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(Joker & Ivy break out of Arkham.)
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The Arkham Breakout Bash!
Date of Scene: 30 July 2017
Location: Arkham Asylum
Synopsis: Joker & Ivy break out of Arkham
Cast of Characters: Joker, Poison Ivy, Renee Montoya, Insight, Batman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Alfred Pennyworth, Robin (Wayne)

Joker has posed:
"Everything's in place, Boss. The boys got the call and are going in now. The loose ends have been disposed of. We're ready to go on your signal."

All day things at Arkham have been a little... intense. Guards who were supposed to be off-shift today were called in and have been sitting in full riot gear most of the day. Non-essential deliveries have been cancelled or post-poned where appropriate, and those that have been deemed too important to turn away were put through triple security checks before being reluctantly allowed on the grounds. GCPD patrol cars have taken up positions around the"Everything's in place, Boss. The boys got the call and are going in now. The loose ends have been disposed of. We're ready to go on your signal."

All day things at Arkham have been a little... intense. Guards who were supposed to be off-shift today were called in and have been sitting in full riot gear most of the day. Non-essential deliveries have been cancelled or post-poned where appropriate, and those that have been deemed too important to turn away were put through triple security checks before being reluctantly allowed on the grounds. GCPD patrol cars have taken up positions around the perimeter of the facility since the morning and have only increased in number as the 'clock' ticked down on the scheduled 'start' time for the Joker's party. Now, as the sun has fully set and the moon has risen, the site is on full lockdown with no one leaving or arriving without some sort of clearance from the overseer of Arkham and commanding GCPD officer at the scene.

Deep within the bowels of the Asylum, the majority of the guards are concentrated on a single, windowless room. The interior is packed with enough armored bodies to make mobility difficult. At the center of a cluster of silent, somber, riot-gear equipped guards, there's a single inmate, locked into a straightjacket with a Hannibal Lecter-esque muzzle clamped to his face. He's strapped down onto a dolly to enable the guards to move him about if necessary, but otherwise he's completely immobile. Despite this predicament, he's still the sole source of noise in the cramped office:

~Haaaappy birthday to meeee, haaaaaappy birthday to meeeee, haaaaappy biiirthdaaay dear Joookerrr, haaappy birthdaaay to meeeee~


Poison Ivy has posed:
"Oh Jimmy, dearest Jimmy - you came back to me, didn't you?"

The viewing portion of a cell door slides open, and behind it, Ivy's smile. The stuttering man in front of her nods vigorously, and hands her a grocery bag, filled with... who knew what. Drawing the bag into her cell, Ivy smiles slyly to herself, reaching into the bag and finding a test tube full of a clearish green liquid.

And that rose that Jimmy had left before - even in such a barren room of all metal and no real sunlight that Ivy had been locked within - it flourished between the hinges of the door proper, hidden from casual view. "We've a party to get ready for, Jimmy. You know what I need next."

A minute of silence takes place in the hall around Ivy's cell, ominious - a perfect silence for the Joker's laughter to reverberate through the halls. And then a mighty ~CRACK~ as the door around Ivy's cell breaks off its hinges and falls forward, Jimmy scrabbling out of the way as it falls heavily against the floor.

And Poison Ivy steps out of her cell, free - taking a moment to stretch. "And finally, Jimmy, your reward," she says, leaning forward to grasp the orderly by the collar and roughly drag him forward - to let his lips meet her own in a sudden and primal kiss. Breaking away from the kiss, Ivy brings her hand up to Jimmy's breast pocket, tearing the keycard off of his uniform. "My love... go find the first Arkham guard you see..."

"...and beat him to death."

And as Jimmy nods, and goes sombering away, a smile dancing on his lips, Ivy steps forward herself, a sly smile dancing on her lips. "First stop... the greenhouse."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    And while the Arkham Guards are in full riot gear, GCPD sits at the ready, outside, in full SWAT gear. After recieving their 'gift' Montoya had been assured by the Chief that the Arkham Guards would keep everything well in hand. But, she hadn't bought it. It wasn't going to win her any favors, and probably earn her more ire, but she'd taken the news to the Commissioner - who, thankfully, agreed with her and had put her in charge of tonight's 'festivities'.

    Several armored vehicles sit outside the gates of Arkham, and SWAT teams are strategically placed at the north, east, west, and south ends of Arkham. Montoya is at the front gates, in full SWAT gear herself, radio at her collar. "I don't -care-," she's stating into the radio, "I'm in charge. Unless you want to take it up to the Commissioner. I want snipers on those windows -now-. And, keep your gas masks at the ready. In case you forgot, Joker likes a show. -Wants- a show. So, we're going to give him one."
    She exhales, a deep frown settled over her features, and she stalks off to the back of one of the vehicles, away from the men and women at the ready, to get ahold of herself.

Insight has posed:
    It was a difficult decision for Dr. Goodspeed. When one gets an invitation from The Joker and Harley Quinn, the likelihood of making a good decision becomes nearly infinitesimal. If you go, horror. If you don't, you slight them, and more horror. They obviously know where his office is, as it was delivered there, so to deny the invitation means putting the University and potentially all of those students at risk.

    So Georgie shows up: out of costume, just as Dr. Goodspeed. He carries his invitation in his suit pocket as he saunters through the checkpoints, visitor ID firmly in place. He's a therapist, so, after a fashion, this is a place where he has professional camouflage. The empath is obviously nervous, hand shaking some, eyes just a little wider than usual, and his lower lip being chewed obsessively. Even he can't completely hide it fully.

Batman has posed:
It had been a short day for Batman as it is the first day Nightwing returns he looks down at the Asylhum grounds as they had also got here quiet early. Batman was sitting on the top of the building he frowned down at the small device in his had. He had not underestimated the Joker, and this was his 'home-territory' surrounded by other inmates that each could be a threat. He knew the Gotham PD was here as well, and he wished they weren't but they had a job to do as they did.

Looking over at Nightwing he made a few hand signals, he is sure he saw he what did and it was the camera number to which to tap into. He spoke in a sub-vocal language though the suit would show it on his hub.. "The first one is lose.. You know where she is going, save the guard on your way." he glances over at Damian then back at Nightwing, "Take Damian... remember what we talked about." he glances at Damian on the other side of him "Both of you." "You know how dangerous she can be in there.. I am waiting for Joker." then he falls back into silence.

He returns to the monitors watching the Joker he is quietly frowning going through what he knows of things that could happen. He knew that Harley was either coming or already here, and he knew Joker had a plan. He just needed to wait for him to make the move as Joker was usually one you had to react to for he did not have the element of surprise tonight.

