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|Education=High School
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|Groups=[[Xavier's School]]
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|Quote="The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly."
|Quote="The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly."
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Revision as of 15:58, 7 October 2019

Gwendolyn (Scenesys ID: 9029)
"The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly."
Full Name: Gwendolyn Armenteros
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (OC)
Occupation: Lapsed Student
Citizenship: United States of America/Cuban
Residence: Homeless
Education: High School
Status: Approved
Groups: Xavier's School, New Mutants
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 28 August 2010 Actor: Ana de Armas
Height: 168 cm (5'6") Weight: 54 kg (120 lb)
Hair Color: Auburn Eye Color: Olive Green
Theme Song:


The adopted child of a family in Southern Louisiana, Gwendolyn - real name Ginessa Armenteros - had a rough and tumble early life in the system. Changing her first name to Gwendolyn to appeal more to the white families who came to adopt, she was picked up by the Baumann family and taken to their small home on the bayou.

At age 14 Gwendolyn's mutation appeared. For a time, she could hide it from her very anti-mutant father but, when antenna sprouted and her eyes covered over, there really wasn't anything she could do. Packing her things and as much cash as she could find in her surplus Alice pack, Gwendolyn headed off into the world, aiming for somewhere north where Mutants were more readily accepted.

She'd been alone for the first ten years of her life and now she was alone again. Hopefully when she reaches New York, she can talk to someone who might be able to help her - if not to become normal, then to be more comfortable in her newly mutated skin.

Current Player Approved: October 02, 2019



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Gwendolyn has a lot of amber hair and she seems to care of it. Nicely disheveled is what comes to mind looking at her hairstyle - sure, her bangs are cleanly cut with scissors in places, but it's kept clean and conditioned, with several loosely woven braids framing either side of her face. When loose, it hangs almost to the middle of her back, but usually it's pulled into a bun or a ponytail, the bulk barely constrained by a few hairties with some flyaway strands free to swirl whichever way the breeze blows. Her face is quite slender with the delicate roundness of youth with sweeping cheekbones and soft mouth that is often smiling, while a delicate jawline finishes framing a lovely face.

If one is observant, one might notice a small set of antenna extend from just above the edge of her hairline, barely hidden in her bangs. Her eyes are insect-like, with multiple lenses, enabling her to see better than most people. The drawback to this is that she often covers them with large sunglasses or goggles to hide their strange appearance and to cut down on the overstimulation that she's still getting used to.

Her skin is lightly tanned, with darker freckles sprinkled liberally across her face and shoulders, moreso along her cheekbones, making it appear that she had been caught in a brief flurry of freckle-colored paint. The only thing that blemishes her skin are the chitin plates that are imbedded in her forearms, on the bicep and tricep of each arm, the front of each thigh, and the back of each calf. These are generally hidden by clothing, as she is very self conscious about them.

Looking around sixteen or seventeen years of age, Gwendolyn possesses a well-sculpted figure that is starting to move settled into womanhood. About five-foot four or so and a still a little bit lanky, she's finally filling out in all the right places. Her form tells the tale of intensive regular exercise, a good set of parents, and a high metabolism. She moves carefully and quietly, with delicate grace.


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Born April 28, 2010 to an unwed Cuban immigrant mother that was in the United States, Ginessa Armenteros was given up for adoption shortly after her birth. Her first memories were of life in the system, being shuffled from foster home to foster home, never really finding a time or place to form an identity of her own. Learning Spanish to go along with her English, Ginesa noticed that the families that occasionally came to select children for adoption chose the ones with more caucasian names more often than not. Oddly enough, changing her name was surpisingly easy - she just stopped using Ginessa one day a little after she turned six, instead choosing the name Gwendolyn from a character in a cartoon she had seen on television during some of her home visits and refusing to answer to anything else. Much to her surprise, the overworked system workers in charge of her well-being just shrugged and let her get away with it, changing necessary documents when required, and even going so far as to get her a social security card in that name.

At the age of ten she was adopted by the Baumann family. They lived in an out-of-the-way plantaton just on the outskirts of Port Sulphur in Louisiana. They admired the little girl's pluckiness and grit and willingess to go anywhere to get out of the system and into a home of her own. Gwendolyn fit in remarkably well with her family and peers growing up, immersing herself in the culture of the South, learning French Creole well enough to speak it almost fluently - albiet with a bit of a Spanish Accent - and taking up the fiddle to play alongside her brothers at the local watering hole. She also flung herself headfirst into education, catching up on her schooling rather quickly and moving into the more advanced classes in less than a year. This wasn't the standard upbringing in any way, but for Gwendolyn, it was the closest thing to heaven that she could think of. Her summers and afternoons were spent in the swamps around her home, fishing and camping and somehow avoiding the roving packs of mosquitos that could suck a goat dry if it was left unattended. It wasn't uncommon for her to disappear on a Friday evening and not return home until Sunday night, take a shower, collapse into bed, and head off to school on Monday. One winter, a little after she turned fourteen, things got interesting in exactly the wrong way.

