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Latest revision as of 14:16, 30 October 2017

Enchantment Under the Sea
Date of Scene: 05 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Aqualad, Mystique, 360, Hawkeye (Bishop), Raven, Crusader, Starfire, Robin (Wayne), Wonder Girl, Doctor Doom, Insight, Vulcan, Darkstar, Miss America, Deathstroke, Madelyne Pryor, Black Cat, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Domino, Phage, Green Lantern (Jordan), Thor

Aquaman has posed:
The Constitution Plaza is host to the Atlantean fundraiser, a large ballroom having been rented in the massive structure, with broad windows offering a commanding view of the city of Metropolis beyond. The hall itself has been decorated in a theme reminiscent of Atlantis, evoking ancient places and an undersea vibe, and blue lighting to help with that illusion.

The security for the event similarly match the vibe, rather than wearing formal tuxedos, or black three piece suits as one might expect, they are all clad in the ceremonial armor of the Atlantean Royal Guard, armed with a variety of anachronistic weaponry and posted about the hall, with a gentleman at the door greeting and announcing various guests and dignitaries.

Wait staff circle the room, delivering drinks and hors d'oeuvres, with a buffet table set out with a variety of seafood and regional delicacies found across the world for one's dining pleasure.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince arrives in a timely fashioned, wearing in a sleeveless slim-fit dress that leaves her back bare and goes down to just above her knees, the dress is a varying shade of sea-blue getting gradually darker in shade the further down to the skirt's bottom it gets.

The princess is attending the party alone, feeling no need or desire to ask anyone to accompany her. She is here to support Arthur and make herself a public presence.

Diana offers smiles and greetings to those who approach her as she moves further into the banqueet hall. She's a tall and slender woman, so she stands out quite easily in most crowds.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur'ahm of Atlantis-- a onetime member of the Royal Guard, himself-- looks a little uncomfortable to be on the other end of things. He's wearing Atlantean formalwear, sleek and designed not to hinder a swimmer, with a strange texture not commonly found in cotton on the surface world. The high mandarin collar of his shirt does not obstruct his gills, and the cut of the shirt suggests a duster's mantle without being confining. A golden trident is the sole decoration of his clothing, and shared with the Atlantean guard present; a symbol of service directly to the King.

Kaldur looks around at the others entering, and then looks to his companion. "It seems a surfacer custom to offer an arm," Kaldur says, extending his elbow to Raven as they enter together, speaking sotto voce. "Is anything else expected of me?"

Mystique has posed:
    T'challa, King of Wakanda, walks into the area. The man walks with a regal air that suggests that the air of the city, or the people - maybe both, are insufferable. The man walks as a man who is a King walks, as a King should walk. He carries himself not as someone full of ego, but as a protectorate of his own country. Singlehandedly. It is no secret, afterall, that the King is also the Black Panther.
    He moves considers the Atlanteans present, the guard, and he seems to dismiss them as unimportant. Instead, hands behind his back and clasped at the wrist, he walks slowly into the room, greeting no one, presently. Observing.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa is dressed formally...for her home planet. Actually, it is more like ceremonial armor, someone might almost confuse her with one of the Atlantean guards. Her planet was settled by radical feminists, with a strong female military tradition. She is not familiar enough with 21st century formal wear to emulate it. Of course, with her (currently) ankle length red hair, someone might confuse her for Medusalith Aquatain...

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate Bishop arrives, party clothes and everything.
Shehe's come wearing an ankle-length van Dyne original, printed black fish scales on a dove-grey background. The gown has pleats at the waist that make the fabric flare out past her hips and then drape towards the floor. The top is cut diagonally from just below her right collar bone to under her left arm. It's held there by some sort of magic as there are no straps and it leaves her sholders bare.
    She's wearing some luminous powder, this sets off her high cheekbones and the little dimple on her right cheek when she smiles. Her lips are done a dusky rose. Her eyes are understated, a little liner and a coppery red under her brows. Her dark hair is pulled back, drifting down her shoulders in a mass of ringlets. She has small pearl studs in her ears.

    Kate waits patiently for the Atlantean King to be free. "Your Majesty..." she says, dropping a curtsey. "...On behalf of my father I would like to present your wetlands charity with a donation of one hundred thousand dollars." and she offers a check to the appropriate staffer. . "Thank you for Your Majesty's tireless work in this matter." and after another curtsey she backs off and moves away.

Raven has posed:
Raven seems taller today.

This could be because today, after what seems like an eternity of dressing down, Raven has dressed herself up. Tonight, she is wearing high heels. Frankly, they fit her very, very well. It seems like Raven can't wear normal shoes- instead, she must switch between two extremes: Either it's the combat boots, or it's these very high, stiletto heels. They provide a healthy six inches of lift, and that is with a near-flat toe portion, drawing her feet into what must be an uncomfortable position- though she doesn't seem bothered by it. The heels themselves are an open-toe, strappy leather affair that clads her feet up quite nicely, accenting the charcoal colored stockings she's wrapped her legs in.

They are also the only thing she'll likely have in common with any other woman at the gala.

You see, today, Raven is wearing a three-piece suit. It's the highest number of layers she's ever been seen in, of course, and yet somehow this formalwear is so exquisitely tailored, it shows off more of her physique than her normal attire. It is near-enough skintight, to be frank, and it covers her from neck to ankle.

The outer layer- jacket, trousers, waistcoat- is made of this deeply shimmering, almost otherworldly material. Nearly jet black in color save for when the light hits it -just- right to reveal that it is indeed an extremely deep shade of purple. The waistcoat and trousers almost look as if they are painted on, clinging tightly to legs that she seems proud of, their musculature and thickness no news to anyone who has seen her before- though the waistcoat clutches in at a midsection that is narrower than one might have thought. The bottom button of the waistcoat is properly undone, though considering the ratio of her waist to her hips, it's a genuine question as to whether it could ever be buttoned anyway.

Underneath the waistcoat is a silk button-up that clasps tightly around her throat, every one of its buttons fastened. The shirt is putting in a lot of work, too. Her normal attire hid her upper body with its bagginess, but it is plainly evident that she has more curvature to her than previously thought. Even this garment has been tailored to her form, let out around the surprising mass of her chest and then tightening up to fit snugly around her neck. It is of a different color than the upper layer of the suit, but it fits the purple motif by matching her eyes so exactly it's hard to figure she found this at a store of any kind. Her hands, indeed, are wrapped in these black, thin fabric finger less gloves, with open knuckles.

The final piece of the ensemble is a smart tie. Made of the same material and in the same color as the jacket, yet diagonally striped with the color of the shirt, it is tied somewhat elegantly- and uncommonly- in the trinity fashion.

She enters alongside Kaldur, arms resting at her sides. There is a moment of pause as she looks at his outstretched arm, a brow quietly raising when he does this. "You're partially correct." she offers, "But we are not here as a date. It's not rude if we are not dating." she explains, calmly and simply. "As yet, the only thing expected of you is that you speak to the person hosting the party at some point soon. That's common courtesy." Raven, then, begins to make her way out into the party itself, looking to find Arthur, and be polite herself.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn wouldn't miss such a fundraiser! When he can help it anyways. Years of going to such gatherings to help various places in the world, or bring 'different worlds' togeather is something the man full fledgly supports - and luckily he had an in to the gala!

The man is nothing short of a brute in a suit with his clear bulk and tall stature of at least 7ft, he stood heads above the crowd.

The man wear a form fitting 4 piece suit made of thick silk. The outfit is entirely black, the tie, jackt, dress shirt and gloves, shoes as well. What stood out was the sappire cufflinks on his wrists helping to give a shock of color. And while the man was formal to a T...there was one oddity. Stich into the back of his suits jacket in golden thread was a depiction of a tribal stingray - a favorit form of his

But none the less after the guard annouces his presence...few take notice. Bjorn was not really of a high social class that anyone knew, and not royalty. He got in from connections and little else. But none the less he walked confidently into the crowd of high class citizens, royal undersea denizens and alien visitations.

Starfire has posed:
So as it turns out, Starfire did manage to find herself a dress. And a pretty fancy one, as well. A friendly person by nature, Starfire managed to talk a fairly influential Metropolis designer into letting her wear one of his creations for the night, because his dresses were 'most glorious' to her eyes.

And in combination with her input, she floats into the place wearing... it starts as a half circle of golden metal, draped over her shoulders, the metal of the collar/drape meeting at her throat with a brilliantly green gem. This same gold can be seen around her hands in the form of gauntlet/gloves, and in her boots as well - her boots topped with a green gem, and the same worn at the backs of her hands.

The dress itself hooks around her neck, under the golden drape, and is backless - her bust covered with a poofy bunching of pink, shimmering material. The same shimmer comes down to her waist, where a sash of a darker pink is set at a jaunty angle, her skirt reaching all the way down to her ankles, no doubt covering much of the glorious boots she wears.

What helps show off the boots was the way she casually floats into the main hall, her legs tucked beneath herself.

"Everyone's clothing looks so expensive!" she chirps as she floats after Raven and Kaldur. "And look! There is food!" she says, her voice becoming more audibly excited as she points over the heads of the crowd, her vantage helped by her floatery. It /would/ be polite to go after Arthur first, however, and Starfire bites her lower lip, glancing between the seafood buffet, and Raven, before she releases the weariest of world weary sighs, her floating ending as she lands upon her feet again.

But she /was/ a princess. She composes herself, likewise making her way through the crowd - but she /was/ glancing out of the corner of her eyes towards the buffet every so often.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Not seeing any females currently escorting the larg man in black, Sussa decides to join him. She walks up and says, "Hello, I am Sussa Paka, what is your name big guy." She tends to like big muscular men...

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The Wayne Foundation has sent someone to represent them at the formal event. This ambassador had been Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne.

  Wearing a dashing Armani tuxedo, and looking as clean and composed as his father would look. A black jacket over a customary crisp white shirt, black vest and of course, cufflinks that bore his namesake 'W'. The young man greets those as he enters, even the first family of Gotham had to make a showing at this formal royal event.

  It seems that Damian had been giving everyone a show as he smiled and shook hands with those who approached him. Though he did partake of some sparkling apple cider as soon as he was able to see someone with a tray.

Mystique has posed:
    T'Challa, dressed in the royal garb of the Wakandan Kingdom, immediately spots other royalty. That being Kaldur. And, Rachel, whom the Prince escorts. The tall, muscular man moves towards Arthur, his gait one of purpose, not of threat. His greeting is concise. Respectful. A King knows how to treat another King, afterall.

    "Your Majesty."

    The Wakandan King pauses, and inquires, "You believe that this gathering will make the greed of the men of this country and others to be less voracious for the plunder of your oceans?" His tone reveals all, and to any listening. He does not.
    "You and I share a simliar plight. Both of our Kingdoms are in a continual fight for survival to continue to exist as we always have."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Arriving in the company of some of her friends, although not, it should be noted, with anything that looks quite like a specific date or companion on her arm, Cassie walks in behind Kaldur, Raven and Starfire. Mostly, she's wide-eyed at the overall extravagance of the whole thing, gazing all around at the impressive setup, the many people. "Wow, this is all amazing!" she declares, with a bright, astonished look.

Like everyone, she's dressed up to the nines. In her case, this equals a white (or maybe very light cream) backless gown with a sort of ancient Mediterranean motif, held at the shoulders with gold clasps and cinched in around her waist by some sort of matching ornamental chain belt, but otherwise all rather loose and flowing, and perhaps in that fashion just a little precarious. Her hair is done up in a matching style, coiled and piled atop her head leaving her neck and shoulders (and back) quite bare, and her shoes follow the trend as well, open, heeled sandals with crisscrossing laces that go up her calves, again, affecting a sort of Greco-Roman appearance.

As she scurries after her friends (or does as best as she can manage in her heels) she seems to remember something and looks around, almost worried. "I wonder if she's here yet."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Normally Doctor Doom's arrival is one for dread, and perhaps it is still. But tonight, the notorious ruler of Latveria arrives as part of an entourage. While he does wear his power armor that is part and parcel of being Doom, his cape has been exchanged for one that is jet black, though with a forest green lining inside to reflect the colors of his homeland. A gold chain secures it about his neck, as his armor appears so reflective that you could actually use it as a mirror, but few dare to do so. Arriving with a small delegation from Latveria, Doctor Doom surveys the crowd, giving a slight nod towards those that come with him as his eyes flicker about beneath the concealing mask he always wears.

Aqualad has posed:
"It would be polite to pay a greeting to King Orin first and foremost," Kaldur reminds the three female members of his team. "We should attend him as soon as possible and thank him for his hospitality." Samurai of the seas as he is, Kaldur's sense of etiquette is second to none, and he beckons the women to come along with him. He nods at Ravens' explanation and lets his arm hang-- she can keep pace with him easily enough, despite those tottering heels she's in.

Kaldur tries to lead the little quarter towards Arthur's position, and Kaldur respectfully maintains a polite distance as the King of Wakanda has pigeonholed Arthur first. His grey eyes flicker around the room, appraisingly, examining guests not for fashion, but for concealed weapons or hostile intent.

Old habits die hard.

Insight has posed:
"Dr. Georgie Goodspeed, representing Gotham University in association with the Wayne Foundation," is how he is announced. The University had a couple fundraisers happen for this particular event and, as one of the junior staff members of the University, he was 'volunteered' to do the honors.

The good doctor is dressed in a fine fitting Italian suit and supple leather shoes. Everything is pressed and tailored and simply consipires to make him look like he just might actually -belong- at a gala such as this.

Georgie makes his way around the room, meeting and greeting with special attention given to those that also tend to frequent Gotham U's fundraising events. He also is quite happy to relieve one of the waiters of something cool and refreshing to sip as he mingles and smiles and tries hard to make his alma mater proud.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks to Sussa Paka and grins brightly "Hello Little Woman!" he says in a boisterous voice "Bjorn Artursson! Bjorn is pleased to make your aquitance!" his voice seems to boom. He looked to be a world weary man - and his age is hard to place even as he rubs his white beard "Never been to a gathering this big. But Bjorn guess not many gathering deal with royalty, right?" he laughs again "How you get in?" he asks in a friendly tone and even offers her his arm

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel has been chasing a lead for months on someone who has something he is looking for. It's a long guess, and this time its a long shot on a long shot. The orphan isn't rich, far from it, since the 'family' estate was blown up seconds after he got it; and his parents didn't leave him anything that he could find. He has memories and expectations, but one of those two legacies he can do something about. That's why he's here, but odd jobs and deliveries to rent a tuxedo and fit in were one thing. As he looks around the place, he relaizes he is seriously outclass, walking in a daze as he dives into the encyclopedia trying to find everything and anything on black tie events and finding garbage from medieval dances to Hindu heraldry. Not good.

He spots the refreshment table. WOW. Well, things ar elooking up.

Darkstar has posed:
Having just arrived in the city the evening prior, Laynia Petrovna did not have the luxury to see the sights of Metropolis before this grand event, but she, atleast, came prepared. Wearing a simple silk white gown with a fur stole draped over one shoulder, the Russian diplomat saunters into the Plaza, her attentive gaze sweeping across all those gathered -- most likely admiring the fancy dress that everyone was wearing, from the various designer labeled gowns to their stylish heels. Her long blonde hair is done up into a neat, yet simple updo, adding to the elegance of her attire. The strappy silver heels upon her own feet click with each graceful step as she makes her way through the crowd of people present.

Not knowing anyone in the city, personally, though she does recognize many of these faces from the media and the like, she keeps a curious eye on some of the famous faces that can be seen while offering a small, cordial smile to those whom she passes along the way. For now, she will simply enjoy the glass of wine in hand to go along with her people watching.

Raven has posed:
Raven nods along with Kaldur's statements. Her hands find her pockets, and she takes a casual stance despite her not-so-casual attire. Raven is weaving in her powers with this particular get-up, the one thing she's totally mastered over everything else, her flight, keeping her unerringly upright even on some rather ridiculous heels.

Though Kaldur reminded her despite her having said it moments before, Raven follows along. Arthur had been kind and polite enough to invite them to this party personally, so Raven was not at all going to be any form of rude. When they approach, one of her hands snakes up to tighten up the knot of her tie, occupying herself in the time between when they approach, and when they can properly speak to Aquaman.

In addition to this, Raven actively has to force herself... Well, into herself. She cannot let her soul self flow the way it normally does, lest she risk being flooded with feelings and sensations from every person present. It makes her look pensive and quiet- more than normal.

Aquaman has posed:
Arthur Curry, King of Atlantis soon makes his grand entrance into the ballroom, arriving from one of the side rooms. Arthur has appearently opted for a more surface-friendly outfit, rather than the royal armor he typically wears, clad in an expensive, well fit tuxedo, dressed to the nines for the occasion.

As he is on his way into the room, he is soon intercepted by one Kate Bishop, his head inclining to the woman as he reaches to accept the offer, "Thank you, Ms. Bishop, please pass on my regards to your father, and be assured your money will be going to a good cause." He says to her, flashing a bright smile.

Soon, faux-T'Challa is upon him and his attention turns to great the Wakandan, "King T'Challa, it is wonderful to see you." He says, gesturing slightly and bowing his head to the man. "This benefit isn't about protecting the seas, but raising the awareness of the damage the surface dwellers do to their coastlines. Matters of resource exploitation are better suited for more diplomatic arenas then this."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa tells Bjorn, "A gathering like this is easy to get into. Pretty much all you need to do is seem like you belong and not cause trouble." Sussa is a former spy, she knows how to get into places. She admits, "I have not had many meetings with royalty. Actually, the last royalty she met was trying to kill her...Mordru is like that.

Miss America has posed:
    Generally speaking, America Chavez isn't the type to come to these sorts of events. Especially here, where she's literally never been to one of these events at all. Just not her style. But, she's here, complete unknown as she is, largely thanks to an invitation on the part of Kate Bishop that quickly spiraled into a shopping trip to get her some actual clothes that could be passingly referred to as "formal wear."

    Which is why America finds herself here, dressed in clothes actually tailored for her rather than the most convenient things she could find lying around. A three piece affair in the form of a sleek, navy blue tuxedo with cufflinks designed as white stars, a white button-up shirt, black slacks and dress shoes with a splash of color in the red waistcoat she wears, long curly hair bound behind her in a ponytail and bangs swept over her right eye, she looks positively presentable for such a formal event.

    If it weren't for that bowtie she wears, stylized to look like the US flag.

    Because she's still America, at the end of the day.

    She's also very much not carrying herself like someone who belongs here, either; detached as ever, America's brown eyes sweep the area with a thoughtful frown as she stuffs her hands deep into the pockets of her slacks. She sticks relatively near to Kate for now, offering her a simple, "Looking good, princess," upon their arrival -- but for the most part, she just keeps to herself, a brow lifting ever-so-slightly as Kate presents herself to Arthur with that generous donation. Her head tilts. She considers the exchange.

    "Yo," she offers to the Atlantean King with a half-wave. It's about as formal as she gets. It's an accomplishment. Really!

Starfire has posed:
"Well, yes - of course."

Starfire, was, after all, royalty of a sort. Although the Tamaranean people were a bit more warlike than one might otherwise expect. But Kaldur's good advice does draw her resolve more firmly forward, towards the King of Atlantis' position. Although Starfire does lean over, and whisper to her little group, "There are quite a few people here already. It..."

A waiter passes by, with a tray of hors devours, and Starfire randomly has a little piece of bread with fancy cheese upon it. Noting Raven's look, Starfire purses her lips all the more tightly, offering the little bread and cheeseshe had in her other hand now, to Raven. "Friend Raven. You look..." What is the word. She always looked sad. "... are you experiencing unpleasant feelings right now? Please, take this food and feel uplifted?"

