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(Created page with "{{CharacterNew |NameOnMUSH=Roy Harper |Color=#333 |TextColor=#c1c1c1 |Char_id=79 |Img=http://i.imgur.com/UZiXxAe.jpg |FullName=Roy William Harper, Jr. |Gender=Male |Species=Hu...")
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|NameOnMUSH=Roy Harper
|FullName=Roy William Harper, Jr.
|FullName=Roy William Harper, Jr.
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|Groups=[[Arrow Family]] [[Outlaws]]
|Citizenship=Dominion of Canada
|Quote="Sure, I'd like to think I turned out okay. That I'm the best me that I can be. But if I can keep others from messing up as bad as I did?  Why the hell not?"
|Education=Public school, homeschooled, Private high school
|Groups=[[Team Arrow]], [[Outsiders]], [[Starling-OOC]]
|DOB=13 July 2001
|Quote="Ever stop to think why we have so much fun fighting so many different crooks, G.A.?"
|DOB=13 July 2005
|Height=180 cm
|Height=180 cm
|Weight=84 kg
|Weight=84 kg
|Actor=Kenneth Bek
|Actor=Colton Haynes
|Profile=From an age younger than he can remember, Roy William Harper, Jr. has faced adversity and tragedy. His father died in a forest fire which led to him being raised on a reservation.  After the death of his adoptive father, Roy tackled the streets and became a textbook bad boy. Drinking, drugs and dames du jour!  His thievery crossed paths with Oliver Queen and after figuring out the billionaire's secret, Roy became Green Arrow's sidekick: Speedy. Together they fought crime until Roy's addictions became too much to bear.  Thrown back to the streets he came from, Roy's life was over until he was given the greatest give in the world.
|Profile=Former orphan, former sidekick, former junkie, former Teen Titan, former Justice League, former... lots of things. Once he was Speedy, but he left the Boy Bowman behind a long time ago. Now he's Arsenal, and he's returned to Starling City.
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
Reborn as Arsenal, the former sidekick has come full circle.  Joining up with a hand of misfit anti-heroes, he fights to make the world a better place for his daughter while making sure to establish himself as a crimefighter in his own right.
|Description=This young man is built like the bow he carries; lean and deadly. Bright coppery-red hair, cut spiky and short, adorns his head. He's handsome, maybe too much so and too aware of that fact from the cocky smirk he usually shows to the world. His eyes are bright green, his complexion fair and lightly freckled. His strongly-muscled blade-like physique is both powerful and quick - a deadly combination.
Roy is capable of using two hands for everything. Nobody knows if he's right or left handed because he's been using both hands his entire life. Whether it's writing, shooting, driving, typing... whatever it is, Roy's perfectly able to work as well with his left hand as he's able to work with this right.
He's dressed head to toe in light leather for protection and concealment. His features are concealed behind a simple red leather domino mask, fastened at the back of his head. His upper torso and hood are dark crimson, with extra protective padding at the shoulders and elbows, accented by black leather stitching. The bottom half of the uniform is black; multiple belts and buckles showing, equipment and weapons visible on them. His high boots are black as well. A truncheon is stashed in a thigh sheath.
Over the young man's back is a black quiver full of arrows, and the attachment site for a collapsible longbow.
Not many people in the world can shoot an arrow like Roy can. His skill in this area is practically perfect, giving him something very special to hold on to. His shooting is, by far, very fast and very accurate. To him, shooting blindly is the same as shooting from point blank range. Cake.
|History=Roy's story begins with the death of one father and gaining another. His natural father was killed fighting a forest fire, and the boy was raised on a Navaho reservation by Brave Bow. Brave Bow taught Roy to be a remarkable archer, as well as many other wilderness skills. Those talents enabled him to help Green Arrow on a case; GA then took in Roy as a ward and a partner.
Arrow Anecdote: Green Arrow is the better shot. Arsenal is the faster shot.
Speedy became one of the first superhero sidekicks, and joined the Teen Titans along with Robin, and Aqualad. The bonds he formed there would prove to be the most stable and enduring in his life - his friends in the Titans have pulled him back from the brink many times.<br><br>As his life in the Titans was on the upswing, his private life went downhill until he sought solace in drug use. He went through a long dark time that has colored his life ever since. Finally emerging clean, he gradually re-established his contacts with other heroes and had to regain their trust.
The hardest was returning to Starling City and rejoining Team Arrow. He's done that, now, and he's looking forward to a fresh start in life as Arsenal.
