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Threat from the Stars
Date of Scene: 13 January 2018
Location: O R B I T - E A R T H - S O L S Y S T E M
Synopsis: Alpha Flight and some of Earth's space heroes (and one anti-hero) play live-action Asteroids! New high score!
Cast of Characters: Guardian, Vindicator, Shadowlite, Mon-El, Green Lantern (Cruz), Green Lantern (Rayner), Power Girl

Guardian has posed:
You had to hand it to the Sneepers, for such an unimpressive race, they had been meticulous in their observation and preparations when it came to Earth. They'd seen humankind for what it was early on dangerous, but not being a particularly violent race themselves they had been content to let humanity wipe themselves out. They waited, and waited and waited, and while humankind flirted with its own destruction they never quite made that final step and each time they got close, they got more dangerous. Now Darkseid had fallen to them and the galaxy took notice.

It was clear, while humanity may yet destroy itself there was a real danger of it destroying something else first. Something had to be done. The Sneepers were split on the issue, but other beings saw an opportunity in their preparations and offered to aid them in removing the plague of humanity once and for all. The method, an old Sneeper fail safe, asteroids from between the fourth and fifth planets of the Sol system rigged with hyperdrives able to warp them from where they drifted in space to right above the little blue planet and its pestilent population.

The plan was laid, some of the Sneepers who felt precipitous action was the right course led the way, giving over control of their failsafe, the rest of those who wanted Earth gone were made up of radicals from various worlds who'd had contact with humanity and its heroes, chief among them followers of Darkseid, who were mad for revenge against the world that had slain their master.

So, at the appointed hour, warp points opened up in orbit of earth, flashes of light that could be seen from the planet below as kilometers long rocks appeared all too close to Earth and begun to tumble towards the planet.

All across the planet and in orbit alarms sounded, militaries reacted, people panicked. Especially when the time to impact for the first rock was calculated: 35 minutes.

It would wipe out most of the eastern seaboard and there were

Guardian has posed:
6 more like it following close behind.

So it would be forgiven if the alien control ship exiting a warp point behind the asteroids might be missed as it cloaked itself and waited for the show to begin.
On Mackenzie King Station, Alpha Flight was among the first to see the asteroids appear, and the first to raise the alarm, requests for aid went out to all the major hero groups and governments asking for those heroes who could get to space /now/ to do so at once, the world was in danger.

Looking to Maddison Jefferies, Mac says, "Scan those asteroids, Maddison, I want to see how they got here and how to send them back where they came from," he says "And send the Alpha Flight comms channel to any new arrivals we don't want to be tripping all over each other out there!"

Then turning to Heather, Mac lets his worry show, the size of those rocks, he has no idea how to stop them. Then, just as quickly the look, the worry, is gone and he activates his cowl and brings up the suits force field. This wasn't time to be Mac it was time to be Guardian. Reaching out briefly for Heather's hand he says, "Let's go," before heading to the nearest airlock, ready to do what he can to fight this threat to their world.

Vindicator has posed:
It had been a relatively quiet time for Alpha Flight, even with the UN announcement and the subsequent trips to New York to make connections and contacts.. and to visit a few old friends. But other than that, it seemed that things in Space were relatively stable, and situation normal had been a rather perfunctory silence.

Until now.

Nodding, Heather gave Mac's hand a squeeze. "Well, we knew it was coming. Now we know when." She, too, makes herself ready. This wasn't cookies in the kitchen. This was.. well, what they'd trained for.

Shadowlite has posed:
Normally, Shadowlite would leave the 'heroics' to the 'heroes'. Small scale stuff is boring, and the idealists have drives that he can't begin to understand.

Then, a half dozen giant asteroids are sighted coming down on earth. Big party poopers there, for sure. What's a mutant mercenary to do? Get the old Darkforce space suit a good try.

With a suit designed to handle vacuum, Shadowlite had been up in space before.... but never for long. This was going to be a new experience. Encasing himself in a Darkforce shell with heat resistance, Shadowlite strapped himself onto his Darkforce flight disk and shot up into the sky... and bypassed the upper atmosphere entirely with a Darkforce aperture. Soon, those in orbit would see a black hole in space open up, and a man in a black suit, standing on a black disk, flying through space... getting a good overview of the asteroids. No trenchcoat today.

Taking a breath breath from his life support mask, Shadowlite looks around, "Lostie, you want to get on my good side? What do you see."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar had been hanging around on the Legion cruiser as it drifted around the blue planet in upper orbit when the rocks suddenly appeared and started hurtling toward the planet. But...how? This didn't make any sense. Why would these asteroid suddenly all start heading toward Earth at once? The odds were just astronomical.

    No, this was intentional. This was sabotage.

