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Daken (Scenesys ID: 1100)
"I never knew my father. I was raised...to be someone different than him. And now I'm supposed to be him. I never asked for that, but when the opportunity found me...I was curious. I wanted to know what it was like. To have people look at me and see...my father."
Full Name: Daken Akihiro
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Wanderer, Adventurer
Citizenship: Japanese, American
Residence: Mobile
Education: Private
Status: Dropped
Groups: X-Men
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 78
Date of Birth 13 December 1946 Actor: Rodrigo Santoro
Height: 178 cm Weight: 76 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Aint No Grave" by Johnny Cash


Daken is a child of awful tragedy. Torn from his mothers womb as a child by nefarious forces and seemingly abandoned by his father, Daken has no real direction in life...and has a host of issues to account for. Daken is trying to make sense of the world, entering it once more out of a self-imposed exile....to try to understand it. He wants to make his father proud.



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Daken stands before you at 5'10" tall, with a full head of long hair that comes down to about his shoulders and a small beard threatening to break in. his eyes are as blue as the ocean sea, beautiful as a raging storm. While he may not be the most handsome man in the world, he is still rather beautiful for a man. strong jawed, sharp gaze, and a powerful physique...just like his father. Alongside of his body is a tribal-appearing tattoo that covers most of his left arm down to the wrist. His skin depicts a mixed heritage...only just slightly darker than the average Caucasian.

He wears a fur coat to keep him cool as well as stylish, a dark red T-shirt right underneath that. black fingerless gloves to cover his hands, coal-black jeans, and of course, black combat boots. He doesn't bother with hats, as he likes his hair to be unkempt and wild like he is.


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In 1946....the fruits of Logan's marriage to his wife Itsu in postwar Japan would prove to sprout and grow. For their child started to grow in Itsu's womb. For such a brief time in the grand history of the world, their marriage was happy, perfect...but like all of Logan's stories...they tend to have a tragic ending. Itsu was killed by an assassin in the hopes of luring out the Wolverine, who assumed both wife and child were dead, left in such a woe that it crushed him. But unbeknownst to both parents, Akihiro received more than they both had intended: Including a healing factor. Saved from death by such a mutation, he was stolen away by a government agent named Romulus, one of the people who wanted to kill Wolverine, and left him at the doorstep of a lovely couple: Akihira and Natsumi. While they believed him to be a blessing since Natsumi was seemingly infertile, they raised the child as their own, giving him the name 'Akihiro'. Though as Akihiro grew up...some of the other children and families took to calling him 'Daken'....meaning, "Mongrel" In Japanese due to his heritage.

His claws first sprouted when Natsumi disowned Daken after a series of awful events from the locals and even herself after believing that she never loved Daken. After Natusmi attempted to attack and kill him, his trio of claws from both hands killed her that night. Akihira, sadly, did love Daken, and decided to take his own life rather than harm the boy he loved.

Though Daken would encounter Romulus as he went on his own way into the world, and Romulus was the man who trained Daken. After such events, he traveled the world, learning such dying practices such as the way of the samurai..a code that he keeps with him to this day. He honed his skill from learning from teachers all around the world...even going so far as to excel in the underworld, which he did. Though this didn't last long...as he was found by Romulus once more.

Having his claws dipped in adamantium by that man after using him as an assassin, Daken worked for him for years...until he had enough. Quitting, and leaving into a self exile after committing a multitude of heinous acts, including fighting with lethal intent against his father and sister.

Now....he returns to the world stage, intent on reconciling with his father and family. Beyond this...who can say? Daken's perfectly content with taking things one step at a time.


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Daken is a master manipulator...even when he's not trying. Though this is coupled with a mutant ability, he is one who is skilled at Knowing just what to do to get people to love him, hate him, fear him. He's so widespread about who he is that he can be aggressive one moment, then calm the next. Extremely likeable, then insufferable. In the end, it all depends on the situation and of whom, or rather, to whom he's speaking. He can sometimes think too hard on power, influence...wanting to survive. But he cares deeply when he does about people...and such things can't be broken...even with broken people like Daken himself.


