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* [[Yana Asarov|Yana]] - Thanks for the dating idea places. Pity I won't be able to use them though.
* [[Yana Asarov|Yana]] - Thanks for the dating idea places. Pity I won't be able to use them though.
* Sebastian Shaw - It was lovely chatting with you at my penthouse back in Manhattan. I will remember what you told me.
* Sebastian Shaw - It was lovely chatting with you at my penthouse back in Manhattan. I will remember what you told me.
* Boris - I really do hope you transfer to the school. I think it would be better for you to be with others like us.
* Juggernaut - Watching you fight was ever so impressive. It made my heart race
* [[Crusader|Bjorn]] - It was fun to watch you and Juggernaut fight, even if you almost did bring the place down. I still wanna kidnap and spoil Borgi.
* [[She-Hulk|Shulkie]] - I wish you had not had to run to soon. I think you would have loved to watch with me. But work called you away. Maybe I can get tips for you next time.
== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==

Revision as of 12:55, 16 August 2017

Wednesday (Scenesys ID: 1282)
"Not my fault!"
Full Name: Wednesday Noire Sparrow
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: All (OC)
Occupation: Artist
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: New Mutants, Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: Late Teens/Early Twenties Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth July 1 Actor: Wylona Hayashi
Height: 4'8" (147 cm) Weight: 117 lbs (53 kg)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Grey
Theme Song: O.D.D. by Hey Violet


Wednesday was extremely sheltered by her billionaire father and with his recent passing she is out in the world all by herself with quite an inheritance. Thanks to private tutoring she is all book smarts and lacks street smarts. She has always have a passion for the arts and is a decently accomplished artist for her age and isn't afraid to use any medium to express herself. Perhaps it is her look or her money but whatever it is causes her to get into some rather difficult situations that she is in need of rescue from quite frequently.


When Wednesday was coming into the world, she almost didn't make it. Her mother sure didn't sadly and since her father was devastated with losing the love of his life, he decided to do everything he could to protect little Wednesday. For years it was only private tutors and he didn't let her out of his sight. He also made sure she didn't want for anything and spoiled her perhaps a bit too much. Her powers started to reveal themselves when was in grade school years but made her hide her abilities from her tutors. When she hit puberty and it was only then that he let her go to Xavier's school. Given he was a mutant just like Wednesday, he should have started to send her earlier but he was too worried and over-protective to let her. Due to her not getting her schooling earlier her powers aren't at their full potential. With a lot of practice she will get better but it is going to take time.


  • Creative

Her imagination is boundless and it shows in her artwork. She likes to practice in all forms of art and strives to be the best in all the fields. She also enjoys challenging commissions and making new friends through them.

  • Cuddly

Wednesday enjoys snuggling things whether it is pluishies or someone's arm. More than likely she has a plushie of some sort with her at all times.

  • Kind and Sweet

Wednesday like to help others, even it if it the wrong side of good and bad. She can't help herself!

  • Naive

Besides school, Wednesday's father heavily sheltered her. Especially when he had her at home for holidays. So she can be duped easily from time to time.

  • Odd

Wednesday like to collect creepy things and has many strange collections. She is naive about most of the world and has it painted up in her own imagination. She also has an obsession with gothic lolita outfits. She is picky with food, which isn't odd, but how she likes certain foods certain specific ways may be considered such.

  • Rich

Wednesday is uber rich thanks to her father leaving her all of the inheritance and inheriting a large corporation. She sold the corporation to the highest bidder and has been focusing on only her art since all the paperwork has been finalized.

  • Selfish

Well? Wednesday is a spoiled brat who got everything she could ever want from her father. And she is use to things typically going her way. She is trying to get better though!


As Wednesday stands before you the first thing you might notice is her milky white skin or her long black stylishly curled hair that cascades down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a stormy blue/grey that are rested below perfect black eyebrows. Below her eyes is a perfect nose and a soft and full lips. One could even call her a dark beauty.

She's a short little thing standing only at 4'8 without high heels upon her feet and has very luscious curves upon her form. She is almost always dressed up as a gothic doll. Depending on her mood she may or may not have a bunch of various different rings upon her fingers and she has various tattoos upon her arms and perhaps other non-visible places. Her make-up only consists of black eyeliner, mascara, and a variety of colored lip gloss upon her lips.