One of the dirty little secrets of her new family was that Mr. Alphonse, her adopted father, was a card-carrying member of one of the more prominent anti-mutant groups in the south. She never really understood her family's aversion to mutants and wasn't afraid to speak her mind to that fact - respectfully, of course. Still, these arguments often devolved into shouting matches, slammed doors, a bruise or two that ached no matter what she tried, and usually had her in her little fort in the middle of the swamp, waiting for morning when she could sneak back home, grab her books, and head to school. So when she started getting headaches and light sensitivity, she just chalked it up to that time of the month, forced down a few Advil, and pushed on through her day. When the chitinous plates started to appear on the backs of her forearms and other spots on her body, judicious moisturizing was the cure, along with long sleeves and pants to hide them. Thankfully, it was winter, so she could get away with hiding things for a little while but, when the segmented antenna pushed their way out of her forehead, her eyes started to cover over with thousands of angular lenses and her shoulderblades started to ache like a tooth was trying to push its way out...well, he definitely would not take any of that information well. She only had a few days to gather what she could before she ran away with what she could carry stuffed inside her surplus Military Alice pack. Thankfully, she had an idea of what was necessary - clothes, as much cash as she could find, her violin, her social security card and birth certificate, and her old iPod to listen to musi


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The key to Gwendolyn's personality is stability. At heart, she's a good person, raised by caring parents for most of her life. She would choose to surround herself with good-hearted people, but since discovering she was a mutant and running away from home because of it, it's like a house of cards has been kicked over. The instability that it inherently caused gave Gwendolyn a goal to set things right and to come to terms with the person she's become.

Gwendolyn loves exploring, going on adventures, variety and meeting new people. She possesses the curiosity of a cat and longs to experience as much as she can. She loves to be involved in several things at the same time as long as she is not held back. She likes change, new things and new horizons as well as challenges, which explains why she thrived in the foster care system and focused so hard on her education, unlike so many other kids. She makes friends easily and her personality is upbeat and often inspiring - attracting people from all walks of life. Gwendolyn has a way with words and an uncanny ability to motivate others. She could be in sales, advertising, publicity, promotion, politics or any profession that requires communication skills and understanding of people. She is also sensual and loves to taste all of life. Good food, good friends, and other sensory experiences are essential to the enjoyment of her life. She isn't seeking a relationship at all but, once someone commits to her, she's committed to them. To those she's lucky enough to count as friends or companions, Gwendolyn can be as faithful as an old dog.

The way Gwendolyn thinks, these are the true keys to her success. Without these, many of the tasks she begins will remain unfinished and she will fail to realize the true fruits of her abilities. With hard work and perseverance, however, the sky is the limit. Her challenge is to learn the true meaning of freedom. Change is constant in this world, requiring adaptability and courage.


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Gwendolyn has a set of dragonfly wings growing from her shoulderblades that allow short jaunts of flight. This is a recent development, but with enough effort she can go airborne with a small load and can fly at faster than running pace with gravity's assistance. It's accompanied by a soft buzzing sound, much like the Dragonflies she seems to be patterned after. She's not /good/ at it, but with practice, she'll get better!

Heightened Senses:
If there's one advantage of having these crazy bug powers, it's the senses. Gwendolyn can see better, hear better, and smell better than most people, giving her the ability to track people by scent, hear sounds that might otherwise be missed, and see miniscule details that might be overlooked.

Insect Affinity:
Doctor Doolittle for bugs? Hardly. Get mosquitos to stay away or go find someone else to annoy? Yes. With pracice, she may find out how to understand, or even control, but right now it's just a neat trick when she goes camping.

Limited Postcognition:
The strangest out of the bunch. When Gwendolyn touches something, if she concentrates, there's the chance that she may be able to pick up the echoes of what happened with the object she's touching, or in the location she's in. So far it's been good at getting combinations off of lockers or finding out passcodes to phones, but anything more than a few hours in the past is muddy and anything beyond that is near impossible.