    The Daxamite had been sort of avoiding the 'heroing' business lately, thanks to all the trouble he seems to have had a habit of getting himself into lately--but this was definitely something he couldn't just sit there and ignore. A potential extinction level event. So like a flash of light he is out the airlock and speeding toward largest rocks he can find to try to either break them into a million tiny pieces or send them right back where they came from. But at the same time, he's doing what he can to scan as far and wide as possible with all of his extra-sensory abilities to see if he can pick up on anything unusual...such as if there is anything unnatural about these rocks. Have they been tampered with? Or is there something else in the area, like a ship or other structure?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was working on her next Fantastic Four book in her 'fortress' - her house that she has fortified while hiding from the mob. Trying to fix the damage she did to the series while under the influence of the evil ring. "Proximity alert. Multiple large asteroids are on a collision course with Earth," sounds her ring suddenly, blinking urgently. "How is this possible?" she asks the piece of jewelry as she sighs, standing up. She wasn't having much luck. "Unknown. The new courses are not natural. There was a large energy surge detected in the asteroid belt." She sighs. "We were just there yesterday, Kyle and I. Did we do anyting?" She is brushing her hair to look presentable, before going outside to try to save the world for the first time. "It is unlikely that the actions of Green Lanterns are responsible, Jessica."

She nods slowly as she steps on her back porch, then dons the uniform, her clothing changing to the glowing green/white/black uniform with the stylistic Lantern around her eye. She doesn't even ask if the other Lanterns were told - she just assumes they are. She rockets up in an ascension of green energy and floats there, just staring. "They're... HUGE!" she squeaks. "Yes, Jessica. Each one is several kilometers in diameter." She just stares, uncertain as to how to begin as she homes in on others who are present in orbit, staring. "I'm not ready..." she whispers faintly, realizing how enormous this task will be. "Willpower fading..." echoes her ring quietly as she is just staring, having no idea what to do against something so huge.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    The next warp gate to open is not the same sort. The technology that devised this technology is at once more ancient, and far more potent than the Sneeper tech. Only perhaps the Apokoliptians can match it. The warp gate in question is green. The figure who flies through it is trim, fit, and Terran. He is also just about 90 kilometers off the to the port of on of the port-most asteroid. "The f**k?" The figure hauls upright, ignoring a few laws of newtonian physics as he does so. "Huh." The figure, Deputy Green Lantern of sector #2814 taps his power ring, and suddenly the nearby subspace communication bands are filled with a business-like baritone. "This is the Deputy Green Lantern of Sector #2814. You are committing a hostile act against an undeveloped planet in my sector. You will break off attack and send Ambassadors to Oa to account for your actions. Failure to comply with my instructions will result in me ripping any starships you might have in the area in half." The autotranslate function of the transmission garbles the rest of the threat. "The remnants of said hull will be inserted into your anal orifices with great force applied." The threat notably is transmitted to a certain trainee lantern's ring, and is spoken with the confidence of someone who has faced worse threats. This is a global threat to this planet, but to a member of the corps, it's just another friday night.

    It was far filthier in his native language.

    message transmitted, the masked Kyle Rayner centers himself. Green lines radiate and warp space as three massive engines connected to grappler claws manifest in a minor exertion of will. Rayner points at the asteroid. "Hey, buddy! The white zone is for loading and unloading only! Gonna have to tow you!" The constructs start heading the way of the asteroid. Another little construct appears. It's a green, glowing carrier pigeon in a bubble dome space helmet and a little cartoonish jetpack. "Hey go tell Jade I will be late for dinner." The pigeon thing salutes with it's right wing, cartoonishly, then starts on down towards Earth, making a sound like a flying car from the Jetson's.

    Kyle centers and focuses his attention back on the engines. There is the beeping of heavy equipment backing up.

Power Girl has posed:
    Down on Earth, a tall blonde woman is running through the last few paces of a new release candidate for STARR-OS, her mildly egotistical, self-titled, in-house operating system for STAR Labs. Quietly, however, she reaches up to her head, taking off the pair of very much fake glasses that rest upon the bridge of her nose. She starts whistling to herself, standing calmly and pulling open her jacket, and then blouse.

    By the time she's on the balcony outside of her office, she is dressed for an altogether different sort of work. She lifts off... And before ten seconds have passed, she is bursting through the atmosphere, surging into the blackness of space. No suit, no helmet, nothing to protect her... Except for the sheer fact that she belongs to perhaps the toughest race of humanoids in the galaxy. A full-fledge Kryptonian, spending her entire life in the golden rays of the sun, and more than half of it tempered by combat against odds incalculable, it's no surprise that without a word to anyone, she makes her way to one of the largest asteroids.

    To anyone from Metropolis, it should almost come at no surprise when it just stops. Though the mass of these asteroids might be written in scientific notation, it's still not enough to stop a determined Kryptonian.

    It may come as a surprise- a terrible one that might cause a panic among hostile forces- that a single being is not only halting this world-ending rock, but after a few moments, reversing its forward movement. Her arms flex aggressively, her blue-gloved hands' fingered splayed apart. Propelled seemingly by nothing short of her own willpower, Power Girl has halted one seventh of the attack.

    She probably doesn't have the time to get the other six.

Guardian has posed:
For those scanning the rocks and reaching out with other senses. They can see alien metals woven throughout and ancient fusion reactors firing at their core, powering the technology held together by the alien metal.

Perhaps the technology that brought them to Earth?

