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Latest revision as of 15:51, 22 July 2018

Falling Stars
Date of Scene: 14 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Grace Choi, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Superman, Andromeda, Miss America, Saint Walker, Leah, Terra, Green Lantern (Rayner)

Superwoman has posed:
    The scene in downtown Metropolis is utter chaos. Bodies lie in the street- hundreds are dead. Thousands more are injured. Almost all of downtown Metropolis is destroyed- a huge crater in the middle of it all.

    Reports are coming in- there was a huge boom and then an explosion as *something* struck the Earth at almost impossible speed. No one is sure what happened- there is talk of a meteor strike, or some alien attack. No one is really sure what happened at all, though. The one thing that is true? Chaos. Utter Chaos.

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace Choi is one of the first to get up, out of the rubble. More resilient than those around her, the immensely tall half-Amazon slowly pushes herself up to her feet admist the chaos and confusion. The first thing she sees is that her bike is ruined, wrecked. The next thing she sees, is that she's ... not on the street anymore. She's below street level, the upper middle of that crater. And then? Then she begins to hear, her ears picking, admist the ringing going on between them, the screams of agony, rage, the cries, the sounds of creaking buildings and rubble still falling over. The sounds of sirens, already starting. She blinks, several times, the usually brash and sarcastic muscular woman is at a loss for words. In all the crazy she has experienced, it's not een anything like this.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Sooo she had been being visited by the most famous of Kryptonites, and a Duxomite, then well they hear something and both go foop.... Kae had paused a bit then looked to her apprentice and helpers "Watch the machine doing Super's lenses there..." she says and then makes her way casually down stares, waves her hand and suddenly a ripple appears in the air over a circle of power and Kae steps through.

There isn't much on the other side to announce her presense, other than well her simply seeming to walk out from behind a light post or a lamp post. She simply was just standing there.

Kae glances around curiously, wondering when the two aliens who had just been in her store would show up, the girl trying to glance around to see if she somehow beat them here... She grins a bit and taps her shoulder, making the little mechanical dragon construct go back into the backpack "Not right now Fan..."

Superman has posed:
Faster than a speeding bullet is still not fast enough for Superman to reach the site of the disaster quickly enough to prevent catastrophe.

As he arrives, he begins listening for heartbeats while extinguishing fires with blasts of freezing breath and pinching shut gas lines.

When he hears an injured individual, Superman moves to free them--as he can--from rubble and check on their condition. "It's going to be all right," he says quietly to victim after victim, moving those who seem well enough to be moved toward a relatively open plaza.

Soon, there are dozens sitting and lying there in pain and shock, but there's still so many more to be helped, so much more to be done.

Andromeda has posed:
Another figure, a tall but young blond woman (also in reds and blues) appears as if from nowhere above the crater. Her colors are a short blue pleated skirt, a deep red tunic and a long blue cape held in place with golden discs.

"I was right!" Laurel exclaims. "I _knew_ I heard an explosion." She peers down into the crater from her vantage point, using her telescopic vision to zoom in, her penetrating vision to see through the smoke and dust rising from the impact.

Miss America has posed:
    Unfortunately, America Chavez has seen things like this before. And in her experience, they have never ended well.

    'Things bound not to end well' is part of what's brought the Utopian girl to Metropolis, trying to follow up leads on the recent Intergang attacks -- an interest more decisively piqued after a hint at those who had turned the gang into their proxies. She had been in the middle of a different sort of detour, however, related to certain deadpan Asgardians and their afterlife-related foibles, when that explosion hit.

    Even from where she is, she can feel it -- perhaps especially. The rumble of earth beneath her feet, the belch of smoke and rubble, the sounds of confusion that stoke towards a panic. America knows all those things, all too well.

    Which is, perhaps, why she's making her way to that disaster area at record speeds barely a second later, with a certain, Hel(ish) handmaiden literally piggybacking a ride along. She doesn't slow for her companion's convenience; she's Asgardian. She can take some discomfort. And besides... this is not the time to be slow.

    And so, in a swirl of red, white and blue, America Chavez makes landfall at the impact sight not long after Superman's arrival, touching down and only barely depositing Leah before she blitzes forth into ground zero to help to drag rubble away and help those she can. No words come from her. She's never been great at them. If she can get some people out of here alive, and then pummel whoever did this into the earth, well -- that'll be good enough for her.

Saint Walker has posed:
A second comet is falling, seen high above. But this one, brilliant blue, and trailing light as a tail. But for those with enhaced perception, they would see quickly that a humanoid being is within the comet. The light falls down, closely following the trajectory of the first projectile, but this blue one slows and stops, floating thirty feet or so above the pavement.

A light skinned being of obvious Alien heritage. Garbed in blue. " Do not abandon hope. Hope will never abandon you.." The being proclaims, in suprisingly good english.