Bread and cheese waggles at Raven.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel has never had much use for high society. Why should he? He wasn't rich. He didn't even have a high school prom. Yet, seeing the men in their finery and the women....ok its mainly the women. Holy Sh....eep dip. This makes him reconsider that whole wealth vs running around looking for shape shifters thing. As he munches on chips...what was in these things..crack? As he muches...he suddenly realizes...where is he even going to start looking here? Even if the long shot proves true....how would he know what to look for. Needle. Smokestack.

Deathstroke has posed:
There's no particularly grand enrance for Slade Wilson, nor any sense of ceremonial grandeur. For him this is a rather typical function, one of many on the philanthropic circle he inhabits. Certainly, he's dressed to the level of the event (he's got a bowtie!), but unlike the crowd of youngsters making this look something like a high school prom, he's utterly at ease in his attire, his surroundings, in everything about the party. It doesn't even look like he's in any rush to see the King. He's met Kings before, and the line won't be quite so bad if he goes later. So instead, he quicky spies someone circulating with drinks, nabs one, and takes to scanning the crowd, and soon enough from there, to mingling.

It seems he knows enough people present, other society types. Eventually spying a woman he doesn't recognize, herself sans companion (but quite looking like she might benefit from one), he ends up beside Laynia. "New to the circuit?" he wonders, idly swirling his glass.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Doom has not one, but two beautiful women accompanying him...for he is DOOM. The woman currently holding Lord Doom's left arm is perhaps less well known than the other, but has a certain eye-catching charisma to her. She walks with all the arrogant pride of a queen, her green eyes flicking around the room with interest. She's not used to so many people in one place at a time yet...well...human people, anyway. As always, she's fascinated by it...the colors, the feel of the minds around her. Even though she's been asked by Doom to "restrain herself" unless he directs otherwise, and has her mental abilities banked to a low level behind powerful shields, passively she tastes the emotions in the room. So many interesting minds and swirling emotions...she could almost pout that she's not allowed to play.

    She wears a stunning dress made of green tule, that hugs her hips asymetrically, lower on the right than the left, sliding up over her torso. Inch wide straps run over her bare shoulders, the dress plunging at the front down below her breasts, to leave a pair of shimmering green triangles covering and supporting her full chest. Long matching opera gloves cover her arms from fingers to her bicep. A combination of French beads, sequins, and Swarovski crystals coat the thin tule as it clings tightly to her curves, causing her to shmimering with every movement. Her lower legs are covered by swirling emerald green silk tafetta stiffened with horsehair for shaping. A flash of open toed shoes with five inch heels can be seen as she walks, a dark reflective black in color, with emerald crystals running up over the straps covering the toes and around her ankle. It's a dress to be noticed in, even flaunted in.


Crusader has posed:
Bjorn cants his head "Ha! Perhaps on another planet. Last time Bjorn tried to break into one of these things, he got thrown in jail for a few days" he grins "Course that was when Bjorn was young and dumber." he admits "Bjorn is impressed you are able to keep such long hair. Does it not drive you crazy?" he asks. His eyes scan the crowd and he slowly leads them on a path towards Arthur. Though he does wave to random folks he happens to see such as Damian Wayne, Starfire and even America. He does this seemingly randomly and is simply being friendly

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate grins at America. "Me? See? I told you that you'd look great in that." She shrugs, though. "Let's go get a drink." and she wanders off after her little scene. She collects for herself a virgin drink.

    She spies Cassie and her friends and gives the blonde girl a little wave but doesn't otherwise interrupt their evening. She turns back to America. "See? This isn't so bad, is it?" this is Kate's natural habitat.

Black Cat has posed:
Fashionably late, a face not often seen at public functions appears among the throngs of those in attendance. The Black Cat herself is statuesque, dressed in a black dress, fitted as if she were poured into it, save for the flourish of skirt from the knee to the ankle. Six inch heels add to her height, and she is virtually dripping with diamonds. Chanelier earrings sparkle, setting off brilliant blue eyes, delicately set within a diamond-accented black mask. An obscenely large ruby at her throat is set within a diamond-studded collar, and slightly shrouded by a cascade of platinum waves. Keenly observant, she stands in the doorway, looking over the crowd. Then she turns back to her dashing date as he arrives at her elbow.

Mystique has posed:
    "Your faith in them," T'Challa says, with his attitude still prevelant in his voice, "Is admirable." It is clear the Wakandan King does not think this particular cause is going to raise anymore awareness than was had prior to the event being launched. But, he is here, nevertheless. "I pray it works. The people of this country need -much- awareness of the world beyond themselves," he agrees.

    The King inclines his head, "Perhaps we will speak again before the evening is over. I will leave you to your duties, as host, Your Majesty."

    Then, after Arthur has acknolwedged T'Challa's departure the large dark man is moving away, pausing to consider Kaldur, and nodding briefly to the other royal figure, "Your Highness," he greets the Prince. And then he is moving further into the event, eyes roving to view who is all here.

    His eyes fall on Doom. And, T'Challa frowns.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa smiles slightly, "My hair is never in my way, but often in other people's way." It is true, her hair, being both extremely elastic and under ner mental control, NEVER causes her to trip or gets in her way when she is using her hands. On the other hand, if she is using it actively, it can very much get in someone's way.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
How Kae got an invite is beyond here but she's here! The tall, curvy redhead is currently dressed up in a simple dress made of a really dark green material with a half corset. It's kind of renaisaince, but very nice looking at least... Kae glances around the place curiously, and begins to wander around, maybe she'll meet some rather famous heros or the like. At the very least she's going to have a fun time.

Domino has posed:
Hey, look at that. Someone actually forced Domino to look and act like a lady for once. It probably took some kind of dark sorcery!!!

... Nah. She just finally has a reason to look and feel like a lady.

Oddly enough, she's at Doom's right arm, white as the moon, pale as milk, long black hair pulled into a loose bun at the back of her head. She, like Madelyn, is dressed in green to match the rest of the entourage. She's wearing a sumptuous green silk sari ensemble, the edge embroidered in gold thread and sparkling white crystals, a golden necklace and emerald brooch around her neck, matching earrings, and gold wrist band. The flowing wrap moves with her, semi-translucent at midriff.


She keeps an eye on Madelyn and smiles warmly, lips tinted a warm terra cotta color, almost matching the other girl's hair.

"What do you think?" she asks Madelyn, gesturing with her free hand to the entire affair. "It's really something, isn't it?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The young Wayne makes his way to mingle for now, not fancying himself to wait in the queue to speak with the King. he simply sips the faux-champagne like one should, picks a canape and finishes that. Of course returning a wave to Bjorn, as is custom, not ever hung seen that man before really.

  The young man does however move to greet the members of the Titans. He holds out a hand in greeting to Starfire. "Damian Wayne, a pleasure." He says, a smile on his face and perhaps a slight twinkle in his green eyes.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel has vague ideas of who some of the people are here; especially the major players. While he has never worked with anyone here (Sons of Vulcans keep a low profile...its easier to kill Martians that way...) but he does get vague allusions to entries in his mind to the major nations, some of them even visited by prior sons....he ignores them. The food, the music, the colors, its just....too much. It hits him a little, realizing how disconnected he is from all of it. He ignores it and focuses. How do you find something that is a wisp and a shadow?

Itemizing what he knows, he knows that there is a line of supposed trustees hinted at in the encyclopedia. Someone who might know a thing or two about how to go about restoring the legacy of the Sons that he had seen destroyed. But ....unless he could make out some kind of a symbol, the supposed psychic he had paid was likely just a dime store con artist like he suspected.

Phage has posed:
Stepping into place is Felicia's date, plus one, and suited suitor for the evening. A surprising black suit, cut from the pages from the wearer's minds eye, sharp edges and entirely invisible stitching making the point for it. Before taking her arm in he he preys upon a passing server, clawing a couple of fun and fizzy drinks from the platter, and carefully carving one away for himself, after offering one to her. "To a good night. No. It already is. To it getting only better from here." He toasts, keeping her center stage, just present enough for his role, looking but catching no gazes other than hers. As he tips his glass to her, ever so slightly, he smiles.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Despite how dressed up Cassie is, even how impressed she is with everything, it's a pretty fine line between overwhelmed-good and overwhelmed-bad. Those high, criss-cross laced heeled sandals? She's wobbly in them. The dress? She keeps pulling at it to make sure she's not falling out. Mostly, she struggles to keep up with her gaggle of friends, with Raven, Kaldur and Starfire, without getting separated. A tray goes by, and she reaches to try and snag some stuff off it just because she looks worried it will all be gone. Then someone else shows up with a tray of drinks and she ends up with one in hand. Did she actually reach for it? Did someone hand it to her? WHY DOES SHE HAVE THIS? She just kind of holds it, trying not to spill anything while managing something in each hand.

"Kori, waiiiit-" It's hard to keep up with the eternally cheerful and perpetually unbothered leader of the bunch. And while she's not Raven-uncomfortable, she's visibly getting swallowed up in all of this. At moments, she does spot people she knows in the crowd: Kate. Damian. She waves at them, sort of desperately. Sort of like 'Hey, don't give up! I'll come back for you!' in wave form.

Plus, she keeps looking around as if she's worried someone in particular is going to appear.

Crusader has posed:
"Is that so? Well than you must take very good care of it!" Bjorn exclaims. His eyes wander over to Doom as the women accompanying him, before looking about at the folks gathered "Stranger in a strange land" he muses before looking back to Sussa "So you know anyone here?" he asks her in wonder.

Darkstar has posed:
While she is doing her own observing of the crowd, Slade Wilson's arrival startles Laynia a bit with his sudden inquiry, as her attention was drawn in the direction of the majesty that is Arthur Curry, in all of his formal regalia. Slade's was not a face that she immediately recognized, yet there was something about him that seemed familiar. Nevertheless, she graces the man with her usual polite smile, then takes a lone small sip from her glass, before responding in what is clearly a thick Russian accent when she speaks, "It depends on what circuit you speak of, but I suppose one can say that. Yes."

Quietly, she studies the stranger, admiring the dashing suit which he wears and the confidence in which he seems to hold himself with. Her gaze then draws away to glance over the sea of fashion and opulance before her, "I've been reading up on the details of this event and I found it all to be rather interesting and quite the worthy cause." There is a pause, before she adds in, "It's wonderful to see so much generosity gathered here in one room." There is a wry tone to her words, but she follows the statement up with another sip from her glass.

Miss America has posed:
    "Don't hate it," comes America's answer as she looks down at herself with a mild eye; it's a pretty sincere compliment, coming from her. Still -- she follows after Kate a moment after as she makes her way towards the drinks, swiping the first thing that comes her way before leaning comfortably against the edge of a nearby table.

    "Stuffy as hell," is her first response to Kate's question, blunt as ever. "... But nah, it's not so bad. Good company." Her gaze follows Kate's towards Cassie and her group, head tilt curiously but no wave offered quite yet. "They do this a lot?" she wonders off-handedly -- before nodding once to the Atlanteans hosting the party.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur manages to keep his people in good order; clearly he's been to a few of these soirees in the past, or at least he believes in 'leave no ally behind'. Somehow he gets Cassie to look after Kori, and Kori to look after Cassie, and admonishes them both to make sure neither loses track of the other.

"Please let me know if I am seem overwhelmed by the noise," Kaldur requests of Raven, speaking out of the corner of his mouth, and the quartet gets within polite distance of Arthur's position as he speaks with (apparently) the King of Wakanda. Kaldur bides them all to wait patiently for Arthur to acknowledge them before approaching; after all, one doesn't simply intrude into royal conversations.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa says, "I have met a few of them on occasion, though I doubt they would remember me." Well, as long as she is not actively using her hair as a weapon. Last time she met most of them she was n her Spider Girkl costume, not formal armor.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne looks over at Domino as she asks her thoughts, a lazy smile crossing her lips, though she can't quite hide the excitement in her eyes. "So many people..." she breathes out, letting her green eyes flick back over the crowd. "I've not seen its like before..." She flashes white teeth as she looks back to Domino, in a quick grin, utterly spoiling her more queenly carriage, before she remembers herself and coughs, attempting to look more restrained. "Ahem...ah, you've...been to something like this before?" she wonders to Domino, her eyes drawn to Arthur himself for a moment. "Or met this...king?" Her voice has that tone that suggests she vaguely feels Arthur should be presenting himself to Doom, not the other way around.

Aquaman has posed:
King Arthur spots the cluster of Titans dressed to the nines and gestures for them to approach as not-T'Challa excuses himself, "Kaldur, It is good to see you all." He calls, offering a broad smile to the group, "I am glad you decided to come." He adds with a little look to Raven.

His attention soon shifts to Koriand'r, "Princess, it is wonderful to see you again, and that is quite the magnificent dress you have. I have a small gift for you, if you'll accept it." He says, reaching into his tuxedo jacket and producing a small bottle of mustard, "I understand that our chefs did not make much use of this most yellow of condiments, and I have heard you quite fancy it." He offers the little bottle out.

Next he turns his attention towards Cassie, "Thank you for coming as well, Cassie." Arthur says to the woman fidgeting with her outfit, flashing her one of his smiles as well and he inclines his head, "I must say, the outfit suits you."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Now this was an occasion for the ages. Hal Jordan arrives, and takes in the spectacle that is the crowd, and the others. Spotting a few people he knows, he adjusts his outfit, and saunters forward, staying quiet and unobtrusive. His eyes glance around, and with the flash of his smile, shakes his head. "What a night!" Hal says, and moves towards Arthur. "Amazing show, Arthur." Hal says with a grin.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel finally wises up to the fact that...there is nothing to find here. That's fine. He's going to enjoy the hard work and learn. Really. That's good enough for him. This is a world he has never known and he is going to study it just like he would an encyclopedia entry. Eyes and ears open...eyes and ears and mouth open, he proceeds to decimate the refreshment table, and learn something.

Insight has posed:
As the empath mingles, those that seem uncomfortable gain Georgie's attention now and then. Miguel, Cassie, Raven, and other's get smiles flashed at them. It isn't much, but sometimes just a simple friendly gesture can make a world of difference. Especially in the halls of the rich and well-to-do.

Georgie spots Damian Wayne and that seems to sap his confidence all of a sudden. He goes pale for a moment and slugs down his drink, possibly at actually seeing the ambassador for the foundation that he works with predominately. He doesn't approach just yet, instead making his way in a different direction and getting another drink. The mingling can wait for a moment while he collects himself a moment. And maybe tries out a little sea food. It looks incredibly good after all.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks to the atlantens a moment and than to Sussa as something registers "...so you are part atlantean or something? Most surface folks do not exactly go about wearing armor after all" he notes

His eyes than take a moment to scour the buffet tables. He was seeking out one thing - chocolate. In some way shape of form. Fancy gatherings always have chocolates.

"Though Bjorn understand if you rather not say. Folks can be shy about that kind of thing" he says. Eventually they stop a good distacnce from Arthur and simply wait. He is actually whistling a rather merry tune. Despite being 'outclass' technically speaking, the man was comfortable in his own skin

Black Cat has posed:
"Darling," cooed Felicia, "it was a lovely evening long before we arrived." Cat winks at her date, tips her glass and sips from it. She turns again to the crowd, spying Arthur himself among the faces present. She breathes a laugh and leans in to whisper to Carl. "Last time I saw him, I was waist-deep, bent over a chest in his saferoom. The joke was on me, though. It was empty, save for a broken barnacle. I was SO disappointed."

Deathstroke has posed:
"Vy russkaya?"

Slade is very wordly, you see. Even with Laynia's rather clean accent, he picks it up immediately. Heck, he probably had her pinned at a glance. Even on top of the obvious ethnic cues, Russian woman definitely have a way about them, how they dress and present themselves. It's very recognizable. So really, he's asking to make conversation, more than to ascertain what he's already sure of.

"I was speaking of the general society social circuit, I suppose. There are a certain number of fairly regular events, fundraisers, functions and the like. You tend to see a lot of the same faces, albeit not without a little variation. I'd say this is more the... international crowd." That's a word for it, with the King of the Fish People presiding over everything. "Actually, I take you for the diplomatic service yourself, if my sense of it isn't completely off." Once more, the man asks questions he's already sure of. There's not a lot he doesn't seem certain about.

"Slade Wilson." Then another glance toward the main receiving line. "Everyone does seem in a generous mood."

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel boggles a moment as someone actually looks and smiles at him. They know he's an imposter! He's been found out! Except, the invitation he has is legitimate, albiet through creative means aquired, and the guy is just being human. Ah yes, manners. He smiles back and waves.

Domino has posed:
"I haven't met that one in particular, but I've been to formal affairs and dinners with heads of state before," Domino replies to Madelyn. She's kind of proud, the girl is a fast learner - but Maddie's wide-eyed enthusiasm is the real charm. Nothing like seeing someone experience their first "prom". This is probably as close as its going to get, and no one's going to spike the punch bowl.

"I would recommend curtailing any powers for the time being," she advises in a sorft whisper to the younger woman. "If there are any others that can sense you, might be considered a hostile act. Instead, just be yourself, be polite, and get to know those around you. Address heads of state formally, and make sure to look at their eyes and faces. Especially their pupil widths. If their pupils widen while they're looking at you, it means you have their interest."

Raven has posed:
Raven waits patiently with Kaldur for Arthur to be free. Her attention is drawn to both Cassie and Star, to whom she speaks. Kori first, admittedly, because she said something first. "I'm okay, for now. I probably shouldn't eat for the first half-hour, regardless." Then, her attention shifts to Cassie, "Listen, if you... If you lift off just a bit, get the weight onto the balls of your feet, and keep it there, using, you know, to keep yourself stable, that'll help." Her voice lacks emotional inflection, but at the same time, she's very pragmatic... And, somehow, seems to know a lot about walking in heels. She seems particularly at home in this kind of attire- and makes it look so much better than, for example, a prom. She's a lot more mature than she's ever looked, that's for sure.

Then, Arthur speaks, and she offers a dip of her head. "Thank you for inviting us, Arthur. I wasn't... Kaldur spoke to me and I decided that I should come. So far, it's... Nice." she didn't verbally respond to Kaldur, but he'd probably know that she had his back. As such, with Arthur greeted, Raven's gaze wandered somewhat.

She didn't know Damian, and she didn't know Kate- so the latter of the two, off to the side, she didn't speak to. Cassie seemed to know her, though, so it wasn't likely going to be too long before she was introduced to both Kate and the person she was standing near. Raven looks from them to Damian, who has just introduced himself. "Hello. I've heard a lot about you and your father. I'm... Glad to see you here, tonight."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Not that I can think of." Kate says, responding to America's question about the Atlanteans and parties. "But I do it a lot. I make appearances on my father's behalf or people just expect me to be there. I can't really say no. Otherwise, my dad would wonder what I'm doing with my time. Besides, he wants me to be out there so some rich heir will fall in love and offer to marry me. "I'm glad you came, though. This will be less boring now."

    Kate notes America's look at Cassie and company. "That's a friend of mine, 'meri. I was trying to set her up with a guy I know. Still am, really. I don't really know the others." She shrugs, though. "Hey, do you see a woman wandering around that looks like Princess Diana but isn't? If you do, let me know, huh?"

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa frowns, "Actually, I am probably more closely related to some of the others here than Atlanteans. I am, you might say, from a different group of Amazons than those Proncess Diana leads." That is true enough...a group that does not exist yet. The cities of Atlantis exist even in her time, but after a thousand years or so, it is difficult to be certain who here she might be related to.

