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Latest revision as of 19:35, 10 April 2018

Are you not entertained
Date of Scene: 09 April 2018
Location: Thanagar
Synopsis: Bjorn fights Thor while the Guardians, and friends, eat popcorn
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Crusader, Adam Warlock, Gamora, Thor, Rocket Raccoon, Yondu Udonta, Mantis

Star-Lord has posed:
"Would you just give us some space, guys?" Came the voice of one of Dargan's trainer. "Where the Fong is that ambulance I called for?" Said another. Dargan the Terrible lay face down, in the sand, his body bruised and battered. He was still breathing, but he was in a bad way. Wronka's victory celebrations had been cut short, as people weren't actually supposed to die in the arena. The Thanagarians were too good for that. They loved a good blood sport, but they only went so far.

The Guardians had been invited to join Ventak in box seats after having recovered the Orb of Undoing, which had been stolen around 30 years ago from Ventak's father by Zilkna's mother, who just happened to be in the adjacent boxed seats. Ventak had deliberately asked that he be presented with it here, in the arena. It was so awkward that Quill had made a point of not being the one to carry the Orb of Undoing into the stadium.

Poor Dargan was stretchered off, leaving a lot of blood, and a few teeth in the sand, while Wronka marched back towards the locker rooms, passing by the next two contestants. Placing a four fingered hand on either's shoulder, he said in what sounded like a Punjabi accent, "good luck today. May you fare better than Dargan the Terrible did." And as he passed by them, he was handed a bottle of some blue liquid, which he drank. It poured out of the corner of his lips, and dribbled down his chins.

Crusader has posed:
Well one of perhaps the most unlikely gladiators (by looks alone) has be seen fit to be in the arena. This person was none other than Bjorn! Bjorn was in his civilian form - which in essence was a hairy, very muscular and hulking man with white hair and and full bushy beard. He wore a pair of leather bracers, and a harness that held his personal spear, as well as a gladatorial kilt. A leather mancala adorned his left shoulder

They thargarians were looking for a fighter - and they lucked out with Bjorn. The man had zero problems with fighting and practically LEAPED at the chance - though except for his choosen weapon, there was the condition he had to wear gladatorial clothing. Bjorn grins at Wronka, with larger & sharper than avergae canines in his maul "Bjorn vank sie! yer fight good, hope mah own opponents fioghts as good!" he exclaims revved up to go! He eyed the next contestant examining them as he approached the gate to enter the arena...ready to do battle, unaware of who might be watching or may be present.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam was standing near Peter Quill, wearing his black and red Wizard robes which make him look more like some royal Vizier than an Avatar of Life. Either way, he smiles softly then to Peter as he can practically feel how uncomfortable the man appears to look, nodding softly then to Peter. "If you wish it, Lord of Stars (AKA Starlord), I can present the Orb of Undoing to Ventak if you are so nervous." he teases the fellow lightly before his eyes look forward.

He does appear to be quite concerned as he sees Dargan the Terrible's physical condition. "What a brutal sport." he doesn't appear to like it, though he respects the customs of different peoples, and he doesn't see it as his place to change anyh of that.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is making her way down one of the rows of seats, with a container of caramel popkern and a tall blue cup of alcoholic 'Bliss' (thats literally whats it called). The green skinned Guardian is wearing hear team-comm unit in her left ear, but its hidden beneath her purple hair. She's moving toward her seat in the crowd and when she finds it, she shoos the kids in her seat away, but literally using her boot/shoe to shove them down and out of her chair and when they whine and run off she just parks her butt down in her spot and puts her feet up on the metal rail in front of her seat.

Clearly Gamora is here just to be a spectator like the rest?

Thor has posed:
    "Tell me what, where is it thou art from?" A golden haired being asks as he approaches a rather alien looking creature. Thor steps closer to the alien beast, that's even alien for the Thanagrians, so it's obvious this is an unknown beast. The god's hand reaches up to grasp onto the being's shoulder and looks into it's beady little eyes. "At least speaketh thyne race." The god demands.