The scans though pick up other things as well. On the asteroids, little power sources come to life, joined by life signs. The power sources? Robots. Ripped from the cover of some sci-fi pulp book. Cylindrical robots with wide flat heads and rimmed with eyes, lifting themselves out of their hiding places with robotic tentacles. Once in the open the robots launch themselves into space, driven by some unknown source of propulsion. There are dozens upon dozens of them. In their midst old space fighters, piloted by living pilots who have for one reason or another have come to join this plan to bring an end to the Earth.

Guardian grits his teeth as the ships and robots launch from the surface of the rocks. There wasn't much time and so he throws comms open after Kyle has addressed the alien attackers.

"It looks like they're not going to stop," he observes. "New comers. This is Guardian of Alpha Flight, by the Authority of the UN I am taking command here. Looks like a couple of you are able to stop the rocks. Carry on. The rest of us, we'll keep the ships and robots off your back as best we can."

He looks to Heather then, "If you want to do your thing with the rocks, I've got you covered," he promises her.

Then the robots and fighters reach the heroes. Kyle and Power Girl take the brunt of the offensive, lasers shooting from robot eyes and under the wings of space fighters as they try to take them out. Not that the others are ignored either, Mon-El, Jessica and Hudsons each get their own swarm of robots. Shadlite though, in his darkforce suit is missed able to pick and choose what he does next.

Vindicator has posed:
Heather gives Mac a nod, narrowing her comms down to just him for the moment. "I can deal with the rocks, but there are other signals coming from them. Do we want to deal with those first?"

She's thinking for analysis purposes, though ultimately, they do want those rocks gone. And she's singularly equiped to do so, by virtue of her suit, able to melt the things, and deal with the resulting fluid so that it isn't a threat.

Her comms are thrown open, then. "I can deal with the rocks, but I'm not the best equiped to deal with the lifeforms. I'll start on the largest formation first as it seems the largest threat. Stay out of the way of the mess I'm about to create. It might be space, but it's still going to be hot."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz is jolted out of a shellshock by the actions of her senior Lantern and Power Girl just turning a rock around. She considers how to tackls something so huge - but then grins as she sees the incoming fighters. "Ah - something on my scale," she mutters, as she is thinking of using this as a plot to fix her book. As she flies along, spiked vines start forming in her vicinity, growing out of nowhere, expanding into a verdant 'garden' in space. She grins as some gigantic venus-fly-trap maws form as the graden travels with her in the middle, continuing to expand, the spiked vines smashing at fighters, the flytraps snapping up robots and crunching them. She smirked at Kyle's message. "I'll take care of the trash. You take care of the parking violation!" she calls to the fellow Green as the glowing green garden of terror continues to spread and attack, as she glances over to see what everyone else is doing, using the 'garden' as offense and defense - one would haveto get through all that construct foliage to get to her, and now that her willpower was reignited by the other heroic acts, she feels unstoppable. (Unless... some of the ships are yellow... that might cause a problem.)

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    Great grasping claws of manifested will crunch and clamp onto the asteroid. Bits of debris are torn free as the three massive engines attach to the asteroid. The more certain Green lantern holds his ring aloft, his entire hand wreathed in a nimbus of light and green flame. "Punch it."

    Massive engines ignite. There is a shudder. More little rocks fall from the asteroid, starting to burn as they enter the atmosphere, creating streaking falling stars as the the laws of physics take their toll. The rock moves, but the engines are firing Asynchronously. The massive asteroid moves, presses against another, and starts to nudge them both away from the planet. He gives a faint sigh, then is alerted by his ring to the incoming. His force field is one of the more powerful amongst the corps. It flares to full power instants before the first lasers sear and burn at it. "F**k!"

    Getting knocked about like a volleyball at myrtle beach on spring break he careens about in space, his field continuing to flare with cosmic light. "Enough!" his field flares, and he holds his arms wide. His mask coursing with Emerald light. It dances across him like the aurora Borealis (Aurora BoreKyleis?).  The engines are still burning, moving the two rocks. He has a lot ot power, but even Kyle's attention can only be split so many ways. His field continues to hold. He can manage a couple more constructs though. There hovering in space twin constructs form. Floating on a cluster of 6 little pylons, twin miniguns appear. There is an electric whir and a hail of hypersonic blazing will fires forth from the twin guns. It is a hail of blazing willpower fueled lead. His field takes several more blows, but the rocks need moved. Lasers careen off one construct, pushing it to one side a little, making it float in space sideways, but it continues to fire.

Mon-El has posed:
    Yep...it's just as Lar had thought--these rocks were rigged with engines and other tech. Someone didn't like Earth. He also hears Kyle's profanity-laden threats over the subspace comms, and notices the arrival of the others as well. There's not really much to say, though, since he probably didn't really understand half of the idioms Kyle used, anyway. Now was the time for action.

    The giant rock stops its trajectory as soon as Lar comes into contact with it, but it isn't flying back as fast as it could be due to the engines pushing against him. He grunts and floats backward a little bit then lets loose with his thermal vision, burning through the massive asteroid until it reaches the fusion core with the aim of taking out the propulsion systems. Once that's done, he takes a single swing to send the thing flying far, far out of the Earth's gravitational fields. Hopefully, there isn't anything or anyone valuable in its way.

