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Latest revision as of 01:23, 26 February 2018

Rising Tide: Mutant Town Under Siege
Date of Scene: 19 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Mutant Town falls under siege from a weirdly coordinated attack by anti-mutant groups. And they got their hand on a power dampener to boot! But don't worry, not everyone is helpless without their powers.
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Mon-El, Sabretooth, Slipstream, Power Girl, Shadowlite
Tinyplot: Rising Tide

Redstar has posed:
February in New York City tends to be pretty darned cold. And today that cold lingers and makes sidewalks just a bit slippery. But it hasn't snowed for a few days, but there are big ugly piles of black snow. Hardened and crunchy from melting and freezing and melting again. Here the streetlights are on and it seems to be a normal evening. Seems being the operative word.

Things had been planned for days. People were already in place. Trucks and buses filled with people waited for an agreed upon sign. Tick tock tick tock. Then it all happened at once.

From all around the borough came startled cries from random people. Some of these became screams in a blink. Everyone in the area who had abilities, mutant and meta, felt them vanish. A woman fell screaming, suddenly, from the sky as her abilities to fly vanished. Others using their abilities in day to day life were also left shocked. And that is when they struck.

Pulling guns from coats and pockets, batons and canes, and spilling from crowded buses and trucks all around were people. Angry people armed with weapons that they turned on the suddenly helpless people of Mutant Town. The screams lifted into the air, drowning out the sounds of New York City itself. Pain, fear, and despair filled the streets.

Mon-El has posed:
    A couple of blocks away from the armed and angry mobs and tucked away in a dark alley behind an abandoned warehouse is a convoy consisting of a large semi at the center surrounded by a series of military class all-terrain vehicles and black non-descript vans filled with more heavily armed personnel. These people could definitely be classified as militia. And inside the truck is the device at the center of all of it, emitting a particular frequency that affects humans, metas, and mutants alike yet in different ways...

Sabretooth has posed:
Some mutants respond better to the power removal than others. For example, the woman that fell from the sky? Not so great of a reaction. Some mutants are happy about it, they can hug their children. At least, for the moment, before various militia bear down on them.

Vic Creed was in town briefly to meet about a few things with a mutant arms dealer. Just wrong place, wrong time. But for wrong for who, exactly, is up in the air.

Creed doesn't need his powers to be a vicious and awful assassin. Sure, feeling like he is nearly blind and deaf and can't smell anything is really a pain, but actually feeling level-headed, calm and focused BECAUSE of the nullifier compensates drastically. He slips out of the hotel he's in, armed and stealthy, climbs up onto a roof and lingers nearly flat, watching the groups move around, watching their patterns, getting a sense of what is happening. He hasn't decided if he will ACT; not yet.

Redstar has posed:
Men, women, AND children are dragged from their homes. Doors are kicked in and things broken. Younger parts of this mass mob spray paint in red, 'GET OUT MUTIES!' and other such drival. There are gunshots as some residents are more experienced, and dangerous, than others. But sheer numbers and surprise manages to overwhelm a surprising many.

The traffic has been stopped coming into the area by large uhauls, their backs wide open. There is a certain kind of organized, almost mechanical, madness to it all. Each group seeming to focus solely on their task. Pull people, and subdue or beat them, from their homes. Then large groups armed with easy to aquire handguns and a few bats or crowbars, stand over those already pulled from their homes. Those pulled out and then being bound with duct tape and shoved into the back of the giant uhauls throughout the city.

The world has gone to hell in the burough. For these attackers have no way to distinguish the true humans, nor do they seem to care, from the mutant residents. All are just as brutally yanked, kicked, and punched into submission. The more violent the resistance the more deadly the response.

Where are the police though? No sirens can yet be heard on their way. And the patrol cars in the area are empty, their occupants becoming part of the mob itself as if drawn in somehow.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor Creed stays on his rooftop at first, looking for two things: both opportunity to seize, but also, well, it would be really nice to not be dampened. Even so, he'll work with it. And there's a weird relief to it. To plotting out his move, and patiently feeling just... relaxed about the whole thing. He spots a group that are chasing down somebody that tried to run, and takes the moment, sliding down and joining them, to chase the mutant. He's big and angry and militant looking: great to blend in with. And maybe learn something.