Star-Lord has posed:
Up in the box suit, Quill nodded his head to Adam, liking the fact that it was Warlock, and not him, handing over the Orb of Undoing that they had so recently... appropriated, from Zilkna, who could see them quite clearly from the adjacent box suit. He could only imagine that Gamora choose to sit in the stands out of a similar discomfort, not wanting to be anywhere near feuding people who were wealthy enough to employ their own security detail.

Though when he looked down into the arena, he spotted the combatants and recognised one. "Hey, that's Bjorn! It's Bjorn. I know that guy." His excitement got the better of him. Ventak, who was officiating this match, got up, and spoke as a hovering recorder flew below and just beyond him, picking up a video to be broadcast holographically, and audio to be piped through the speakers.

"People of Solornew, in honour of the return of the Orb of Undoing to my family, I present to you, two combatants from Sector 2814. Björn Vörn Artursson, the Crusader, will wage battle against Thórr Óðinnson, the God of Thunder! Let battle commence!" Of course, that line about the Orb of Undoing certainly caught the ear of Zilkna, who looked like he would have bored two holes into the side of Ventak's head with his eyes if he were able to.

Down below, a mechanism took place, shifting the sand, raising parts of it into a variety of shapes, all flat, but some were triangular, others rectangles, circles, with valleys, and water flowed in from the ground, to create an amusing surface for them to fight upon. Of course, there was more too it, as the combatants would soon find out when a spinning blade rose from the stand, narrowly missing one of them.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn jumps back just narrowling missing the spinning blade. Landing upon one of the triangular platoforms, Bjorn raises a fist saying "Haha! Well Thor, guess we aught ta Bring the Thunder!" he exclaims in a good humored nature. He never thought in his life he'll be going up agaist the god of thunder. Likelyhood of losing was high...but oh boy did it get him excited to fight.

Bjorn digs into the ground, his fingers piecing metal as he readies for battle. Knowing the battle was underway, the man gets moving. The last time he met Thor...they were on earth and had run into each other in a pub and had drinks. And now here they were doing battle.

Bjorn, pushing into the ground and takes off, fling himself over the spinning blade of death, his fist outstretched as he goes to slam into Thor with all the force he can muster to start things off on an exciting foot...as well as to prove he wasn't going to be any push over.

Thor has posed:
    Thor drops to one knee and raises his hand to catch the brunt of the blade with his thick gauntlet. "Must we fight the arena as well as ourselves." The god says as he pushes off of the ground with his crouched feet. The god soars through the air towards Crusader, no weapons drawn as he rears his fist back in order to punch Bjorn with his mighty fist. "I will save the thunder for whosoever needeth it!"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam smiles softly then to Peter Quill, bowing his head softly to the fellow as the orb is now in his possession. But soon enough, his eyes turn his head to Gamora as she appears to shove some kids away from her seat. He does speak thorugh the Guardians communications. "Gamora...they are children. Perhaps you could be softer to them?" he says without an ounce of hope in his voice. Just an offer.

That said, his eyes then shift to the combatants in the arean, that is...Thor and Bjorn, smiling softly as his friend Bjorn faces off against the..God of Thunder? Very interersting. Though....Thor reminds him of Angela in a small way. Perhaps something to discuss with her later? -anyhow- he simply stays by Peter Quill, watching onwards as the situation unfolds.

"I pray neither of them injure themselves too badly..."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is just waiting to be told where she needs to go or be so she can respond and help the others however they need her special kind of help. The death-giving kind. So for now she's got her boots up and her bag of popkern sitting in her lap. "They grow up and become 'a=holes' like any other. I did not harm them. I shoved them with my dirty boot sole. They'll live onward."