    As for the robots and fighters that attack--they hit him all right, as many times as they care to--however none of it seems to have much of any effect on him. However, if they do get too close, he'll send them flying away in pieces. Hopefully they'll take the hint that they're just wasting resources trying to stop him and bug off.

Shadowlite has posed:
In his head, Shadowlite hears the raspy sound of the Lost One, 'Those asteroids are littering with metals. I don't know what sort of metal, and they're filled with it' Shadowlite grunts.

With Shadowlite completely cut out from the comm loop -never intending to talk to the others anyway- Shadowlite looks to the fighters, "And those?" 'fighters. They have little aliens in them, your bolts can deal with them easily' "Joy, time to make the debris belt bigger!" With that, Shadowlite brings up both hands Small portal apertures open... and suddenly space is *filled* with machinegunning Darkforce pellets. Akin to a mobile anti-aircraft gun, those bolts explode into tiny pieces, sending yet more shards to hit more fighters. Shadowlite lights up the local region with sustained fire from both arms, becoming *very* visible as he turns space into a debris field.

To anyone who can 'hear' in space, there's a distinct, "WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!" Coming from the space suited man on the disk. He'll disable a few of them only of course for reverse engineering and selling planetside... but most of them? Yeah, they're space debris.

Power Girl has posed:
    Really, it was the fault of the assaulting aliens to do so via space. You teleport to Earth somehow and get inside the atmosphere? That so severely limits what the S-Family can do. However, outside the atmosphere, where the air itself can't interfere... There's a whole lot more leeway. For example, she's in the direct rays of the sun now: Which, like a battery, fuels such amazing, impossible feats.

    Fusion reactors churn to life, and -things- seem to leap from the asteroid, and she now understands that this is a little more coordinated than she first thought. She pulls back from the rock, and to her then, the universe is in slow motion. Her eyes change colors momentarily, gaining a hollow hue to them as she looks through the surface, deeper and deeper, until she spots its inner workings, and for a moment, she analyzes them.

    Then, there is red- bright and piercing, showing just which asteroid has the person from Metropolis in front of it. It only lasts for a few seconds, as her mere -glare- burrows through the surface, and carves a hole through the whole of the rock. Heat vision as pinpoint and aggressive as possible, burning through the energy given to her by the light of the sun, while at the same time being invigorated by its unabashed presence. In this environment, her species is frighteningly capable.

    In silence- because of course, it's space after all- Power Girl draws back, and then hurtles forward, slamming her fist into the surface of the rock. The tunnel she'd just bored holds it together- barely- and its depth runs through the heart of the mechanics of the engines. She hasn't caused a chain reaction, instead severing and obliterating mechanics that allow it to function at all. This strike serves as a form of impulse in the opposite direction- she'll have to come back to it later and secure it again in the belt, but for now, it wasn't going to hit the Earth. That was the important thing.

    Seeing Power Girl at work in space is interesting indeed- now that Alpha Flight has entered the fray, she figures she has enough time to work on the other rocks. Instead of just pushing, though, she'll need to be a bit more cerebral- her first stop is Mon-El.

    She arrives at the back of his asteroid at the speed of light, pausing only once there in order to fling herself into the fusion-jets and batter them apart. With its propulsion destroyed, this rock will be a cakewalk for the Daxamite.

Guardian has posed:
Guardian nods to Heather, narrowing the comms for the two of them as well. "I'll handle the lifeforms," he says to her. Then the swarm of robots head their way, a mass of steel tentacles and laser blasts.

"And the robots!" Guardian amends sweeping a graviton beam in their direction, the distortion from the beam bends the lasers away from them while at the same time gripping one of the robots to use as a club against the other. They collide and explode into a mass of debris and Guardian smiles. Despite all the peril, he just killed robots in space, ten year old him would have been ecstatic to hear that.

He moves to rejoin Heather. "Been thinking about the alien tech in the rocks. Focus on heating up the rock around it. Let's see if it's magma proof."

The attacks of the robots and fighters are proving to be fruitless. None of the salvaged fighters or ancient robots are a match for Green Lantern shields and Kryptonian and Daximite physiology and Mac, Shadlite and Jessica's counter attacks rip through their ranks with ease, joined by the blasts of Kyle's miniguns.

As for the rocks, the one Kyle drags away is out of Earth's gravity and safe for the moment. The one flung by Mon-El? Flies off into space, the reactor that powered its engines ripped from its heart.

The same goes for the one Power Girl burns her way through.

In all, three of the seven asteroids have been dealt with, the aliens aren't having the best day.

Aboard the control ship, the cybernetic armed leader of this pack, a Sneeper, who had come to worship Darkseid, growls, and clenches his metal fist. The heroes of Earth were more potent than he'd anticipated, still he had a trick or two in reserve in order to turn the tide. "Activate the warp engines on the remaining asteroids. Get them closer to Earth at once."

One of the aliens at the controls looks back, "This close to the planet's gravity, the result may be unpredictable."

"Do it," he orders. "Whatever happens, it is worth it if we can bring this planet to its end."

