, hand clasping her right arm.

Spider-Man has posed:
Looking up at the ever loving blue-eyed Thing, Spidey could feel the vibrations in the floor as the man walked. "I'm not sure, but since it's you coming to greet me rather than Johnny, I'm going to have to pick... Things that Johnny did to annoy Ben for $500, Alex. I just thought I'd pop by, see how some lifestyles of the Rich and Fantastic for a change of pace. Nice threads by the way. I'm digging the pineapple motif." His spider sense is good, but not good enough to pick up on the internal pings. Fortunately, he's pretty sure he heard Ben's communicator chirp. "I think your watch is beeping. Another guest? Ooh, could it be Doctor Doom? Please say it's Old Doc Doom. I've been meaning to ask him what weight of oil he uses for his joints. I'm thinking it's 40 weight, what about you?"

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
:snorts, and pulls a cigar from his breast pocket and slips it between his teeth, though he doesn't light it. he doesn't smoke them after all, not any more anyways (At least when he's not playing poker.. What happens during poker STAYS at the poker table) and snorts at Spidy though in a good natured way. "Ya picked, like, tha easiest category there is, Spider Trebeck..." he, then looks at his shirt. "And thanks. Just got this one a few days ago.. I get em custom made.."

HE then frowns. "My watch...?" he asks, and looks at it just as the computer speaks. >>Benjamin. Exterior sensors detect the presence of an extra-terrestrial biological entity on the residential balcony. Species: Kryptonian. Gender: Female Analog. Facial Recognition against Social/News neworks determines that the identity of the E.B.E. is a 98.765 percent match for the superheroine refered to as 'Supergirl'. She has in her posession a crystaline artifact of unkown orgin radiating low levels of energy. She is also requesting if anyone is available but has not gone through the proper channels.. Shall I let her enter?"<<

Raising a rocky brow. "Unless Doc Doom decided ta have, ya know 'the operation' I think it someone else." he remarks, shaking his head. "Let the girl in.. Because, ya know, why not. We seem popular today..." He turns and waves at the her through the 'glass' door.

Supergirl has posed:
She had just plucked the little umbrella out of the drink, wondering what the purpose of it could possibly be. Seeing the movement inside, she glances up and gives a bright smile as she plunks the umbrella back where it came from. Striding to the door, the heels of her boots make a little noise with each step. She sticks her head in the door first. Like she isn't visible through the glass. "Hi!" She then steps through, looking from one of them to the other. Both are faces she has seen. Well, face and mask. On the news and on youtube. Mainly youtube for the masked man.

"I am sorry to disturb you. I have this artifact and I was told the best person to talk to would be a Mister Reed Richards. Would he be available?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well, I would have chosen Relationships between String Theory and Quantum Field Theory for $1,000, but I figure that Reed already answered all of them. Is Statistical Mechanics still open? What about the Mpemba effect? I don't suppose that Wave-Particle Duality is still on the board?" The way he spoke about them, it suggested he knew what he was talking about. Could there be a keen scientific intellect behind those bright white eyes?

"Doc Doom, in a Supergirl outfit? That explains so much. Wait, that doesn't explain anything. It's probably just Supergirl. Wow. I never thought I'd be disappointed to only see Supergirl. I hear she's amazing. In fact, the Daily Planet often posts photos of her as an example of what a hero is meant to be, rather than a... a... well, my aunt taught me never to say the kinds of words that J. Jonah writes about me. But she sounds just super, so it's not just a clever name."

Waving to the girl through the glass, and after she steps in, he adds, while pointing to Ben, "not my circus, not my monkey... but he might know." That was an unusually English term to use. He must have picked it up somewhere.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    The elevator dings and out walks Susan Richards.....along with a little girl that looks a lot like her. The little girl runs over and climbs right up Ben's back and perches herself on his shoulder without any fear in the world. "Hi Unca Ben!" She then looks to Spider Man and Supergirl. "Hieee!"

Then Sue gets up to them. "Hello Supergirl. Hey SPidey. SOmething we can help ya with? Or did Ben take care of it?"

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm is silent for a moment... then snorts again.. and again it is in an amused fashion. "If ya keep usin big words like that, Spidey, then we're gonna hafta take away yer 'Cool Hero' card and get ya one of the 'Nerd Hero' ones like Reed carries.. and a pocket proector. Then again, where would ya /put/ a pocket protector on those underoos uv yers?" he asks... Then is about to say something NICE to cheer Spider-Man up about the crap that JJJ writes but...

"Monkey, Huh?" he asks, giving Spider-Man a look. "Well, at least /some/ people know how ta POLITELY come an' visit. Ya know, by waitin ta be invited in and /not/ sneakin in windows?" he points out.

