3193/Out of Sight, Out of Mind
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Out of Sight, Out of Mind | |
Date of Scene: | 19 November 2017 |
Location: | Vernon - Metropolis |
Synopsis: | The leading Legionnaire has returned...only there is a slight problem. |
Cast of Characters: | Invisible Kid, Frankenstein, Mon-El, Ikaris, Super-Man
- Invisible Kid has posed:
Lyle is beginning to doubt the necessity of ever returning to their own time; the 21st century seems to need the Legion even more! It seems everyone's off on a mission somewhere, and it's reached the stage where the cruiser is just too sprocking quiet.
Well, okay, and everything he has going on in the lab has reached a state where all he can do is wait on them, so there's not much point in banging around the ship doing nothing.
So, he'll bang around planetside doing nothing. Besides, sometimes it's good to get real gravity under your feet. For once out of uniform, he's casually strolling the streets of Vernon, guiltily enjoying not having to be on duty for a little while.
- Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is walking down the street carrying a large number of packages for a friend. He can carry a lot, so he uses his strength for good when he can. He is somewhat of a hazard but his size and the way the ground shakes when he moves makes some cautious around him
- Mon-El has posed:
As Lyle is strolling down the street, there is a sudden commotion coming from a pub a few paces ahead of him. You know, shouting of many forbidden words, things smashing and thudding...a general cacophony of discord that seems to be coming from what's probably a bad bar brawl.
This time though, the bartender or owner or someone is cowering outside with his back against the wall and his eyes wide like he'd never seen a fight that bad at -his- place before. And if one peers through the windows, there is indeed a very chaotic scene inside. Tables and chairs are not only overturned but broken into -pieces-, and patrons are rushing panicked for the exits. And is that wall -cracked-?
- Ikaris has posed:
One of the patrons in the bar is against the wall, somewhat shielding the people he is nearest with his arms spread wide. He didn't see what happened, or who started it.. but those next to him while startled.. are fine. The few people that come that way he turns away, pushing them away from those behind him. "Make your way to the door." He tells those he's covering.
- Invisible Kid has posed:
So much for being off-duty. At least Lyle's not feeling guilty about it anymore.
Surely no one's going to notice him turning invisible; they're all paying attention to the commotion at the bar. Once safely out of sight, he takes to the air so as to not block anyone trying to get away from the ruckus, and so he can get close and see what's going on.
Okay, he may help a few people get out of the way -- they're probably too rattled by whatever's going on to remember a second or two of not actually touching the ground.
Let's see what the problem is...
- Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein sighs as he hears the barfight. He puts the packages down at the side of the bar and begins to move in farther. This is not good, but the lumbering monster is certainly to draw stares.
- Mon-El has posed:
Ike and Lyle are fairly successful in evacuating bystanders. Yes, they are most likely too concerned about getting away from the chaos to worry about an invisible person picking them up. Some do stare in Frankenstein's direction once they are away from the fight, however, when someone abruptly goes flying through a front-facing window all attention is once again directed back at the pub. Glass shatters, flying in every direction and the individual lands with a hard thud on the sidewalk, unconscious. He looks like a big burly redneck type, definitely the sort who would get into bar fights.
Inside, the fight has finally ended because, well--everyone but one man is either out cold or outside. Bits and pieces of furniture, dishes, and other items are scattered all around, some even plastered against the walls and ceiling. Ike and Frankenstein probably won't recognize him, but Lyle certainly will...it's none other than Lar Gand, otherwise known as Mon-El, the currently elected leader of the Legionnaires but who had been missing for quite some time.
- Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris doesn't know Lar Gand. Never seen him before, doesn't know anything about him or the Legionaires. He doesn know trouble though. Perhaps more than anyone else on earth. He knows trouble. Once his people.. the ones he was protecting leaves he turns to face the Future Superman. "You need to stand down Sir. Noone here means you harm. " He tells the man, one hand extended, fingers open.
- Invisible Kid has posed:
Oh, grife.