When the fighting starts, Gamora takes a sip of her drink. "My money is on the bearded one. Anyone who uses the name 'God of' something is generally a very over-compensating individual."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket returns to the box, looking down to the fight. "Aw, *******. They started without me. Two-bit, back alley organizers..." he mutters.

In his furry (but not so little) arms, he carries two YOOGE buckets. One of buttered and salted popcorn. The other with caramel corn. He then has a tray with nachos smothered in Fake Cheez(tm) and jalepenos of questionable age, a pack of pretzel bites (WITH Cheez(tm)). Somehow he is carrying all of this questionably edible stuff while wearing a massive foam hand with one finger raised (it's the safe for children finger, reast easy CCA). It has 'THOR' and a "#1" printed on it.

Atop his head? Well. Thereon lays the true work of art. He wears one of those goofy hats with double cups of soda complete with straws that join into one that he has clipped to a bit of fur right where he can easily turn to get a drink.

The hat has the Asgardian symbol upon it, super imposed with Thor's Hammer.


Star-Lord has posed:
The Thanagarians like to make it interesting for the spectators, so yes Thor, you must fight the arena, as well as your opponent. And the thing about Thanagarians is that they can fly, so naturally, their arena has measures to keep someone on the ground. Beams of orange, red, blue, and green light start to streak across the air, coming from seemingly random directions, and at random intervals. It's not clear what the differing colours mean, but it does make for a lovely light show.

On the ground, it shifts every few minutes. It's almost as if fighting in a high end version of American Gladiators, Ninja Warriors, or whatever theatrical game show you care to name. There are rolling areas, spikes, some that give weight. The thing is, with the erratic nature of the ground, which is actually being controlled by game wardens in a control room, it does help to level things with diffrening levels of opponents. And it seems the money suggests Thor is the favourite, meaing he's been targeted by the bulk of the arena's eccentricities.

A bulky man sits next to Gamora, hearing her verdict on the combatants. "Looks can be deceiving, and so can titles. Would it surprise you to know that I am the God of Pipe Stencals, and Pipe Stencalling Accessories?" He offers a hand to the woman, "Name's Cheg Rayer, of Rayer's Pipe Stencals and Pipe Stencalling Accessories." He seemed to be very proud of his business.

Seeing Rocket join them, Quill steps away from Adam for a moment, "ooh, you got me chocolate covered pretzel bites? Rocket, you're awesome." And he takes the bag, even though Rocket didn't actually get them for Quill. Munching on three at time, like a total pig, he says to Adam, "you gotta try some of these." Though curiously, he doesn't seem to be making it easy for Adam to actually try one from his bag. Maybe he meant Adam should get some of his own. He wasn't preventing Adam, but wasn't helping him either. It was a fine line he walked.

Crusader has posed:
    "Cannea handle a little challenge Thor?!" Bjorn says with a boisterous laugh as he flies towards thor, who flies towards him - their fist heading for one another. This was a fight, and that what he is here to do. When The God of Thunder fist clashes with A Mortal of Power - well the god wins out in strength

When their fist collide, the impact of their blows sends a shockwave through the arean. Bjorn own strike alone as Thor would feel, might actually rival the average Asgardians strength.

But none the less the their meeting punches sent Bjorn flying back onto a platform below. The man having to jump from that platform to another as spike from underneath almost impale him. He looks to the sky and up to Bjorn, reading it seems for the Gods next strike.

Thor has posed:
    "I can handle anything, but I am here for other goals!" The god reports before he's interrupted by the blow to his face. The god is sent sailing through the air and tumbles backwards towards the ground barely catching himself on the ground with a wumph as his cape unfurls across the ground behind him. "You will have not want to have done that." The god reports with a scowl as he stands back up and seems to ignore most of the traps and pitfalls the Thanagarians throw at him.