Leah has posed:
Leah lets go of her position with arms athwart America's throat and legs wrapped around her waist and slides off behind her with a faint 'thap' of leather boots. After this she looks round while adjusting her hair and smoothing her skirts, looking round as Superman moves into the fray.

She helps with the rubble in an absent sort of way. Pushing things aside with surprising if distinctly sub-Kryptonian strength. She's looking for something too, but with less urgency.

So there's no reason, ultimately, to get in the way.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    After Barda's warning, even after the Justice League left to take the Amazonian ex-Fury and Power Boy back to question more about what's coming, Atlee stayed in Metropolis. How could she do anything else, after finding out this will be where this Darkseid is going to strike at? It's her responsibility, in her mind. And so, she's been patrolling the area, looking for anything out of the ordinary. She was expecting something more on the lines of soldiers armed with the weapons like Intergang had before they were broken up.

    She wasn't expecting...this...the shockwave that she can feel from miles away, even if she couldnt' see it, as the rock and earth of the ground is torn apart. She shoots towards it, riding a rough platform of stone to arrive as quickly as she can, her violet eyes widening at the sight of the crater. The amount of force needed to make a crater that size. She sees the flash of heroes arriving and starting to help those in need.

    Which leaves the question of...what caused this? And more importantly...is it still here?

    She floats over the crater to see, reaching out with her geokinesis to feel what's down there...and trying to get a look with her eyes too.

    Though Walker's arrival certainly distracts her as she looks up, in effect looking both directions, one with her eyes, the other down with her geo-sense. "Please...help the people!" she calls to the newcomer!

Superwoman has posed:
    The people are wild, bodies near Grace Choi- those unblessed by Amazonian genetics. Others, injured, reaching out for her in need. Tears and crying. These people are in pain. They're reaching for help- reaching for Grace.

    Superman, likewise, gets calls for help- soft words of thanks as he and other superheroes begin their rescues. Whatever happened here was serious- and mechanical dragon or no, Kaelyn would be hard pressed to miss the fact that an entire city block had been all but vaporized. America, Saint Walker, Leah- all are thanked by those dazed people lucky enough to survive whatever impact occurred here.

    Laurel could see something through the smoke and dust from the center of that crater- something, or someone was moving. Shifting what looked like tons of rock with steady effort. Something was ready to emerge from this horror.

    Atlee could feel the stones moving- feeling what Laurel had seen. Someone was struggling at the center of all of this. Something was trying to escape the point of impact.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
It's not like Kae can really move a lot of stuff, still though she's got her phone out, and is litteraly pulling a number of small items, these being vials of glowing liquids... At that point she calls out "Lets try and get a Triage area set up some place clear, bring me folks, I'll do my best to stabilize and prevent further injury!" Maybe everyone can hear her, She knows a few can for sure...

Kae tugs a few spheres from her backpack and tosses them onto the ground, these unfold into what appear to be a number of floating cots, which she begins to line up, then she drops another couple sphers which unfold into a pair of floating awnings for shade and whatnot, or at least something to keep stuff from falling on folks.

Next the woman draws lines around this 'triage' center, the woman slapping runes at the corners and whatnot before imbuing them with a bit of magic... She starts setting vials out on a desk, All of various sizes, as well as tiny scroll cases and the like... She frowns and then calls out "Over here!!" she calls to those trying to help "If you can't move them, come to me, take a few of these large blue vials and get them into the person, it just has to touch their lips!"