Slipstream has posed:
Having been nearby in the area, Drake is settled on a rooftop with a current version of a Gameboy that doesn't need the Internet to play a puzzle game. His legs were dangling over the edge as he stared out across the city at times, humming to himself. With the net down, the famous eSport gamer hasn't had a full time job to go home to, so he's been forced to hang out in the city and breathe 'fresh air'. Mutant Town was always a draw for him, having met a few unique people that recognized him from his streams with the famous Dazzler as of recently. Though he may not be a mutant, he feels at home here amongst these people. When the chaos begins, he peers down over the room, eyes widening as he scampers back away from the edge of the roof. He takes a few minutes to assess the situation, then taps the device strapped to his right wrist to signal for Supergirl if she happens to be free and not saving the world on the other side of the equator. Until he gets a response, he pulls the dark hoodie over his head, snags a metal beam about the size of a baseball bat that's nearby and starts down the fire escape.

Redstar has posed:
Below Drake people are running down the alley and away from a group of armed men. They are all wearing, it seems, white shirts with a crossed out M in red on the front. "FREAK!" One shots, pointing at the man as he comes down the fire escapes. These goons don't appear to have guns, so there is that.

People are being thrown into a large uhaul just the end of the street from the famous gamer. There is a scream as a woman is thrown to the ground when she stands in front of her children, arms taped behind her. "Freak!" The woman who threw her screams.

"I'm human! So are my children!" The woman says as she scoots her body over her crying kids, also bound at the hands. "Please! Don't hurt them," Her eyes are wide and dilated and her absolute terror seems at odds with the house wife wielding a bat over her.

The family is kicked and dragged by men into the back of the truck amid laughter and screams of terror.

"Get them off! Get them off!" The woman can be heard screaming in terror and writhing in the uhaul. Nothing, however, appears to be on her. More people are dragged into the streets and the first truck load of people starts to take off, heading...who knows where?

Viktor moves to follow the group of mutant haters and they see him, turning, eyes wide. "Who the hell are you?" They demand, one of them bringing a semi-automatic rifle to bear from under her coat. This one seems to be in the lead, wearing the equivalent of riot gear similar to the militia nearby.

Power Girl has posed:
    There is something of a crack in the sky, as the riot in mutant town seems to garner the attention of, probably, the worst kind of person. Normally in Metropolis, Power Girl occasionally makes trips to the Big Apple... In order to make sure things like this don't happen. The first thing she does is land directly in the path of the u-haul.

    She folds her arms, which is as unfair a gesture as it ever is, and her mouth opens, just as the first truck starts to take off. She seems... Almost a little unprepared for that- seemingly having to react to its driving just as soon as it starts to do so, something she hasn't really had to do to a plain old truck in a long time. Then, her arms are out to stop the truck, and it -rams- right into her, taking her off of her feet and actually managing to drive for a small period of time before, for the first time in her life, Power Girl has to plant her feet to stop a regular, normal, average, every day human truck.

    The look on her face is a mix of actual effort and genuine anger. She really, really hates having to try.

Sabretooth has posed:
"I'm Batman. Are you /kidding/? Because I'm not laughing," Victor snorts, entirely insulted, "Move your ass, you let that shit escape; get her in the g'damn truck!" Victor commands harshly, closing the gap from him to the people he was chasing 'with' rapidly with an air of confidence. It isn't like he looks like a mutant when he's well clothed, such as now. Sometimes just confidence can rule the day. Acting like he belongs.

He'll close on the woman with the semi-automatic rifle, showing his own MAC-10 with a waggle: a clear air of 'yeah, I have one too'. But, well, if necessary, he'll just unload on her limbs and sidestep behind one of the others to block any return fire, if she's not buying his bluff: that's fine too.

