15194/Sun, swimming and wet fur

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Sun, swimming and wet fur
Date of Scene: 10 June 2023
Location: Swimming Pool - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A day at the pool with good friends, good food and thankfully, no oil-slicks in the pool.
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Moonstar, Firestar, Cannonball

Kit Killovarras has posed:
It's a nice warm day, the sun is out and the pool is relatively quiet, though that will likely change at some point or another. It's the perfect sort of weather to take a dip and it seems like one of the older students has decided to see how well the filtration system for this poor pool holds up.

It's very seldom that Kit is seen wearing as very little as he currently is. He's got on a pair of shorts that looks like they were designed to hold as closely to his fur as possible without compressing it but beyond that? The aardwolf is showing off his near perfectly sculpted form.

There is no moment of 'lets test the water with a foot' or wading in from the shallows but instead? He simply walks in, walks towards the deep end and immediately dives in, using the momentum to clear a near full stretch of the pool's length before finally coming up for air.
Moonstar has posed:
Munching on a carrot, and reading a book held precariously in her OTHER hand, Dani Moonstar walks onto the back yard near the pool. The book was entitled "So You Met an Asgardian...Now What?" It was trash, but Dani was enthralled by the book considering her background with Asgardians.
Firestar has posed:
     Just paranoid enough to not drop into the mansion from high above, when Angelica flies back in it is low and way faster than most might realize she is capable of. She pulls up to a fast stop and hangs in the air a moment. She lowers herself to the ground and sighs,"Pool time."

     She pauses and smirks as she sees Kit dive into the water. She glances towards Dani as well, offering her a wave if she happens to look up. She moves to one of the chairs out from the rest and gets a bag with her towel. She lays it out and looks towards Kit again. She hmms and walks to the small pool house area, making sure she can get in and change, not that she is carrying anything with her.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Shortly after coming back up, the yeen wipes back some of his headfur with a paw and gives a look around as his ears perk up. He heard a voice, so he's become a bit more alert but he also relaxes a bit when he takes note of Angelica. He gives a quiet chuckle and a wave as he muses, "Enjoy your afternoon flight?"

Dani's presence takes a little longer for the aardwolf to notice, but footsteps are still something he can pretty easily pick up on; even with water in his ears. She gets a glance and the same friendly wave and a simple, "Hello," before he takes note of the book she's reading and tilts his head slightly, curiosity getting the better of him as he adds, "Asgardian?"

He's dealt with angels, demons, daemons, spirits and even gods, but apparently he's never heard that term before and as always, curiosity compels what might be a fairly stupid question.
Moonstar has posed:
"Oh!" Dani stops reading and munching when she sees that there are people near the pool." I hope I am not intruding!" Waving back at Angelica, Dani smiles. "Hi!"

Tucking her book under her arm, Dani takes another bite. Crunch, crunch.

"Oh! The book!" She almost blushes at Kit. "Yes. Asgardians! I am...part of that legend now! I just thought it would be fun to read a fantasy about them...so! Pool!" She smiles, almost embarrassed.
Firestar has posed:
     Angelica fingers waves to Kit,"Hey." she offers and looks to Dani and winks,"How's you?" She is in the house for only a minute or so and when she returns she is in a black, one piece. That is hard enough for her considering her power, but she manages. She takes a seat on the side of the pool and lets her legs dangle in the water.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
The Aardwolf gets a confused look for a moment before he simply shrugs and chuckles, "Nah, the more the merrier! Plus, the waters nice." he says with that near ever-present smile of his. He may not know what an 'Asgardian' is, but at very least he knows how to be friendly.

Then he takes as moment, takes a breath and drops below the surface again, catching the bottom of the pool to spring off towards the deep end again. His body actually lines up with the decline of the pool, trying to stay as close to it as he can until he finally has to come back up for air again. Apparently he's no stranger to diving without gear.
Moonstar has posed:
"You are welcome to read it?" Dani offers the book to Kit with a nod as he heads under the water. Then, back to the surface! "It is not too bad actually. It has adventure, a good story, cool characters, and I hope a happy ending! I have almost finished it, so you can have it if you like?"

Looking over at Angelica, Dani returns the wink. "I am good! How are you doing?"

Moving to the side of the pool, Dani sits back in a chair, and pushes her sunglasses on. "I am going to lay back, enjoy the sun, and dream of Asgardians..." She grins and falls into a semi-slumber dream.
Firestar has posed:
     Swinging her legs under the water, Angelica nods,"I'm good." She leaves the other to settle in and slumber. Her gaze moves around to see where Kit is now and seems impressed with his lung capacity.