Phage has posed:
It's certainly a party and a half with countless faces in all the places as he scans around. The executive in him sees it as a dream come true. Many influential people and many potential powers all working to the good. The operative sees a tactical nightmare. Too many people, all moving, the food, drink, unknowns...

... but who cares. Everyone, sometime, has to let go. Enjoy what's in front of him. Which, amongst the irrelevant is company and conversation. He drinks as he listens, then says, "Better to be unlucky when it doesn't matter. More than makes up for it when you really want to hit the jackpot. I know I've come to learn that fast. Shall we?" He asks before leading them more into the crowd. Maybe find a table for nibbles, or look at the chandelier carefully.

Mystique has posed:
    "Your Majesty," T'Challa greets Doom. His voice is cold, imperious, but, it is formal. They are in public. And presently, neither T'Challa or Wakanda have any disputes with Doom, or Latveria. The Wakandan's eyes move to Maddie, then to Domino each with a cool, casual air. T'Challa is no normal man. He is not so easily swayed by a pretty face as are others he might occassionally associate with, such as the brilliant but rather playboy-type Tony Stark.
    "It would seem the Atlanteans have brought the worlds elite. If only all things were so easy to agree upon." Still, T'Challa's voice is cool. T'Challa is, clearly, not a fan of Doom. Not nearly as much as either of the two women are.
    His eyes move to Maddie. And, then, to Domino. Back to Doom. "May all of you enjoy your evening. Ms. Grey. ... Domino."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks around before looking to Suzza "Oh, so your an amazonian! Bjorn would never have gussed" he said in earnest. He laughs "Well at least you KNOW what you are!" he says off handedly. His ears twitch a bit and he cants his head listening to the loud murmering of the gala.

He stretches some before putting his arms back down "Though the story sounds alot more complicated if you are being..a bit vague on the matter" he states bluntly "But such is life. Everything changes though it all stays the same...though really Bjorn hopes for the coast shake that things do change"

Insight has posed:
By the refreshment and food tables, Georgie actually gets a return smile from Miguel. After he regains his composure, he moves back over towards the young man and offers his hand. "Hello there. I'm Georgie," he says. With a little more sour face, he goes through the rest of the formalities, but it's clear, in his opinion, he's just Georgie. "I'm a doctor at Gotham University." He leans against the table, trying to get a bit more comfortable. He glances around and jokes, "These are something, huh? I don't think I'll ever get used to them." He shrugs, his smile reappearing in full force. "At least the food is good though."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Wow, I must say, I am impressed. There are some of the...most interesting people on the planet here." Hal Jordan says, with a smile and a laugh. "Almost need to call in the reinforcements to come and give us backup." Hal Jordan says with a quick whistle. "Man. I hope on one gets it in their heads to try anything." Hal nods to a few people nearby, admiring the ladies in their dresses. Rubbing his ring hand, Hal says, "Glad I brought back up. Just in case."

Wonder Girl has posed:
By some miracle, Cassie makes it all the way to Arthur without spilling her drink, tripping over herself, or falling out her dress. Maybe it's Kaldur's good leadership, keeping the various members of their little team watching out for one another, which she does give him a rather appreciative smile for. Or maybe it's Raven's far more... tricky advice about using their particular 'talents' to navigate the dangers of high heels. That one may well be a lifesaver, and earns a wide-eyed 'oh' and then a big grin. Either way, she makes it through: Victory!

"Your Majesty," she greets Arthur, although that's about as far as her fancy etiquette goes. His compliment earns a flash of a smile and yes, at this point, even a little bit of a blush, as she's well aware and just a little self-conscious of how she looks. "Thanks. This is, uh, some party you've got going here. The food's really good." She's still just holding the drink like an ornament.

And then, just as she's standing there with him, it becomes clear what she's been worried about this whole time as a hand touches her shoulder from behind. "*There* you are, dear." Enter Helena Sandsmark: she's just got ambushed by her *mom* "Oh, and look at you, that's... quite the dress there, young lady. I didn't realize you knew his Majesty. Hello Arthur."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire pauses a few moments at what Raven says. They shouldn't eat for the first half hour? Finishing a chew, Starfire swallows - and the piece of food that she had acquired for Raven mysteriously disappears. Starfire swallows again.

"Alright, friend Raven," she says. A beat. "But please know that we are all your friends, and we are on your side!" Of course Starfire glances back towards the corner of the party - Starfire's eyes turn from the king down towards the young Wayne as he approaches. A beat, and Starfire pauses, running her tongue over her lips thoughtfully. "Hello, Damian Wayne!" enthuses Starfire, reaching out her hand to clasp his solidly. "I am Starfire of the Titans - or Koriand'r - it is most pleasant to meet you. But tell me - are you Wayne, like... of Wayne Enterprises? Is that your company?" she asks.

And while she lingers long enough to hear his reply - Arthur was calling, so Starfire inclines her head to him. "Excuse me for the moment?" she says, glancing briefly back towards Cassie and giving her a smile.

But when Starfire turns her head back towards Arthur, it was like a change occurs. She stands up straight and squares her shoulders, giving off what Tamaraneans call 'regal ferocity'. Strength, held in a stiff back - and floating just a bit off of the ground so that it looks like she was effortlessly gliding forward. "Thank you - your own dress is most wonderful as well. My friend Raven also has chosen that sort of dress," she says, gesturing back towards Rachel. "And you both wear it well in your own way. I am grateful to be here, and learn more about your kingdom, and how our worlds can live in greater harmony." The gift of the mustard though...

It was impossible not to see her eyes light up. "You have heard correctly! I have not brought a gift of my own, but I thank you for this one," she says, bowing forward and gliding back - letting the other Titans do their thang too.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom smiles beneath his mask to T'Challa, "Your Majesty. A pleasure to see you in such noteworthy company. Does it surprise you to see me here? After all, I have made a rather sizeable donation, because the health of this planet is something that I see as very important, even though my humble nation has no ports to speak of."

He pauses, as T'Challa prepares to leave, "Ah, forgive my rudeness, as it seems you're familiar with my bodyguard." He glances towards Domino, then gestures to Madelyne, "This is my protege, Madelyne. Madelyne, this is, of course, King T'Challa of Wakanda, and a man that Doom respects." The number of those, can be counted on one hand, more than likely.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    The tall redhead tches, rolling her eyes slightly at Domino. "Yes, yes, no playing, I know...no one will sense me unless I want them to do so." she says, with all the put upon-ness that only a teenager can pull off when reminded of something by a parental unit. She's getting it from both Doom and Domino...but then, they know just how quick she is to give into her impulses unless properly reined in.

    "Interest?" she says curiously, looking over at the other woman. "Hmmm...and they will listen to me, if they are interested." she says, considering. "And I...learn more about them while diverting questions about myself?" she says, a faint tinge of uncertainty entering her tone as she looks back at Domino. She's...not quite used to human society again. Demons are MUCH more direct. And she's not allowed to read minds, so she feels a bit handcapped.

    As T'challa arrives to greet Doom, her green eyes flick back to him, watching him thoughfully, a bit of a frown coming to her lips when he doesn't seem to react as Domino suggested...no interest.

    She looks a bit confused as she's addressed as Ms. Grey. "What?"

    She looks a bit mollified as Doom explains and introduces her, then offers her hand, palm down. "A pleasure to meet you, your Majesty." she murmurs, her green eyes now laserlike in how they're locked into T'challa's eyes. There's a sudden curiosity and interest of her own now, though she wipes the faint frown away into a pleasant enough smile, as she's been taught.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel waves to Georgie and considers his answer. He tries honest. "I'm some gutter punk looking for signs and signals a psychic said would be here to find something that is lost. Not seeing any. Nice to meet you, I'm Miguel. Doctor of what?" He has another Cherry Tomato. Seriously. There must be crack in these.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur is dismissed by Arthur politely, so the King of Atlantis is able to speak with other heads of state. With a respectful bow, Kaldur disengags so Koriand'r can take over the more important diplomacy of a Princess speaking to a King.

At that moment, though, Cassie gets pigeonholed by her mother, and once again, in his subtle, discreet way-- Kaldur leaps to aid a teammate.

"Ah! The Lady Sandsmark," Kaldur says, bowing deeply to Helena with no trace of discomfort at the idiosyncratic gesture. "Cassie has spoken kindly of you many times. I am Kaldur'ahm, of Atlantis," he tells the older woman. "Might I introduce Raven, my companion for the evening; and Koriand'r, Princess of--" He glances over. Kori's busy. "The Princess seems busy speaking with the King. Heads of state," Kaldur says, apologetically.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
"That much is true, I know what I am and what my people are," Responds Sussa. What she is now...a would-be hero. What she has been...many things, a military cadet, a spy, a thief, a villain, an addict, a rebel. She knows all this, she has been many things and may yet me many more before dying.

Miss America has posed:
    Incredulity etches itself briefly across America's otherwise ambivalent features as Kate speaks. She sips her drink instead of responding immediately, that mild disbelief transforming into something more wry. "How's that working out for him?" she asks, falling silent anew -- before she holds that drink out to her side, Kate's way, in silent offering of a toast.

    "Anytime, princess," America answers, with the small ghost of a smirk. "Don't think I'm gonna be helping your dad's hopes and dreams for you so much, though."

    With that, that attentive, inscrutable stare of hers returns to the Titans. Her brows scrunch inwards in thought as Kate speaks, tapping a finger against her drink. "Right. The other princess. Decided to go for it?" she asks after a moment, looking Kate's way. "Thought you weren't." She doesn't wait for a response, though; she just rolls her shoulders in an easy shrug as she pushes back onto her feet, one hand slipped into her pants pocket as she jerks her head in the direction of Cassie and the others.

    "C'mon. She's a friend of yours, yeah? Let's go say hi, or whatever you do at these things."

Black Cat has posed:
Taking Carl's arm, Cat follows his lead obediently (or as obedient as a cat gets) into the throng. She politely smiles and nods to those whom she passes, and scans the crowd for other familiar faces. "So many people in one place...glad I didn't doff the mask."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's green eyes and smile shift to Raven. "Likewise, I normally am the only young person at these things. It's good to see I'm not the only one here." He offers, sipping that cider before he bows slightly.

  Damian offers a chuckle to Starfire as he looks up to her. "Wayne Enterprises is my father's company, well, maybe mine one day, and the Foundation as well, we do a many great things to try and improve the quality of life in not just Gotham City, but the world."

  As their attention seems to shift towards the King of Atlantis, Damian excuses himself to mingle more, why not head toward the beverages. That was where Damian had stopped in his tracks, eyeing Doctor Goodspeed. Well, this had to be done sooner or later...

Darkstar has posed:
"Perceptive." Layania replies to Slades inquiry in her own language, though she knows that the accent isn't an entirely difficult one to determine.

Perhaps Laynia does live up to the stereotypical Russian woman, with her strappy high heels and specific fashion sense, but this is not anything that had truly thought about. To the rest of what the man says, her own gaze looks out once more to view the line of those who wish to pay their respect to the Atlantean ruler. And you are correct. Or at the very least, this is the first time attending such a function in the United States." It is what Slade says next that forces her to arch a brow. "Very perceptive.." Her gaze now fully on the man once more, "I'm quite impressed Mr..." And there it is, his introductions, "Mr. Wilson. I am Laynia Petrovna and I do have ties with the Russian embassy. Still, it's a pleasure to meet with you." Her gaze follows the path of T'challa's departure for a brief moment, when she, herself asks, "And what is it that you do, Mr. Wilson?

Domino has posed:
"Yes. The trick with information is always to get more than you give," Neena advises Madelyn before they're approached by royalty. Domino looks directly in T'Challa's eyes and smiles mysteriously, giving a slight incline of head, closing of eyes, a soft bow of politeness and dignity that isn't normally associated with her rather rough and tumble daily life. "Your majesty," she replies back in greeting to the 'King'.

She looks aside to Doom. "I'm certain there are several people here who are familiar with my work. It wouldn't surprise me if more drop by to say something." 'Bodyguard'. As if Victor Von Doom actually needs one of those.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods "Well that is a good thing" he muses. He looks to the crowd a long moment. Upon seeing Hal he gives the Green Lantern a-wave. of course in this form he /wouldn't/ actually be reconizalbe as Crusader, but such is life. Bjorn is friendly to pretty much anyone.

Insight has posed:
"Nice to meet you too," Georgie says to Miguel. He sips his drink and then glances away as he says, "Psychology. And... math I guess technically. I work as a therapist predominately though." He lets his gaze scan and then he refocuses upon Miguel and asks, "So, a psychic told you that you would find something that's lost here? Something you lost I'm guessing?" He reaches down then and helps himself to some of the crab. Good food is even better than crack in his opinion.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Looking around, Hal Jordan tries to blend into the background, keeping an eye on everyone here who may try and start something. His job wasn't so much to mingle, as to keep his eyes open, ready for anything. After all, with all these "high class" people mingling, it was only a matter of time before something happened! Arthur could take care of himself, but with Hal there...he wouldn't have to.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel blinks, "Psychology and math? Is that like the Foundation Trilogy with psychomathetmatics? Or would that be sociology and math? Therapy is a noble tradition. I grew up in foster homes. Good therapists did some good things for friends of mine." Bad therapists didnt but he doesnt say that. "Well, something is and was lost, yes, but its not like missing car keys or something." He grins. "Its more an obscure passage in a ... book..." yeah thats the ticket,"I read that hinted at a method of restoring something. Really the hail marry to end all hail marys really

Mystique has posed:
    "One thing you have indeed shown is that you are interested in preservation," agrees T'Challa. Though if the King's words have a hidden meaning, they're so well placed that even Doom might have trouble figuring out the hidden intent.

    The King's eyes move back to consider Madelyne. "My apologies," the man prounces, smoothly, and without missing a bit. Royalty, afterall, does not get embarassed. And as far as royal figures go, T'Challa is almost a defintion of that to the utmost noble extent. Perhaps that's one of the many reasons why Doom says what he does about his respect.
    "And another is that we have both earned a mutual respect for one another," T'Challa agrees. Their history need not be spoken.

    "May you enjoy your evening," he assuages the Doom Party, with a polite incline of his head. "It seems that many of our stature have come to wish the efforts of preservation well."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa knows that Bjorn is now part of her cover, by being in his company, she looks more like she belongs in this party. It is second nature to her by now to do such things, when sneaking into a party, look like you belong with someone who is supposed to be there and you will rarely be questioned. Still, she is enjoying the company.

Sussa has mentalblocks about many specifics of the future, but she knows Atlantis continues to exist for a thousand years...and that the environmen of the future is much cleaner than it is now.

Phage has posed:
"Funny, I never had any problems making a quick change of clothes." Mach notes before taking another sip of the particulary good drink. Moving along with her he's still careful not to catch attention, even at his height, as this is strictly A-list. he's not that kind of power player, unlike his date, which reminds him of some of the things that may need observing. Later. Meantime, gently guiding them to a table where all the many fineries of food abound, "I know. Likely you have to meet and greet with the others of the great and good... but there's fun to be had here. Food too. When you need to brush shoulders with kings and other important types... I'll be good and be quiet but, for now, have something before the others forget their charity and think of how hungry they are."

Deathstroke has posed:
"A pleasure, Ms. Petrovna."

"So this is a little more official business, than a pure social outing. Still, you'll meet a lot of useful people here, I think. It's a good place to start, if you're going to be working out of the embassy here. Local contacts are important." Though he was in no rush to greet the King, he does start that way when it seems the woman has a more necessary interest, and indeed offers out an arm to escort her along, given the crowds. "Myself? Well, I suppose at this stage I am largely retired. In my younger years, I was in the military, and for a time after that a professional hunter." If she might have vaguely recognized him earlier, that could account for it: in his heyday, he appeared in various magazines, although generally those of a fairly specific variety, appealing to a limited upper-class circle of big game hunters and safari enthusiasts.

"Mostly, I've been fortunate to have made good investments with what I earned earlier in life. I hold interests in a number of companies now."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne smiles at T'challa, inclining her head slightly...more of an equal to equal small bow, almost, though she does hold it a bit lower than that. She starts to respond then her eyes widen, a suprised look crossing them as she sways, then reaches up to hold her head, her eyes flicking around the room, distractedly, before she pulls back into herself, though she looks on edge now. After a moment, she reaches out mentally to Doom and Domino. <...something has happened. A telepathic scream. A tremendously powerful one.> She frowns. <Not here...but somewhere on the planet.>

    To T'challa, she says in a thoughful voice. "A pleasant evening to you as well, your majesty. Your presence here will no doubt inspire philanthrophy by your example."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate lifts her glass in response to America's toast, then has a long sip. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I just wanted to say hello if she was here." and she looks around again. "I don't see her, though. You're tall, so I thought maybe you'd see her from up there. Guess not." though there is a little bit of disappointment in her voice. Still, she looks at America a moment. "Don't be angry, 'meri." she says softly, leaning closer to say that. She straightens again. "I'm already a disappointment for my father, wait until he finds out what I do. So, I don't know... a little more weirdness won't push him over the edge. Besides, you can say you're the Prince Ali Ababwa or something."

    She nods, though. "Sure, let's go say hi." and she starts in Cassie and Raven's direction.

Aquaman has posed:
"No gift in return is necessary, Princess Koriand'r." Arthur says with a chuckle, "I merely wanted to personally make sure the food here was up to your exacting standards. And your friend Raven cuts quite a striking figure in her tuxedo. I hope you all have a wonderful time this evening." His attention then is caught by the voice of the elder Sandsmark.

"Hello, Helena." Arthur greets the elder Sandsmark, flashing a smile her way, "I met your lovely daughter only recently through a mutual acquaintance, Diana Prince, one of her art projects that Cassie was assisting her with. You have quite the daughter, Mrs. Sandsmark, you must be quite proud of her."

"Hal!" Arthur calls out after a moment, "Glad you could come! Grab a drink and make yourself at home!"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae had been kind of wall flowering things, and she finally tilts her head, seeing a few folks she may know.. Kae tilts her head the other way and begins wandering again through the crowd, Kae looking from person to person now and she finally pauses near Bjorn.. The redhead grins and smiles as she waves to try and catch his attention. Kae's currently in a rich dark green dress with black half corset, a belt and well a pouch on her hip. It's like something straight from a renaisance wedding, even iff the dress, or skirts are split like for a rider... Kae then speaks up "Hello, fancy seeing you here?"

Crusader has posed:
And Bjorn of course doesn't know or realize he is part of a cover. He cants his head slowly at the seemingly quiet girl. "Your not much for talking are you?" he asks as she stood their quietly for a few moments.
    His gaze again turns to the crowds around them, and he even notices Kaelyn...and this time she wasn't blurry in his vision! Or happy day. Many of the men and women sharply dressed was nice to see.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian approaches the drinks, taking another glass of bubbly apple cider. He approaches the Doctor, smiling before holding out a hand. "Doctor Goodspeed, I presume?" He asks, sipping on that cider before he continues.

Wonder Girl has posed:
The one thing those nearby may notice as Cassie is ambushed by her mom is that, after seemingly walking a little taller, and more confidently, following Raven's advice... she suddenly drops an inch and a half or so, and indeed nearly seems to take another tumble in her heels, even though she really wasn't walking anywhere, just standing there in front of Arthur. Weird!

"Hi mom," she answers, sounding about as thrilled as anyone her age would being ambushed like this. "What are you doing here?"