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace shakes her head to clear the cobwebs out of her head, and she moves towards the car nearest her, half-buried in concrete and rubble, ripping the door off easily like she wear opening a can of sardines by peeling back the twisty-turn, and she pulls an unconscious man, head bloodied but barely breathing from the wreckage.
    "The hell caused this," she breathes. She looks to the ... alien. There's a moment of suspicion, and then, realization. Saint Walker would not have caused this. If he had, he'd be causing more. "Yeah. Less talking, more helping. Like maybe get this guy and his son," whom, after laying the guy gently on the ground, she pulls out after ripping out the front seat seeing as half the car is buried, to pull out the toddler in the carseat out, "Up on street level where paramedics can help. Unless you can cast regeneration on them or something?" SHe's disoriented. She's confused. Upset. Upset that someone could do this. Would do this.
    The sight of Atlee brings a thought to her mind, "Is this the attack from Darkseid? Is this what that Barda was warning about?"
    She is too ground-bound to go leaping out of the crater, just yet. But, at least the people are on the ground, now. Safe. She's no paramedic, either. So she does what she can do. She moves to the next body, finding the woman dead. She cusses, under her breath, before moving to the next. And, the next. And, the next. All dead.
    Grace presses her hand to her head, rubbing her forehead, hard, her other hand clenching a fist.
    "Goddammit," she mutters, pushing herself forward to a truck, that also gets rent open. From the truck, a couple is pulled, both - this time, alive, and the woman still conscious, crying, pleading for help for her boyfriend. "He's breathing," Grace assures the woman, setting them both on the ground. "Stay here."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    Another bolt from above comes streaking down. it would be comedic, were it not a tragedy. It's the other Green lantern. The young one. The one no one knows a blessed thing about. There is a bright green light though blasting out of the heavens at a multiple of the speed of sound that is far more than most things should. It is like a streak of light that just streaks down from the upper atmosphere, to hit the ground with comedic lightness, only cracking the already broken pavement. The green uniform clad Lantern lifts his right ring. "Overlay, engineering. Show me where the weak spots are. Show me where I can shore up the debris and prevent collapse." His mask flashes green as the ring gives him what he needs.
    There are flares of green light all over the scene. Clamps clasp wreckage, and green glowing I-beams fade into existence, shoring up crumbling facades, ratcheting up crumbling streets and in general slowing the trail of debris into the crater.
    Lifting his right hand. Another construct flares into being behind the young green lantern. A sign, flashing. "Staging point" Another next to it, pointing another way. "Exit this way" it tells to people, trying to avoid trampling and panic.
    "Green lantern Kyle Rayner be advised."-- "Why don't you just tell everyone?" He quips at the ring. "Blue Energy detected. Ring reserves at 15 percent."
    The young green lantern softly sighs. "Well, s**t."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee rises up over the crater, floating...and feels someone struggling. Well...this doesn't LOOK like an army...or a deliberate arrival like with those strange tube portals that these people from Apokolips seem to use. Which means it may be someone in trouble, she decides. Or, at the least, someone who can explain what's going on...like if someone hit them really, really hard to make them land here like this.

    "Hold on..." she calls out. "I...I can try to move the rubble...get the people out when I do, I can't hold it forever!" The young heroine concentrates, her fingers curling as she focuses, breathing out, then slowly turns her hands palm up.

    The ground shudders, then there's a low crackle and rumble as stone begins to defy gravity, floating upwards...smaller pieces first, then larger as they start to spiral upwards around Terra, orbiting around her in a ponderous dance. Loose rock is carried up...but also building facades made of stone. Broken paving blocks. Chunks of shattered asphalt. Then cracked, shattered pieces of bedrock and earth, pulling up from the crater as she starts to unearth whowever is in it. She's lost in concentration as literally tons and tons of stone are pulled up into the air, as a bead of sweat runs down her temple.

Superman has posed:
As he zips about attempting to assist those in need, Superman finds himself standing in as a support column for a building on the verge of collapsing at one corner.

The Kryptonian sinks an inch into the cracking concrete under his feet. With a grunt and a momentary setting of his jaw, Superman manages to shove the building's corner up into the air, filling the space he'd just occupied with a hastily assembled pile of steel, rebar, and concrete. He uses his heat vision to turn the nearby walls into solid masses of slag.

Half a moment later, there's another cry of pain, and Superman races toward the sound. "Help is coming!" he calls. "I promise!"

Saint Walker has posed:
Saint Walker folds his legs under under himself, lotus style, his aura shimmering blue around him. Alien heiroglyphs spin into being from nothing, formed of the blue energy around him. "Ahh.. Perfection itself. Greetings Brother Lantern. My ring tells me you are running low on strength. Please.. Allow my strength to invigorate yours." He says, and both hands rise before the alien lantern in a pose of meditation.

Warm blue light emanates from him in ever increasing waves. The people around him would feel a new strength.. Invigoration.

The Green Lantern however.. would feel like he stuck his hand in an electric socket, power surging through him, recharging his ring and then pushing past its normal limits, supercharging the Lantern. "Let us clear the mess Brother Lantern!!" He calls, turning and sweeps of blue light begin scanning the area, searching for life, making them glow to be easily spotted.

Andromeda has posed:
    Laurel looks around at the chaos, all of it hitting her at once. Sure, she can block most of it out, but with so many people begging for help or crying or moaning in pain it's extremely distracting. She _shouldn't_ be blocking these things out. She _should_ be helping them all, like Superman and the others. Still, part of her is screaming at her that there's someone down there. They could be someone or something dangerous.

    "Watch out!" she calls down, mostly to Atlee. "Be careful!" and she zooms down, to the lip of the crater and then starts to floats gently down. "There could be radiation or... well, it's going to be really hot, if nothing else."

Miss America has posed:
    "... God dammit."

    So many of these people, dead. And for someone so young, America Chavez looks over those fatalities with the grim acceptance of a veteran, someone who's learned to focus on the job for the sake of those still breathing. It doesn't stop the way her lips curdle in a frown, however... or the way her hands curl towards cold, vengeful fists as she wades through the rubble.