Natural Weapons:
Something she would get rid of in a heartbeat if she could, the outside of Gwendolyn's forearms have a row of short, sharp spines that can be laid down into grooves in her forearm plates. In a pinch, these can be used for impromptu weapons, but more often than not they'll be used for defense, deflecting blows or catching attacks instead of slashing like X-23 or Wolverine. They're hard - about as hard as cast iron - and pointy, but they're attached to her body and, if she ends up hitting something the wrong way it may end up hurting her more when they snap off.


Ants can lift at least 20 times their bodyweight over their head, and Gwendolyn can do the same. Pushing over cars, pulling things stuck in the ground, or just being there to open a stubborn jar, Gwen's the girl for you. She hasn't tested her limits or had a reason to, but she's fairly certain she's stronger than the average bear. In game terms, she can lift about a ton with effort and move about two tons if she really puts her back into it.


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Gwendolyn knows her way around a kitchen. Sure, it's not classy in the way French food is, but what she cooks will stick to your ribs, taste darn good while you're eating it, and give tasters an experience that they might not have ever had before. She knows home cooking mostly - chicken fried chicken is one of her specialties - but if you want jambalaya, gumbo, blackened anything, or Banana's Foster, or smoked meats, she's your girl. Baking, she's never gotten to work properly.

Gwendolyn can speak three languages fluently (English, Spanish, and French-Creole) and write two (English and Spanish).

Gwendolyn is a talented musician and singer, able to play the violin or fiddle, read music, and generally follow along with a tune. Specializing in Bluegrass and Zydeco, get her to sit down and play and it's almost guaranteed that there will be some dancing going on soon after she starts.


Gwendolyn knows how to survive wherever she goes - either on the streets or in the wilderness. Finding shelter, clean water, food, and starting a fire without tools was something she did fairly regularly when she was younger. Her time travelling after running away taught her a lot of things, too, like the best places to play violin for tips, the safest places to sleep, and where not to go if you wanted to stay safe.


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To most people, it just looks like a battered chunk of wood, worn in places, patched in others, but to Gwendolyn, it's the most important chunk of wood in the world. Her violin has allowed her to survive, and even thrive, when she might otherwise be starving on the streets. Deft fingers and careful playing have opened many doors for her. Who knows what doors may open for her now that she's got time to practice?

Xavier's School:

A new student of Xavier's School, Gwendolyn has the resources provided to any student of the school. Right now it's simple things, like a bed, a roof, food on the table, and clean clothes, but if it starts becoming something more and she actually becomes an X-man? The sky's the limit.


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Cold Sensitivity:
Gwendolyn never liked the cold, but since her mutation kicked in, it's become more of a chore to survive in the chillier parts of the world. She was skinny to begin with, and chitin plates don't hold heat in well. If her body temperature gets too low, she can very easily slip into hypothermia or catatonia if she's not prepared for lower temperatutes.

Light Sensitivity:
With the increase in her sight, Gwendolyn has become much, much more sensitive to bright lights. She can very easily be dazed by unexpected flashes of light. To combat this, she is usually found wearing heavy goggles that shield her eyes to help cut down on the stimulation of a sunny day or unexpected flashes of light.

Limited Education:
While she was doing well in high school, running away at fifteen means that you miss out on the rest of the fall semester, most of spring, and any chance of catching back up during the summer. She's smart, but she doesn't have the diploma to say so. With time, hopefully she'll earn her GED or even a diploma.

No Family Ties:
Gwendolyn is an orphan that ran away from her adopted family, therefore she has no familial ties to speak of. Sure, she has a mother - everyone does - but she never met her real mother and her adopted one has basically written her out of her life since discovering she was a mutant. She is well and truly alone and really, really wants to find attachments to start forming those bonds again.

Noise Sensitivity:
Being able to hear a mouse running two rooms away does have its advantages, but one of the major disadvantages is that loud noises can easily startle or deafen Gwendolyn for a time. Small, inobtrusive earbuds, normally used by professional shooters, are worn to combat this issue, but in the event that she doesn't have them, an explosion could sonically put her out of the fight. Note: Keep Dazzler, Silver Banshee, and Black Canary on her good side.