Being a superhero means that some things are required. Being able to leap, tumble, flip and twirl is one of those things. One never knows when they'll be forced to do such acrobatics and thus Roy has had to become accustomed to these action moves and maneuvers. His skills are impressive but what really makes this incredible is that he can do all of this things while shooting a bow and arrow.
|Personality=Roy is an engine with no off switch. He's so competent at being a costumed adventurer that no other life has ever worked for him, and the skillset that lets him be a stellar superhero often get him in trouble in his personal life.
Roy has substantial anger control and impulse control issues, which go hand in hand with each other. He's first through the window or off the ledge. Without someone there to hold him back, he'll bull his way into a situation and trust his amazing skills to get him out alive. So far this has worked, which also feeds into his overconfidence.<br><br>He also has addiction issues and will for the rest of his life. He has succumbed more than once to addictions, either drugs or sex or drink, and he's put each of them behind him - until the next time he falls. He fears that day and knows it WILL come, so he tries to cover up with more joking and deflection. Many times he can feed his need with pure adrenaline, but that can only last for so long.
Roy has spent a large portion of his life running. The combination of his life on the reservation, his life on the streets and his life alongside the Green Arrow has put Roy's parkour and free running talents to the test. He's stellar at traversing various landscapes by using only what's available to run on, flip over, slide along and various other cool looking movement.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ARCHERY'''</span>
Roy is one of the most skilled archers in the world, able to operate left or right handed, single-handed, with his feet, etc etc. He never misses. Ever. He can rapid-fire a bow faster than Legolas ever dreamed of, change up targets on the fly, and hit tiny moving targets. Shots nobody else would even attempt are everyday exercises for him.
As a member of the Spokane, Roy has been taught the ways of healing and such by the medicine men there. Considering that he was the unofficial adopted son of one of them Roy has become a master in using plants and things in regards to dealing with wounds or poisons. He's an effective chemist, so to speak, when it comes to this stuff, capable of mixing and matching until he's produced the right product needed.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATHLETIC'''</span>
Thanks to his extensive training and expertise in Moo-Gi-Gon, Roy is a master at turning virtually anything into a weapon. He's an expert at throwing things with deadly accuracy thus making him a formidable opponent whenever he's in battle. Anything that Roy can get his hands on can become a dangerous weapon. He's been known to use things from pool cues and balls to silverware to compact discs in both lethal and non-lethal forms. His Moo-Gi-Gon training is to thank for this ability, as it works hand-in-hand with his uncanny ability to be able to hit the bullseye when he needs to. They don't call him Arsenal for nothing.
Roy is a top-grade athlete in most forms of physical exertion. Climbing ropes, running along icy ledges at top speed, taking insane crazy risks with acrobatics and parkour - all part of the job.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''DETECTIVE'''</span>
A special martial art that's designed to make those that train in it capable of using anything as a deadly weapon. It's a combination of taking an object and using the objects properties in a forceful manner. When Roy mastered this art he focused on coupling it with his uncanny accuracy and therefore any object becomes a viable weapon in his hands. Especially if it can be thrown or shot.
Roy is a passable detective, having learned some simply by osmosis from hanging around Dick Grayson so much. He's no great shakes at it, though.
Roy Harper was raised on the Spokane Tribe Indian Reservation. Here is where he learned how to read and write, as well as the inner workings of what is right and what is wrong. While he fell under the guardianship of Big Bow, Roy had the teachings of an entire tribe at his disposal. Being taught and raised by an actual village gives Roy a wealth of knowledge that others may not have. He knows a whole lot more than he looks like he does and can recall that information with ease.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FIREARMS'''</span>
Roy is an excellent marksman even with firearms, though he can't pull off the extraordinary feats someone like Deadshot could accomplish.
Being a former drug addict tends to lend itself to knowing the streets. During his days living on drugs and alcohol, Roy roamed the streets and found his way into the bad parts. He's learned, from experience, what places to go to, how to act and things of that nature. He knows the "street life", pretty well, having been forced to live on them prior to being recruited by the government. Now, though, Roy continues to be filled with street smarts. It keeps him alive.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''MARTIAL ARTS'''</span>
