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Brood Invasion: Extraction
Date of Scene: 14 June 2021
Location: Shi'ar Imperium
Synopsis: After a scouting mission turns into a Brood ambush, the Guardians, Titans, and Justice League get together to save Lar from being Brooded right as a Shi'ar/Brood fleet battle starts.
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Supergirl, Captain Boomerang, Rocket Raccoon, Black Canary, Mon-El, Gigas
Tinyplot: Brood Invasion

Star-Lord has posed:
Since Kara came out to find the Guardians, the Milano has moved. the ship will need time at a repair dock eventually, but it's capable of at least basic flight in space, if not much more.

Which is a good thing, because since Supergirl came out to this section of space... there have been a /lot/ more Brood ships coming into Shi'ar space.

Star-Lord said this was more than normal. It's days later... and suddenly there's a fleet of them? It doesn't take Tony Stark to figure out what's going on; a new invasion out of Brood space is happening.

On the Milano, Star-Lord and Rocket have been limping their way across space towards a Shi'ar space port... but getting the warp drive back online is taking a lot longer than it should be. Something about Quantum capacitors overloading the power banks and needing to jury rig a solution there. The majority of the time has been Star-Lord paying attention to sensors for Brood ships while Rocket repairs the ship, and when they're about to be spotted, getting into a sensor dampening crate, turning off the ship, and waiting for them to pass thinking the Milano a junk ship.

As for Lar.... he's busy being kept in a psionic mental cage in total darkness, as the Brood infection struggles to survive within the Daxamite. Brood guard his body on the cruiser that captured him, as they wait for him to gestate fully.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl had gone back to earth to get much needed assistance, as well as a ship to not only carry some team mates, but also to transport the stranded Guardians if needed. Who knows how fast the repairs were going on the Milano? Either way, having lost a lot of time on gathering her team mates and doing as much research in the brood as she could with what minimal information was available on the JLA files, Supergirl arrives in haste to find the Milano.

But of course the ship would have moved from its last known location and she orders a full scan sweep of the area, as well as sending out a signal, trying to re-establish contact with the Milano on the same frequency she had intercepted the first time. Her own super hearing and sight are also peeled for anything, both friendly and hostile.

Thankfully, she managed to acquire a small number of ship crew, a pilot and navigator to assist them; Unlike the Justice League, the Titans had limited experience in space.

"Alright everyone, be ready for anything. There are spacesuits in the hangar, if need be. Otherwise, we should try and stay on board, remember, our mission first and foremost is to locate and rescue Milano crew, locate and rescue Lar, and get the heck outta here."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
For the entire trip, Owen has been making a running commentary of Sci-Fi related jokes. He was not used to being in space, or travelling across the galaxy. In fact, as the ship came out of warp, or whatever the special travel mode was called, he would unbuckle his seatbelt, stand up from his seat, and make his way to look over the pilot's shoulder.

He rubbed his helmet with his gloved finger, and spoke over the communications system, "Oh, let's see now, Shi'ar Imperium! Oh, I get it! We should have turned left at Albuquerque."

He had however been appreciative of the space suit he had been given. It was rated for use by the Flash, so he could access the speed force while wearing it without risking it disintegrating around his body, and it even had an Australian flag patch on the shoulder, which was a nice touch, as well as 'O. Mercer' on the chest.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    It's not been a pleasant few days. First of all Rocket found himself smacked into the rear bulkhead during the emergency escape jump, and then he found that the jury rig had not just fried half of the Milano's systems as he feared, but also blown out the power cores of the two items he'd used to jumpstart the fusion reaction in the core... his jetpack, and his favorite blaster rifle. He's rarely been more irritable and liable to snap at the least provocation, and whenever he's crawling through the conduits to repair yet another relay or calibrate yet another circuit, his voice can usually be heard in a nigh on non-stop rant about 'amateurs', the dubious parentage of a surprising variety of people, and disturbingly elaborate descriptions of what he's going to do to the first Brood ship he gets his hands on.

    "... with a frickin' three kiloquatt spanner!" ends his latest diatribe as he slams the hatch shut, fur looking unkempt and his eyes wild. By now he has already repaired his personal equipment, but who knows what he had to strip out of a system somewhere to get it operational again. Still in a mood fit to throttle the Hulk, he climbs into his seat in the cockpit and takes a deep breath. "So, you wanna hear the bad news, or the worse news?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary takes the space suit, although she won't helmet up until required to by the atmospherics. She doesn't like having her head contained, as it takes away the weapon of her Canary Cry. Which is probably why she's strapped on a few space-worthy sci fi style weapons to her space suit.

"If anyone's expecting me to do a Tweety bird impression, don't hold your breath," she sighs. "Let's just get this done and hope we can get back home eventually and don't end up wandering the depths of space with a silly robot and an evil scientist."

Mon-El has posed:
    For as tough and powerful as Lar is, none of that physical strength does him any good against psionic assaults. That was Saturn Girl's job. Unfortunately, Imra isn't here right now. Also, enhanced vision doesn't do you any good either if there literally isn't any light to see by at all. However, Daxamite physiology does prevent the Brood embryo from taking hold of him as easily as it would a Terran. Still, that doesn't mean there isn't a struggle going on. Add to that the fact that when he'd been taken, he was already halfway to needing another dose of the anti-lead serum that he is depedent on to survive and it's been several days...his time is running out.

    Kara's sweeps of the area would reveal that there is a Legion craft nearby, hiding out in an asteroid field while it waits for its crew to return. It must have been the ship Lar came here on.

Gigas has posed:
Things have not exactly been all sunshine, roses and beautiful space anomalies lately for Gigas. It's like..you abandon one or two paid for mercenary jobs and suddenly you got a reputation for being unreliable on top of an already existing reputation for being somewhat nuts. Growing a conscious is expensive and hard on business..

And so he's taken to doing various salvaging, hauling and other such things in the time since he last saw Mon-El and Star Lord. His ship is already a refurbished old cargo ship and so is fairly well primed for this sort of thing. It still doesn't keep him from getting lost.Often.

"Hrn? So there is not being..a nearby Shiar spaceport after all??" he questions his ships AI while frantically pouring over star charts and hastily scribbled directions on other various things. "We are lost again! Do you want me to sell you? Again? Then I;d have to buy you back! Again!"

