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| class="LogCell" | Saved: A Simple Request || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Cypher gets an unexpected request from a desperate friend, and has to deal with Hook trying to worm its way into the club. Scarlet Witch and Elixir show up to help. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Stranger Danger! || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Pixie and Illyana train in the danger room, but the program gets a bit out of control, and Illyana collapses. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Visit and an Offer || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam comes to see Rahne in Mutant Town and brings up an old offer again. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Black on the Outside || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Lorna shares her attack with Alex. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Grinding on Stone || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Dazzler and Cyclops have coffee and catch up. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | a Day at the library || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | City Fall: Family Matters || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Scott talks with the Family about their protection of mutants. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Medical Magik || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Magik recovers in the Medical Bay from over-exertion in the Danger Room. She does not kill or maim Elixir, but makes no promises Pixie will come out of things alright. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | People Are Talkin'. Talkin' Bout People. || class="LogCell" | July 17th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Rogue One, cheesy puffs and a dragon. What else could Illyana, Rogue and Kitty ask for? Right! Ice cream! Doug to the rescue. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Little While Ago || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Some alien technology is tested, to be stored/salvaged for parts later. Whilst Nat, Bucky and Lara do a little chatting! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Aquaman Gets a Full House (Sorry No Poker Involved) || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Aquaman delivers a speech on ocean conservation at Gotham U, with Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, and Stephanie Brown in attendance. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A southern fried Night on the Town. || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | And a fun night is had by all |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Family Matters: The Village || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Skye investigates her mother's village finding few answers but comes home with leads...and a cat. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Unrelated Training || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Rachel and Scott talk tactics, more tactics, and the meaning of life. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Absence makes... || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Just a day at the office || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Doug helps Sam prep for his date. || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam is sent off with a bit of confidence. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Where the Road Will Lead Us || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | These are the People in Your Neighbourhood.. || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Kinsey returns to the Watchtower to continue the promised tour, and is escorted by Batman! They make a deal: A tour in exchange for freshly baked cookies. Mmmm, chocolate chip cookies. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | CityFall: Hammer Rising || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Sometimes the tunnels suck || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Damian meets Selene while undercover, and underground! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Cereal, milk and sugarcoating nothing || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Fiona drops in to visit June, and they discuss things. Over bagels and butter and iced coffee. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Undercurrents: Unto Caesar || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Lex Luthor gets an update on Hook and the drug situation in Metropolis. He gets a sample of Hook for examination. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Saved: What is the Right Call || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Cypher and Elixir talk about the ramifications of healing powers becoming known. They settle on sandwiches, but no answers. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Wistful Thoughts || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A quiet day and talk between Wanda and Josh about future hopes and dreams |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Little Help Here.. || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Alison and Scott talk security at her upcoming concert. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | An Amazon and a Valkyrie... || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | QuestionsQuestionsQuestions || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Undercurrents: 1st Down || class="LogCell" | July 18th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Beast and Cyclops take down a Hook drug house and bring back a new guest. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Nightmares of the Past || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A package arrives in Genosha to bring Magneto's nightmares to life once more. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Cup of Tea, Some Secrets, and You || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | There's an old Chinese curse that says may you live in interesting times. More than tea is poured as secrets overflow at Chez Miscreant when Skye invites Natasha Cranston over for tea, and are later joined by Clint and May. Next time, May makes the tea. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Fashion Forward || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Car Problems || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Andre and Mercy meet and talk about getting Dre's car fixed. Mercy agreed and now his car is at her shop. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Sort of enjoying a sea view || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Piper and Nadia chat about the environment, money making schemes and food culture until something goes very wrong at P3 and Piper has to dash off to fix it. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | First Strike || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Undercurrents: Integrity's Cost || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Cypher refuses to bend to the demands of Hook dealers. He pays the ultimate price for his integrity. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Will you be mine.... sorta. || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Dude. Where's Lara's Car || class="LogCell" | July 19th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Lara's jeep ends up in a chop shop, and she and Luke track it down and recover it |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Now This is Seafood || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Josh tells Wanda about Doug's shooting. Lorna arrives and reveals more hair-raising incidents at Genosha's palace. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Be Ware of Dog || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | ...As a Kite || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Scott checks in on Alison in Medbay after the attack in the Coffeehouse. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Glad Tidings || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Tim and Carrie plan their fake romance to catch a killer. Stephanie and Bruce offer help and advice. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Two Dinners: The Middle of Knowhere || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Saint Walker holds up his end of the bargain with Kinsey, sort of, exposing her to his second favourite place to eat. Star Wars, superheroes and the Kree are discussed. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Spiders in strife! || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Coffee, Tea, or Maybe We Should Talk about This || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Clint, Skye and May chat over tea. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Recycled Breathing || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Best Embassy || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Batman visits Diana at her home to give her a phone and ask her a favor. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Gee, Where's That Hank Guy || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Bucky, with Steve in attendance, finds Hank at the bar mentioned by one cat-suited thief and gets to appreciate the retired CIA agent's tales of his hunting for the Winter Solider. Hank, by the way, is an excellent karaoke singer. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Mouse Trappings || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Lazy Day || class="LogCell" | July 20th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Illyana and Betsy hang out on the couch and discuss the 'Podruzhka Opyt'. |- class="LogRow"