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  • Astral Projection

Wednesday can leave her body and enter the Astral Plane. She can move about freely however, when she does this her body looks like she is in a coma. And she can only travel within a mile of her 'sleeping' body.

  • Ghost Sight

She can see the ghosts of those who haven't passed on yet and even speak with them. Even though her parents are dead, their still ghosts who live with her. Thanks to her ghost sight she can fully interact with them. Her ghost sight affects her perception of life and death. She can still differentiate between a living person and a dead person, but she lacks the understanding of what it actually means for someone to die. And this is something she can never shut off, it is always up. Considering she almost died with her mother when she was born, this may be why she can see ghosts.

  • Psychic

While not a full-fledged telepath, Wednesday /is/ a Psychic. She cannot project her thoughts into someone elses brain like a true telepath, unless the target themselves have some sort psychic aptitude or are a mutant (her ability to communicate with either is limited to flashes of images and strong emotions). Her ability more allows her to to reach into a persons mind (psychic and non psychic alike) and try to access information. It is a conscious ability, unlike her automatic ability to see and hear the dead, requiring her to concentrate and that the target to be at most within visual range (of the naked eye) but touch amplifies the ability considerably. Surface thoughts and emotions are the easiest for her to read but she is able to dig deeper, at considerable risk of being overwhelmed by the persons flow of thought though. Her range is limited to Line of sight and if the target is aware of her attemting to read her mind they can attempt resist.

  • Psychic Illusions

While she is not able to communicate directly direct thoughts to others, as with true telepath, her more diffuse psychic ability does allow her to project limited sensorium over an area. In other words, Wednesday can cause another's mind to think things that are not there, or to not think that something their senses are picking up is present. She is only able to do this to minds that are not shielded from telepathy. She can affect up to 5 people with the same illusion.

  • Psychocorporeal

Psychocorporeal Form: A learned side ability, Wednesday is capable of psychokineticly oscillating her bodys mass, allowing her to pass through solid objects such as walls. It is a great way to escape when necessary or to hide between walls if needed. It is almost like a second nature to her, though the denser the object the harder it is for her to pass through, and the longer it takes.. So things like wooden walls are easier than stone.. And stone is easier than steel. The denser the object, the more effort/time is required to pass through and the more tired she gets.

  • Psychokinesis

Wednesday is capable of psychokinetically moving objects. She can manipulate up to a single mass up to about half her body mass strike with similar levels of strength]force as she could physically exert without significant strain. However doing this for too long is mentally and physically draining for her since she projecting her physical strength, psychically, over a distance (line of sight, within thirty feet) which requires more of her physical reserves than using her physical strength alone.

  • Psychokinetic Shield
Wednesday is able to project a protect a spherical standing psychokinetic wave of force around herself (and others) as a shield. The smaller the bubble, the stronger it is. When just encompassing herself she can deflect moderate sized explosions but the bigger the field (up to ten feet) the less powerful it gets (light caliber arms) and the more tiring it gets to hold up.


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  • Artist

She is very gifted with her artistic expressions in all mediums. Whether it is paint, oils, clay or anything in between she loves to immerse herself in it. If she is caught while working, one will find just how messy she can get when she is doing something she loves.

  • Charmer

Given Wednesday is rather attractive, even if in a creepy kinda way, she can be very charming when she wants something. And she knows how to typically get what she wants. Though she can fail in charming someone. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

  • Cooking

She adores cooking to pieces and baking as well. It helps her calm herself and she enjoys watching others eat what she makes. Especially if they like it!

  • Hide

Thanks to her small size, she can easily hide when she needs to. Also phasing through walls helps with that!

  • Languages

Her father insisted she learn the Romance languages. So she can fluently speak in French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian and Portuguese. She can also read Latin and speak it but thinks there is little use for it.

  • Lolita Style

Wednesday makes her own gothic lolita outfits. And she is quite good at it. She also sometimes wears non-lolita things but she even insists her uniforms be lolita in style or she will just make them that way if she needs to.

  • Performance

She is very gracefully with dancing, mostly classical or latin in style. However her favorite is ballet and she loves to practice to her Industrial and Dark Wave music, as weird as that may seem

  • Run
She has practiced running fast, especially in high heeled shoes cause every good hero knows when to run like a little B*tch


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  • Oddities

Wednesday collects some very weird stuff. Re-articulated animal skeletons, disfigured baby animals in jars (they died of natural causes), old books and many other weird and possibly creepy things

  • Plushie Collection

What Lolita is complete without a huge plushie collection? And Wednesday's is massive. She has plushies nets hanging all over her room and they are from popular animes, movies, and TV shows.