To Kara he offers a smile now. "Ignore tha Bug.. He just got smushed on too many windows lately... Yer Supergal, right? Pleased ta meet ya! I'm Ben... Ben Grimm.. Ya may know me as The Thing, Copyrighted and Patent Pendin'." he then frowns and looks at his watchcom. "I'd tell ya if Reed is around but.. I barely can get this thing ta tell time.. I mean, who makes a freain watch that don't tell time?!?" he asks, then looks at the crystal. "That thing ain't dangerous, izzit?"... Oh, thank god. "SUZIE! Hey, Meet Supergal. Oh, ya know her already? Anyways, shebrought that crystal thingy fer Reed ta look at.. It's PROBABLY harmless.." he says, with a WEE bit of sarcasm.. Though he now has his hands full. "Heya Squirt! Lookit! It's Spidey! And Supergal! If ya grow up ta be a hero like yer Uncle Ben, be like /her/ Okay?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl gives them all a bright smile although she's a little lost with the talk about circuses and monkeys. The joys of being an alien only on Earth for a year? She doesn't get half of the pop culture references people use. In her mind, she is wondering if there is a circus in town and if she should go see it. "Oh no! It's not dangerous. It's supposedly used for communications but I really have no idea. I took it off a guy that was talking to his home planet. We tested it the best we could and there is nothing that could harm anyone. I just don't know what to do with it."

She gives a little wave up to Valeria before glancing over to Susan. "If you like, I can come back another time with it. I guess I should have tried to call. I just happened to be flying over and thought it would be easier to stop in. I hope I didn't disturb you."

Spider-Man has posed:
Upon seeing Valeria, Spider-Man says, "awe, she's so cute!" He immediately engages his webshooters, making a spider-web in a ceiling corner. But in the web, he managed to spell out, "hi Valeria" in the middle, and beneath, he made a hammock for her. After he's done, he answers, "nah, I was just looking for your uncle Johnny. But I think he's out saving the world, or getting his car waxed. Either, it's something incredibly important to him."

To Ben, he says, "Oh, no, no big words anymore. I want to keep my cool hero card. I just got it laminated. And Staples charges a pretty penny for it. Actually, it's a lot of pennies. Speaking of which, how come we still have pennies? It's 2025. Shouldn't we do like Canada and England and do away with them?"

He doesn't mention anything about the sneaking in, except, "I snuck in the first time we met, and I'll continue to do that... just as long as you folks allow me to. Besides, you left a Spider-Man sized window open for me. I hope this doesn't mean I need a lawyer? I'd probably end up with that guy from the TV, what's his name, Saul Goodman?"

To Sue, he bows his head respectfully, "Hello Mrs. Richards. You're looking lovely, as always." And to Kara, he says, "yeah, probably best to look at these folks as role models. I... do what I can, but things have a way of backfiring on me. Hashtag Spidey Luck."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue tilts her head to Supergirl, and taps her communicator. "Reed. Gotta Crystal for you to see." She then smirks to Supergirl. "he'll be right down." She says with a bright smile.

Valeria, however, looks to spider man. "he stiffed you on some money didn't he?" Valeria's pretty smart it seems. "he tried to tell me a game was lame because he couldn't beat me on it. After he tried to convince a girl she was lame and hung up on her." Valeria then rolls her eyes. She then looks to Supergirl. "I don't think I could be like her Unca Ben. I can't metabolize Solar radiation and turn it into super powers like she can." Valeria then winks to Supergirl.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Oh? Interesting. I'll be right there." A few moments later the elevator slides open as Mr. Fantastic steps off, then walks over to the group. "What's this about a crystal?" he says curiously. "Ah, and...welcome..." he adds, his manners catching up with his scientific curiosity. He nod to Spiderman and Supergirl, hands sliding in the pockets of his labcoat. "Always a pleasure to have visitors." Who aren't attacking the Plaza, anyway.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm looks a BIT relieved that the crystal is SUPPOSEDLY not dangerous though.. well.. "Not dangerous, huh? Well, Not like I 'avn't 'eard THAT one before.." he muses, sucking on the end of his unlit cgar and shaking his head with a chuckle. "I guess that it would be up ta Suzie and Stretcho whether they want anuther alien thingamabob lyin around for Reed ta play with.." he says, then looks to Spider-Man. "Yer just tryin ta see if one day you can slip by tha defense systems... Well I tell ya what, the day ya do that is tha day We replace Johnny with you.. because that means ya got talent that he ain't got.." he mumbles. "And stop brownnosing ta Suzie. Ya already know we lubs ya, ya knucklehead.." he saysm reaching over to noogie the spider-man.. And sets Valeria down so she can go jump in the personalized hammock... "See, Val? Tha american public school system works! He spelled yer name right!" he jokes, then blinks as she basically evierates Johnny. "Dang, squirt.. Yer BRUTAL!" he laughs. "Kids.. they say tha darndest things, right?"