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's Mistah J's birthday, and thus the day that Harley has waited for seemingly for-EVAH. As the time starts to tick down towards zero hour... there's also no sign of the clown princess. She's working on her party outfit, making sure her JoyBoy's are on fleek as they like to say. Everything's got to be perfect for her puddin' and especially for his birthday she's going to make damned sure they deliver. She even got him a crown, and all kinds of party favors. It's all got to be /just right/. Bits adjusted here and shoes shined. All's quiet for the moment, for all that it takes everything that Harley has not to start humming 'Happy Birthday' under her breath.

Nightwing has posed:
    Standing at Batman's side, Nightwing gives a single sharp nod as he accepts the orders. No snap back sass for the moment, matters are dire and afoot, so he takes the role of pursuing Poison Ivy and stopping the guard from beating his comrade to death. "C'mon, Devil." The elder Robin gives a small smile of enouragement, but then slips back into his work face. "Let's move."
    A moment to break into a run towards the side of the building, footsteps quick upon the rooftop. There's a /snap-hiss/ of a grapple line firing and he's soon wending his way towards the designated location to try and save the guard, and then get to Poison Ivy.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
     "You know master Bruce, when I said you and the young Master Damian needed to spend more quality time together, this wasn't exactly what I had intended." Alfred speaks up over the coms systems between the small bat group.

     Safe and sound he waits back in the batcave, sipping from a cup of coffee while watching over the massive banks of monitors which make up the bat-computer. All of this data had to go somewhere and it might as well be used by alfred to lend a helping hand to the team. "I was thinking more... baseball in the park then beat-down in arkham."

     A light sigh is let out as he sips from the cup of fresh brew. "Ah, perhaps simply wishful thinking on my part." As he sends a small feed of just the most important information back towards the cowl. Eighty different tasks at once from the old butler as he watches over various feeds cross video imaging, and satellite imagery.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looked at his two elders, nodding before following Nightwing. The teen had been given his own set of gear, a Robin's gear. Even thought the young one knew the gravity of the situation, he had a legitimate smile on his face. The fleet footed teen followed suite with a grapnel of his own and followed Nightwing.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Ivy pauses a moment more. Glancing towards Jimmy the orderly before he leaves, Ivy lets a wry smile touch her lips before heading into the corridor leading to the greenhouse. The attention had been on Joker this night, Ivy getting free wasn't part of the... plan, so to speak.

And her progress towards the greenhouse might be tracked by those in the know - not in sightings of the 'green woman in the corridor', bbut more in the sense of people radioing in like "Jimmy? You see anything? God, what are you doing! Help!"

And Ivy simply walks past the struggle. More or less undetected. But again, it was a skeleton crew here tonight, bringing up the orderly's ID badge to open the greenhouse proper, as the two men feud behind her. A long breath in, and released, and Ivy steps out into the floor of the greenhouse, bringing up her hand to brush through her long crimson hair, pushing it over her shoulder. "Oh, my children..." she whispers to the plants here.

Joker's men had set the place up perfectly.

"How /long/ I have missed your embrace..."

Bringing up her hands to the collar of her orange Arkham jumpsuit, Ivy gives a tug, tearing the fabric of the thing as vines track along the ground towards her.

Ivy owned the greenhouse now. With another flick of her wrist, she tosses the remains of the solution that Jimmy had brought her towards the corner. And something stirs.

Ivy grins, the wicked smile caught in the dim light.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    There's static in Montoya's ear. "Negative. We are here to contain Arkham, tonight. That is our -only- job here, tonight. To make sure every single inmate is accounted for in the morning. Do not, I repeat, do -not- engage The Batman or Nightwing, or any Robin you see. They're not in Arkham. They are -not- our priority, tonight."
    Some police, afterall, were not convinced in the least that Batman was on their side. And others? Well. Others weren't exactly on the same side of justice, and could be bought. Renee had attempted, her best, to select from officers she knew to be loyal to the Commoissioner, and carry a more clean record.

    "I want reports from inside every fifteen minutes, from every checkpoint," Montoya goes on, moving back to her position, carrying her rifle with her, helmet in place. Under her breath, and outside of the comms, Renee says quietly, "It's going down, any moment, now." She looks to the man near her, shakes her head. "Stay ready. Air's changing. Or my gut is."

Joker has posed:
Even the smallest disturbance is enough to trigger all kinds of alarms tonight. The moment Jimmy starts to attack a fellow Arkham worker, someone radios in to the main control center, and the head of security curses and reaches for a radio that further patches into the active GCPD frequency...

"Be on alert. We have personnel acting erratically. I need men to the high-security ward, on the double. Something's going on up there!"

The guards posted around the Joker all look amongst each other, then to the caged maniac who simply smiles through his muzzle and starts singing yet again. "God, can't you shut him up?!" one of the guards demands of someone closer, and he looks back with a blank expression, "Shut him up? How the hell do you suppose I do that?" The first guard grimaces and shakes his head, stepping back out of the room, "I don't know. Look I can't take him anymore. I'm going to take a patrol up to see what's going on in the high security wing."

~Birthdaaaay to meeeee~

"Fine, fine. Just make it quick." The other returns, and the first chuckles grimly as he rounds up about half the men on the Joker, "Chill out. He's bound and gagged. He can't do anything."

~Haaaappy biiirthday to Jooookerrrrr~

"Yeah, sure..." The remaining guards look antsy now, the sounds of guns being checked and rechecked underscoring the singing as a third group of guards rounds the far corner...

Insight has posed:
    While unaware of what's happening with Poison Ivy, Damian and Nightwing, Georgie does have some small good he can do to the cause. Getting past the door guards takes a moment though. Under orders, they're reluctant to let any but essential personal through. The mutant doctor reaches out with his mind as he spins a tale of being called in for some minor duty that -has to get done-. With a little push of impatience and desire to trust the young doctor, they start to cave. Then, one of them recognize him from the semi-pro MMA circuit and jokes, "Heck, Vern, he can probably take us."

    The officer, Vern, finally caves warning, "Just hurry up, Doctor. Nothing good is going down tonight."

    Georgie nods with a grave look and moves into the Asylum. He draws a breath and gets to doing a small thing, but hopefully a gesture that will save a few lives. He makes his way from entrance towards where the highest risk patients are kept. It isn't fast, but when he sees the essential personnel, he coaxes them into getting out of harms way. The guards he sees get small pushes of confidence and caution. Joker functions on terror and chaos, so the little he can help stave off, hopefully, will be a boon to the Asylum. All of it, of course, is picked up on the cameras.

