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| class="LogCell" | Heard In Passing || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Alfred sends Jason with Stephanie's Thanksgiving leftovers, and Carrie brings cookies as a thank you gift. Jason is robbed by that darn Russian judge |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Back at the Carr Apartment -- wouldn't that be a garage || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam and Alexis head back to Alexis's apartment, and talk a little about their lives together. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Secrets of Vector Sigma: Tempus Fugit || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Doug follow Blurr to his ship, and end up with a bit more than they bargained for... |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Squad Assessment: Killer Frost || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Killer Frost is presented with an offer to continue working with the Suicide Squad, but she establishes some requirements for her participation. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Long Walk Home || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Vanessa gets a safety escort from Andre after she leaves the charity event. American Ninja Warrior draws praise. Of course! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Taking Turns Paying for Food, That's What People Do || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Vi treats Clint and Captain America as a thank you for their help when she first came to America |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Holiday homies hanging out. || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Andrea tells her closest friends about The New Mutants. It didn't go the way she planned. Now she wishes she kept her mouth shut. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Guardians of the Galaxy: Jailhouse Rocked || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Yondu 'interrogates' Quill aboard the Eclector, following his betrayal by Rocket Raccoon. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Frost's Dilemma Deliberation || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Emma gives Rogue booze and powers |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Monetary Chaos || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Lorna has a chat with Roberto |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Conversations in a Quiet Room || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | After a tense afternoon, Brad and Gwendolyn open up to each other about many things. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Spa-r Day || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Leonardo and Pippi spar in the Lair's Dojo with Pippi's new gauntlets, 'Trial and Error'. Leonardo tests Pippi's skill, control, and speed but might bite off more than he can chew when an unexpected memory resurfaces. And then they have slurpees. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Reunited at last! || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Pietro and Wanda start their plotting |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Forum of Felons || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | The newest iteration of the Suicide Squad is briefed for a mission: recovering deadly virus samples stolen from the CDC. Many questions abound. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Clarifications || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Nathaniel and Sam talk New Mutants. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Friends love Tony! || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Tony and Pepper have their Thanksgiving 'aftermath'. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A picnic to (Before) a T. || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Rachel and Chun-Li enjoy a picnic out in a quiet park where they initially met. Both learn a little more about the other. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A little lesson for the teacher. || class="LogCell" | December 1st, 2019 || class="LogCell" | And Andrea and Sam show what the others can learn to do. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Monkeying around with Gargoyles || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Venom helps the Yellow Ranger to foil Rita Repulsa's fiendish plans |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Under Da Sea... Under Da Sea! || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | After an orbital dive-bomb into the ocean, Lantern Cruz (with a mermaid-tail construct) meets the God of the Sea. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Criminals, Coffee and Cakes || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Summary needed |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Snow Dragon || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | An angel meets a Dragon in the snow |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Is there a better place to be than the roof when it's snowing || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A light talk about their life at the school. Seems Blink still needs to find a way to open her puzzle box. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Chinatown, just for kicks || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Chun-Li and Dinah crossed paths and future hijinx may occur! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | They Should Be Open 24 Hours || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Oliver takes Felicity for a burger after hours, and she starts to realize he isn't the shallow playboy she thought. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Snow Days and Comfort Food || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Gwendolyn asks Shannon some questions about the New Mutants, and her experiences overall. Questions are answered, more are asked, and a very important, precious memory shared on a feather. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Shopping Coincidence || class="LogCell" | December 2nd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Carrie and Kitty shop at Rockefeller Center and catch up on happenings. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Nightingale's Fury || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Anger is vented, misunderstandings brought to light. Bean, Triage, and Shannon determine that they need to talk to Cannonball, post-haste. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Reunion || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Hector and Alexis run into each other again. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | By The Seat Of Our Pants Investigation || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Stephanie Brown amasses video to help Diana discover who attacked the Themysciran Art Center. Cheetah's image is caught on tape. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Team Building: Storming || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A difficult discussion is had, concerns aired, and the determination to talk amongst team leadership about how best to handle introducing students to the idea of the New Mutants is made. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | TBA || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Rift and Rave cross paths in Mutant Town, get to know each other and their abilities, and then go to lunch. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | From Discord to Harmony || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Shannon and Brad talk about music, their gifts, and what it might be like for each to walk a mile in the other's shoes. While sharing her story, it seems to have over-inspired Brad. Oh, dear. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Winter Wonderland || class="LogCell" | December 23rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | A winter storm leads to Andi and Vorpal meeting, and a very unexpected encounter with a witchy neighbor. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Trial and Error || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Pippi makes 'French Toast a'la Pippi' -- which amounts to Brown Sugar Cinnamon French Toast with Bacon -- and seeks permission to start calling the Team of Green her Family. Donatello enthusiastically replies, and then as typical for the duo, they talk butts. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A-sledding We Will Go || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Jason and Stephanie go sledding on Coventry Hill. Races are won, (aluminum) medals are awarded. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | City Fall: For the Masses || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | The Turtle Team and the Shadow find out about the Foot's next play. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Lunch And A View Of Orchid Bay || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Oliver and Dinah meet for lunch, and bump into Felicity. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Leftover Turkey || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Things get Frosty as Emma and Lorna spar verbally, with Megan, Vi and Blink listening on. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Misinformation || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Bean and Brad try to get on the same page about New Mutants membership, but Brad is a cactus emotionally. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Friends meeting Girlfriend... No pressure. || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | And they all seem to get along well. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Reaching Out || class="LogCell" | December 3rd, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Daredevil and Leonardo meet. Plans are discussed and moves towards alliance are made. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | I'm trying to watch tv || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Nick happens upon the Sanctum where he is directed by Stephen to talk to Hogarth. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Do You Hear What I Hear || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sounds of high tech weapons fire draw Daredevil and Vi to a weapons sale. They throw a wrench in the works. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | What's In YOUR Utility Belt || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Wherein Volt meets with Robin to discuss his costuming and gear loadout needs. Robin discloses his full (read: not full) arsenal, and development gets underway! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | New Computer Lab || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | And Twinkies were had by all. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Outside! || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Brad joyously invites Gwen to a movie. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | What If || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Drake and Marie meet for dinner, and wind up talking about her powers and the possibility to suppress them. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Mean Streets of Mutant Town || class="LogCell" | December 4th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Sam and Alexis go for a walk, and interrupt a robbery in progress at the shelter where Alexis volunteers. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Deep Chill || class="LogCell" | December 5th, 2019 || class="LogCell" | Jamie and Vi tough out the blizzard, dealing with a broken furnace and improvising an indoor fire pit. This may not be up to code. |- class="LogRow"