    One by one, though, she retrieves and moves those she can without making their injuries even worse, transporting them Kaelyn's way without so much as a word with all the care and practice of someone well-versed in handling a crisis of this scale. The Lanterns arrive, and there is a brief look of recognition in those dark brown eyes of hers as they tilt up to the smears of blue and green colors descending from the sky.

    It distracts her, but only briefly, from her attention shifts in the direction of a familiar face, trying to sift out someone moving. Someone moving through a massive amount of rubble. America frowns, slowly, her hands clenching as if in preparation. She doesn't say anything -- she just remains at the ready, the muscles of her calves tensing to spring at a moment's notice. In situations like this, after all -- you can never be too careful.

Leah has posed:
"Don't mention it," Leah says. Then, "It's alright." Finally, "Talk to Superman, please."

She seems slightly smug beneath the distant snap. Her eyes turn upwards for a moment at the glow of green, but the Oan technology does not match what, perhaps, she had feared for a moment. She pauses suddenly, looking at the sudden operation of the rubble - the massive displacement.

She comes up near America and says to her, not unkindly, "This is difficult, isn't it?" Then her eyes turn back up to the Lanterns. "Do you know them?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Blood. Damage. A nearly broken body. That's what Atlee manages to unearth- with help from whatever is under all that rubble. Whomever is under all that rubble.

    There are so many dead- most didn't make it out of this disaster, at least, most of those close to ground zero. Bodies are piling up... This is national tragedy on par of the likes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki- only right here in the city of tomorrow.

    The people, all over, are thankful for the coming of their defenders and their saviors- the likes of the Lanterns. Kyle is able to shore up the buildings that seem teetering on collapse. Evacuations have to go quickly, or more will die.

    Kae's work proceeds well, her triage center is taking in so many though- people with injuries that may very well kill them. Indeed, even some are brought into triage that die moments later.

    Faora, for her part, stands slowly- breathing. One eye is wholly red, as if it were about to burst, or filled completely with blood. And blood is part of the theme- it pours down from wounds on Faora's back. From her front. Her uniform is tattered, barely threads that remain. Bruises and potential broken bones. Her breath ragged.

Saint Walker has posed:
This is where Blue Lanterns need to be. In the center of destruction, curbing it wherever possible.

A loudspeaker takes shape near him and his voice calls out so all can hear, his voice reaching for several blocks. "Please.. everyone.. remain calm. I can sooth your hurts. Gather here, and I will meet each of you. PLease.. no pushing, no rushing. All will be made well again." He calls, drifting down lower. Blue light extends, force platforms, lifting rubble off of people pinned, and light washing over them, wounds closing up.

"Join me Brother Lantern" He calls, settling down at ground level and standing once he touches down.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae hands chavez some larger blue vials... She then mentions quietly "Give these to those that you don't think can't be moved. This should stabilize them enough and will wrap them in a ward to prevent further damage, put them on the silver cots..." Kae says to Chavez "Also pass the word around, Take as many of the vials you want, bigger ones for the more injured folks, smaller ones for the less injured folks... Either way they get to sit on the brass framed cots to get checked over, and I can maybe see about getting maybe a gateway to a hospital and maybe we can start evacing some of these folks..." Kae says and rubs the back of her neck now then sighs. "Gonna take a bit on the gate though..."

Kae looks back over the trouble and frowns again as she mutters "Gonna need to make -lots- more of this stuff in the future.., And in the near future." she adds and grumbles a bit, then she's on her phone "Wendy, I need every draught, unguent, anything that can fix injuries, Clean out our stores..." she says, getting "Don't we need... " kae then interrupts "Something just incinerated a block in the city, we need everything we got here yesterday... I'm going to set up a summoning circle, send it all... You guys come up too..." she says and frowns a bit before adding "Bring Fan and HootHoot too, we'll need everyone on hand..." Kae says and mutters a bit, before she hangs up and waves a hand, suddenly a circle starts forming near her desk.

A moment later, some girls dressed in what appear for all the world to be witches outfits, sans hats show up, they all have boxes and boxes of items. Kae motions to the backing up people and the girls all pale... They then all begin wordlessly going to work, when the injuries are too bad to be fixed with potions and other such things, any of the 4 girls actually stop to cast healing magics direct on the patient, often times 2 or all of them working together when it's something life threatening.