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's getting close, closer, the time trickling away to nothing. And sewer grates in the street outside start to seep. It might be hard to tell at first, that the wisps trickling from the holes are anything other than the usual Gotham steam. Almost invisible tendrils snaking up from below. Nothing immediate obvious or sinister.

Much like the troop of relief guards currently heading to tag out with some of their fellows outside of the Joker's room. They all look perfectly ordinary. Nice fellas, even. Some have been there a while... some transfers to help make sure that the Joker stays on lock down. One, granted, might be wearing thicker soled boots than the others, but well, can you really blame the short guy for wanting a little bit of extra lift in such a place. Nothing suss here.

Batman has posed:
Batman moves now as movement starts to happen around the Joker as his arm goes out and there is another /snap-hiss/ as he too gets pulled to the side. He heads over to the wing that holds him so he can be on top of him when the combat starts. He knows when the Joker starts talking things are going to start soon, as most underestimated his words, but not Batman.. Batman knew that there was a reason as much as he talks with a reason though sure when he got angry, or frustated he would talk more like a rant no Batman knew him well.

As he goes through the air maybe someone with sharp eyes could see a Bat shapped shadow going through the night. He didn't know to look for Vern specifically, but the doctors movements would get cought in the information he got he was focused on Joker, and the others around him. Those could be guards, but he did not underestimate the reach of Joker.

"I want you to look up the names, and backgrounds of each of these guards overseer there is no way he would act in the middle of a full unit. Then Radio silence.." he didn't use Alfred's name. He didn't like surprises, but he waited he had no-idea about Harley or her location for now. So for now he setup, he needed to get in quickly so around the bared window by the hallway to Jokers cell he sprayed a gel though he doesn't use it yet, but he knew he would need to as he raised himself back up to the rooftop.

Nightwing has posed:
    Down the halls rush the dynamic duo of Nightwing and the Devil Boy. They cover ground quickly, navigating the facility with the aid of the electronic displays in their HUD, giving them the turns needed, the probably locations of their targets. It doesn't take long. One moment they're both skidding around a corner, Nightwing flipping smoothly over a turned over lenin cart and not breaking stride.
    Another turn around a corner and they both come into view of Jimmy taking a pipe over and over to his colleague. There's no time to hesitate. Nightwing rushes forwards, gesturing at Damian with a closed fist, then points to the fallen man even as he picks up pace and...
    /Launches/ himself at Jimmy, spinning in a smooth gyre to bring the heel of his boot into the man's pipe arm, knocking the weapon away, and then continuing the spin to slice the man's legs out from under him, causing them both to hit the ground in one single motion. Only Nightwing is up faster, rolling to the side to slam a knee into the man's back and try to restrain him long enough to hog tie him with a few quick zip ties.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin gives Nightwing a nod, while the elder restrains the affected guard, he makes his way to the injured man. The teen looks over the other guard, assessing the damage dealt by Jimmy. Cracking open a pack of nearby gauze, he attempts to stave off the bleeding and to stabilize the guard for transport.

Poison Ivy has posed:
    Jimmy, for better or for worse, was just an orderly. So he was easy prey for the like of Nightwing - one imagines the only reason he got the guard down on the ground at all was due to sneaking up on him. And the big hunk of metal that he had managed to pull from the piping.

    "Sorry... I'm so sorry, so sorry, Al," says Jimmy. "But I have to do this. I... got to. It's for her... and..." Down comes the pipe again and again. "I gotta see that smile again, you know?" Nightwing's smooth kick knocks that pipe from Jimmy's arm, the man shouting in surprise and pain.

Twisting around towards Nightwing, he had enough time for one word "Who?!" before his legs were knocked out from under him, and he was eating pavement. They were, at least, close to the greenhouse. They could smell it from here, that smell of plants and green. Although... should that smell be so strong?

"You gotta let me go! You gotta! She wanted him beaten. She wanted that! I want to. I /need/ to!" he tells Nightwing, his voice almost frenzied as he resists the zip-tying - but his arms manage to get tied behind him.

There was a distinct rumbling from the direction of the greenhouse. Of vines creaking as they rub against each other. Of shaped wood and metal giving way to nature's grasp.

"And I gotta give her enough time..."

The man continues to babble much in this vein as Damian reaches the guard. The guard brings up his hand, waving it as if to try to stave off Damian's help, before he blinks twice. "Batman?" he says, his voice slurred. Concussion, definitely.

"You gotta be careful, there's a part...party tonight. And that green... uh... chick, the one we ain't supposed to go near? She came near us."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The crackle over the GCPD frequency has Montoya up in arms, literally, "Team 2, move in. Now. High security ward. -GO-." She switches channels, "Arkham. This is Detective Montoya. SWAT Team moving to high security ward to assist." Several officers move, swiftly into the building at Montoya's order.
    "I need confirmation from all checkpoints."
    They begin to rattle off, and Montoya, in her head, creating a 'slash' through each name.
    Then. "Greenhouse," she says into her teams headsets. "Greenhouse hasn't reported in." She curses, low, and hard, in Spanish. This, clearly, is what they wanted. Divide, and conquer. "Team 5, to Greenhouse. Secure it. Don't bother with the gas." She has an idea who might be responsible. "If you encounter Ivy, pull her back into us. Do not get close to her, do not directly engage with her."

    "Everyone else, keep your position. Report any sightings, immediately. Team 2. Talk to me."

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's a hiss... the steam from the grates in the street goes from 'slightly heavier than normal steam' to 'pressure cooker'. It's one on the north side that blows first, shooting the cover a good ten foot into the air to come down with a nasty clatter. Then the next one in line whistles like a freight train. The smoke that suddenly billows from underground goes from white to shades of green and purple. Hopefully the SWAT team obeyed Renee and put on their masks because even dissipated by the volume and distance there's enough Smilex in the cloud to disable those unfortunate enough to get wrapped up in it. Diluted enough to try and obscure the area surrounding the Asylum from the rest of Gotham.

In the hallway outside Joker's room, as things at the greenhouse and outside start to heat up, the first of the relief guards unslings a decidedly not standard issue nozzle from under their kevlar and promptly sprays down one of the one's standing guard with... liquid nitrogen. Chaos erupts between bullets and clouds of freezing liquid. The shortest guard discarding her helmet as one of the others sprays down the door to Joker's cell, taking out a baseball bat to smash the suddenly brittle door and saunter in to go and release the birthday boy to the party at last.