The ship beeps a few aggressive noises back at him and then the warning blips go off concerning something nearby. He peers at the displays an then blinks before settling into his seat. "Yes..go that way!" he rumbles at the ships AI before then attempting to reach out and contact The Milano as it comes up on his sensors.

HIs deep voice would soon burst loudly over their comm systems. "Hello there! Having trouble are we??"

Star-Lord has posed:
As Peter just watches the bridge viewing port as the Brood fleet just keeps flowing out of Brood space and into Shi'ar territory (something the JLA ship can pick up on too) Peter distracted grunts, "Worse than hundreds of Brood ships in the Imperium?" Kara can find the Milano easily with it's profile, though the systems seem shut down for now, except for comms...

A comms systems which has Gigas try to yell through, but the auto dampening kicks in, "Gigas. Buddy. Pal. What are you doing here?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl frowns, peering at the visuals on the monitors, checking with the ship crew as a few ships are spotted, "Hmm, what's this? Three ships spotted? Okaay, that one seems to be the Milano, we should head there first. As for the other two." eyes narrow on one of them, "Is that the Legion ship? I wonder.."

But the Milano is their priority. She sighs, hoping Lar isn't a prisoner on there. "Okay, head for the Milano first. we'll hail them, dock their ship then get their crew to safety. That's our priority. Once that's dealt with, we can check out the Legion and maybe that other ship too.." she's not wanting to draw too much attention though.

With a sigh, she settles down in the captain's chair. She's no Superman, but she's the best they have. "I hope I'm doing the right thing." in her hand, Supergirl tightens her grip on Lar's anti lead serum. He'll be needing it very soon. Her hand - her arm, feels stiff and she grits her teeth. "Focus..Gotta focus. People need us."

She has no need of a space suit, it's just construct her anyway, especially if her laser vision is needed, and other things.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Supergirl seemed to know what to do, directing the Justice League pilot, presumably a low-level Alpha Flight or S.W.O.R.D. agent. Captain Boomerang didn't really understand the dynamic, just that there were a lot of groups coming together to deal with the defense of space. So he stood back as Kara gave out orders. He put a gloved hand on her shoulder as she sat in the Captain's chair, "we'll get through this. You're doing great." And then looking to Black Canary, "Sufferin' succotash?" he quoted Sylvester, hoping to illicit a Tweety impersonation.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    For a few silent moments, Rocket watches the Brood ships fly past with a look of undisguised murderous loathing. "Worse? Yeah. Worse. 'cause right now we got the power for the engines and power for the weapons, we just don't got power fer the both of 'em at the same time. So, if you're gonna attack something, you better be ready for some real fancy flyin'. But that ain't the worst. Nah, worst..."

    Whatever the worst was before the comm hail seems to take a back seat and Rocket kicks the console in front of him. "Frickin' knew it! Just what we needed right now, more amateurs. What's next? Those do-gooders from your planet that fly around in their fancy ships tryin' t' bring peace an' law an' order to the galaxy? Worse than the frickin' Nova Corps. Like we need another frickin' galactic police force."

    Yeah, his day is about to get considerably worse...

    "Worst right now? We're outta booze, Quill. Anything that didn't get flash frozen or blown up when those drones boarded got drunk last night."

    And then he joins in on the conversation over the comms, with the voice he reserves when he wants other people to think he's glad to see them "Ey, Gigas. You don't happen to have a Quarnex Coupler from one of your jobs with ya? I'll trade you all the booze on the Milano for it."


    He glances at Quill with a shrug. "What?!" Not his fault he's so good at swindling...

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary narrows her eyes at Boomerang, "Keep talking, Mercer, and I'll take advantage of Boomerang season," she says, putting in the battery pack to her plasma rifle, letting the charge hum for a moment as she waits to be docked and get the mission started. She knows Supergirl's feeling stressed, but they're already in deep space now, so the kid's just going to have to suck it up at this point.

"At least nobody's shooting at us yet. That's gotta be a good thing."

Gigas has posed:
"Oooh...there is an Imperium relay station I am being commissioned to bring some supplies to. But..I cannot raise them... Quite dangerous, this area of space."

Gigas answer to Star-Lord is in his usual bizarrely cheerful tone and then to Rocket, "Mmm? Probably! That all depends on what -kind- of booze? I don't just drink any ol'thing. I have refined tastes, you know!"

. But then ..the blue behemoths voice trails off as he considers a new array of warning sounds coming from his ship. His sensors are not nearly as fine tuned as the Milano's or the JLA's cruiser. It's basically the equivalent of a space-semi-truck and RV..but as Gigas draws nearer he does begin to notice the rather unusual readings.

"Hmm..you have gone and gotten yourself into trouble again! What is all of this?" he asks while bringing his ship to a stop. He can now see the Milano through his own viewport..and the rest of the not so pleasent looking activity. "Hey...looking a little busy around here!"

Star-Lord has posed:
As Gigas comes towards the Milano and so does the JLA ship... a group of Brood fighters veers away from the fleet at the far end of the system, heading in the direction of the duo/trio. Meanwhile, Star-Lord hits the comm button, hailing the JLA ship, "League ship, this is Star-Lord. Normally, I would appreciate the assist, but we have bigger problems and you can tractor us to a port later. I have the cruiser that Lar is on and a plan. I'm going to need your ship to pull it off."

Rocket? He just gets a /look/ from Star-Lord, "They probably captured ships by now. We'll be able to find what we need on the cruiser."

Then, Star-Lord ties Gigas into the conference in space, "Gigas, the Brood are coming over the borders in massive numbers. We haven't had any chance to find out where they're going, but this is where they're coming out of their space at."

Meanwhile, Star-Lord powers on the engines, preparing to dock with the JLA cruiser. "Get your gear prepped Rocket, We have a rescue to handle. Two birds with one stone."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl smiles faintly and nods to Boomer, arching a brow at Canary. She's too tense for a fight. "Soo I'm gonna dock, then with permission, we can board the Milano and help the crew on board? Otherwise they're sitting ducks out there. And please, let's focus on the mission? Best check your space suits and weapons.."

She has already hailed the ship, but it seems they're busy dealing with that battered cargo ship. Hmm, well they haven't tried to attack them yet Soo maybe they're there to help? She grabs the comm, drawing a breath. <<Javelin to Milano, are you sure?>> she hesitates a bit. Is that wise? But The Guardians are more experienced.