The commands are sent, in the rocks, the fusion reactors amp up their output and the alien metal in the rock starts to glow. In a few moments time they'll jump through space again.

Vindicator has posed:
Heather nods to Mac's suggestion. It was exactly what she'd been thinking of, with the exception that she'd intended to drag the liquid rock away. What he was suggesting was that she hold it that until the machinery inside was incapable of working any longer. Essentially *frying* the systems in the most literal of ways.

It's a simple matter to engage the tech of her suit and begin working on turning the rock around the machine core into lava.

Mon-El has posed:
    Right, three down. Four to go. Once that first rock is sent careening into deep space most likely, without any air or other obstacles to stop it--he turns his attention toward the other four. And now, his vision is picking up the glow of the hyperdrive engines again. Grife, they have a lot less time now don't they? Well, time for plan B. With the full power of the yellow sun's radiation out here and no atmosphere to filter it, as well as with much less worry of collateral damage, what anyone of Kryptonian or Daxamite heritage can do is much more far-reaching than what they'd manage planetside.

    Thus at practically the speed of light, Lar launches himself at the remaining asteroids, using his vision to aim directly for the hyperdrive propulsion systems in an attempt to take them out simply by smashing his body through them like a humanoid-sized bullet and hope he can destroy them all before they all take off at FTL speed.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    A laser blast gets a good hit on the undamaged construct, which collapses and breaks, sending green, glowing debris into the second construct  gun, causing it to spin out of control into a space ship, where it breaks and explodes. Kyle is so glad Hal didn't see that. There would be some sort of comment about how his 'boxing gloves never do that.'

    a single robot tentacle loops about Kyle Rayner, and small fracture lines start to appear in his force field. Still the rocket engine constructs burn.  >Asteroid clear<.

    The construct engines fade from reality, and the asteroid goes careening off as its own engines are pointed the wrong way, sending the Asteroid even further out.

    >Be advised-- Warp engines activating.< "Great." Kyle makes a face. He gestures with his right hand and gleaming green missile manifests and powers off towards another asteroid, seeking to detonate and destroy the engine.

    As the missile rockets off, a robot tentacle wraps about Kyle Rayner. He's seen this anime, he might want to handle this. There is a flash of green light and a green sword slashes at the tentacle twice, scoring it the first time, then cutting through it. A hail of laser fire then obscures the Green Lantern as his field flares to scintillating green as the ships rocket past. There is a flare of green light within the hail of fire. The sword construct, knocked from his hand flares brightly, then vanishes.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was continuing her garden of doom assault when her ring alerted her to a new threat. The big rocks are getting ready to launch... until a Daxamite wrecking ball simply plows through them all. Probalby with gaping holes through the core of the engines, they'd be in bad shape. She decides to try something new, as she rockets away from the invaders, approaching the four big rocks. She tries something new - as she 'plants' construct vines in each of the holes... and tries to cause more internal damage as she makse them grow and swell, trying to use the holes as a weak spot to crack them. She glows brighter and brighter as she believes she can do this. Her willpower burns bright, even as the construct garden she was using was fading away. "Grow, my pretties..." she croons softly, as each vine produces a colossal flower facing the sun as if sunbathing - then each of which grows a funny face to taunt the aliens. She is focusing all her might on this task.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Ok. Those were easy. I can come back and grab it later." 'Michael, something along the barrier is warping from inside those asteroids' "I thought you said there was metal inside those things, not technology?" 'I didn't see the energy before because it wasn't there. You should be able to drill down into one if you want something better to sell' Shadowlite groans to himself, the conversation on his head taking all of one second, before a black mist covers Shadowlites body... and he forms a giant Darkforce drill. "Guide me in, lostie" 'straight ahead, just a few degrees to the right'. With that, everyone watches as rocks shatter as Shadowlite drills his way down into one of the asteroids quickly and easily.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is hooking around the side of an asteroid as they all begin to light up like christmas trees. Her attention focuses on Mon-El as he starts... Well, taking some pretty Clarklike initiative in flying through the rocks like a bullet. With any hope, both he and Jessica can keep them at bay.

    Her attention now goes to the ships. It's honestly like watching a movie- In one moment, she is near a ship, and there's a flash of red- and then it's gone. Power Girl is fighting at or near the speed of light, booking it from ship to ship and either pulling apart their weaponry and propulsion, or burning through their engines with heat vision- or, even worse, just carving them apart.

    She's never at one for more than a split second, before she- as far as most can perceive, anyway- is at the next one, and then the next, as if teleporting. She never -hits- them at the speed of light, because of the amount of trouble that'd cause, but she doesn't have to.

    When even alien metals are to you like paper, you don't need to break the laws of physics any more. Not yet, anyways.

Guardian has posed:
Heather's assault on the asteroid burns out its drive before the thing can jump, while Guardian blasts away at the robots that come to stop her. "Come on," he says as the thing begins to spark and explosions rock the surface sending rocks spiraling off into space. He knocks some of the debris into the on coming robots with a graviton beam as he takes off to clear a path for them away from the rock. Turning as he flies to take in the amount of damage their allies were doing to the alien assault. It was incredible. He looks to Heather and on the tight band says, "Good thing these guys are on our side." Even if his suit was feeling a little underpowered just now, he was impressed.