Joker has posed:

As soon as Harley releases him, the Joker throws his hands in the air and begins to stretch, bending first to one side, then the other as he works out all the kinks one naturally acquires being locked into a straightjacket and strapped to a dolly. "Took you long enough," he complains nasally to one of the surviving Goons who, now at such a close distance, clearly have 'Ha!' spray painted over their backs in purple and green. The man apologizes in a muffled tone before offering the Crown Prince of Crime a large revolver. He snatches it away and quickly checks the chambers before turning to Harley with wide open arms, "Ah, you came /just/ in time Harley. I was beginning to think I'd go crazy all tied up like that." He sends his palm sliding over his head with a 'phew' sound, "Dodged a bullet there, though. HahaHAHAhahaaa!" He then tilts his head, listens to the growing alarms sounding in the distance and ticks his chin towards the hallway. "Shall we? I believe we have one more stop to make," he then takes a couple careful, long-legged strides over all the bodies and ice shards that used to be bodies before heading down the hall towards a sign marked: 'Roof'

Insight has posed:
    The screams of guards being doused with liquid nitrogen is more than enough to get Georgie's attention. The sharp spears of fear, panic and pain are like shards of glass through the empaths brain. The ending of those feelings so abruptly, however, are even worse as there is only one thing that it could mean: People are dying.

    Staggering almost drunkenly, Doctor Goodspeed rushes towards the feelings. The look of shock is probably priceless when he sees the Clown Prince of Crime in the flesh and free near the door that'll lead to roof access. He freezes for a moment before he reaches into his jacket. He slowly withdraws his invitation, hoping beyond hope to buy the heroes just a few seconds more time. He holds up the card and says in a trembling voice, "Happy Birthday. I... umm..." he waggles the invitation with a trembling hand. His lips move, wanting to say something more clever, but... it's the friggin' Joker and Harley and he's just not that cool.

Batman has posed:
As everything begins Batmans eyes narrow then comes the steam which almost gets him to go in, though no he waited he knew the Joker there was something else.. And then came the nitrogen. His eyes open a a little though in, an instant he hits the button, and in the hallway outside of Jokers cell dull thump is released as a controled explosion happends right before Batman hits the wall with his legs kicking in. He lands, and from his belt he pulls out a small item throwing it behind him. He looks at Joker with that look of determination as they only have the brief chance to view each other as Batman still has his grappling hook in hand.

Behind him a inflatable raft inflates quickly blocking the spray of liquid at least for a moment. Batman doesn't stay though as he grabs the guards guarding the cell forcing them out the entrance he made using the pull from the hook to lift who he can moving back towards the entrance he made as this cover is just enough to pull the group towards the exit he made. He gives Joker the narrowed glare as he now saw that he is free, and Harley was with him.. Joker would also know that he was here now, and that would make stopping him even more difficult now.

Though, still he can't hold the look for long, as he needed to turn, and throw Batarangs at the people spraying as the boat had been knocked out of the way by now so he needed the closest to that side to stop so he threw three at the tank to release the pressure so there would be no spray. With that he pulls him, and the others with him up... Though with a little effort of climbing the wall to help it along that little distance. For now Batman was out of the way not to mention most likely followed up with the rest of the men spraying in his direction as he couldn't stop all of them in that short of time.

Nightwing has posed:
    As he's rising from the bound man, Nightwing nods towards Robin and says quickly, "Rebreather." As he opens the and unfolds a small device with a thin curved piece of plastic that he places over his lips and nose, the mask sealing into place and filtering the air as he steps towards the fallen man Jimmy had been assaulting.
    A frown mars the elder vigilante's features and he keys a button on the side panel of his gauntlet, keying in the alert to the bat-network setting the automatic call for emergency services, ambulance, and police at this specific location on GPS. Of course, with how things are going, chances are they're going to need a lot more emergency vehicles.
    "C'mon." The mask muffles his voice as he turns and breaks into a run towards the greenhouse where assuredly Poison Ivy awaits them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "You're going to be fine medics are on the way." Offers Robin before he widens his eyes a bit. "Whatever you do, do not fall asleep." The teen warns the guard. Damian holds fingers to his ear, listening in on the conversation, ticking his tongue against his teeth. He takes out his rebreather from the belt and affixes it over his face with a good seal, giving a thumbs up before running to the greenhouse.

Poison Ivy has posed:
The greenhouse had become... a magical place.

A certain pink haze hung in the air - sweet smelling and cloying. The source? Tulips that had sprung up amidst the usual greenhouse plants, the flowers shaped utterly perfectly, like each one was the centerpiece of a minimalist art photograph. It wasn't so much like there was a pink cloud in the air, but it was more an undertone. The drab of Arkham was brightened by such things, and if one wasn't wearing a gas mask, this place would seem like a dream.

Comfortable. Sweet. Kind. Home, perhaps. That feeling of home. As it was - the rebreathers the bat-duo were wearing were getting their filters slowly clogged with the pollen that provides that effect. But the rebreathers would protect them.

Alfred was just going to really enjoy scrubbing them out later, no doubt.

And in the very center of the greenhouse stood a woman. The soft haze in the air softening any sharpness in her features, perhaps making her seem hazy - as if in a dream. The shreds of an Arkham uniform lay at her feet, and she turns, a sly smile dancing on her lips. "Sooner than I expected, Nightwing... and the smaller Robin," says Ivy.

The smile tracks wider. She was dressed - just not in clothing. Vines wrapped around her, around her feet to form boots, around her belly to form a girdle and top - wide tulip petals lifting up to provide her a sense of modesty. Tulips blossomed in her hair and along the single vine tracing around her left arm.

"It was so dark in my cell - certainly you don't mind me taking a walk. To get the... air again. To taste freedom again. To see my children again..." she says, gesturing around the room.

What looked like a mass of vines lurches in the corner, petals around it giving a tulip feel in terms of color - but it looked, perhaps, like a venus flytrap made of tulip petals, with vines of some kind instead of a stalk - distinct from the vines that were now hanging from the roof of the greenhouse.

"Do you think you're going to put me in my cell again?"

Joker has posed:
The sudden, unexpected arrival of Georgie causes the Joker to freeze, his revolver up in an instant and aimed at the man's chest. His face falls into one of vaguely perplexed annoyance as he considers this unfamiliar doctor. "Who are you?" he croaks out, but then Georgie's got an invitation in hand and is wishing him Happy Birthday, and immediately the Clown's face lights up. "Harley! It's a party goer!" he crows, delighted, but then there's a muffled explosion and a Batman crashing through the broken wall. The Joker winces, one leg going up and his hands covering his head in a sudden attempt at protecting himself, and for a moment the Joker looks even more pleased, but then Batman grabs a few beleagured Arkham guards and disappears again, and the Joker's face falls once more.