<<Acknowledged. What is the plan?>> one of the sensors starts to go off as Brood approach, "Ma'am approaching brood ships!"

She curses under her breath, "Shields up if we have any.." Really, Supergirl is not sure the full capabilities of the Javelin but surely it has some defensive capability? She does glance towards Boomer and Canary for any other suggestions they may have.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Captain Boomerang's suit actually had ways to attach his boomerangs. He had been told by the technician before they left that there was no danger of his boomerangs tearing a hole in the suit. He did not believe them for one minute. So, while he had taken some boomerangs, they were in a separate sports bag, like he might take to the gym. On hi actual suit he had a holster for two plasma rifles. Yes, he took two, and two plasma pistols as well. Oh, and he had a plasma shotgun. He locked and loaded his many weapons, each making that sound as they hummed to life. He laughed in his helmet, but didn't actually say anything to Black Canary's threat.

"If the techs back home weren't messing with me, these things effectively have unlimited range up here. Can our fire pass through the shields?" Oh yes, that was suicide. He was thinking of going outside the ship. And, oh yes, he seemed to mouthing something quietly under his breath, into the comm. unit, "Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them, volleyed and thundered, stormed at with shot and shell, boldly they rode and well, to the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell, rode the six hundred."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    "What kind? Ah, clear enough you can see right through it." Rocket begins, but trails off when it's clear that Peter has other plans than swindling someone else out of the parts. And normally, normally that would annoy Rocket. He'd probably be incensed that even more 'amateurs' had shown up, what with the Legion, the League /and/ Gigas here crowding space for the real space heroes who probably will end up not getting paid for the intel and daring heroics now...

    But not today. Oh no, not today. Because his eyes light up (figuratively) when Star-Lord mentions boarding the cruiser for a rescue /and/ picking up the parts they're going to want. His gear lights up (literally), and he sits back in his seat waiting to dock with the Javelin.

    "Now we're talkin' my language, Quill..." he grins, and the helmet of his suit snaps down over his face. "Bit o' shootin', bit o' lootin'..."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary frowns as she clips her helmet into place, the hiss of the vacuum seal putting her on the suit's onboard oxygen supply, her voice now tinny as it passes through the speaker in the helmet.

"From what I read, the main threat of the Brood is when they board us. Focus shields on the engines if you can, they'll probably try to disable us so they can come in and infect the crew. They're not going to pass up potential hosts, especially if they're looking to spread their empire," she says.

Gigas has posed:
Gigas groans, shaking his head as he hears all of this, "..You mean I am going to have to maybe work and there won't even be any money? Or dinner? Dinner would be good.."

Even a brute who dances the line between hero and ..well ..lazy..understands the risk posed by The Brood.

"You will withdraw.." he says to the AI of the ship. "Wait for me to contact you."

There's a few angry beeps to which Gigas responds, "Of course I know that! I already apologized for the last time! I at least painted over the scorch marks!" With that done, the giant leaves the cockpit of his ship and makes his way towards the airlock.

A moment later, his ship has drawn closer to the JLA Javelin and the airlock opens, exposing the goliath to the vaccuum of space. He looks out and grimaces at the approach of the fighters. For all his bluster..his ship is not an offensive one. It has defensive shieldings mind you - cutting beams and such as well .. otherwise it wouldn't even survive travelling in space..but combat? No.

"Go" he commands before leaping forth and igniting his manuevering boots to begin approaching the Javelin. Assuming they don't try and move away from him he'll touch down - surprisingly gently - ontop of it near where he surmises a cargo bay airlock is.

His deep voice soon rumbles on the same conference channel, addressing the open link to the Javelin cockpit- "Hello. I am..a friend?" he pauses in confusion and then just continues, "....of the one called Star-Lord. I will help you."

Star-Lord has posed:
Once docked, Star-Lord comes over to the JLA ship. If anything, his outfit looks like a more tattered longcoated Malcolm Reynolds at this point, what with the multiple exposures to vacuum and fighting Brood. Once within sight of the bridge, he gives a fingergun to Supergirl, "Fancy meetin' you all out here." Then, as Gigas comes in through the cargo airlock, he just... stares at the giant. Star-lord narrows his eyes, "Well, you're welcome along. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff in the ship we're going after." He looks to the rest, eyeing each in turn. "I'm Peter Quill. Most call me Star-Lord, Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Nice to meet you all." He gives a mock two finger salute... and a wink to Black Canary, "Especially you."

Then, he's stepping over to the helm controls for the ship, and looks to the pilot, "May I? This is gonna suck a lot already with those fighters coming our way."

Without asking, he presses the button to cycle the airlock for the Milano and eject it into space, letting it drift on autopilot. No use having dead weight.

"I don't have time to explain this in depth. Just listen as I go, alright? Rocket can brief you all on Brood cruisers."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl keeps the ship steady as both Gigas enters through the air lock, and then the Guardians through the usual route. She nods to Star-Lord as he enters, "Good to see you're still in one piece, Star-Lord." she smiles, though she looks anxious, "Welcome to the Javelin, these are my team mates Boomer and Black Canary."

She steps back as he heads for the pilot's seat, trusting that he knows what he's doing. Hey, they're like, professional pilots right? "Be my guest. Do what you think is best. Just..Try not to be too rough? This is a loaner." Batman will have a fit if there's a scratch on it.

When Gigas enters, her eyes widen, looking waaay up. "..Wow..Uh..Hi..I'm Supergirl.."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"That's Captain Boomerang," Boomer would correct. Boomer was a nickname she had given him, though there is no malice in his voice at the correction. He holstered his weapons, glad to have more hands aboard, even if the Javelin was starting to get cramped, given how small it was. He would let them do their thing. He was a guy who usually threw boomerangs. This was a bit beyond his pay grade.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    It might be somewhat unsettling for people new to space to see a clearly raccoon-shaped sentient walking about, especially one who appears to be armed with enough firepower to take down a small nation. Glancing around the Javelin's bridge with a scowl, he nevertheless reserves a grudging nod to Captain Boomerang... anyone who can strap that many weapons to themselves is someone he could probably come to grudgingly respect. But then the names filter through. And he just shakes his head, muttering something about 'monkeys' and a highly unlikely string of events involving millions of simians labouring millions of hours on millions of data terminals. But he gets over it.

