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Latest revision as of 17:56, 30 October 2017

Heroes are recognized!
Date of Scene: 25 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Exo-Girl, Ghost Spider, Crusader, Molly Millions, Speed, Phage

Power Girl has posed:
    Metropolis, for the past week, has been under attack by the forces of Apokalips. So far, many of the buildings have been smashed, and there are very few places to hide. Flying, red eyed goblins carrying pikes will shoot at anything that moves and isn't them. Hovertanks rumble down the streets. fires have broken out, and only the truly brave actually go out and face them.

A hovertank rumbles by a building, and when it sees something move, it just fires a shell at it.....and knocking out a corner of the building.....a load bearing corner.

Uncaring...the hovertank rumbles away......but the building creaks...

Exo-Girl has posed:
     ...Well, it's certainly a big upgrade from punching out muggers. Exo-Girl doesn't even have a GUN, let alone a rocket launcher or something. She's out of her league. ...Someone has to do it, though. She's not strong enough to hold up buildings, though. That'll have to be someone else's job. For now... Well, one less tank on the streets wouldn't be a bad start. And those... things that are setting up on rooftops and watching everything aren't helping either. She hefts a fist sized chunk of concrete in one hand, staring at the goblin on the edge of the next roof over, before winding up and letting fly with a throw that would make a major league pitcher proud speedwise. Once that one's down, she can get the drop on the tank...

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Oh, snap!" That's from a lithe figure in a black, white, and pink bodsuit, the sleeves red with a white spiderweb pattern. She has a deep cowl over a white mask with giant white blank diamond shapes for eyes. As the building is damaged and the tank rolls by, Spider Woman jumps up from her hiding place and rushes towards the stricken structure. She leaps to a nearby building and sticks there, scrambling up the side. She starts thwipping webbing back and forth between her building and the one seeming about to fall... hoping the webbing will do at least a little something to forestall a collapse.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader has been in the fight agaist this parademon scum and the damn hovertanks. It was an annoyance...he admittedly enjoyed. Fighting, blowing things up, sending thing flying. It was all good in his books. It was just the mass death of innocent lives that bother him.
    And like a living oil slick Crusader cruises along the ground like a living puddle, carefull to avoid the eyes of the parademons and tanks. But as he sees the building begining to tilt over, he takes action! That is to say, he becomes a wall - the slick metal pours into the hole created and fix the wall with himself. But it was only a tempoary fix to either find a more permenet solution...or evacuate the building

Molly Millions has posed:
It wasn't that long ago that if someone had told Molly about this kind of invasion that she'd have laughed and told them to lay off the wizz. It's been a while since then. She wears no costume, the only nod in that direction a black-patterned bandanna worn for the practicality of keeping out dust. Silver lenses. Black clothes. Presently she's up on the fifth floor of the building that just got 'nudged', having been set up to take out a few more of the parademons with a rifle.

The impact of the tank, as such, is noticeable to her, causing her to pause. Then that slight sensation as the gravity shifts a little. That? Would be sign to move. She doesn't bother stowing the rifle, but grabs her backpack and heads towards what used to be the door of the apartment she'd occupied. Time to find a new position, definitely.

Speed has posed:
This was going to be the last time he let Chad talk him into running a package up to Metropolis no matter how much money he offered to pay him. Stowing said money into his green and white bodysuit Speed zips down and pushes a couple of people out of the way of the on coming whatever the hell those flying things were. Naturally the take aim at him so Speed zips right a good 200 meters to some rubble, he lifts a few fist sized chunks, gives them a hit of molecular acceleration and hurls it their way; the pieces exploding like flak around them.

Phage has posed:
It's not the first time he's randomly found himself in the a sudden combat zone with all the many forms of hell breaking loose. It's not the first time he's been in the fully armored form of Phage. What is new is doing both. Taking on a live fire situation against the supers and many others that he was too small time for. The building seems to be shored up, for now, by a cousin, of sorts, of his. Still. It takes one, no two, out of the equation for fighting. So, for the moment, he takes a leap from the shadows towards Crusader, landing and covering his six. Blades form and fly from Phage's body to disuade any hostiles from getting closer. His oversized clawed gauntlets ready to crush any who don't heed the warning.

Power Girl has posed:
    Thankfully, the webbing, combined with Crusader becoming part of the wall keeps the building from falling over. At least for now. It should give some people enough time to evacuate....if they weren't too scared to leave their home. The only sign that there are people in there...is a child yelling down towards Spider-Gwen and Speed to help them out. The rest seem to be hunkered down in their apartments and....praying for this to go away.