    When you've lived thousands of years there's a great chance you've seen almost everything in the ways of battle and dangers. "I do not wish to fight, but if it is the only way for me to get out of this arena, then so be it." Thor says, side stepping a buzz saw that rushes at the god and he side steps it with ease before a cloud of black and yellow smoke begins to form over head.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
    "Hey thar', if it ain't the lady Gamora," Yondu's distinctive voice 'greets' Gamora from a few seats back. "Yuh, I think it is, Cap," one of the thugs with Yondu answers unnecessarily. The Ravager grins, inviting himself on over towards her, walking down a few of the seats and dropping with a heavy sound of boots.
    "This seat taken?" Yondu asks, loosely resting a hand on the one next to her left. He isn't remotely alone, there are about five of his crew around, but they are splitting off into two pairs to select their own seats, more interested in the ongoing fight than anything else. The one that spoke does come along after him, to sit roughly behind where Yondu picked.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket says, "Frak it all Quill! You could'a gotchur own snacks! But NOOOoooo.. you were too busy worryin' on if yer hair was better'n Warlocks. And it ain't. Sorry boss. You should'a jus' got yer own stuff!" He mutters and moves to get a seat. He looks past Gamora and waves his huge foam hand.

"EY! YONDU! Thor's gonna kick some major buttkowski. Ya got here jus' in time!" His hat has Thor's logo too. And double soda cups to sip from via crazy curly straw. Which he then does.

The liquid can be traced from both cups, through the straws and their many loops and swirls till he finally gets to sip. "Ahhh... nothin' like findin' human junk food in a Thanagrian area! Ain' it great?!"

He sits down and begins to work on the pile of nachos first. The buckets of popcorn have lids. Someone might loose a limb if they try to bogart any of either type..."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam Warlock looks to Rocket as he arrives, greeting the fellow with a kind smile to him and a bow of his head. "Hello there Rocket. I take it you are not only enjoying the festivities, but you are also rooting for the God of Thunder?" he asks curiously before his eyes fall on Quill. "Treats? is it the one you have in your hand?" he asks curiously to him then before his eyes fall on Gamora and Yondu, tapping Quill on the shoulder lightly.

"Peter Quill, it appears your old friend Yondu Udonta is here. You should go say hello." he flashes the captain of the Guardians a friendly smile.

Alas, his eyes are back on the fight, though clearly one of them is fighting for their freedom at least. "hmm....a tough bout. I know not who to 'root for' as you say."

Crusader has posed:
    Bjorn jumps from platform to platform avoiding various traps "What goals are that?" he asks, unafraid to talk with his competitor. But than he distracted "...wait. Yer do nit wish ta fight!?!?! Ven why yer here!!!" he exclaims. Indeed, Bjorn was here volountarily, and far as he knew, all the contestant where here of their own volition.

This however distracted him and a saw blade embeds it self into his side. He roars more startled than anything, as Thargarian blades where sharp. What looked like silver blood coated the blade as he pulled it out. He made some adjustments to his 'goo' for the fight, as he was limiting what abilities he used for the most part.

"Well....let us end this fight...so yer kin get out of here" he speaks that part lowly, not wanting to upset the Thargarians. His 'wound' slowly knitted back up, as Bjorn than jumps and /THROWS/ the Sawblade like a discuss right at Thor. He just saw the man stop a saw blade, so he wasn't to worried, but he was intent on putting on a show.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora has her feet up on a metal guard rail in front of her seat in the stands with the regular galactic dredge, its where she liked to be... fights often broke out in these things and she wanted to be there to punch people incase they did! But when the man who sits down beside her starts talking about his Industrial business, Gamora looks over at him and narrows her purple-hued eyes at his words, gives him an up-down look and then just nods her head. "Sounds like an exciting business." She tells him. "I hope it is profitable for you." See? She can be nice too.

Gam's eyes then look over and up to Yondu. She'd talked to him a little while back about a job, she's not terribly surprised to see him because of that. "Seats open." She says to the man then, glancing toward her left and at his crewmen that are moving around to pick up other chairs. When the crowed cheers, Gamora looks out to the fight... Thor's not dead yet... dang!