Before her mutation, Gwendolyn considered herself cute. Beautiful, even. But now, with multi-lensed eyes, antennae, chitin plates imbedded in her skin and dragonfly wings, she's very aware of how she looks to other people and how she can very easily scare someone if they're not expecting to see someone like her around a dark corner. Normally, Gwen is outgoing, but now that she's changed, she shrinks back from social situations and wears baggy, concealing clothing to hide what, in her eyes, is the ugliness of her mutation.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Just a regular day at the mansion April 9th, 2020 Gwendolyn and Shannon shoot the breeze.
Cooking up Mischief March 27th, 2020 Kitty and company chatter in the kitchen
DR-GA-1 February 5th, 2020 And Gwen almost made it to the button.
Lunch with Kaida February 4th, 2020 Kaida and Gwen talk over lunch
Teen Burger Night February 2nd, 2020 X-Students meet a Power Pack member and giant burgers are tackled.
Little cooks in the Kitchen! January 31st, 2020 Pixie tries to make cookies. Uninvited guests arrive.
Hospital Food January 31st, 2020 Shannon and Gwen discuss the goblin issue in the kitchen over home-cooked food.
No More Room For Jello January 29th, 2020 Day 2 of Shannon's unplanned vacation in Club Med(ical) begins with Jello, and ends with good company, plus hope for a more constructive direction for her healing gift.
Routine Practice Patrol...yeah, right! January 28th, 2020 Illyana, Gwendolyn, and Shannon fight pirates stealing Stark Technology!
A Nightingale With Broken Wings January 28th, 2020 Shannon's stuck in the medbay with some nasty injuries following what was supposed to have been a routine patrol, and has some visitors. Gwen is asked to begin training in preparation for joining the New Mutants. Bean makes good on the threat from both Cannonball and himself to make a magnetic nameplate for her bed during medbay visits! The stinker!
A Danger Room Flight January 22nd, 2020 Megan and Gwendolyn 'borrow' the Danger Room for a quick flight on the beach!
Waking up on the extended weekend January 21st, 2020 Stepford Twins confuse Gwendolyn and meet Megan.
Selling Dreams, Buying Hope January 4th, 2020 One new mutant had. One problem in Scotland to resolve.
Merry Christmas, Brad and Gwendolyn January 2nd, 2020 A gift exchange between Brad and Gwendolyn leads to a first for both of them.
Post Christmas Funn December 31st, 2019 Megan exchanges gifts with Shannon and Gwen and do some stargazing on a cool winter night.
Christmas Eve Eve December 24th, 2019 Gwendolyn and Megan both finish wrapping their holiday presents in the rec room. Shannon joins in by playing some holiday tunes, and Bean rests from his stint as an unwitting apprentice of St. Nick. Captain Rogers stops by for a bit of holiday cheer, and Warren Worthington proves once and for all to Shannon that yes, indeed, there is a face to go with the name!
Bank Robbery in Progress December 16th, 2019 The Disney Gang Robs a Bank. It goes poorly.
Oils Well That Ends Well December 16th, 2019 Gwendolyn gets a motorcycle to repair, while Kitty changes oil, Samuel works on his project and Rogue does vaguely Rogue stuff.
Christmas Shopping December 13th, 2019 Megan gets to know Gwendolyn a bit better and both consider what to do about Christmas gifts.
Danger room Show and Learn December 11th, 2019 We are gonna need another Timmy-bot as we learn Gwen's strength
Morning Tea December 9th, 2019 Tea and brunch are shared by all. Gifts changing over time are discussed, and plans to rescue Warrior Joe from the clutches of a scumbag landlord are made. Save Warrior Joe!
DR-Gwendoyn - 01 December 6th, 2019 And an interesting time is had by all.
Kitchen Raid! December 5th, 2019 Lasagna in the oven brings scavengers out of the woodwork! Featuring Shannon, Bean, Gwen, Noriko, and Negasonic!
Outside! December 4th, 2019 Brad joyously invites Gwen to a movie.
New Computer Lab December 4th, 2019 And Twinkies were had by all.
Conversations in a Quiet Room December 2nd, 2019 After a tense afternoon, Brad and Gwendolyn open up to each other about many things.
Snow Days and Comfort Food December 2nd, 2019 Gwendolyn asks Shannon some questions about the New Mutants, and her experiences overall. Questions are answered, more are asked, and a very important, precious memory shared on a feather.
Holiday homies hanging out. December 1st, 2019 Andrea tells her closest friends about The New Mutants. It didn't go the way she planned. Now she wishes she kept her mouth shut.
=Post-Thanksgiving Food Coma November 30th, 2019 Gwendolyn and Andrea, in a food coma, discuss christmas, going to club Evo, and boys.
A Westchester Thanksgiving November 28th, 2019 And the food coma took them all.