Roy possesses considerable skill as a thief and a burglar. He's capable of handling pick pocketing and sleight of hand with style and ease. He's a functional thief in that he can and has broken into some of the more extremely well protected locations... including the Arrowcave or the Quiver or whatever Green Arrow called it. He's capable of dealing with security measures of all types from deadbolts to security cameras and drones to even attack dogs and electric fences. Roy could be a career criminal if his heart leaned in that direction.
Roy is skilled in multiple forms of martial arts, thanks to the teachings of Green Arrow and Black Canary. Because of this, he's successfully mastered multiple forms of martial arts, including Boxing, Aikido, Moo Gi Gong, Kung Fu, multiple stick fighting martial arts, and Kickboxing. By no means is he a grandmaster or anything like that, but he can hold his own against the best of them. Doesn't mean he'll win, but he can hang.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ROCK ON'''</span>
Style and presence are two things that Roy likes to personify. Therefore, it goes without saying that he's capable of pulling off trick shots of all manners. While his best comes from archery, usually involving the shooting of multiple arrows or the redirecting of arrows with other arrows or the ricochet effect, he's also capable of trick shooting with other projectiles and projectile weaponry. Sometimes this is used to show off, but other times it assists in his combat, making him more unpredictable while still being highly effective.
Roy played guitar and sang vocals for Great Frog for a number of years. He's a good musician. but GF has never ascended much above the local club circuit.
Roy has some very specific knowledge when it comes to weapon design and creation. While everything that he designs has the same base model (whether it be a bow or an arrow or a shuriken) he can make subtle differences in each weapon to help it to do what he wants it to do. This is mostly used in terms of his arrows where the slightest difference in weight or shape could determine the angle at which it strikes the target. The limits on his weapon design are mainly a combination of physics and his imagination.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''STREETWISE'''</span>
Arrow Anecdote: Did you know that Roy introduced the idea of "Trick Arrows" to Green Arrow when he was Speedy?
The only positive thing that came from Roy's time as an addict is that he knows the street life inside and out. He knows how to find and contact various lowlife types, and talk with them on their own terms.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CONTACTS'''</span>
Roy Harper is well connected. He's got friends all over the superhero community and he's also still a well known name on the streets. Either as Roy or as Arsenal, there's a good chance that he can get some people to talk. The cherry on top of all these contacts are Roy's various one night stands. They may or may not want to kill him but they could prove to be useful from time to time. Either with info or a place to crash or even a change of clothes.
Roy Harper is well connected. He's got friends all over the superhero community and he's also still a well known name on the streets. Either as Roy or as Arsenal, there's a good chance that he can get some people to talk. The cherry on top of all these contacts are Roy's various one night stands. They may or may not want to kill him but they could prove to be useful from time to time. Either with info or a place to crash or even a change of clothes.
Roy's daughter is his everything. She's his reason for being and his reason for doing what he does. She's the reason he left Checkmate. The thought of her is what puts Roy into the zone. She is his heart and the one thing that keeps him from letting himself die. Everything is about his daughter now.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TEAM ARROW'''</span>
Roy is a member of Team Arrow for life. There are times when he and Oliver won't speak for months at a time. Where the Team itself is at each other's throats. Where they all wish the others would just never speak to them again. But during life or death situations or when the chips are really down, Team Arrow can count on each other. They fight like cats and dogs but they are family.
Roy Harper/Arsenal is a member of the Outlaws. It's a rag-tag group of badass anti-heroes that kick ass, erase names and don't even have time to chew bubblegum. Of course, this comes with the perks of having people to watch your back and to do completely insane and stupid anti-heroics with.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TITANS'''</span>
Roy is a member of Team Arrow for life. There are times when he and Oliver won't speak for months at a time. Where the Team itself is at each other's throats. Where they all wish the others would just never speak to them again. But during life or death situations or when the chips are really down, Team Arrow can count on each other. They fight like cats and dogs but they are family.