Then it's back to business. He surveys the rocks. Heather had destroyed one's engines, Kyle's was floating off into deep space, another seemed to have spontaneously combusted, then green vines shot through them all, along with the Daxamite wrecking ball that was Mon-El. All around them Power Girl reduced the robots and ships to pieces.

The commander of the alien ship watched all this as well and his grey leathery skin turned pale for a moment before he found peace. He had failed, but he was going to take these heroes of Earth with him if he could. Not trusting the resolve of his crew he took command himself. The cloak dropped and the ship's weapons energized, it bristled with guns of all types. Then he fired blasts lancing out at the heroes and the planet below them. The beams aimed at the heroes, are strong, powerful enough to give a Kryptonian or Daxmite pause, the ones aimed past them at the planet are devastating in their own right, enough to vaporize whole city blocks, and the bolts of plasma, not quite moving at the speed of light are heading for New York, Gotham and Metropolis.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was happy cracking rocks when her ring starts blinking. "Alert. Ring charge at 10 percent. A recharge is required." She blinks. "Oh crap..." she mutters. "I'm so going to get it." She blushes apologetically as she sends communication to all the friendlies in the area, especially Kyle, stating she has to retreat. All her construct plants vanish as she retreats back to Earth. But... as she returns home, she accidentally tanks a blast from the mothership heading towards New York City, as she screams, her shields low as she falls out of control towards the ground like a meteor leaving a green trail of light, the ring using the remaining energy available to protect her as she would crash-land in Westchester County near a lake, leaving a sizable crater.

Vindicator has posed:
The plan worked awesomely well, and by virtue of her suit's powers, once the drive is inactivated, Heather merely moves on to the next one, intending to immobilize all the asteroids before sloughing off bits of the molten rock and leaving them in sizes that can do no harm to earth or those gathered here.

"Looks like that worked like a charm," she tells Mac, then opens the comms to the others. "I'm going to immobilize them. Largest to smallest." She relays the rest of her intentions. "Anyone have eyes on how they got in? Are any more likely to show up?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"DAMNIT Lostie, I didn't want to blow it up!" Shadowlite states with frustration as the drill around him reforms into armor again. 'Movement was unpredictable Michael, I apologize.' "ARGH. And I'll bet the idealists shredded the others. Just my luck." Shadowlite takes a look at the others... and indeed, they were busy. 'Michael, there's a large ship nearby. I've given you the dimensional jump point to get in without getting hit too hard.' "Ok then. Time to make this worthwhile!" With that, Shadowlite points in front of himself, and a one way portal opens up in space... with Shadowlite flying through it... and right inside the control ship.

"Hello honey, I'm hooooome!" Shadowlite all but announces himself into a random room, before he starts to disable any weapons aimed at him with Darkforce bolts, flying around to avoid return fire. If anyone was killed in the process? Oh well, a few corpses to take home for some good cash.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    There is an immense power spike as the Lantern's ring flares bright and an immense, reflective hoplite's shield forms in space. One plasma beam scorches a notch in one edge, and another hits the shield, cracking it in place. It's the third beam that it catches that is the important one. The shield is reflective, curved. Even as the shield cracks and begins to shatter along the fractures, the shield catches a third bolt, and the angle send the bolt lancing back out towards the general direction of the uncloaked attacking vessel. Subspace coms flare back to life with the broadcast. "I told you what i would do to you unless you called off your attack." Kyle snarls into the communicator.

    Threat backed up by Daxamite and Kryptonian might, as well as Canadian ingenuity, the Green Lantern feels a split second of satisfaction. The shield detonates due to the force of the blows, and that detonation sends Kyle Rayner flying backwards several hundred miles, ragdolling through space before he can right himself, uncertain whether his tactic worked.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches as the rocks drift off harmlessly, his allies able to send them away once their combined efforts have taken out their propulsion systems. Then come Vindicator's questions on the subspace comm. "It looked like someone had outfitted these rocks with hyperdrive tech and sent them into Earth's gravity fields. Not sure who would--"

    But he doesn't even get to finish his sentence because one of those blasts hits him dead on. Well that answers -that-. He goes tumbling into a piece of debris from the battle, grunting as the twisted piece of junk cracks into two pieces from the impact. So. These guys -can- actually pack a punch that feels like more than a feather duster. Might even be feeling this one tomorrow morning!

    "Okay." As soon as he can recover from the blast, Lar rockets toward the ship that has finally revealed itself. The thought of maybe giving them a chance to surrender crosses his mind, but then it's dismissed given the fact that an ally had already done so. Upon arrival, he aims to simply rip the hull open and board the ship that way, then walk onto the bridge to address the perpetrators.

    "All right look, I don't know who you people are or what you have against Terrans, but I'm going to give you one more chance to call off your assault and haul what's left of your sorry excuse for a fleet back to whatever pathetic ball of gas or mud or rock you came from before me and Power Girl rip this entire vessel into multiple smaller sections of wrecked metal with our bare hands." he threatens. "Oh, and never come back, either. That part's kind of important."