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace looks up to the Laterns, looks at the massive amount of tonnage that Atlee is mind-melded with and forcing open. She looks at Superman, holding up a building. There have been very few times in Grace's life where she's felt - inadequate. Or, that she didn't belong. Now, maybe one of those very rare times. She moves to help someone, who is gasping for help, and watches them die in front of her because their body is half-crushed, buried, in the rubble. And all she can do is close their eyes, respectfully.
    She looks at her hands, then, exhaling. And says, quietly, "They seem like such strong, good hands." The voice is whispered. And then, she clenches them, her eyes squinting shut, tightly.
    It takes her a moment to open them.
    She is not a hero. She is not a Justice Leagurer. If anything, Grace, simply, is a fighter. A defender. She comes to people's aid around her, when the moment arises. But this? This is something even her hard life has not prepared her for.
    But as Atlee moves the rubble, a steel girder starts to come crashing down as the earth is moved, and Grace manages to catch it just in time to protect at least one injured person who was pulling themselves, their crushed leg, out of the rubble.
    She shifts it out of the way, and then picks up the wounded man, and begins to carry him over towards Saint Walker.
    "You've got good timing," she tells the alien. Swallowing.
    "You're going to have a busy night. I'll do what I can."
    She looks back to America, and moves over to the girl after the brief exchange with Saint Walker, "C'mon. Some of that bigger rubble, there's got to be people trapped in there. Together, we can probably move it, and get them out." She points, at a mess of steel and concrete wreckage that looks as if it might have an air pocket beneath it.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    It is not the strength of the constructs that is taxing; they are relatively weak. The constructs are just holding back multiple tons of debris. That is until the blue energy boost kicks in. There is a loud metal creak as construct strength shoots up dramatically. In a few places, the newfound strength actually forces what was bent over upright. "Ho-holy crap!" The Green Lantern's personal force field flares to life brighter, trailing blue green wisps of excess energy from it like cyan flame. The signs behind him immediately grow larger and a little brighter. He lifts his right hand over his head. Green flood lights float on green balloons over the wreckage, illuminating the scene for all in a slightly blue-green light. Ladders of the same color energy descend to those below who can get themselves free. Blue-green stretchers and attendants move to the edge of the crater, to carry those who cannot walk over to Kae's triage area.
    His eyes close, and all he can feel is power. Power overwhelming! With this much energy, he could right all the wrongs! He could heal all the wounded! He could could make the universe, or at least his corner of it, safe. No one would ever have their loved one murdered stuffed into a refrigerator again!
    There is a shudder of his shoulders. For a moment the constructs flicker, just the faintest microsecond, then they all flare back to brilliant life as the now sweating green lantern focuses through the temptation, adjusts his thinking, and concentrates on the here and now. He draws his right hand, which is wreathed in flickering blue green flame in front of his face. As his constructs work, he pours his will, his very self into the sheer number of moving parts he has going on. Shoulders shudder, and softly. With hopeful resolve, he focuses. "In brightest day, in blackest night."
    The stretcher bearers start to carry the first of the wounded towards Kaelyn. Kyle Rayner, clothed in the anonymity of his uniform, simply whispers his oath, focusing on managing the power surging through him, and keeping his little battalion of constructs on task. "No evil shall escape my sight."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    It takes not just power, but focus, to hold onto these many pieces of rock. It's the sheer numbers rather than the weight, almost, as each takes a bit of attention, like a juggler keeping balls in the air. Atlee therefore is carefully starting to spiral those rocks over, towards an open parking lot area where the cars have been literally blown by the blast so they're all on one side of the lot. She starts to let the rocks fall in a slow pattern, starting to stack them, the larger pieces making louder *crunch* noises as they settle on top, forming a loose cairn of rock and asphalt and concrete.

    As she sees the woman standing up below, it takes a moment for her to recognize her, as battered as she is. "...Superwoman?!?" she calls down. "Hey! Hold on! There was a girl looking for you! Um, Victoria?" She mmphs a bit, panting a bit now. "Let me just....get this all set down and..." More sweat is running down her skin now as pieces continue to swirl, the stack of rock getting higher and broader to balance, then pausing to just float, as Atlee concentrates. There's a rumble as a piece of rock under Faora comes loose slowly, then lifts her up, floating her up as well before settling down near the edge of the crater to deposit her carefully where others can reach her. "She'll be...really happy...you're okay..." The remainder of the rock lands ont he cairn. Then Atlee brings her hands up, then together, as there's a sharp. *CRUNCHCRACK* as the rock compacts, forming a pyramid made of a wide variety of stone and metal, each piece perfectly joined to the next to form perfectly flattened sides ending in a rounded point at the top. "Whew..."

Miss America has posed:
    "No. It's what you have to do to keep a shit situation from getting worse."

    The answer comes immediately and without reservation on America's part as Leah approaches her; considering how her entire bearing gives off the impression of someone readying for potential violence, though, maybe getting too close wouldn't be wise. It's an undercurrent of intensity only interrupted when America looks back towards the Lanterns.

    "... No. Don't know them," she answers. And it's true enough -- she doesn't know -them-. Instead, she just shakes her head, and looks briefly back Leah's way. "If you've got any kinda magic that helps make passing easier, or whatever... it's something a lot of these people are gonna need."