Roy is a founding member of the original Titans. As such he has them as firm contacts, and can usually depend on Titans equipment or residences as needed.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TRICK ARROWS'''</span>
Roy Harper, aka Arsenal, has taken his name to heart. While his primary equipment could be considered to be nothing more than an imitation of his former mentor, Green Arrow, Arsenal employs a variety of bows, quivers and arrows. Some of which are built in the traditional sense and others that have been modified for various purposes.
Roy uses normal arrows most of the time, but he does have a selection of unique and useful weird toys - non-lethal arrows, ice, fire, flare, explosive, glue, grapples, and more. He usually has a small selection of specialized devices with him or on his person. For missions where he knows that they are faving, this selection can change greatly.
Arsenal employs a variety of "trick" arrows as well. Arrows that he has designed to be used in specific situations. In addition to a variety of "normal" arrows of varying sizes and styles, these specialty arrows can do everything from provide Arsenal with grapples and zip-lines for travel or administer electric shocks or even explode upon impact. There are even rumors that Arsenal has a Brass Knuckle Arrow.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENEMIES'''</span>
The similarities with Green Arrow stop there, though, as Arsenal also employs a variety of other equipment in his adventures. Throwing discs and boomerangs, stylized 'A' shurikens and various other personalized equipment can be found on his person on a regular basis. Arsenal keeps portable melee weapons on him as well, including batons or fighting sticks. He's almost always armed to the teeth even if he doesn't look it. Arsenal has even been known to use firearms as well.
Roy has been a superhero for a long time. Any Green Arrow enemies are his as well. Any old Titans enemies are his as well. As are any number of normal criminals in Starling City.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''IMPULSE CONTROL'''</span>
Sometimes Roy is welcome on the Reservation and sometimes he's not. The Rez, though, is his home and Roy will go to great lengths to fight for it and the people there. Even if that means breaking a few laws and a few skulls to do it.
|Weaknesses=BABY MAMA
Roy has a problem controlling both his anger and his actions He wants to be the first over the wall or through the window, confident that his skills can win the day again. He has a hair-trigger temper and is prone to blowups that later require some pretty extensive apologies.
Roy's Baby Mama is a psychopath. She's an assassin. She's a killer. She's completely bonkers. There's a very good chance that she wants him dead. He should've listened when someone told him that girl was poison.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''RECOVERING ADDICT'''</span>
Being the sidekick of Green Arrow has given Roy a number of enemies to deal with. Of course, who knows how many of them know his new persona as Arsenal, it's still possible that someone might get the connection due to the arrows being used or something.
Even though Roy has kicked his heroin habit, he's still vulnerable to the siren call of any form of escape be it in drugs or alcohol. He's still vulnerable to them both with the constant stress of his adventuring life, and the hazards he faces.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SECRET IDENTITY'''</span>
Roy has fully recovered and rehabilitated his heroin addiction. However, the fact that he was ever hooked on the drug in the first place leaves him open to temptation. It takes all of his resolve and willpower, sometimes, seeing as how he's still in the susceptible stages of his recovery, which means relapses (however unlikely) are still possible.
Roy Harper's life as Speedy/Arsenal is a closely-guarded secret. Finding out that would endanger most of Team Arrow as well.
Roy also has some issues with alcohol addiction that he must constantly work towards keeping from taking over his life once again.
Roy's daughter is his entire world. People really shouldn't attempt to get to him through her because that's just messed up. Still, though, there are some psychos that are that messed up and will do just that. Bastards.
Roy's overconfident to the point of being cocky and conceited, which makes this not a good thing at all. This makes Roy think he can take on the world and win. This also causes him to show off from time to time, which means he's more apt to make mistakes. In his nasty line of work he can't afford mistakes. That's how you die.
Roy Harper is Arsenal. Finding this out could be devastating to the safety of his daughter and others that do not fly in the same superhero circles.
Roy has a very serious temper. It's a short fuse and once it's been burned, he's going off the deep end. He's got a raging temper that will cause him to act irrationally and wildly. There are only a few things, a few people, that can talk him down from his hotheaded raging.
[[Category:Team Arrow]][[Category:Outsiders]][[Category:Starling-OOC]]