He turns to Reed as he enters and smirks. "Oh /now/ ya come out."

Supergirl has posed:
Those words from Valeria have Supergirl looking a bit surprised. Then she laughs. "Well not every one uses sunlight but you can still be a hero without that." Then she turns back to the business at hand, her attention on Reed. She holds up the clear crystal with the blue light inside.

"I took down a guy who was using this to communicate with his planet. We've tested it the best we could. No radiation, nothing seemingly dangerous. We just don't quite know how it works nor do we have any use for it. So, I wanted to offer it to you. I heard that you liked this sort of thing." Being alien tech or mystery devices or just strange sciency stuff. She passes it over to him then starts back for the door she entered through.

"Sorry to drop it off and run but my Mom is gonna flip if I'm late for dinner again."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Be safe, Supergirl. If there's ever a time you wanna dine here, call ahead of time so we can fix something for you." Sue says before looking to Reed. "All yours hun....I've gotta get Valeria to bed."

Valeria looks to Sue. "Awwwww! I'm not sleepy!" Of course, she lets out a yawn at that.

Then Sue picks up Valeria. "Come on, Valeria. Time for bed." She says heading into the elevator. "You know not to sneak in here, SPidey. OUr defenses would cut you to ribbons.....then you have to deal with Ben. So.....don't." She then chuckles. "You're welcome here, Spidey, but just...call ahead if you can. Night night."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Yeah, actually, how'd you know?" Spider-Man asks curiously of Valeria. She was more than just pretty smart, and she was more than just pretty. She really was a terrific blending of Sue and Reed's DNA. And someday, she was going to rule the world, or whatever else caught her fancy. "Hiya Mr. F." he added when Dr. Richards showed up.

Spider-Man's eyes contracted, how did his mask do that anyway? It was after Ben had offered him the chance to replace Johnny if he could get in undetected. The truth of the matter was that he had done that, just not every time. He had found a few weak spots previously, and gave Dr. Richards his notes to help upgrade the place.

"Hey, watch the costume!" Spider-Man says in protest. His spider-sense didn't go off. Ben meant him no harm and was a friend. So, all he had to rely on were his reflexes. And while being noogied, he sees Supergirl fly off. "So, she flies in, drops off an alien doomsday device, and flies off. I like her. I should probably have a long talk with her about responsibility, but I like her. She's got heart. Night Mrs. F. And I would, but... I haven't figured out how to get a superhero phone. They want things like a billing address, and a legal name, and... pay phones only exist in really old movies."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed hmms, then reaches out to take the crystal curiously, holding it up to look at. "...fascinating..." he says thoughfully. "Yes, I can analyze this. A communication device, you say? Hmmmm.." He nods distractedly as Supergirl takes her leave, before he looks over at Spiderman, nodding a little. "You know, I can always add your genetic signature to the rooftop elevator, if you'd prefer." he says, slipping the crystal into his pocket. "Or are we auditioning again for replacing Johnny?" Yes, Reed found out about that. Also, he was amused by it, though not as much as Ben has been ribbing Johnny over it.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm furrows his brow as Kara fliies off. "Her mom? Geeze.." he says, he muses, then looks at Spider-man. "That's just like you and yer Aunt.. How do ya get anythin /done/ if yer always gettin in trouble for bein late fer dinner.. or forgettin tha milk..?" he asks as Suzie picks Val up. The rocky brute lumbers over and leans down a bit to kiss the littler Richards on the brow. "Of course yer not, Baby-gal. So why doncthya go wait and I'll be down ta tell ya a story.. somethin' guarunteed ta make ya fall asleep.. like how yer dad handles our taxes.." he promises with a smirk.

Standing up he looks back at Spiderman, cathing the contraction of his lenses, and his smirk becomes a grin. "Oh I know that look... Ya think ya 'ave gotten one or two past us... Nu-uh, Webs... Trust me.. I was ROOTIN fer ya ta get past em but ya didn't quite make tha cut.." he then sighs (histronically, of course) and looks to Reed. "I've been auditionin' tha webhead since tha first time he tried ta break in and join tha team... Since ya won't let me fire Johnny.. back inta /space/..." he grumbles.. Then he frowns. "Hey, We're sure that thing is just a intergalactic cellphone, right?" he asks, then looks at the other hero. "Yer spidermathootzit ain't tinglin, izzit?"