When he comes up for air again,"You have soe lung capacity for sure. I wish I oculd say the same. I can go for a long time, but nothing like that."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little chuckle as the yeen treads where he's at and looks to Angelica, catching his breath for a moment before he explains, "Me and my dad used to go free diving in the Nile," as if that statement weren't already insane in it's own right. After all, it's got to be incredibly dangerous swimming where some of the largest reptiles in the world typically live and hunt. "Just takes practice and knowing how to regulate your heart a bit."
Firestar has posed:
     She listens to him talk, a slow raise of her brow,"The heart reulation would be a neat trick." she admits softly. She listens to the story and admits,"I've wanted to see the Nile. You'd think someone who can fly indefinately would go pretty much wherever, but I never got there." She swirls her legs in the water a little longer and then slides into the water, quickly treading water as well, putting her head back enough to get her hair all wet,"The heart beat control part of your powers or something you learned?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Just a diving trick, anyone can learn it." the aardwolf says with a little smile. "If you want, I can help you learn how, but it takes a fair bit of practice." Then his ears perk up a little and he gives a smile as he muses, "Well, if you ever get around to that part of the world, I'm pretty sure my family could put you up at our compound. It's walking distance from the water, west of Dehmit and a couple dozen miles south of Birein."
Firestar has posed:
     "I would like to learn some time sure." she admits,"THere have been a few times, not water related, that I wished I could hold my breath longer. Since I have been to space a few times I will let you use your imagination there." She winks and then sinks all the way under, then floats back up again, shaking the water from her ears,"I will let you know if I ever make it that far."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives a little nod, then dips back under the water and starts over, though he doesn't spring off of anything this time. He manes his way rather casually over towards near where Angelica is and once he resurfaces, he explains, "Well, first thing you'd need to know is how to hyperventilate yourself without passing out. Having more oxygen in you blood stifles the urge to breathe for a bit longer. As for slowing the heart? You have to get /really/ comfortable with the idea that you could die." And again, things that the yeen says seeming without realizing how absolutely strange - and in this case morbid - it might sound.
Firestar has posed:
     In days past Angelica might have pushed back some when he comes up closer, but she is getting better at people in her bubble and she is fond of him so there's that. She smirks a little and admits,"Well. I live my life as a walking nuclear fall out, so I accepted death is coming probably well before it should." She contnues to tread easily,"I understand what you mean yes."
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking out towards the pool. He has a cooler on wheels he is bringing out with him, with a basket full of stuff tied to it. He looks over to those at the pool and offers a wave in greeting as he is heading towards one of the grills.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a moment where a few tiny tendrils of violet energy can be seen crackling along the aardwolf's fur or through his eyes, almost like electricity but it doesn't seem to conduct through the water the way it should. Those with any sensitivity to magic would immediately know it for what it is though.

"Well, once you've got that down it can be pretty easy. Find things that help you relax, bring your mind to a state of total serenity and your body tends to follow."

There's a moment as he speaks that it would almost feel like the pool around him has developed a gentle current, the water itself stirring seemingly on its own, growing stronger little by little until it could mimic the flow of a gentle river. He can't move everything in the pool all at once, but once a little bit of water starts moving it can be pretty easy to keep it in motion.

Samuel's arrival gets the aardwolf's attention and he gives the man a glance and a wave, "Hey Mr. Guthrie." he says and when he notices the cooler, he adds, "Planing a barbecue?" as his typical smile turns into a slightly toothy grin.
Firestar has posed:
     "Sounds interesting to say the very least." Angelica admits. She watches the lights in the water around him, curious thought not worried. A shrug and she adds,"I'm not in a hurry to get there, but I know it is in the distance."

     She hmms as the water changes around her and she admits,"Sometime you and I will have to talk about your abilties." she muses softly. Her eyes move to Sam and floats to the edge,"Hey Sam. You trying to make new friends with food? You will discover that works pretty good."
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well, I got some venison and thought I would do some on the BBQ, made sure I got some hot dogs and hamburgers as I am sure there will be some folks coming about at the smell of a BBQ, and some might not want to try the venison. Your both welcome to some once it is done." He tells them as he starts setting up the grill.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
The yeen gives a little chuckle and lets himself lounge in the now-moving water he's surrounded himself in, giving a little shrug as he muses, "They're pretty hard to explain, truth be told." when Angelica mentions his abilities. "But, feel free to ask whatever you want and whenever you want. If I know how to explain it, I'm always willing to."

Sam gets a glance and perked ears again at the mention of Venison and Kit just nods and admits, "Never had it before, but I'm pretty open to trying pretty much anything once." in regards to the venison as he simply lounges there, floating in slow circles thanks to the mock-current he's created for himself.
Firestar has posed:
     Angelica listens to him and she nods,"Sometime we will sit down and talk." she assures him,"I want to learn, but talking here I probably won't remmeber a lot of it."