  • Trust Fund

She has millions of dollars in a trust fund. She gets a certain amount a month from it and can get more in emergencies

  • Wardrobe

She has sooo much clothing! So much. She buys it or makes it herself. All gothic in one way, shape or form.

  • Xavier's School
As a student at the school, Wednesday has access to the facilities and equipment on the property of the school. She is even able to catch rides when she needs to but isn't allowed to operate anything without supervision.


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  • Creepy Beauty

As nice as it is to be creepily gorgeous and memorable, it also sucks. It is hard for Wednesday to be on the down-low as well as not dry attention. She can only pass unnoticed if she is phasing through walls or crawling around in air ducts.

  • Daddy Issues

Wednesday's father was a doting parent who gave his daugther everything, in some ways was her everything, and even though he is now deceased his ghost still lingers (in some ways quite literally). The lack of a father-figure weighs heavily on Wednesday, so much so that she unconciously looks for a fatherly male authority to fill that function and will usually defer to the guidance of those she feels can fulfill that role.

  • Flirty Hopeless Romantic

Wednesday was read way too many fairy tales as she was growing up and is looking for her knight in shining armor. However her depiction of her knight is a cluster of things that can get her into a mess of trouble. As does her wearing her heart on her sleeve.

  • High Pitch Frequencies

High pitch noises make it so her abilities lessen if not stop for the time it heard by her. They are quite crippling and ever so distracting

  • Mutant

Since Wednesday is a mutant,even if not public knowledge, she is belittled and made to feel like an outcast quite often which hurts her feelings. She looks rather normal on the outside though.

  • Naivety

Since she was sooooo sheltered, she can be quite gullible at times and wind up helping the wrong people. She also doesn't always remember who the bad guys are and who the good guys are.

  • Spendthrifty
Wednesday loves to shop and is very impulsive with what she buys. She doesn't think it all through very clearly on her purchases and sometimes has buyer's remorse.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Popcorn and Candy September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Ice Cream in the face of Ping Pong September 8th, 2017 Ping Pong in the Park for Victory Ice Cream
Practicing for Home Ec. Test August 19th, 2017 Wednesday was practicing for her Home Ec test and Havok happened upon her.
Just your Typical Humanitarian Airdrop... August 17th, 2017 A humanitarian mission to M-Town sees converts to Magneto's cause, and unexpectedly weighty philosophical disourse.
Log August 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Tick Tick Tick BOOM August 15th, 2017 Tabitha, Dani, and Wednesday talk boys and girls
Study Time August 14th, 2017 Wednesday is studying in the library and Doug comes in. She works up the nerve to ask him out to only discover he is interested in someone else.
Liberated Beer and Black Credit Cards August 14th, 2017 Wednesday meets Boris after drinking some liberated beer and commpanies her on a shopping trip. Then Cupcakes!!!!
Water You Doin August 11th, 2017 Just chatting poolside.
The Offer August 11th, 2017 Summary needed
No Horses in the Pool August 10th, 2017 Sleeping by poolside... what could possibly go wrong?


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
No logs submitted yet.


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  • Dani - A new friend with a very intriguing horse and amusing sense of humor
  • Boom-Boom - It is very cool that you can make this little bombs. Though sucky that your cake got ruined by the splash. But I look forward to us being friends. I think you and Lexi are cute together
  • Lexi aka Foxy - I think your powers are still cool. I know I have a lot but they aren't as strong as I wish they were. I wonder if you and Boom-Boom will make it official.
  • Doug - So cute! My first crush. I asked you out but you are into someone else. I knew I should have just not said a thing.
  • Yana - Thanks for the dating idea places. Pity I won't be able to use them though.
  • Sebastian Shaw - It was lovely chatting with you at my penthouse back in Manhattan. I will remember what you told me.
  • Boris - I really do hope you transfer to the school. I think it would be better for you to be with others like us.
  • Juggernaut - Watching you fight was ever so impressive. It made my heart race
  • Bjorn - It was fun to watch you and Juggernaut fight, even if you almost did bring the place down. I still wanna kidnap and spoil Borgi.
  • Shulkie - I wish you had not had to run to soon. I think you would have loved to watch with me. But work called you away. Maybe I can get tips for you next time.