    "Seriously Quill? You want me to explain Brood tech to these ... " pause. He's clearly searching for the least offensive possible noun here, considering he suspects Quill's girlfriend is on board "... amateurs?" And if people were weirded out by a walking raccoon, they now have to deal with a talking raccoon. "Does this ship even have anything remotely like a holo display or sumthin'? 'cause I ain't drawing diagrams."

    Mercifully, he does end up finding something suitable, and loads up a rough schematic of a ship roughly similar to the thing they're rapidly approaching. Roughly. "Alright, quick summary 'cause we got some shootin' an' lootin' to get to. First of, these things ain't just tech, they're sort of alive. I'm not gonna explain it all now, but just keep the word techno-organic in mind an' pretend you know what I'm talkin' 'bout. Right, so, we got ourselves a cruiser class for an invasion fleet. Means it's not as nasty as their attack ships, not as well protected as their support ships, but it's where they stick some pretty important logistics, so expect there's gonna be upwards of a thousand or so Brood drones crawlin' all over it. An' I do mean crawlin', 'cause the Milano got a visit from these guys in hardened space suits, and they gave her a bit of a plasma rifle makeover. Questions so far?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary pipes up, "Know any particular weaknesses of these Brood things? Heat, light, sonics?" she says the last with an especial amount of hope. If they're going to fight the brood on-ship, she might be able to use her Cry, provided she doesn't need the helmet to keep weird alien pincers from sinking into her brain. Which she might.

At Quill's grin to her, she casually gives him the traditional intergalactic middle digit greeting and makes a smoochie face in his general direction.

Gigas has posed:
"Aeeeeey. You want my help no?" questions Gigas, cheerfully, to Star-Lord's reception. "You have a big unpaid bill still but you know..consider this another...ah..free demonstration."

He simply ends up smiling down at Supergirl, leaning forward a touch as well to get a closer look at her but before he can say anything more his attention is pulled to Rocket's mission brief.

Star-Lord has posed:
As Peter starts up the JLA ship again under his hands, one thing that most will notice is that the ship goes from 'Casual travel of the city' to 'OHSHITTTHISISSOMEFASTANDTHEFURIOUSSTUFF!' As Star-Lord takes the helm. It's a good thing too, because it's about this point the Brood fighters get into firing range, and the Javelin /just isn't there anymore/.

If anyone has seen Hal on an aircraft, Peter is in his league or better. The javelin practically dances in his hands as he heads right for the Brood fleet... somehow, amazingly, keeping out of the EMP blast zones as the fighters try and fail to hit the ship. "Gigas, I'm gonna need you to step right back out that airlock soon as I get the-" The ship lurches as Peter does a barrel roll, "-angle right. I'm sure you won't mind bombing a Brood cruiser yourself, right?"

Even as he says it, the Brood fleet is coming into view... and the six cruisers around the one he's going for open fire at the Javelin.

Right into the lions den, much?

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl arches a brow at Rocket, "Amateurs? Heey wait a minute! We may not be experienced in space travel, but we have other skills that may come in handy." maybe. Hopefully. Though her spirits sink as he describes what they're up against. "Okaaay, sooo techno organic alien thingies in the thousands. Sounds super...Do they have any weaknesses? Annd how exactly how do we get Lar? Cuz that's our priority right? Grab and go, no need to waste time fighting an army.."

But hey she's gotta keep positive right? "I'm sure Star Lord has...aWAAH-WHatsgoinonheeeeey?!" okay, she has flown fast herself, but that's waaay different from being flown in a ship. She flops down in her seat, putting on her seatbelt, or is rather pinned against it as the ship goes into over drive.

"A little warning would be nice.." she mutters."Still waiting to hear the plan...You DO have a plan, right?"

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Captain Boomerang gave a nod back to the walking, talking raccoon. Both were heavily armed. Both were going to survive this ordeal. He watched and listened to the report that Raccoon gave, using some kind of built in holographic display in the Javelin. Black Canary had a good question, asking before he had the chance to, so he just nodded along. Although he did have to grab onto a hand railing as the ship lurched, and as he happened to be standing next to Black Canary at the time, he grabbed her suit with his free hand, helping to make sure she didn't go flying as Quill launched the ship into ludicrous speed. "At least he didn't take the ship to plaid," he offered, obviously a fan of Spaceballs.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    After a very brief moment of considering the question, Rocket gives Black Canary a short shrug. "Eh. Light to moderate violence. Blaster pistol to the face usually does the trick, or a good kickin'. They ain't harder t' kill 'n most things. But that don't mean they ain't dangerous."

    And he turns back to his presentation. "If'n we're lucky..." and his inflection makes it clear that he doesn't believe the Guardians have had a decent streak of luck lately "... all we'll find on that cruiser is Brood drones. They'll have guns, but we've got guns to, so big whoop. Shoot 'em before they get a chance to grab ya, 'cause you don't wanna get caught by these goons." Remarkably, Rocket is calmly going on with his briefing, and staying perfectly upright during the whole approach. Almost as if he's used to Star-Lord's flying.

    "It's when they catch ya that you've got issues. 'cause they'll infect ya, turn ya into one of 'em. They're a hive mind, so the moment we hit 'em, they'll converge. Now, last thing... if you got a problem with psionic weapons, stay on the bench, 'cause these guys use 'em an' they hurt. They prefer hurtin' ya over killin' ya. So get your killin' in first."

    "Basic plan? Go in quick, shoot our way to the idiot who got himself captured, break him out, shoot our way out, grab anything we need to fix the ship, scram. Questions?" And his inflection on the last word makes it very, very clear that those questions had better be both brief and to the point. He's glancing around for someone with any kind of prosthetic to work into the plan... but it seems he's going to be disappointed. "In an' out. So don't frickin' lag behind, 'cause I'm serious about what happens when they catch ya." He leaves it unspoken that he doesn't have much hope for Lar still being Lar.

    As the ship comes closer, he studies the outline and comes to a lightning quick conclusion. "Quill! Two decks from the dorsal blister, second aft quadrant. That's our way in!"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary only doesn't remove Boomerang's hand because they're in a serious situation and this is no time for her to be petty about crap like that. But she does have to force herself not to apply a judo throw and toss him head over ass down the hallway. Cause that's what she would normally do.