She gives a glance toward where she knows her crew is, but doesn't respond to what she hears over the comms.

Star-Lord has posed:
There was a pounding on the door to Ventak's box suite, and for anyone keenly observant, they might notice a few of Zilkna's guards had disappeared. The strange thing is that Ventak had some of his own guards stationed outside the suit. So, what happened that they would allow anyone to pound on the locked door? Someone might want to investigate it.

"Why you greedy little trash panda!" Quill said to Rocket, the irony completely lost on him that he wasn't making it easy for Adam to have any of the chocolate covered pretzels that he had stolen from Rocket. "One o' these days, I'll take you there. I'll introduce you to Swedish Meatballs, lingonberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and plenty of gravy. Or maybe cheesecake? Pecan pie... man I could go for some pecan pie right about now."

Quill conveniently ignores the comment about the treat in his hand, instead focusing on Adam mentioning he's seen Yondu in the crowd. "Yondu... yeah, friend is one way to put it." There was a lot of history there. "Do I have to?" He was not looking forward to spending more time with Yondu. Why did they keep running into him. It was a big galaxy. Tomorrow, he'd get Rocket to scan the Milano for a tracker. "Well, put some units on one of them. Then you'll have a reason to root for them, Adam."

Down below, Gamora will quickly learn that it is not good to engage with Cheg Rayer about Pipe Stencals and Pipe Stencalling Accessories. Fortunately, she is saved by Yondu. It seems that Mr. Rayer is a bit intimidated by the Centauri.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
    "That's an awful name, 'Major Buttkowski,'" the Ravager behind Yondu remarks regarding Rocket's shout. The man earns a slow, squinting stare from Yondu before he rubs a few fingers into his eye sockets. Yep, that's what he's dealing with a lot of the time. Yondu flares one hand out towards Rocket in a quickly tossed acknowledgement and grin. "Perfect timing's what I do," Yondu calls back.
    Yondu naturally flips the sides of his coat out as he sits, sinking to plop down at Gamora's left, and rests back, heavy boots flung forward and out in his usual comfortable manner, much like how hers are on the railing in front of her. He slants an amused, dour look at the 'businessman' on her other side, with a well oiled pirate's leer. He doesn't interfere at all in whatever that is, though. Beyond what sitting next to Gamora and smirking at the Stencaller does automatically, anyway. The Centaurian doesn't engage Gamora in chat right away, he looks to the fight, with a calculated, slight smile.

Mantis has posed:
    As the crowd roars their approval of bloodshed, a figure walks down the steps in the stands to find her own seat. There are a couple near it, in case her crew decide to show. They had come to this planet for a bit of business. During that time, she heard about these games. Mantis was not a fan of gladiatorial games, particularly those with unwilling participants. She had been involved in one before. It's where she met Korg, in truth. Her purpose here was not to root on either of the combatants. It was more simple than that.
    She intended to read the empathic feelings of the beings in the arena. Then she would hopefully be able to tell if this was voluntary or forced combat. Not that she was going to be taking on an entire planet if it was the latter. It would take some planning before she made a move.
    For now, the green skinned woman moves through the crowd, never touching anyone somehow. It was like water moving downstream around obstructions, the ease with which she moved. As she got to her seat, she settled and her antennae shifted forward toward the arena.

Thor has posed:
    "I am here to find a reported alien. One that is here when they should not be. One from incredibly far away." The god reports as he lifts his hands and use his bracers in a cross before his face to catch the blade and he turns in a single motion to lob the impromptu weapon upwards towards the crowd.

    The blade soars through the air towards the largest glass box, a likely place for the royalty to be (If there even is royalty). As the blade climbs vertically, a yellow bolt of lightning streaks through the air to strike the buzz saw as it strikes the glass.