Latest revision as of 15:51, 3 May 2019

Arsenal (Scenesys ID: 79)
"Ever stop to think why we have so much fun fighting so many different crooks, G.A.?"
Full Name: Roy William Harper, Jr.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Hero
Citizenship: Dominion of Canada
Residence: Mobile
Education: Public school, homeschooled, Private high school
Status: Dropped
Groups: Team Arrow, Outsiders, Starling-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 13 July 2005 Actor: Colton Haynes
Height: 180 cm Weight: 84 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Former orphan, former sidekick, former junkie, former Teen Titan, former Justice League, former... lots of things. Once he was Speedy, but he left the Boy Bowman behind a long time ago. Now he's Arsenal, and he's returned to Starling City.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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This young man is built like the bow he carries; lean and deadly. Bright coppery-red hair, cut spiky and short, adorns his head. He's handsome, maybe too much so and too aware of that fact from the cocky smirk he usually shows to the world. His eyes are bright green, his complexion fair and lightly freckled. His strongly-muscled blade-like physique is both powerful and quick - a deadly combination.

He's dressed head to toe in light leather for protection and concealment. His features are concealed behind a simple red leather domino mask, fastened at the back of his head. His upper torso and hood are dark crimson, with extra protective padding at the shoulders and elbows, accented by black leather stitching. The bottom half of the uniform is black; multiple belts and buckles showing, equipment and weapons visible on them. His high boots are black as well. A truncheon is stashed in a thigh sheath.

Over the young man's back is a black quiver full of arrows, and the attachment site for a collapsible longbow.


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Roy's story begins with the death of one father and gaining another. His natural father was killed fighting a forest fire, and the boy was raised on a Navaho reservation by Brave Bow. Brave Bow taught Roy to be a remarkable archer, as well as many other wilderness skills. Those talents enabled him to help Green Arrow on a case; GA then took in Roy as a ward and a partner.

Speedy became one of the first superhero sidekicks, and joined the Teen Titans along with Robin, and Aqualad. The bonds he formed there would prove to be the most stable and enduring in his life - his friends in the Titans have pulled him back from the brink many times.

As his life in the Titans was on the upswing, his private life went downhill until he sought solace in drug use. He went through a long dark time that has colored his life ever since. Finally emerging clean, he gradually re-established his contacts with other heroes and had to regain their trust.

The hardest was returning to Starling City and rejoining Team Arrow. He's done that, now, and he's looking forward to a fresh start in life as Arsenal.


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Roy is an engine with no off switch. He's so competent at being a costumed adventurer that no other life has ever worked for him, and the skillset that lets him be a stellar superhero often get him in trouble in his personal life.

Roy has substantial anger control and impulse control issues, which go hand in hand with each other. He's first through the window or off the ledge. Without someone there to hold him back, he'll bull his way into a situation and trust his amazing skills to get him out alive. So far this has worked, which also feeds into his overconfidence.

He also has addiction issues and will for the rest of his life. He has succumbed more than once to addictions, either drugs or sex or drink, and he's put each of them behind him - until the next time he falls. He fears that day and knows it WILL come, so he tries to cover up with more joking and deflection. Many times he can feed his need with pure adrenaline, but that can only last for so long.


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Roy is one of the most skilled archers in the world, able to operate left or right handed, single-handed, with his feet, etc etc. He never misses. Ever. He can rapid-fire a bow faster than Legolas ever dreamed of, change up targets on the fly, and hit tiny moving targets. Shots nobody else would even attempt are everyday exercises for him.