The answer is probably obvious enough, with how she was going on to her friends the other day about her mom always trying to drag her to this kind of thing. "The Atlantean Embassy has actually made a number of contributions to the Museum, of artifacts for our collection and financial ones as well. Arthur is actually on the board, in fact. Technically." Its an honorary thing that he's never had to show up for! He might not have even known. "So of course I'd be here. I'm surprised to see you here. Is that your doing, Arthur? Well, it's good of you, to drag Cassie out. She needs to grow up a little." And yet despite that, mom pointedly grabs the drink from her hand.

Amidst this embarassment, Kaldur comes to the rescue, giving Cassie a momentary relief. Helena turns on him with a friendly smile. "A pleasure to meet you you all. Cassie's told me all- well, a bit about you." Although with the full range of introductions, especially when they reach Starfire, even if she's busy, her own gaze does widen a bit. "You have such interesting friends, Cassie." However, there's at least some relief when she points out: "I think I saw Diana earlier, I'm going to see if I can't catch up with her. We have to talk about one of her upcoming lectures. Behave yourself, young lady."

And with that, she heads off, leaving her daughter about as embarassed as one could possibly imagine.

Black Cat has posed:
Taking a chocolate-covered strawberry and biting it daintily, Cat quirks a smile, chewing and watching Arthur. "He certainly knows how to command respect, eh? I can't imagine a better high than having THAT many people kiss your ass." Then, blinking wide-eyed, she turns back to Carl. "Well, not YOUR ass. Kitty DOES have claws, after all."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa admits, "I have a bit of amnesia, it is not total, but there are enough things about myself I do not remember to make talking about myself a bit awkward." Again it is truth she speaks, though incomplete...the amnesia is artificial a safety measure to keep her from revealing much about the future.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Will do Arthur! Thanks!" Hal Jordan smiles, and nods, as a drink finds it's way into his hand somehow. "Thank you." Hal nods, and takes a light sip. "AH. Not bad." Hal nods respectfully to Arthur, but leaves him to his duties. Through it all Hal allows himself a little time to relax. But not too much.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom, for his part, does not react to Madelyne's telepathic message, save to nod slightly in her direction. Then he walks over in the direction of Arthur Curry, intending, no doubt, to pass along the good wishes of his people. His eyes note the others standing around the Atlantean, but he looks perfectly civil as he says to Arthur, "Your majesty, a pleasure to see you again. Of course, these are far better circumstances than the last time we met." Because Deep Ones always ruin a good buffet line.

Raven has posed:
Raven offers this small nod in response to Arthur's statement. She let Kori handle all that regal business, though she did respond. "I'm not sure I'm fond of the way it-" And then she cuts herself off, because he's not just some random guy, he's the king of Atlantis, and you don't talk about that to the King of Anywhere, especially in front of Kaldur. Her attention shifts over to Cassie, whom is accosted by her mother- something Raven cannot necessarily sympathize with. "Yep." she offers, and then she moves off to the side, somewhat closer to the approaching Kate and America.

As one of the waiters passes by, she plucks up a glass of what looks like cider, and sadly the height offered by her heels and the genuine mature air of her demeanor means that the waiter doesn't ask for her card. She takes a moment before drinking and, rather comically, pauses. "Real champagne." she notes, setting the glass onto another waiter's tray, quietly remarking to herself. "Because of course it is." She doesn't know how Damian managed to get the one that was sparkling cider, but that was going to be much, much more rare.

It sucks to be responsible sometimes. Either way, she's started the Wallflower March, ever so carefully inching her way out of any crowds or social interaction. Because of course she would.

Domino has posed:
Domino hmms, and thinks just loud enough for Madelyn to hear it, should she be listening. < Keep tabs on that. If anything changes, if you feel any probing, let me know. Good catch, Maddy. You're improving by leaps and bounds, > she thinks.

With a little nudge and gesture of her head, she signals for Madelyn to follow her as she moves along with Doom. Bodyguards gotta guard bodies.

Crusader has posed:
"You can talk more than about yourself you know. After all, we do live in an entire world!" Bjorn exclaims. "People, food, the coast itself, magic, folklore, the news. Lots of things." he glances up at how the place was stylized in an atlantian way "...huh. You know, gotta like how atlantens are not afraid to be decorative. Metropolish is not so bad, but in new york city...well you may as well be living around bricks"

Insight has posed:
Georgie laughs softly and shakes his head. "No. Nothing as cool as that. I... well... while I was doing my baccelauriate in psychology, I was... well... I was bored as heck, so I started doing mathematics as a hobby. It's surprisingly soothing. The process and the structure and the solidity. It's easier to deal with the chaos of people if you have something strong and solid to lean on." He cocks his head and smiles brightly. "I'm glad a couple of your friends had some good experiences. A lot, sadly, don't. I saw some horror when I was doing my internships at a juvenile detention facility." His grin slips to a dark little frown for a moment. Another sip of his drink and he dismisses it.

Georgie considers Miguel's explanation about missing stuff. "Huh. Shame. I've never been a chosen one as declared by a psychic." He laughs and offers a wink. "Oh well. I do hope you find what you're looking for though!"

He turns then as Damian extends his hand and smiles at him. He smiles back at Damian and nods. "Yes, sir!" he offers. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr... umm... Wayne." He gives a little wink. "It's a pleasure to see you here, sir."

Starfire has posed:
Clutching the gifted bottle of mustard to her belly as though it were a child, Starfire favors Arthur with a wide grin. "Thank you! And likewise - I hope that you have a wonderful time this evening as well," says Starfire. And with the introductions done, and his attention going other places, Star takes this moment to kinda begin drifting away a bit.

To make way for the sea of well-wishers. Cassie's mother - this draws Starfire's attention as well. And this drifting attention allows the ever-quiet Raven to slip under the watchful eyes of the Tamaranean princess. "Oh! You are the mother of my dear friend Cassie!" Starfire says, her voice swelling with joy. One might notice her getting a little bit taller. She was floating that much higher on joy alone.

Stepping forward, she makes the attempt to clutch Helena's hand seriously, her features growing just as serious as she can in that moment. "She is the most wonderful of girls, so it is most pleasant to meet her parent."

Releasing Helena's hand then, Starfire drifts away - assuming she manages to catch her at all. "Did you bring a purse, Rave..." Starfire spins in place, looking behind herself. Hmmn. Her lips purse. "Friends Cassie and Kaldur. I believe Raven is becoming the wallflower again somewhere quiet."

Darkstar has posed:
"This is partially true." Laynia says in slight correction to Slade's assumption. "While, yes, I do represent the Embassy here, I can't deny that this entire event, so far, has not been a pleasurable one." There may even be a hint of warmth in her tone when she says this.

With Slade taking the lead, the Russian Diplomat simply follows on light, graceful steps. She did intend to meet with the Lord of the Sea at some point during the evening, so if her newly found conversational partner wishes to do so, it makes her job all the more easy. For a moment, her brown eyes narrow as she looks at all of the faces surrounding her; almost as if she were seeking someone out in this crowd. Then, however, her features simply soften and she continues with the conversation.

"A hunter now? And what was it that you hunted?" Laynia asks curiously, her interest somewhat piqued. "I am sure that you must have many stories to tell.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "Yeah. I've seen the results of improperly done detention facilities too. The world is broken but we fix it one brick," or fire to the face,"at a time. Well, when the world is full of nails you'll take a picture of a hammer if you can't find the real thing." He blinks and wonders if this guy is related to Bruce Wayne. He isn't sure how to introduce yourself to...Billionare's son? Brother? Cousin? Cousin's Uncle Former Room Mate? He waves and eats anotehr cherry tomato."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur bows politely before the elder Sandsmark can leave, and turns to speak to Cassie; he cranes his head away so he's speaking low, sotto voce so only she can hear. "Let us ensure that Raven does not abandon the party prematurely," he suggests to the lovely blonde girl. Starfire shares a similar sentiment, so he nudges the back of Cassie's arm to prod her and beckons Kori to come along.

Scooping up a little plate of hors d'ouvres, Kaldur heads towards Raven's position. She's surprisingly easy to find, given those absurd heels of hers.

"Thank you for your attention," Kaldur tells Raven, with grave sincerity. "I sense that there are many diplomats and royal members here. It would have been quite cumbersome to speak with my King without having friends to introduce," he says, adding Cassie and Kori to the conversation with a turn of his shoulders.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles as she gets closer to Bjorn and she asks curiously "So you got an invite too?" Her eyebrows arched as she tosses out her inquiry... "I honestly dun think I've seen this many high profile folks in one place.. Like ever..." She adds, and then notices someone doing the wallflower march.. Kae's fault! She started it a while ago! Kae then grins a bit at Bjorn, trying to figure out a good way to go yack at the other 'wallflower'...

Kae then notices Diana... She tilts her head curiously, and is now caught between visiting a really high profile person or going over to talk another magic type.. Choices choices... Kae then glances to Bjorn "I'mma go try some of the grub and I think go talk to a few other folks. Well if I can.. You have fun!" She says to Bjorn, and now Kae drifts toward the wall flower as it were, the girl pausing to grab up some food before getting closer to Rachel Roth now... As she gets within easy speaking range Kae smiles brightly and offers a nod "Hallo... I think last time we had a very brief chat was at Titan Tower?" She asks curiously.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa starts, "You should see Metropolis in..." and then she seems to forget what sh is saying. She says, as if the previous statement never happened, "New York has quite a variety of styles, there is a lot of it that is dull and functional, but there are parts that are fancy and even beautiful."

Miss America has posed:
    Giving a scrutinizing look over the party as she walks, America eventually shakes her head. "Nah, don't think she's here," she eventually answers. "Pretty sure someone like her would stand out." Still, she takes a look Kate's way in time to catch that tail of disappointment in her tone. Her expression does not so much as twitch, but she adds, after the fact, "I'll keep looking. Never know, right?"

    There's something closer to sympathy that edges into America's impassive features, though, as Kate continues on about her father. She doesn't say anything -- but she does, at least, manage a small smile of amusement to couple with her dubious stare at the heiress' suggestion. Otherwise?

    Otherwise she just keeps moving, setting aside her empty glass to pluck up a new glass of champagne as she makes her way towards Raven, on the fringes of her group of friends. America stops, head cant to the side. A second passes. And then she just sips that drink.

    "Yo," she offers, as casually as if she knew any of them all at any level. She looks Raven's way, thoughtful. And then just nods once. "Nice look, chica."

Aquaman has posed:
"You are doing fine." Arthur says softly to Cassie, "It was the exact same for me the first time I had to come before a crowd like this." He adds, reaching to pat lightly at Cassie's arm, "Go and rescue Raven, or you can stay and meet the guests with me." He offers, inclining his head to the blonde, an arm will be offered should she linger.

Regardless, his attention is soon turning towards Doom, inclining his head towards the Latverian Monarch, "It is a pleasure to see you as well, Doom. I hope your cargo was not harmed unduly in that incident?" he asks, "Your donation was quite generous, by the way, it should go a long way towards wetland rehabilitation."

It is about this time that the band emerges, a selection from the Metropolis Philharmonic, moving to take up positions at their instruments and beginning to play a selection of chamber music for the crowd.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn cants his head "...must be that amesia thing again" he muses. He gives Kaelyn a wave as it he barely has a chance to greet the girl before she is drifting off again. A quick one she is.
    "The area Bjorn live is more or less dull. Just south of Mutant Town. Frankly Bjorn like Mutant Town better, it is far more vibrant. " that and he likes the underground fighting rinks. And with that he begins to head to the food table. With so many royals and dignitaries, it seems the better option

Phage has posed:
"Well. That's the trick. Look at the man. He really couldn't care less about himself. The other people, the cause, trying change the hard way around... it's a noble thing to do. The thing is, he's not taking it to head but to heart. So... he's incorruptible. Means anything someone throws his way'll bounce off, and he'll royally straight shoot right back at them." He sticks to drinks for the moment taking more of his.

"As for my ass I thought that was like the rest of me..." He starts quirking a brow, "... private property." he chuckles through his smile at her then adds, "Point is it takes work to work the 'for others' thing as a business." He then looks at her again. Another chuckle rises from his chest before saying, "I won't bore you with business during a party but... later... I should check your figures. Meanwhile? Let me know when you want to mingle."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I'm serious, though. Don't be angry at me." Kate almost pleads with America. Then they've reached the young Amazon and her friends. "Hello, Cassie. This is America." and she makes a motion with her hand to indicate the taller girl. A smile for Raven and Kaldur. "I'm Kate. Kate Bishop. Nice to meet you."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a hearty nod, knowing full well he is going to have to explain this to Goodspeed sometime. "Thank you for your continued work with the foundation." He offers, not winking, but a decent enough squeeze in return gives an even more stealthy acknowledgement to what Georgie is thinking.

  "Damian Wayne." He offers to Miguel, a hand in greeting extended to be courteous.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Helena pauses in her effort to go find the other Princess as the nearby alien one turns toward her. Even for all her odd experiences, Starfire's raw floating enthusiasm seems to unsettle the woman just the slightest bit as she gazes back into those glowing green eyes, though she answers back with a smile. "That's very kind of you to say, dear. Try- try and keep her out of trouble, won't you?"

At the same time, giving Arthur an awkward smile, Cassie takes option #2 "I really should check on her." And flee in embarassment. And so she does, heading back toward Raven, catching up with Starfire along the way and trying to get her away from her mom ASAP. "Yes, yes, let's go check on Raven," she agrees, and hurries back that way. On approach, it will be obvious enough that whatever secrets the other woman shared re: her heels... she's lost them, as she's all wobbly again.

By the time she's gotten over, America and Kate should have had time to make their own way over, and she greets the latter. "Oh hey Kate, glad to see you could make it too. Isn't this all wild? Oh. America? That's cool, I don't think I've ever met someone named after the country."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods, "Indeed, it was precisely what I expected it to be. And I am glad that my donation would be put to good use. This world is precious, after all, and should be preserved." The fact that he seems to view it as preserved for him goes without saying, as he nods slightly towards Arthur. "But, I would be remiss if I did not introduce my associates. This is Madelyne Pryor, my protege, and this is Domino, my bodyguard." And with that, he gestures towards each of the ladies in turn.

Mystique has posed:
    T'Challa watches Doom and his entourage move towards Arthur, before shifting his eyes towards others. The man turns to watching the Titans. The young heroes. Those who have stated, through the world, they will protect. Those who may well become
the next members to join the Justice League. The man's eyes narrow, in thought as he passively watches each, in turn.
    Rachel Roth.
    Cassandra Sandsmark.

    There are those he does not know, too. But his attention finally focuses on Slade Wilson, and Laynia Petrovna. A curious couple, to say the least. Curious, each, individual on their own.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan finishes his drink, and puts the glass down on the table. So many "important" people. Great entertainment. It was certainly quite a night. His eyes scan the crowd, mindful of not looking too long at the beautiful ladies. AFter all, no need to get into any arguments, fights...or otherwise. Leaning against the back wall, Hal crosses his arms and smiles.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne frowns still to herself a bit, nodding slightly to Domino, before drifting after Doom as he moves to greet their host. It would be rude not to do the same, after all, though she stays quiet, distracted.

    As she gets closer, her eyes flick over the Titans nearby, also having greeted the King of Atlantis just before them. It's a measuring gaze...partially because they are closer to her age, partly because some, lik Starfire, are obviously...unusual. Her gaze flicks to each, before her green gaze falls on the slowly retreating Rachel, then the small group that seem to form around her. There's something about her, some dark energy, that reminds her of...elsewhere. And, well...the Amazonian Latina is hard not to notice, too.

    Part of her really wants to walk over to join them...but...what would she say? The idea of going over and stammering some pointless small talk, or worse, lurking, not knowing what to say....hmmph. She's of course, better than that.

    ...of course, that means she still won't be talking to anyone. Hmm.

    She glances at Doom, speaking with Arthur, then starts to drift a bit closer to the growing group of primarily teens, before Doom's introduction abruptly pulls her back as she immediately puts on her most gracious smile, focusing on the King of Atlantis.

    "It is a great pleasure, your Majesty. I have heard much about your kingdom and your own actions."

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel still doesnt know how you greet a billionare and ignores "Helpful" suggestions that metaphorically pop up from the encyclopia like an early 90's web page about heraldry, etitique and babylonian herbology. (wtf?) He shakes Damian's hand and says,"Miguel." He considers adding some fake last name, or the real one but by the time he is done, he just....doesnt add anything. He smiles. Is it rude to ask,"Are you related to?" and "Does he really own that many cars?" to someone you just met?

Black Cat has posed:
"Well, Dear, I tend to keep my takings and givings off the record, so to speak. Not everything I take is ever missed. And much of what I give is of that same general ambiguity." Cat smiles at Carl. "Someone with my reputation doesn't much ever want her name on the front page news. Because you can bet that it still carries negative connotations, even if the story is shone in a glorious light. Contrary to popular belief, I'm no angel," she gives a soft and derisive snort of laughter. "People remember the bad. Especially if they've never been made privy to the good."

Deathstroke has posed:
"Well, it's certainly different. A lot of the time these things are quite a bit more stuffy. But with the selection of dignitaries present tonight... well, there's bound to be some interesting developments. It appears we have Wakanda, Atlantis, Latveria all represented - quite the selection of the more 'unique' world leaders." There is something knowing in how Slade discusses all these individuals, though obviously the exact 'what' of it isn't anything that he quite lets on.

"Oh, you know, the usual dangerous game. Lions, tigers, bears," oh my! "The occasional elephant or rhino... and other forms of dangerous game." Like the MOST DANGEROUS kind? "I know it's a little out of fashion now, and of course I'm not as young as I once was. So I satisfy my fascination with such things via other avenues."

Eventually, their approach leads them nearer to Arthur, although he is presently in the company of the great DOOM. And not even Slade is going to interrupt that, although mostly because he's such a gentleman, not because he fears the somewhat infamous despot or anything like that. Perish the thought.

Raven has posed:
Raven was really, really good at fading into crowds.

Most of the time.

Sadly, Raven made the mistake of coming to a party that she stands -way- out in, with friends who are- peskily, frustratingly- concerned for her wellbeing and social happiness. The fiends.

It doesn't take long for Cassie, Kaldur, and Kori to catch her on her approach to orbit, to bring her back down to the earth of the party. She'd tried- and, probably, she'd try again, if given the chance. She offers this tiny sigh, unable to really hold being good friends against the people that do accost her.

Her attention, though, primarily turns to the voice that she doesn't recognize: America's. "Er." she begins- she had expected her friends, but not someone else, to approach her. "Hello." There's a momentary awkwardness that doesn't fit to her outfit at all. "Raven." she states, as if her name had been asked for and the one-word answer was enough of a response. "It's custom tailored." Sentence fragments are apparently en vogue.

Her attention flits to the Titans as they get to her, and she offers this small nod to Kaldur. "It's fine. I'm always happy to help, I guess." Then, to basically everyone present, "I was about to head to the bar." To Kate and America, then, "It's... Nice to meet you both. I saw the wave, I assume you are friends of Cassie's?" she states, unsure of what to make of the pair that had approached. She'd -like- to feel them out, but as strong an empath as she is... She'd rather not open herself up to that.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn after shimmering, sliding and some how gracefully dancing around the crowd to reach the buffert...finally comes to a stand still. He takes a nice empty plate and begins getting bits of different food. Considering the mans large size...it is no wonder he was stacing the plate up high...especialy with shrimp.
    But none the less he watches the crowd quietly and contently as various folks go about their buisness. They wander over to the teens and young kids - likely of powerful city folks or embassy and towards photographers and news casters. And with that he simply takes a seat

Insight has posed:
Bowing his head at the praise of the Wayne heir, Georgie says, "It's a pleasure to give back to Gotham and the world, Mr. Wayne. Thank you for the opportunity to follow my dreams." He steps aside, letting his boss talk to Miguel a moment. He can't help but smile and glance away at Miguel's reaction. It's finally believable that he just might be a gutter punk from the system.