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One of Daken's core mutations that mimics his father: Claws. Daken possesses three retractable claws housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms; two on the top of his hands and one underneath. Unlike his father, his bones are apparently black and rough, though -far- sharper. This only grew when they were coated in adamantium by Romulus. Where before they could slice through iron and steel with the appropriate force, he can now cut through virtually anything aside from Vibranium. With this...it is most certainly Daken's most lethal quality.

Daken's primary mutant power, that he especially inherited from his father as a second-generation mutant is an accelerated healing factor. With this, his healing factor is so strong that it allows him to rapidly regenerate any damage done to him. even regenerate missing limbs. He regenerates from gunshot wounds and stabs in seconds, serious injuries in minutes, and he can regrow his limbs over a long time period. With his healing factor, he possesses a highly extended longevity. He may look perhaps anywhere between twenty-five and thirty, but he's over seventy years old, and shows signs of an -extremely- long life. He doesn't get tired nearly as easily as humans and possesses an incredible stamina. He can't get drunk, and has natural resistance to all diseases, even resistance to poisons (but massive doses can take him down). As long as his healing stays active, he doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep, and can recover even being blown apart.

Daken has the ability to manipulate his pheromones. He can use his pheromones to cover his scent so that it can't be tracked, and can use it to control the emotions and sensory perceptions of others. He can make people feel such feelings such as intense fear, happiness, depression, anger, and sexual arousal. Though, in truth, many times it's not even him trying to use it...it's just one of his natural abilities...leaving meeting new people a random experience each time.

Daken possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to, and even superior to, certain animals like dogs and wolves. He can track a scent with his nose for miles without losing the trail, recognize people by their scent, hear a long distance away (about a mile), and can even go so far as to tell if someone is lying by the change in their bodies chemical properties.

Daken has a monstrous, inhuman will that drives him beyond the bounds of most. It certainly doesn't hurt that he also seems to have an almost masochistic draw to pain, which tends to throw off his opponents. His ability to remain collected and cool in the face of massive trauma is simply not a trait that most will ever have, no matter what their superhuman abilities may be.


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Daken is a master of hand to hand combat and a multitude of martial arts that he had learned during his travels around the globe. His mastery of fighting styles are incredibly numerous, and he blends it in to his own custom style of combat in a manner that he can best those who are stronger and faster than he is. Much like his skill with his hands, he is gifted with the blade as well...though he mostly uses his claws to solve problems.

Daken has, over the years and his extensive training, developed precautions against telepathic intrusion. It is dangerous to attempt reading his mind and prying too far. Not that most would try, given Daken's tumultuous history and tempestuous emotions, though much of that lies far enough beneath the surface that it would not likely be perceived without obvious risk. There are traps in his mind that prove a potent dissuasive to most mentalists, though a top-level psi may be able to advance past them.

Daken can fluently read and speak English, Japanese, Greek, and German.

Daken knows how to hide and undermine others. Used in perfect tandem with his ability to control pheromones, he can manipulate someone into following his commands or undermine them completely. Even without this mutant ability, Daken is very skilled at reading and analyzing others, proving to be a good judge of character. He can ascertain someone's fears, desires, and what they could want. He barely has anything preventing him from at least trying to do so.


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Daken knows some people who know some people, and even though they probably don't trust one another, he can sometimes call in a favor or two and get things done...or use his pheromones and get things done, either way. He has had experiences during his time as a mercenary and from his various dalliances with authority in the underworld, ranging from "grey area" legality to outright villains, with a tiny smattering of those among them who might be called heroic.

Though their relationship is extremely rocky, depending on the situation he could call upon his greatest family member: Wolverine. Though they've had more than a few catastrophic differences (which has led to claw fights), he can call on him if he -truly- needs it...and is -sincere-.


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This substance, when introduced to his body, suppresses his healing factor, though not entirely. It slows his healing factor to essentially a crawl until it is removed, digested, or processed. Carbonadium is a fairly rare metal, and it is also radioactive; the primary source of carbonadium was destroyed, but some quantity of the metal still exists around the world. It is more malleable than adamantium, so it can be shaped much more easily, but it is also extremely difficult to destroy.