"Meh, who need him, right?" he cackles at Georgie, reaching over to try and pull him into a one-armed embrace, the heavy revolver resting on Georgie's chest as the Joker goes to lead them up the stairs to the roof, "Harley! Make sure the boys keep Bats from following us up this way. I need to properly greet our guest and he has a way of being... rude. Hehehehehaaaa."

"So... whatcha' get me, Friend?"

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The SWAT team where the gas emerges are all ready for it, thanks to Montoya's preperations, and orders. Laser sights go active, looking for targets in the swell of gas, and finding none, as Renee's headset bursts with the various reports, and activity going on.

    Team 2, dispersed to the High Security Ward reach their mark, rounding the corner, sheilds at the ready with the hail of gunfire to prepare them that -something- is already -very- wrong. "Civilian," one of the SWAT team-members calls, while another tosses out a flash-bang grenade where the thugs Harley dragged along with her to free the Joker - and who are now pinning Batman down, are located. They all duck behind their shields, and then they begin shooting themselves. Perhaps that will leave Batman some room, as the guards either go down to bullets, or take cover from the 4 member SWAT team's own bullet spray, while they, too, report to Renee.

    The other team dispatched gets to the Greenhouse, having donned their own gas masks with Montoya's insight that it was likely Ivy that held that particular position.
    "They're not coming out," she says low, to herself, and to the other SWAT team around her. Then, she calls, "Eyes on the roof. I need eyes ont he roof, /yesterday/."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn sheds her guards outfit. She brought Joker a present. A crown purloined from one of the local museums and shined up super pretty,"Well, I didn't want to get here too early. I invited Batsy and his birds and the police and..." oh look, there's a Georgie, and Harley pauses, clapping her hands in delight before she peels off her goggles and discards them,"And the Gotham criminal psychology boys..." and then there's a whumf of explosion and she shrieks!

"You! And you! He's up there you fools!" the nearest goon gets a swat with the bat as she points towards the Bats near the ceiling,"Shove the boat this way, then ice him!" because she's hardly going to refuse a present that might help block their escape path behind them, Harley content to have Joker and the 'guest' go ahead of her just to make sure that the guards are properly occupied. Wouldn't do for Joker to be interrupted, after all!

Meanwhile the smoke continues to billow out in the street. It's probably fortunate that with the presence of the SWAT team that most people who could possibly avoid it are certainly avoiding the area, but the unlucky few can no doubt be heard to start cackling as it seeps their way and oozes in towards the Asylum itself. After all... laugh and the whole world... or at least the Asylum, laughs with you, right?

Insight has posed:
    Choices narrow when a person has a high caliber revolver leveled at his chest. The chaos of emotion and pain and laughter also hit the empath like a ton of bricks. He can't help but laugh a little along with the victims outside. It's a hysterical sort of laughter, one born of the emotional torment he's suffering from. He looks at the Joker, trying desperately to focus. "What did I get you?" he asks as he fights to tamp down the chaos running through his mind.

    He opens his jacket again and pulls out a little tube with a ribbon around it. He offers it up, although he jumps and leans in against the Joker some at the WHUMP of the explosion. He flashes an apologetic, almost bashful smile, murmuring, "Sorry." He just shuts up then, not getting in the way of the Joker and Harley giving orders. He stifles a touch of relief to know that Batman is actually here and there's at least a small chance he could survive this after all.

    Inside the festive little tube is a T-shirt, cut in baseball jersey style in purple and green. Scrawled in graffiti style is the slogan:


Nightwing has posed:
    Drawing up short, Nightwing looks up towards Ivy, towards the surroundings that have so changed... and that venus fly trap creature that bodes very ill some small distance away. He shakes his head and calls out, voice muffled by the rebreather as he lifts his voice, "Ivy, I'm very disappointed in you." Such harsh condemnation.
    He stands to the side slowly, speaking to her in a calm and controlled manner, hopefully keeping her eyes on him. "This is really bad. That guard's hurt, and you haven't killed anyone yet. You head back to your quarters and maybe things don't have to get difficult for us."
    A glance is spared to Robin, but then he looks back and adds, "Things are bad. If you bust out now you're going to be lumped in with everything else that's happening. Then nothing I say will make a difference."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin didn't say anything, yet. He was hiding his time, allowing Nightwing to approach it how he deemed necessary. He assumed they had a rapport, but the large Venus flytrap had him also playing scenarios in his head on how he would take it down, most of them included the katana that had stayed sheathed this entire time. Damian knew how Grayson and Batman wanted this to go, honoring Damian's own word to not kill.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Ivy tears her attention away from the two batpeople for one moment, her green eyes narrowing on the hazy windows that look into and out of the greenhouse. "Gasmasks... and you brought the police. Please - I thought we were past this. Won't you two trust me? At all?" she asks, her tone of voice cloying - almost playful as she takes a few steps away, her eyes flickering back towards the other two.

Nightwing especially at this point, perhaps almost certainly knew there was something about to go very wrong. It was her stance, the way her voice seemed to sharpen to a point and almost become /too/ syrupy. And that little cant of her head to one side.

So disappointed in her. Ivy has to fight down the smirk. "And I'm disappointed as well. That you and the others seem to find it fit to keep me in rooms and metal, starving - for the 'safety' of others. These same animals that cut down fields of wheat and trees to feed the demands of this city," says Ivy. But none of this was anything new to anyone who had heard any of her rants before. "But I have a deal for you instead, dearest Nightwing." A beat. "Come, run away with me - stop wasting your talents protecting a lifeless, soulless order - and find peace in the beauty of nature."

The vines hanging around the edges of the place seem to 'wake up', lashing out at the windows, battering at them as the SWAT team approaches. Glass cracks, starts to shiver with the repeated blows - and then explodes outwards, those vines reaching out towards the team. This, of course, makes the pollen perhaps a little less potent by diluting it, but those vines were doing one thing, and doing it clumsily.

They were hoping to reach out and snatch or batter the masks off of the approaching officers, as that pink haze starts escaping into the corridors with the shattered glass. At least the effects weren't toxic - the murmuring of a patient who was caught when Ivy woke up the place kinda confirmed that. He lay in the corner, relaxed - his eyes staring up at the sky, staring at nothing. He seemed to be in total bliss. And Ivy snaps her fingers and takes a few steps away, her eyes focusing again on Nightwing as her face twists with contempt. That creature in the corner - the venus flytrap/tulip hybrid? It starts to lumber forward, vines reaching out like grabbers for both Damian and Nightwing - and Ivy - as opposed to when she usually stands with her creatures to the bitter end, was moving to the edge of the room. Waiting for the appropriate level of distraction.