Power Girl has posed:
    The command ship pulling out of cloak draws Power Girl's attention to it in full. Her big blue eyes narrow, and for a moment, she squares off with the others. Jessica performs admirably- and she worries for the girl's safety, but right now, there are other things for her to handle. Other matters that need to be dealt with- hopefully the Lantern will understand.

    She pulls around to Kyle's side, appearing next to him with nary a sound thanks to the fact that theyre in, well, space. Mon, she sees, goes for a more direct approach.

    She's not there when Kyle's shield is brought up, as she doesn't want to bring any undue attention his way- instead, she's quiet literally appearing in front of each plasma bolt headed for Earth. They're sub-light, and she's post-light, and with a slam of her fists, clenched together as one, she breaks the energy apart, detonating one bolt before it can get much of anywhere- and the other bolt not too long afterwards, leaving at the very least the planet safe.

    It's then that one of the beams from the ship strikes her square on, and she only has enough time to pull her forearms in to guard herself from it- unlike bullets and other weaponry on Earth, a beam from a ship like this is one that doesn't just go away once it's hit you- and the blonde Kryptonian has garnered enough attention that they're focusing the ray on her form, aiming to burn her to nothing.

    In space, Power Girl pushes back against the energy, using the impossibly tough material that is her own flesh in order to wrestle with the energy itself- and though it burns, though her gloves have seared away and bits of her costume are not surviving the conflict, the skin beneath is winning, for now.

Guardian has posed:
Guardian gives Heather a nod. "Do it," he says, there was no point in taking chances when the safety of earth was at stake. Then a beam ripped from the ship Guardian is barely able to turn it aside with graviton beams, before the suit's HUD flashed warnings at him that it was being overloaded. Mac shut it down. "Heather," he says over comms. "Change of plans, we're dealing with the ship," he says as he switches to his magnetic beams and wreathed in a golden glow, speeds towards the alien space ship.

Kyle's shield deflects all but one of the blasts, the one that Power Girl absorbs though it burns most of her costume to ash and sends her spiraling into the atmosphere.

Earth though remains safe by her actions.

Aboard the ship Mon-El's words are heard, and the crew looks to their commander who had dropped their cloak and fired so brazenly. One draws a weapon. "Enough!" he begins before a bolt of darkforce comes up though the floor and cuts him in two. The Commander leaps at his controls giving the ship the command to fire one last time with it's fury aimed at the Daxamite directly ahead of them.

The blasts are muted compared to the last time. Shadlite's attacks have done their work, cutting power cords, blowing up control lines, only half the weapons fire, but it is still a punishing attack for even a Daxamite to take. Meanwhile, on board the ship, soldiers rush towards Shadlite intent on stopping him before the whole ship explodes.

Vindicator has posed:
Heather systematically treats each rock the way of the first, and once all the self-propelled things have been dealt with, their machinery rendered useless, she goes about sloughing off bits and creating a harmless little asteroid field. Nothing more than space garbage that she gives a nudge to, sending all the bits in turn off in directions that will take them away from earth and any of the delicate satelittes, etc, that hover in orbit. She lets everyone else deal with the other problems. To each their strengths. This one is hers.

Shadowlite has posed:
"This reminds me of that job is Chicago." Shadowlite muses to himself. 'You didn't have plasma wielding aliens to deal with on that one' "Of course not. I thought you were smart enough to detect amusement, lostie." Shadowlite continues to mutter aloud as suddenly his entire body starts to heavily emit a black mist... and tendrils of Darkforce are propelled at the soldiers trying to rush Shadowlite, sending them clear across the room and trapped in heavy Darkforced based nets. Once he's free and clear of hostile intent though, he creates a large backpack on his back, and starts to use Darkforce tendrils to scoop up alien technology to bring home... only pausing to throw bolts at anyone who looks like they're trying to stop him.

Mon-El? He can probably hear the sounds of the fighting below, including the Darkforce bolts tearing the ship apart. "Now would be a great time to befriend a tech consultant..." Shadowlite mutters to himself.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    That's not good. The green Lantern has no idea what is happening on board the ship, but he might have just lost the trainee. That is a sobering thought. It gets almost violently shoved aside. He has no time for that.

    he searches for the blond with a hurried gaze. There she is, she cannot be missed with the light of reentry flaring about her. Emerald energy flares, and a half-sphere of constructed green hard light attempts to catch and slow Power Girl's descent.
    The distance is too great for much more than that. Kyle is only able to perceive the Kryptonian woman because of the re-entry glow. This is a new type of strain, it's like stretching to reach, but it is a mental reach. His teeth grit and his shoulders set in stubborn refusal.

Mon-El has posed:
    Are these guys stupid? Lar stares as the hostile aliens don't even seem to realize that he's right there on the bridge with them. He laughs, as they seem to be firing at something outside that actually isn't there any more. And there's definitely a warning about a massive hull breach somewhere.