Here's a question one hopes to never have to figure out an answer to: how do you stop someone with powers comparable to a Kryptonian's when they're on a rampage? He'll worry about why the rampage later. Stop him first, debrief the situation later.
Lyle gets behind Mon-El, out of immediate arm's reach -- invulnerability is *not* included with invisibility -- and hopes whatever's going on inside Mon's head will respond to a famliar voice. "Lar! Stop! Please!"
- Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein has no idea who the guy is of course but he definitely gets the impression that its not a good thing that he is doing. He slowly moves within leaping distance, not going to start something he can't finish but willing to if it proves needful. He looks at the packages from time to time to make sure they are fine.
- Mon-El has posed:
Oddly enough, despite the clear destruction, Lar doesn't -look- hostile at all. The expression he's wearing is actually one of fear and confusion, with a hint of a flabbergasted 'omg what just happened and why is it happening'.
However, he does seem to understand that no one else in here has any more intention to attempt to hurt him, causing him to relax a bit. He turns around when Lyle uses his name, though he doesn't appear to recognize his own teammate. "Uhhm....you--you know me??" he asks, stammering a bit.
- Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris is letting everyone stream out. A few people are checking on the redneck that is laying unconcious outside the window. He hears the voice behind Lar as well, even if he can't see him. But he can sense him. "If you know him, you need to get him out of here. "
- Invisible Kid has posed:
Lyle fades back into visibility. "Yes, I do, Lar. And you know me," he says gently, slowly holding up his hand to show off his Legion flight ring -- identical to the one Mon-El wears. He looks around for a back door; better to exit that way, probably. "Will you come with me? And what's the last thing you remember?"
- Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein scratches his head and idly looks at Mon El's skull to see if there were surgical alterations. If he had had his brain put into his own body....hmm....not really. He is pleased the bar fight isn't continuing and listens sympathetically.
- Super-Man has posed:
Kenan has used his Super Hearing to track down trouble. It is the hardest power he has to use in some ways. He has heard the bar fight and it took him only a shoret time to get there. Of course, there is a slight technical problem, he is under 21 and not supposed to go inside. He pauses and uses his X-rav vision to see who is hurt and how badly...
- Mon-El has posed:
Suddenly some guy appears out of thin air. Presumably, it's the one who was talking just now. Mon-El doesn't appear to have evidence of any kind of surgical manipulation on his head. But he still looks pretty confused. He peers at the ring Lyle is holding up...yeah, he did find something like that on himself earlier.
Lar doesn't seem to be sure of how to respond to Lyle's question. But the fact that he starts talking to him in his native tongue Daxamite just might shed a little bit of light on the answer to just how bad this case of amnesia is.
Kenan's X-ray examination will reveal that yes, there are some people who have taken a pretty serious beating, here. Nothing really life-threatening, but plenty of broken bones and cuts. Mostly young male humans who are now inert on the floor or on the sidewalk outside. The guy on the sidewalk has a lot of glass in his body. And there is a lot of glass on the ground. The inside of the bar is total wreck, with Ike, Mon-El, Frankenstein, and Invisible Kid being the only ones who appear to be standing.
- Ikaris has posed:
Unfortunately Daxamite is NOT a language known to him, though he does recognize the extra-terrestrial nature. "Off worlder.. He will help you. Please go peacefully." Ike tells him, before his hand falls and digs into his pocket, pulling out a beatup old Nokia brick phone. Y'know the indestructible ones.. And dials 911. People are hurt, they need help. "Yes Mam.. I need several Ambulances at.." He pauses and walks outside to find the address.
- Invisible Kid has posed:
"Oh, boy," Lyle mutters. He's probably picked up a couple words of Lar's native language over the years, but not enough to hold a conversation. Trying to lead him towards the back door out of the bar, he says -- in Interlac, this time -- <<Can you understand this, Lar?>>
- Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is considering leaving but stays a bit longer, just in case. However since there is no fight right NOW, he goes and picks up the packages again one at a time, listening and watching.