Starfire has posed:
Starfire glances back towards Cassie, grinning brighter as the other young woman catches up. "Oh, yes, there will be no trouble... well... except the criminal trouble. And the supervillain trouble, and..." Starfire begins to say, before Helena and Cassie both start fleeing the scene. With one last smile over her shoulder towards Arthur, she turns to follow after Cassie proper.

Which, of course, brings her in view of America and Kate. "Well, hello!" she enthuses. "Are you all here for the party as well? I am Starfire - and I am a Titan alongside Cassie," she chirps, her smile brilliant as eyes flicker between Kate and America.

How was there a little bowl of shrimps in Starfire's hand? Did she even have time to stop by the seafood buffet? "Friend Kaldur. If Atlantis is in the ocean, and the fish is in the ocean..." Starfire had her eyes narrowed in thought. "...can you get fish on your pizza in Atlantis?" she asks.

Domino has posed:
Neena takes time to study everyone around, watching their behaviors, paying attention to their conversations, so much as she can hear them. The teens want to go off and do what teens do. The nobility hobknobs. The enemies size each other up and quietly puff chests. The couples fuss and flirt and peacock for one another.

And then some people just want the food. Domino can't really blame them. Royal banquets are nothing to sneeze at. Or on.

Domino bows slightly to Arthur, same as she did to T'Challa, a little bit of mystery kept around her personage like a light perfume. "A pleasure, your majesty," she greets, maintaining eye contact. Madelyn's minor distress at not having an opportunity to explore more is duly noted, though not reacted to. There will have to be field trips.

She recognizes Damian from a previous line of work. She'll have to go over and have a word with him. This time, sans giant gorilla.

Aquaman has posed:
"Ms. Pryor, How wonderful to meet you." Arthur says, offering a hand out to the woman that Doom is introducing to him. "I hope that the gala is to both of your likings?" he asks, looking from Madelyne to Doom, he then will look upon the Bodyguard, "Domino, you must be a woman of no small skill to be a bodyguard to the King of Latveria."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Had Damian been a mind reader, he may just give Miguel the answers to his questions. "A pleasure to meet you, Miguel. Try the canapes, quite good." He offers, before a slight flare of his wonderful anger spikes, before it calms. "Doctor Goodspeed, I hope you enjoy the evening." He offers, grabbing another glass of sparkling cider. Beginning to make his way around again.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins a bit and notices that she kinda caught Rachel off guard... "Ummm, I think we met very briefly in yer tower... I was bringing information in on a friend of yours after he'd been kidnapped?" She says, trying to remind... "Anyhow, I don't think I introduced my self then I'm Kaelyn." Kae offers smiling at Rachel curiously still. IT's a party one should be in a good mood afterall, and well Kae currently is borderline bubbly.... Ok so she probably crossed the border a long time ago.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne offers her hand as Arthur reaches, palm down again, favoring him with a soft smile, those green eyes meeting his with a frank directness, without a hint of shyness in them. Kings and queens, she's been taught how to meet.

    Other teens, not so much.

    "It's a beautiful gala, your Majesty. The first I've ever had the pleasure to attend." She smiles lazily. "How fortunate it should be such a memorable one to begin with."

Phage has posed:
"It's the old story of give and take, hmm?" Mach starts, "Well. Sometimes the masks we wear tell more truth than the person that lies beneath them..." Then he looks at his drink. It doesn't look back, why would it? "Wow. Not bad. Strong enough to murder Wilde..." So he takes another deeper sip. "Tell you what. We can have more interesting discussions about what and why elsewhere. Donations and appearances have been made. Let me take us for a spin out of here. What do you say?" He asks, ready to move away and leave the party to the other goers.

Domino has posed:
Noting that Arthur is less ... imperious? than someone like T'challa, her smile widens into something a bit more playful and natural. "As with anything, it's a lot of skill, and a little luck," she replies to Arthur. "Things fall into place for me. They always do." Layers of meaning in in a few punnish words.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom actually chuckles softly, "Domino's skill is second to none, I assure you. Her abilities are most valued." He then pauses and looks curiously at Madelyne, "Did you wish to mingle a bit? You do not need to feel constrained to hover nearby, if you wish to explore."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Once she's isolated among both her knot of teamates and some other friends, Cassie can recover a bit from the shock of embarassment from that prior encounter. Even with the rest of the party filled with big-shots, with Raven, Starfire, Kaldur - and now Kate and America as well? There's enough of them for their own party, nearly, and it tends to kind of filter out the rest. Moment by moment, she feels better.

Except Raven's idea sort of surprises her. "To the bar?!" Well, maybe they have soda. She can't imagine Rachel being the one that decides to turn the party up a couple notches. But she does give a quick nod at her question. "Well I met Kate in the midst of some trouble uh, a little while back? Me and Kori were out handling something and she was there." It's clear she's not met America before, but she's friendly enough. Friend of a friend!

However, Starfire's question causes her an unexpectedly large grin. "I'm not sure how they'd manage the dough underwater. But I figure you can get any kind of seafood you want here, if you ask. Maybe they'd even put it on something." She's not sure they'd have pizza, though, with how posh it is. This leads to a moment's thought, and then a realization: "They've got bruschetta! It's kind of close. Maybe try putting some on one of those?" Yes, for the sake of the party atmosphere, she is *encouraging* Starfire's bizarre tastes for once. It's a party! Live big!

Darkstar has posed:
Though she is a diplomat, no matter the persona, there is something about Doom's presence which is awe inspiring -- most likely, it's the armor that he wears! So for a time, Laynia keeps her eyes on the Latverian monarch even as she keeps up the conversation with Mr. Wilson. "Every nation is unique in their own way, I'm sure. But I understand your meaning." With the most subtle of gestures, she then inquires, "Would you say that this is your usual 'circle' of aquaintances? World dignitaries and the like?" Even as this is said, the distance between themselves at the Atlantean ruler grows all the more short.

The young woman's gaze does flicker back towards Slade, the world-reknowned hunter. Though at his comment regarding the very idea that hunting may have gone out of fashion, Laynia simply adds in a firm tone, "Sometimes, it is still a necessity." And she leaves it at that.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel smiles and is genuine in his response, "Everything is good. But thanks!" He then blinks and looks at the table and wonders "What is a Canape?" The Encyclopia, ever helpful tells him. How Canapes are Made. Where good Canapes could be found....200 years ago. The molecular structure of Canapes. The impact of Canapes on the Pelopensian War...He cocks his head and almost looks at himself wondering if the Encyclopedia has an AI and if it is joshing him. Or if he is losing his mables. As Damien walks off, he finally asks Georgie, "....is he related to Bruce Wayne?"

Miss America has posed:
    As Kate speaks, a hand rests on her shoulder. America looks her way, shaking her head exactly once. "Princess," she begins her tone calm and as reassuring as she can be. "S'okay. I'm not mad. Trust me, you'd know."

    With that, they arrive, and the girl from elsewhere turns her attention towards Cassie and Starfire with the little incline of her head in greeting. "Hey. America Chavez," she offers off-handedly, bringing her free hand up to push through those curly bangs of hers as Cassie brings up her name. "Parents liked the name, I guess. Kinda grew on me after a while." Which, all, is true enough, which is good enough for her. "You're a friend of Kate's too, huh?"

    Despite the question, her attention turns back to Raven's slow and awkward kind-of-introduction. Her brows knit inward just a bit, but there's no judgment there, not really; she just lifts her free hand to pluck the lapel of her own tux. "Same. Not usually my style," she begins, before shrugging. "But it's not too bad." Sentence fragments, totally the rage.

    With that, her attention turns towards the bar, quietly considerate for a moment as Raven ventures that greeting. "Nah, I came with her," she says, jerking her head Kate's way. "Still new here, I guess." She looks at Raven for a moment, quizzically. "Not really your kinda thing, huh," she ventures, in a way that's not really much of a question. "C'mon -- we can hit the bar. Probably somewhere less noisy over there, yeah?"

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa dances briefly with Bjorn then joins him at the buffet. There is a lot of modern Earth food she has not tried yet.

Black Cat has posed:
"Of course, Darling. It's likely best we go -before- Arthur sees me, rather than after. My donation has been left in his private chamber. In an otherwise empty chest, with a broken barnacle." The Black Cat rises and takes Carl's arm. Downing the last of her champagne, she smiles. "C'mon, let's get some air." And the two retire from the party as they came. No excuses. No regrets. The gala will rave on for hours, with or without them. But out -there-...the wind-tossed clouds race across the moon and call to the wild creatures of night to race alongside. The two disappear out the door, and into the darkness.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Yes." Kate responds to Kori. "I was here to give a donation to the wetlands charity. I'm just glad I could help in some way." She turns to Cassie. "Well, it's wild because of who's here. Hey, I knew you'd look great in that. van Dyne does good work, huh? She did mine too." A smile for Raven. "That fits you really well. Wow." A nod for Kaldur. "Hi." She looks between America and the others. "This is my partner, America, like she said." Then she realizes what she just said. "Not _partner_ partner. We're... we're opening a business together." and she struggles for a moment. "Private investigation, yes. That's it."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne's eyes light up a bit, though it's not betrayed in her voice as she inclines her head. "I would, m'lord, thank you." she says, with all the proper gravity of a princess acceding to a gracious offer, inclining her head towards Doom in a respectful bow to her master. "I shall not go too far." Probably. Unless she does.

    With a last little bow to Arthur, she fades back into the crowd, starting to walk slowly towards the gathering of superteens...who are breaking up a bit. Which is now a....large group. Hmm.

    Hells with it. She's fought demons. She can certainly handle a gaggle of heros close to her own age. She continues forward, mentally pondering how to insert herself into the conversation.

Deathstroke has posed:
Laynia's insistence on the somewhat eternal place of his old passtime earns a thin smile from Slade, although he doesn't say more. Not on the topic of hunting, at any rate.

"I would say I am not a stranger to crowds like these," the man then goes on to answer her further inquiries, on his social circle and the like, albeit in mildly oblique fashion. "Nor to personages such as the emminent Doctor. Some of the companies I have interest in are involved in international affairs to some degree. And naturally as a former officer I do keep a certain interest in international affairs. Particularly matters of security. On occasion, I do a bit of consulting work." That's one way to talk about it.

"Well, it looks as though things have cleared up a little. Let's go say hello to the King. Or one of them, at any rate." With that, he ushers her along until they're standing in the man's presence. "Your Highness, what a wonderful evening you've put together. Slade Wilson, and this is miss Laynia Petrovna, from the Russian embassy."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn continues to much down on his food. And suddenly regrets are made. The regret being sitting down. The chair he was sitting on subsequently simply breaks on Bjorn and he crashes onto the floor sending a minitremor out through the area. Not enough to knock folks over...just enought to say something very /very/ heavy hit the ground
    Not put off by this he quickly stands up smoothing down his otherwise immaculate suit. He looks to the chair and glances to the people around him "....Bjorn can pay for that" the cursed seat strikes again.

Insight has posed:
Georgie smiles and nods. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne. I hope your evening is amazing."

He smiles at Miguel and takes one of the canopes. He munches it, his face showing just how awesome they are. "He isn't lying," he confesses. "They're awesome!" It's a subtle way of pointing out what the canape is right there on the table. His AI is a little easier to deal with. He glances over his shoulder and nods to Miguel once Damian is lost in the crowd again. "I guess so. His son." He turns his attention back to Miguel and blushes just a little. "And ostensibly my boss man. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about that."

Mystique has posed:
    T'Challa, having made his presence, and his ideas known, moves to mingle with a few other guests, and continue to state his rather obstinante belief in the fact that very little true good will come from this event.

    He will leave, early, and head back to the Consulate. Or at least, appear to head that way. The person who is pretending to be T'Challa will agree with themselves later they've done a good job, and she can be certain to utilize that again, in a time of more need. The practice run was a huge success in her mind's eye.

Aquaman has posed:
"Mr. Wilson. Ms. Petrovna." Arthur greets as Doom and Company excuse themselves, his attention shifting towards the newest group of well wishers, "A pleasure to meet you both. I hope you are enjoying the party?" he asks the pair. "What is it you do for the embassy, Ms. Petrovna?"

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "Wow. Adopted?" Every orphan knows the story of Bruce Wayne. Every one hoped to be the one adopted by him. He hadnt heard about the most recent adoption. He is glad the canapes actually are canapes and tries one. "Your boss man? What...he owns the university?" He scratches his head. He didn't know a lot about how college worked but he didn't think that was right...."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa sitting by Bjorn, reacts by reflex as his chair breaks, catching him before he impacts and slowing him so the impact is less severe. She quickly returns her hair to more normal behavior and hopes it was not noticed.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks a bit, then tilts her head and sighs before wandering on, the curvy redhead now looking around her self curiously. She shrugs and wanders over toward the bar area, the woman occupying a spot where she casually relaxes against the counter top after having ordered her self a spot of port. She sips on the sweet drink, idly people watching at this point. Back to being a wall flower!

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian approaches the group of Titans again, with more people around it seems! A quick sip before he joins the group, offering his extra glass to anyone who wants it.

  "Definitely better to have people less than seventy years old here. These things are usually so stuffy it's boring." He hasn't had that much experience interacting socially with people his own age, or at least around. But he gives it the old college try.

Raven has posed:
Raven lingers in one position for perhaps a little too long. She sort of bulldozes over the ideas presented by Kate, offering a raise of her brow. Sadly, Raven is some level of snarky at all times, and sadly, she is so now. "I do not think any of us came with a date." she states, looking between Kate and America. Then, she looks to Kori and Cassie. "It is because it is likely to be more quiet." She notes, before her attention turns back to America. "I don't... Do parties, normally. Kaldur asked if I could come and make sure that he did not commit any social crimes."

Her eyes flit to Kaldur, who has probably found someone to schmooze with, as that is the order from Arthur. Possibly, it's Cassie's mom. Raven will just let Kaldur's night play out, because she's not going to separate anybody.

When America goes for her idea, Raven merely nods quietly, at first. "I would like to." She responds. "The bar is currently unoccupied, and it is likely the only way I will be able to drink something that is non-alcoholic." Teen drinking doesn't seem to be on her menu. She opts, then, to try and lead the others to the quieter section of the party, as with the waiters present, the bar is going to be rather calm. Probably.

Starfire has posed:
Private investigation? That was... not something Starfire was familiar with just yet. So Kate gets a bit of a blank look, and the little quirking of Starfire's head that displayed her ignorance of the subject, before she gives her head a shake. Scootching a bit closer to Raven proper, she inclines her head to the other. "Oh!" she enthuses. "Perhaps we can go by the buffet on the way to the bar?" she asks, quirking her head a bit to the other way.

America gets her attention next. "...hmmn," she says, kinda looking over Kate. "Oh, yes - when we were having that trouble in the city - you were fighting someone in an alleyway!" she exclaims to Kate. "But I could not say we are good friends yet, no. But perhaps we could be?" she offers.

Cassie's suggestion seems to cause her to spark a little brighter of a smile. "Oh, of course! And you know, King Aquaman said 'they do not use much mustard in Atlantis'. Perhaps they could learn to have bruschetta - mustard - fish pizza? Or at least... try it?" she offers, glancing towards the others. "What food do you most enjoy that has fishes in it, friend Cassie?"

Damian's return to the group draws Starfire's attention again. "Oh, hello again, Mr. Wayne - we are going to the bar - would you like to come?" she says, although what he says causes her to blink a bit, in thought, her hand coming up in a gesture to kinda invite him to the little group gathering. "There will be drinks there. And perhaps some dancing, but we are looking for quiet so we do not have to shout as much."

Starfire had no problem with that last point.

Darkstar has posed:
"I have been in the presence of many a dignitary, as would be a part of my job, but never in this capacity." Laynia decides to mention. This very tour is the first time that she, herself, has been tasked to speak on behalf of her government to various nations with Metropolis being the very first stop on on the circuit. Still, while she may be young and somewhat inexperienced, Laynia looks all the more confident. Especially, in the presence of Arthur now.

With Slade making her introduction himself, the young woman graces the King of Atlantis with a polite smile, lowering her gaze briefly in deference to the man. "Your Highness," She says in greeting, before her eyes lift to peer up at the Arthur as a show of respect as her gaze now meets with his, "Thank you, your highness for such a lovely evening and for an important cause." Those words said, she quickly responds to the the man's inquiry, "I assist in diplomatic relations for the Russian Embassy. I was scheduled to meet with you at a later date, but I could not resist attending your function this evening, ahead of schedule."

Domino has posed:
"That was very generous of you," Domino asides to Doom. "I think she'll have a good time. Or she'll induce some kind of low-level mind control without thinking too much about it. But either way, a good time." She chuckles softly.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grunts and looks to Sussa "Thanks" he grumbles. And yes he saw that - it hard not to when you were the one being grabbed...and virtually have 360 degree vision. But he does sigh, he hated when that happened. It was embaressing, but he quickly moves on "...Bjorn is going to go see who else is about, mabey Bjorn will find a friend or two, you have good day eh?" he tells Sussa

Insight has posed:
Georgie shakes his head. "Nah. My therapy program does a lot of outreach in association with the Wayne Foundation. My main office is at the University for the students, but I do a lot of hours supporting local veteran's groups, youth outreach and the foster system, umm... I do some work with a couple police departments and some LGBT groups." He smiles and laughs. "I get around I guess." He helps himself to another bit of food. "Mr. Wayne is the ambassador of the Foundation, so I sorta am beholden to his whims, yaknow? In that if I don't, I'm likely fired. I'd guess I'd be pretty well ruined too." For all that, he doesn't seem incredibly afraid or concerned. "Good thing I'm awesome." He grins wide and cheesy.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa probably should leave, now that she does not have Bjorn for cover, someone may realize she does not belong here.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Well. In the breach, Madelyne thinks to herself, taking a deeper breath and letting it out, then walking over towards the group, heels clicking softly as her skirt swirls around her as she approaches the group, then proclaims. "I would join you for these drinks..." Then realizes that sounds a bit too much a command. "...ah, if there is...room for another." she adds quickly. She definitely looks older than most those in the group, though not by much.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom chuckles softly at Domino's comment. "Indeed. If she wishes to be a proper protege, she's going to need to learn to socialize. Now, Domino, I have a more pressing question." He glances around, then says, idly, "Are you familiar with a waltz?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Oh yeah, I guess maybe it is a little more out of the way. And I guess we can order anything we want." Which means ordering stuff that's LESS fun than what's circling around. But after getting scolded by her mom, and not TOTALLY certain that she's not lurking somewhere just out of sight ready to pounce on Cassie and ground her (not that she lives at home, but the phrase still somewhat applies...), she's probably given up on the idea of sneaking an adult beverage. But sneaking off to find their own space doesn't seem so bad.

So she starts along after Raven (and Kate and America?), only to turn as Starfire continues pondering the menu. "Sure, we can grab some stuff and take it with us. Easier if we're going to the bar, too, since we don't have to like, balance all those little plates in our hands at once while trying to eat." Which is hard, even for a superhero! "Mmm, my favorite with fish in it? I mean most fish they serve by itself normally, just cooked up or maybe breaded or whatever. They've got your usual cocktail shrimp here and I think I saw some calamari? We'll take a look!"

En route, she spots Damian (or probably, Starfire does), kind of looks at him for a moment, and waves back. Hmm!

Miss America has posed:
    We're partners, Kate says, and then quickly scrambles to clarify. America's sole response is the fractional uptick of her dark brows. A single, solitary second passes before she adds, helpfully.