To open one end of a drain grate. The drainage beneath was small, and mold-encrusted - but the mold was her ally. There was a jagged path into the sewers from there, for one willing to brave the gunk.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Baatttsssyyyy!" there's no denying it's Harley's voice even as the clown princess retreats, and there's no denying it's coming from the direction of the stairs up. Of course, the echoing, cheerful little call is accompanied by the tinkle-tinkle of a grenade pin hitting the stairs from above, and then a smiley-face grenade comes sailing down from somewhere overhead to bounce off a railing and explode in a cloud of smilex and glitter on the basement level. Noise and light and distraction, it's all about slowing down the caped vigilante just a little bit longer for the sake of her Mistah J.

The Joy Boys left in the hall that Joker was being held on are left to their own devices for the moment it seems, those that are still upright and mostly mobile splitting up to pursue Batman on one hand, and climb out into the chaos to try and deal with the SWAT teams, even if there's no doubt a few casualty's in the process.

But somewhere beyond the smoke, someone might hear the sound of an icecream truck, the tinny music far too cheerful for the destruction currently happening inside. Plucky little tune echoing oddly in the drifts of smoke. And the ultimate purpose thereof no doubt obvious when at last the broad white truck lurches into sight near Renee's outpost. Because although it's still got the cheerful blue stripe and the painted cartoon face on the front of it, painted icecreams still visible in some portions of the sides... it's also armed and armored like a hedgehog; bristling with weapons and plates of thick steel, barreling towards the remaining police with its clown-masked occupants lurking inside.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    As the gang-members go down with the efforts from the SWAT team, they begin to advance, attempting to catch up to Joker, Harley, and Georgie, who, according to the SWAT Team that had been dispatched to the high security area, "He's getting help. One of the hospital staff is helping Joker escape," the team lead calls to Montoya. Again, the Detective curses under her breath. The team, however, is halted as the grenade bounces down the stairs and they take cover.

    "Nothing on the roof yet," calls a man with eyes upwards. "Where's my chopper? We need a spotlight on that roof," Montoya insists, doggedly, and with anger in her voice. "They were supposed to be here ten minutes ago to sweep."

    The greenhouse team secures the area, making sure Ivy is not going to get out the conventional way, unware of other escape plans she might have.

    As some of the spillover erupts outside, the SWAT teams move to capture where they can, but considering this is the Joker and his gang? They're not going to give too many chances. There will be causualties.

Joker has posed:
Joker actually seems a bit surprised when Georgie produces a test tube stuffed with a t-shirt. In all honesty, despite what he was cackling about, he never really expected any sort of gift from some guy he had never personally encountered, who was only here because of a chance meeting and Harley's generous mailing list. Still, he's fast to recover and pluck the test tube from the doctor's hands. "A shirt? When I went through all this trouble, that's all you could scrape together? Aren't doctors supposed to be rich? No car? No all-expenses paid trip to beautiful Hawaii?" the Joker fumes, still dragging Georgie up with him and Harley to the roof. "Well that's a fine how-do-you-do, after I went through all this trouble to put together a fantastic bash for my friends."


With a sudden kick, he sends the door to the roof slamming against its frame so he can continue his progress outside. Once there, he squints and shields his eyes at the sudden blinding lights of all the GCPD officers getting 'eyes' on their position. "This is more like it!" he cries out, going from jovial friend to obvious hostage taker by simply leveling the barrel of the revolver at the back of Georgie's skull while he leads the unlikely trio to the edge of the roof and well into quite a few armed sightlines. "Hello, GCPD officers!" he calls out in his loudest sing-song voice, "As you can see, the party is going without a hitch inside! Please, file in one at a time! There's cake somewhere, I'm sure!"

He pauses to lean back and address Harley in a hushed voice, "You did bring cake, right?"

"Well, either way, there's definitely a party! And it just so happens we have candles!" At that, he reaches the hand not currently pointing his revolver at Georgie to recieve a detonator, which, after a moment to turn it right side up, he presses.

From the hilltop where Arkham rests, just visible from their location, lights start twinkling in the distance on the Gotham skyline. One by one they appear, all up and down the horizon -- great big fires, each one centered on a firestation. Immediately all kinds of radio chatter comes in from the Gotham precincts about firebombs being set off at firehouses through the city. Not all were hit, but enough that firefighters are being mobilized all over. And over it all, a single sound from the rooftop.


Batman has posed:
Carrying the people back out of the hole he came in on he had to move to get them out of the sprayable area so that took time, and getting them up there broked his automated grapling hook, so it took him a while to get up to the roof the old fashion way, but from the shadows the lights from the GCPD are casting comes a Batarang from the right side of the Joker aiming for the hand that holds the gun. This is the throw he trains for he aims for the particular part of the hand that will freeze it in an extended state just long enough for one to drop the gun.

Though he is too late as the explosions go off, and Gotham is bombed again, as the Joker had completed the first part of his plan. Batman would have a busy night tonight though he doesn't stop.. from the shadows comes a stare, as he moves around again the shape of Batman might be seen but for a moment as he moves in a better spot to both block an escape, and block himself from the GCPD sight just incase one of them got the idea to take a shot.

The joker was without his gun, surrounded by cops, and the Bat.. He spoke for the first time in a low voice he knew Joker would hear.. "Its time to return to your cell Joker." his voice that same deep voice he uses those few times he speaks. He also is taking more Batarangs out just incase it looked like it would not be long before he moved in to finish this detaining Joker once again.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Let me think about that," Nightwing says, then immediately adds, "Uh, how about no?" Of course he can't go an entire evening without some hint of snark. But this whole situation has him... pretty unhappy. Then the glass starts shattering, crashing as the pieces hit the ground, dancing with the impact. He snaps his attention back to the woman and already she's breaking away, starting to move from her place of prominence in the greenhouse to the back.
    "Ivy... Ivy!" And with the warning entering his voice he reaches to his belt and draws a metal object free, snapping it to the side as it flares into the shape of a bird. To the side he tells Damian, "Help the officers." His tone is in control, calm. Even as he then sends that Wing Ding flying towards Ivy.
    With it thrown he breaks into a run, starting to chase after the woman...
    Only for a large tendril /crash/ into the ground in front of him, forcing him to leap into the air, twisting smoothly and land... now facing that giant venus fly trap.