"We can carry our own weight. We're the god damn Justice League, Rocky Raccoon," she says. "Let's get in position."

Gigas has posed:
"Erk." is the answer Gigas manages to get out to Peter, beginning to respond as the ship lurches violently and yet masterfully in Star-Lords control. It doesn't stop Gigas from reaching out to grip a wall just tightly enough to keep from tumbling over. It might leave a few finger indentions though. Something else for Batman to give Supergirl 'The Silent Look' over.

"Right, right." he rumbles, getting a clue on what Star-Lord has in mind. Once he's regained his balance he moves backwards and ducks back towards the cargo hold of the Javelin and then opens the airlock once the rest of the ship is sealed off while crouching and taking hold the ships hull to brace himself until it's time to launch.

And then that time comes! Peter whips the ship into the manuever and Gigas goes launching from the bay towards the cruiser ahead of them like some sort of missile...albiet one that will hit with force usually reserved for describing richter scales. Gigas draws a fist back in mid flight and then plunges it forward towards the side of the ship just before impact.

There's little flashy about it at all. Just simple, pure, brute strength that sends a hull distorting shockwave rippling outwards from the impact zone while also bursting open a wide hull breach into the Brood Cruiser as Gigas continues on into it and vanishes from sight to continue plowing forward as a force of destruction well into the ships interior.

When he finally skids to a stop he's created something of a runway entrance for the Javelin though some additional crashing and fancy manuevering is likely still going to be taking place.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well Gigas is probably a more effective cannonball than most standard-issue plasma weapons you'd find mounted on your average starship. Indeed, the impact smashes the hull open, so Rocket needn't worry about 'a way in' because Gigas just -made- it for them. He also made them an -extremely- effective diversion because now there's a rampaging giant purple man smashing and crashing about, and also damage to attempt to repair.

    But most importantly, the interior systems power is out, shutting down the psionic suppression field that had previously been holding Lar prisoner. Suddenly, the darkness is gone, and he finds himself staring at two Brood drones frantically trying to get the auxiliary power back up to at least get the field back on before he recovers from the disorientation of suddenly being flung back to reality.

    Unfortunately for them, they're too late. He grabs one of them by the throat and flings it into the other, attempting to send them both flying into a wall. On a good day, they would have been completely obliterated, but today isn't one of those days...still, he should be able to give them a run for their money.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Rocket, go and get the stuff we need and stuff it into a crate" He offhandedly gestures to Black Canary and Boomerang as he focuses on flying, "One of you go with him. The rest of you, with me. I have a scanner for Prince Charming, we'll go right for him." Peter informs the rest as he suddenly 'launches' Gigas into the ship... then immediately takes the ship up, around, and right back where Gigas pnuches into the ship. "Brace yourselves!"

... and then the Javelin was flying right into the heart of a Brood ship as every Brood ship in sight fires at it... and somehow, the hole is big enough that it's basically a landing strip for the ship proper. Gigas is a scary projectile.

Meanwhile, power goes out across the ship.. and so does the atmosphere. The cruiser drifts in space even as Lar frees himself.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Taking instruction from Star-Lord, Captain Boomerang volunteered to go with Rocket, moving with him, and expecting Black Cnary to help Star-Lord. Something about a scanner and a Disney prince. Although that movement was short lived, as he braced himself quickly by grabbing onto some railings as Star-Lord rocked the ship again. Looking at Rocket, he asked, "are we sure this guy's the best pilot we got?" He was starting to think that he could fly the ship better than Star-Lord. Thankfully, he was already in a space suit, complete with helmet, when the ship lost atmosphere. But not everyone was so lucky. More worrisome was that without power, the ship lot its anti-gravity. So Captain Boomerang pressed a button, and his suit magnetically locked to the ship.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    "Justice League huh?" Rocket glares up at Black Canary, but shrugs. "Eh, you'll do. Confidence is nine tenths of it." Mind you, his fractions tend to be scarily accurate.

    Not as scary as a ballistic Gigas, however, and once again Rocket activates the helmet of his suit while readying his blaster rifle. As soon as he has it in his hands, it seems to grow, extend, sprout a new muzzle, a longer barrel, a beefier power pack, a new optic... all seemingly unfolding out of nothing, along with what looks suspiciously like a jet pack. "Back before you know it."

    And with those very succinct parting words, Rocket runs the length of the ship, gets into the airlock and launches himself out into the heart of the Brood ship. He's half glad that it's Captain Boomerang with him, because that means the tactical flexibility of the group has just doubled. They could create a diversion if needed as well as scavenge, and, as plan D, attempt to take control of the cruiser. "Stick with me kid, shoot anything that ain't one of us."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary is not going to debate overly grandiose team names with a member of the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.

She goes to follow the furry guy, moving quickly behind him and slinging her rifle into position. She knows she should be scared. She's in deep space, fighting a huge alien horde, side by side mostly with strangers, unsure of if they'll even have a ship to get her back home to her plants and her concert dates and her friends.

But she's not scared. Truth be told, she's having a blast. If she could scream, she would. Maybe she'll still get a chance.

Mon-El has posed:
    Whether or not the drones that had been guarding him before are actually out or dead or what, Lar hasn't the energy to concern himself with. All he knows is they don't seem to come after him again. But even that one throw has exhausted him, and he can feel those familiar yet dreaded symptoms of lead poisoning coming on again after that initial burst of adrenaline began to fade away.

    He makes it about three steps away from the door of his cage before he collapses to the floor.

Star-Lord has posed:
Rocket is both right, and wrong.

There /are/ a few thousand drones on ship, unfortunately. Fortunately... they were /NOT/ expecting the cruiser to suddenly have a hole the size of Peter's ego run into the core of it. Hundreds of drones died in the 'attack' by Gigas, but hundreds more got the alert in time... and are going for their weapons as the group comes out of the Javelin.

There's an escaping atmosphere, but it's thin enough that anyone who needs to breath will need something for that. Luckily for the group, that's not a problem... and Star-Lord snaps his helmet on as he steps out in the airlock. No space suit... just that helmet to breath, and he's already firing his element guns right into Drone heads as they try to scramble to repel the invasion. Air pocketed flamethrowers blanket entire hallways as Star-Lord roasts dozens at a time, even in this vacuum... and he occasionally uses his Jetboots to dodge out of the way in the anti-gravity as he fires. As he works, it's easy to see why he's a legend in the underworld: His style is crazy, but effective, as the group slowly fight their way to Lar through chaos that is slowly organizing... and luckily, have only plasma pistols that are peppering the group here and there. For now.