    With that, she gives a simple nod Grace's way, and with an uttered, "Yeah. C'mon," she just leap her way towards that wreckage. With those structurally unsound buildings being taking care of thanks to Superman and the others, America instead focuses her attention on gripping that mass of steel and pushing it upward for Grace to do what she needs to -- slowly, if only to make sure it doesn't crumble apart and risk anyone who might be trapped underneath -- keeping the battered and bloodied form of Faora within the peripheries of her vision as her brows furrow with something approaching a rare mote of concern against that otherwise impeccable poker face.

Superman has posed:
In the midst of his first-response efforts, Superman recognizes Faora's life signs, however feeble they may be as she stands. He takes a hard turn in flight and screams through the air toward where she's set down by Terra, landing less than an arm's length away.

"Oh, no," he says, apparently breathless. "Superwoman ... !"

The Man of Steel tears the cape off his shoulders and offers it to Faora like a draped blanket. "I can help move you, if you're unable--you're safe now." He looks around. "So many heroes--so many helpers--surround you."

Andromeda has posed:
    "For Grife's sake!" Laurel swears as she sees Faora finally. "How are you still standing?!" she wonders. "Here, let me help you." and she tries to get close to the battered woman. "Then I'll get the others out." She gently reaches for the Kryptonian, to fly her back to the surface. "I'm Laurel. Who...?"

Saint Walker has posed:
Saint Walker turns his attentions on the wounded man Grace carries to him and lays a four fingerd hand on the mans forehead. Brilliant blue light pours from his ring like water, enveloping the man, flowing the rippling. It flows into all the little cuts and over the bruises, warm and soothing. As Grace watches, the man is healed and made whole. Walkers hand comes off and the 'water' fades into nothing.

The man stirs, opening his eyes, a grin working over his face.

"As you say little one." He says, sending a tendril snaking down into the little hidey holes made by the rubble. "Ring. Search for signs of life. Carbon emissions, heartbeats, warm blood. Seek out life.." He commands his rings, folding himself into the lotus once more, hovering a few fett off the ground. His brow furrowed in concentration as he seeks out the hidden and helpless. As it goes, the tendril splits into more, off branches and capillaries, not unlike a living vein or arterty. As he finds victims, the light swallows them, hardening just enough to keep further damage from occuring.

"Follow the light. It will lead you to them.

Leah has posed:
When Leah hears, in the distance, 'no evil shall escape my sight,' she slightly repositions herself so that America is between her and the Lantern.

She is not particularly evil, in truth.

America speaks. Leah's head tilts slightly. "I did use you a little," she admits. "I knew there were three here, who I would have to collect. I did not expect this, of course." Looking ahead, Leah exhales. "I had expected a bar fight."

Then she answers the request. "I will do what I can." As she does, her left hand crooks, middle and ring finger crossing around each other... /twice/. There is a faint luminosity slipping between them afterwards. It does not accomplish anything immediately visible.

It also seems to be occupying Leah even as she trails after America, perhaps because she is the devil she knows and there are other devisls around. When the Man of Steel finds and helps up Faora - Superwoman - Leah looks towards them.

Then blue light rolls out like a carpet of veins across the wreckage. Leah's arms try to cross except she's holding her left arm at her side, thanks to that mudra she's committed to. "That's a good trick," she says, turning her head up to clap eyes on Saint Walker, and then on Grace Choi, although she does not butt in during all this heavy lifting.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman is breathing raggedly, pushing people away as they come close- struggling still to find her feet. "We have.. we have no time. He's coming." Faora says, voice ragged. "Darkseid is coming. Must.. begin. Defenses." she mumbles, turning a bloodshot eye towards Kal. "Kal. No time. Must.. Must defend.."

    Faora is unable to keep her feet, stumbling slightly. "No time.. No time to waste. Bring me to the Watchtower. Debrief...." The woman is seriously injured, though, she has no real chance of doing much of anything right now. She falls to one knee.

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace pauses, looking down the crater to Superwoman, where Superman, Laurel, and Atlee gather. She sucks in a breath, and then ducks low, moving into the exposed area lifted up by America Chavez, and she, too, roughly handles a huge slab of concrete to wedge it into some of that steel, follwed by another piece. "Gotta be," she says to herself, and to America.
    And then ... "Damn."
    A few cries come up, from inside that hole that America and Grace have both opened up. Grace pulls one body out of the hole, carefully that the blue, strange light leads her to. It gives her something to see by. And, for that, she's thankful to the strange alien. She'll have to buy him a beer later. If aliens like him even drink beer.
    Then, the next the light points her to. And then the light isn't pointing, anymore. Grace waits. She waits, her breath held. And then, slowly, after the longest half-minute in her life she clenches her jaw leaving the other dozen or so bodies there for now and she ducks back out, holding the two heavily injured, but still breathing people out. She pauses, shakes her head at America. And, by Grace's expression? There's a -lot- more in that hole that are dead. And never coming out alive again. But two lives? That might be worth it. She tells America, "This is a bunch of bullshit." There's rage, barely restrained in her voice, now.
    And then she's moving back up, step-by-step, to the Lanterns. And she deposits those two bodies near Saint Walker. Wordlessly, she shakes her head.
    Despair is not in Grace's heart. But rage? Rage is. Rage, at this meaningless destruction, decimation, and abhorration of life. Of property. Of desolation. All for what?