Slipstream has posed:
As he comes down the fire escape slowly like a cat, Drake takes in a deep breath as he watches the groups run below him. Once he reaches the last level, he drops down to the ground in a crouch while clutching the pipe in his hands. He starts up behind some of the goons who are chasing the innocent, clutching the pipe in both hands as he keeps to the darker parts of the building to utilize his black Overwatch hoodie to blend in that's pulled over his head. As the group corners the terrified group of people, he sneaks up slowly behind one of them who is sticking to the back, then forces out a kick of his foot to the back of one knee to try and drop him to a kneel, followed by a baseball swing to the back of his head with the bat as he clenches the metal tightly. Crack! As he drops down, he gives a visible glare. "Cheers luv. The calvary's here." He growls out to the last two in front of him.

Shadowlite has posed:
Normally, Shadowlite doesn't get involved in the heroic business. However, Mutant Town is a bit of a hub for mutants, and he likes practicing with some of the residents. So, when he heard over the radio that people were being dicks again, nothing for it.

Knowing a safehouse to drop into -by his own design- Shadowlite has his trenchcoat, gear, and all the fun stuff... and no one can see the black portal portal within a run down apartment building... only for it to flicker slightly, and for Shadowlite to be /thrown/ out of it like he was being ejected.

Honestly, he was lucky the tunnel managed to be stable enough to get him into town.

Hitting your head against a wall is never fun though, and when he tries to build his Darkforce shell over his head as he 'flies'... nothing. At all. Yeah, that's gonna hurt.

There's a solid ooof! from Shadowlite, before he gets up... and hears screaming. Taking his briefcase of weapons, he tries to summon Darkforce again... nothing.


Good thing his suit has ballistic protection then. Pulling out his Judges, two Uzi-s, and his SCAR-H, Shadowlite gets to the rooftops... and gets to work.

Silenced rounds from his assault rifle start to fly as Shadowlite pops the heads of the obvious troublemakers.

Redstar has posed:
The drive and two passengers leap from the cab of the uhaul, guns levelling on Power Girl. "FREAK!" They yell, echoing one another, as they open fire with their AKs. Yet despite the streets being filled with running people, angry mobs of anti-mutant people, they're focus is on emptying buildings. How strange and single-minded they seem.

The people at the end of the alley look at Drake and then the three friends of the guy he dropped turn. "You don't belong here, freak!" One of them says and takes a swing with his own metal bat at Drake. The others move to leap on him.

*THUD* One of the men moving to leap on drake finds a bullet through his head. The man's body falling heavily as one of Shadowlite's bullets takes him out of the equation. It is enough to make the other two draw back, casting about for the gunman.

Mon-El has posed:
    The woman glares at Victor for a moment, her weapon poised to fire. But then she lowers it and signals the others in the group to do the same. "Hmph. Fine, get a move on then." she snaps. The others quickly turn around and get back to work dragging people into one of the trucks. She frowns, listening to a message on a shortwave radio as Power Girl manages to stop one of their trucks despite the device. "Dammit, I thought that thing was supposed to -work-!" she curses. "C'mon, they want some extra insurance at the dampener in case more of -her- show up." she says to Victor, motioning for him to follow her down the street as she takes off at a steady jog.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor responds with a curt military nod, detouring briefly to shove one of the captured mutants that looked like it might want to run for it, but otherwise keeping pace with the woman headed towards the dampener. "Could also try putting a grenade into her teeth and seeing if that's enough," Victor suggests darkly, picking up on the context and most of the message by proximity. Ugh, he hates not having his enhanced senses, this is like slogging in a fog. He stays low and cool headed, though.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is wrestling a bus as the three man team starts opening fire, and though the bullets don't pierce her still-iron hide, she feels so much more of them than she's used to. "What." she says, looking to her side. Drawing a single hand back, she slams it forward, mustering the strength to strike through the engine block. It stings a bit, and is a concerted effort where normally she should be able to walk through the truck as if it isn't there. Either way, it is stopped.

    The men with rifles get her attention next, and though she concentrates, she can't quite slow her perception enough to catch every round. This is definitely, definitely not good. She is upon them in the space of a second, and starts flinging them to and fro- one is struck in the stomach, and sent flying. The next, slammed into the ground, even as the third pelts her with rounds that are starting to sting with concentrated fire. Him, she backhands, cracking his helmet, but not killing him.

    "I was having a good day. Why does my good day have to be ruined?"