    "Yeah. Partners. Can be a little rough sometimes, but a good partnership takes a lotta care if you wanna make it work. She's worth it, though."

    She says it all flat as can be, too, her poker face sublime. Like she was just talking about the weather. Helping!

    She's officially said more in that moment than she's probably said the rest of the evening combined, though, so America is content to lapse back into that stoic, comfortable silence as Starfire and Cassie converse with Kate. "She does good work," she asides Starfire's way, before she tilts her head in the direction of the bar.

    "Not really my kinda thing either," she commiserates with Raven, for a given value of commiseration, before she pivots smoothly on her heel to just start making her way t the bar. "Let's clear out." With that, hands once more finding the comfort of her pants pockets, she makes her way over, pausing briefly to peer Damian's way, and then Madelyne's, her stare quietly piercing. She doesn't say anything to him -- just tilts her head in the direction of the bar, as if silently inviting them both along. "Yeah. Sure. C'mon."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looks to Starfire. "Sounds good!" He doesn't drink, and doesn't have any want to actually drink should it be just fine for him to, but well, he was a teen and staying with his own kind definitely clicked with him.

  "Here, cider." He offers the glass to Raven with a smile while they walk. His voice was relaxed and genuine. Walking over with the group to the bar area, which was oddly not so occupied. Very very strange.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn makes his way towards one of the people collection donations and contributions. He pays them an extra check to pay for damages before wandering off into the crowd once more. Without much thought the large man closes his eyes and listens to the music
    He wasn't a wall flower...rather he was a wall that might have need of one. Not that he seemed to realize that as he begin moving to the beat of the of the music the band played out. He of course wasn't in the middle of the dance floor where those with a partner were.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel nods in reply. "That's cool. A way of doing good that really matters. One life at a time." More effective than punching people in the face. "All sound like the could use your skills. That's really cool man. If I was a Wayne, I'd donate to that too. Why, is he likely to fire you?" He looks ...troubled at that idea but them smiles at the levity, "Well, I am pleased at your awesomeness." He got the gist of the social queue and rolled with it, albiet a bit oddly.

Domino has posed:
Neena blushes just a little at the question, smiling sweetly. "What style and tempo?" she asks. "I confess I haven't had much reason to dance in the last few years, but so long as you're leading, I'm certain I can keep up."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate looks back at the 'offer' to join the knot of young people. She offers the green tule-lady a smile. "Well, come on." She follows after Raven and the others. "Was that your mom, Cassie? I know how much it sucks to have oarents lurking around parties. Ugh."

    She stops in her tracks as she notices Damian. "I know you. You're Bruce Wayne's son. Nice to meet you. I'm Kate Bishop." and she smiles. "Hey, come on with us. We're all going to get something to drink and maybe a snack at the buffet."

Deathstroke has posed:
"I just like a good party," Slade offers, at the tail end of Laynia's introduction to Arthur, admitting to or claiming no particular official purpose, now or later, compared to his diplomat companion. "And this does seem to be one of the more notable gatherings of the season. And for a very good cause. Not my usual, admittedly, but-" And the man seems to put the specifics out of mind. They're here to save the fish or something, right? He'll leave a generous check, regardless.

"I'm curious, if you do not mind talking shop a little amidst a party, at how you're finding more regularized relations with the US?" he wonders of the oceanic sovereign. "It's quite a new frontier, normalized diplomacy with nations like your own, with Themyscira, and so on. It's quite different, compared to the situation we have with smaller but more... traditional states, like Latveria." His voice is just lough enough to travel. In case THE MIGHTY DOOM cares.

Insight has posed:
Georgie Goodspeed laughs and tries to give Miguel a companionable shoulder bump. "I sure hope he doesn't!" He thinks on it a moment and then offers somberly, "But, if I'm not doing a good job and am messing people up, I sure hope he does. There are more than enough bad therapists and doctors out there." He laughs again at the being pleased by his awesomeness and strikes an exaggerated model-esque pose. "We'll just hang out here by the food and booze and be awesome. They can all bask." He straightens up then and glances at his watch. He tugs out a card and offers it up to Miguel. "I think I'm going to drop off the donations from the school and sneak on out. It's a Friday night and I'm sure there is a club calling my name. It was a pleasure, Miguel."

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "The very fact that you worry, AT ALL if you are a bad therapist automatically makes you in the category of at least OK. Stupid never questions itself. I should know." He thinks a moment and realizes what he just said, "I have seen lots of stupid." He has another Canape. "Great meeting you Georgie! Best of luck." He takes the card."

Raven has posed:
Raven momentarily lingers on the woman who had approached. She offers this light shrug, and everyone else handles the complacent agreement that she can join that Raven was going to indulge in. Damian offers her cider, but she shakes her head, lightly. "No thank you." she responds, "I do not want to take your drink." She's not entirely being rude, either- Damian's sipped from that. It's totes gross.

They make it to the bar, and when they get there, Raven turns and leans herself against it, ordering a coconut water from the bartender- a common mixer, so it's something that's present- before turning her attention back to the group. She's quiet, perhaps for a little longer than she probably needs to be. "This has been... A better party than I thought it would be. I am glad to meet new people."

Her attention is primarily on America when she says that, as frankly, the stoic woman is... Probably the most genuine comfort out of any of the strangers here. While Raven isn't entirely being forced to be here, at least having someone who is also not really -of- this kind of element in the same way as Raven is (Cassie is, after all, just embarrassed, not entirely out of her element) is very comforting. As well, Kori is here, which always makes everything... More homey.

"I will have to tell Kaldur and Arthur that we formally apologize, later." she notes, looking over at the buffet, which is so very, very close to Kori. "Whatever they intended for the buffet, it was not what is about to happen to it."

Aquaman has posed:
"Ah, of course, Ms. Petrovna." Arthur says with a nod of his head at the woman as she introduces herself, "It's good to put a face to the name, at the very least, and I only hope something good comes from all the charitable donations that have been made this evening."

A nod is offered to Slade, "Of course, I think more normalized relations are an important step to mantaining peace, the surface world is going to continue pushing to exploit the resources of the sea, and that unchecked would have led to a conflict that would be good for noone, especially those who live along the coastal cities. Without the dialogue, there could be only resentment."

Starfire has posed:
Starfire was an enormously intelligent being (in her own way).

However, the subtleties of human interaction was something that was still lost to her - and the way that America says what she does had the air of meaning /something/ more than what it should, in that style, that little crackle of what led to 'humor' in many cases. The too-flat tone.

So Starfire pauses a moment, and barks out a laugh that might be slightly forced sound. And a little awkward, as no one else was laughing. Eyes flicker left, then right - glowy eyes towards Cassie, then Raven. Well. Raven wouldn't laugh even if it was most amusing. Starfire reaches out her hand to steal Raven's glass of cider, Starfire curious. "What is this drink, friend Wayne? It smells most sweet." she says, bringing it to her lips to take a drink. Nostrils crinkle. "...and fizzy?"

This is done as she wanders with Cassie buffet-wards. Thankfully, or not, they had full sized plates, and Starfire's healthy appetite is shown as she loads up the plate with just about everything that was there, taking a seat nearish Raven.

Another moment, and Starfire gives the stoic girl a brilliant smile. With lots of teeth.

Kori was rarely out of her element, even as an alien in a strange, strange land. Well... except that one time, but we do not need to speak about that.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    VICTORY. Ahem. Madelyne smiles a bit at Kate, then follows as the group starts shifting towards the bar. "I'm Madelyne." she says to Kate. Direct, rather than waiting for her or anyone else to ask. "And you are?" Sure, she knows most of the Titans...they were well known enough to be in the files she was expected to study on possible opponents. Debutantes like Kate, on the other hand....not so much. She nods to Rachel at the shrug, her gaze lingering thoughfully on her as Rachel turns to head to the bar. She's not sure why she feels...something almost familiar from her aura. Hmm.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie's eyes roll up like they're threatening to fly out the back of her head. "Ugggghhh yes," she admits to Kate. "I knew she might, I mean I sorta figured this was the kind of thing she usually... anyway yeah. She always does a lot of fundraising for the Museum and so I guess she goes to these kinda things pretty often? I just kinda thought maybe I'd fly under her radar." Pretty difficult, in a dress like hers! "She used to bother me to go to them more often too. So, like, now that I did, she should leave me alone to enjoy myself like everyone else, not make a big scene!"

Obviously taking away her drink, even if she wasn't actually drinking it, was the ultimate offense against her maturity!

But her mom has successfully crushed her spirit, and so she just gathers up some food with Kori (displaying a similarly large, though probably a bit less hectic and diverse appetite) and then joins all the rest of her gathering band at the bar. "Can I just get a coke?" Defeat! Total defeat! But there's comfort to be found in the familiar knot of friends. "So where's Big Wayne?" she wonders at Damian. "He's usually the star of these kind of things, right?"

Darkstar has posed:
Laynia speaks in agreement with Arthur in regards to the man's words to Slade, "There is already much conflict in the world and the world, itself, is in need of healing. I am sure that the generosity of those in attendance and the better undstanding by the world as a whole will help in kickstarting this healing." Then to Arthur, she says directly, "I look forward to our next meeting, Your Highness and I am honered to be present to share in this evening with you and everyone involved."

Taking a step back now, she turns a curious eye in the direction of Doctor Doom once Slade brings the monarch up. Very much like Atlantis, Latveria is also on her tour schedule.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel is not a wall flower. That would imply blooming. He's more like a rock that someone carved into a vague flower shape, but that beats sciscors all the time. He briefly considers joining the crowd around the bar, but actually IS genuinely enjoying listening to the conversations all around the place and now wishes he was one of the guys wandering around with drinks. As he realizes that they are also wearing tuxes, he briefly considers picking up a tray and doing this. It might be fun.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian offers a smile to Kate. "Uhh, likewise." He definitely goes along with the gang to enjoy in what teenagers could do at a formal party surrounded by adults. Chat and drink sugary beverages and stuff their faces on shrimp and other goodies.

  "Sparkling cider, basically carbonated apple juice. It's what people give kids at parties to make it seem like they are given champagne. Tastes nothing like champagne at all, and doesn't get you inebriated." He offers to Starfire, and a laugh to the big plate of food she had brought. Then a question to him from Cassie. "Oh, he sent me as the Foundation representative. He is taking care of business in Europe right now. Sent me with a check and everything." Damian smiles a bit, not really having an issue in doing this at all. It was all part of the guise of being a Wayne, in the tabloids and such of Gotham society.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate orders a diet soda at the bar, then turns back to Maddy. 'I'm Kate Bishop. Nice to meet you." She takes her drink and steps out of the way. A sympathetic smile for Cassie. "You _should_ do this more often. Maybe if I'm at some of them too you'll at least have someone to talk to?"

    She looks between the Titans again, each in turn and then leans to mutter something to America. She pats the taller girl on the shoulder and her head tilts back towards the others as she does. Then she nods. "Think about it."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom says to Neema, as even the mask seems to convey a wry expression, "That does seem to be the case, doesn't it... it sounds like a waltz to me." And then he offers his hand towards the woman, only to pause, ever so slightly, as he can't help but overhear Slade's commentary.

Then Doom glances over at Slade, and smiles slightly, "If by traditional you mean exceptionally advanced with a higher standard of living than most other nations in the region, or even the world... then by all means, please do so Mister Wilson. Fortunately, that is precisely how I took your comment." And with that, he turns his back pointedly towards Slade, offering his hand towards Domino, "My apologies. Shall we?"

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne nods to Kate thoughfully. "Madelyne Pryor." she corrects then, offering her surname this time. After hearing Damien's explanation, she promptly orders a sparkling cider as well, sipping from it thoughfully, wrinkling her nose a little bit, but deciding she likes the taste. Annnnnd now she's back to being unsure what to say next. And it just makes her a bit frustrated again. Maybe she could use her abilitie sjust a *little* bit...

    Her eyes flick to Doom and Domino waltzing, then she sighs inwardly. No, they would be...disappointed. Though as Kate speaks to America, Madelyne's eyes turn to the tall girl as well, since she's certainly dressed...interestingly. In addition towering among most people near her.

Deathstroke has posed:
"Well, peace is always the goal, isn't it? Here's to that." Slade lifts his glass to Arthur, albeit in a more singular gesture than an all out toast, and takes a drink. Otherwise, he seems content to let Laynia do her own bit of further networking with the foreign monarch, indeed only to wonder, as he spies her glancing off toward another of the leaders present, "Do you have anyone else on your diplomatic itinerary? Or even those not, that you'd like to sneak on?"

Yet as they're both peering over at Doom, who is dancing, of all things, he can't help himself from a little chuckle at the way the man responds. "I meant 'traditional' in the sense of 'above water,' actually," he remarks. "Though I've heard wonderful things about Latveria, indeed." The latter may be more to Laynia, though, as he gives up on the reparte and allows the other man the opportunity to enjoy a dance with his date. That's only polite.

Miss America has posed:
    If America has more to say (doubtful), it is brilliantly interrupted by that sudden bark of laughter that comes from the fiery-haired Starfire. It's sudden and just forced enough to take America, of all people, briefly off-guard, blinking with visible if muted surprise at the jubilant alien. She stares. Squints. Her features scrunch up in a mild sort of expression of 'what?' And then--

    She manages to break a smile, brief though it may be, reaching out to pat Starfire approvingly on the shoulder before passing her by at the buffet table.

    "Thanks for the assist, chica."

    The brief amusement has guttered out back to her usual ambivalence well before she makes it to the bar. Rather than ordering anything, though, the Latina just idly shrugs out of her tuxedo jacket to drape the very expensive material over one of those seats, and then unbuttoning her cuffs to roll her sleeves up to her elbows with a careful, practiced fold. There. That's better.

    "Coulda been worse," she asides her agreement to Raven as she hooks thumbs into the pockets of her pants, leaning her back into the bar countertop as those brown eyes turn Raven's way. A second passes. "One whole hell of a lot worse. Sure not gonna complain -- you all don't seem terrible." It's glowing praise. Really. She looks like she might say more...

    ... but Kate's muttered words catch her attention. She looks her friend's way, brown eyes blinking once. Her head tilts. She looks back to the rest of those gathered at the bar, and her brows scrunch inward mildly. "... Yeah, I'll think about it," she offers, sincerely, Kate's way. She falls into pensive thought after that, as if considering the girl's words, before she catches sight of Madelyne's stare. She blinks, looks up. Squints.

    "... America. You need something?" She has a way with words.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel is about to do this when the Encyclopedia flashes him a veritable Downton's Abbey worth of protocol and etiquette and he realizes that while they are wearing tuxes, they are wearing THE SAME tux and a very distinctive one and he would look like an idiot. Conversely, the immediate danger of breaking cover and looking like a Total Idiot (tm) kicks something into gear as actual useful articles on late 20th century black tie behavior and light social behavior come up and he reads them, eyes flitting from left to right while he devours cherry tomatoes and canapes.

Domino has posed:
"No need to apologize. Questions and comments need to be addressed sometimes, and good things are worth waiting for."

Domino takes Doom's hand, moving with him towards a more open space to dance, stepping into position for the waltz. Her eyes and ears are still open, and she's still keeping tabs on Madelyn. She mentally chides herself for going soft around the kid, but Madelyn's a nice kid, and Neena's always tended to take the 'team mom' post whenever she's operating in a group. Even if she didn't realize she had that proclivity.

"Mercenaries and thieves," Neena says just loud enough for Victor to hear. "Arthur's either generous with his invitations or he's very confident in his guards. I suppose I can't complain, if they kept out all the riff-raff I'd be taking post in scuba gear outside."

Aquaman has posed:
"As we are honored to have you." Arthur says in response to Laynia, inclining his head towards Slade, "If you both will excuse me." He says stepping away from the pair of Slade and Laynia and starting to make his way towards the 'front' of the room.

Insight has posed:
Georgie tucks his card back into his pocket when Miguel seems to get lost in his own little world. He gives a little wave and moves to deliver the various checks that he has on behalf of the University. He goes through his checklist: schoozed - check, indulged in food and drink check, donations dropped off - check. He grins and starts his way towards the exit, spring in his step as he tries to catch some of Metropolis's night life before he has to return to Gotham.

Raven has posed:
Raven is hardly imperceptive, and their position at the fringes of her party allows her to keep herself calmer and more centered than she otherwise might be, considering how packed it is. Idly, she watches Kaldur out on the floor, seemingly doing fine. She was watching his back a bit, but by now, she figured he didn't need it. Which meant she could turn her attention fully to all the people she'd convinced to go to the bar.

She sips lightly at the water she'd gotten for herself, tasty as it was, and perked a brow at America's statements- and, of course, she actually watches the woman remove her jacket. It's not a lingering thing, as she looks away, taking a long sip afterwards. It leaves this ring of jet black on the rim of her glass, but she's quiet for a time.

"Give it time, you barely know us." she responds, dryly- so very dryly that it's literally the perfect mask for her sarcasm. After all, sarcasm is best if you can sell the idea of actually believing what you say. As well, she seems to take that input from America as genuinely extreme praise.

However, the whispering does get her attention. "Think about what?" she asks, catching onto it. "It looked like you had something to say." After that, she was basically silent.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom chuckles softly, leading Domino in a dance. Far from the only couple dancing, but Doom definitely makes an impression, even as he moves flawlessly with the music, quite skilled and not seeming to be encumbered by his armor at all.

Doom then says quietly to Neena, "Oh, I'm very aware of Mister Wilson's reputation. I suspect he'll seek me out later in this gathering, as a mind like his is always planning something. Even if only looking for an employment opportunity." He shrugs, "I would prefer not to be distracted from my current endeavor, in any case."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Should I? I mean, why?" Cassie has to wonder back at Kate, looking around a bit. "It's fun to go out and party, don't get me wrong, this just feels a little out of my league, y'know? It's not like I'm here with a donation, or to schmooze it up with most of these folks. I mean, look at them. Those two," and she waves vaguely at Slade and Laynia, who stand out only by their proximity to Arthur, the only part of the 'adult' crowd she really knows outside her mom, "the elegant lady and the guy with the suit and the eyepatch? They're like something out of a Bond movie! Nevermind *Doom*."

"Plus, if anything, I'm like a reverse-donation since the host had to pay for my dress. They probably have to kill a duck to make up for it. I'm not helping!" She takes a sip of her drink when she gets it, and smiles at Damian's explanation. "You're probably the only one of us who really fits in. Guess someone has to!"

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne doesn't look the least bit put off by America's directness, her green eyes frank as they meet America's darker eyes. "You from America, or you're named America, or both?" She could believe either, considering the outfit and American....tackiness. "You have an interesting outfit, is all...and you are strikingly tall and..." She glances at the muscle in the forearms America's rolled up sleeves now show. "...powerful." she says, after a moment to decide on the right word. "Are you a Titan as well?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn settles in to simply watching the various party goers. He particular watched Doom a moment. He has heard...interesting things about Latveria, most of it conflicting. Some say it was bad....but many sources say otherwise. Which to beleives? His eyes soon wander towards the titans - he of course didn't realize some of them were heros, but that is life. And likewise his scan looks to Arthur and Slade and even folks like Georgie and Miguel - taking the scene in pleasantly

Starfire has posed:
Starfire... assisted? Oh joy of joys! Perhaps she had read the social cues correctly after all!

A smile dances across her features as the golden shoulderpads she wears was patted. And life goes on. Settling down on her seat properly, she folds one leg over the other, her curious green eyes looking up and down the bar at each person.