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shouts out, noticing Faora and Superman "Bring her here! I got stuff that will work on her too!" It's at this point a pair of very very lifelike constructs have shown up, one an owl, It's about half the size of a cat sitting on its haunches, the other is a tiny cat-sized dragon. Kae then pulls Wendy aside "Get these two, get some gating rings, use those to send them to the circle. Instant transferal won't hurt the wounded... " She looks at the two constructs and Wendy, then hands them a handful of vials and small rings, these things all being one-shots, but Kae's using everything she can...

As the girl in her late teens and the constructs move out and begin finding people too injured to move by normal means, Kae has Tanya set a cot over the circle, and folk then begin to be moved via magical means directly to the cots as Kae's apprentice goes to work. Kae then looks to the two Journeymen mages that work in her shop "Tina, Tanya.." She says to the twins. "I'm going to take a hand ful of vials and go out there and help as well, you two prioritize. You know what to do, Treat the worst injuries first, make folks comfortable or render them in stasis so we can move them to a hospital and get them better treatment than we can here..." She says to them, and hands her phone to Tina "Use what is left in that..." She says, this gets a gasp from the girls who take the odd-looking smart phone gingerly, then they both set about working as Kae also makes her way to the crater and heads directly toward Faora first.

Kae presses a trio of vials into Superman's hands, looking to Faora and smiling "Take these, Superwoman, then go over to the triage area, and lay on one of the silver cots... You need to heal up." She says kindly, smiling... "This will get you started..." Kae then smiles slightly and the redhead can now be seen in and amongst the rubble. When it's something she can't move normally, easily she can be seen using magic to mould debris out of the way, kind of making dome-shaped craters so she can get to burried people and the like, then either stabilize them, or put the person in stasis and send em on to the triage tents.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power; Green Lantern's Light!"
    Again the constructs flare to greater strength. Stretcher bearers move faster, Lights produce more of the slightly harsh light. Metal grinds as some debris slides and clangs against pure, solidified will. His eyes are still closed. Squeezed shut behind his mask. His field is a flame of focussed hope. His left hand rises as if he can force back the sliding debris with it. Metal grinds and obeys the will of the man with the green ring. Focus.
    With his eyes closed, he can only hear the despair, hear the soft sobs. Hear the joy, when a symbol of hope appears, when a hero digs someone from the rubble. His face is a rictus of concentration and the debris does not fill in the crater. It does not move. Buildings to not collapse inwards. The surface is still, propped open by will and hope.

Superwoman has posed:
    "No time." Faora states again, this time to Kaelyn. She's in the sun- she's already regaining her strength. "Kal. He's going to destroy Earth." she hisses. "He tried to recruit me to destroy Earth. He's dangerous. We don't have time to mollycoddle me. I am a *soldier*. I am less important than the mission. The mission is to protect this planet." she growls, as she manages once more to find her feet. "No healing. No waiting." she says as she grabs Superman by the shoulders, holding him almost in a deathgrip. Her filthy, blood and dusk caked face aimed towards his. "Call the League. Call *everyone*. Friend or Foe it doesn't matter. There is no chance if we do not begin right away. The Watchtower, Kal. I've already lost one planet, Kal, and I'm not about to lose another."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee looks at Faora sympathetically. "I'm glad you escaped...we were told what's coming though..." she says soothingly, tilting her head, then nodding. "It's good to meet you, but I need to go finish helping...please let me know what you need me for when you are ready?" she asks the other heroes solemnly. "I'll be ready."

    She smiles at Superman and Laurel, a bit sadly, as she looks at remaining wreckage and injured. "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude!" she adds, as the ground under her breaks off then floats up under her. "I'd better clear the way for the first responders!"

    She floats upwards so she can see, then inhales, before she focuses again, starting to carefully clear the roads leading ot the disaster, shoring up what structures she can. And when she finds someone hurt who can't move, lifting them up ground and all and floating them over to the growing triage area by Kaelyn, as carefully as she can.

Superman has posed:
Catching Faora under one arm as she begins to drop, Superman slowly and gently kneels beside her. "Can you fly? Or walk? We need to get you to some helpful hands," he says in a quiet voice, nodding toward Saint Walker and the triage area, even as Laurel approaches with a similar offer.