    Thor however on the ground is caught onto a spike as his cape is pieced. The god struggles slightly for a moment before he frowns and tugs harshly at his shoulders and pulls hard enough to rip his Asgardian cape.

Crusader has posed:
    "Harhar! Well, than seems like this fight is about to get even bigger!" Bjorn exclaims, indicating that he would perhaps help The God of Thunder. And though he doesn't voice it...he finds it incredibly funny that the god struggled with his cape.

Of course, considering how the last gladatorial battle went, it no surprise that the Game Wardens of the arena now decided to bring up the heat when Thor threw and electrified that blade at a glass box. The areana was becomming increasingly dangerous as the traps got more deadly. Including what appears to be an acid pool rising

Okay, acid pool make Bjorn nervous, and he had a distinct feeling they'll be fighting guards soon. Sure he was here volountarily, but with the current happenings...he might just end up an outlaw. As Mantis might sense from Bjorn - he was indeed here volountarily, but like many hive minds/collective coniosuness, his emotions were a bit alien compared to other creatures.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam smiles softly then to Quill with a soft smile as he hears the words from him about Yondu being a 'friend'. Huh, fair enough. Either way, his eyes lock onto everyone as he takes a small breath...before he sees Mantis! Having not seen her for quite some time, Adam Warlock puts a hand on Peter's shoulder before he descends the stairs, coming up next to her with a smile.

"Hello my friend. May I claim this seat next to you?" he asks with a kind smile on his face, sitting down next to her assuming she allows this.

Star-Lord has posed:
Adam making his way to the stairs from the suite was a bad move. Adam, for some reason, was allowed to pass through freely, but Zilkna's guards break in, and shoot Ventak's remaining guards, since they were caught unaware thanks to Adam Warlock letting them in. Peter had enough wherewithal to spot the danger, but not before they shot Ventak's people. "Oh frak me..."

"Hey Rocket, remember that one time on Idiok Five?" He was suggesting that Rocket head left, while he heads right, and togehter, they try and bring down the chandelier on top of Zilkna's people, as they had on the fifth planet of the Idiok system a few months back.

Ventak was furious, clutching the Orb of Undoing, "you will never have the Orb. This has belonged to my family for more than two centuries." And then, Zilkna walked in, "you're wrong, it's belong to my family for more than two centuries." Ventak's father, Zilkna's mother, they couldn't be... could they?

Thor has posed:
    Thor's eyes widden as the acid pool begins to rise out of the floor and the god reaches out to grab Bjorn by the shoulder. "You will have to explain to me how you got here, but until then, you will assist me further." The god says and with a strong grip, Thor leaps upwards towards the glass case he just crashed a weapon into.

Mantis has posed:
    At least one combatant is there voluntarily. Mantis' antennae shift, her focus going to the Lord of ...wait. God. God of thunder. She remembers him from Earth. Not personally. But she had seen images of him on that world during her time there.
    Hearing a familiar voice, she turned her head to focus on Warlock. One antenna shifted toward the golden being beside her, the other trained on the arena below. "You may," she answers as she motions to the empty seat just before he settles in to it. "This one has not seen you for some time," she says with a faint smile. "This one believes it was on Knowhere, betting on the races?" Her voice lifts slightly at the end of the question since she wants to be sure she is remembering correctly.

Crusader has posed:
"Oh, that is of the easy. Bjorn has spaceship" he says matter of factly. And with that, he is pulled upwards by Thor leap. Unsurprisingly there was ALOT of comotion right now. between the attack on the glass box, the fight between those folks who want some 'Orb of Undoing', chaos was brewing. Once up there...Bjorn just goes HAM. Chucking would be flying guards into the areana, it didn't seem to matter what Bjorn was fighting, he would fight anything, everything.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora isn't able to help the others at the moment because they'd gotten themselves into a pickle separated from her and besides, they'll be fine. They rehearsed this from the top, she'd told them to while she went to get the arrangements to get them in here... A sigh escapes between the green woman's lips and she closes her eyes for a moment. They hadn't rehearsed, they were all about to get murdered.