- Super-Man has posed:
OK, so there are 4 people standing. He sees one heading towards him, calling for help, and two trying to head out the back. The other one is trying to help others even if he looks a bit odd. It seems to him like he should be talking to the ones trying to sneak out, so he runs around to the back of the building and waits.
- Mon-El has posed:
Nope, Lar doesn't understand Interlac either, since he currently has no memories of the 30th century whatsoever. He stops trying to talk to Lyle in Daxamite though, seeing that the other young man doesn't understand it either. Oh well--it was worth a try, right? Anyway, he tries going back to what little he knows of English at the moment. "You are....?" he points at Lyle.
- Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein takes the packages and moves off into the gloom, content to have not just been an idiot.
- Invisible Kid has posed:
Back to English, then. "Lyle. Invisible Kid." Hopefully one of the two names -- given or code -- will ring a bell of some kind. "Can you recall the Legion? Of Super Heroes?" He holds up the ring again. "Your cousin Laurel?"
He actually hesitates before trying the next name -- if Lar can't remember his girlfriend, this is worse than Lyle wants to think about: "How about Tasmia -- Shadow Lass?"
- Super-Man has posed:
Kenan states, "Hold it right there. From here it looks like you are leaving the scene of a crime without paying for damages. I think the Police will want to talk to you...though they might go easy on you if you are suffering amnesia and did not know better."
- Mon-El has posed:
Mon-El just stares blankly at Lyle when he mentions the Legion, and other people he knew before. And yes, even Shadow Lass seems to just draw a blank with him. He shakes his head, but smiles politely. He's not sure what the custom is on this planet when making new acquaintences, so he just tries to be pleasant in general. "Hello Lyle. So...where are we?" Well at least he seems to be picking up the language fairly quickly, though what Kenan says still seems to be beyond him. "That is a friend?" he gestures toward Kong.
- Invisible Kid has posed:
"Suburb of Metropolis. In a bar," Lyle explains. Do I want to know what started the fight? Wait, don't explain now, save that for later."
Lyle glances at Kenan uncertainly. The newcomer has a point... but there are extenuating circumstances beyond the amnesia itself. "I don't know. I hope so," he says to Lar, then turns his attention to the interloper.
Here's the other problem. The Legion -- or at least the Legionnaires who've got themselves trapped in this time -- have kept a fairly low profile, mainly out of concern for altering the future, their past. So he doesn't know if this guy has heard of them or not.
"Invisible Kid. Legion of Superheroes," he says by way of introduction, offering his hand. "We can pay for the damages. But the priority here is getting my teammate to our medical bay so we can check out what's happened to him."
- Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is a bit torn...should he stop them? I mean, they are trying to treat someone who might be out of control or something. He as not heard of the Legion of superheroes though...or has he? For some reason the name is vaguely familiar from somewhere. He decides what to do, "We have a number of people injured and property damage as well. We will need a contact so that we can arrange paymnt for these damages."
- Mon-El has posed:
"Met...tropolis?" Lar repeats the name but it doesn't ring a bell to him either. "What planet?" He sighs at the question about the fight, shrugging. "I got a drink. Then they attacked me. Sorry." He gestures at the ruins of the pub. "I don't know why..." And he isn't sure how to explain to them in English his own shock at the effects of Earth's sun on his physiology. Instead, he just apologizes again. "I am sorry, will you help me??"
- Invisible Kid has posed:
The amount of damage caused by Lar doesn't seem to faze or surprise Lyle. "Yes, certainly," he says to Kenan, quickly writing out a note. "We monitor these frequencies continually; you can ask for me, I will *definitely* remember this."
He looks at Lar, and says 'whoooo' under his breath. That's a *lot* of stuff not being remembered. "Yes. We can help you, Lar. Don't worry about this incident, I'll handle it." Speaking directly into his ring, he says, "Invisible Kid to cruiser, slipgate on my position, two coming up, prep medical."
- Super-Man has posed:
Kenan catches the question about planets and the thing about monitring frequencies. Clearly he is going to have to pass this one upstairs with SHIELD. The two members of the Legion vanish...now he needs to explain this to the Police.