And she sips her cider, smiling gratefully at Damian. "Well," she pauses a few moments more. "Perhaps it is best to stay away from becoming inebirated - people act most foolishly when they are full of alcohol..." she says, drifting off with an uncertain tone. He was laughing at her plate. Starfire looks from him, to her plate, to back towards him. Food was a very serious thing to Tamaraneans, and Starfire was no different. But Starfire smiles in spite of things.

"Perhaps I look silly with so much fish. But they will throw most of it away - please, will you not share in this glorious feast with me?" she asks, pointing at a bit of sushi hanging off of the side of the leaning tower of seafood.

Eyes glance between Raven and the others now, thoughtfulness touching her features. Leaning over towards Cassie, she whispers, "There is Doom here? That is a most unfortunate name to have if... well..." A pause. "Does Doom have different meanings in this context?"

Darkstar has posed:
With her business at the function done, Laynia takes a final sip of her wine to finish off the glass before depositing it upon a passing waiter's tray. Being graced with the presence of Doctor Doom, T'Challa and the like, all at one party, of course the diplomat has more than one of them on her itinerary, but she goes to state, "I may, but that is for another day altogether. For now, it is best to enjoy the atmosphere and the pleasant company."

Returning to the conversation of hunting, there is something that the young woman decides to ask, "So, you must know of Kraven, as a hunter yourself?" For a moment, her eyes look in Slade's direction to gauge his reaction to the question, but eventually, they flucker to look out through the crowd, studying every face that she comes across.

And yes, the pair very well look as if they just stepped out of some Bond movie...

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel was randomly scanning about where to approach. Despite the complete disconnect from society he can be quite charming and totally fearless so the congregation of attactive females around the bar was his most likely target until Bjorn engaged in eye contact. Like feeding a cat or looking at a homeless person asking for money and thus acknowledging they are human this is a mistake and Miguel walks up to him and waves. "Hello, I am Miguel." He consults his cliff notes on the artcle. "Lovely weather we are having. How about those Mets?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Oh." Kate replies to Rachel. "I thought 'meri should show you all her trick, but I don't know if she will." and she looks back to America. 'Go on', her eyebrows say.
    "You get used to it." she tells Cassie. "There's usually someone interesting at a party like this. Hey, we all found each other, right? If there's not you find a way to leave early. I find that gagging and pretending you got a bad bit of caviar works great."

    A grin for Starfire. "'Doom' is Victor Von Doom. He's the ruler of a place in Europe. He likes to talk about himself in the third person.

    Kate raises her glass. "Hey. Let's toast. To new friends?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks down at Miguel "....Bjorn have no idea who the mets are" he tells him. And judging by the look on his face, he wasn't lieing. But none the less he offers a grand and charming smile "But aye, the weather is grand! Bjorn love da sun and da warmth and what have you! Name is Bjorn Artursson, techno viking extrodinair. A pleasure" he and offer Miguel a hand never missing a beat "You from around here?"

Domino has posed:
Domino flows gracefully across the floor in time with Doom, matching his steps. The slippers that match the sari are very handy for nimble footwork, and the ends of the wrap swish and flutter with movement.

"Mmm. More's the pity I can't just break his neck, but there's no need for an international incident," Neena quips playfully. "If you have a use for him then I'll mind my manners, but given my introduction, I'm very invested in your body."

"The guarding of it, of course."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    The redhead straightens a bit at that question, then adds to Kate's explanation. "Lord Doom is absolute ruler of the kingdom of Latveria, where he rules with power and wisdom." Madelyne pauses, then adds. "He is 'Doom' for those who oppose him, certainly." Some part of her is actually irritated that she wouldn't already -know- this. It's DOOM. -Obviously- everyone should know of him and give him his proper respect. Or fear him. Either way.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Well, thanks. I guess that's what being Bruce Wayne's son gets me, camouflage in black tie parties." Damian offers with a smirk, before nodding to Starfire. "Yes, I agree they just do dumb things when drunk."

  The young Wayne blushes a bit. "Oh, I didn't mean to offend. I just...normally see people not eat anything at these things. Makes no sense to me, when it's all fancy like this." He does however take a piece of tuna sashimi from the quite impressive tower, so fresh, so delicious. Before the jet black haired young man raises a glass as Kate mentions. "New friends!"

Deathstroke has posed:
"You'll have opportunity enough, at any rate. For some, this is a rare chance to meet some of the world elite face to face, but I imagine your official position will give you access on a more regular basis," Slade muses as Laynia suggests putting off mingling with some of the other 'celebrity' sorts present for another time. "And it is a lovely party, besides."

Leading her off, then, he seems struck by momentary surprise, or at least, seems somewhat intrigued, with the name that she brings up. "I have heard of him, yes. Supposedly a very skilled hunter, although rumor would have it that his interests were far beyond your usual sorts of game. Ah, but he's also one of your people, I recall that now. Is that something your government takes interest in? I imagine there could be diplomatic concers regarding the actions of such an... infamous personality."

And they're /totally/ a Bond pair.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae finishes her port, the woman now standing upright and blinks as she notices a bunch of titans nearby at the bar and such? She then spots Cassie finally and smiles before starting to make her way back over there again... When she gets closer, the woman waits for a bit of a break in the conversation, before offering a wave and greting "Heya." she says, nope she's not terribly good at these kind of functions... She's good in her store though, that's a place she works well in!!! "Sooo, ummm how are ya doing after that whole thing with the guy with the swords and Dr Laser beam light or whatever? I trust everything is ok?" she asks curiously.

Miss America has posed:
    "Not from here," is America's answer to Madelyne's prompting question, as if that could illuminate the mystery. Terse though she is, however, she looks down at herself as the redhead continues. "Yeah, guess it is, huh? Fits me just fine." She tilts her head towards the side, in Kate's direction. "She's got an eye for that kinda stuff."

    But when Raven asks her question, and Madelyne appends it with her own, America blinks. She rubs the back of her neck, dark eyes rolling upwards as she considers both. "Nah. Not part of anything right now," she finally answers Madelyne first. "Just doing me." She looks back down to Raven, watching the girl a moment as if trying to decide what to say. As usual, "Kate was saying--" she's about to just go for the blunt answer before Kate manages to get hers in first. She frowns, just a bit. Looks Kate's way, at those expressive brows.

    "What, like I'm some trick monkey?" she asks after a moment, but there's no bite behind the words. A second later, she just rolls her shoulders, and, hands still shoved comfortably in her pockets, just sort of... ignores the fact that gravity exists for a moment, feet lifting up off the ground until she's just floating, in the same laid back position as ever, about half a foot off the ground.

    "Kinda lame. But any other," pause, "'tricks' and I gotta start paying property damage," she explains. Helpfully. Which isn't technically true, but it's true for the amount that she wants to reveal about herself right now, which is good enough.

    "Doom has a worse meaning in this context," she also adds to Starfire, also helpfully matter-of-fact. "A lot worse." At least she's honest.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom, Absolute Ruler of Latveria, twirls Domino in a flourish as the music ends for this particular dance. Then he bows towards her formally, "International incidents are probably best avoided. And I am pleased that you are so invested." A soft chuckle, "I would directly see how Madelyne is doing, but I suspect my presence would cause those young ones to act... rashly." He sounds vaguely amused at the notion.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"It's a name, yeah," Cassie answers Starfire, nodding as Kate offers her own bit on the subject. But, with her voice a little lower, she explains, "But it's not just a really unfortunate name. It's the thing you said too, the bad kind of 'Doom.' Or, more like, thats what he does. So, y'know, watch out. Never know what that sort is planning when they come out in public like this, acting all friendly and like they're not up to anything when they totally are." In the plucky heroine corner, Doom has fewer fans than among the Bond-esque crew!

"I'll try and remember that caviar trick, though," she adds. Good party advice.

It may end being quite silly keeping all of their Doom-talk quiet when Madelyne comes over to declare the Doominess of Doom outright, though, so she shrugs and sits up a bit at the bar. America's outspoken opinion is echoed with a nod. "Yeah. So don't uh, get taken in by his dancing, Kori. He's probably just luring everyone into a false sense of security or something."

Aquaman has posed:
"If I could have everyone's attention for a moment." Arthur calls out in a commanding tone of voice once he reaches the front of the room, turning his attention out upon the gathered guests, dignitaries, and others.

"I would like to thank you all for coming out to our benefit Gala, the coastal wetlands of the world are dwindling rapidly through natural disaster, pollution, and urban development. The loss of both habitat, and a buffer zone to protect against storm waters and flooding cannot be emphasized enough. The money we have raised here tonight will go to organizations working to rehabilitate and protect these regions of the world, and the wildlife that call these places home."

"It is not often that my people host these sort of gatherings on the surface world, and I appreciate the donations you have given, and the fine showing that you all have made here tonight for this cause. Please, enjoy the rest of your evening, there is plenty of food and drink still, and the music will continue for some time."

Raven has posed:
Raven is- again- a perceptive person. She can't help but notice how things don't necessarily sell the idea that that is what Kate really said. Her brow raises- and it becomes somewhat clear that she understands. She doesn't, however, pry. If America wants to act on Raven's clear insight, that's on America. Instead, she shifts her attention around, clearly... For a moment, happy, that everyone else has found people to hang around with. She doesn't clap her glass, nor does she speak... But she does raise it, to join Kate's toast in an almost imperceptible gesture. Tonight has, indeed, gone well... For the most part.

Raven is low-level empathic, right now- so she can somewhat tell how America feels, in regards to the display. "I don't necessarily think here or now is the place to begin sharing those things. It seems a little bit..." she searches, for a moment, before speaking. "Vain."

She takes another long sip of her glass, and then for a little while, actually stares into it, before her eyes flit back up and she hears Arthur call the gala to a form of pre-close.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn turned himself to the front of the room to hear the incomming speech. He nodded several times as Arthur spoke, and with others offered up a round of applause to the King of Atlantis and to what this gala ment

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Those green eyes narrow a bit dangerously, as the mecurial Madelyne goes from curious to irritable in a second at the derogatory tone towards Doom. "As if Lord Doom would be so gauche as to disrupt a peaceful event such as this." She sniffs, looking Cassie over. "Or lower himself to strike at someone like...you." she adds, dismissively. "He is Doom."

Starfire has posed:
Cassie knew Starfire well. That she would be easily swayed by arguments of dance. Yes, he had a name like Doom and a metal face, but... how can one man with all that funk be evil?

Pursing her lips tightly, Starfire stares at Doom intently as his little dance eats, chewing on a bit of unagi. Thoughtful chewing. Hmmn. Although - a floating America easily distracts, and Starfire is no different. She GASPS, the sound rather dramatic.

"I can do that as well!" she says, as if finding a winning lottery ticket that someone had thrown away - bringing up a hand to point to her own nose at the same time. "And so can Cassie!" she points at Cassie's nose then. "It is a most glorious..." Raven said these things were vain. "... Um..." her eyes flicker from America to Raven, and then back again. Starfire leans forward and whispers, as if sharing a secret, "Flying is most enjoyable."

She was whispering rather loudly, though. Nudging her plate closer to Damian, Starfire gives him a smile. "Please - the only flavor that tastes better than food flavors is when it is flavored with friendship - take as much as you wish, new friend Wayne - and..." Starfire lifts her glass of cider. "To friends!"

Speaking of...

Starfire looks to Kaelyn when she approaches. "Good evening! I am Starfire - how are you?" Another beat, and she gestures to her plate of seafood. "Do you wish to feast?"

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel turns around and is awed by the speech as Bjorn is saved from the Most Awkward Consersation in the World. He claps at the moment people should (he gets this part right) and keeps clapping a bit longer (he gets that part wrong). It does something for him more than most though...it makes him think. He's supposed to be protecting this planet from Martians. That includes more than just the two armed two legged variety. He stops clapping and looks deeply pensive.

Darkstar has posed:
Slade's response is something which Laynia had expected when she asked him the question. There is no nod to follow in agreement with the man's words, but before she can say anything more, the host of the evening, the King of Atlantis, makes his speech of gratitude to all those in attendance. "I am pleased to see how successful this event has been. Not only for the people of Atlantis, but for the world's coasts as well."

Of course, this is mere chit-chat, whatever her true feelings of this gala truly is. To the topic of Kraven, however, she considers carefully. "So you have heard of him. I was merely curious because he made quite the name for himself in our motherland. It's been a while since I've last heard anything about him." That just means that he's keeping himself out of trouble, one would hope!

Domino has posed:
Yes, this is nice. It's not hamfisted and awkward, it's not running from assassins and ninjas -- is this what some women do with their time? Maybe they're onto something.

It's hard to keep track of things for just a moment, being dipped at the end of the waltz, rising back up to her feet. Domino glances over at Maddy briefly. "I can see what you're talking about, but I think she might be digging herself a little hole to fall into all by herself." Sigh. Will the ersatz parental figures ever be able to finish date night?

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks to Miguel...and notes the pensive look. He puts a large hand on Miguel shoulders in a familial way...that Bjorn for you, before asking "Are you alright? You seemed woried about something."

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel blinks up a moment and then looks confused. Was he doing something stupid? No. Whew. Then he realizes the context and smiles. "Oh, well sort of. I mean the speech just made me think. I think my priorities have been....too focused in life. It's complicated.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods slightly towards Domino, "You might want to go retrieve her before she does something... rash. I appreciate her devotion, but I strongly suspect those others would not." He smiles wryly, "We will finish later, I guarantee it."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Whoa, Red. It's alright." Kate says, raising her hands to show that she means no harm. "His repuration is probably just fake news, a big nothingburger. Noone's here to fight."

    She looks back to Rachel. "We might not get a chance to see you all again, so I thought it might be cool if you all knew that 'meri had something in common with..." and then Kori exclains that she and Cassie can fly. "... with them." and Kate motions towards those two ladies. "Don't blame her. I would've bugged her until she did it anyway." and she gives America a momentary glance and a grin. "I usually get what I want."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn laughs "Life is only as complicated as you make it friend" he comments "But still it is never a bad thing to spread to new horizons! There are many many ways to improve the world - one day at time" he says witha smile

Thor has posed:
Suddenly, amidst Arthur's speech, there is a flash of bright light, and then some kind of... opening seems to form in the air, a strange rupture in space that seems to only exist from one, direct angle, where elsewise all is normal. Looking upon it head-on, one sees a strange vista of dark, red-tinged mountains with harsh swampland stretching out before them. Or rather, one might witness that expanse for a moment, before a large, humanoid shape steps through it, the rift closing behind him. Quite out of touch with the black-tie event, but still somehow regal, the helmed and caped figure bears a massive wooden chest in one curled arm and holds a hammer in the opposite hand. Setting the chest before Arthur (with quite a thud), the figure speaks:

"Pardon my tardiness, King of the Sea, it is I, Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard! When I heard tell of this gathering, I set upon a journey to retrieve a worthy tribute. Traveling to the mountains of Gymirsgard, I did battle with a wyrm of no small size, and from it, won much treasure. Upon behalf of mine realm, this I gift to thee, and to thine watery subjects and their damp domain."

The chest lays open, filled with suitably fantastic, almost Dungeons and Dragons style loot: coins, gems, scepters, weird crowns, the works, nearly to overflowing. It must weigh hundreds, if not thousands of pounds, with what the movies don't tell you about just how heavy gold actually is.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel grins at Bjorn, "That....is a good way of looking at things. And you are right really, one day at a time. Not good to think too much about insanely complicated things. Its just a day to day thing. What was your name again?

Miss America has posed:
    "Yeah. Relax. Hail Doom, King Asshole. Whatever." America, the diplomat.

    That touch off is short-lived at best; within moments, America is settling back onto solid ground, hands clasping at the back of her curly head of hair, brown eyes falling on Starfire and her dramatic reaction. "Everything's just like seeing your first rainbow with you, huh, chica?" she wonders of Kori, before she just scoffs in a wry but good-natured way, gaze flitting towards Raven for silent consideration at her blunt observation.

    "Nah, she's not wrong," she ultimately decides with a simple nod Raven's way, as if to say no harm done. "But," she begins again, slowly, at Starfire's whispered aside.

    "It does kick ass."

    She obligingly quiets, though, when Arthur speaks; there's a small look of interest in the Latina's eyes as she listens and that dark gaze of hers sweeps over those in attendance one more time like someone taking stock. Eventually, those brown eyes squeeze shut. "Yeah, she's a giant pain in my ass," she finally declares after Kate's explanation, eyes cracking open once again. "She wants me to hook up with you and your people." At least she cuts right to the heart of it. "Not something we gotta talk about now, yeah?" And with that, she's content to just offer Rachel the brief hint of a sardonic smile before she goes back to listening, brows arching at the glorious arrival of Thor Odinson.

    "Well, there's your vanity. God damn."

    At least she sounds kind of impressed, maybe.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie is more than willing to give Madelyne a bit of an eying back, although beyond warnings to her friends against the dangerous seductive powers of Doom-dance, she doesn't seem terribly interested in enganging in any further conflict. Though, on a somewhat different topic, Starfire's wide boasting earns a bit of a wide-eyed gawk. As much as they weren't really there incognito (its hard when your friend is an orange alien), it's another thing to announce that kind of stuff to the room. Not that she complains, she just wasn't expecting the announcement.

"Er, yeah," she admits, vaguely toward the Kate-America direction, before turning to listen to Arthur's speech and... POOF THOR. "Oh guys, it's Thor! Hi Thor!" Suddenly NOW she's social, beyond their little group of friends. "Oh, and great party, Your Majesty!"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives another suave smile before he looks to Kaelyn. Knowing exactly who she was, but he had a cover to maintain, just settling for a nod at the moment.

  He had been almost intrigued enough to comment on the Doom comment before there was someone just...portaled into the party, and dropped a chest of treasure into the party. That's certainly interesting, and pretty cool.

Crusader has posed:
"Bjorn Arturrson!" Bjorn exclaims "Bjorn owns electronic stores. Best at fixing them up here!" he claims. "And what was yours once more? Bjorn is not sure he has caught it!" of course than Thor shows up and he looks first to the chest and than he hears the explanation of fighting a wyrm "...so wish Bjorn was there" he murmers likeing the idea of fighting a wyrm

Aquaman has posed:
The sudden arrival of Thor perhaps catches Arthur off guard, and the Royal Guards around the room certaintly tense up, but as soon as Thor makes himself known everything is good again.

"Welcome Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard." Arthur says as he steps forward to inspect the tribute, "A most generous gift you bring, one, I am certain, that will do much for the coasts of the world." He reaches down for the incredibly heavy chest, lifting it effortlessly with one hand to showcase it, for the crowd to see. "Thank you again, Thor." Arthur says, gesturing one of the Atlanteans forward and handing the chest off, the Atlantean quite able to haul the loot as well.

Raven has posed:
Raven finishes off the coconut water as the other woman speaks. She offers a few nods, follows along quietly, and she does not cringe or twitch at the other woman "outing" their habits to at least the little group of them. Especially not when America outs them to some small rich guy that seems almost like if he were some sort of vigilante, and a bird themed one at that.

Raven does not wear a costume, nor a mask. The closest she gets to hiding her identity is the hood she wears, and unlike several of the other Titans, she doesn't retreat to some sort of house or mansion to live. She lives at the tower. She -is- a Titan, and for the most part, is nothing but. She had something of an assumed identity for a while when she was attending High School, but now that she's graduated, to an extent, the idea of Rachel Roth does not entirely exist. She is Raven now. She's comfortable with that.

"We can give you a tour of the tower, if you want. Whenever you'd like." Raven seems almost... Anxious to say that. America's potential response takes most of her attention, so much that even when Thor arrives, Raven isn't really watching him. She's waiting for the taller woman to respond- even though it's getting to the point where they'll all go their separate ways.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne folds her arms, frowning, but looks a bit mollified by Kate.

