Property:Log Synopsis

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Andi and Gwen meet over hair coloring.  +
Twinkies were had by all! A plan was formed for a troubled student, and a concert is planned!  +
Shannon and Gwen plan Christmas Events!  +
In which Vorpal's grand plan of getting Adrien tipsy backfires horribly. Or this is why we don't let Marinette drunk dial anyone.  +
Blink returns to the school and catches up with Samuel Guthrie, Kurt and Kitty.  +
Brad's powers are investigated, so that he can see and be seen.  +
Rogue and Drake Riley meet each other in a Mall in Queens and chat!  +
The Guardians guard Peter's life from himself and his own idiocy.  +
Cocoa and talking things out may not cure all, but they can work wonders towards finding a solution to persistent problems!  +
The Silver Surfer saves reality by returning the anti-matter aliens to their home universe, and all is right with existence once more.  +
Jay talks Brad through the stress of being nullified.  +
The wisdom of the mother of all comfort foods is explored and shared amongst friends and family. Life, happiness, holidays, and the wisdom of seeking help are discussed, with a sprinkling of play-boxing as well!  +
Vi, and a whole lot of Jamie's clean up after a battle in the Xavier's School back yard.  +
A trip to France is planned. Ok not really planned. They aren't the planning sort.  +
Summary needed.  +
Summary needed  +
Angels appear in the oddest places! Steve meets Hayal while out on a run.  +
'Batman' checks in with Flash about JLA status.  +
Leonardo seeks out Richard Dragon. The conversation might be as exhausting as actual sparring.  +
Drake and Dazzler go shopping for her concert. She is still popular. He is now a butler.  +