Rocket, on the other hand, is having a far easier time of it, as the drones were trying to get farther /into/ the ship to keep from being spaced. He and the two 'amateurs' with him deal with a couple dozen at a time, at most, as they head for the cargo bay.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl joins Star-Lord's group, and doesn't bother with fussy space suits, flying right in as a hole is blasted in the other ship. Thankfully there's at least a thing atmosphere, not that she can't hold her breath for long enough if need be. She is grateful that Star Lord has a tracker to lead them to Lar, although she does peer around wuth her X-Ray vision too, just in case there is a short cut to be had..

As the brood drones advance, Supergirl is loathe to actually kill them, of course. They may be evil, they may be the enemy, but she still has a strong moral compas thanks to her upraising and Superman's influence.

Rather than kill them, Supergirl inhales deeply and exhales a freezing breath, hoping to encase as many drones in ice. It should hold them for a while at least.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    It is, on the whole, a bad day to be a Brood drone. Which makes it a good day for the galaxy as a whole, really. It turns out that Rocket has no qualms about killing as many Brood drones as the group encounters, aided tremendously by the belated realisation of the drones that once they've seen Captain Boomerang and Black Canary... they should have been watching about three feet further down. The fire from Rocket's rifle is swift, accurate, and relentless. Much like Star-Lord he tends to move around far more than is strictly necessary, as if he's enjoying himself... ah, who are we kidding? He's having a blast!

    "C'mon, goodies are this way. Not like they're gonna need it after this..."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar spends a few more minutes flat on his face and struggling to stay conscious as the pain starts to set in. It's even worse than those psionic guns the Brood carry around--ok not as bad as getting hit with over a dozen of them at once, but still.

    Fortunately it seems most of the drones are busy dealing with damage to their ship and whoever just smashed into them, so he manages to drag himself off to the side where it'll be less likely they'll see him. Speaking of whoever just smashed into them, he starts searching for just who this could be. Hopefully, someone friendly...

Gigas has posed:
For Gigas this is less an issue of 'shoot to kill' and more an issue of 'Oops you just got in the way of an earthquake or tsunami. You should have ran.' Of course those with a bit more sense of alarm at the situation who are more primed to shoot to kill aren't having any trouble here but for him..he's just not thinking about it as opposed to focusing on doing what he was asked to do.

Wait, what was he asked to do again?

"Hmm? Where am I going?" he rumbles over the comm link, realizing he doesn't really have much sense of direction after being used as a projectile to batter his way into the ship and create a makeshift runway for the Javelin. He pushes a fallen bulkhead off of him and then turns towards approaching drones.

A moment later and his massive hands have come around to clap together producing a thunderous *KATHOOOM* that sends a demolition causing shockwave rolling out away from him. It tumbles away drones like dry weeds caught in a tornado. More of the ships interior where he is is wrecked as the shockwave rolls onward. This could also turn into a problem considering that there are not one, not two but -three- individuals present whose strength is best measured using richter scales instead of numbers. Between him, Supergirl and Mon-El this ship is going..uh..have some structural problems soon.

Any shots and plasma blasts sent his way wash into into his fortress sized body without slowing him down and he hardly pays attention at the moment though some do sting a touch. Bigger guns may get more attention grabbing though.

Star-Lord has posed:
It's around this point there's a dramatic shift in the entire ship. Bulkheads close, drones scurry away... and more drones come out of corridors wearing combat suits... and various guns. Guns that are somewhat familiar to Rocket and Star-Lord... and Lar. Psionic Oppressors are aimed by the dozens in the general direction of the entire boarding party, and start to fire in waves. Visible blue, red, and green trails fly about here and there as agony beams dart around.

If they hit, it's a small ball of torture rolled into a local area... pain like /nothing/ one has ever experienced before. It's not too many. Yet... but even with Star-Lord and Supergirl keeping the numbers down by sheer attrition, more coming in front behind both boarding parties as they go, it's just a matter of time before they start getting overwhelmed... with Supergirl and Star-Lord just a corridor from Lar now, "He's just down this way. Gigas, start heading towards me."

Gigas, being the biggest obvious threat, starts getting more drones around him, firing those agony beams at him... trying to bring him down.

Lar thinks he is ignored entirely until a pair of drones comes up to him and reaches for him, trying to grab him by the arms and pull him deeper into the cruiser.

It's around this time that explosions start to come out of the walls all over the ship as well. The subtle rumble to the deck making minor earthquakes.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl ughs and darts around as psionic blasters start flying. She manages to evade most of them, but does get clipped by one of them, which causes her to shriek in pain, clutching her head. "Gaaah! Stop that!" in anger, her eyes blaze red, unleashing a fury of controlled laser beams at the ones emitting psionic blasters. At least hopefully enough to cut a pathway through them, although she tries to at least aim for the ground at their feet, and then she hurries after Star-Lord, "Please tell me we're getting close to Lar's position? I dunno how much longe4 we can hold em off!" she grumbles, head still hurting.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    It was smooth sailing up to that point, but just as Rocket had expected, the Brood are now responding as one to a threat in their midst. He starts to slow down to a combat jog once the bulkheads start coming down and sighs audibly once the first battle armored drones begin to appear in the corridors. As per usual the first volley goes over his head, but he's not stupid enough to imagine the next one will be just as badly aimed, and he motions to a side corridor. "Detour!"

    Throwing a few grenades as party favors to cover the sudden change of direction of his team, Rocket boosts into the side corridor after Captain Boomerang and Black Canary, just as the grenades detonate. No explosions this time... just high-yield EMPs and a particularly nasty shock grenade... Rocket's not playing nice with the Brood.

    There is a sudden *dink* as one of the Oppressors manages to tag him through the mayhem. Like a small sack of spuds, Rocket drops to all fours, screaming soundlessly into his helmet, barely able to crawl into cover.

    The ship seems to shudder, and as his pain receptors fire on overdrive, his mind is jolted to a peak of processing as well. When sound and vision returns suddenly, his voice is immediately on the comm channel. "Quill! Someone's crashing the party, somethin' big's engaging the whole fleet!"