Shadowlite has posed:
*POP* *POP*.

Shadowlite might not be Deadshot, but he can shoot down a scope downrange fairly well, has a kickass rifle (black market issue, of course) and plenty of ammo in his vest.

With Drake being a target though, he deals with his assailants first. Eventually, he knows he'll have to switch to disabling shots when he can't figure out who the obvious dicks are... but he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it.

"Pop goes the dick brigade..." Shadowlite half hums, half sings to himself.

Probably a good thing no one can hear his terrible singing voice in this mess.

Slipstream has posed:
As the bodies drop in front of him, Drake's eyes widen visibly as he clutches the metal pole in his hands. "Holy shit." He breathes out heavily with fear in his voice as he motions to the scared people who were cornered to run. "Go, go... Get out of here." He says to them as he motions with his hand. He turns to look at Shadowlite, taking in a deep breath. ".. I'm Slip Stream." He says once he catches the man's attention. ".. I'm a good guy ... please don't kill me."

Redstar has posed:
The two other men that Drake had been chasing go down. And it isn't pretty. The cornered people behind them are sprayed mercilously. Looks of horror are on their face as they stare, frozen in fear. A man and his wife who is holding a toddler of maybe two with blue skin. The wife is rocking back and forth in that panicked way people do.

The real threat are the people guarding the hauled out mutants, Shadowlite soon realizes. They are more often armed with guns and aren't afraid to put a bullet in a leg or arm. *POP* *POP* *POP* Suddenly half a dozen anti-mutant thugs are looking around, trying to pinpoint the assailant. Their weapons are raised and they turn, trying to find Shadowlite. One happens to see movement on the roof and train his own scoped rifle, though not as fancy, up there. But Shadowlite is already out of sight.

Powergirl has no problem taking the men down. The buses engine smokes slightly from a torn radiator, liquid pooling beneath it. A family style SUV, filled with a family, funny enough, trying to escape, screeches around the corner. THey don't have time to stop before hitting the back of that uhaul, but Power Girl might be able to at least mitigate the damage and probably injury. But it means leaving a new group of emerging gunmen at her back. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* WHo gave these assholes automatic weapons?

Shadowlite has posed:
Drake doesn't get an answer, Shadowlite is gone from that roof the second his thugs are dead. He's here for the whole Town... and has experience dealing with fighting, so this is nothing new.

So, when the thugs start to try to find him, he's dodging and weaving across the rooftops, taking shots at the pursuing thugs as he goes. When he has time to line up a headshot, he does so... otherwise, he just wants to put them out of the fight. The more attention on him, the less on the mutants who can't defend themselves. Shadowlites main power is in Darkforce, but he trained for this sort of thing specifically /because/ there may come a day with power dampeners to deal with. Like now.

When Shadowlite can't immediately get to another rooftop, he pulls a grapple gun from his trenchcoat to get across. For the first time in his life, he has to rely on /technology/ to fly.

He's no Batman with the thing, and it shows... but it gets the job done. "Pop goes the dick brigade...." Hum Hum Hum....

Mon-El has posed:
    The woman doesn't reply to Victor's comment, running down the street a couple of blocks and then around a corner. She then turns again, headed into a darkened alleyway behind a defunct warehouse and between two run down apartment buildings. There Victor will find the convoy surrounding a truck with the dampener in it. "Watch our flanks and -don't- let your guard down. I bet they'll be showing up at any second now." she warns before taking up a position on top of one of the jeeps with a couple of other gunmen.

Slipstream has posed:
Clutching the metal pipe again, Drake zips the hoodie up to his throat and then pats the dead men down for a bit to see if they have any weapons upon them, or at the least identification. If they have anything of value, he will pocket it. Spoils of war and all. Depending on what he finds, he will start to skulk his way along the buildings towards the cars that are armed and holding the captive mutants, creeping through shadows and using the buildings or vehicles for cover as he crouches and darts about. The way he moves, it seems well practiced for a tacticians' mind, even if he may look a bit awkward doing it. He has a plan and gamesense to go along with it.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor doesn't get to ask about who 'they' is exactly or why they are expected, but he can turn into a shadow against the side of the truck with the dampener in it, his deeply ingrained training taking this with ease: getting the hell out of sight. To watch flanks. Or whatever Victor decides to end up doing. For now, it's counting people, examining the convoy, and watching for this mysterious 'they'. He'll just be one with the 'dick brigade' for the moment.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is a defender of the innocent first and foremost, and once the three gunmen are down, she is off as fast as she can manage to intercept the SUV on its collision course with the truck. She halts it easily enough- now knowing that she has to actually try to do so- when the men behind her start opening fire. The bullets bounce off of her, but she has to keep herself as a human shield at close range. She'll have a few bruises after all of this is said and done, especially as she managed to halt the van without destroying it.