Obviously, that's not how things work.

Emphasized by a point that there is ANOTHER hovertank 'rumbling' down the street. 'Rumbling' being the sound that it makes from its Anti-gravs.

The Hovertank sees the gathered heroes, and the way the building is held up by webbing....turns it's body and Spider-Gwen has a good look at the barrel of the oddly shaped cannon powering up.


The explosion wasn't from the cannon firing though.

The explosion was from the fact that it was hit.....by another hovertank and exploded. There is now a crater where that particular hovertank was.

Now the question is: Who threw that hovertank?

Exo-Girl has posed:
     Having taken out the overwatch, Sev drops to the ground, ripping a stop sign and its post out of the ground with a screech of metal. As another tank rounds the corner, she leaps, aiming ot land on top and jam the poke right into the air intake on the upper hell. If it's grounded, it's a lot easier to rip the hatch open and beat the guys up inside. That blur she saw was probably a speedster, let him deal with the evacuation for now... If she can clear the area of tanks, they might be able to lead the civilians to shelter...

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen leaps across to the now not-collapsing building and spiders up the side, fingertips and boot-toes. At the window with the calling child within she stops. "Where're your parents, honey? Can I come in? I need to tell everyone to leave the building before it breaks. But I promise I'll keep you safe." and she's ready to crawl in the window.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's hearing is... well, better than average. And her lenses include limited infrared. It'd be easy... so easy, to just... escape. But instead there's an uttered curse as she slings the backpack across her back, followed by the rifle on it's loop.

"If you can hear me.." she shouts,"This building is going to fall down. You need to get out. Now! Head for the Hall!" or at least... what's left of it. It's the best idea she's got, not that she waits to see if people are listening in favor of trying the door nearest to her. Scared people do stupid things. Like stop to rescue people instead of getting while the getting is good.

Speed has posed:
Tommy was having fun playing anti-aircraft gun so of course the dumb kid had to scream and remind him there were more civilians in danger and a kid too. He tosses one last chunk of rubble then zips off missing the hovertank explosion by seconds. He leaps at the wall phasing through at the last second and then zips up the stairs to the kid's room. "Hey guys," he says from the doorway. Then to Gwen. "If you want to handle the kidlet here, I can warn the building, or I can do both whatever," he says. "Also, bee-tee-dubs, you really rock that bodysuit," he adds to Gwen giving her the wink and the gun.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader notes Phage is here - as well as the webbig above. Alright, so he having some help stabalizing the building. But with those tanks on the loose, getting them to leave will be dangerous...just as much as staying. And than a tank is thrown into another tank - what the hell?!?!
    No matter, with the building on his back, more or less figurativly at this point, he none the less needs to get the building cleared out. He forms a megaphone on the inside and his voice booms out "Anyone in this building, exit it, or be crushed by it, One cannot hold it forever" which is true - he cant hold this thing up forever!

Phage has posed:
Phage has no interest in the glory. Just objectives that need met. It has learned fast and well from its partner. Since the host knows these thigs better though it defers command to him... and Carl Mach, beneath the inch thick alien costume is getting ready. People, roles, situations, lines, but all are secondary to the operative's first thought.

How can I be useful? He gets his answer. Someone's moved into the building. To evac. Crusader's still tapped. "Cousin. We will hold this structure fast. Go forth and repay the agressors in kind." The hybridized voices explains calmly. two streams of webbing and two tentrils grab and haul a various things towards them. Who cares what? It is irrelevant. Big. Metal. Strong. Pressure's applied squeezing them into a massive, improvised support strut and, as Phage carries it upward he calls down, "Release the section." Not hard to time swapping his cousin's matter for the strut, webbing it and using raw strength to force where finesse fails to secure it. Then upward to pull of another trick to buy time.

Power Girl has posed:
    That crater in the road? Stopped another hovertank in it's....tracks. And it can't get out, thankfully.

A few seconds later, a thump on Crusader's melded form can be felt......and if he, and Phage looks....it's Power Girl. "Crusader.....go and help these people, and get them down the street to the nearest subway....and tell everyone along the way. Those who choose to stay and fight, I'll talk to...after we evac the building." One of those para demons flies down and begins to stab Power GIrl, but she grabs the lance....and eye lasers the parademon's arm off.

She's...not playing around.