Mon-El has posed:
    A wave of relief washes over Lar as he sees that the invaders actually are his friends, specifically Kara and Peter. Right, if he gets out of this alive, he'll be more tolerant of Quill's needling from now on. No, really, he's earned it.

    Unfortunately, he's still not out of the woods yet--just when he thought he'd escaped notice, two more drones approach him and grab his arms. He struggles feebly against them, but as it is there is not much fight left in him. The Daxamite looks up at them, and focuses as hard as he can through the pain and exhaustion, his eyes lighting up crimson as laser beams lance out at them. Not nearly at the intensity that he can typically conjure up, but at this close range it should at least stall them long enough for his friends to get here...

    Kara's own visual scans would reveal this little interaction as well, and she would bear witness to Lar struggling against his new captors.

Gigas has posed:
Gigas gets it pretty bad. The fact that he is visually the most obvious looking threat, not to mention the attention his first strike pulled towards him, doesn't do much for causing the horde to leave him be. It doesn't always pay to be swole.

"Hmm? Very well.." he answers Star-Lord before using his bracers to hone in on Star-Lords signal and then turning to walk directly through a bulkhead as if it were so much wet tissue against his casual movements. This causes him to step right into view of a gathering group of properly armed drones who were headed his way to begin with and when they unload the giant doesn't bother to evade at first, assuming his vaunted durability to be sufficient. It is not.

"YEarrrgh!" he thunders while clutching his head and dropping to a knee, staggered and stunned. His first instinct is another shockwave but this time any subconscious restraint due to being in a ship interior is removed in lieu of a panicked assault to try and deal with the source of the delibitating pain. In fact it -is- said pain and lack of full control over his nervous system that keeps it from being worse but his nevertheless his palm comes slamming down to flatten thunderously against the hull beneath him and the drones. It rips out another shockwave that rocks the decks all around them and opens a cavernous crater like opening under him and his attackers from the force let alone the drones being caught in a full on earthquake. He'll risk going tumbling as well but it might at least offer a break from the attacks.

Star-Lord has posed:
Quakes start to rock the cruiser as Gigas goes into a panic... and apparently, explosions start to tear the ship apart from the outside. Peter is doing a pretty good job of dodging those agony beams as he uses his Jetboots to fly about, but he does scream into his helmet on occasion as he's tagged on the leg... the arm... the torso. "I AM AWARE!" Peter almost says in a panic, "GRAB HIM AND GO, I'LL SEAL UP THE HALLWAYS BACK TOWARDS THE SHIP!"

Peter starts flying back the way they came, ice starting to form out of his element guns as he blocks off reinforcements. The objective is to get the F out, not to keep fighting.

"ROCKET, YOU HAVE TWO MINUTES." Peter screams as he gets hits yet again, his expert flying veering slightly from the hit. It'll be a vicious cycle soon. "GIGAS, IF YOU CAN'T BACK US UP IN A FEW SECONDS, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE. GET OUT OF HERE!" As he's tagged yet again, he flies into a side corridor and gets into cover, trying to get a moments respite from the constant psionic attacks. "Whoever's shooting up the ship is doing us a favor right up until this thing explodes!"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl continues to follow after Star-Lord, doing her best to simply punch any drones out of her way but still aiming to knock them out rather than kill them if she can. Her X-ray vision does eventually pick up a struggling Mon-El and her eyes widen, realizing that he's getting weaker.

"Lar! Hang on, I'm coming!" even if that means crashing through a few more walls as she makes a beeline for his position. When did this get so complicated? Get in, grab him and flee. She tries to ignore the ground shaking explosions going on around, trying to ficus primarily on her friend as she hastens her speed.

Anyone in her way gets abruptly whacked to the side, as she tries to reach him in time..

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    Much to Rocket's amazement and grudging admiration, he actually has covering fire as he makes it around the corner and wastes no time diving into a panel to get what he needs. Clearly he needed /this/ panel in /this/ section of the ship, not the identical looking panels in almost identical looking sections of the ship. But then this panel was marked, so there's that. "You keep 'em off my back 'cause I'm gonna be pissed off if they shoot me again." But at the same time, Rocket has to admit, Captain Boomerang and Black Canary are doing a good job. He's going to have to review their 'amateur' status after all this.

    "This thing's hangin' on with rust an' hope Quill, I don't think it's got two minutes left! Book it!" There's a shower of sparks as he rips components that the ship can scarcely afford to lose from systems it really needs right now, and leaving behind a small present of his own... Eh, he had two minutes, that was plenty of time to cook up a quick IED and wire it into the power grid. Next time someone tries to light the main drive... hehehehe....

    When he emerges from the panel, he's carrying a sack of stuff over one shoulder and begins leading the way back to the Javelin, firing his rifle one-handed, going for volume rather than accuracy. Shots constantly ping off the sack of pilfered equipment, and he turns in a rage on the drones trying to flank the team, spraying them with a hail of plasma bolts "Stop shootin' my loot!"

Mon-El has posed:
    If Kara keeps her scanning up, once she gets closer she'd be able to tell that Lar is not doing so hot at all. He looks horrible both inside and out.

    The two drones recoil from the laser vision blast as they get knocked a few feet away, though maybe it didn't burn as much as they would've expected it to. Even so, the effort from that has Lar out cold again, so not like he can run. It's up to Supergirl to get to him before they do...although even if they do--well they probably ought to be hoping for their own sake that they don't. Because they'd probably have a hard time holding up under the wrath of a Kryptonian.

Gigas has posed:
His earthquake making has given Gigas a brief respite. It's short lived but it does give Gigas a moment to pull it together as his stamina and pain tolerance kick in to try and shake off the hazed caused by the attack. A quick glance at his tracking device gives him a general idea of the location of the others and he reaches to plunge his fingers into the ruined walls near him. He pulls, ripping it fully asunder in order to gain a large shield made of the ships materials.

An instant later and he's leapt, tearing through the ships interior like a missile as he launches forward violently.

They can hear him coming before he arrives. Certainly feel it..and then he erupts from the floors and walls into the cooridors containing Star Lord and the others. "Is it not an Earth-Custom to be fashionably late??" he asks while bringing his bulkhead shield down to try and block the incoming psionic blasts and provide cover.