    With a minor Herculean effort, she then reroutes the SUV to the side, allowing it to run around the side of the uhaul. Then, the men firing on her have to deal with an angry blonde that can still lift a bus. She engages them just like she did the others, ramming her shoulder into one and then flinging the others at whatever walls are handiest and will cause the most damage without killing any of them.

Redstar has posed:
The attackers are falling, but there are only so many heroes compared to the dozens upon dozens upon dozens that seems to be swarming the borough. The SUV is only badly dented, and still running, though it is a close thing. Shocked faces stare at Power Girl as she takes bullets that would have seen the end to the family inside.

The men fall to the alien, shocked she still has some amount of strength. Sirens can be heard finally far away. Those criminal elements know they have seven minutes to finish their work. And that is just what is happening.

More trucks through the streets are filled and slammed shut, trying to make their way out ahead of the cops. Drake, having gotten himself a knife and wallets, as well as a pistol, comes upon another truck at an intersection. Five men armed with clubs and pistols shove the last bound person inside and roll up the ramp. *CLANG* The backdoor slams shut and is locked. Two of the men even high-fives and chest bump.

Then there is Shadowlite. And as he grapples his way across he makes a tantalizing target. Ten guns of various calliber and efficiency take aim at him. Some of them are actually good shots. And some of their weapons, at least one, is illegal.

Mon-El has posed:
    No one seems to get suspicious of Victor just yet. They're all too busy being vigilant for anyone who might show up to try to steal or destroy the device they're guarding. Especially Power Girl or anyone like her. Suffice it to say that most of the militia didn't expect anyone to try infiltration or anything. And with the amount of resistance they are already seeing and having discovered the fact that aliens aren't completely powerless, the idea isn't exactly at the forefront of their minds.

    There appear to be about 10 or so people outside the vehicles, and some inside of them but it's not completely clear how many, since only those in the front seats are visible.

Shadowlite has posed:

His suit might be ballistic resistant, but holy shit is that going to smart in the morning.

Eventually, he manages to grab ten thugs attention... but the real threat will be the trucks being filled. Shadowlite takes shots at the thugs, but he's aiming more for the drivers and tires, now. Keeping them from leaving with their hostages.

"And you're a douche-" *POP* run. jump. "-And you're a dick-" *POP* Weave, "-Down with the dick brigade... pop goes the dick brigade." Hum Hum....

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor Creed checks out who is driving the van -- the security on, say, the van being suddenly in motion or something like that. Casually. To make sure nobody can easily steal it, or anything. He slips along through the convoy, narrowed eyes mostly outward like they are supposed to be, for 'threats'.

Slipstream has posed:
Taking in a deep breath, Drake continues to volley himself between vehicles as he creeps along his feet in a crouched position. He holds the pistol easily in his left hand, feeling the weight of the world within his palm. There's five of them and innocents in the car. He gives a glance down at the gun in his hand and the metal rod in the other. He slides the rod into the back of his beltloops so that it hands off him, then clutches the gun in both hands. As three of the men appear to peel off and two head for the cab, he rotates around out of their field of vision, ducks down and jabs his knife into one of the tires as it lets out a low hiss and starts to sink down. He leaves the blade tucked into it, then holds the gun up to the passenger side from his crouched position as he gives a quick one-two knock against the metal with his gun.