    "Um, just so you know, I'm behind you not in front." he comments casually, leaning against a back wall. Yep, he can definitely hear the carnage Shadowlite is causing but he pays it no mind. "Since you seem to be denser than I thought, I'll give you one more chance--call off your assault and run along back home or else Power Girl and I rip your ship to pieces with our bare hands. Well, that is whatever's left of it once whoever that is wrecking all your weapons systems is done."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl, as it would happen, is angry, and getting warm. The front of her, somehow, is hotter than the rear- even as she re-enters. However, a green light flings past her and creates a hemispherical catch. It's really a lifesaver- and something she genuinely appreciates, despite the fact that in this case, it's somewhat unneeded.

    The beam had not rendered her unconscious, so Kyle's bucket-beam doesn't need to catch her, as she catches herself. In the instant following, she's booking it back out of the atmosphere, and the moment she leaves its grasp, she's hitting light and then doubling down on that. For a fraction of a second, she is in front of Kyle, offering him a friendly, thankful salute.

    Then, she's just -gone.- There was something Kyle had not as yet seen, the beam that the aliens had intended for the Daxamites- half of their weapons, trained on one point, much like the weapon of a certain Doom Sphere of cinematic origin.

    Without Mon-El there to catch it, it's just being fired at Earth, and Power Girl is the only person- she feels, at least- capable of fending it off. She hits it at beyond light speed, now focusing literally all of her energy and power into these few moments, as not only does she meet the beam, but she forces it back upon itself. It drags her speed down below that of the speed of light- but it doesn't stop her.

    Forcing it back, she surges forward, and like a bullet, she flies -through- the alien ship, going in through the weapon, and out through the other side.

    She's sort of relying on those that are -on- the ship to save as many as they can, but admittedly, she's not doing anything but making -sure- the ship -will- explode. It's not going to be instant, and for the time it takes, they will have no weapons.

    She's forced their hand: Abandon ship and live, or go down with it.

Guardian has posed:
The bridge crew is stunned by Mon-El's sudden appearance on the bridge, and when he reiterates the offer of surrender, a few of the men stand and point their guns at their commander.

Then Power Girl flies through their ship and all hell breaks loose the hull ruptures and aliens are sent flying out into the breach. The ship is dying, explosions rip through her, one after the other, but there is time to escape and time to save lives for those close enough to react. But not much time.

Guardian grabs two aliens, both unconscious as they're shot from the bridge and pulls them into his environmental shield, straining it to its limits. He grips them tight, then, jets to a safe distance trying to get clear before the ship explodes.

Mon-El has posed:
    Power Girl doesn't give the crew as much time as he was thinking, but oh well--they -did- have multiple opportunities to surrender and refused to do so. Lar sighs as the ship starts to blow up sector by sector. He doesn't have a fancy shield like Guardian and the Lanterns do, but he does his best to grab who he can and jet them off into any escape pods that might still be left intact, even making sure to give the pods a little push if they needed one to get clear of the blast. They probably fall into Earth's gravity fields and crash on the surface somewhere--well, maybe someone can take them into custody from there and find out exactly why they were trying to attack this planet.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    There is only one person that Kyle is worried about in this moment; a certain trainee who vanished. With a frown, the remaining member of the corps Rockets toward the planet below in search of the trainee Lantern. His teeth grit in determination as he uses his own ring to find hers, hoping that he finds her intact and okay.

Shadowlite has posed:
"OH GODDAMNIT! YOU FUCKING IDEALISTS AND BLOWING UP PERFECTLY VALUABLE SHIPS!" Shadowlite shouts in rage as Power Girl bullets her way through the command ship. Sure, there will probably be debris to sift through, but that'll be mostly scrap. Now, Shadowlite starts to fly through the ship, trying to find something that looks vaguely like a communications array... rips it from where it is, and tosses it into his backpack, before he starts to open a portal in a hurry. With the speed he has to open this one, black lightning arcs in the middle of space as Shadowlites forces the hole in reality to open within two seconds, instead of the standard five "Reality smashing at this speed really hurts." Shadowlite grunts as he steps through, to safety. In space. Yeah.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is off in space, maybe... Half a light-second or so. She rolls around and zooms in on the ship as it starts to detonate. Her attention is on the spaced aliens, admittedly- within the blink of an eye, she's just... There, along side them, moving them back into the ship and assisting in the evacuation.

    It's not that many- and admittedly, they're handled pretty roughly, tugged around the ship and thrown into pods, as the blonde assists Guardian and Lar in evacuating the vessel she'd just torn asunder. It's not all bad, though- if these aliens appreciate human anatomy, Power Girl is showing most of it now.

    Lasers are hell on the wardrobe.

Guardian has posed:
It's not too long before the ship explodes, lighting up their little bit of orbit with a silent fireball. It was almost beautiful.

After that it was just clean up. The rocks would need to be corralled and dealt with, their tech studied. The prisoners, processed and interrogated and in Guardian's case, reports written, so many reports written. But the world was safe.

Guardian calls out over comms, "Earth is safe. Thanks to all of you for the help. Head to King Station with your prisoners Alpha Flight will take custody," he turns then his momentum still carrying him towards the station, his visor showing the state of his make-shift team. "We've also got coffee," he adds with a smile. His visor takes in Power Girl and he laughs. "And clothing, we also have clothing."

And so ends the battle.