Mondays are Football November 26th, 2019 Brad and Gwen take in some Monday Night Football, eat popcorn, and get embarrassed.
Jubilee should not be in charge of Thanksgiving. November 26th, 2019 Jubilee is a fantastic counselor and teacher, but admits to her lack of culinary expertise. Enter in Gwendolyn, Shannon, Triage, and Nathaniel to save the day! Mr. McCoy, Cannonball, Bean, and Alexis also join in the fun!
Secrets and Second Chances November 25th, 2019 Students gather in the Music Room for some socialization as they chat about teams and bands!
Relaxing in the Rec Room November 22nd, 2019 Good coffee, good company, good times all around! Featuring Andrea, Illyana, Gwendolyn, Megan, Brad, Nathaniel, and Shannon!
Brad and Gwendolyn: Late Night Conversation November 21st, 2019 Brad comes to show Gwendolyn a new trick! He then vomits. Romance!
Haircuts and Makeovers November 20th, 2019 Shannon, Gwendolyn, Brad, and Andrea head to a mall salon for haircuts and styling: Andrea's treat.
Ships Passing at Night November 20th, 2019 Gwendolyn and Brian meet, recipes and opinions on Texas are exchanged.
Caliber Investigates the Signal! November 19th, 2019 Caliber flies out to the source of the mysterious signal and discovers nothing is as it seems...
Andrea's Next Morning November 19th, 2019 The next morning, Andrea and Gwendolyn talk about Rage and what it means going forward.
Watching In A Winder Wonderland November 19th, 2019 Students and staff gather on the roof tower to watch the year's first blizzard, then have a snowball fight.
Invisible Mystery November 18th, 2019 Brad's powers are investigated, so that he can see and be seen.
Christmas Plans November 18th, 2019 Shannon and Gwen plan Christmas Events!
Scents of home. November 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Mysterious Transmission Research November 15th, 2019 Shannon and Bean share their findings with Henry McCoy, and ask to go on a dangerous mission
Noises Off November 14th, 2019 Brad has an introduction to Gwendolyn, and learns Andrea is scary.
A Mysterious Transmission, Part II November 14th, 2019 The transmission begins again, and more research is done on Site-13!
Long night early morning. November 13th, 2019 New arrivals seem to find a bright spot.
Happy Birthday, Bean! November 12th, 2019 It's Bean's birthday! Simple and homemade is the way to go, with gifts given, food shared, and a good time had by all!
Molting Season November 12th, 2019 Shannon and Gwendolyn bond over wing grooming and the most decadent hot cocoa. Christmas plans are made, and a pillow fight ensues! Pidgeotto, I choose you!
And now for something completely different. November 11th, 2019 Bean finds out it's his birthday and gets presents.
Gwendolyn's First Flight November 6th, 2019 Gwendolyn tests her wings and finally learns to fly! Cannonball joins in; ethics are also discussed.
A mysterious transmission, part 1 November 5th, 2019 A mysterious broadcast asking for help, from a place that, a week prior, didn't exist, from thirty years in the past. Shannon, Alek, Samuel, and Triage investigate at the X-mansion, while Caliber picks it up on her own.
Lunch..the day after. October 29th, 2019 A nice family dinner, and no one gets stabed with a fork.
This one time in Salem Center... October 22nd, 2019 Sara goes to Salem Center for a day off. Meets new friends and learns how to eat beignets
What's Cookin' October 17th, 2019 Gwendolyn and Shannon mix and match kitchen witchin', conjuring up a feast of shrimp po'boys, mac 'n cheese, with a healthy helping of laughter and good times on the side!
Glee Club October 16th, 2019 First (un)official meeting of the Xavier's Glee Club! Singing and a good time was had by all!
Quiet Morning At Xavier's October 8th, 2019 Shannon, Andrea, Megan, Gwendolyn, Bean, Kurt, and Samuel Guthrie wind up meeting in the library for talk of school, life, love, music, and upcoming theatrical productions for the school!
Protect Xaviers: Viewing Loki's Handiwork October 8th, 2019 Wanda stops to pick up the Cheyrafim Crystals, and to see where Lok healed himself, and meets new student Gwendolyn and gets to know her.
Guthries Everywhere October 7th, 2019 Jay Guthrie arrives at Xavier's School. Everyone comes to say Hi!
New Meat looking for well New Meat. October 4th, 2019 Sam meets the new kid and has breakfast burritos
Enter, Gwendolyn! October 3rd, 2019 Gwendolyn seeks help through Andrea's charity Starlight, and gets picked up by Shannon and Hank on a trip to Xavier's.


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Title Date Scene Summary
A Mysterious Transmission November 5th, 2019 Strange transmission


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