Exo-Girl has posed:
     ...Holy shit. Exo-Girl looks up, the tank's engine complaining loudly and barfing bits of turbine out the rear as some real heavy hitters arive. Well, Spider-Woman was KINDA major but... Power Girl was serious. ~Time for fangirling later, Sev.~ Leaving the sign impaling the engine, she rips open the top hatch of the tank, a blow to the head disabling its pilot. "This way!" She calls out, voice amplified to make sure it reaches people, gesturing down the street. "Subway entrance is this way! Get inside, get into the tunnels! You'll be safer there!"

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly almost falls into the apartment when the person on the other side actually opens the door, and she all but shoves them into the hall. Go. Go. You too, yes. A quick scan of the room and she moves on to the next one as she see's doors open at least on a couple of other apartments. There's another warning from a different source and blurs going on... it's at least sort of vaguely... encouraging that she's not the only one present. Any without sign of heat, she just skips, working her way vaguely in the direction of Speed and Gwen.

Phage has posed:
Onwards and upwards. That's what's going down. Reaching the top of the building Phage takes a few measured steps. Taking a deep breath and saying, to himself, quietly... "Okay. Time to see what we can really do..." Sybiotic biomass spears out to the four corners of the building. The strand twards the damaged corner significantly thicker. Biting into the four main corner struts then, after a quick and dirty molecular bond, the tendrils shoot onward, outward and downward. Each spearing and anchoring deep in to ground. Growing out. Growing roots. Pulling all tight by mental command is not easy. It's hard. Like trying to type in the disarm code for a nuke with your elbow after getting so drunk you promoted a dog to a five star general (to hear you tell it...) hard.

Still. Mechanics. Triangles. Structure's reinforced and being corrected in real time by changing the density and tension of the strands integrated into the building. Only small, tiny, insignificant problem is... kinda... well... Now Carl Mach and Phage as a bonded pair... are... yeah... sorta structurally integral to the building too. The massive forces might rip them apart. However that's not a problem.

What is a problem is when the bough breaks the building will fall... and down shall come Carl Mach, bonded symbiote and all.

Crusader has posed:
With Phages help new crude but workable Struts are made to hold up the building and Crusader easily flows out of the way swapping with it. "Thank you" he tells Phage before looking up to Power Girl. He gives a nod "As you say" after all, he cared about civilians First
    If you can try and keep them off Ones charges" he says never missing a beat. With the prior annoucement made, people were now comming out of the building in mass. Crsuader takes one look around....and spots Sev of all people pointing the way to the Subway. He waste no time "Follow me! Let move it people!" he orders in a booming commanding voice that was hard to ignore

Crusader didn't fly, he didn't need to get ahead, his need was to stay with the people. Atover 8ft tall, he wasn't hard to miss and easy to follow. He begins leading the crowd in the direction Sev pointed out, moving quickly as he can manage.

Of course such a large crowd was sure to attract parademon attentions. As they begin to come Crusader raises his hands erecting a large electro-magnetic force field above the crowd as they move! Parademons smash into the shield, but do not break it....yet.

Speed has posed:
Power Girl's arrival has Speed zipping to the window and amending his previous statement "-Not like she rocks hers but still..." hearing the orders to clear people out, and given the person who gave them just took off an arm with her eyes, Speed looks back at Spider-Woman and says "Time's up. Take the kid." Then Speed zooms off into the building stealing a pot and lid as he goes banging it for the extra noise. "GET OUT OF HERE NOW! DOWN TO THE SUBWAY!"

Power Girl has posed:
    People are following the heroes instructions and evacuate as fast as they possibly can without stepping on each other...and go for the nearest subway entrance. POwer Girl seems to be keeping a fairly decent watch on the ground. "Spider Girl." She says to Gwen. "If you can, web a screen for them to run through towards the tunnel. The less the flyers can see..the better."

She does, however, smile at Sev. "Good work. Didn't even think to target their reactor. Now I can destroy them with less effort. I've just been using them as rather large grenades."

She then looks to Speed. "Make sure everyone's out. I'll be double checking."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen comes out the window with the kid and gets them to the ground in a few leaps. Then PG gives 'Spider Girl' an order and she starts to protest, but thinks better of it. She leads the child to the tunnel and does as she was asked, webbing up an awning to better camoflage the retreat of the people to safety.