"I'm looking forward to that job you spoke of." Gamora says over to Yondu. "Its likely that I'll need a new crew after tonight." And she takes another drink from her alcoholic beverage.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Nah, your crew's hard to kill," Yondu says with an offhand gesture, though he's more alert than he looks at first glance. "But the job's ready eitha way." Dead or no.
    But distraction. There is a vendor wandering to Yondu's side that draws his attention, selling little toys. He waggles a wrist. "Jus' a minute." Priorities. He climbs over the seating suddenly to haggle over the objects. It's swift, and Yondu returns to Gamora to show off his prize. It's a little gladiator toy, about four inches high. It might look vaguely like Thor. Or any gladiator really. He taps the back of it and the head springs off with a flutter of fake gore streamers. Yondu catches the head, laughs fondly at it, replacing the head and shoving it away into his pocket. "Got a whole team o' em on my nav console," Yondu comments.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam smiles warmly then to Mantis as she speaks to him. "That it was. You outbetted me, I'm afraid. I was certain the dark blue ride would win." a kindness for her then. "I have not see you for some time as well. I pray that you have been exceptionally well." then Suddenly, Adam turns his head towards the violence occuring in the same spot that he had left, so what does he do? He rises to his feet, looking to Mantis.

"I hate to steal your attention away from teh bout, but would you care to accompany me? I believe I have solved the riddle to a longstanding dispute."

Mantis has posed:
    "It would appear the bout is over for the spectators not in that box," Mantis observes as the pair in the arena make for the crash through the glass at one of the boxes above. When she sees that is where his attention has gone as well, her curiosity takes over. "This one will join you. Is there something amiss?" she asks simply. Other than gladiators crashing into a rich person's box. That she approves of. Should be fun to see the people inside panicking as what they enjoy being spectators gets a little too close to home.
    She rises to her feet and follows Adam.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket was watching the fight. He was eating junk food. He was supporting The Mighty Thor. Because, hey, he's related to Angela and she's good people. So why not? Also she kind of scares him. And that, itself, kinda thrills him. Probably in all of the most sick and wrong ways possible. As long as Mantis doesn't try to read his emotions or thoughts or whatever bat**** crazy foo she can do that last part is probably safe. But the fight - the one behind him? That fight is not going to let Rocket enjoy his cheering for Thor.

A blast causes his nachos, his popcorn and his soda hat's soda cups to all explode. All over him.

And in case anyone wonders. This is probably one of the many reasons he is often called a trash panda.

Crusader has posed:
With Thor and Bjorn crashing a royalty suite - the Thargonias were now swarming. The defense for flying are brought down as guards swarm the skies above. What exactly Thor was doing is hard to say - But Bjorn? He going Berzerk.

The massive man crashes outside of a connected crash both, holding two guards in headlocks. Landing on a platform on the ground, holding the struggling guards he yells out "ARE YER NOT ENTERTAINED!?!?!?!?!" before throwing those gaurds at the others knocking down several, with feather raining down.

Of course, there was the matter of, not getting imprisoned "....Bjorn go now" and with that he hops from platform to platform, avoiding lazers and weaponary before landing among the crowd near the rest of the guardians as some are engaging in a fight of their own. "Hello other friends." he says cheerily even as winged guards head for them.

