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Kaldur (Scenesys ID: 1164)
Full Name: Kaldur'Ahm
Gender: Male
Species: Atlantean
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Warrior
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Titans
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 12 October 2006 Actor:
Height: 6'1" Weight: 280 lbs
Hair Color: Bleached Blond Eye Color: Aquamarine
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Every generation of Atlantean youth is permitted to enter Trials to determine their placement amont the elite of the schools of war and magic. The victors who endure their Trials with honor, strength, and courage are invited to attend the most prestigious positions among the Royal Court. Kaldur'ahm elected to leave his studies at the College of Magic behind and serve the King of Atlantis directly, first as a bodyguard, then later as his envoy to the surface world. He does so with conviction and courage, always seeking to honor his people.



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A life accustomed to great underwater depths makes Kaldur a physical phenomenon. He can easily lift seven to fifteen tons on dry land, and can swim as fast as a speedboat (neatly 70mph). Kaldur can respirate underwater or on dry land without issue, and his muscle tissue is so dense that he's extremely difficult to harm or injure. Kaldur is immune to almost all biological toxins and poisons. His hearing is incredibly acute, particularly when underwater. Like most Atlanteans, he heals from injuries very quickly and can even regenerate injuries that would leave humans crippled.


Kaldur'ahm can shape water with his thoughts and focus, allowing him to adjust its specific density and maneuver large amounts of water at once. His control is not precise; he can empty a thirty-thousand gallon pool of water with a single effort, or raise a tide long enough to attack a low bridge or cause a river to violently flash flood. He can increase the specific density of water temporarily, allowing him to form 'hard water' objects that strike with immense force beyond what water's surface tension normally allows.


Aqualad is capable of emitting a tremendous amount of electrical energy at will and discharging it through his skin, touch, or via his water channels. This discharge is substantially more than an electric eel can produce, enough to do significant damage to electronics or kill several grown adult humans. Kaldur can adjust the potency of this electric discharge at will.


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Kaldur can use the weapons and magics of the Atlantean court to use water itself as a weapon of formidable power. Manipulating the surface tension of water, he can effetively change its specific gravity and use water itself to form harpoons, hammers, swords, and all other manner of weapons. In concert with the weapons of Atlantis, his skill as a hydrokinetic is brought to its ultimate potential.


Kaldur studied the mystical arts in Atlantis quite diligently, but his real talents and skills were in the physical martial arts. He is a skilled combatant both on land and sea. In Atlantis, few are his physical match in an empty field, even among a society that exemplifies the warrior arts.


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Kaldur is technically a member of the Royal Guard of the Atlantean throne. He can request and expect to receive any support from the Throne he might need, including resources and armor. In extreme situations, he may invoke the King's authority to command local Atlantean warriors, but the circumstances would have to be dire indeed.


Kaldur has been given a rare and powerful set of magical focii called 'Water Bearers'. These twisted, silver-steel bone wands are immensely tough and durable, refined by Atlantean magic and technology. They amplify his natural hydrokinesis and magical talents tenfold. Besides commanding the waters of the sea, the Water Bearers can create weapons of water in any configuration Kaldur can conceive.


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Kaldur cannot manipulate fine quantities of water or mist. It must be condensed in droplets and exposed to the open air, or his hydrokinesis cannot create the surface tension necessary to congeal it meaningfully. Mist and fog are of little use to him, though comfortable.


Kaldur can survive for long periods of time on the surface, but dehydration is a serious issue for him. Arid environments vastly sap his energy and leave him exhausted and weakened, as he cannot sweat in the same fashion as a human.


Atlanteans do not combust more quickly than humans, but fire dehydrates them much more quickly. Exposure to fire is painful and uncomfortable for Kaldur in even short intervals, and prolonged exposure can cause injuries much like a sunburn in short order and lead to rapid, severe dehydration.


Kaldur'ahm has barely a passing familiarity with the surface world. He's a polite and civil enough person, but his manners are stiff and archaic compared to many surface customs. He understands little of the traditions or niceties of the surfacers and finds most of the food disgusting.


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Title Date Scene Summary
A Man From The Sea Pt2 February 16th, 2019 Continuation of 6527/A_Man_From_The_Sea...
A Man From The Sea... February 15th, 2019 Kitty visits Kaldur on his boat
I Rolled a Yacht-Sea February 13th, 2019 Kitty's sailboat was smashed by a yacht, with Aqualad pulling her from the water
Fight Fight Fight! Training Session. January 25th, 2019 Aqualad and Wonder Girl do some training in the Danger Room. Their relationship takes one step further.
Surf 'n Turf January 19th, 2019 Summary needed
Can Gym Tech meet Danger Tech January 19th, 2019 Summary needed
Down to the Beach! December 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Letting off Steam December 3rd, 2018 Cassie and Kaldur talk in the Danger Room
The Hunted: Collateral Damage December 8th, 2017 Summary needed
At the Museum December 1st, 2017 Lara Croft meets Kaldur'ahm of Atlantis and a plan is hatched to visit that fabled realm.
Log 3200 November 20th, 2017 Kaldur, Kara, and Cindy meet informally in the Titan Tower.
Log 3184 November 18th, 2017 Summary needed
=Courier Van with a Plan November 16th, 2017 Circe attempts to determine if her new training regimen has resulted in better henchmen. Not so much. Heroes prevent the capture of a macguffin.
Titans in the Morning November 7th, 2017 Summary needed
New Spider in Town November 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Just checking in. October 14th, 2017 Breath and Kaldur are delivered a hostile 'message' at Titan Tower.
The Scene That Goes Like This September 30th, 2017 A brief RP that got interrupted and never finished. Brick vs. Apokalips Fish-men
Thar She Blows September 29th, 2017 Kaldur and Colette go whale watching and discuss philosophy, what makes Titans tick, and the nature of cetacean humor.
Hello Is Robin Home September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Raven's Dark Secret September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Kaldur Loves Surfacer Food September 16th, 2017 Summary needed
A Good Chat September 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Another Day with the Titans September 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Oh Agent, Where Art Thou September 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Titans Tower Television September 11th, 2017 The Titans get together and watch a horror movie, and bond a little.
Invasion, part zero September 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Hello Place September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Donation For A Good Cause September 9th, 2017 Carol Danvers meets with a member of Atlantis Embassy to provide the US support for the Enchantment Under The Sea charity benefit for oceanic preservation.
Peer Pressure is a Serious Problem affecting America's Youth September 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Gnome Cometh, Redux September 7th, 2017 Summary needed
A wild Arthur appears. September 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
TITANS: Crouching Cheshire, Hidden Robin August 20th, 2017 As it turns out, Magpies aren't the only nosy birds.
City of Starros August 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 1825 August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Don't Take Them for Granite July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
The Demands of the Oceans July 20th, 2017 Aspen Matthews meets Kaldur'Ahm of Atlantis; they agree to represent the nations of the Sea to the surface, as partners.
Birds of a Feather July 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Gnome Cometh July 15th, 2017 Priscilla and Sarah meet up for lunch and invite Sadie to join them. This goes all wrong when their lunch date is interrupted by the machinations of the Gnome and the Cabal. Kaldur and Sussa arrive as things go badly.


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