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev stiffens a bit. Power Girl is actually talking to her. "W-Well, I heard the turbine engines, and I know that those generally don't like having metal shoved into them..." Hopefully the voice modulator hides any of the quaver in her voice. "Exo-Girl. I'm... new." She hops forward onto the front slope of the vehicle, bracing her legs against the upper glacis, shoulder against the gun barrel, and heaves. Her exo frame whines, and the barrel creaks as it bends to about a twenty degree angle. "There."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly pauses in the doorway of the apartment that Speed and Spider-Gwen are in, the lean woman in black with the rifle over her shoulder offering them an upnod. She's not as fast as Speed, but she can double-check that no-one's stayed behind after the multiple warning's.

Still, once she hits the street, she's not the sort to head for tunnels, or even the hall. The flow of humanity goes one direction, and she steps off in the opposite direction, jogging a few steps until she spies the woman in the exo-suit and pausing. Look towards her, then back towards the escapee's... nope. Situation's too hot seems to be the assessment as she unslings the rifle again and tries to make the getting good.

Phage has posed:
On the rooftop there's a synchronised scream as man and monster both are mauled by the mechanations of their own making. It isn't just control, or power, it's the thinking. Recalculating an complex equation while some tries, very hard, to force your vital organs out through your pores. Still. It doesn't matter. They don't matter. The people don't matter. The building doesn't matter. The fighting doesn't matter... the pain doesn't matter. All that there is... all that matters... is the objective. And that's it's met. He's institutionalised himself but everything, even bonding with the Phage symbiote, was all so when the moment calls... he can answer.

,,, Although. Maybe an all clear once all are out of the edifice would have been useful,,, notes Phage.
Mach's response... is unprintable.

Speed has posed:
Speed salutes when given his command. "Yes ma'am," he says before turning and shaking his head at himself. "I am so lame." He says before he zooms into the building, room by room, flipping over beds, checking closets, shower stalls the whole thing, even the rooms Molly had already checked. It's meticulous and painstaking work, for Speed it seems like it's been all day. For everyone else, seconds.

Crusader has posed:
As the last of the people enter the tunnel... Crusader turns his eyes to the sky. A spreads with in his eyes as a smile spreads across his face. With no more lives crying to survive, safe beneath the base of the cities rising buildings, he was free to go HAM!!!!

Crusader launches into the sky, his spear comming out....and begins to tear into the parademons. A thrown spear that crackles with lightning pieces multiple targets, only to be called back to it's almost battle-raged owner. He slashes, stabs and tear apart target with prejudice.

Did we mention Crusader enjoy fighting? If not, there the proof. He tosses his spears away to tackle the hover tanks head on. As he punches into them with electrified fist. His brief break from the onsalught consisted of "Phage - One beleives everyone is out of the building now!" before he goes back to carnage.

Power Girl has posed:
    The building is compeltely clear, Checked by Molly, Double checked by Speed and Triple checked by Power Girl. And many of the flyers can't see the people running for the subway because of Spider gwen's webbing. The people are safe underground.

Power Girl looks towards Crusader....as he simply goes on a rampage. "Well...can't say that I blame him."

Sev gets a nod from Power Girl. "Remember that for later. I'm sure we can use that knowledge for the rest of the tanks." She then looks to Phage and.....tilts her head, but shakes her head. "I'll ask later." And she takes off into the sky....apparently leaving to find more to fight....."

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev blinkblinks a few times inside her helmet. Yep, she complimented me. And thinks I have potential. This... this is awesome. And then, all hell breaks loose overhead as Crusader opens up. ...Yeah, time to get below. She should be able to dodge the trains and get far enough away before people ask awkward questions...

Phage has posed:
Something calls. It wasn't the moment though. Pretty sure it was a voice. Familiar too. If only that were true... Wait. That's the problem with pain. It's supposed to tell you what's wrong. Instead it only makes you think wrong. Not that it is wrong to not want to be in pain. That's smart. Right. Healthy... just... if it hurts bad enough for long enough things are all twisted up and wrong. Everything is the fog obscuring the view.

Phage sees a lot, anything their field of vision can take in, including the zoom. Standard option with all Phage symbiotes for a limited time only.

,,, It is done. We must depart ,,, Phage notes internally. ,,, We will assume control if necessary ,,,

"Like hell you will." Mach says to his other. "I'm in charge of this operation." He takes the tendrils and ties them off on each other using the clawed gauntlets to cut ties. They'll hold for... that long? Mach staggers over the edge and skids, half slides and half falls down the vertical surface. Into the shadows again. Hopefully for a quick change and a drink. He's getting too old for this...