Star-Lord has posed:
The ship -this section of it ,at least- is slowly starting to come apart... so Star-Lord just starts booking it with his Jetboots right for the Javelin, "Supergirl, whoevver it is is focusing fire on the hole Gigas made. You don't have time for a reunion." There's an organized effort to harry from the remaining corridors into the 'hole', but Peter keeps icing them up as he goes. Scattered drones that managed to get out are all that's left of the contained mess of this section of Brood cruiser. Of course, now the drones are taking out plasma weapons and trying to burn their way back into keeping their prey.

Supergirl has seconds to get Lar through to the Javelin.

Rocket? He's seeing less and less drones around him, with the drones moving int the interior of the ship to try to escape whatever is shooting the cruiser from the outside. Indeed, there are slowly forming debts here and there as the cruiser shields fail and the armor starts to take hits /right next to him/.

Gigas has no trouble with getting through the cruiser. In fact, everything on the ship suddenly plunges into darkness and explosions as he goes right through a reactor coolant line, a bio-chemical spraying right in his face briefly before it freezes up from vacuum.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl grits her teeth as she does her best to pry Lar away from any clingy drones, then she pulls him to his feet, supporting him under one arm. "Hang in there, almost home.." she murmurs, then with a nod to Star-Lord, she zips out there at super speed, making a beeline for the Javelin..No need to tell her twice!

Any drones unfortunate enough to get in the way will get blasted out of the way with a powerful wind breath as she focuses on retuning to the ship as quickly as possible with Lar in tow.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    It seems like the last mad dash is going to be an obstacle course. By now team Rocket can see the Javelin, but with every step more bulkheads are blowing in around them, holes are being blasted into the deck and, to top it off, the lights finally seem to die. But Team Rocket is rockin' it, following the light from Rocket's helmet, jumping chasms, dodging debris and shooting down anything foolish enough to consider them a priority target.

    "Go!" Rocket shouts to Captain Boomerang and Black Canary, throwing Boomer the bag of parts while he himself skids to a halt and turns, dropping to one knee and giving covering fire for his team. "I'll be right behind ya, scram!"

    And soon enough, Team Rocket's blasting off again... straight to the Javelin's airlock.

    "Quill, come if yer comin', 'cause we're officially outta time!"

Mon-El has posed:
    When Kara grabs Lar, he opens his eyes momentarily. "K-kara...?" he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. If not for her Kryptonian senses, she wouldn't have been able to hear him at all with all the chaos that's going on around her. Furthermore, now she can really see that he is truly in critical condition. The color has gone from his face and his body is covered in a cold sweat. Unfortunately, her first concern right now has to be getting him back to the Javelin before this whole place blows!

Gigas has posed:
Yeah - that wasns't exactly pleasent but Gigas wouldn't be much of a force of nature if a coolant line could put him down, even one on a Brood Ship. He grimaces, shaking it off while holding the wall shield in place to help provide the needed cover from the assaults and holding back as well and holding his ground until Supergirl is past with Mon-El. He then also starts a mad dash for the ship behind the others. The logistics of this are such that he'll likely have to grab hold of the exterior of the ship after the others enter given that his size caused his airlock access to be through the cargo hold but either way he's out of here with them and he discards the wall shield once he's close enough to use his manuevering boots to provide additional propulsion to send him for a place on the hull to latch onto.

Star-Lord has posed:
Star-Lord literally flies into the airlock and emergency cycles it without waiting for pressure to raise. It's a bit of a painful experience, but at this point, they need to leave.

By the time everyone but Gigas is back, the engines are primed and Peter reverses course right back out into space...

Only to fly right out into a gigantic space battle between the Brood and ships of the Shi'Ar Imperium. Plasma and railguns are firing back and forth. For many, it my very well be the first space fleet battle they've ever seen, with the masssive amounts of firepower being exchanged between the dozen strong Brood fleet and the half dozen strong Shi'ar fleet.

The javelin is jailed, and Star-Lord looks to Supergirl with a raised brow, "What's the Titans status with the Imperium?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl flies into the Javelin rather quickly, taking Mon-El directly to the Med Bay. Which is put super big or state of the art, but it'll do. "Shhh, don't talk now, just rest. You're gonna need it. I'll handle this.." She pulls out the anti lead serum, injecting it quickly into his arm. As Star-Lords asks her that question, she just frowns a bit. "Err neutral, I guess? We don't really do interstellar relations really. At all. I imagine if Kory ever met them, they'd be on decent terms? But we have no war with them.."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
    With a judicious blast from his jet pack, Rocket sails into the airlock next to Star-Lord and heads onto the bridge with him, strapping into a nearby seat. He's claiming the ancient Raccoon right of 'it's mine, gimme'. "Get us outta here Quill, 'cause we don't wanna be here when that cruiser tries to power up their main drives. Gonna be one hell of a ..." Aaaaand then he sees the space battle going on. "... mess..."

    Small hands press into large eyes, and Rocket hangs his head. "Ugh. And y'know what's worse? I'm actually kinda happy to see 'em. I'm gettin' old, Quill."


    "Ey ehmm... you think they've forgotten about that thing yet?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Normally an injection wouldn't work, but as weak as Lar is at this point Kara is able to shove it through without breaking it--and hope she wasn't too late. Any monitoring devices in the med bay and/or Kara's own visual scans wouldn't give her any assurances just yet...she'll just have to wait and hope for the best for now.

Gigas has posed:
"Impressive.." rumbles Gigas from his exterior viewpoint of the interstellar fireworks. His grip on the ship is tight and he can survive in space so he's unconcerned about any potential hazards unless Star-Lord decides to try and start flying right into the firefight for some reason. Once able, he re-enters the ship through the, likely damaged from theri crash landing, cargo bay hold. For now it seems his job is done. Celebrations are next! That is, assuming the Shiar don't blow them to stardust or they aren't far enough away from the Brood ship. The usual concerns.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Right." Pause. "Neutral." Another pause, "We can handle this." Star-Lord finally states. Then, he hits the comm button, "This is Star-Lord aboard the Justice League Javelin coming out of the Brood fleet. I'd like to come aboard about the contract, and get the Milano towed into your hangar bay."

There's a long pause, "Permission granted for both, Star-Lord. I look forward to your report." Comes an alien voice over the comms. It's not english, but anyone with a translator could understand it.

Then, he's standing up and heading for the airlock, "Rocket, better if we went over there alone. We have... matters to discuss with their commander."