     "It's been a while since I had venison." she admits,"When it is cooked right it is some of the most lean and vital proteins on the food chain."
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to them and says "Your easy to explain Kit ." He looks over to Angelica and says "Magic Mutant," Kit is not the first one Sam or Angelica has met "Means you never quite know what he is going to pull out of his hat." He says as he sets up his cooking station.
Firestar has posed:
     Angelica rolls her eyes and rises from the water,"Yes Sam, that is so much easier." she teases lightly. She walks over to her chair, careful not to wake up a snoozing Dani and takes her towel in hand to dry off some.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives Sam a glance and a little smile as he muses, "If you want to break it down to it's simplest explanation, that's a good way to do it." he says with a quiet laugh. "But it's also easier than having to get into things like multiversal theory or cross-dimensional energy manipulation."


"Then again, there's also things like delving into divination versus demonology and invocation, ritual use of extra-planar phenomena and the manipulation of the Grand Arcanum just to name a few of the simpler topics to explain if you want to go into more detail."

... Well, the aardwolf IS known to read some pretty strange looking books on occasion and has, more than once by now, caused seemingly reality-bending things to happen with little more visibly than a wave of his hand and a few twiddled fingers, if even that.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has gotten the aardwolf some of those books "Well when one has fought demons, and had shakes with the queen of an hell like dimension Ah find it easier to just say "Magic Mutant." He teases back a bit and does open the cooler to show he has some drinks in an area seperated from where the meats are.
Firestar has posed:
     Seeing an open cooler, Angelica leans down and looks to see what he might have in there,"Magic is way over my head." she admits,"I will leave that to the two of you. I know it relies on science and that's about it."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
The aardwolf nods as he makes his way over to the edge of the pool and pulls himself out of the water, making sure that he does so opposite of where everyone else is so when he shakes himself off, he doesn't soak anyone else. Then he gives a simple, "True." over to Sam with a little grin. "Plus, some of those topics even hurt my head and I've been studying them since I could read." Then he heads over to where Sam's set up to cook, giving a glance at what drinks are available when the cooler is opened.

Angelica gets a glance and a nod, the yeen smiling a little as he muses, "I mean, at it's core, most magic is just a science that most people don't understand yet. Though when it comes to those born with it, it's a little more than that. Most people can learn simpler magics, since most humans share at least some of the same genetic structures with Magi with how long our species have co-existed." Then he gives a little shrug and adds, "Some things though are considered out of reach for most of humanity though sadly."
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Some of the stuff Ah have seen don't quite see how science works into them, but then Ah am just decent with science and pretty much call someone when it gets to the magic stuff." He has sodas and a few beers. Now that the coals are lit he lets them get to the point where he can start cooking. He does throw a couple wrapped potatoes around the edge of it.
Firestar has posed:
Anglica chuckles softly and tells Sam,"You know, there is this woman you know that can light such things without as much trouble." Nudging him she finds something non alcoholic or the least alcolic in the cooler,"You want something Sam?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit tilts his head a bit at Sam and pauses a moment to think, but then gives a little shrug as he explains, "Well, it depends on the type of magic. A lot of older ritual magics work on the basis of chemistry." with a little shrug as one of the sodas levitates up to one of his paws.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Firestar and says "You were in the pool when I first started it up." He offers in explanation. "Besides if I am treating, don't need to make you work for the food.."
Firestar has posed:
     Angelica takes her drink and stands up. She pops the top and takes a drink,"I mean it was a pretty good distance away." she agrees and chuckles as she wanders over to the chairs to sit down and air dry a litle bit. She checks her phone and then settles in. Her eyes close, but she probably isn't going to sleep, just enjoying the warm.
Moonstar has posed:
Dani is still snoozing by the edge of the pool, enjoying the day, and taking in the rays. She scratches her nose as the sunglasses itches, but takes a moment to say, "Htya Sam!"
Firestar has posed:
     Angelica glances at her phone when it makes a sound. She sits up and mutters,"About time." She gets up and heads towards the pool house,"Sorry guys. I'll have to rain check on dinner. Thank you anyway." she offers and grabs her clothes from the building and then runs to the house to change.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Hey Chief, and don't worry Ah remember how you like yours." He says and nods to the grill. In fact Sam is pretty good with remembering how all his friends like their food, maybe it is something about being from a big family. He will happily chat with his friends as he cooks dinner for those about and enough so if they have a group join them there is plenty and if not the Have at it section of the fridge will get refilled.
Moonstar has posed:
Dani grins and says, "Thanks Sam! I appreciate that!" Of course he would know! "Looking forweard to it!" She waves to Angelica, and nods to Kit. "A good day!"