The Muramasa blade. A weapon of Japanese origin whose very blade is meant to completely nullify healing factors. A single cut with this weapon can take up to seven days to heal...even for someone with as strong a healing factor as Daken. If he were ever struck with such a weapon: bad news.

The thing with Daken's pheromones is that he can't control it all the time...which means he could unintentionally spark intense feelings of whatever aptitude in someone else for him or about him. This can lead to awkwardness and rather strange encounters. Though not all are exactly repulsed by Daken himself.

Daken is a very beautiful human being. Many could find him impossibly attractive, and his sense of attire points him out in a crowd of well-dressed people. He sometimes have to make an effort to disappear rather than do so easily. He's a hard face to forget.

It's difficult for Daken to maintain any level of trust with anyone, especially after they learn about his ability to manipulate emotions. It's true that most would never find him trustworthy because of this, but it also can make it difficult for him to get things done if trust is a large issue. It's not insurmountable, especially if he applies his charm subtly, but it can complicate matters and burn bridges that he may miss later.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Well, hello there. November 12th, 2019 Daken and Carmen meet, the former ends up helping the latter out of a shady deal!
La beauté et la bête October 15th, 2019 Daken and Monet meet. To say they hit it off is an understatement.
Cheap One-Liners October 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Strange Encounter September 19th, 2019 Daken flirts with the ladies and they seem to welcome his advances. All for the sake of fun, of course.
Rooftop Greeting. September 16th, 2019 Summary needed
High Speed Meeting September 3rd, 2019 Clowns always get the last laugh.
Just Swingin' Through August 27th, 2019 Daken and Cindy meet. It quickly turns into high tensions and even some romantic intrigue.
Parking in Hell August 21st, 2019 Daken and Barry play some B-Ball while Betsy watches
Lunchtime Introductions March 30th, 2019 Blink meets Daken for the first time while having lunch. How many Little Logans are there!?
Lost Siblings May 18th, 2018 Summary needed
World Domination or Coffee May 3rd, 2018 In which Darcy and Daken have coffee, or this is how people get assigned to manure duty.
Meeting the New Girl April 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Black Cats and Other Fierce Creatures April 18th, 2018 Summary needed
Log 4281 April 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Log 4162 March 28th, 2018 Summary needed
Boris Arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters March 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Crimson Fenders Rock March 21st, 2018 Random meeting in NYC prompted by a band called the Crimson Fenders
Above It All February 28th, 2018 Summary needed
Laying Low in Columbus Park February 10th, 2018 Summary needed
The Problem With Stalking Dangerous Men January 26th, 2018 Summary needed
Chance encounter January 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Long Day...Having a Beer... December 31st, 2017 Summary needed
A New X December 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Welcome to the Madhouse December 15th, 2017 Visitors come a'callin' in the form of Daken and Vincent Black.
A Wild X Encounter December 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Awakenings December 11th, 2017 Daken and Vorpal are nearly tentacled by a mutant girl, and Rory Sakura hears a familiar voice (and it isn't the cat boy.)
Who is Your Daddy December 10th, 2017 Summary needed
The Son and the Old Man December 8th, 2017 Summary needed
A chance encounter December 8th, 2017 Summary needed
A Bad Day At Work December 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Back in the Wing of Things December 6th, 2017 Vulture bites off more than he can chew
Shadows of the Father August 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Lounging August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 1754 August 1st, 2017 Summary needed
What's in a name August 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Black, Blue and Red all over July 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Drinks July 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Danny and Daken in Hell's Kitchen July 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Fist Dates July 16th, 2017 Summary needed
To The Winner Goes The Spoils July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Paco of New Troy July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
A (Donut) Hole Where My Heart Used To Be July 10th, 2017 Summary needed
The Bachelor Auction Prize July 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Tom, Dick, and Hairy. July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Duelling with Ghosts July 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Danny and Daken Go Shopping July 1st, 2017 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
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