Mon-El has posed:
    There are a few vans situated around the truck with the device inside. None of them are on the move yet, although they each have at least 2 well-armed militiamen inside of them. That is, the two sitting in the front seats. There -could- be more inside, in the back, but without any windows or any enhanced senses or other equipment, it's impossible to tell. There could also be people inside the trailer itself, with the device, although the cab of the truck seems to be empty.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl has been hesitant to do anything other than get physical, because she has no way of predicting the results. However, there are so many vans, and her powers have been reduced enough, that she cannot necessarily take the risk of letting them escape. As a result, she begins shooting fire from her eyes.

    Not in a literal sense- rather, she just starts firing the heat vision at every last truck she can see- anything that looks to be running that could possibly hold people in the back. It -should- be intense enough to sever wheels and burst tires, rendering them incapable of driving far, if at all. Normally, her heat vision can be intensified enough to sear away concrete- so she hopes, desperately, that she can get a hang on the intensity shift quickly and easily- and therefore halt the kidnappings. As well, she still has enough speed to visit all of the vehicles she needs to- it's just a matter of -doing- it, which requires much more effort than she's used to.

Redstar has posed:
*BANG* A tire explodes from a bullet, or maybe it was a heat blast, and a uhaul down by Power Girl and Shadowlite begins to fishtail wildly. It is heading right for a gas station too. Got to love the horrible and dramatic timing of these things. Sparks fly from where the cab now grinds against the asphalt as it slides and fishtails.

The signal goes out that vans and trucks and buses are moving out with their mutant hostages. A signal to the more heavily armed convoy to be ready to roll soon, to keep the bound people dampened. The screams have died somewhat and now the sound of fighting, suppressed gunfire, and things crashing fill the streets. The sirens cut out suddenly.

It is Shadowlite who spies three cruisers pull onto the street below. Suddenly they stop in the middle of the street. The cops leave the safety of their vehicles and...move to join the groups throwing the last people into uhauls? Something is not right here. Though are real NYPD...

Mon-El has posed:
    As the signal goes out, the guards outside start piling into the jeeps and vans. As rear doors open to let them inside, it is revealed to Victor that indeed, there are several armed militia in the back of each of the vans. One of the men starts toward the cab of the truck with the device in it, keys in hand as he prepares to roll out.

Shadowlite has posed:
"This is ridiculous." Shadowlite says to himself, seriously, as he watches the cops join the mob.

He has to get out of here. The Lost One should be able to tell him if there's something going on he can't see..

So he does. grappling his way out of Mutant Town -and hopefully out of range of whatever it is- all the while still taking pot shots. Eventually though, he's gotta slap a new magazine into his SCAR, and vests the empty one.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl shoots down the tires of just about every truck that she can before she hears the skittering noise of the one headed for the gas station. For half a moment, she seems... Incredulous. Dejected. Bothered in every way. "You're... Kidding me." she states, before taking to a low-street flight.

    She can't necessarily break the sound barrier at the moment, but she likely doesn't have to, in order to get between the truck and the station and press her back to its side- it's fishtailing, and she's trying to stop it, which takes more effort than she's used to. With any luck, she won't be at the epicenter of an explosion that she hopefully didn't actually -cause.-

Slipstream has posed:
After stabbing the back tires out of the truck, Drake gives a glance about as the police seem to have made their way on the scene, except it doesn't seem that they are on the side of the angels. He wipes the pistol down with his shirt after disengaging the magazine, then slides the gun down the grate of a sewer, while the clip gets lobbed into a dumpster as he sneaks back into the alleys to watch from afar.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor Creed moves fast, he moves along with the groups towards the back of the device trailer, fully immersed in his 'role' with this. Undercover is great, normally not all that possible generally, and Victor is having a good time. Not to worry, he'll DEFEND this device. Really. And look at it from his peripheral vision. He passes along the trailer's front, though, with no interest in going after the device. That's important to the next move, which is to definitely not be given a second look as he joins the guy with the keys in the cab, and then attempts to twist his head the 'wrong way' around once they are in the relative privacy of the cab. New trailer for Victor!


Redstar has posed:
*SCREEEEEeeeeee* The truck is slowed and then stopped, Power Girl feeling the curb at her heel when it does. Those pumps only ten feet distant. There are cries of fear from inside and the driver is piling out, raising a weapon, and taking aim at the alien who just saved his life.