    Until America's 'King Asshole' comment, that looks like it's about to wind her up again....

    Luckily for the peace of the party, Thor's arrival is more than sufficient to distract her mentally and visually as she pauses, then just stares at Thor. Because yum, that's why.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "Miguel sorry. Nice to meet you." He smiles and then nods. The third person narration is a nice touch, and briefly he considers it until he gets articles from the encyclopedia on writing techniques and point of view narrative; omniscent and limited third person and then the grammar sets in and he finally remembers he can turn the damn thing off. Breathing a sigh of relief he nods, "You've fought dragons?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks at the arrival of Thor... She shrugs and wanders in that direction now, well cause why not! Kae sooo shoulda brought her autograph book.... Kae moves closer, then pauses a moment... Yup another person she doesn't know at all... She rubs at the back of her neck and proceeds to go back to wall flowering, before she wanders back over to Bjornn now, she grins a bit "Am ack! I'm not so good at mingling at these high paloootin' affairs." She says cheerfully.

Crusader has posed:
"No, Bjorn has not faught dragons or wyrms." he tells Miguel. He chuckles "But Bjorn want too! But than again, would like to do many many things! Like go to the andrameda galaxy!" he exclaims "Or travel to the world beneath our feet! Mabey even see another dimension. Heard those exist! How about yourself?"

Thor has posed:
"Hail friends, hail young Lady Cassandra," Thor offers, in a (mostly) generalized greeting to the room, while Arthur inspects the offered donation. "It gladdens me you receive it so. Sadly, other tasks call me hence, else I would join these revels in the fullest. I beg thy pardon for my hasty retreat. Be well, one and all!"

And with that, near as quickly as he comes, he is gone. Maybe another gate, maybe he just flies out a window. THOR AWAY!

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel is not the sharpest at all things but all kinds of little flags go off. Maybe it was those articles on dramatic irony. But he isn't rude about it so he doesn't press. Too much. "Yeah, that would be pretty cool...doing something galactic in scope. And Earth is pretty cool. I haven't been to another dimension. I only know about the dance mix involving other dimensions really.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate rolls her eyes as a number of the girls drool over Thor. She shrugs and looks back to everyone. "She'll be there." the dark-haired girl announces to Raven. That might earn her a scowl from America or an earful later, but she doesn't much care. "Told you." she says, sticking her tongue out at 'meri. "This is great!"

Crusader has posed:
"It not about the galactic, it about the adventure of it all, about seeing things you never seen! Know what Bjorn means?" he asks Miguel. Either the man knows very little about writing or he just odd. Regardless "...wait...there is a dance mix involving another dimension?" he asks Miguel curiouse now

Domino has posed:
Neena smiles mischievously. "Oh, I look forward to it. You dance divinely." She reluctantly steps back. "But first, I'll retrieve Maddy. Back in two~," she sing-songs.

Domino crosses the floor to approach Maddie, quick steps, assertive body language, ice blue eyes fixed on the other youngsters nearby. Ah, kids can be so cruel. It's a good thing she's an adult so she can top them in that department.

Walking behind Madelyn she reaches over to lightly touch the girl's shoulder. "Maddie dear, I think it's time to part company. Some people aren't enlightened enough to look past a name and see a person with feelings underneath," she says gently, consolingly, while looking hard at the others giving Maddie a hard time. "We'll have to take socializing in small doses for now. Hop back over to daddy, all right?"

Dom puts herself between Madelyn and the others, folding her arms over her chest. "All right you little shits, you can have your problems with von Doom but why don't you act like the goddamn heroes you pass yourselves off to be and stop giving the new kid a hard time. I realize what some of you have been through and it probably sucked all the empathy out of your acne-riddled, testosterone fuelled hides, but why don't the lot of you act like you weren't born in Narrows and raised by sewer rats. /Even if some of you were./ She's a kid for f**ks sakes, stop pissing all over her father figure."

"And if you can't act like you've got a compassionate bone in your bodies, just remember - I know who you are, where you've been, and where you sleep." She points to her eyes, then to the rest of them, stepping back.

"Especially you!" Domino says to Damian. Which is followed by a wink.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks as she watches Thor dissapear now... "Umm that was definately a flash in the pan thingie..." She mutters quietly, referring to Thor's arrival and dissapearance... She then glances from Miguel to Bjornn and back again curiously... "Ummm Dunno that I'd ever really -want- to fight a dragon. Many species are quite sentient and like anybody else they're kind of well people too, some good some bad, most in between.... Still though fighting dragons I imagine isn't very easy.. They're big, tough, fairly quick very resilient... There's allways the breath weapon, and many know magic to boot."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne sighs a little as Thor flies off. So...that's the Asgardian. No wonder the maids at the castle keep talking about his -

    ...and then she jumps as Domino touches her shoulder, whirling, then blinking at Domino. "...y-yes Neena." she says, lowering her head slightly, the with a faint frown and a last glance at the rest of the group, she retreats, frowning to herself again as she makes a beeline for Doom.

    Well...fine. She didn't NEED to talk to them anyway. Obviously beneath her. Hmmph.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "There are a lot actually, google "another dimension dance mix" but my favorite is dub forge or Malysch. And I do actually know what you mean about adventure....that actually is something....I am more familiar with than you might imagine." he grins, "So yeah, good point." He manages to catch just enough of Domino's speech that he considers golf clapping. He doesn't.

The encyclopedia entry said nothing about golf courses. He looks at Kae and smiles. "Well if the dragon was intelligent, then killing it would be murder or manslaughter but if it was evil pissing it off might be fun. I'm Miguel. This is Bjorn. Pleased to meet you." He considers a moment and does not ask about the Mets or the Weather. "You sound knowledgable about dragons."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The green eyed teenager only stops in his tracks, while he didn't stick up for Doom, he certainly didn't disparage his name to anyone. "What the hell did I do? I was nice!" Before she singles out Damian "I...live in Wayne Manor, like...everyone knows where I live."

  And then a feigning of his eyes widening. "Crap, I can't forget the check." Damian had stepped up from his seat. "Excuse me everyone." He bids before he moves to Arthur. "Well, it lacks Thor's bravado. But on behalf of Wayne Enterprises and my father. We would like to donate this to your cause, your Majesty." He offers, removing the check from his pocket, and offering it to the top of the quite large chest of gold.

Deathstroke has posed:
The pair of bond villains continue their little walk-and-chat, with only minor (ok, maybe more than minor) interruption for the brief appearance of a treasure-laden Thunder God. "I did say this seemed to be a more interesting usual crowd than the usual," is Slade's suitably blase comment on the bizarre interlude. Welcome to power-people central! "Does your government maintain diplomatic ties with the various alien races as well?" It only seems like the logical place for the conversation to go, now.

As the evening is winding down, the pair excuse themselves from the main fray (and the different sides of the Doom-off) to share a little more private conversation. One would assume, from their movie-stereotype roles, that it's on sinister topics and they possibly both start using bad Russian accents. Regardless, little more is to be seen of the pair that evening. Perhaps he calls her a car. He is a gentleman like that, whether he ends up in it, or another!

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate steps between America and Domino, a little sideways, a hand back towards the former, just in case she decides to smash the merc in the sassy mouth. "Hey." she says to Domino. "We didn't know she was... she should've just said she was his adopted daughter or something." She calls after Maddy. "Sorry!"

    Back to Dom. "Don't threaten people, not here." and she jabs a finger in the older woman's direction. "I'm not afraid of you. Step off, B."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smiles to Kaelyn "Well depends on the dragon!" he exclaims "After all Komodo dragons are dragons!" he winks at Kaelyn. Still a jolly man "But aye, Bjorn would still want to fight one. No differen than Bjorn wanting to fight people" he looks to Miguel "And this is Kaelyn" he tells Miguel, seeming to know the young girl already "Me and Ms.Kaelyn met when Bjorn was climbing tree in search of electronics"

Domino has posed:
Domino rubs her temples and sighs heavily. "... Sorry, sorry. I'm still getting used to this babysitting thing. Forget what I said. Except the part about being compassionate - because that *is* important. Sometimes you can turn an enemy if you keep that in mind."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom shakes his head slightly at Madelyne, and looks about to say something... and then Kate fires back at Domino verbally. His eyes narrow ever so slightly as he regards the girl. For future reference.

Though, that look passes quickly as he looks over at Madelyne, "In any case, I think it is time we head back to the Embassy. Unfortunately, some people are not the most... courteous." He shrugs a bit, then adds with a wry note in his voice, "Though, I had hoped Neena would de-escalate the situation, not exacerbate it."

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "You keep talking like you fight things like Dragons all the time. Was that a Christmas Tree? or do you routinely find electronics that grow on trees?" This conversation is appraoching weird levels even for him, but he is starting to like it even if he doesnt entirely know where its going."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks to Miguel and grins "Mabey Bjorn does! Bjorn have the great imagination" he claims "And do not be silly, electronics do not grow on trees. Though sometimes folks throw broken ones into trees." he claims

Wonder Girl has posed:
So, apart from the brief Thor-pearance which was clearly the height of the party for her (he said hi! he remembered her name!), Cassie is now apparently assigned to 'Team Acne' by... well, some woman. She has no idea who Domino is! But there are threats involved, and man, that is definitely not going to fly.

So, along with various others, she's up on her feet (insert heels-wobble), striking a vaguely bold pose alongside her friends. Like Raven, she's not exactly the costumed sort, either, although maybe this is where that decision starts to backfire. Still, she's full of fire when it comes to something like this. "Titans Tower, lady. Its no secret. Now I don't know anything about your friend there, or what makes her so sensitive, but I'm not apologizing for speaking out against a dictator. He picked the job, she picked the guy, and all that shit comes with the territory. But you want to throw down? BRING IT."

Its maybe halfway through the speech that she remembers her mom totally took away her powers for the night. Hopefully they don't know that. KEEP BLUFFING CASSIE!

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne winces slightly at the slight headshake from Doom...more so than anything else, that seems to make her flip right back from angry redhead to apologetic daughter. "Yes father." she says, glancing over at Domino.

    Though turned away from Doom, perhaps he won't notice the little pleased smirk she gets when Domino tears into the group. Though he might the way she straightens up a bit, her eyes flashing a little as Kate jabs a finger at Domino, though she takes a step back towards the group as Cassie faces off against her, her fingers curling into fists as her eyes leak a little wisp of green energy for a moment as her shields...slip.

Miss America has posed:
    America is just sort of quietly marveling in the spectacle that is Thor at the moment, rubbing the back of her neck as he just... aways. Out a gate. Or a window. It's hard to say. Regardless:

    "I like that guy's style."

    Her wondering over the runaway Thor Event, though, eventually tapers off into her usual lackadaisical attitude, turning back to the bar to pick up her coat and sling it over one shoulder. "A tour? Y--" she begins, before Kate cuts to the quick and answers for her. America's brows crunch inward as she looks her friend's way, a frown tugging at the corners of her lips.

    "Like I said," she begins, dryly, "pain in my ass." At the very least, she doesn't sound particularly irritated; she just shakes her head, casting her attention Raven's way.

    "Sure, why not," she ultimately decides, jerking a thumb inelegantly Kate's way. "What she said."

    She might have more to say, but then comes Domino, and in her tirade, any words America has about anything else leaves her. She stares at the woman for a long moment, that expression of hers distressingly blank. Her head tilts. Her brows lift, slowly. Her lips part.

    But before she can say whatever she was going to say that doubtlessly would have just made everything that much worse, because America has a filter like swiss cheese, Kate interposes herself between them. And speaks for them. She watches quietly for a moment... before she just walks past.

    "It's okay, princess," she says as she passes them by. "I'm gonna bounce." She looks Domino's way, offering a single, curt nod before she passes the woman by. "We're good, chica." And with that -- she makes her way out past the rest of the group, to catch some air.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel laughs. He doesnt know why Bjorn is lying or what he is lying about, but he sees Cellophane when he....hears...it. Time for bed. Yawning he stretches,"Very nice to meet you both. I should likely depart.

Crusader has posed:
The best part is - Bjorn isn't lieing! Evrything he has said is true! He has no reason to lie at the moment! "Was nice meeting you too! You have the good night" he says waving Miguel off

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae is kind of out of it, she looks from Bjorn to Miguel now and umms "Sorry not my scene here I keep on gettin gdistracted." She says and smiles slightly...

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom smiles, "It's alright, dealing with people like that takes pati..." And then he hears Cassie's tirade. And then he pauses. His eyes fixate on Cassie, and he then pivots slowly to face the group of teens. It's almost like a horror movie, really, as Doom walks slowly over towards the gathering of Titans.

Doom then looks at Cassie, then the rest of the group, "You speak out of youthful ignorance, so I shall be generous, and forgive this. Once." His eyes fix on Cassie and Kate in particular, gaze singling the pair out as he says, "For your sakes, I would suggest you let the matter drop." He pauses, then seems to smile, just a touch, "But if you wish to respond with youthful bravado, as if that alone guarantees a victory? You know where //I// live, 'Titans.'"

Translation: Visit scenic Latveria if you wish to start something. Come for the Doombots, stay for the gulags.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel says, "well I can't say its my scene either to be honest. I came looking for something that wasn't here, but it was OK. I found excellent food, conversation, colors, sounds and wisdom. So, what's wrong with finding something different?"

Raven has posed:
Raven has become the designated adult. She hates being the designated adult, because that means she's got to actually -be- as mature as she is, in a way that other people can actively emulate. It was fine when Domino slung insults. It was okay when Kate backed the group up. Raven was fine with all of that, because it wasn't actually a conflict, and she at least felt that Kate was level-headed enough to let threats be threats.

That's when Cassie gets involved. Kori had wandered off. For all Raven knew, Kaldur had gone home with Cassie's mother, and that'd be great to hear about later. Raven was, literally, the senior Titan here now, and even though Kate and America weren't part of the team- at the very least "yet"- Raven was... Well, responsible. She was why they were there.

"We are going home." Raven states, Stepping forward, onto nothing. She actually begins to float above the people present. Her arms fold, and for a moment, she almost looks like a gothic kryptonian in that flight pose. Then, the black of her pupils spreads to her irises, and then the rest of her eyes, which become this shade of un-light, a corona wrapped around the darkness that almost evokes the idea of a solar eclipse. She doesn't -say- anything, as the shadow she was casting on the floor seems to seep out and leap up at the other people present, not in a startling way- for anyone that's used to it. In a surprising way, certainly, this blackness swallows, in a whirl, the younger heroes present. It leaves the Goblin Queen, Domino, and Damian... But the rest, it is going to take.

Seems like Kate's getting a tour of the tower too, because that's where they'll all end up. This somewhat puts Raven on a different level- if only because it's a demonstration of responsibility, and genuine power. After all, she just teleported a small crowd, seemingly without an extreme amount of effort. The last person to leave is Raven- but she'll only linger for a few seconds longer.

Aquaman has posed:
The Trident of Poseidon is in Arthur's hand as things begin to escalate, and the Monarch of Latveria insinuates himself into the situation with threats of his own. "Enough of this." Arthur says, hitting the butt of his trident on the floor, likely cracking the marble tiling, but it does send a bit of a resounding boom through the room. "This is not your home, and you insult my hospitality, Doom. You and your lackey's should take your leave before I start to get angry."

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel finally thinks he needs to go and suit up about the time...everyone teleports out. Mental note, find some way to bring the suit with you like...bendable plates you can put in a briefcase..or....maybe.....a trench coat. That might work. For the sword. Not the armor so much. It was an idea in progress.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom glances over towards Arthur, "I shall take action to protect my interests, and my people. You, of all people, should realize this." He doesn't sound angry, but instead nods in a courteous gesture to Arthur, then gestures to Madelyne and Domino, "As our host has stated, it is time that we take our leave."

Though, as he turns to leave, he glances over at Rachel and simply nods towards her, once. With that, he waits for the two ladies, before making his way out.

Domino has posed:
Domino stands there, hand on her face, as Cassie threatens to fight her and then vanishes. Well crap. This is all her fault. Trying to do the good thing, and this is all her fault. Good things are hard and not particularly her specialty. Some days she wonders why she even tries.

Arthur cracks the whip, and she sighs again. Her mess, her mission.

Neena turns and walks towards Arthur, expression neutral. She doesn't ask to approach him, and if he points at trident at her, so be it. She'll get in a lucky dodge if he attacks. She always does.

"Arthur." She looks up at him, right into his eyes, boldly, calm but assertive. "This isn't on Victor. He wasn't the one that lost his temper; I did. If you're going to be angry at anyone, you can be angry at me." She gestures back to Madelyn. "Her feelings were important enough to me that I lost my nerve and wanted to protect her. That's what a bodyguard does. That's what someone who understands what it's like to be singled out for being 'bad' before you've had a chance to prove you aren't does when she's thinking with her heart instead of her head."

She turns back towards Curry. "So if you're going to threaten anyone, throw anyone out, sick your guards on someone? It'll be me. The lackey. The one that screwed up. Not Madelyn. Not Doom. You're a good king. I know you can tell the difference between the guilty and the innocent. I'll show myself to the door."

She gives Arthur a little apologetic smile. "Still nice meeting you anyways." Domino turns away, and makes her exit.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel was finally about to go dashing to the nearest phone bo....closet....what the hell was there around her to change into anyway? The bathroom? That couldnt be sanitary. He could probably have the armor teleport to him. Why had he never thought of that before. It would require some study but was a really good idea. He smiled at the two he was talking to though. Interesting.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers at Miguel curiously and ummms.... She motions to Doom and others having an argument... Next she blinks again and smiles a bit before rubbing at the back of her neck as she watches the goings on, she then smiles to Miguel curiously and smirks "Ummm seriously? Just relaxe nobody's starting anything here." she says cheerfully... She then glances to Arthur curiously and rubs at the back of her neck again "I should go meet the host..." she says and begins making her way toward the party's host, the woman sipping on her drink as she goes.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Perhaps predictably...Domino taking responsibility, and all because she was protecting Madelyne, takes her straight from fighty to guilty again as she pulls back her power again, stabilizing. She turns as Domino heads to the door, then moves to join her as Doom states they're leaving.

    And once they're out of sight out the door, and no one can see it....she reaches out to take Neena's hand, squeezing it briefly. "...thank you..." she murmurs quietly.

    Then totally pulls away again. So not being all touchy feely! She is teen. Rawr.

Aquaman has posed:
"You clearly do not understand me, or who's interests I protect." Arthur says in response to Doom's words, giving a look at the Latverian dictator, nodding his head faintly, his gaze shifting over towards Domino, "I am not making threats yet, I am merely mantaining the peace at my gala. You should understand your actions reflect upon your leader in these situations, not just yourself." His trident is not pointed at anyone, merely held in his hand, end on the ground.

Vulcan has posed:
Miguel actually laughs and shakes his head, "Was I that obvious? Well....yeah, good point." He waves as she heads off and waves to Bjorn. "Good meeting you both.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     It isn't very long before Damian removes his phone and is already calling his chauffeur to come pick him up, well, until things escalate. At that point Damian was reaching for his watch, about to call in a batwing to drop off his suit and gear, but it seems the King of Atlantis had it covered, and Raven took the Titans away. Guess the disguise is still ironclad!

  Damian looked to the Atlantean, giving a shrug. "Well, thanks for the party, sir. I'm sure my father would rather I get home." The green eyed Wayne just gives an awkward wave before he starts to walk out, giving Madelyne a wave as well. A part of him knew what she was going through on some level.