Insight has posed:
    "Thought you would appreciate a gag gift," Georgie grumbles softly, showing just a touch of spunk. "Hostages are gifts that keep on giving after all."

He shuts up fast when the explosions start, however. He gapes and steals a look at the madman with a gun to his head. Tears fill his eyes as the explosions light up in a cascading line around the city. His home.

    But then the batarang comes and the gun clatters to the ground. He tries to take advantage of the opportunity, dropping and lashing out with a leg sweep on the Joker. He's dazzled from the emotional overload, especially the chaos from the Joker being so close, but he has to try. Should the Joker be caught, Georgie tries to take his ground game to the Joker, treating it like any MMA match where he needs to go for the submission hold.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian watched the SWAT team enter in, and soon the vines start accosting them. Once he receives the order from Nightwing, he nods back. Almost in a blur he takes off without hesitation to aid the GCPD team. He reaches for his belt and threw two birdarangs at the attacking vines.

  A sharp whine from his blade as he unsheathes it, using his grapnel to lift himself in the air and slice through as many of the awakened vines as possible.

  By the time the youngest of the Bat Family lands back at Nightwing's side, he's already poised to strike at whatever he needs to.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn's the one that hands over the detonator, happily. The rotating clown head on the top of the icecream truck is at once too heavy, too bulky for the rest of it, and the ungainly way it lurches as it barrels through the gates into the inner courtyard proves the reason why given the cackle that emits from it before the guy folded up inside the damned thing starts opening fire on the ground below. Up goes the back end of the truck to expose an anti-bullet mesh protecting the guys standing inside as they take up positions to insure the protection of the boss admidst the chaos. They, and the other Joy Boy's donning, of all things, Superman hats in the process.

For her part, Harley throws both hands up with a whoop of delight as the firestations start going up, a manic pixie of blond, red and black that bounces around somewhere behind Joker and his captive Georgie in undisguised glee, until that gun goes clattering and it changes to a snarl. First for the Bats, but then it's Georgie! Unluckily for the latter, he's the closer target, and the little blonde's mood goes entirely too manically cheerful as she shrieks,"BATTER UP!" and takes a swing at the poor, brave empath.

Poison Ivy has posed:
There was debate about whether or not plants thought. Whether they could consider their environment or think - things like the venus flytrap - closing shut on a fly when the hairs inside were moved. Was that a reflex of some form of conciousness? Or a cleverly designed machine, utilizing hydrolics to function.

Ivy's plants tended to transcend this debate. Gifting them with a form of rapid cognition that mammals and humans tended to enjoy, making them think, grow, empower them - and making them hunt.

This creature - this tulip flytrap, was one of these creatures. One could tell that its functions were primitive - the way it hunted, the way it only tended to make progress when one of its vines contacted something. But how it was able to tell the difference between a table leg, a plant, or a human being was a mystery to most.

Except, perhaps, Poison Ivy.

Ivy turns when Nightwing calls her name, a smirk on her lips... only to see a flicker of light that would suggest something was thrown at her. Twisting her head around and bringing her hand up, the wing ding dings off of the side of her head, scraping her scalp a bit - and destroying her lovely hair by a few strands being freed, only to flutter to the ground an orphan. With a hiss, Ivy pulls herself fully into the drainage ditch, closing it up behind herself.

But as for Damian and the vines... they reach out towards the officers, and many find themselves losing support as they are slashed further up the vine, closer to the base.

And one thing may be noticed as well. The further Ivy got away from the plants, the more sluggish and awkward they seemed to be getting. This includes the tulip flytrap, as well. And most of the pollen-generating tulips, having spent most of their pollen payload, start to wilt.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    One of the SWAT members is unlucky enough to have his mask dislodged, while several of the other members 'fight' with Damian, gunfire sharply going off to fight back the insane vines that are seeking to attack them, ensnare them, kill them. Life, for life? They don't see it that way. Crazy. Mutant. Plants. Gotta kill 'em all. The one whose mask was dislodged drops to his knees, swaying, slowly.

    "Hold your fire," Montoya calls, as the Joker is peppered with laser-sight beams from the snipers that'd been set in place. Montoya had expected something like this - she was a clever, clever woman.

    "Damnation," Renee breathes, as the fire pillars go up, lighting up the Gotham skyline in their deathly, chaotic beauty. But, knowing Joker has, or had a hostage, she's not clearing any shots on him. Not yet.
    "Team 3, I want you inside Arkham, now. Secure any of Joker's squad left alive. Assist Arkham forces in securing all patients. Everything on lockdown. Now."

Joker has posed:

Joker knows full well what him before he even looks over at Batman's sudden appearance. His face lights up though, to match the grim expression on his counterpart, "Batsy! You made it for the big fina- Oof!"

And again he goes down, this time to Georgie's surprisingly adept leg sweep. The Clown Prince is on his back, still perplexed when the man who used to be his hostage starts wailing on him. Rather than pain or crying out for him to stop, though, the Joker just emits a tortured little giggle with each blow, his hands coming up far too late to protect him at all, but his smile still plastered in place, even if it's now quite a bit more bloody then before.

Then there's a solid, wooden thunk and the pressure is let up. Joker moves his hands to see that Georgie is no longer on top of him thanks to Harley's swing. "This is how you repay me for bringing you to the big finale, Doc? Sheesh," he retorts, spitting a glob of mingled blood and spit to the side as he groans and finds his feet again, the revolver back in his hand somewhere along the way. Knowing Batman was likely already on his way across the rooftop, he swings the revolver around and fires blindly towards him and then Georgie as he quickly and without warning bullrushes...


Grabbing her around the waist, he yanks a very old, very outdated grapnel gun once used by the Batfamily -- by the looks of it around the time when Nightwing was still going by a different name -- off her belt and shoves them both off the side of the roof with a manic cackle in the air.

Only to fire the grapnel, latch onto the side of the building, and land heavily and gracelessly beside the tricked out Ice Cream truck that has now pulled up inside the perimeter, bristling with gunfire, the gatling gun clown head unloading on the rooftop to dissuade any pursuit.

"IN! NOW!" He yells at Harley, dragging her into the back just as the truck's tires kick up dirt and beat a hasty reversed retreat through the hole in the coverage it had already punched and back towards Gotham.

Batman has posed:
Batman runs forward as the man is hit by Harley though is glad the doctor could take care of himself he dodges quickly from side to side as the shots are pourly aimed as he is running the other way, as Batman ducks putting up his cloak infront of the doctor it turns solid, and what shots come in from that point deflect off of it. He waits there till the shooting is done then chasses after the Joker, and Harley as they continue to run, moving quickly in persuit until they pull out the grappel gun.