Outside Mutant Town by only half a block the dampening ceases. Powers returning as if never gone. Out there Shadowlite can turn to his powers again, but he is away from where most of the action is happening. Those pursuing him break off and begin to head, en masse it seems, in one direction.

All across those who were pulling people out turn and move, heading for Power Girl and the gas station. There are people with guns. People with clubs and knives. They scream and shout horrible things, but premier among them is the dark chanting, "FREAK! FREAK!" As a mob slowly converges on the alien. Those with guns begin to fire.

The radio crackles among the militia, 'Convoy down. Convoy down! Need assistance.'

Mon-El has posed:
    The man gets into the cab, puts the keys in the ignition and was about to start the engines when Victor suddenly jumps into the vehicle with him. Before he can even realize what hit him, much less defend himself or call for help, his neck is snapped with a sickening crack and he slumps over in the driver's seat, motionless.

    Outside, the rest of the convoy is starting to move out in accordance with the rest of the group in order to keep the hostages powerless, no one yet being the wiser to Victor's actions. Therefore, Sabretooth is now the new driver of the truck, and therfore in control of the trailer where the dampener is...He'd better act fast, though before someone discover's something is off...

Shadowlite has posed:
Unfortunately for the group coming after him, that also means he can reach out and touch people again. With Hammers.

Big, gigantic, Darkforce hammers.

Summoning his Darkforce armor, the shell extends over his body in three seconds, and he straps his SCAR down to his back. Then, he waits for his pursuers to all come out in the open... before he drops down to the street with a loud /THUD/. Crack goes the pavement.

"Hello boys!" With that, two hands come up, and his entire body becomes engurf in a black, oozing mist as Shadowlite summons a Darkforce sledgehammer behind the group.... and with intense focus, begins to knock out each in turn by hitting them with it, sending them flying into walls.

"You might remember that Index file that the hackivist group leaked?" Another sledgehammer to the wall.

"I'm Shadowlite. Nice to meet you, dick brigade." SLEDGEHAMMER!

"Hey, Lostie. Can you tell me where these dicks are hiding their power dampener?" Shadowlite asks, between sledgehammering the dick brigade.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor pulls the guy out of the seat -- bleh, it's much harder with the dampener going, that's for sure-- but he'll just break the guy's legs to make this easier. He takes over his spot, folding the corpse behind the seat partially, and then turns the truck's engine over, getting it moving immediately. While reaching back to get the guy's bloody hat and put it on. No problems here. None. He pulls the truck out, fishing for the radio back behind him, to listen to what he is 'supposed' to be doing. But he can't get at it.

Ah, screw it. He sticks with the convoy briefly, waiting for an opportunity... and makes a decision, turning off. He probably can't lose the convoy entirely, so... he looks for a good place to make a really big fireball.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl takes a deep breath as she finishes stopping the truck. For a moment, it's almost exhilarating. She even lets out an emphatic "Whew!" as she steps away from the vehicle.

    Then, suddenly, the man gets out of the truck and begins drawing his weapon. Her speech is punctuated and labored somewhat- she's not weak, but she's putting more effort into everything than she's used to, and if it weren't for the fact that she metabolises the light faster than her cousin, she'd probably be powerless by now considering that -that- is also reduced.

    "ARE you FUCKING kidding me?" she exclaims, as the man starts lighting her up. She almost doesn't see the others starting to gather around her. She walks- instead of running- at the man and hooks an arm, snatching at the rifle and working to bend it right down the center. For now, she's not dealing with the crowd- instead hoping that, for once, somebody will be intimidated by breaking a firearm.

Redstar has posed:
~No Michael,~ The Lost One's voice echoes in Shadowlite's mind. ~Blocks and blocks are covered by some mind altering waveform.~ At least he was a little helpful.

Then men who followed Shadowlite stumble and blink in confusion. They have a second to look around before Shadowlite lays into them, tossing them about like so many ragdolls with Darkforce. ~It is moving away.~ The Lost One says.