"I want to help--you and all the others who need immediate assistance," Superman continues, glancing to the buzz of rescue operations happening all around them. "And I know I need to hear about the defense responsibilities you've mentioned. I want to know who--or what--did this to you. You mentioned a Darkseid?" Superman looks to Laurel and Terra, as the closest others present. "What ... what /is/ Darkseid?"

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel abandons her efforts to lift Faora out of the bottom of the pit, as Superman arrives. "Look, you're sprockin' messed up. Whatever you're worried about... something in those dimensional portals? We'll handle it. Let's get you looked at first and then you can talk about. whoever 'Darkseid' is."

She shrugs at Kal's question. "I don't remember the name in any vid I ever saw about Earth in this time. Not in Daxam's history either." she never did explain who she really was. "Let's get her out of this crater, though? They might need more help up top."

Miss America has posed:
    "Yeah? Next time, say something." It's the only thing that America Chavez says to Leah before she lifts up that mass of rubble. The words aren't angry, but that might be worse -- a simple ultimatum that the girl from Utopia does not seem open to debating before she lifts up that mass of rubble with a groan of concrete and scream of steel dragging on steel.

    Debris spews crumbling motes of dust and powdered rock over the brown curls of America's hair as she hefts that mass of metal overhead. The strain is slight, for her at least, but the process is made slower by how delicate it is -- how often she must readjust to keep the whole mass from just collapsing in on itself and crushing anyone who might be underneath. She holds it for as long as necessary -- for as long as Grace needs. And what comes of it, is...

    ... two. Two lives, out of... how many? She can see glimpses of those bodies beneath, hints of the scale of how many -couldn't- be saved. Her teeth grit behind the neutral line of her lips. Steel rends inward in the tensing of her fingers.

    "Some bullshit message that's gonna be paid back ten times over," is her response to Grace. She takes one last look within the dark depths of that wreckage.

    "... Always the same," she utters to herself, under her breath. "Sorry we weren't faster."

    And with that, she lowers it, that rage in Grace echoed by a cold kind of anger in America as she pivots on her head and launches her way towards another one of the ruined buildings -- too look for survivors within its harried depths, and commit that anger towards something useful rather than a frustration she knows will ultimately be futile.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Dark skin. Red eyes. Approximately two-hundred and twenty eight centimeters tall." Faora begins, "Unable to tell weight. Dense. Strong. Stronger than me- stronger than you. We need to out think him. We need to begin war council now." Faora says, "I'm fine. I'll be fine." she states over to Kal, to everyone. "He has an army. An entire world. He sent me back to frighten us. To show he has no fear." she says, then switching to Kryptonian. "Kal. We can't let this happen. The Watchtower. Now. Call Diana, Batman, the Atlantian. All hands on deck." She pauses then. "We need two plans. Defense.... and evacuation."

Saint Walker has posed:
Hearing the Green Lantern Oath, Saint walker grins. He can feel some of the folk around him hearing the oath, their spirits lifting, and in turn granting him more power to help those need it. Similarly inspired, Saint Walker begins to sing. Softly at first, a lullaby of his home world. Wordless, but melodical. His volume grows as he sings, concetration on what he is doing. Pulling people from beneath rubble. Healing those his light touches.

But through it, he sings.. letting the melody fill his heart. Then he adds his own words. The space behind him ripples, revealing a blue crystal object not unlike the old style lanterns of Gas Light England.

"In Fearful day.. In Raging Night.. With Strong Hearts full, our souls ignite.

When all seems lost without the light, look to the stars, for




His eyes snap open, filled with brilliant Blue light, power of Hope from across the universe surging through him.

Rubble lifts and moves aside, uncovering still more people. Others feel their hurts vanish and Kyle Rayners Ring surges anew with energy, to the point his ring might begin to warn him of an overload.

Superman has posed:
The expression on his face shifting from sober to alarmed, Superman nods once in response to Faora's words.

"Laurel," he says crisply. "I don't mean to ask this of you, but--can you take over my role with the assistance while I alert the others?"

Superman waits for only a moment, so that a reply can be provided, and then the already-broken ground beneath him crunches and condenses beneath his weight and the force of his liftoff.

Milliseconds later, the Man of Steel is soaring upwards into the air, headed in the direction of the Hall of Justice.

Grace Choi has posed:
    It will be a long night. Grace will continue to work with America, while the Leaguers prepare for the oncoming onslaught. Grace, just like America, has pent up energy. Rage. And it is best focused on - moving things. Shifting rubble. Bending away girders and helping paramedics, healers, into the area. Until she is tired. But that? That will be a long time coming.
    Grace isn't a hero. She'll deny it. Every single time. But she's a person. And she'd hate herself forever if she didn't do everything she could.
    She will be here a long, long time. She does not tire easily. And, there's little sense in going home. She wouldn't be able to sleep, anyways.