Roy is a top-grade athlete in most forms of physical exertion. Climbing ropes, running along icy ledges at top speed, taking insane crazy risks with acrobatics and parkour - all part of the job.

Roy is a passable detective, having learned some simply by osmosis from hanging around Dick Grayson so much. He's no great shakes at it, though.

Roy is an excellent marksman even with firearms, though he can't pull off the extraordinary feats someone like Deadshot could accomplish.

Roy is skilled in multiple forms of martial arts, thanks to the teachings of Green Arrow and Black Canary. Because of this, he's successfully mastered multiple forms of martial arts, including Boxing, Aikido, Moo Gi Gong, Kung Fu, multiple stick fighting martial arts, and Kickboxing. By no means is he a grandmaster or anything like that, but he can hold his own against the best of them. Doesn't mean he'll win, but he can hang.

Roy played guitar and sang vocals for Great Frog for a number of years. He's a good musician. but GF has never ascended much above the local club circuit.


The only positive thing that came from Roy's time as an addict is that he knows the street life inside and out. He knows how to find and contact various lowlife types, and talk with them on their own terms.


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Roy Harper is well connected. He's got friends all over the superhero community and he's also still a well known name on the streets. Either as Roy or as Arsenal, there's a good chance that he can get some people to talk. The cherry on top of all these contacts are Roy's various one night stands. They may or may not want to kill him but they could prove to be useful from time to time. Either with info or a place to crash or even a change of clothes.

Roy is a member of Team Arrow for life. There are times when he and Oliver won't speak for months at a time. Where the Team itself is at each other's throats. Where they all wish the others would just never speak to them again. But during life or death situations or when the chips are really down, Team Arrow can count on each other. They fight like cats and dogs but they are family.

Roy is a founding member of the original Titans. As such he has them as firm contacts, and can usually depend on Titans equipment or residences as needed.


Roy uses normal arrows most of the time, but he does have a selection of unique and useful weird toys - non-lethal arrows, ice, fire, flare, explosive, glue, grapples, and more. He usually has a small selection of specialized devices with him or on his person. For missions where he knows that they are faving, this selection can change greatly.


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Roy has been a superhero for a long time. Any Green Arrow enemies are his as well. Any old Titans enemies are his as well. As are any number of normal criminals in Starling City.

Roy has a problem controlling both his anger and his actions He wants to be the first over the wall or through the window, confident that his skills can win the day again. He has a hair-trigger temper and is prone to blowups that later require some pretty extensive apologies.

Even though Roy has kicked his heroin habit, he's still vulnerable to the siren call of any form of escape be it in drugs or alcohol. He's still vulnerable to them both with the constant stress of his adventuring life, and the hazards he faces.


Roy Harper's life as Speedy/Arsenal is a closely-guarded secret. Finding out that would endanger most of Team Arrow as well.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Tracking a Link April 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Bar's Are Interesting Places March 17th, 2019 Summary needed
Arsenals, felines and paratroopers. March 14th, 2019 Red Hood and Arsenal talk about a new Outlaws with Galina and Kitty in attendance. Kestrel makes a visit. Kitty and Galina talk Sentinels
Sentinels: Down by the Docks February 27th, 2019 Red Hood and Galina investigate what was beyond the Crimson Dynamo facility. They run afoul of the FSB.
Getting the Gang Back Together February 25th, 2019 Summary needed
All the Music February 25th, 2019 Summary needed
Breakfast Ackward February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
CupCake Date January 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Some People Are Awesome January 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Outsiders Meeting Up January 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Bars Make Holidays December 27th, 2018 Summary needed
Rise of The Outsiders: Arsenal December 6th, 2018 Summary needed
It's Just Business December 5th, 2018 Summary needed
A New Arsenal December 5th, 2018 Arsenal returns to the Bunker and reunites with Oliver and Dinah. Catchup is had, and an archery competition.
Make a Car Smile, Take It for a Joy Ride September 12th, 2017 Summary needed
One For The Road August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Grace with an Arsenal June 24th, 2017 Grace helps Arsenal defend a break in.
Emptied Quiver June 22nd, 2017 Summary needed


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