The mob closes in but it is obvious the edges are being lost. People begin to pause and shake their heads, looking about with frowns of vague confusion. But even so, once a mob so it seems always a mob. Then this block loses the dampening all together. Drake can feel speed course through him, Power Girl finds mid-swing her strength returned. And the people in the uhaul? They're pissed and they have their powers back too.

The side of the uhaul rips open as one person makes a break for it, bulling through the very confused crowds. People of all kinds begin to run in confusion as very angry mutants turn their attention on their kidnappers. This isn't good...this is turning quickly into a masse brawl with flashes of power. The screaming begins again, only it is the former assailants, confused, doing it.

Mon-El has posed:
    Victor won't have too much trouble finding something to wreck the trailer with. It's not long before there's a gas station along the road off to the right. All he needs to do is tip the trailer onto that. With the size of that thing, it's certain to wreck the pumps and send gasoline spraying everywhere.

Sabretooth has posed:
Ohooooo and not just a gas station. There's a tanker there. Victor will have a wonderful time with this. He likes being wildly destructive. He turns the truck, getting more speed, and uses part of a curb while turning the wheel to an extreme.... sliding it sideways towards the fuel pumps. He bails out the side quickly, growling at the crunch through his leg as he lands poorly and rolls, but if this works... healing factor will more than make up for it. He runs on it anyway, and turns to watch the explosion launch waves of heat into his face and across the nearby buildings.

Not as good as skinning someone, but it will do. Oh, look, charred body parts from the guys in back. It will definitely DO.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl takes in a sharp breath as she feels all that effort lift off of her shoulders. Whatever was suppressing her powers is no longer present, and she can feel it, tilting her head back just as things go to hell for a moment- any shots crushing on her flesh and falling from her as her toughness returns. She breathes deep, filling her lungs, and then exhaling slowly, calming herself.

    "Tastes like the sun."

    Then, something leaps from the back of the van, but Power Girl is all smiles and ease from here on out. She's showing off, strutting now as her bruises and aches knit up in record time. She's in front of anyone with a weapon, pulling it from their hands at superspeed. She's disarming the situation in a literal and figurative sense, turning people around so that the violence turns into confusion which hopefully turns into nonviolence as she controls the battlefield- in hopes to avert a bloodbath.

    She's even whistling while she works.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Good night, Gracie." Shadowlite gives in an amused expression, before he brings his black flying disk into existence, and flies off into the air, grabbing his Darkforce Sledgehammer as he does so.

Once high enough to get a good, long view look, Shadowlite breaks out the binoculars, looking for obvious trouble spots. "If it's still active, that means I can't just go back in..." Shadowlite muses to himself, "Can you tell which direction they're taking it?" The Lost One is silent a moment, then... ~It's going a bit eas-oh. Nevermind. It's gone.~ "Gone?" ~It just suddenly... shut down~

Then the screams start. Yep, Totally called the revenge killing.Shadowlite starts to fly over the district then, the sledgehammer on his disk as he goes over. No need to waste anymore ammo when he can just use the Darkforce Dimension again.

He keeps near to rooftop level though... just in case.

Once he finds more troublemakers, an arm aims, and a portal aperture opens at the end of a fist as Darkforce pellets 'fire' at the anti-mutant mob, and he even manages to knock a few of them out instead of killing people.

Of course, Power Girl is zooming about again, and she's disarming the situation. Literally. Still, he keeps firing... making sure that he only /disables/ around her. He's not in any mood to draw /that/ sort of attention his way.

The sooner they're done, the sooner he can go and check out where the dampener was

Redstar has posed:
The situation is indeed disarmed and quite quickly. And the stockpile that Power Girl would have gathered might have shocked her. The militia peel away and split apart as the dampener is destroyed. Some people resort to fists, but the residents and their attackers begin to part of their own.

The police within the mob, embarassed, begin to shout and push people to disperse. The mutants with their powers are not stupid enough, or heroic enough, to want to go against Power Girl let alone the police.

It only takes a few minutes before those who attacked have mostly been seperated from their attackers. Some of those who participated in this siege have gotten away. Most of the militia in fact. Tensions are still high, but winding down as more and more police arrive. All in all the entire thing took maybe twenty horrifying minutes. One that will linger and burn as hate in the hearts of many for some time to come.