Star-Lord has posed:
Rocket wasn't much help, too busy stuffing his face. Thor was firing lightning bolts at the box, and Bjorn came in through the shattered glass. Quill had Zilkna's people aiming ray guns at him. And Gamora was exploring the possibility of joining a new crew. All in all, it was a pretty normal day for Peter Quill. When he gets some glass fly towards his coat, he says, "hey, watch the leather, watch the leather." But even in his indignation, he ducked the berserker. He rolled under a table with Rocket, waiting it out, hoping that the bad guys would kill the other bad guys. A moment later, when things seemed to clear up, he poked his head up, "hey, her mother, your father, part of both your families? Hey, I know this is gonna sound like an afterschool special, but have either of you ever had a blood test. You sure you're not like... siblings?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
aaaand at that revelation from Peter is when Adam enters the building with that smile of his. "Why Peter Quill, you appear to have beaten me to the punch, as I believe you like to say." Though with everything going on, he attempts to cease combat by tapping his staff once on the ground, but what should have been a small 'tap' was more like a thunderous boom. He looks between the two of them then, that is, the royals, and he looks between them. "I fear your hatred of each other may only be spurned by misinformation coupled with a case of....how do you call it? Sibling rivalry?" he smiles to both of them. "So, if that is the case, then by rights, it belongs to you both equally...and both of you are it's guardians. Let no more hate exist between you." he says all this with Mantis in tow, in the event that he may need her help in calming them.

Gamora has posed:
And the doors to the skybox open up and there she is, Gamora, with her pistol in her right hand and her sword in her other. She looks around at the chaos and the carnage and just tilts her head. "Can we never just have a night out at a Death Match without our deaths being the star of the show?" She says to any of her team within ear shot. Gamora's blaster is fired once at a Angry Nasty who snarls in her direction, then she starts walking/storming into the room toward where they others are. "Hastey retreats are generally in order under these kinds of conditions, wouldn't you all say so?"

Crusader has posed:
    Bjorn raises his hands up as several ray guns are raised at him. "Well, siblings that never knew one another? Vell vat is fantastic story in Bjorn book!" he exclaims. Of course there was still the mounting patrol of guards growing behind him, unsure of what to do in this chaos - as they risk hitting the probably brother and sister
    "Now, Bjorn vould like et if...yer call aff the guards?" he whistles a tune "....course" he glances behind himself "...that does mean more fightin" choices choices. But considering everyone here he than says "But, yer know, whatever does nit get us decpated, jailed for life or whit hauf yer. Und goodness, yer two hauf some wonderful wings. Do yer preen often?" he asks the Guards AND the royals in a rather Cordial and friendly manner, as if he didn't just cause thousands of credits worth of damage.

Star-Lord has posed:
Before, he was outnumbered, so he hid. Quill is many things, but he's not cowardly. He just has a healthy appreciation for life. With so many heavy hitters in here now, he can now afford to step out into the limeline, in the front, potentially putting himself in harm's way. Ventak and Zilkna were disgusted with the idea that they might be related, but it made sense, and there was a family resemblance. In fact, they had grown up together, they had been friends before the start of this feud 30 years ago. And their father and mother had been uncomfortably close... once.

"Guy, guys, why don't wall just settle down, we can have some tea, and talk this out. I'm sure Gamora and Mantis would be happy to entertain us with a bit of light mud wrestling, while we wait on the results of a blood test. There's got to be a medical unit around here. Where's that guy who helped Dargan the Terrible find his teeth?"

Star-Lord has posed:
While neither Gamora, nor Mantis were amenable to the idea of mud wrestling, light or otherwise, for the amusement of those around them, in fact, both seemed to shoot daggers into Quill's head with their eyes, just as Zilkna had to Ventak earlier in the evening.

With a few guards hurt, and several Guardians, a God, Bjorn, Ravagers, and frankly, anyone else who'd care to intervene, further violence was not to be taken this day. The medic was able to perform a blood test, though it was found that they weren't related at all, though as luck would have it, it turned out that the doctor had known both their parents, regaling them with tales.

The night was filled with drinking alcoholic beverages, singing songs, enjoying each other's company, and by morning, the Guardians, the Ravagers, and the Gladiators were gone. So was the Orb of Undoing. It seemed that a certain procyonid by the name of Rocket had absconded with the Orb. The more things change, the more they stay the same.