He had broke his earlier, so just gets out the rope going to folow them off the roof to stop them before they can escape but stops just in time as bullets wiz past him so close he needs to throw his cloak up again. The directed gun fire from inside too much to dive into he does get a Batarang off throwing it at the window of he van hoping to crack it on impact, as the Batarang bounces off as they are already reversing away though a wierd blue dye explodes just catching part of the front of the vehicle. He watches them back up calling the Batmobile himself, calling Damian and Nightwing, "Joker is escaping... did you get her?" is all he asks the important part of why they came out here tonight.

Insight has posed:
    The good Doctor doesn't make much noise as he straddles the Joker and does his level best to make sure that he doesn't hurt anyone else tonight. The Joker just laughs though and that's... that's unnerving as all hell. It's more than enough distraction to make him miss Harley until it is far too late. He manages to turn at the last moment and absorb the impact of the bat with his left arm and side. Harley is rewarded for her swing with the sound of bones snapping in the young man's body as he flies a few feet away and lands in a heap. There's a small moan as the man lays there for a moment.
    Georgie barely has the wherewithal to roll out of the way, but like the true hero he is, Batman is right there. He's utterly awed by Batman's presence, staring in disbelief as the cape stops bullets. It takes a while before he can think, overawed. When Batman runs after the Joker and Harley he watches as the two make their escape and sighs, trying to get upright. Now to try and find a way out and hope to god that the rest of the doctors who -didn't- come aren't targeted next since he had the audacity to actually show. It's the only thing that makes the pain he's in even remotely worth it.

Nightwing has posed:
    No time for Ivy, not for now. The creature, the vines, all demand the attention of the vigilantes in that greenhouse. "Why does this place even _have_ a greenhouse?" Nightwing murmurs to himself as he crouches low, hands held out to his sides as the large flytrap creature /rears/ up and then lashes down with several tendrils, trying to grasp hold of the vigilante for that snapping maw which could clearly be the end of many a man.
    The vines smash down into the ground, _just_ missing Nightwing as he leaps backwards, landing on his hands and then pushing back into the air to complete the back vault away. While in mid-air he grasps small black metal spheres from his belt and sends them hurling straight at where those tendrils struck the ground, the spheres impacting, then exploding into a short snap brown mire-like glue that traps and holds those tendrils in place.
    It's enough of a window as the creature struggles with its grip that the former Flying Grayson runs /up/ the tendril arm of the creature, flipping up atop its maw as it snaps at him. Another black sphere is palmed from his belt and when the creature snaps again he tosses it inside its gaping mouth.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Probably good that the Joker grabbed her, for all that Harley still tries to aim a kick Georgie's way, frothing as Joker pulls her off the roof and unknowingly out of the path of the snipers lazers. She's still fully inclined to go marching right the heck back up there, too, but Joker's yelling her to get in the van and pulling her back as they endeavor to make good his escape.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin leaps up, making his slices across any tendrils that may end up slamming themselves into the ground. In his mind he's reminded of the Hydra, he only hopes this beast doesn't resemble that particular mythological monster. The boy wonder remains as light on his feet as possible making good use of any obstacles that are in his way while Nightwing attends to the main plant.

Poison Ivy has posed:
    It wasn't that Ivy's little escape path wouldn't be followable - if one pulls up the drainage grate and otherwise, they would see crossed vines blocking the way - that would collapse the little passageway if prodded too much. The secret would then be to try to track Ivy through the sewers - and try to guess where she would exit.

    Smart money was that it was somewhere green.

    But regardless... the creature - attempting to grasp Nightwing and Damian proper - it feels the boots upon its tendril, and it curls its 'hand ' around to try to snatch the Flying Grayson when... well... something hits its 'mouth', and it snaps shut, a deadly lash that was aimed for Nightwing blocked by Damian's swipes.

    The thing twists around, suddenly, as if trying to expel it. It does... the casing, at least. Already, the tips of its vines were shriveling to a sickly brown as the creature dies in response to the chemical weapon. Another few lashes, and it kinda sits on its back, it's 'mouth' opening up until it looked like a deflated, wilted flower (albiet a very large one), on the floor of the greenhouse.

Nightwing has posed:
    A leap off the back of the dying venus fly trap creature, and Nightwing lands in a crouch, rising to his feet to catch Damian's attention for a moment. "I'm going to pursue Ivy," He gestures with a nod, "Rendezvous with Bat and back him up." That said he turns and starts to key up the small display on his gauntlet as he begins to bring up the schematics needed on the sewer systems and correlates with direction of travel and likely large areas of natural habitat. He then keys his own status to the network and breaks into a run, out one of the windows and firing a grapple line.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sheathed his sword, nodding to Nightwing. "I'm on comms." He takes off again to join up with Batman, grapneling up to the roof past the greenhouse, he would land as close as he could to the Dark Knight.

Joker has posed:
The chaos at Arkham is... devastating.

The after report reveals that in the uproar, bands of Joker goons dressed as Arkham guards had managed to infiltrate and release several of the more dangerous, but less famous Arkham inmates and several were still believed to be hiding out somewhere in the facility.

Most of the thugs were taken down, though several managed to escape through side exits before the GCPD was properly informed of the ruse. All told, the death count was surprisingly low in the end, a great many witnesses on hand reporting that it was largely due to most of the non-essential staff members being out of the way of the fighting when it broke out, and the surprisingly efficient responses of several Arkham guards.

The fires at the firestations throughout the city were perhaps the high point of the night, as the quick actions of the heroic firefighters and the intervention of several brave vigilantes and civilians lead to the swift and casualty free dispersal of the flames. After several witness reports were compiled, it was revealed that the fires had all originated from hastily constructed firebombs delivered by Joker thugs disguised as city inspectors.

The curious weapons that were responsible for much of the freezing going on turned out to be simple gardening equipment, rigged up to spray liquid nitrogen that is believed to have come out of an ACE Chemicals truck that had been hijacked earlier in the week. After an investigation was launched into the mishandling of said incident, it was discovered that the two responding officers had been killed and stuffed into the trunk of their patrol car -- rictus grins frozen on their face.

In the end, spirits were low amongst the GCPD officers who responded to the Arkham incident. Despite their best efforts, and those from the responding vigilantes and one brave doctor, two of Arkham's most dangerous and infamous residents had escaped once again to terrorize Gotham.